Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 15, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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ia. it.
Baking Powder
MaJkes Cleauri. Bread
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"
book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.
the poor to wear red er blue baiges oa
their aJeeres, and also a harsh prons
a ia tie early scttleaieat laws by
which pr settlers ceoM be forcibly
taken back to the iewa 'which they a
left aad pubtteiy- whipped. All this b
changed, for the peer sew must be re
lieved where they are aad the expeus
paid by their aative place.
Igaaee PaeWewki is a greet -mirer
of JfUle Yen Yaosey aad thieks
that ia tfce future the bar's powers wfll
awLke biat a great performer. Pader
ewsii wanted to semi the lad a present
from Xew York the ether day aad eea-
cuRed Daniel Frebaaaa, seezestiag a
watch a a suitable gift. Mr. Froamaa
was able to recall seven watches that
had beea preheated to Yea Yeesey this
saasea, so M. Paderewski selected a
gold knife far him.
ROT -U. BJWCtia IW Crt
Willi M "
--v vn
New Yark. April 15. The rommif
saax of eatiaeat peysiciams which ia
"mne ee-eperaUag with the New Yark
Iward of haaiUi ia investigating the ep
iaraaie of eerebre-spinai meningitis has,
wnleasedlr, made lit tie progress ia
racking effective preventive measures.
jEb a diaieal way. they are studying all
KAe caeca reported ia Jfew Yark, tabu
lating their history as far as it eaa be
learned, examining lute the eeaditieas
F their environment as ta local aad
mcigaberneed sanitation, aad eedwar
uuriug to determine what ereat i t is
8smuaJeabte from one person to aa
other. The chief reason that the medi
cal staff of the lata! saaitary adminis
tration eaaaet aeeempHeh more of ralae
to the wbH ia the study of this dread
disease ia the difficulty of securing aad
-retain lag competent bacteriologists.
Men of this kiad are aot numerous, aad
ebea employed ia the laboratories of
tl department they get rather lew par
H&aa a patrelmaa oa the poliea forea
Men capable of eoadaetiag aad iaiti
liag original investigating ar avea af
ollowlog to aathoritatlre eaabls
tboe laid eat far them, do aot eare to
take Mich patitteaft. Leadiag I.'
laaa expres the opiaioa that the epi
Oesile here aad ia the rieiaitr. will
gradually nabiide within the aaxt M
-&y, aimplr Ifeoaase opMemios af aoa
lagioiM aad iafrtios diKMei habita
alljr attaia their maximum dereJopmoat
doriag March aad April aad disappear
tin the earlr aammer.
The moaer to be raued will go toward
dopartmeatal work, aew parks and
parkways aad permaaoat bottraeoti
not provided for ia the badge of the
badget of the earreat rear.
Srigbko Snadara briag ao y to
the heart of the eoadaetora of the
Tkiril arwaoe norfaeo aan. A ?oa as
tbo epaa ears are pot oa aad the Mia
valor warm the dowatowa Qaette laraja
oat for a ear ride. The Third aroaaa
liiu. waieh aiCarda too loafcoat rbio la
that part of the town, gwte Urn balk af
the atHaga. Par a dagia airVol oae
mx go from the poet affix to the far
ad of the Maad at Fort Oeorga, bat
aeh adalt faro for the coatpaajr aaaailv
ihmm a ehikl yea eg eaaagfc to rido
f r? aa wall aa too grow a ap panieagar.
The ooadaetora are kopt baay with taa
Tush, aad they are ajad wWa normal
tirame U roaamod after aaatei.
ArraafameaU are beiag made br tae
5aaaee Dapartmeai to mpII $sooO,OIM
f oil boada next week. Tabi will bo
tie aaeaad mrgaot ieoae of rorporwte
atoek 9mt Mtld by the rity. The reeord
aaJe waji iUut year ago, whea aa
latwo of J:.lMX.'ni u made. 32,0OO,
0 of wk.fk vt .fHraHi atuk aad
the lhrr .''""' "" rrfua-liag botnl.
Oae of tba for got tea pefats of ia
tereU ia the lower ead of the eitr ia
the old 'Sehrejers Hook." This was
the "Capske" or Cape roek wkteh' t
ted aot lato the rirer at a poiat a little
north of Soath Ferry, aad whiea i now
iaeraded ia Battory Park. Here was
the irst doek, aad here the settlers
greet' d aew arrivals aad Mid farewell
to thoe a boat to depart. It took its
aawe from the "Sehreyers Hoek" ia
Amsterdam, a similar poiat projeetiag
iato the harbor, where the bargaera
amid goodbye to their friend who
wore a boot to salt Beaae of tba
moarafal Maaea eaaeted there It earn
to be kaown as "Sehrerors Hoek" or
the "weepiag poiat."
Oa Urn beoki of tbe sews that the
National Art eiab wiB move next fall
to Oram erey Park and take poweaiioa
of Ooreraor TIMoa'a r widen to, eomee
the parehase of the earner boose. Gram
erey Park aad Irving Plaee by the
Colambta Uairersity crab. The Arts,
the Players aad the Columbia will taoe
oeeupy a wag stretch ot Bast Twentieth
street f rout tag north of Oramerey
Park. If the Lotos etub should tlo&e
with oae of the aameroas offers for iu
Fifth areaa houeo, ia order to obtain
larger quarters oa Gramerer Park, that
part of the borough eouM not, indeed,
lose a ay of the ouiet which is its charm,
but it would form more than ever the
center of a neighborhood fur resideae:
of people who like to be near their fav
orite club.
To shoes with light tops New York,
er have never shown the least cordi
ality. Common as they are, gaiters still
attract a certain amouat af attention
aad the man who vatures out with
patent leather shoes kariag light tops
af cloth or leather must expect to be
stared at by hi fellow citizen. Ia
Leaden those she are frcoueatly wora
oa dre occaioaa by men who pretend
to keep ia the faabioa, aad all over
the routiaoat they are aJTocted by the
well draed atoa who follow Bagiiah
faseiioa. Rat thejr hare aerer, gaiaed
popwlarity hatB,
The warns of fashionable society
stole a march oa the me a this spring in
epeaing the eoaehiag seasoa. The
coaching dab which operates the cele
brated road eoach, Pioneer, each spring
for the amusemoat of that part of the
sport-loriag puMie which eaa afford to
pay for the fun opened its seaoa o
tooling the Pioaeer between the Holland
house aad Ardstey easiso this week. Bot
several days earlier the Ladles' Fonr-ia-aaad
club, composed of women of
the ftrst social consequence, pbiced ia
commiseioB a aew tally-ho eoach. The
arst trip was made with Mrs. J. Bordea
Harrimaa haadliag the "ribbeas" ia a
masterly meaner.
"The golden age of ehairity," U
what Robert W. Hubbard, socrotary of
the State Deaartmoot of Charity, terms
tho ureaout area af phllathropy. Pow
ftciumi realue, ho ways, that IMJKA,
00O Is, expeadod la charity la Xew
York state arary ymt. To uadersiaad
the erolutioa it ia aoaaseary to go baek
to the Iret prorWoa made bete for
the poor ia loll, whoa all that woat
to the poor was the penalties collected
for solttag uapolieaed wamiaua. Vag-
raaU aad hla;gar ia the early Dutch
times wore aujMJ.t from gallows as ob
ject of rial tula.
The trot almuliaan ia Kew York was
built by Pntoc Siajrvosaiit at Albaay ia
laU. The first balH la this city was
erected ia 1T33 oa ta prosoat site of
the city haiL The eoeaud structure for
the poor was built oa Chambers street,
with $40,000 won by the city in a M
Thcrr was aa early reetom rcrinrieg
Go to Josse's
rOB riTBKITimK One of the largort ajomimaata la Urn rfty.
8T0VB8 aad BAKOBS llruryaao ja tjriilitm1i
QRANITE IE0.V aad TINWAUB Jl r? kUfr Hltll1Mrt to
sojaiaorcoiaia ia
the market.
OtrrXBRY-lMh ibjal aad mm
Csao la ami axujalai sar mouk. Mgr guuaV JI aw aad up-to-dato.
U yam lay I J v fm $
Phone Red 2203
Call us If yot need an expressman
How's This?
We offer Oae Hundred Dollars lie-
ward for any ease af Catarrh that eaa-
set be cured by Halls 's Catarrh.
F. J. CHEXEY i CO, Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned hare known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable is all
business transactions and financially
able te carry oat aay obligations made
by the firm. Waldiag, Kinaan iMar
ria. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Halt's Catarrh Care is tak-
ea iatoraally, aetiag directly upon the
blood aad muoous surfaces of the sys
tern. Testimonials seat free. Price 7G
seats per bottle. Sold by all druggist.
Take Hall's Family Pills for coasti
pntiee. o
College Baseball Today.
Chicago. I1L. April 15.-Tlay
marks the real opening of the baseball
i eaa en among the big aad little col
logos of the Middle West. Tbemot
important game oa the oalondar are
those of the Caiversity of Miohigaa
aad University ot Chicago oa Marshall
leM aad the rairerity of Illinois
aad Wabaah College at Urbaaa. The
Xorthweotera Uairersity has a game
Maoaalod oa the homo diamond with
the Collage of Physieiaas aad Surgeon
aad t'e University of ebrska jys
the Xobraska Iadiaas at Liaeola. La
diaaa Uairersity plays the Iadlaanp
oIm Xaaaal Traiaiag School at Bloom
tagtoa aad Ko Polytechaie is sohoi
alod to lino up agaiaet the nine of
Millikou Ualvermty at Dooatur, 111.
PUas to st nich
are often fruot rated by sodden break
dowa, duo to dyspepsia or coostipo'
tioa, Ufa up and take Dr. Kiag's
Nevc Life Ptts. They take out the
muiortalft which are eloggieg your o
ergfaa, aad give you a aaw start.
Car hoauaehe aad dlwiawfl toe. At
J. 0. Parry S drug store; Jfo, guar-
A frtroagUh teak that brtags risk, red
blood. Makes you stroag, hoaUhjf aad
ati'u. That's what HeUlsier's IJMky
Moaataia To wtB do. M ouaVs Tea r
TaMots. Stoae's Drag store.
New York, April 14. Mve psde
wore hadly buraod or iajaiwd ia a fire
which destroyed a six story touumawt
ea Heater street early feuis
The Are spread to adjoialag
uidhahifliJS, Md caaaed a paaH a tbo
jmaghlisrhueL Tat leas is $lMH.
To the Faallc
You are roaaeetfuUy roaaostesl ta
oaU oa tae uadarsigaod aad satisfy
yourselves that the wiaos, Hosors, oi
gars, etc at Stl Commsreial street are
the best ia the oity. New patrons, as
well sj aM, will metre the best atea'
The baseball sports of Salem mast
prepare to be oa hand to witaes the
grout garni between the barbers aad
priatars oa Sunday, April 16. It has
beea the custom for years for these
worthy opponents to meet oa the field
of honor, aad this rear the exeitemeat
is unusually high.
The ehia scrapers will be oa hand
bedecked ia their war paiat of berpi
eide, bay rum aad nmstnga cream.
while the type jugglers will be there
with a pleat if ul supply of printers'
devils aad a cage of type lice oa the
These are the challenges leased:
The attention af tae public is ia-
rited to tbo following bombastic dis
play of eretism: Play ball, re inky
To tae Printers of Salem: Oa Sua
day next, at S o'clock p. m. the Ton
sorial Baseball club of this place iu
tad to play ball, aad for the purpose
of demeaetrating that they are masters
of the amateur industrial clubs here
about, do hereby graat permisetou to
the alleged typesetters of this city to
come up against us on the diamond,
provided thee slaves of the case aad
stick eaa sumasoa courage to accept
this 'defy.' It is bopele, of course,
for them to attempt to summoa skill
in the matter.
The suggestion is made that all
friends of the typestiekers appear in
regumtioa mouraiag ia justifiable aa
tieipatioa of the lambastiag ia store
fo rthe ink-smeared horde, whose temer
ity will caue them to contest agaiat
Arrangements hare beea made for
putting all Sag at 'half-mast immedi
ately oa the defeat of the printers. The
city press will tura its columa rules oa
the issues following; the bands will
play dirges for 90 days after the 'wipe-
up' aad a eempeesatioa purse has
beea provided for the aiae victim of
catastrophe, as they will need it much
more than aay public institution.
No deadly weapoas, such as priat
iag office towels, allowed oa the
It is with unbounded astonishment
that the Printers' BaebaH club view
this arrogaat assumption oa the part
of a lot of aese-palliag toasorialists,
who play ball like old womea. Come
on, you wap4e-jawed splashers of
shaving soap. We are eager for the
fray. We agree to meet you oa the
battle-ground, where, with less dan
gerous weapoas taaa printers' towels,
we cau reduce that tamp of conceit
which is the distinguishing feature of
your shampooed heads. We are ball
players, aot boosters. We prefer deeds
to words. That is oa thiag we like
about us. Oh yes, we will show you
how to play boH.
liar ball! Why, you eaa ao more
play the game with us thaa a State
street dodo eaa fight FUasimmoac.
Yes, you are right, the flags will hang
at half mast; the bead will play its
most moarafal tuae; the papers will
torn thir columa rules upside down
and a certain elas-s of citiaeas of our
fair city will doa their most sombre
garb but it won't be the printers.
Not oa your life. The sober, deject cl
look aad the mouraful cloth will adorn
the face aad bodook the form of a
disgruntled crowd of pompadour cat
tors, who -root be able to call ' ' aext ' '
for months to come.
As a precautionary measure lot the
drugstore my iu a plentiful supply of
court plaster aad arnica, and let each
spindle-shanked bayrumiat giro ia his
name aad address to the coroacr. Play
Attention. Ye Sackersl
To the Barbers of Salem: Notice is
hereby given that the Priaters Base
ball club of the city of Salem ia duly
orgaaiaod aad ready to defend the title
of caampioas of Marioa county. It
aaviag come to oar notice that a
meamoy mob of teader-haaded and
powder -cheeked harbors hare made J
their boosts that taey are the oalvjg
rorogaiaod ehamuioae, wo herebv --) M
leege these chicken-heart) touaori!
fatts to moot us am the greeu dmmoa-l
aad lot as dousaastrale to a fair-minded
public that those windy lather sliagers
are ao bene rant of tbo groat Aateneaa
game of bnehaM aa a Berkshire hog '
in of the printrpioj of ethical culture
We wilt shew these knights of the r
stripped pole that they couidat catch J
a ball if it mw swimming ia a bath
tub; also that there as dittereaco ia S
playing banball aad alUag a maa's
aese aad ears wish laapraas for l&c j
a filL S
Wo will play tauw fur the f Uowiug J
prtoes of imnafUum aad aader the fol .5
lowing ruiett i 3
Men, over IS yeaos rl.Ot'S
The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and -which has beea
in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of
and has Been made under his per,
ly-z- soiinl supervision since its Infancy,
f&CCSUM' Allow nq ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 2areotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and BoweLs, gii ing healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea-TJio Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Haie Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
Tw camuin coanugrr. tt bujumt rrwrr, mw tors cm.
for poverty-strirKen brewers.
We wili not guarantee the safe -le
lirery of any of the jaspers t his
shop "after the ball."
This challenge is opea until the
crack of doom, and if the "Gea.
Weylers" do not now pmy ball they
had better hold their tongue forever.
We would advise the public to take
a fool's ad riee aad get shared a week
The game will be played oa the
Asylum avenue grounds, Sunday, April
li, at 2 o'clock.
A picked team from the George K.
Waters' Profit Shariag aoelatku,
composed of famous players, aad Man
aged by Albert A. Disuue, will chal
lenge the winning team for a game to
be played next week.
The line-up of the two teams is as.
Priaters Clark, catcher; Lougheed,
pitcher; Hill, first base; MeComfa.
second base; Snyder, third base; Uill
shortstop; Stuart, left field; Clark cen
ter fold; Know wad, right iced; Koach.
Barbers Lucas. pitcher; Bailey,
catcher; Irwiu, tret base; Xeedham.
seeoad base; Browu, third base; Feign
son, shortstep: Ferrell, center fleld;
Pillett. Wt field; Ryan, right field;
LoreaJL sub.
Lincoln County Telephone Lire,
The articles of incorporation hire I
been drawn up and are reaiy fox 1-1
ing. for a telephone line oaBMtfojl
Newport with the outside country. Tie J
incorporators are, A. J. Warnick,A.T.
Petersoa, I. J. Pippin, J. Dkksoa.
Etoek at $10 a shore is tA be sab
scribed by Lincoln citizens. Xo oes h
allowed more thaa ten shares. Tie
outside eoaaectioa has not been decid
ed upoa, the intentions being to eoa-
aeet to the best advantage. The &aaa I
of the company is Yaquioa Bay ifi-
tual Telephoae S: Improvement wa-paay.
New Cure for Cancer.
All surface cancers are now ktcin
to be eatable by Bncklen's An
Salve. Jas. Walters, of Dufield, ,
writes: "I had a cancer on ny lip
for years, that seemed incurable, cat3
Bueklea 's Araica Salve healed is, tai
sow it is perfectly well" Guana
teed cure for cuts and burns. S3e it
J. C. Perry's drug store.
iii Court Street.
e best meals in the city for tMl
price. Quick service, care and eleisH i
ewa our motto. Phone 2646 Main.
Is weak flattery style and quality an
lacking aad prieos are less. Must he,
because the genuine artiele costs mere
to produce. If you really want good,
serviceable shoes yon '11 discover real
economy ia the sort wo seU. You see,
we've been in the shoo business for
years.; expect to continue along that
line many a year to come, and we must
suit you to hold our trade. Sense U
New Spring Arrivals j
Lawn Waists, dainty, new stvle sleeves, rpjmnnahle t
. - '
Muslin Underwear Corset Covers, with nice lace,
only 25c We also have other varieties.
Muslin Drawers 25c, washable face trimmed.
Nightgowns, Chemese, Skirts and Skirt Chemese, a
great variety and very low prices.
Infants outfits, long and short skirts, dresses, Coats.
Straw Hats for everyone, big and little, medium sized
oc any size, for girls or boys, ladies or gentlemen, little
Clothing for boy or man, good values, new styles.
Millinery We are headqaurters, for style, quality,
quantity and low prices.
1J"iS OQO ,j onn r.. r
SowM boys aad roorew Ul -JO a,,u J" v.uiiHiieraai OU
I Proceed to W ciaiMiiu a 1illiXiKWLMtXMm9n99MW9nm9m9l