Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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MAY, 1004, 13J287.
Some of tlio newspapers are publish
ing atorlee how Oregon will seo hun
dred of milo of railroads built this
coming ywr,
It is high time thit policy wero
tadaAed if tho preeeiit railroads xpt
at hold this field.
La ist year it Is stated only eight miles
f railroad ware built and Orogon
wtocxl at ike bottom of the ludrtor.
It 1 to be boptd this is something
Tt)pshlW mare newspaper talk ajuljtliat
n Iff i
ttbs jwllcy of Htrangoiaifoi
Tlii) revival of" tntaraat in railroad
IbiAUHrijr. is probably due in part to
Abo pa ag f the Killlngaworth bill.
tObdcr tb nporatltni of that law any
jflliHrt ltranek line is able to live and
jjr ears Had rate with ordinary Reed
Thero will probably Le more miles
tot irolloy linos built than of standard
Ujuago railroad but there are signs that,
?both kinds are coining.
They cannot como too soon for Ore
'jgon or for tho benefit of the railroads
llifinsolvos. The policy of repression
7nnst boaomo one df iiggroMion and ox
jmnsioir. One of ho purines of tho Willanv
eire Vnlloy Development convnntlon
mil to stlniulnto railroad construction
and promote trollop Unas.
Ilettor train service will be needed
Ao brinjr the visitors to tho Lewis nnd
'Clark fair to the remote parti of tho
Ono of tho demands of tho commit
4c on transportation apjioliitod by
Hint convention will be that as ninny
people as possible get into the interior
of tlm sUits.
IVhilo tho railroad companies liavo
o a Kred deal tho past few years
itntnilld up tho state, thoy will bo cnllod
wpon to do more in tlio building of
mew linos. Tlmt has boon too much
In nny lino of busliiRss or manufac
turing tho wise policy involves exton
tslen of tlio business, enlarging the
plant, developing now fields of bust
"iiMis, fully occupying tho territory.
That Is what tho rnllroads of Oro
gou must do if they would moot tlio
situation fairly in tliolr own Interest
And tho people boliovo thoy will do so.
MANDED. Tho Alaska scandals and land oflloo
xllscloaurtvi would Itidlcuto that bettor
atandard have got to bo adopted for
federal appointment in Oregon.
Tho standards domntulod by President
Ttaoscvolt linve tint boon fully arcepted
liy tho Itopubllcnu loaders.
Tho crowd that wants tho federal
appointments WW pending In Oregon
eoutuln the numws of some extgllent
jnon nnd ft whole lot of Mor onpn.
Qunllfloullons, hontwty, strict Integri
ty nro not Inuoutisteat with Ijtjtug n
jjood Itopubllcnu.
Tho drunkard, tho gambler, the slot
machine fiend, or tho man otherwise
ArnlesM and rokle i his conduct ura
not wanted.
ft wither does the party owe n wan
anything who niwoly worked his padi
lion in the legislature to get some olub
over the datamation.
Appoint should not only ut cleau
and able but should 1h men wkwo
)mrnetar unit nbiitlut! tiaud fur some
thing lit the euniiitHHity;
Too many lHftn are holding fodorul
offlee all over the eountry whoiio poet
lions arc due more to pull nnd push
nnd graft than to any relation they
occupy toward the ishmm of the peo
ple. Neither are Mtea In prominent pinto
In tlu pwrty who, nwwmaml bml.ipn
for aplntint fit for hlgjj $
tho rieplo good construction. Tho
oliange from 1V inah floera to inch
floors Is a small mistake, but will cost
dearly in the long run:
In the same way If construction is
to be slighted all the way through a
ehoap building will be n dear building
In tho long run. It is rconlled that
a number of state buildings had to bo
re-floored In a few years.
In the same way the oxterior walls
should be of good pressed brick and
not have concrete copious over the
windows to stain the brick.
The public have, som right to con-
aidoratien in the matter of a public
Tho public must tako what they can
get, but tlio people eaa still ask that
the job be not made rldieuloue by eheap
construction aad poor material. Let
the people at least get what they pBy
Denied a divorce from the patient
wife who shared the hardships of his
youth, accused of excessive drunkenness
ami of driving his daughter to the
grave by malicious accusations against
her mother and his wife, Buffalo Bill,
onee tho proud hero of frontier stories;
is new a dspied old reprobate, stripped
of honor and naked lieforo the g7C of
the world.
Thirty yoars ngo, tho wife whom he
1ms ncucscd of being ineompatable
ami jealous, lived in n sod hut on the
Morth I'lntto, daring tho murdorous
Indians, nursing her infants, doprivod
of civilized associations and boreft of
all the pleasuros of a luxurious home,
all beenuso of her lovo for her thon
gallant seout nnd huntor, Buffalo Bill.
As sho Ijas grown old iu his service,
she became despised, and at Inst ho
dotermlnod to cast hur off in hor old
ago, for n more dnshlng young woman
whom ho had found among his show-women.
Instond of granting his divorce, tho
Denver court strips tho old rako
nakod, and points tho flngor of scorn
at Mm. Let him take his medicine.
Hereafter let us mention his namo
only In disgust. Tho man who casts
off his wlfo because she has grown old
is tlio worst yot.
Dry, mout, scaly tetter, all forms
of eczema or salt rheum, pimples
and other citaneous eruptions pro
ceed from hamora, either inherited,
or acquired through defective di
gestion and 'saiinilation.
To treat these eruptions ith
drying med jines is dangerous.
The thin ' u do is to take
Hood' 3 Sarsqparilla
aid Pills
Which thor- ughlycleanse the blood,
expelling nl humors and building
up the who v' system. They cure
Hood's !t- , jr.lln psrmsnentlr cnredJ.
0. Hloea, Frwi . III., of eczema, from which
be hit unr t for lomo time; and Miss
Alvlna Wolu- Jo 212, Alcona, Wis , of pim
ples on her f. - -u.l bock snd chafed skis on
ber boils. 1 v wi.'cb she bod been creatly
troubled. Ti" it- are more testimonials In
favor of Ilood a than can be publiahed.
Hood's Sarcaparilla promises to
euro and koupo tho promise
What Ails Bussia.
With a clatter of hoofs tho party
dashed down the way and into the
great gates of the palace, but as they
passed there was to see a man who
sat in the carriage, tho man for whom
all tho splendor of arms and panoply
11- -1 ..A ktlni. Tt rvna lltlf ftin
.,.,.. i ,!, tn'seouentlv are never without it
hang a first impression but it told on itively restores the .ppctr te, bulJU up
b .t. J. . ,, -o 1 tt.o r,.n-,lnn svstom and cures Dyspep-
nio Wltn an cuect 01 uismay. rrameu,-- .n.. TUHnn
and overshadowed in the black hood of
No Other Remedy
Can take the place of the celebrated
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters in the
thousands of homes iu which it has
once been used. They know its valuo
as a remedy for all family ills, and con-
it pos-
answers tho Prosldcnt, "I have read it;
you can examine me in it if ou wish."
April Contnry.
Tho Catholic Sontinol observed St.
Patrick's day witli a fine edition of
that paper printed ontlroly in green
ink, Tlio editorial mnttor and contents
wore devoted to the patron saint of old
Ireland in n manner so enthusiastic that
It must havo warmed tho hearts of ull
friends of tho little island.
President's Rapid Reading.
I liavo no record of tho President's
xocent rending, but it is not n secret
that he Is ''keeping up the pnee."
fjomo of my friends ro still "rending
at" Morloy's three thick volumes of
(llnrintc-' "Lifo," The President, of
courMo, read them promptly, gaining. T
nut tuld, not only n fresh, but a much
nioro fttvo ruble view of the great lead
er, whom ho eonfeK!ed he had hitherto
failed to understand. A publisher not
Bits About Dress.
(By Cynthia Oroy)
Dross trimmings will bo brighter this
year than formorly.
While brown i a popular color for
suits, bitio is a staple color for full and
Kxcoodingly olognnt gowns will be in
good tasto if mado in the gray shades.
Tho cheaper grays are not good.
Plum and mulberry are new hados
in rod.
The new bright cloth and velvet will
bo usod with Bomber suits and gowns.
They nrc especially good as vests, cuffs
and rovors.
t'oppor sliados are popular and will
bo combined with colors which seem im
possible in such combination. It takes
an artist to uso colors with effect. Itcd
is about tho only pno of the fashion
able shndes with which the copper tints
will not be used.
Shndes of tho snmo color will bo usod
togotlior more than will contrasting
Silk gowns will bo lined witli a
liglitor shailo of tho oolor of tho gown.
The round full skirtn require stiffen
ing. Many of these havo crinoline to
n point above tho knees.
Tho longth of tho round skirt will
m cither nnklo length or just touching
the floor. The ankle length will bo
worn more thnn at first seems likely,
being employed in the reception gown
us well us in the street gown.
his carriage, I saw, bolt upright and
motionless, a little figure immaculately
noat, with a face of dead pallor. Fair
hair and board duly dressed to a point
failed to withdraw from it a quality of
dolli3hnftss; an uttor vacancy, the empi
tiness of soul-weariness ind futility,
governed it altogether. Against its
dark background, it stood forth as
blank and white as paper, a thing awful
in its corpse-like impassivity, yet pit
iable, sorrow-stirring, and sad as a
child in pain. The hands, I think, were
crossed loosely on the knees, and I
know that the eyes stared unwinkingly
in front. It was a tragic effigy of
wearinei3 Jhat tho cdriassiers guard
ed, a body shrining a soul worn and dis
tressed, a visible and warning token of
tho dread that stalks through lhisia.
Four seconds, and the carriage was
past; but I wondered then if perhaps
some humble, czar-worshiping man
might not havo seon his emperor face
to face for'the first timo in the grimly
ineffectual doll that flnshed past be
tween the horsemen. April Met'lure's.
sia, Indigestion, Constipation, .Bilious
ness, Headache, Spring Fever, Colds, La
Grippe, Malaria or Female Disorders.
We urge a trial.
Arc You Engaged?
Engaged people should remember,
that, aftor marriage, many quarrels can
bo avoided by keeping tholr digestions
in good condition with Electric Bit
ters. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S.
0., says: "For years my wifo suffered
intensely from dyspepsia, complicated
with a torpid liver, until sho lost hor
strength and vigor, and became a mere
wreck of her former self. Then she
tried Electric Blttors, which hclpod
hor at once, and finnlly made her en
tirely well. Sho is now strong and
hoaltljy." J. C. Perry, druggist, sells
and guarantees them, at 50c a bottlo.
Waiting for Eoje.
Mombasa, Eat Africa, March 27.
Ships arriving here report that 34 col
lier", mostly Gorman vessels, were an
chored at Jibutil, waiting for Admiral
Rojestvensky's fleet.
Attacked Tiy a Mob
and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov
ered with sores, a Chicago street car
conductor applied Bucklin's Arnica
Salve, and was soon sound and well.
"I used it in my family," writos G. J.
Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find
it perfect." Simplygrcat for cuts and
burns. Only 'Joe at J. C. Perry's drug
Latge ShjjJ
meat jkssi la
Rotircmont of Captain Shomakcr.
Washington, D. C, March 27. Cap
tnin C. F. Shomnker, chief of the rev
enuo cutter servico, was placed on the
retired list today, having reached the
ago limit for activo service. Captain
Shomakcr has been in tho servico for
mnny years and at various times has
beon in charge of the Gulf district, tho
Atlantic district and other divisions of
tho service. Ho will probably be suc
ceeded by Captain Worth G. Ross, now
commanding tho cutter Mohawk.
Twenty Years' Trial.
There nro lots of good things tho doc
tors know nothing about. Wo frequent
ly euro pcoplo of dlsenso aftor tho doc
tors havo given thorn up. If tho dls-
oaso comes from overwork, dissipation
or oxposuro, causing weak and watery
blood and loss of flesh and strength,
wo havo tho ono sure remody in Dr.
iGunn's Blood nnd JCervo Tonic. These
I l.l . 41... Xl -.. ..1. I
..... K ,,.., ..- ,..v ...r. "'""" tnblots taken with meals turn tho food
MituM! to Imvq his eye on tho author nto rlch rw, b,00l,( mBk 8tronff(
of their hBHB. and uhw and tk... h ; toa,u. norvo, nu(1 increa8ing tho
,.rlvt Utter, full of HW'rwIiitloii,. ,th pr0fluc B0d flo9h nt the
whW . through the publisher s,rate 0, 2 to 3 ,,oumj8 wook ThIs
lianas on thH way to an author. In the , honthf D ,tB B0 Dr.
thlk of tl campaign of 1001 I happen Qunn,9 j,,,, nQa N(rvo Ton,Q fof J5a
to know that be re-mwl all of Macau-1 bflx 0f 3 b(UOS for $ F()r neryou8
ley's "History of Kngland." 1 o , prostrati loM of n)omo or a
IU1UUIW lunuuij 111 1MB U1H"I
States" and Dickens' "Martin t'lnix
alowlt," i
Tho other nfternnW he ws hnndod
a now hooka not very long dissorta
tlan on n matter of current interest.
That evening he entertained numbor
of guesta at dinner, nnd later there wai
a mnslaal parly nt the Whito House,
sallow complexion, a better romoay
was novcr made. Doctors know nothing
about this remedy only tho fact that
wo mnko cures, which wo havo boon
For snlo by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist,
Boards and Bills.
Bill had a bill board," says an ex
change. "Bill nlso had a board bill.
The board bill bor'ed Bill so that Bill
sold the bill board to pay his board
bill, then the board bill no longer
bored Bill." Another exehango sug
gests in line with the tale of Bill's
board bill and Bill's bill board that if
Bill's board bill bored Bill as much
as Bill's bill board bored Bill, why
not "board" Bill with a board from
Bill's bill board and throw Bill's
board bill and
Bill's bill board over-
w aiM8 cawntci
shop of
I G. F Mason
Miller Street, Lcuth Salem.
PHONE 2101 Red.
We now havo a full stock of Hy
acinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus,
Snow Drops, Jonquils and a nieo as
sortment of Chinese Sacred Lilies.
Would be pleased to havo tho public
call and inspect our stock at
Savage & Fletcher
322-324 Commercial St.
'Buy A
Bank Df aft
never risk your money in t
mails. For absolute safety, at
trifling coat, buy a draft at U
Salem State Ban!
L. K. PAGfc, President
&E.W. HAZARD, Cashlei
onl a.iv.a Ilia Iilam tln.jwtlt A na.
....., v.. . a nv tuu, AJVIVUIto a mct-
"I mil there id a woman at the bottom of
With tho dalUwrHtM UtMtloH at
Kpoadtng 50,000 for n high wkool
building, the ttahMU ftfluHtl Iwird U1
well have afforded to ko Mnrd tk
Mmm of dikTrNt atthlicet.
BtthMtt U vol richly Wjppttlrd vlthJ
iHMUtlfvi imubo bttildlMKa. The bt
pia f half a doau of the bt ar
hHeU emild kits ba urd aad
cUeie fr aMMMtg thw taka.
The )ivHiMHt ptrtie Imibiiag
la Artn anA squatty fr au 100,l00
itruoture. But that is net the fault of
tho people f this elty. Thoy had no
Bol itjt t the style f that Mid-
?hn elty hall and the rw aira
mu ut phtia ttnttMrta. llto, new
hwl h l ty tho wuio'nrehItet
and will proWabl have tita ulvatag
if baruiaaldajgr with tiiM bildlg iu
many wajt.
But whatever It shall Iwk like, lot
th lwrd of cducrttion at tat glvo
Family Row Aired.
A family row was nirod In Justice
at wktth he was present. At luncheon, .Crittenden's eourt at Hubbard, Wed-
tfcp next nay, tlio vfivir sbUI to nun; nwHtay, with Herman Uppotlnm as
"Mr Prosident, of course you havo plaintiff and August Onron as defond-
..! Im.l Iiua ii li.L ,lf Miuf lu.V- "
"Oh, vos." said the President
have road it." Whoreupan he provod all such tragedies, ami in this oaso it
that ho had done so by his criticism was Miss Nolllo Murray, who has been
df the work. One day, lately, a book making her home with the Uppodnhls.
of short stories was sent to him; nl- It swrns thai the Uttw have oxervijed
tut ' return mail name a letter parental authority over the girl tu n
QityiMug the MNtdor and twytag he had rtnia extent and had forbidden her to
alrtady oHJayed th stories greatly in atttwd a certain daac last Saturday
serial pabllentloa. ! night. The Kirl disntgarilel their ob-
"IIw dM ha mattHge to da It!" All jwtts. wwt to the danco and did
I kuow about thW U that, tit the first. Hot ret ura until axt morning. Iu tho
plaec, he hu by nature or Mmtit tha rkniag that followed later on, it
fattdty ftf twlrH)- ratd rwadlag, ' Hppard that Mr. Uppentahl struck
There' re MHe a of Iwtlwa aad w attmHt4 t utriko tho girl, who
t'ftMMM) tttadws" who have Mvr ran senMiatiMR tm th hou followed
bea able to 4?ulr thU art. Others V)' Mr. Unnodahl. Aueust Gara. who
eaa tako ia taragrphji or vpm welt- was out ia tho yard Jigging tlfrkwerms, .
aigh at a glrtHC The Proeit inhM heard tho racket aad rushed to the
be on of thiMO ikhotogfajkhie readare, girl 'a aaeUtaNeo aaTl dealt Mr. Uppc
wUv take ftlwMt Iwtuatly the lwprw-' dahl a blow over tho head with a shov
aioa of a whole pragranii or mry a 1, intiletiag aa Mgiy wound, A gen
whole page, tho y ruanlNg along thu ernl wlxnp fo)owl in bih Cawius
tine with HghUlMg-liko rapidity, nnd Banders, it is alloged, also took a hand,
loaning to the Htr liMHortaHt phrasos but finally Mr. Uppedahl got tho shovel
as by luitlneU I have Laown the fob,' away frew Garoa and sturtcl for the
lowing to eccur: A coagfOMat&n makivs house to get his title, but was provent-
ittatMHoat te htm aad hands hiut n.cd by his wlfo. It oaded bv uppodahl
' I w
Successors to Burroughs & Fraser.
Plumbing? Tinning
and Roofing
Cornice Work, ncating and Building Work of all kinds; estimates
made and work guaranteed,
367 State, Street, Salem. Phone 1511.
::::::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::t
GR AINbdyers and shippsrsof rp J
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphar.
J. 0. Grata, Agent, 207 Commercial St.. &lem. On
! gwcBeEeBacgMgiiMitasgoB0E6gaJg
tyjvcwrlttcu ivtper. AlHtoit liwcllate
Jx.lfes rmi4t fcJ U uH i!
whereupoa the ogrMtan says dcp
rtlDgly: "Mr. Prwldent, way I net
having Oaren arrested for assault.
After hearing tho evidence, Juitiee
Crltteadea concluded that tho. charge
against Oaroa could net be utaial
Iero thU ivaHr with youf I am anx- iu tho distriot court, and dlehargd
ious that you. should md it." "But," tho defendant.
Sold by all Salem Groceus.
i The Entine Town
And tho country, too, go when
thoy aro best, easiest and quick
est served when they want
meal, nnd that's why they all
go to tho
I White House
TmHII(ilHMII iiiiH
And Altona leave for Portland
dally, except Sunday, at 10 .
m. For Albany, daUy, except
Sunday, at about 6 p. m. For
Corvallis, Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday nt 0 p. m.
Deck: Fitt at Tradtt CtrMi
What .
Salem Has
When asked by a stranger or any,
one what Salem has of distinction,
toll them ono of the best restaurants
on tho coast, tho
Cafe Imperial
H. E. SYMES, Prop.
Just In
6ur new Uno of 1905 wall p-v
per has just arrived. All les
patterns at reasonable pr
Call and see our stock and be
convinced that our pp" ald
prices aro right, Bemember the
E. L. Lemmon
299 Liberty St
Phone 2475