Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1905, Image 1

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    Lgjglrt an xucsuat prooaoiy inur;
, toalg&t; warmer Auvouajr.
NO. 72.
ill Investigate Railroads and Cat-Systems
When Through With Beef
March 27. The investiga- Goodman, of Chicago. It is said that
, of the beef trust was resumed to-
I by the federal grand jury. Tho
r -will have additional advisers from
the inquiry will likely last two months
I longer. It is declared that when tho
I government hns finished its investiga
tion of the packinc industry, it plans
in District Attorney Baxter, of to tnj0 up tl0 raiiron,i nmi private car
Ilia, and Assistant District Attorney lines.
ft, Petersburg, March 27. As a coiv
lienco of tho decision to send tho
hiis remiments to war, tho soldiers
mutilating themselves in order to
lipe service, it is said tnat some or
i guards cut off their fingers, while
lers used drugs to produce palpi-
lion of the heart. Hundreds of such
3 have been discovered, and nn in
stigation is in progress.
Tokio, March 27. The Business
Men's Association are arranging u
monster celebration of tho capture of
Mukden for April 13th, the anniversary
of tho accession of Emperor Jiminu
Tenno, CCO, B. C.
President of South American Republic
Makes Proposal for Settlement
"Washington, March 27. Secretary tho proposal of President Mortnlos, to
Taft, who is acting secretary of state; ' select nn American to tnko charge of
Assistant Secretary of Stnto McAdoojtho customs of Santo Domingo nnd sn
nml Senntor Spooner, of the senate 'porvise the payment of American and
committee on foreign rclntions, held a ' European claims was under consilium
lengthy conforeneo with President tion, but no conclusion had boon
Hoosovolt today. Taft nnnounceil thnt reached.
Neiv York, March 27. An explosion
East river tunnel this morning
It tho top of tho tunnel out, serious-
Injuring five workmen. Tho air
Msure wns so heavy that ono work-
p was forced up through tho river,
litre ho grnsped some debris nnd was
O z
A Royal Housewife
Berlin, March 27. The Crown
Vinco hns taken a singular stop to
wire his future wifo's domestic hap
ess in ono very important pnrticu-
?. Ho has sont his chef, Ilerr Neu-
ma, to Cannes, whore Duchess Co-
lie of Meckleuburg-Schwerin is stay
mi to study tho cuisiuo prevailing in
-e household of her mother, tho Grand
tohess of Annstasin. Hcrr Neumann
Biil carefully noto how tho dishes are
fpareil, and nbovo all ho is expressly
;etcd to study thoso particular
Brtes which nro tho Duchess Ceeilio's
Writes, so that alio mny continue to
JJoy them as Crown Princess.
For a short time Saturday afternoon
there wns excitement gnloro in tho
neighborhood of Liberty nnd Court
streets, caused by tho obstreperous ac
tions of ono Snm Berger, who, ufter
filling up on liquid refreshments of n
stimulating character, proceeded to
wnke up the inhabitants of thnt district
with touching renderings of tho latest
popular airs, interspersed with selec
tions of bis own manufacture. His an
tics, howover, attracted the notico of
Sheriff Culver and Chief of Polico Cor
nelius, nnd they proceeded to take him
to th ccalaboosc, whero ho languished
until ho Imd a hearing this morning.
Tho arrest had sevoral sensational
features attached to it, nnd was not
accomplished until tho delivery wagim
of tho House Furnishing Company wns
brought into action. Berger made n
gamo fight, and positively announced
thnt ho would not accompany the offi
cers to jail, but changed his mind, af
tor a timo realizing thnt tho way of
tho transgressor is hard.
Paris, March 27. Tho Echo do Paris
has recoived n dispatch from St.
Petersburg which says thnt persons in
the immediato circlo of tho Czar's
friends and advisors dcclaro that peace
is impossible. It would bo disastrous
for the government and the prestige
of tho army to mako peace at present.
This conclusion is drawn from the fact
that tho court influonco is in favor of
continuing tho war, and hns prevailed.
Yalta, Crimea, March 27. Tho situa
tion 'here is becoming worse. Tho riot
ers have destroyed nenrly all tho ware
houses nnd vodka shops and tho polico
station. A number of tho shops have
been set afire. Troops nro guarding
the government buildings, nnd rein
forcements -have been ordered.
St. Petersburg, March 27. Tt is
stated that General Batinnoff has been
nppointed to command tho third Infantry.
San Fruncisco, March 27. Tho supe
rior court today hnnded down n de
cision in which it is hold thnt the pro
li.ting in British Columbia of tho will
of Alex. Dunsmuir was illegal, on the
grounds that Dunsmuir wns n resident
of California. Tho proceedings in
British Columbia aro declared void,
ami the will must bo rendministercd.
U.'iiier tho will James Dunsmuir wns
executor and solo legatee, depriving
Mrs. Alex, Dunsmuir, now dead, nnd
her daughter, Edna Wnllaeo lloppor,
tho actress, of any sharo of tho $8,000,
000 estate. Mrs. lloppor instituted tho
1 rcceoding in which tho decision wbr
rendered today, and, tticroforo, glvon
nn opportunity to contest tho will in
hin state. '
Woodmen Initiate One Thousand.
Tho Woodmen of th oWorld nro hold
ng a rally in Portland today, and will
initiato 1000 new membrrs in that or
der tonight. Many Woodmen from the
vnlley aro assisting in tho work.
No Special Sale
You'll find them as low as tho highly advertised "special for one dny
only" salo prices. Our splendid showing of
Mohair Sttitings
In our dress coods dennrtmnnt is nttrnetinir the attention of Salem's
best dressers. Have you seen themt Our assortment of new spring styles in
and Oxford Ties
Is much larger thun we have shown any former season.
V.Var 13f . ntr inr rV
n .Which stands for nrnmi stvfe. crood fit
nd reliable service.
fjS if ( -
.6sr J w
22syv&& to&d& Ustwe-
Grows Want avafv orfUl pivot satisfaction, ami wo undersell "regUf
New York, March 27. Aftor ono of
tho stormiest voyages of hor enreej:
tho Hamburg-Amorican liner Protorin
nrrived today, from Hamburg, which
port sho loft March 12th. Constant
westerly gales and hoad seas was the
Pretoria's experience. Ono suiuunn
wns washed overboard. Three birtlis
occurred in tho stcerngo during tho
passage. Among tho passengers was
Lieutenant Wargo, of tho llusslun
army, who is on routo to San Francisco,
to look after Ihissinn truusport affairs.
Hono, Nov., March 27. Tho 7-yonr-old
son of Zurl Hamilton, who was
beaten over tho head with n hammor
by his fnthor, lat night, diod this
morning. Tho mothor, who wns benton
over the hoad with tho snme wonpon,
at tho Mime time, is oxpootod to livo.
Hamilton shot and killed himsolf im
mediately after ho attempted tho
double murder. Mrs. Hamilton re
fuses to mako a statomont, but it fs
bolievml that jealousy wns the causa
of the tragedy. Hamilton had sued for
divorce, but tho couple were recon
ciled last weok.
Circuit Court Session.
Judge Galloway oonvoned depart
ment No. 2 of tho oirouit court this
aftornoon, and handed down the fob
lowing decisiens:
T. A. Livesloy va. Wolf & Son and
tho Southern Paoifi Confpany; decree
for plaintiff. This wit iuvolvwl th
right of the railroad eompny to ship
hop claimed by the plaintiff under a
B. B. Smith vs. D. W. Smith sad II.
R. Smith; decree for defendants.
T. A. Llvealey vs. A. Helse, Itaekael
Ilclse and W. C. Heise; daaree against
A. Helw with eosta, but dismissed as
to other defendants.
Tennessee Train Wrecked.
Clarkeaville, Tenn., Mareh 7. A
fraioht wreak occurred on the Louis
ville k Nashville railroad near here to
day. Pour men arc reported killed, and
one ecrleusly Injured. Ten eara were
31ovcJand, O., March 27. Mrs. Chad
wiok this morning rofused to lenvo tho
county jail to go to tho federal court,
whoro a motion for a now trial for her
was to bo held, iiBsortlne that sho was
unable to dress, owing to nouralgia. I
Tho federal authorities ordored that
force be used, if necessary, but acting
upon tliu advice of her atttornoys, Mrs.
Chudwick onusontod to appear without
further protest. Attorney Sullivan and
Assistant flurry nnd Attorneys Dowlay
anil Wing, raprosonting Mrs. Chmlwick,
nrguod the motion for a now trial.
The motion for the now trial is based
on technieal grounds, nnd on the clnjiu
thnt the jury was not properly dniwn.
Tho argument attracted big or .wds, as
it is believed, should tho motion bo
donlod by Judge Taylor, that he would ,
promptly sontenco tho prlsonor.
a av-Cigarette Away.
Seattle. March 27. U. I). Croaker,
collector of Internal revenue, perionnl
ly put a stop to tho operations of two
women, who, in gloss show oases, ono
nt Cohen's cigar stand on Seeontl av
enue, and the other at Prince 'a, on
Pint avenue, ware rolling cigarettes,
dewoMtrating a brand of cigarette to
baceo, and giving them away as snnv
plaa. The claim will be rnado that the
demean rat ors were disposing of tobaa-
ttt ea which tho government tax bad
Ml bees paid. Mr. Ooeker visited
a nuraoer oi cigar stores yesieruay
aBd siezed a quantity of atock found to
be in violation of the federal atatutea.
Washington, Mnrch 27. Plans for
tho organisation of tho Fnnnmn cnnnl
commission are boing rapidly porfected
by President Eoosovolt and Seorotnry
Taft. It is announced thnt tho retire
ment of tho present ineinbora of tho
commission nnd th enppointmout of
their successors is expected within n
dny or two. It Is stated on good1 nac
thorlty that Judgo Charles Ei Mngoon
will bo ono now commissioner, arid wilH
not ns governor of tho onnal zone and?
minister to Pnuninn. Chief Engineer
Wallace will bo retained, nnd rondo au
promo in nil nmttors portnlning to cn
giuoering features of tho work.
London, Mnrch 27. The Jnpnneso
loan of $15,000,000, half of which is
selling this afternoon at n premium of
26 per cent. Tho prospectus will to
formnll issued tomorrow.
Rnh Act Wliilo Dcspondont..
Uavonsdnle, Wash., Mnrch 27. Eva
Thlbnut, ngeil 18, shot herself yestor
day. Tho bullot entered hor left brenst
just missing tho heart, penetrated tho
loft lung nnd cnmo out of tho back
just ut the left of tho spinal cord.
Sho wont to her fathor's saloon this
morning and nskod for tho laundry.'
Upon receiving it sho wont to tho of
fice nnd took u 14 Colt's rovolvcr nnd
took tho laundry to hor home.
Concoaling tho rovolvcr in her coat
sho wont out in tho timber about half
ti milo and shot herself. Her people
becamo uneasy at hor disappearance,
wont in scnrcli "of her, and found her
lying bosido n log in a dying condition.
Another Bomb Victim.
Warsaw, March 27. A bomb wns
thrown into tho cnrrlago of Daron von
Nolkon, chief of polico of Wnrsaw, nt
8 - 'clock InBt ovenlng. It wns roportod
that tho baron wnH soveroly wounded.
Portland, March 27. Hon. Joseph Bu
llion will uppenr for Congressman Her
mann in tho land frnud case. Mr. SE
mou is very confident thnt thcro la no
caso whatever ngainst bin cliont. Si
mon 1h not retained In any of tho other
cases. o
Excltomont in Moscow.
Moscow, March 27. Tho excltomonC
created by tho nttctnpt lost night to
kill Baron Von Nolken, who wan n vic
tim of a bouib-thrower, lina not tmli
sided. Tho revolutionists are taking hAi
vantago f tho opportunity for tho dis
tribution pf incondinry literature, nniW
thero la almost a rolgn of terror. Nol
kon owes his lifo to tho fact that the;
bomb wan thrown behind tho carriages
Instead of under It,
Wobor Not Sontoncod.
Auburn, Cnl., March 27. Adolp&t
convicted of tho murder of his mother,
wan not HOiitoncod today, owing to the
illness of Judgo Prowott. Tho sontenco
will probably bo passed noxt Monday
Weber's attorneys will mnko u motion
for a new trial.
Special Sale No 22 1
For Wodnosday, Mnrch 20, wo offer u spoolnl bargain salo for tho iiutn.
From tho price ooiicohhIoii on this wile wo untlcipato nn extraordinary
salo. 'Twill bo to your ad vantage to lay In u full supply. For thin dny 'a
selling wo offer an oxcoptlonully flno lino of liluo Striped Cotton.
Full rango of sizes, our regular 00c grade. Kithor ahlrt or drawers nt
tho exceptionally low price of