! m Af -4ll & " jr- t -j fiun W AA-bAt 4jk-. - f -.- h fMM vfft , A1LYJDAPITAL JOURNAL fvOL. XV. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1905. NO. 7. ALBANY WOOLEN MILLS WILD SUBWAY TRAIN CAUSES cXPLOSiON WITNESS SHIELDS PLACED UNDER HEAVY BONDS flames Started in Drying Room Loss Will Reach $75,000 Albany, March 29. The Albany roolcn tor-ill was destroyed by flro this jorning, and tho cntiro plant is a total joss, mo names sianeu in mo drying loom, and -were- carried by tho main Briving bolt through tho mill, spread- Bug 60 rapidly that tho operatives had tardy timo to escapo with their lives. Tho mill was built by tho Moyer Company about 25 years ago, and has Lu a varied career. Tho citizens of Evlbany raised a large bonus for tho Ion3tructiou of tho original plant, and, Ifter several years, tho Moyer Com pany -went into bankruptcy. Then n local company purchased tho mill from tho receiver and operated it, but it was going to tho bad and tho machin ery was closed down, until Coppey and his associates purchased it about two years ago. Tho present owners, for a time, leased it to tho Oregon City Company, but havo been operating it for several months, manufacturing woolens for men's suits, tho goods being tailored in Portland. Tho loss will be about $75,000. iOVERNOR PARDONS BURGLAR PASSED LARGE FLEET Charles VnnDuyn was today par- loned by Governor Chamberlain, on the petition of all tho jurors who con- icted him, except one, who died about a year ago. Van iniyn was sentenced to servo fivo years in tho penitentiary or tho crime of burglnry, committed n Baker count". In tho petition tho easons given by tho jury for asking he mnns release nrc: First, that they considered tho;son- enco imposed too severe, nnd that, al cady having served 15 months, justice as been done. Secondly, tho young man is of excel- ent habits and disposition, when not ndcr tho influenco of liquor. Thirdly, when tho crimo was commit ted .tho convicted man was in a stato ot intoxication, bordering on non-nc- coimtability. Tho fourth reason stntcs that tho mau comes from a family of high stand ing in tho community whero ho lived; that ho has a young wifo and child, nnd that since his incarceration sho hns Icon compelled to work for a living to support herself nnd child. Fifth, tho jurors believe that tho young man has learned a lesson, and if now restored to liberty, his prison rec ord being good, will mako a useful and upright citizen. Tho flnnl clauso states that Van Duyn ij a young man, and, being such, is en titled to another chance. Tho Booth-Kelly mills at Springfield have resumed operation again, nnd both tho mills nt Snginnw and Coburg aro in full blast. The arrival of a largo sup ply of logs and tho rise of the river has brought about theso conditions. Durban, Natal, March 29. The steam er Dart, which arrived today from Ran goon, reported having passed on March 19th, 30 warships and 14 colliers, steam ing eastward, 250 miles northeast of Madagascar. GERMANS FIGHT NATIVES Berlin, March 29. An ofllclnl dis patch from Windhook, Germnn South west Africa, today announced that 11 men of Kerchncr's detnehmont were killed nnd 11 wounded in n fight with insurgent nntives on Mnrch 10th nnd 11th at Kosis and Giebants. Distinguished Visitor. D. M. Sheldon, of O'Brien county, Iowa, is visiting friends in the citv, and tnking in our town. Ho wns an old-tiiuo comrndo of tho Into E. P. Parkhurst, and is tho guest of Mrs. Pnrkhurst nnd her daughters, Mcsdames Smith and Lovclaco. Mr. Sheldon wns for many years county judgo of O'Brien county, nnd has heavy business inter ests thero still. Ho hns had a good visit with F. N. Derby, who was coun ty treasurer under his regimo for sev eral terms. Mr. Sheldon is pleased with Oregon, nnd may mako sonic in vestments here. CHILDREN CRY TOR FLETCHER'S CASTORlA. Identity of Price MO-WWg Doesn't Mean Identity of Quality All shoe stores carry $2.00 shoes, but that doesn't signify that all $2 shoes aro of tho same qunlify. Our Ladies' Queen Beo Shoes rep resent the highest quality of foot, wear possiblo to builll and soil prof, itably at $2.00. ""' We have stylos like Illustration in fine vlci kid, with either light or heavy soles, also the same stylo with extra low heols, eithor light or hoavy lole. Another special number In this lino ia a light, selected calf-shin upper, soft M a kid glove, made like a dress shoe, but it is one of the most sorviw W medium-weight shoes on the market. The old ladles' Queen Beo Shoo is a full Bhapo vici kid, plain too, shoe, with very flqslblo turn sole. It is for tired, tender feet. All sizes in any f tho above from 2 to 8. 1 tho most satisfactory $2.00 lino of shoes ever offered to tho public We wouldn't afford to sell this quality nt tho priee if it wasn't for our pt cash plan and economical business methods. " aSVVbs r. v WrS mm) j) J$&f?ze&' Szd eiSfe - n fy f:tzsged'. 33rvfa arc showing a great line of the New Panama Suiting in our Drew Qel Department. ' Now York, March 29. A runaway subway construction train crashed in to a "bulkhead at tho bottom of tho shaft, at 108th street today, and it is feared that several laborers lost their livos in tho explosion which followed. The shock of tho explosion was felt for nearly a mile, Tho polico reserves and two companies of firemen hurried to tho scone. Two firemen woro ovorcomo by smoke, while attempting to run a sec ond train through the tunnel to" the bot tom of the shaft". It is said that a qunntlty of dynnmito behind tho bulkhond wns exploded by tho concus sion, and tho timbers caught flro. RUSSIA POLAND OUTLINES TERMS St. Petersburg, Mnrch 29. It is ro- ported nuthoritativoly thnt Russia hns indirectly mndo known to Jnpnn the negative conditions upon which pence may bo concluded, namely, no cession of territory, no indemnity, leaving Jn pnn to determine whether negotiations can bo begun on that basis. It is un derstood thnt no reply from Jnpnn has yet reached tho Russian government, Another report hns it that Japan inti mated a demand for $300,000,000 ia domnity. SECURES REFORMS SU Petersburg, March 29. Tho em peror today issued n rescript addrossed to M. Maximovitch, governor-general of ijolnnd, ordering him to elaborate a scheme of roforms necessary for tho Tirostioritv of Poland, lint to Imvfullv j ami 'firmly suppress tho prosont disturb ances. Recalcitrants Must SuiTor. St. Petersburg, Mnrch 29. Tho gov eminent is tnking a firm stand ngninst Government Decides to Hold Him for Beef Trust Trials Chicago, Mnrch 29. Assistant Attorney-General Pngon announced today thnt tho government had decided to plnco John E. Shiolds, an Armour em ploye, of Brooklyn, under heavy bond to appear ns a witness nt any of thd trials growing out of tho grnnd jury investigation of tho beef trust. Shields furnished a bond of $10,000 to nppenr at tho July trials. Thomna J. Conner gonornl superintendent of Armour's, who wns arrested yestorday, chargon? with making overtures to Shields, who wns brought hero by tho governments aa a Witness. Tho nowspapor men ttcjJGp todny warned away from tho vicinity of tho grand jury undor ponalty of arrest. JEFFRIES WILLING TO FIGHT RECEIVE DOMINGO CUSTOMS Petersburg, March SO. Clilof of ,tho recalcitrant soldiers who refused to Karkovitch reports today tlint'K0 ? w,nr" At Platogorsk 40 million is no change in tho position of'0 trio'1 b-v court-martial, and two St. Staff there tho armies nt tho front, Russian sharp shooters on March 20th wero in a con flict with a force of Japaneso infantry and cavalry at Kliounn Chiline. Gonor nl Linevitch inspected tho second army, and found tho troops in excellent condi tion. St. Petersburg, March 29 Vivo-Ad- miral Uoubassoff, who acted as com missioner for Russia at tho internation- ring-loaders were shot nnd 38 given 18 years penal servitudo in chains, N Hart Won Fight San Francisco, Mnrch 29. Marvin Hnrt, of Louisville, was given tho de cision over Jack Johnson, colored, of Toxns, after 20 rounds of hard fighting. Tho j fightors, compared with Jeffries, aro very bad second-raters nnd tho talk nl commission investigating tho North of a bout between Hart and tho chain Sea incident, hns been appointed nide-dc-cnmp-genoral to tho emperor. St. Petersburg, March 29. A promi nent dlplomnt said tedny: "Tho gov ernment is now for pence, but will con tinue to prepare for war." A commission, undor tho presidency of Grand Duko Nlcholciovitch, is care fully reviewing tho situation in refer ence to tho prosecution of tho wnr, and I expects to maKo a compioto report 10 tho omperor within ton days. London, Mnrch 29. Tho Exchnngo Telegraph has a dispatch from St. Petersburg, which says that thrco army corps, ono consisting of grenadiers, will bo mobilized. pion is pure rot. It is not thought thnt tho sporting fraternity of this city will tolortite such a match, and if it should eopifloff it will fall through on account of a lack of patronage. Now York, Mnrch 29. Jim Jeffries, tho heavyweight champion, this morn ing declared his willingness to meot Mnrvin Hart, if tho public desires him to fight tho Louisville puglislt. Ho says: "I am glad that Hart won, as this places tho nogro out of tho run ning. I will retiro from tho ring thlH year, nnd when I rotiro it will bo forever." Shoo Factory Innuost. Hrockton, Mass., March 20. The In quest of tho oxploHion of tho boiler nt tho Qrovor shoo factory begnn todny. A nnmbor of porsons nro still missing. Andrew Hushnoll, ono of tho injured employes, died todny, making a total death list of OS, Washington, .March .29. Socrotnry Tnft wbr In consultation with tho Presv idoul this morning regarding tho ap pointment of Amoricnns- as rocolvora of customs In Santo Domingo. Fivo or ilr will bo appointed, ono for each of tho principal ports. 13. O. Ithodo, of Haiti more, will probably bo receiver of San to Domingo city, with gonornl super vision of tho other rccolvers. Italy Incronsoa Array. Home, Mnrch 29. Tho premier hns agreed to tho demand of tho minister of war, to voto 26,00,000 lire to compioto Italy's military armaments, Hay in Gibraltar. Gibraltar, Mnrch 20. Secretary off Stato Hay nrrlvod this morning, after a pleasant voyage Hay's condition Is much bettor, nnd ho is improving every day. Ho will start on a tour of tito town at 10 o'clock this morning. At his own request, no ofllclhl rccoptlov was tendered him. Chicago Markotfl. Chicngo, Mnrch 20. "NVhont, $U2? com, 4r4'i; tM, 202. . ' -- - r. tsMMjiM waMatMJwrPMarwi I Mfck. 1 HsHBHiHHMRHKam VBnHBUMBMHHHMH"VKaav mm - . m i I The 1 Home I of Quality jflKh cJfteiete&3oriA Salem's Bst Store London, Mnrch 20. Tho ontlro issuo of $75,000,000 Japanese loan was over subscribed by noon today. Groat crowds besieged tho banks In an offort to secure part of tho loan. Communication Cut Off. Loudon, Mnrch 20. The-Timos' St. Petersburg correspondent telegraphs as follews: Tho ontiro nbsonco of pross and pri vate teloRrnms frm tho front, togothor with a lnconic mossago from General Linevitch tonight, ilnted Harbin, nnd saying: "No roports from tho ar- mios," ovolves fears that communica tions have been cut, nnd that tho Jap anese hnvo turned tho Russian flank1. TODAY ONLY Wednesday Special Sale No. 22 i An cxvoptionul bargain day for tho men. Ono long to bo remembered and taken advantage of. 1'or today only we place on sale, at much less than their real worth, a full lino of MEN'S UNDERWEAR' Of Who Striped Cotton L'ndershirts each, but fqr today and Drawers in a full rnngo of sixes. Theso garments regularly sold at (10a THIRTY EIGHT CENTS Roosevelt Acted First. Washinuton. March 29. Tho action of tho government, which is crodltod as being tho initial stop townrd an', arrangomont for poacc, wns tnken by President Roosevelt about Fobrunry 15th. Minister Takahira, tho Japaneso representative here, visited tho White Houso and outlined to the President what would constitute a basis for pcaco negotiations. The President subsequent ly ropeated theso suggestions to M. Jussernnd, the French ambassador, and ho cabled them to his government at Paris, whenco thoy wero transmitted to St. Petersburg. The basis on which Minuter Takahi rn diMugaed peaoo with President Roosevelt was the" acknowledgement of Russia of Japanese interosts in Man oburiu, tho joint international manage ment of railroad Unas in Manehuria, nnd tho transfor of Port Arthur to Ja pan. It is not known hro what sugge tions are ndvaneod by Russia ns prelim inary to beginning poaoe negotiation. March Snow Squall. The weather for tho last few days has been unusually cold for this time of tho year, bo that overcoats and heavy winter elotuing ha beea roiwli in evideBe. The uow width has fal len on the foothill has been tho eause of the lowering la the teperftture, as the wind blowing off of them Is cooled to a greater degree At press time tbu afternoon a light enow fell, though not enough to mako any impression. (MP Petticoats lilack mercerired sateeu pettieontu with 12-Inch flounce, trimmed with four rows of bands, 3-ineh dust ruf fle, eorded bottom. Regular 11.585 value, this week 08 Covert Jackets New and up-to-date garments of beet goods at the met reasonable price. $7.50o$7.50 RICHARD HUDNUT PERFUMES Groat tusto and skill nro neces sary to compound jiorfumos success fully. Quality 1h tho first consldor ation throughout tho manufacture of thoio high-elasK Amoricun pen funics, and eonmnnors will find them moro plonsiug than tho imported goods. Tho already established trado mark HUIWUTINE Is guaranteed of absolute excel, lenco and superiority. Tho following odors ran be found at our ceunter: LILY OP TUB VALLEY. WOOD VIOLET NAPOLEON VIOLET SWEETS ORCHID VETIVERT WHITE HELIOTROPE JOCKEY CLUB vmaiNiA ROSE IDEAL PINK WHITE ROSE PEAU D'ESPAQNE WHITE LILAO As well ns a largo assortment of tho best artlelcu for tho tollot tabic. Wo nro plnased to show you that our prices aro ns low or lower than elsewhere. Gloria Shoes MNOREB MADE. For women. None bettor nt any prico. We ean fit you perfootly In tho newest styles. $3.50 Spring Hats Bpring shlpmentH nro hero and ready for your choosing. lints In tho faddinh and conservative slmdctt and shapes. $2 to $3.50 i B B Shirts for Spring Wo can boast freely that tho shirt exhibit at this store outclasiCH any display in this city. Tho stock Is twice tho Uo and bettor selected than our last yenr'u great showing. Coat shirts ami rcgulur models, cuffs attached or detached. Finest Imported percales, Madras, Oxford and lineus. rjxclunlvo patterns; at every priew 'taut 50c to $3.00 IHEN'S SHOES Spring stylos. In al) leathers. Rest value In the city. $3.50 KJ23BS&8U UR1