Ttrv, i, ft 4 1 l HfllU ; r 98 i ! ' Wbr Karopatkin Was Dismissed. UflifllHG flDFIEAI MIL H Hi y 1 ' HI : !, j DAH.T CAPITAL JOTJZXAK BAUEM. OKSGOH, MONDAY, APBTL 10, 1005. - if 4' 3 , Why Kuropatkln Was Dismissed, London, April 10r A Russian corre epondont sonds a curious story concern ing tho dismissal of General Kuropnt kin, nnd vouches for its authenticity. Ho Bays it is not surprising that the recall of General Kuropatkiti has ox cited littlo commont in St. Petersburg. Afterbody oxpected it after tho fall of MiikdoD. The reason is as follews: About six weeks ago M. Domehinski, n JIussiun at high standing arid a great personal favorito of the czar, wrote a long memorandum from Manchuria, nd dressed, through M. Souvorin, tho edi tor of the Novoo Vremya, to tho Rus sian pros? and people. In this memorandum M. Domehinski charged General Kuropntkin with many offoncos nnd accused him of being entirely responsible for tho disasters to tho Russian arms. A detailed account was given of the condition of n flairs iu Manchuria, and opinion was ex pressed that if Oonoral.Kuropatkin was allowed to contlnuo in tho position of commander-in-chief Russia would never win n victory. Tho most popular pen son in tho far oast, continued M. Dam .ehinrfki, was "pnpaslia" ("Dear Lit tlo Father") Linovitoh, and ho was also tho only military man with suf ficient skill to retrieve tho Russian for tunes. This romuiunffMoti created a great sensation in fit. I'.-ti sburg, nnd copies oi it wore airculatod nil over Russia after tho editor of tho Novoo Vremya hnd first forwarded it to tho czar. The Mtor lmd also received another com munication from tlie front to tho effect tk&UKurnpntkin' plnus woro to make A grand stand at Mukden, and that he bad taken an oath on 'lis sword not to movo mi Inch from that nlnce. Tho czar decided to let Kuropatkin stand or fall by tho oath he lmd taken. So when tho news of tho loss of Mukdon was received ho without any delay sum innned tho grand dukoa by telephone to nu extraordinary council, drow their attention to M. Domehinski 's charges and announced Kuroputkin's dismissal. FEEBLE OLD PEOPLE DREADS DOCTOR'S QUESTIONS Thousands Writo to MraJPinkham, Lynn, Mass, and Receive- Valuable Advice Absolutely Confidential and Tree There can be no more terrible ordeal to a delicate, sensitive, refined woman than tObe obliged to answer certain questions in regard to her private ills, even when those questions are asked RURAL ROUTES SHOW HEALTHY INCREASE The rogular quartorly sfatistioal re- cards, stamped port of "tho Salem posiofllco has just , 8,796.18. been completed and in it is found much envelopes, etc., sold WVUI VYAVU MIWOV IJUVHViVUD U. l 44CkVU I WUV.A W... V -- t..V .U .V UJr ,. .uu .,,., , """V'that will be of intorost to tho people of this city and the vicinity. The amount of business now transacted has grown very much' during tho past threo months, necessitating an inercase in the number of porsons employed and show ing in a vory matorial way the growth of tho city. Thoro are now 22 porsons employed by Uncle Sam to flo the work n this office. In tho building itself there are six clerks together with tho postmaster and his assistant; while be sides these there are five carriers for the city and nine cnrrlors for tho rural contlnuo to suffer rather than submit 'outos. to examinations which so many physl- Tho government has paid out clans propose in order to intelligently $ 005.30 for freo dolivory service .lur treat the disease; and this is the rca-l. ... , . . ,u rn, , son why so many physicians fail to ,inS thi9 ,nst garter ending March 31 (&JMn TC Wilfadsgn g) cure female discanc, This is also tho reason why thousands npon thousands of women are corre sponding with Mrs, Pinkhatn, at Lynn, Mass. To her they can confide every detail of their illness, and from her great knowledge, obtained from years of experience in treating female Ills, Mrs. Pinkhnm can advise women more wisely than the local physician. Read how Mrs. Plnkham helped Mrs. T. O. Willodscn, of Manning, la. Sho writes : Dear Mrs. Plnkham: The amount of postage stamps, postal On the nine rural delivery routes run ning out of Salem tho total value of tho stamps on all the mail colloctcd by the carriers was $632.33 and tho total value of the stamps, stamped paper, etc., sold by tho carriors on the different routes was $188.01. There were "i IP applications for money orders on all the routes during the threo months. The total number of all classes of niail collected on tho different routes Ws 32,364 pieces; divided respectively among them as follews: Route No. 1, 3012; route No. 2, 3343; route No. 3, 3002; route No. 4, 3648; routo No. 5, 4384; routo No. 0, 3851; route No. 7 4177; routo No. 8, 3439; routo No. 9, 2823. Below is appended n complete table showing the total amount of tho 'differ ent classes of mail delivered on all the routes during tho qunrtcr. Correct Qotks for Men Suits Months. Routo No. 1- $ 0 -a p o 2 i 75 -3 .; ";. 1 fAv-y f how I felt, I hod doctored for over two years steady, nna spent lots or money in mtuicinca Imerldcs, but it nil fnllcl to do nm any good. 1 baud f emalo trouble and Mould daily have, faint ing spells, backache, bearing-down pains, and my monthly periods were vory Irregular nnd finally ceased. I wrote to yon for your nd vice ftnd received a letter full of Instructions inst what to do, and also commenced to take vdln 15. Plnkbam's Vecctuhlo Compound. -- i - . !. . ... ' aim x unvo ocen rcstoriMi to rwrioct ncaitn. lanunry 3 1,199 '?-,- " I can truly say that you bavo saved my ti,-....,,, "t"l: '' 1 'i 'i 1 life, and I cannot expreis my gratltudo in February .?.-. .'. 3 1,111 wonls. Before I wrote to yon telling you March t. .,... . i, i 142 138 19S 3,744 3,446 3,787 i 337 457 414 90S 5,515 115 5,270 104 5i,761 Had It not been for you I would liavo been in January per ild I Totnl T)ntn Vn O January . .' J ... .J. . ...'.".'.' ;0 Pobruary 4 March 5 Total 19 Routo No. 3 13 3,561 47S 10,977 1,208 309 16,546 1,635 J.421, 1,742 125 130 193 3,646 3,120 3,547 389 3S9 305 63 61 70 5,868 5 125 5,922 4..70S 448 10,313 1,143 194 16,915 'February , 3 my cravo to-day." Mountains of proof establish tho fact March , that no medicine in tno world equals Lydia B. Pliikham's Vegetable Com pound for restoring women's health. 2,098 1,881 1,824 307 257 258 4,929 4,718 5,239 339 351 155 127 134 95 7,S02 7,344 7,571 Bearing this label jlfredpenjaminsg MAKERS $AEWyRK Are in a class by them selves. Equal money won't buy as good". More money cannot buy bet ter. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We arc ex clusive agents here. G. W. Johnson Co. (Incorporated.) Three Trains to tho East DallyT Through Pullman Btandard and tourist Bleeping cars dally to Omahjr, Chicago, Spokane; tourist Bleephi cars daily to Kansas City; throng Pullman tourist sleeping care (pen sonally conducted) weekly to Chic go; reclining chair cars (seats fre) to tho East dally. TO " HOURS ,,, J PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Coasxe of Csre 70 . f ! f , ( i i : For All Such People in Salem We dur. antco Vinol Will Oroato Health, Strength and Vitality, or Ro- turn Monoy. Hundreds of old pcoplo right here in Bnlem need just such a strength' maker nnd body builder ns our delicious cod liver oil preparation, Vinol; and wo simply ennnot understand why they will eontinuo to drag out a half-dead and half-nlivo existence, when wo guarantee Vinol will infimo now life, invigorate ovory organ in the body, stop tho nnt urn! decline and iiiako them well, vigor ous mid strong. If you want to know how nn aged, feeble, diseouruged man or woman may bo mndo active, cheerful and vigorous, read thltt letter: Mrs. Catherine Thoror of Albany, N. Y., writes: MHix months ngo I felt that 1 wns broken down by ago, und I wa doomed to tho weak and feeblo con dition of old people. The slightest ex ertion tirod mo, and 1 had no strength. My daughter brought mo n bottle of Vinol, i soon felt an Improvement, I continued its use, and am now well, cheerful and stronger than 1 have been or years; In fact, 1 fool 10 yours youngor." Vinol Is not a strong stimulant which ;reacts on tho system, but it is a. gunu ino tonic and body builder which ore ntea strength by building up every or gan In tho body to do its work ns na ture intunded, and makes rich, red blood. In this way It stops tho natural decline nnd replnuos weakness with vigor. Wo wish every old person iu Salem would try Vinol on our guaran tee to return money If It falln. Take a doao of Vinol after each meal and every night before retiring and note its beneficial elTeet. Goo, W. Putnam, Druggist. o BASE BALL GAMES Although Salem has no league base ball team this senson, thoro aro a num ber of good nines orgnnized in tho city, which will furnish plenty of umusoment for tho ball loving clnsn. Tho William ette University is putting a tonm in the field this year that will bo a credit to tho city, and they aro deserving of tho support of overy local fan. Manager Avorlll, of the W. U. team, has arranged for u number of games to bo played In tho near future, and he fools confident tho boys will make a fino showing, Tlio work or getting tho diamond In shape begins this week, it being necev wiry to remove tho grandstand and then roll the ground to make a first-elasi field. Tho W. U. team will play a practice game with the High School team on next Tuesday afternoon, and on Friday and Saturday the college team will go up against Columbia college nnd Mult nomah A. A. Club teams, at Portland. Mauiiger Avorlll has also arranged a game with the Choniawa touin, which will be played here on Memorial day. This will bo a very closely contested game, as the Indian team has been in good form for several months, and if, the locals ox poet to win any laurels they will have to "go some." Totnl Kouto No, -1 Janunry 6 February 4 March 4 5 5,803 822 14,9S0 845 356 22,717 1,623 li,32i 1,444 220 139 242 5,983 5,781 5,747 371 307 293 146 50 S3 8,349 7,605 7,813 Total 14 Itouto No. 5 ' January February . 2 Marcli 1 4,388 601 17,014 971 279 23,767 1,048 1,426 1,629 192 182 208 2,870 2,723 3,251 232 259 251 130 124 127 5.0S4 4,736 5,407 Totnl : Itouto No. 6 Janunry -i 5 February 8 March 6 3 4,703 582 8,850 762 3S7 15.2S7 Total ' Itouto No. 7. January 21 February 7 March 2 Total 33 Hou to No. 8 January 0 February 2 March 4 Total 12 Itouto No. 0 January 3 February 6 March , 2,109 290 1,907 242 2,064 332 870 19 0,080 1,822 1,568 1,883 ISO 146 237 0,123 5,696 5,436 17,255 4,403 3,912 4,481 2S7 266 209 260 2S2 243 8.8S4 8,178 82 208 25,254 64 59 85 The Club Stables First-class Livery and Cab Line. Funeral turnouts a spccinlty. Tally-ho for picnics and excursion parties. Phono Main 241. Corner Liberty and Ferry. ' Chas. W. Yannke, Prop. Haie Wiflg Sang Co China and Japanese Fancy Goods, Mat tings and Dry Goods, Silks, Em broidery Laces. Mako up new lino Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, Waists now at low prices. Sale cheap. By alley, Court Btrcet, Salem, Orogon. 'Phono Black 21G5. DttPAKT FOB caic&ro rortland Brccial 9 15 a. a Tifc Huntington Atlantic 8:15 p. m. tIii Hunt. lUKton St. Ptral Put Mall 6 1' . m. TlH Ppokane TIME BCHBDULES ftum Portland, or. alt Lko. Dearer. Ft. "UlkUj VUtUl, ftHUAl UItT, St UOOIS, ChlCJgO and Eui ilt Leke. Donver Ft. wonn, uma&a, Kama Gitj,m. Loots, Chicago and Rait. Walla Walla, Lewiioon, Spokojio. Wallace, Pull iian. Mlnneacolli at t'nnl. DuluUi.Mirwankf unicago, ana xaot. ARRfJt PB0! 525p a 7:Ba,a 8: a Ocean and River Schedule. .For Ian Francisco Every flee dyj at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way nolnf. and North Beach Dall (except Sun day) at S p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask or writ your nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAlQ, General Passenger Agent. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon. 103 102 81 6,792 6,017 6127 5,273 503 12,796 7S5 2S 19,730 1,521 1,300 1,433 154 118 128 .,938 3,693 4,143 271 295 270 109 92 88 5,999 5,506 6.072 1,200 400 11,774 842 289 17,577 i;i93 1J082 1,232 134 105 128 2,827 2,646 2,914 207 268 311 112 138 177 4,476 4,245 4792 Total 9 3,507 307 8,417 780 427 13.513 ert Ferguson p, Loon Williamson ss, Itny ltonnie lb, Kd. Dilley 2b, Lognn 3b, Hobort Moots rf, Frod Itoberts cf, Carl .JohiiHon If. Illghliiiidors Seth Axloy c, Cllfard Smith p, Forest I'rosnall ss, Albert Ward lb, Douglas Ward 2b Jessie Prince 3b Italph Miller rf Ralph Wal ling of, Joe Wright If. o Monarch Oak Tree. What is believed to bo the biggest oak troo in the Willamette Valley was measured tho other day by Count v Sur- Munnger Avorlll is working hit men veyor Jonas nnd M. P. Fruit. It is on for till thero is iu thorn every afternoon the Wilson farm between Hnlsey and E (i ? How's This? V offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any onso of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hulls 'a Catarrh. F. J. OHKNKV & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho uuderslgued have kuowu F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and lw- llovo him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions und financially nblo to curry out uny obligation! mndo by tho firm. Waldlng, Klniniut JtMnr vjo, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. HalJ'n Hall's Catarrh Curo is tak en internally, noting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents, per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for oonati jt!ou. i CHILDS11N OBY rOB FLSTCirilR'fi 0A8TORXA. MODEL OYBTLB HOUSB, 414 Court attest. "ko bttt nicftU in the city for the price Quick service, earo and cleanll jtMM our motto. Phono 2G48 Main. SfBS, JENNIE HEADRICIT, ro and he expresses great satisfaction at the progress being mndo. The lineup of the team is not yet known. The Humbler team, of this, city, is putting up a good, hard game of ball this season. In a gumo with the lie form school team last Saturday, tho Kamblern won by a score of 12 to 0, the feature of the gnmo being the errorless pltehlug of yOUug Keeue, of tho local team. Ho struck out all but threo meu during tho game, for whioh he deserves great credit. The lineup of tho Salem team wns: Perkins e, Keene p, (labriel sn lb, Farmer Jib, Hunt 3b, Coode If, Dyer rf, Kay ef, Coshow m. The second High Sdhool toam dofwit ol the Yv Park team bj a snore of 14 to 5 In a eltwoly eontastcd game Sutur. day tifteriuion. lleth toniui put up n gool game, but tho Yow Park boys were eutslsssod. Tho North Sulein baselwll team won from tho Huglewood loam Saturday Ijj a score of SJ7 to 10. Tho game ws played for a ball aud Iwt, whioh weut to tho winning team. Whito Oornera Won. Tho White Qrnr threw rings artfttJ the HlgUkHdeM, aU dfntcl theui by a seero of to o The line up was us follews: Whito Corners Homer Hauiit c, Kv Judgo Worked Sunday. Juntos J. Gray, of Multnomah county, was unitod in marriage to Miss Grace Murray yosterday afternoon in the county court house by Judge J. 11. Scott. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS During theso Spring months vou need Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. No mat ter whether you are young or old, rich or poor you'll find it the idenl medicine to shnrpeu the apatite, rid tho system of wintor impurities, or to overcomo that "tired feeling." There's nothing ltko it for curing Belching, Bloating, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cos- Try a bottlo today. Avoid substitutes. Khodd and is famed in that vicinity on account of Its huge size. The oak, at i point two feet from tho gonad is 20 feet in oircumfereuce, giving it a di- j ;r ii r irr , r. i,A . z i or ariPPs feet, or more than seven feet in diam eter. It has nn immense spread of limb and gives evidence of having been n monarch of tho wild prairie of tho Willamette when only the coyoto and tho'rod man inhabited it, long centuries before the white man had hoard of it. o To the rubllc. , You aro respectfully requested to ' call on tho undersigned nnj satisfy yourselves that tho wines, liquors, cl-' gars, etc, at SSI Commercial street aro, tho best in tho city. New patrons, as well as old, will rcceivo the best atten tion. RALPH SWAR13. Don't let the children sutler. If thev are fretful, peevish and cross, give hom Hollister's Kook Mountain Tea The best baby tonle known. Strength and health follow its use. 35 coats. Stono Drug Store. I To the Codufay People When la town take your taeaU at tho ' Stur Restaurant, 339 Court Street, ad joining Wade's hardware store. Meals at all hours, 15 cents. Phone 301 Red. Yout Banking No matter how small, no mattor how large. The. Salem State Bank will givo it caroful attention. This message applies to the men and tho women alike. Wo endeavor to ad vance tho businoss intorests of our customers in every legitimate way. In bo doing, our motives may be somewhat tiuetured with selfishness, for, upon tho prosperity of its pat rons, hinges tho success of every bank. Salem State Bank L. K. PAGE, President s W. HAZARD, Casnlex Poultry at Stelner's Market, Eg9 Per dozen, 15c. Ducks 1012c. Chickens 910c. Hens 12c. Frys-1210c. Harrltt & Lawrence. Eggs Por dozen, 16c. Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Potntoes 10c. Potatoes, sweet, $1.85. Onions 3dc. Applcs 75$1.00. Tropical Fruits. Dannnas 5c lb. Cocoauuts, $1.00 per dor. Oranges $1.75$2.00. Lemons $2.753.50. Live Stoclt Market Steers 330i. Cows 334. Sheep 4c. Dressed veal 6c. Fat hogs 5Vi c. Hay, Fed. , 'Baled cheat $11.00. Baled clover $1112. Bran $22. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Co. Butter 27c. Butter fat-30c at station. Orain, Hops and Flour. Oats Choico white, $1.40. Barley $2323.50. rlour$4.40. Wheat SOc, w. P0PTLand"market. Wheat -Walla Walla, S6c. valley 9293c. TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaqulna Leaves Albany 12.45 P.M. Leaves Corvallis 1:4B P.M. Arives Yaqulna 6:40 P.M. No. 1. Returning Leaves Yaqulna 7:15 AM. Leaves Corvallis 11:30 AM. Arrives Albany 12:15 P.M. No. 3 for Detroit Leavo Albany 1:00 P.M. Arrives Detroit 6:00 P.M. No. 4 from Detroit ' Leave Detroit 6:30 AM. Arrives Albany 11:15 AM. Train No. I arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, aa well as giving two or threo hours in Albany before depart ure of S. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connecta with tho S. P. trains at Corvallis aud Alba o giving direct service to Newport an adja cent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Broiionbush and other mountain resorts leaves Al bany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit about 6:00 p. m. For further Information apply to T. H. CURTIS, Acting Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallie. EXTENDING WINTEE BATES To Yaqulna Bay Which to People Wishing to Enjoy Nature's Beau , ties Proves So Popular. The low rates in effect from points on tho S. P. to Ynquina Bay during the winter, which proved so popular with the peoplo wishing to view tho beau ties of naturo at that magniflcont sea side resort, havo been extonded dur ing tho month of' April, and tickets will be sold on Wednesdays and Sat urdays until tho last of April, good for return at any time up to May 31, 1905. The month of April should bo a fa vorite ono for visiting the seaside, whero "Smiling Spring her earliest visit pays," and where tho health-giving breezes of tho Pacific will banish "Spring Fever" nnd other ills to Flour Valley, straights. $4.10: ora- which flesh is heir. ham, $4.00. ' Through Ticket Arrangements. UtUs-ChoIce white, $1.351.40. Millstuff Bran, $19.50, Hay Timothy, $14.50. Potatoes S5(g)95e, Poultry Mixed cbickons, per pound, lS12c; springs, 1415c; hens, 12 S13c fryers, 1820e; broilers, 22 25c5 geese, 78c; turkeys, live, 15 17c; turkoys, dressed, 1722c; ducks, old, dozen, $7S: sprine ducks. om 0.50. w Pork Dressed, 7flBSc Beef Dressed, 25c vcai 3ttSe. Mutton Dressed, 57e, Hops-1904 crop, 2823c Wool-Valley, 202le; Eastern Ore gon, 14lSc; mohair, 30c miTr' 10 IKmads aad upwa Butter-Fancy creamery, 2732Vi W, 1820c; cooking, lll2c. Cheese Young America, 17c; Oregon full cream, 16c. EggsOregon ranch, 17Hl8c Tickets from nil East Sido poiats to all West side points, nnd vice versa, via tho C. & E. aro also on sale; and on April 1st tickets to all West side points will bo on sale by tho C. & K. at Albany; and to all East sido points on tho S. P. by tho C. & B. at Corvallis on whoch baggage can bo checked through to destination, thus avoiding delay nnd annoyance to passengers traveling between East and West sido points. Full information in regard to rates, eta., can bo obtained from any S. P. or O. E. agent or from W. E. Coman, O. P. A., 8. P. fco., Portland, or T. H. Curtis, Acting Manager, a & E. R. B. Company, Albany, Oregon. tf 'M. SUNN'S onion CURES COUCHStCOLD,YII UP HOARSENESS &CROUfZw II VI 6t RaJ, for CUitiraa. PiMi to Saks and folntBfja,t. rbfstd f1jiIH Cart Mi trj ill Mfctefet Stecw In Urw itoeWej tar 60 e Matft enljr by D BOSAMO, hr.U H lh win mm rce AumpM tktU f2