SAtt OASiTAii JbtffiNAiU 8ALE& b&EQON. WEDNESDAY, fcAfe6tt 20, 1605. m iiiitwwmmwwwiiwBiw nfcrfTflTii TtU!UMtiit3(itimuimt ""WS'MKniUriii tiarmmtiiiid&tHMm i '$4ZZ&.- 3fe?"Ka,v... i-- 1 I A HEALTHS FAMILY V7'ftAl jmm m&mw mr-ri "ypiYl VW JCWrfev r 2551 I f i& J FOUR MEN ARE FREE .Is the one that can rightfully boast of pure blood. When the rich, red wine of life is coursing through the veins it im parts vigor and strength to the body and healthy action to all narts of the system. A healthy family is a wealthy family j it 'maybe poor in worldly goods, but possessed of a priceless jewel that all the riches of earth cannot buy. A healthy family may, not carry in their veins the blood of titled nobles or dis tinguished ancestors, but vigorous health is jalways an evidence of the ;best and purest blood, for the vital fluid contains all material necessary for the making of bone and muscle and the growth and development or ithe body, and upon its purity rests our chances for good health. When the body is fed upon weak, sickly blood the system languishes, growth is stunted, disease enters without hindrance, and the simplest maladies are apt to develop into serious sick ness. 4 In so many ways does the blood become contaminated that the fewest number succeed in keeping this life-giving, health-sustaining fluid inapure and natural state. We inherit the disease-tainted blood of ancestors, parents transmit to their children such impoverished 'and weak blood that their lives are a continuous battle againt disease, and from earliest infancy are harassed by sores and the most Noworkt ohlo lm dreadful Skin eruptions, and heirs to Some Oomo ten yoars ago I used your S. S. S. with the most old familv disease: No one has a riffht to satiBfaotory results. From childhood up I had been both oiu laniuy uibidbi. ino urn. uab i nui iu orod wUh bad blood, characterized by skin eruptions and throw Upon the Shoulders Of postenty a dlS- bollB, espooially bad in the summer. For five or six sum- ease that nnVht have been cured, or allow mors l hBd bollB ran8lns from avo to twenty in number Ti ti i luigutiiuvc ui.u iunu, or auuw ORoh BoasoI1( Our looal physicians prosorlbod for me, but the blood to remain impure Without an effort nothing they gave me did away with the annoying skin to restore it to health. Rheumatism, Ca- !Ji" "' "'f1,?VVU S22JS5SfitrlaJ5; t 7-5 , i r r 1 i r 1 burning aooompanying the eruption was terrible, and I had taiTh, bcrofllla and many Of the severer as high aa six bolls at ono time. My oondltion was truly a forms of skin diseases are frequently inher- P)t!abl" ,no whe- ,beBan s- s- ? it seemed to be just ... , , A. . i -1 1 ti the medlolne needed in my oaso. It drove out all impurl- lted, and only the most .thorough COUStltU- ties and bad blood and restored tho oiroulatlon to Its orig :tional treatment Can 'remove them. Bad Jnal strength and purity giving :m .permanent relief lrom .... Mic- ii i i,i ,1 tho skin eruption and boils. This has been ten years ago blOOd IS responsible for more ill health than and I have never had a return of tho disease. I would stato all other causes combined; it absorbs the nlB tuot my husband has taken it with goodresuits. poisons that gather m the system, and the germs and microbes floating in the air find their way into the circulation, and old sores and ulcers, Eczema, Boils, Malaria and a train of other diseases follow. If you do not conic of a strong and vigorous family and your blood shows evidence of im purity, nothing will so quickly bring it back to a healthy condition as S. S. S., the most widely known and popular blood remedy on the market. It purifies and builds up weak, san a sluggish blood and stimulates the circulation, and thus HHfc PIH jBiH r tie svstem f impurities. S. S. S. contains tonic as l nns we as blood purifying properties, and builds up the QHk H i general health, improves the appetite and digestion, and "rHfc B lafcB tones UP tne nerves while ridding the blood of all poisons Wtl HiF HalLir nu umors Nothing reaches old chronic blood troubles ike 5, s. S., and being a strictly vegetable remedy can be taken by old and young without any bad after effects or injury to the system. As a blood purifier and tonic at this season S. S. S. has no superior. It puts the blood in good order, removes all poisonous accumulations, invigorates all parts of the system and prevents that debilitated, tired feeling common to this time of year. Keeping the blood healthy is the secret of all healthy families. Write us if in need of medical advice, which our physicians will furnish free of charge. Book on the blood and its diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA. Freight Trnfflc Oontlnuoa Heavy Chicago, III., March 20. Ho honvy lit tlio freight trnfllo at pnwonl that , tho toads runulug east from Chicago ,uro reported 00,000 cars nliort of moot ing their present orders. Shipments of general merchandise aro now break ing all records. Unst-bonnd shipments lot grain havo nlno increased grontly, o that the roads nro prowed In liotli directions to moot tliolr neodH, Orders ;for additional oiiulpiuent -will havo t-o .lm Increased to place tho road in cany circumstances. It in also stated that tho voluino of west bound general inor- ichnndlso over tho Western roads In ho. Htiie Wing Sang Co Ohlun and Japanoso 1'aucy aooda and all kinds of Dry aooda, Bilks, Em. broidery Lacos. Mako up now lino Gents and Ladles' rurnlahlng Ooods, Baits, Wrappora, Bklrta, Walsta now . ww iincom aio cnoap. uy ouoy, euro for hondncbo, constipation, etc, Court atroet, Baloui, Oregon. Thono Bo nt J 0k Pcrrv,fl u Bt . , DlackfllBO. Jantcotl yond all prucodont, and tho equipment capacity of thoso roads, too, is taxed to tho utimmt. OflicialH Hay that, larQ iiH'tho voluino of morchnndlBo trafllc now in, it Id barely Biifllciont to meet tho commmptlvo nocosHitlcH of tho hcc tiotiH to which it is consigned. Tho uuTclmndlno N going into consumption just as fast an it ronchoH its dostina tioa. Country inorchaiits nro neoiimu lating no stocks, and, indeed, havo tllfll- culty in ettlnjj their goods delivered to tlii'in fast onoujjh to supply tholr immcdlato needs . Should tho year bring forth avorago crops, every road in tho country will bo in urgent need of largo additions to Its equipment.- Dot Olf Cheap. Ho may well think ho has got oft cheap, who, uftor having contracted constipation or Indigestion, la still able to porfootly restoro his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Llfo Pill. A quick, pleasant and certain Pennsylvania's Big Fonsion Roll. Philadelphia, Pa., March 29.-Thc Pennsylvania rnllrond's pension do- partmeut shows that during the five years of its operation there has been authorized to be paid in pension allow ances to the retired employos of tho company tho sum of $1,014,037.00. This expenditure docs not include tho expense of operation of tho depart meat, which is borne by tho company. During tho live years' application of tho pension plan 12, 1 1 S employos have been retired ns pensioners from tho ac tive service of tho company, of which number 700 have died. Of tho totnl number retired 508 were between tho ago of sixty-live and uixty-uino years, of whom 4110 were retired on their own request, witli tho approval of tho em ploying ollicer. Four men are happy today, for they are free; free to enjoy the liberty so long forbidden; free to go and come as they please, cstorday they were con victs in the state penitentiary, com pelled to do the will of others, now they aro their own masters, for they havo served their time and the law is satis fied. Tho names of these men aro as follews: Tony Desieh, sentenced for ndultory, and sent up from Olatsop county for 14 months; Olo Nelson, also frfim tho same county, who has served a two-years' sontence for larceny; Vic tor Howard and Elmer Ausbun were both convicted in Linn county for lar ceny. These mon -are now nt liberty, but tliero is 'another man who gained his freedom also. He wns a young ne gro, 23 years old, and death gave him tho liberty ho So longed for last even ing nt 0 o'clock. He came to the pon itentinry last December from Baker county to serve the two yenrs of his sontence, having been convicted of larceny. When ho arrived consumption already had its deadly hold on him, and the disease, coupled with the dis graco of his crime, soon caused his death, llo is supposed to havo rela tives in some part of Ohio, though the exact location is not known. It is probable thnt his body will be buried nt tho penitentiary. CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. A girl for gcnernl housowork Inquire at 434 High street. 3-28-3t Wanted Immediately a good girl to do house worki Good wnges to right party. Apply at southeast corner Twonty-first and Ferry St. 3-27-3t Wanted. Ladies to learn barber trade; 8 weeks completes; tuition earned whilo learning. Hair dressing, mnni- curing and facial inassago in 4 weeks; special terms now. Writo Molcr Sys tem College, San Francisco. 3-0-lm Wanted Men to learn barber trade; 8 weeks completes; position guaran teed; tuition earned whilo learning. Writo for term?. Mohler's Barber College, 044 Clay streot, San Francis co. 3-6-lm Frank M. Brown-Manufacturer sasu, uoors, mountings. All kind J house finish and hardwood JJ Front street between State and ConJ AEOHTTE01 yy. u. run-.Arnnitnit. i 1,,. una truteriiJ tondont, plans furnished for all eU es of building and structural .3 Ofllco 110 Stato street, Tioga blojl uiiwu, uivguu. PHYSIOIANS." Dr. E. E. Jaclrson-TreatTlnrdK oi uumuauo unimais. Offlco and 1 pltal at 16th and B strets, phoney irunu, MUHIO STUDIOS. I""' Americus vs. Becll. Baltimore, Mil, Marcli 29. Consid erable Interest is displnycd in the wrestling match to take place hero to night between "Americus," tho local wrestler, nnd Fred Bcoll of Marshfiold, Wis. Tho nrticles provido for a catch-as-catch-can contest for tho best two in three falls. It will bo the second meet ing of tho pair. On tho occasion of their encounter on tho padded mat Heell scored three straight falls. It will bo tho second meeting of tho pair. On the occasion of thoir first en counter on the padded mnt Beell scored three straight falls against tho local mau. FOR SALE. w For Sale. Block Minorca eggs, from prize-winning stock. J. II. Farrar, 207 Cottage street. 3-22-lm For Sale. A fresh cow, 3-year-old, Al, also good work horses, ranging from 1000 to 1500 pounds. Threo blocks east of I. O. O. F. cemetery. W. II. Botsford. 3-25-Gt For Salo. A herd of 16 of tho finest dairy cows in the country. Inquiro at Commercial Creamery, Salem Or. 3-27-lwk For Sale, 200-acro stock farm, $25 per acre. Inquiro of Wm. S. Mitchell, 332 Water street, Salem. 3-27-lm For Sale. Small dry fir wood, at $3.25 por cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Morningsido. 1-20-tf Music Studio Mis Helen UalhreathJ. M. room 8, opera houso building. ' cal, piano, theory, harmony and n'gl; "'""s 1H8-U "ric t. ..: t- j - iU.1D. uino xrurns, .io uourt street at tho Dr. Bowland House, vocal as: instrumental music taught. 3.09.1 LODGES. Salem Camp, No. 118, WoodoenoTt? World Meets in Holman Hall evtr Friday at 7:30 p. m. L. R. stinsot consul; P. L. Fraser, clerk. Forostors of America Court Sherww: Foresters No. 19. Meets Fridar jft. Tumor block. Ira Jorgensen, 0. R A. Li. .Brown, Sec. For Sale. Furniture and housohold goods and a cottage for rent. Enquire Union and Capital streets. 3-28-3t Princo's Tour to India. London, Marcli 2!). Tho Prince of Wales visited Portsmouth today to in spect tho battleship Henown, which has Ih'ou chosen to convey tho Prince and Princess to India. It is now stated that their majesties will embark at Portsmouth nnd sail for India on No vember 0, tho king's birthdny. Tho Henown is tho fastest vessel in the British battle ileot and is tho same ves sel that carried tho Duke and Duchess of Connaught to India for the groat Durbar in 1902. Character specialty songs, Thursday, March 30th, at tho Grand. mm 1 wl V HGWmvR- KJalMrW rjHHJaVrvjInVPi' friiir- " THE PICK OF THE, FOREST !! n Has been taken to Bupply tho utock of J 1 lumber In our yards. Our stock ia J J comploto With all kinds of lumber, Just received a cr load of No. 1 ehlDRlea, also a car of fine ihak'.!.!! Wo nro able to fill any and ,a.ll kind of bill, Come and lot ua ihow yon I ? ur stock. J J Yard and offlca aer a. P. passenger depot, 'Phono Main est QOODALE LUMBER CCS Mllll-f millliqKiatlMii.AeM Attacked Dy a Mob and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov ered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Buckliu'a Arnica Salvo, nnd was soon sound and woll. "T na,,l If In mv fnmllv " ttrritoa O .T Welch, of Tokonshn, Mich., 4,and find It perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only Mo at J. C. Forry's drug store. "MmmmmmmmmmmmmKmm A JUDGE OF PBIME MBAT3 Always knows what he wauta, aud knows that ho can always get it from our choice, stock. If you want a delicious roast, steak, ohap or cutlet that U tender, rich and sue cuUmt, and cut by an expert hand, trimmed and got up for your table to suit tho queen's taste, you will alwaya find it at 0K0S3' aud at lower prices than you wo find it anywhere elto In Balem. E. C. CROSS Phono 29L Miko Ward vs. Harry Cobb. Detroit, Mich., March 29. Miko Ward of Samla and Harry Cobb of HutTulo nr to furnish the windup at tonight's hoxiug show of tho Detroit Wheelmen's club. Tho articles call for a 10 round go at 1.10 pounds. Both nro lightweights of acknowledged ability and eleven! and are oxpeoted to fur nish one uf thd boat ItotiU seeu In this vUlnlty this winter. JfW 4 r fM. I , IS SCal7 For Sale. Fivo or ten-acro place, first class improvements. Close to school, church, postoffico and railroad. Ad dress "X.," caro of Journal. For Sale. Four old wagons, four old buggies, two carts, one now boggy, and an assortment of new spring wagons. Call at Salem wagou nnd car riage factory. "Werner Fennel, pro prietor, North Liberty street. 3-28-2wk For Salo 112 acros, with 60 ncres in crop, bnlanco in pasture. Plenty of timber for use Thero aro 18 head of swine, 18 sheep, CO fowls, 'ono good cow, one hnck and farming imple ments and household articles. Some, horsos will bo sold with tho placo. Prico $0500, $3500 cash, balance nt 0 por cent. Six miles each of .Salcm, on F. It. M. No. 0, C. Nelson. 3-20-lm MISCELLANEOUS. Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottlo block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. Theo. M. Barr Successor to Barr & Potzel, tinner and plumber. Hot air water and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Oregon. 3.2." A IESSON IN LAUNDEY WORK. Wo glvo to our help, and teach them tho necessity of fino linen that goes a groat way in preserving tho fabrics sout horo for ronovation. Anything coming from tho Salcm tSoam Lauudry will always bo found in perfect con'di tion, and bqautiful in both color and finish. Salem SteamLaundry COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. DOROUS D. OLMSTBD, Manager. 250 Liberty StreoL Phone471 A Tloaaant Way to TraveL Tho above Is the usual verdict of tho traveler using the Missouri Pacific railway between tho Pacific coast arid tho east, nnd wo bcllevo that tho serv ice and accommodations given merit this utatemout. From Denver,' Color do Springs and Denver thero aro two through trains dally to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric-lighted sleeping oars, chair oars and up to-date dining cars. The same excellent service is operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hot Springs, If you aro going oast or south, writo for partUulara and full in. formation. W. a M'BRIDE, Qen. A, 124 Tkird SL, Portland, Or. Kuon ledge is power YVkeBjoukaow our prices you can savo moay by trad ing with us. When you lack this ksowl edge you are at the werey of tho first higher price! store you hajp to drop into. Harntt& Lawrence Salem Iron Works Founders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machlnory. nop and fruit drying stoves, etc Manufacturers of tho O. K. Grubber. Shand & Marcus. 11-29-lm Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Cast Hall in Holmnn block, corner Stat and Liberty streets. Tuesday of Mti week at 7:30 p. m. T. J. Cronise,( U.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. Valley lodgo No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mu in their hall In Holman block, u nor State and Liberty, every Mt uay evening. visiting bretari welcome. Emil Donaldson, M. m A. E. Aufrance Recorder. Modern Woodmen ol America wi gon cedar Camp No. S246. Meal every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'cloj tioiman H&ll, a E. Matten, 1 C: A. h. Brown. Cltrk. DRAYMEN. Welch & Whlto do a generaldral and transfer business, meet trains. 'Phones, down town, Mail 2181, residences, Blue 15, red 207(1 Stand 218 Commorslal street 8-12-lJ WATLR COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAf! OFFICE CITY HALL. For water servico apply at ofie Bills payable monthly In adranx Mae all complaints at the offlco. i iJlilP jtfBBtfsB Gold Dust Flour Davey & Savage. Real Estato, Loans and Insurance, Conveyancing and Exaining Titlos. Notary work done. Bring us list of your property for sale, 492 Stato stroet, near High. 3-8-tf 3ay Havo you tried Edwards & Luach. tr" for meats. We have the best Bausago in town. Come and try it. and bo convinced. 410 East State street Made by THE SIDNEY P0W ER COMPANY, Sidney, Or gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for 1L Bran and shorts tlwayB on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT tBBBBBIBBiBiaUlMMJ H-frMH-n-H I I I I 1 i I I'H-M Zltms For Ice C earn I Take a pail home for lunch. H-H- ' 154 Stato Street. 104 Court Street. 8 1 I I I I I II I I I I CALL ON YOUR STEPMOTHER ATi tuo aaiem Dye Works whon you want your clothes cleaned, dyed, re paired or pressed, rellned, velvet col lars on; also suit pressed bv tlm month. You can get anything clean! ed, from a pair of gloves to tho most , elaborate silk gowns. Mrs. C. H. Walker, Prop., 195 Commercial street. WE Are-Now buying eggs. Call on' us ior prices before you soil. Com inereial Cream Co. 3-11-tf I Cleaning Dying and Repairing Neatly done. Pour suits proseed by the mouth, 1. At the Capital City Steam Dying and Cleaning Parlors." Opera House block. Miss Eflle Anderson. 3-25-5t Highost Cash Prico Paid for chickens, gce, aucjts ana all kinds of farm produce at Capital Commission Co. Telephone 331 Main, 177 Commer olal street, 8aIom, Or. 1-4-tf-dw Th0 Tillson CoDealers in chopped . soou, bran, hay, flour, dried fmitate. Hight stroeLadjoIaing epera ho- 3as-lm Found, A fountain pea. Inquire at journal office, 3-2S-3t Cueeping Upwards That's what we nro doing evJ day. All admit that our meals art oven growing better, and the croff aro growing larger daily. COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 05 Commercial Street O. C. T. CO.' PAeSENQER STEAMERS POMONA And Altona leave for Portland daily, except Sunday, at 10 m. For Albany, daily, txitfi 8unday, at about 6 p. m. & Corvallbj, Tuooday, Thursd ad Saturday tBp.o Dsk: F Trawta M. P. BAUBW1M, At.