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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
DAILY CAKTAI. JOTTKWAL, SALEM, 0BEGOH. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1905, 8 L r" Stockton & Co THE OLD WHITE CORNER high Another nhipment of thut very popular mako that we have always car ried. 25c to $1.50 Each The name on ntiy of theso shoes is nn nbsolnto guarantco that you aro getting tho best possible- valuo for your money. They nro unsurpassed for ntylo, quality, (It, comfort and sturdlncss. Thut is why thoy aro not nshamod to stump their names on them. Prices $1.50 to $6.00' Keep Yot r Eye on This Store. Wo doiVt like tho monotony of doing tho same thing all tho tlmo. Wo got restless, and want to do something different. Now keep your oyo on us, wo nro going to do something thnt will surprlso you in a few dnys. Every one will wonder how wo did it nnd why I Albany peoplo wero alarmed tliu oth er day when a llttlo girl was missed who lived nonr thu ditch, and It was thought for some tlmo she hnd fallen in nnd drowned. Upon further search the little on i) wuh found upstairs asleep in neighbor's house When Yoa Need Anything portnlning to a blcyelo soo uu, nnd wo will gladly fit you out. Wo will do your work right, got It out on tlmo, and gunrnntao. to plenno-you., All kinds of repairs for aH kinds of blcy. cloa. Whools cnllod for and delivered. Host work at honest prices. .. FRANK J. MOORE, Phono IIlMck noi 371) Court St. Walte Morfey Tho renco Man. Has just received a car of woven wiro feuoo nnd a oar of hop wiro. An other car of fonco to nrrlvo about March SOttt. Buy now at special prices. A largo stock of pickets, drossod and split eodnr posts, shingles, gates and gata hardwnro und all kluds of poul try fence. All at lowost prlaos. SALEM FENCE WORKS CO Court Street, Salem. Money to Loan Ovor IQill & Iluih's Bank, Salem, Or. mimrin tr iv-tim ' iuu.n.ia j, x uiti, In the Matte of Jewefry Our atook of waist acta, uoeklnces, hat pius, tv allows n wide lati tude of choice. A very vllght nequaiiitnue with our gathering of these things will how how well wo can suit all tiuttm, und nt tho name time meet every cue's requirement as to price. . As nn Introduction, this brief mention of waist set, and tho prices we're asking for thenu ltolled gold plate, $1.00 per set. Solid gold front suitable fur engraving monograms H, gold tilled brooches und fancy, $1 26 and 4.S0. We Pay Yoat Cat Fate Head the back of your rebate ehecks, every dollar represented by them eutitln tho holder to quo street oar ticket ut our store. State ni LrWrty Sts., Salem, Ore Oxfords Every one says wo have the swcllest lino of Oxfords in tbo city. Also in fants' oboes in tho highest novelties. A glnnco at our window will convince you that ours is a big, well assorted, - class shoe store. New Cushion Ticks and Bed Pillows Shoes The Stetson The Bay The Sel Aro Much Interested. Tho Chinamen who nro to occupy tho new building being erected on High strpct botwon Stnto and Ferry streets, seem to bo moro Interested in tho coiv struction of their now qunrtors than tho bntldors are. Every liny a crowd of chinks gather around tho building and stand for hours watching tho work men at their labors. This forenoon threo prosperous-looking plg-talla got Into on oxcitod argument about some thing concerning tho work being dono, ami, from tho way thoy jabbored nud mado motions, it looked for a tlmo na If thcro would bu a mix-uphut thoro wns nothing dldding. Dig Brewer In Oregon. AilolpluiM HuMoh, of tho world-famous brewing Arm of Atihcuser-Uusoh, of St. Louis, passed through tho valley Sun day, accompanied by a party of friends in his privnto ear. Tho car was ono of the most sumptuously appointed of any that has passed this way for some time. Now Ouro for Cancer. All surfuco cuncers nro now known to bo eurablo by Bucklou'a Arnica Salvo. .7ns. Wnlters, of Dufllold, Vn., writes: "I had a cancer on my Up for years, that seemed incurable, until Ruoklon'n Arnica Salvo healed in, and now it Is perfectly woll" Guaran teed euro for cuts nnd burns. 25e at J, C, Perry's drug store. A heavy frost fell In tho fruit sec tiou around Hood River Sunday night, uud cherries, pcuchea and strawberries are rotwrted slightly damaged. Hall nl so visited that section Sunday after- uuun. fe tw?ifr PERSONALS C. D. Gabriclson went to Harrisburg this morning. J. Hubbard, Mrs. L. Damon and Miss Sadie Craven. Col. Olmstead went to Albany today. W. N. Oatcns mado a abort trip to the metropolis today, Mrs. Russet Catlin leaves tonight for an extended trip East. State Printer J. It. Whitney went to Portland today on business. II. D. Patton went to Portland yos torday on a short business trip. Earl Itaco is in Albany for a few flays' visit with old-timo friends. Abel Porter, of Beuna Vista, has ar rived in Salem, where he will work. Mrs. J. P. Staiger returned today from a visit with relatives north of Salem. Attorney C. A. Hardy, of Eugene, wns a 'business visitor in tho city yes terday. F. 0. Deckabach, manager of tho Sa lem brewery went to Eugene this morning. Mr. and Mis. John Mills, of this city, spent Sunday with friends at In dependence. Mrs. Sallle Dyer spent the day with her sister, Mrs. N. II. Loonoy, at the reform school. 0. E. Detmering, of Eugene, returned to thnt placo yesterday, after attend ing the Knights Templar meeting. W. H. Qault, tho job printer, has re turned homo from Newport, where ho enjoyed a few dnys' rest and recrea tion. Hi T. Bruce, n former resident of this city, but now of Portland, went south today, after speudlng a short time here. Howard Catlin returned to school at Eugene this morning. His mauy friends will be glad to bear that ho is able to be out, ns ho liaH been quito ill for tho last three weeks. Among tho Independence people vis iting in Salem tho past week were: Mr. and Mrd. "Vance Butler, Mrs. O. D. But ler, Mr. George Whiteaker, Miss Ethel Whltcakcr, Mrs. B. P. Whiteaker, Mrs. Misses Bessie and Itno Smith, now of Salem, arrived in this city Friday even ing, and remained until yesterdny morn ing, tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Smith. Miss Bossio in a teacher in the public schools of tho Capital City. Corvallis Gazette. Miss Sophia Elgin, formerly n nurse in tho Florence Sanatorium, hero, but now of Corvallis, who has been very ill nt Baker City, has so tor recovered as to bo ablo to return to Corvallis. Her many friends hero will bo glad to hear of her improvement. II. O. Hill, studont Y. M. C. A. sec retary for Washington, Oregon and Cal ifornia, arrived in tho city this morn ing from-Albany. Mr. Hill is visiting all tho colleges on tho coast in tho in terest of thq Y. M C. A., and will speak nt Willamette University today. County Court. Tho application of F. A. .Tetto for a liquor lieonso in Champoeg Precinct for 0110 year was granted. O. D. Drake hns resigned as constable of Silvertou district, and A. G. Me Millnn was appointed in his plnuo. Tho court expects to finish up all tho work today. How'a Thls7 Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that call not bo cured by Ifnlls's Catarrh. F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned hnvo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bo liove him perfectly honornblo in nil business, transactions nnd financially ablo to carry out any obligations nindo by tho firm. Waldlng, Kinmnn 4-Mnr-vin, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hull's Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak en internally, acting directly upoo tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho sys tem. Testimonials sent frev. Prico 70 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. 1 J quid sunshine, the new life-giving property, that cause the patient to glow at every pore of tho skin, as if a million candles had been lighted in the tiny wU of the cuticle, will soon be taking the place of the Turkish bath for the inau who wants to get over a but quickly. "Nearly half a million babies died iu the United States last year from the effects at adulterated infant food," say an Indiana expert. But at HI the iufant food, nds in tho magntlue and papers continue to bo as alluring as over. A man spit on the depot platform at Portland tho other day, and a police man made him get down and wipo. tho spit up, or take tho alternative of go ing to jail. All of which goes to show that Portland coppers nre good for something. WEAVING THE NET AROUND (Continued from first page.) After Big Game. A man, who should be fairly well posted, said recently: "It is not the intention of the present investigation to send men to the penitentiary for playing a minor part in this affair. We want to recover tho lnnd to the state in tho first place, and secondly to see that' several large land grabbers are punished for pursuing their nefarious work. The state of Oregon has been looted by the school land ring for years, and I be lieve that sufficient evidence can be se cured to send at least half a dozen men out of harm's way." Attorney II. II. Turner wns again be fore tho grand jury this morning and examined as to several new develop ments in the cases, whprein ho is said to be connected. Tho character of the testimony given by him was as to the Identity of several persons making ap plication for the purchase of school lands beforo him as notnry public, and which ho acknowledged. Portland Witnesses Here. ' Several Portland witnesses nre in town, nnd arc on the rack this after noon. Attorney T. F. Potter is snid to know of a number of transactions that wero not altogether regular on their face. I M. P. Culver, also of Portland, is a notnry public, and, as he expressed it," might have been a little careless in taking acknowledgements of parties desiring to purchase school land. Notnry J. L Wells, of Portland, is in about the same predicament, nnd dis claimed any wilful knowledge of doing wrong, although admitting that tho striet letter of tho law in regard to ac knowledgements was not observed at times by notaries. Witnesses Excused. At 2 o'clock this afternoon District Attorney McNnry excused Witness Potter until Friday morning. Notary Wells will bo on tho stand tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. The grand jury was considering tho testimony Into this afternoon, nnd it wns rumored that several indictments were being pre pared by District Attorney McNnry, ns ho left tho jury room about 10 o'clock this morning, nnd was work ing nt his office. Tho stnto land board this afternoon suspended issuance of deeds by tho stato for school lands purchased until the investigation by the grand jury is completed. This decisiou involves 1, 000,000 acres. When Baby nu tick, ve gave her Castorta When the wa a Child, she cried for Ctutorta When tho became Hits, the dung to Cutoria When the had Children, iho gavo them Caitoria Kansas Race War On. ColTeyvillo, Kan., April 12. Follow ing tho brutal assault on Mrs. John Griffith by a negro yestordny, a rnee war is threatened. Tho streets are lined with nrmed whites nud negroes, Ono hundred deputies were sworn in to presorvo order, nnd tho mayor hu or- dered nil negroes disarmed by tonight, by force, if necessary. iieccca mo .reopie. St. Joseph Mo., April 12. A warrant was issued today for tho arrest of Henry Breunlnger, president of the American Mercantile Compnny, a "got- rich-quick" concern, which collapsed nere. secretary .uiuer am, .Manager Nordcau have disappeared. Two thou- J . ., i Mill... 1 -r I sand people hero lost $30,000 by the failure. Michigan Fire. j Graud Rapids, Mteh., April 12. As the result of a flro early today in a boarding house and saloon, nt the oor-1 nor of Broadway nnd Elizabeth streets, May llorriok, aged 8, in dead, and Mrs. Churles Herrick, the child's mothor, is fatally Injured. Five others were seri ously injured. Mother of Actress Dead. New York, April 12. -Mrs. Mury Ann Crabtree, mother of "Lottn," the fa mous actress, died here today. Mrs. Crubtreo was her daughter's manager from tho time she appeared on the stngo iu California in the early 50s to the end of her stage career of 40 yearn. Hoch Qets Change. Chicago, April IS. Jobann Hooh, tho alleged bigamist, charged with wife murder, today waa granted u change of venue from Judge Tulley's court to Judge Kerstcn's oourt, and his trial set for April 17,th. A man at Portsmouth hasin vented an apparatus for burning fuel oil in the ordiuary cooking and heating stove. Experiments made with a cooking stove, kept constantly going for 13 hours showed that it consumed only three cents worth of fuel oil. Tho investor claims that it will not ost tho average family moro than eight dollars a year to keep two stoves well supplied with fue). fnic r,o Siftim "jPEOWJESSAR Watch the Onward March of the Chicago Store We are getting bigger and better every day. Moro business makes the machinery go quicker. More business prompts us on to sell cheaper. More business makes more customers. The bigger tho volume of business cheaper we can afford to sell. SEE WEDNESDAY'S AND THUESDAY'S SPECIALS. COESET SALE For two clays. Ev cry corset in the house is new, the latest shapes and styles; 1000 pairs to select from; prices 35c, 49c, 75c and $1.00, the best values on earth. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Judging from the way they havo been selling for the past two weeks, you will have to hurry up to get your pick of those new. nobby dress hats. Prices about half what you havo to pay elsewhere. Ladies' $2 trimmed hats 98c Children's trimmed hats, 25c, 33c ami 50c; worth double. Ladies' better dress hats very rea sonable. SALEM'S FASTEST McEVOY BROS. SOON TO CLOSE If You Don't Do Your Buying Now, You Aro Going to Loso tho Best Op- portunity Ever Offered Salem Peoplo. The few remaining days of our sale ( in Salem nro going to bo genuine gala days. Only a few of theso bargains in (used pianos -remain, not enough to last more than a day longer, if the demand continues to be as great as it has been We have, however, a largo supply of our own regular makes to draw on, nnd will continue) to extend the samo oppor tunity to thoso interested to become IIIUIUUIIIV Al.lilli.fl. ...fell lUtSU makes, and tho extremely low prices at which wo sell. I, n. ....!. 1.. fnn.!i;n.A . ,.1M, tli.m r.Aot There is the greatest of all pianos, tho Chickering, of Boston, tho artists' I G, block 3, Hollister's add to Salem, favorite: tho Weber, of New Yerk: thel$"0' Kimball, of Chicago; tho Hobart M Cable;, the Clarendon; Baus, etc, etc., all in tho newest and latest styles. The Aeolian Pinno, recontly added to this interesting collection, should be seen by every music lover, who does not possess tho means of having music in tho home. It can bo played either with tho hands or by means of the mu sic roll, samo as is used in tho pinnola. It has, in fact, tho entire pianola mech anism ibuilt right in thocaso, yet it is so simple that even a child can operate it. Pianola Concerts. A. L. Lovelace, our Salem man- Mr. nger, is on hand every evening, nnd visitors cun enjoy a rare musical treat listening to his pianola reeitnls. Every one is welcome. Eilers Piano House, tompornry quarters, the Houso Furnish- . K Company's Store, corner of Court and Liberty streets. W. H. Weir, gen- ernl agent. The Poerless Dancing Club Gives the final and closing dance Tltii.i.1n.. ..!... t M in.1 . .nt , niui.imn uvcuiuK, ijiru inin, at uoga I hall. Admission one dollar per eonple. m,ii Then) wi bo nQ invltations ,Mucd ; Who's Yew Repairman? If we aro we trust you are getting the very best work and prompt atten tion; if not, we trust you will give us a trial. Remember It Costs No Mote To have a eomplote stock of tires, rims, coaster brakes, etc., to solect from, and with our five experienced repair men enable us to give you the best workmanship and prompt dolivery. Tho best of everything for bicycles at the right price. Call Red 2151 and let your wants bo knovsn, BASE BALL SUPPLIES && ZJB(Qnr&& tbe LADIES' DRESS SKtRTS. Wo are showing a beautiful assort ment of Ladies" Dress Skirts in all tho new materials, Voile, mohair and Pannma cloth. Prices, $1.50, $2.50 $2.95, $3.50 and up. SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS. A new lot just nrrived. Wo aro sell. ing silk suits cheaper than any oth er houso on tho coast. $15.90 silk suits for $10.90 $20 silk suits for 12.50 $29.50 silk suits for 17,59 LADIES', FINE SHOES. $3.50 fine French kid shoes . ...$2.45 The famous Julia Marlow shoe on sale here; the best on earth. A beau tiful looker; prico $3.50 Special sale on dress goods and silks GROWING STORE. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets Norwich Union Fire Insor ance Society. Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Offlco wlth Wo. Brown & Co., No. 129 Commercial Street. I. NEW TODAY Wanted. Situation to assist in house work or care of child. Address "Z," care of Journal. 4-12-3t Real Estate Transfers. The following is a list of the real estato transfers: M. W. White to N. J. Thomas, lots 31 and 32, Cottle and CooW's add to Salem, $200. G. W. Hollistcr to W. Richmond, lot Oroal Ross to Julia Slaughter, 8t acres, t5 s, r 1 w, $2750. R. F. and N. R. Cooley to a Van Cleave, 3 acres, t 5 s, r 1 w, $150. Trustees of Willamette University to Fred nurst, land in Depot add to Sa lem, $G0O J. D. Wnlling, et ux., to A. M. Koeb, lots 1, 2, 3and 4, block 45, North Sa eom, $1500. B. E. Wiggins to J. D. Id dinger, Iota 9 and 10, block 2, Queen Anno add to Salem. S. and I. Farrar, ct al., to T. B. Jone ot al., lot 2, block 50, Salem, $3500. F. and I. Fellor to F. E. Yergen, 112 squaro rods, t 4 s, r 1 w, $70. Sarah Earley, et al., to S. B. Clark, 100 acres, t 7 s, r 2 w, $4500. J. F. and J. L. Wisncr to Elizabeth Hostetler, 131.3 acres, t 7 s, r 2 w, $1. Emperor Sails. Athens, April 12. Emperor Wil Ham sailed from Corfu this morning. Before leaving tho Kniser appointed King George ns admiral in tho German navy. o CHILDREN CRY FOB CASTORIA. FLETCHER'S nri M!!Mi'to1(W3ff'lt"w"'"