if! " I v "a -ttt n $,; -U-. ft , Mrt i w AIL Y C APTT A! L JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1905. NO. 7 ilDENT WILL CALL POWERS CLAIM TO FEAR YELLOW PERIL HOMESEEKERS TRAIN GOES IN DITCH AN EXTRA SESSION JW tad Rate Legislation to Be Consider ed About October 1 5 Item, March 30. President iold a number of senators anil in this morning that ho ex pected to cal an extraordinary session" of congress for tho consideration of railroad rato legislation about October 15th. ICERS FIND DEN PULL OF BAD MONEY lont., March 30. Following j coins being found. lof L. P. Boyson and William i Ono .satchel of bad money is now en near Great lalls, on the route to Seattle, according to the con havo unearthed a counter-' fesstion of ono of tho prisoners. The In near Missoula, Montana, in officers beliovo that they liavo broken kck, equipped with all nppli- up ono of tho worst gangs of counter- i tho manufacture of bogus feiters infesting tho Northwest. RI UT10N TACTICS g, March' 30. Michaol Nov- an Austrian laborer, was with hatchet while lying in wife was nrrestcd, and con- Id 17 foreigners, who lived in were arrested for complicity. FATAL SUBWAY CAVE-IN S PETITION CZAR Itcrsburg, March 30. Sixty Jews, residing in 52 towns, 1 a petition to tho minister of or, asking tho abolition of dis- fcgainst .Tow's, and praying for Bequality of tho .Tows with otit is of tho Czar. I n resident Will Attend. fcnon, March HO. President today promised to attend tho of tho monument to Qonoral it Brooklyn, on May 30th. Three Men Killed. fcton, W. Vrt., March 30. In were killed by tho explosion or of a portablo sawmill here jl one was fatally injured. Linvillo has closed all gam- Now York, March 30. Fireman Sam uol Lillio was instantly killed today and several firemen were injured by a cave-in in tho subway at 103 street station, which was burned yesterday. Tho firemen were enrrying tho hose through a dark tunnel to extinguish tho burning timbers when tho accident occurred. To Fight Tuberculosis. Atlanta, Oa., March 30. Tho meet ing of tho Anti-Tuberculosis Lcagus, which will bo held in this city next month, promises to bo ono of tho most important gathering of medical men over hold in this country. Dr. George Brown, of Atlanta, who is at tho head of tho committee in chnrgo of arrange ments, is in receipt of advices which indicato that fully 1,000 delegates will attend tho gathering;. Irnportnnt pa pers from somo of tho world's greatest loaders in tho movement to stamp out tho dreaded whito plaguo havo boon prepared, nnd it is expected that tho convention will mark ono of tho most important steps yot taken in the agi tation against consumption. Conference May Rob Japanese of tie J Fruits of Thei Victories Berlin, March 30. Tho Frankfurter Zeitung says thnt a conference of tho powers will assemble in Paris to de termine tho conditions of peace. This is regarded as an indication thnt move ment is on foot to deprivo the Japanese of tho fruits of their victory on tho ground of tho "yellow peril." St. Petersubrg, March 30. The Rus kyoo Slovo states that reports that peace negotiations havo commenced have no foundation. The paper says equipping tiro fourth squadron will be completed liffcprll. Paris, March 30. A telegram from and Vladivostok has the Japaneso, and that St. Petersburg stntos that the railroad between Harbin beeu cut by heavy Russian slego guns, which were captured at Port Arthur, havo boon sent in tho , direction of Vladivostok. Tho guns ntt'Hn Pass havo been aban doned by tlio Russians, nftor sovero fighting. NEWSPAPERS ALARMED AT PASTORAL ADDRESS St. Petersurg, March 30. Tho news papers are seriously alarmed at the ef fect of the recent pastoral of the met ropolitan of St. Petersburg, M. Anton ius ns boing a directed incitement to tho ignorant peasants to begin a war of extermination against tho cntiro ed ucated class. Tho papers demand that steps bo taken to counteract the effect of hi1? statements. M. Onershkovsji, the famous Russian author, declares thnt tho address is an appeal to tho most fa nntical nnd most uncontrollablo of hu man passions, and threatens to start a conflagration, which neither tho gov ernment nor tho intellectuals can stop. Polico Arrest Dynamiter. St. Petersburg, March 30. The police arrested on suspicion a man at the Ho tel Palais Royal today, and several bombs wero found in his room. It is (Astoria, and ordered tho slot supposed thnt ho ia a dangerous an- hut down. archist. entity of Ptfice 0rvatvii.. ocsn'tMean "SKS. tityof Quality T ?- rinmt I ?i M f mil $& foe stores carry $2.00 shoes, lat doesn't signify thnt all $2 re of the same quality. Mies' Queen Bee Shoes rep- the highest quality of foot- owiblo to build and sell prof- a $2.00. have styles like illiiatrnMnn in Ann vtni kid. with either licht or ''f&. nn !, . l..l. fit. i 1 l...l. .ttl,A. i:nhl nr liniW . ..u nuuiu uiyje wim extra juy iicvis, ohh "K"k v ""-'.r I' sl,ef'al number in this lino is a light, selected calf-shin upper, soft M glove, made likn n iiraoo ah Vinf if in nno of the most sorvlce- Nmm weicrht nhn. .. m..v.i f IaJiM' Queen Beo Shoo is a full shape vici kid, plain toe, shoe, 'rv flexible turn iwl Tt ia fnr ir.1 tn1pr feet. All sizes in nnV jbove from 2& to 8. r8 to03t satisfactory $2.00 lino of shoes ever offered to the public Fjk't afford to sell this quality at the price if it wasn't for our ruO and economical hnsinpss methods. a Gunshu Pass, Mnrch 30. According to Ghineso merchnnts arriving here tho Japaneso havo taken ovor tho adminis tration of Manchuria and installed Jap aneso officials in plnco of Chinese. Thoy hnvo also established a Japaneso polico forco in Mukdon. Tho work of converting tho railroad from Dalney to Mukden into a narrow gaugo is com pleted, thus giving tho Japaneso three railway lines of supply. Fresh Japan eso troops aro arriving nt tho front. Tokio, March 30. Tho steamer In dustry, bound for Vladivostok, has boon seized by tho Japaneso. St. Petersubrg, Mnrch 30. According to n dispatch from Sitjase, the Japaneso column is reported 87 milos northeast of Shihimihni, nnd 74 miles north of Tlo Pass. The report comes from Ghi neso sources, but if true it probably moans that tho Japaneso nro conducting n wido turning movement. f St. Petersurg, Mnrch 30. It is now stnted that tho vnluo of tho war mate rials ruptured by tho Jiipnneso will reach $2,000,000. St. Petersburg, March 30. Dispatch es from Mnnchuria indicato thnt there will bo a resumption of activo hostili ties in tho near future. Japaneso proc lamations hnvo reached Harbin stating that, tho Mikado's nrmy intends to oc cupy lLirblnunhout tho middle of April. Probably a Fake. Paris, March 30. An unconfirmed report from St. Petersburg is published horo this morning to tho effect that Emperor Nicholas inndo an attempt to commit miicido, nnd wounded himself in tho hand. Tho rumor furthor says thnt tho Em poror's design was frustrated by tho in tervention of his mother, tho Empress Downger. LINCOLN IS NOT DEAD Chicago, March 30. The report cir culated about tho city last night, and published this morning, thnt Robert E. Lincoln, ex-minister to Great Britain, had died suddenly in Florida, is untrue, UNHAPPY RUSSIAN OFFICIALS St. Petersburg, Mnrch 30. At Dunn burg, Vietbsk district, today an un known man fired three shots at M. Bousiguine, usslstnnt police master, dangerously wounding tho otllcial. His Investigation discloses tho fact that Inssallant escaped. Toduy sovornl shots Lincoln left North Auirustn. S. C, last wero rei nt coi. j'rogoniliusicy, com night for Chicago, and is expected hero tomorrow. jaddtl0f& it&'wed' '- &&3BtKnek &Y ' twiner a irreat line of the New Panama Department. Baitings ia oar Drees Oregon Wheat Bashipped. Now York, March 30. Tho stenuv ship British Princes., which arrived here today from Antwerp, carried GO,- 000 bushels of Oregon wheat, which has beon reimportod by American millers. This consignment is tho third of its kind to reach this port within tho past two months, nnd from present india tions more in to follow nt no distant date. At the produco oxchange today no ono seemed nblo to explain clearly this round-about movement, but it is known that Northwestern millers fear a short ago of wheat, and consequently the ne cessity of a shutdown of tho mills. On this account they havo been reaching out in all directions for a supply of wheat sufficient to keep their mills go ing until the now orop is obtainable. Next yoar, it is said, no American wheat will bo exported, if millers enn prevent it, evon though it be necessary to pay premium prices to keep tins ce real for homo grinding. Denmark Broke laws. Copenhagen, March 30. The Daniih foreign office has received from Japan a demand for an indemnity of $100,000, tho Mikado alleging that the gevtrn ment permitted Russians to violate Danish neutrality in loading eeal and supplies aboard tbe Baltic fleet in Dan ish waters. This demand was entirely unexpected and it is now believed that Japan will mnndcr of tho troops, but ho oneiiped. Czar Not Shot. St. Petersburg, March 30. The ro port from "Paris to tho effeot that tho Czar attempted to commit Hiiicido and shot himself in the hand is doniud. FRISCO STREETS WHITE San Fraucisep, March 30. A light snow whs gtmerul throughout Califor nia today, the first time in yours in this section. Tbe snow fell nti tnr south as Sail Kernurdiuu. The streets hure aro whitt for Hi first time in year, sad oltizuus are eiiguglng In miowlwll fights on tho principal thoroughfare. Tho top of Mount Tamnlpnis is covered by foveral inthwr, and there is a very thin covering of mow on the ground in the vicinity of Ocean Beach. At Summit, tho highest point on the Sierras six feet of snow is reported. Railroads Favored Packers. Chioago, March 30. Prof of railroad discrimination in favor of the pack ers, it is said, has been laid before Dis trict Attorney Morrison by Frank 8. Monett, formerly at to coy-general of Ohio, who has been investigating. Chicago Market. make similar claims on IVane tor thel Chicago March 30.-Wheat, M2 same reason. 'l "J n Wi oat 2flVi29V. Winnipeg, Mnrch 30, The third sec tion of tho homesQckers' excursion, which loft Toronto Tuesday, with set tlers for tho Northwest, went into tho ditch nt Dryden, 85 miles east of Rat Portage. Tho nccidotit is said to bo tnw worst In tho history of tho Cnimtltnnt Pacific. All tho doctors in Rat Portage hnvo loft for tho scene. Railroad of ficials refuso to mako any Btatemcutsu About (500 passengers wore on tho tnimu DATE SET FOR MAY 5 Frank (lugliemo, tho Italian, who murdorcd his sweetheart, Miss Freda Gunrawia, in Portland, last June, bo causo sho would not marry him, was brought up from Portland last evening by Deputy Sheriff Morelnnd, nnd at oneo tnken to tho penitentiary to await death. Tho dato set for tho condemned inur doror's "execution is Fridny, May fi, 1905, and from now until tho flpnl day Gugllemo will bo plnccd In solitary con finement, with tho ' customary death watch over him. Tho aspect of tho prisoner is one of nbject fenr, nnd tho long confinement hns nlready loft its mnrk upon cheek nnd brow, so thnt wero It not for tho terriblo crlmo for whioh ho is con victed, one would almost pity tho man. When tho timo for death arrives it is likoly thnt Gugllemo will break down utterly, as ho is evon now upon tho vorgc of collapse. O'Brien Is a Hoodoo. Now York, March 30. While mak ing a preliminary trlnl trip off Fir Island today, tho torpedo boat O'Brlon broko a high-prossuro piston rod, nnd returned to tho Now York nnvy yard. Sho has sustained injury nfter injury on nil her trial trips. King Entertains Americans. Rome, Mnrch 30. King Victor Emnii uol today received Mi'. Meyer, rotirlng AmorJcnn nmbnssador, in a farevrell au dience. Tho klnir Invited Mr. Meyer nnd other members of tho American I ombnssy to dinner tonight. j EXPECTS HIGHER PRICE Kola Nois, of tho Albany Browinpr Company, is in tho city today. While. ho is not a hop bull, nnd has no inter est in tho mnrkot, having a supply suf ficient for his needs on hniul, yot hnr think that tho bottom prlco for1 tho 1H01 crop has boon reached, nnd loo&st for a rovlvijl In tho market during the spring;. Ho says tho Eastern browctw havo been running on a from hnml tr mouth policy, instead of plncing their year's ordern In October nnd November ns usual, for a supply to Inst them dur ing tho year. It requires about three-quarters of a pound of hops for overy 32-gnllon of beer, and thoro Is no other substitute thnt can bo used with profit. Tho big browcrs tried several years ngoo use a compound, but it wns not successful,, nnd thoy abandoned it. Thoro Is Jcoon competition between tho browing com panies, just ns thoro is botweon manu facturing concorns, nnd tho quality of tho beer must bo lnnintninod. Roosovelt Family Visits. Washington, Mnrch 80. Mrs. Rooso velt, with tho younger inombors of tho family, and a party of friends leavo to morrow for Florida, whonco thoy tnko, tho Pronldont'H yncht, Sylph, for cruise off tho southern coast; and possi bly to tho West India. Jews Oomo to America. Vienna, Mnrch 30. Two thousand! Jowa nro propnrlng to loavo OdoEsn for America, and a similar exodus from. Southwestern RuhsIiv is reported. iMf The Modest Price Stote Tho policy of this store Is in permitting nothing but depnudable mor oliaudlso ovor to bo offered over its name. Tho reputation of tho store for not exaggerating values or misstating facts, giving assiirhut'o thnt what is printed in our announcement will bo found in tho store, nnd that it will not shrink in vnluo upon cloo inspoctipn. - S RoyaT J suwiirsAut.iesiMa, Represents the Best on the Market The styles aro refined nnd linnd somo. Tho shape nro corroct nnd comfortable. Tho trimmings nro ur Untie, bountiful, but not overdone Thoro is nothing gaudy, or ditpleus ing; nil nro In good taste. Ask to see thnho beautiful creations. Waists and Suits $.25to$0 Spring Snits An unusual gathering of smart suits lhat all women will appreciate. Hllk Costumes, silk tullor made suits, silk shirt waist suits. Tailor-made Suits, high elass, in Cheviot, etamino, Panama, fanoy Sicilians, in all wanted shades. JiSiiii ill-" iii mmmSoKtW vmmmMmil fi Kills I Spring Suits ( Silk Petticoats Just received, a fino line of new est silk petticoats in all wanted shadings. Modest prices. All new styles, all rurw uiufcrjmls, modest prUea. Our prleeti tire from I&.Q0 to $9.00 eheupor for equal quul ity clothing than can be found rise whore In this city. Se eus for that spring suit. $tO to $25 j ,