anight and Friday, occasional rain. ,". j AIL Y OAPIT AL lOtFEN AL JOih. XV. HAT.r.M, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. NO. 87. BURTON INDICTED AGAIN RUSSIAN f LEET IS SIGHTED H A m B H vM sssQ1" mP uf . - r , Bat Least One Member of School Land Che grand jury commenced its work morning, by going over tho evi dence, nnd it was somo time before a tness was examined. It was tho in- tSation of that body to examine Notary fells tho first thing, but, after consid- ration, it was decided to thoroughly ft other ovidoneo before he was called Fas to be better prepared to get at tKb facts supposed to bo known by Rills and Notary Cnlvor. jjtnto Land Agont Oswald West re lied from Portland last evening icrc ho served a number of subpoo- s on witnosses wanted by the grand That a sensation is nbout to- Bio to light is cortain, and that it 91 bG far-reaching in consequences is absoluto certainty. t-District Attorney Chas. P. Lord, E' Portland, is oxpeqted to bo a stnr tness this afternoon or tomorrow. )cputy County Attorney J. J. Fitz- srald, of Multnomah county will bo a od witness, according to tho rumors it aro afloat around the confines of fo grand jury room. They are expect- Kg "something good" from tho scaled; as of tho metropolitan prosecuting Scial when ho enters within the por- fwtfs of tho barred chamber. KV. T. Burney is another witness that tho state is banking on to divulgo so ots that will lead to a busy session in ko circuit court when it reconvenes on Kiy 22d. His connection with land on is well-known, and what he knows ill fill several chapters, providing he lis all, nnd, ns ho is n truthful man, is presumed that, under the pros Ire brought to bear on him by District itorney MeNary and the soven mon Inducting tho investigation that he 811 not conceal anything thnty ho iows. iMrss Oliver, also of Portland, is ught, but sho is in Eastern Oregon at is particular time, at least that is the (formation The Journal has from Port- ind. Mr. "West and sovornl Portland lieers searched for her, but could not id her. Thoy say that her location is jowd, nnd that she will yet get a foe Mm Marion county 10 ic hit ". Most Comfoi'tafeie hoe They Eve ore That's what tho ladies say about 'Bown's Po- :ess" Tn Sole hoes. This sole is a novelty in shoo-inuk- fig which has genuine morit. It looks uo a Goodyear welt, but has all tbo fcxtbtlity of a turn sole. Wo nave jiero at S2.G0 $2.95- Haye ou seen tnetnT BARNES Cash Stof e E. T. BARNES, Pf op. Reliable fioods at cash prices. New Idea Patterns for May now ready In but dress goods department. Pneo 10c mail 12c JURY Ring According to Late Rumor talo of woo to that .august body. Geo. G. Brown, clerk of tho state land board, was before the grand jury this morning. Mr. Brown is not impli cated in any way with the transactions of the school land ring, nnd his testi mony was purely of a corroborativo nature as to parties appearing before tho board Wnd making applications for tho purehaso of school land. It is in tended to show by his testimony that men conspired to become owners of vast tracts of land at tho cxpenso of tho state through hired tools. His evi dence was iutcresting, as it was proved beyond a doubt that ti very few men had issued checks for tho entire amount of money paid for largo pur chases of blocks of land. , Land Agent West wns again bofore tho grand jury this morning. As ho is ono of tho interested parties in the prosecution, ho did not give testimony, but rolatcd to tho members nnd tho dis trict attorney his actions in Portland while serving subpoeunes. Ho will probably return to that city tho last of this week, nnd summon sovornl more witnesses, providing tho jury consider that their testimony would bo of as sUtanco to tho state in returning indict ments. ROBBERS SHOT WOMAN Chorulnisco, Ind., April 13. Six masked burglars early this morning dy-1 immited tho safo of tho Candy's bank nnd secured ovor $0000. A family was awakoucd by tho explosion, nnd ut- tempted to prevent the robbery and in tho shooting which followed Mrs. Can dy, wife of tho banker, was shot in tho neck, but her injurios nro not fatal. The robbers escaped. FARMERS AFTER THE SMELTERS Salt Lake, April 13.Pupcrs were wero drawn up today in ono of the most far-roaching suits in the history of Utah. Tho farmers in tho vicinity of tho sinelterB hero will ask tho courts to pormanontly restrain smelters from operating in Salt Lake valley. If tho injunetion is granted it will paralyze tho mining industry of the inter-moun-tain region, throwing thousands of men out of work. The farmers want the smelters condemned as a nuisance and a detriment to eropa. Illinois Central Wreck. Viokiburg, April 13! An Winds Central passenger train jumped the track near Harde, at 12:30 o'clock this morning, and plunged down an embank-' rnent. Several passengers and mem bers of -the crew were Injured, but none were- reported killed. Earthquake Causes Many Deaths. Simla, April 13. Further reports ( from outlying districts state that the resent earthquake caused 400 deaths in tho state of Mandl. Many hundreds were killed in the Bultanpur district. ?, iK. iNDia Tho grand jury appeared before Judge Burnott this morning and re turned an indictment, it is said, but tho nnturo of tho mutter is being euro- . fully guarded, and, while- it N an nounced in an uuomcinl way that nn indictment has been returned, District Attornoy McNury and State Land Agont! West vigorously Denied the statement. It is almost u certainty, however, that ono indictment was returned nnd i is now in tho hands of tho sheriff for ' service Just when it will bo an nounced for tho public is merely sup position, "but it will not be at least un til after tho arrest of tho person against whom it is returned. Two new witnesses. were in waiting this afternoon from Portland. Thoy aro George Knott, a clerk, in a cigar store, nnd A. J. Powell, a barber, and they will bo called some time during the afternoon. Miss Bessio Burton was called before the Jury this afternoon. Sho wns form erly a waitress at the Willamette hotel nnd hart considerable knowlodgo of tho operations of the land ring. Sho was only in tho jury room n shortt imo, and she was discharged. INDICT BEEF MAGNATES Chicago, April 13. Two indictments, wore returned by tho United Stntoa grand jury in tho beef trust investiga tion this morning, nnd bench warrants wero immodiatoly issued by Judge Hum phreys for tho apprehension of tho per sons named in tho papers. Strict or ders woro issued by tho court to keep tho uamos quiot until tho arrosts were in udo. Tho indictments aro said to be for conspiracy and intimidation of wit nossoB, although perjury may bo tho al legation. It is rumored that it will include the head of ono of tho big packing com panies, and a prominent employe of an other. Kdwurd I). Fish, ono of the de partment commanders of Schwarz, Sehils & Sulzberger, who returnod from Canada yesterday, was arrested today and hold in a $10,000 bond to appear as a witness bofore the grand jury. FOUND HUSBAND IN ROOM Cripple Creek, April 13. Mrs. Sam uel Vidleak, wife of a well-known news paper man aud alo chairman of the Republican central eoutmitteo, nuotj Mrs. Helen Coulter Douglas, said to ite a society woman of Colorado Springy through tho heart in a room in the Xvu tienal hotel this inerniog. Jt U report ed that sho found her huiband in a. reem with the woman. Jail Destroyed, flarkyburg, April 13. 8ve prim ers in the tmnty Jail at Westsa (dew up a portion of the structure with nitre-glycerine early this morning and escaped. Bloodhounds are la pursuit of the wen. St. Louis, April 18. Tho federal grand jury today again indicted United States Senator Burton, of Kansas on five counts. In three of tho flvo ho is charged that ho made an agreement with tho ltinlto Grain Security' Com pany to protect them from a postal iiv vestigation, and tho other two that ho accepted money for these service. CAUGHT LIVE COONS Frederick, Okla., April 13. President Itoosevolt concluded his four-days' hunt in tho Indian pasturo resorvo at noon today. His iast wolf chase wns mndp from camp toward tho enst line of the reserve, whero ho took dinner and rested, llo is expected hero at o'clock this afternoon. Governor Fer guson and party are awaiting the Pres ident nml will escort him to tho train, which will leave at 8:2fi o'clock for Colorado. The President is expected to innko a brief speech to the crowds awaiting him. Aside from wolves, the party killed 11 coyotes, and tho Presi dent enptured two coons on Tuesday, lie is in high spirits. FINANCE SECOND TO LOVE Chicago, April 13. John W. Gntes reached Chicago yesterday morning. Finance stumbled in its operations to permit a troubled man to touch the human side of life. Mr. Oaten was on his way to St. Charles to pay n Inst re spect to his father, who wiih dying. Tho Gates family is strong in its love and its hates. It comes from an intenso stock. On tho, board of triulo somo "0, 000,000 or 30,000,000 bushels of wheat bought for delivery next month wero awaiting Mr. Gates' will. Markot pricos nervously bounded up nnd down, principally up. Still, this did not in terfere with tho speculator's ono thought to 'got to St. Charles, nnd say a Inst farewell to the man who gave him lite. Ho left lit noon for tho old home. Gates, senior, is not expeotod to live over tho night, AVhile the mnrket folt vigorous elec tric toui-ho, the mini who is waging tho tremendous wheat control issuo with tho ArinourH was going westward to honor his sire. Finance shrinks into insigniuVnnoo when it moots filial Invo. That is possibly why tho trading to day did not amount to more than 2A0,- 000 bush el a The isther is A mil Gates; the son was born in 1S36, although somo of his riv als insist that ho canto into uxistuuuo BOO years ago, judging by tho way ho has 'figged," as thoy any, many of their cherished Hohemos to ovorthrow him. Gntes, senior, is as munh n charac ter as his son. Ho hns been ill before. Then holms recovered; his vitality has been remarkable, equal to, if not great er than thai of his son, although John W. has been killed off half n dozen . times bv his opponents and tho doctors, only to rappear strong, courageous and indomitable as before. This time, though, the' father is surrendering. Ose of the close frlemln of Mr. Gates said, after his leaving fur St. Charles, this afternoen: 'So tux as tho whout market is son cemed, he is not lotting go of any trans actions in wbleh ho may be. He is not the ty;- of n man to quit when all mar ket conditions favor his judgment or to quit wbi-n temporary conditions might drive a Ie poworful man Into fright. Whatever he is doing In tho wheat marr kct is Wing sustained, and will bo kept so until bis own judgment diotntes a settlement." Meanwhile finance halted; tbo dying, man at 8t. Charles and tho lovo borne blm by his sen rose abova the sordid turn of the wheel of moiiey. Love and death h-ll back tho market. Women Elect Officers. WasfeiRgfeu, April 13, Mrs. Mary Weed Swift, of San Francisco, was to day sleeted president of tho National Council of Women, now la smlon here. Mrs Belinda & Bailey, of Ban IVancia- eo. was elected corresponding secretary. ' Singapore, April 13,-JTho Stoamor Nubia reported this morning that at noon Tuesday sho passed tho Russian fleet of not loss than -12 vessels in lati tude 8 degrees north, longitudo 100 de groes enst. Tho Hoot wns steaming north at tho rate of uiuo knots nn hour, presumably for Saigon. Hong.K.tfig, April 13. Tho British cruiser Ippegenia telegraphed to naval authorities today a wireless message that it had' passed 42 liusslan warships 1-10 miles south of Saigon. Tho Hoot was headed north. Two Japanese wnr ships passed Capo Kook, at Hong long on Tuesday night, going south at full speed. London, April 13. Xevfs was re ceived hera today that tho Russian (loot wns engaged yesterday in coaling nil" the Nntunn islands, 125 miles north east of tho Auambns group. Gunshu Ling, April 13. Tho Japan ese have occupied Tsiullu Chun, north west of Sehuau Minodjiy. Better woath er prevails, and a renewal of tho light ing is expected shortly. St. Petersburg, April 13. Gonoral Liuovitoh reports that tho Russians dis lodged tho Japanese from their posi tions at Nnuchiutsia on April 11th. Paris, April 13. Captain Rhode, tho French nttacho with the Manehurlan army, reports that tho Russian army hns boon reinforced, and is now ready to renow tho battle. Ho says tho Jap- nne.uo ndvunco guard is barely 10 milos away, and that frequently cavalry skir mishes occur. Washington, April 13. Tho army department has asked the Russian gov ernment to grant permission to roplaca tho two ofllcors of tho United States I r )cfteueiSi New Sping Waists Sheer white cotton waists of the newest lOO.' styled Kinhrulderod fronts, lnco Insertion, full tucktAl and hemstitched, full leg o 'mutton hloevos, bust values shown. Special. 75 Cents Covert Jackets New models just rocoivod. Bvory garment bears the stamp of fiithlan, correct in material and tailored In accordance with tho necopled Ideas for the coming soason. The quality can be depended upon tho prlaoM uro fnfri' $8.50 to $15 SilkRerJingots Htuiinlug stylos splendid vuluox, If you nro looking for oxcluslvonea, novelty and bouuty, If you uro look ing for variety and modsratonesil Of, price, this big department of ours will interest you. Now garments being added dally to our largo show ing. Spring Dress Goods A most eompleto showing ef all that's now and popular in spring and summer dress goods can bo had here now. Voiles, brllliuntinos, silks, Panamas, organdies, bat totes, lawns, linens ehainbrays, etc. Never did these popular materials appeal to one more; they are prettier than ever, aud so nominal In cost, PLAID BILKS of the newest de signs apd colorings, such as other stores advertise as their regular 1,50 values are here at . 88d '"5W' army captured by tho Japanese u8 Mukden. Paris, April 13.-IIorr Bokob, thtt Russian ngont, has, according to n dis patch from St. Petersburg, collected 70,000 tons of coal at Snigou and 50,000 tons at Shanghai, for tho uso of tho Russian fleet. Washington, April 13. Tho navy do. partmont isv advised that tho cralsor Raleign hns sailed from Labium, Bor neo, for Cuyo, Philippine Islands. Tho Raleigh is watching tho movements oC tho hostile floots, nnd la ovidontly in formed of tho depnrturo of tho Russian fleet to tho northward. Singapore, April 13, Tho Gorman collier Hindoo, which was rofuicd clour anco papers ycsterday woh released to day. Tho vessel left this port, heading for Saigon. Snigou, April 13. Admiral Rojost vonsky's hospital shjilp arrived hero last night to take on provisions, coal uw. niodielnes; and will leave tomorrow to J tin tho main squadron. Dorrick Foil. Sr. Petersburg, April 13. Af dorrick ut tho I'utlloff works fell this after noon, kllliog 11 men and Injuring lfl others. Adolph Wober Soutoncod. Auburn, Col., April 13. Adolph Web er, convicted of tho murder of his moth or, nnd Is also aecusod of tho murder of tits father, brother and sistor, ap peared In court today for nontonr,f When tho case was called tho prisoner was askd to stand up. Ho looked pali and worn, and had to bo lifted to hit feet by tho sheriff. Tho defendanlj'fl attorney tiled numerous uflitlavltH tn support a motion for a new trial, mmamsm Spring Clothing Our stock is complete with the best garments for men, youths and ehlldren. Priro uud quality eoasid rod, you ean't secure bettor than wo offer you; better Is not to bo had Clothes for all ages. $2.50 to $25 i ' ' - - - i - l? J