W - mm I !;: .j-;-.; iX There are no teen remedies family medicine. we might mention yellow dock root, thorn bark, senna leaves, burdock root, cimi- cifuga root, cinchona bark, Phytolacca root. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is certainly a medicine, a genuine medicine, a doctor's medicine. Hd by the J. a. Ayer Co., UnrM, Sim. Alto mannfietursr of ATBR'S HAIR VIGOR For th9 hlr. AYER'S PILLS Tor amttlrkiMnn AYBR'8 CHERRY PBCTORAL-For cough.. AVER'S ACHDMW fiauito -d r,8. BvmnaBiaaMnBaHBHHBHIlHHi ARMY HOLDS JUBILEE New York, March 25. Today there was begun in this city a great jubilee celebration of the twenty-fifth anni versary of the establishment of tho Salvation Army in Amorica. Tho af fair will continuo four days and prom ises to bo notable in tho annals of tho world-wide organization. A quartor of a contury ago tho number of Solva tion Army members in America was eight. In striking , contrast, thcro aro now gathered hero to tako part in tho jubileo somo five hundred officers rep resenting ovory stnto and territory of tho nation, and many of tho Canadian provinces. Theso officers, in addition to tho local contingent, will conduct a series of jubileo meetings during tho noxt few days in somo of tho largest meeting places of tho metropolis as well as -in tho hoadquartcr's citadel in Fourteenth street. Tho first country, outsido of Eng land, to bo ofTcctod by tho work of tho Salvation Army was America. As far back ns 1872, when it was in its em bryonic condition, and was known only as "Tho Christian Mission,'' ono of its converts, "Brother Jormy," found his way to Cleveland and thoro, to uso General Booth's expression in answer ing his letters, "raised tho banner of tho mission." It was impossible at that early (Into to send reinforcements and hence tho work fell through with tho departuro of Jenny. In 1879 n second start was mado by a family named Shirley. This time it wns in Philadelphia, in an old factory. Tho urgent appeal, for holp sent to Qonornl Booth mot with an immediato responso and in February, 1880, Commissioner George Scott Eailton, with a band of seven, landed in Now York city. Op position, ridiculo, persecution, and even imprisonment woro met in those days. Nono of those things, however, served to dampen tho ardor or quonch tho zeal of tho littlo band of workors, and ero long it was apparent that tho Salvation Army had como to Amorico to stny. Tho first convort of tho Army in Amorica was "Ash Barrel Jimmy. J' A notable character ho was; a drunk ard, a gonoral nuisance. Ho got his nnmo from tho circumstances of his rather strenuous conversion. "Jim my" was accustomed to search in the rofuso of tho ash barrels and gnrbago cans for food. Ono cold night, when drunk, ho lost his balnnco and fell in a barrel head first. Ho was too drunk to iclp himself, and as tho passed his head frozo fast to tho sldo of tho bar rel. A passing policeman saw tho feet sticking out and rescued him. "Jim my" was frozen so fast to tho barrel tho policeman seized him by tho feet and draggod him, barrel and all, to the station house. Thon, when ho was suf ficiently thawed out, thoy sent him, by way of a joke, to tho Salvation Army. From that timo "Jimmy" was a changed man. no was converted in tho Army meetings, and becaiuo a use ful and oarnost member of tho Army, rising to tho rank of captain and re maining iu tho ranks until be died, a few years later. Tho Army confined itself for yoars nlmost entirely to purely spiritual op erations. But with tho arrival of the late leaders, Commander and Mrs, Booth-Tucker, in 1895, tho latter of whom was killed in a railway wreck at Doau Lake, Mo., on October 38, 1003. the soflial or philanthropic, side. of tho movement was brought to they DAit '"St!. IEl less than four in this standard Among them sarsaparilla root, stillingia root, buck front, and institutional work of a most activo form was begun. Farm colonics, with tho object of assisting the poor, but worthy and industrious married men to obtain a homo, wore established in Ohio, Colorado, and Cal ifornia. Tho difficulties mot with in their establishment were overwhelming and seemingly endless, yet today theso colonies, in exccllont condition, exist as proof positivo that the schemo is not visionary, but a practical one, and ca pable of almost unlimited extension nnd improvement. notols for workingmon and tho samo for women havo been oponcd, whoro clean, comfortablo accommoda tions can bo secured for a moroly nom inal sum. Bcscuo and children's homes, and many other institutions 'for holping tho poor nnd noedy, nro also successfully conducted by tho army. At tho present timo tho standing of tho Salvation Army in America, rough ly estimated, is as follews: Officers and employes, 3,700; corps and outposts, 736; institutions for poor and needy, 13; farm colonios, 3; expondod nn- nually in poor roliof, $300,000. During tho last 25 years tho mighty organization has como to bo recog nized by all classes nliko, not only in America, but in almost oyory part of tho globo, as among tho greatest agen cies in oxistenco for tho reclamation and reformation of criminals of all grades, and for tho practicnl, perma nent aiiling, without pauperizing, of the poor and unfortunate. . O' Proposals Invited. Scaled proposals endorsed "Propo sals for construction of Salem High School," will bo received by tho board of school directors of Salem district N. 24 until 7:30 p. m. Saturday, April 1, 1905, nt tho polico court room, city hall. Bidders aro invited to bo present. Separate bids will bo rccoived for tho construction or tho building and tho heating nnd ventilation. Tlans nnd specifications can bo seon at tho ofllco of W. D. Pugh, Salem, Or. Tho board resorves tho right to reject nny and all bids. Bids must bo mado out on blank forms, which can Uo secured nt tho architect's office n. O. FLETCIIEIt, 3-22-td Chairman of Board. Beady to Eaco at Memphis. Monphis, Tonn, March 25. Every thing is in readiness for tho opening noxt Monday of tho spring mooting of tho now Momphis Jocky club. Tho sta bles aro flllod with fast horses nnd all indications point to ono of tho most successful meetings over held here. Eight stakes will bo decided nt tho mooting as follows. Throo for two-yoar-olds, Gaston Hotel, four furlongs, $2000; Ardello, Jour furlongs, $2000; Memphis, flvo furlongs, $4000; ono for 1-vnnr nlila- TTnltl (InVnSfl. Onft mile. "noo- four for 3-voar-olds and up. ' Montcomory handicap, ono and one-. sixtoonth miles, $5500; Ponbody Hotel . haudicap, ono and onoolghth miles,' $3000; Tennessco Brewing soiling stakes ' sovon f urloncs, $2500; Cotton Steeple-' ohaso Handicap, about two milos, $8700. Attacked ty a Mob and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov- ered with sores, a -mcage sireet ihmr cauB, why finance should conductor applied Bucklin's A1"',,,,! be pasfl0(1 on or before the aext Salve, and was aeon sound and well , ar Meot,Dff oMhjS common e.anelJ, "I used it in my family," writes O. J. 1Jt- m f o( MareJ m5 Welch, of Tckonsha, Mich., "and findi w M00RE8, it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25e at J. u. rerrys urug store. Pine Shoe Repairing attho Toggery. 3.23-tf bAJtftAi, idtfetfAi iAHt 6itt; gAfctfSBAS', ilA56fi 08, 1038, ii ii iTiMamiiffiaiMiMgiiiwaBMiiiririwnMiwiitaaBMMBwaMMaMiBMM BAY STATE AT PORTLAND PAtE. Massachusetts Will Erect Building At Lewis and Clark exposition. Portland, March 25. -The stato of Massachusetts will bo ropresontod at tho Lewis nnd Clark exposition in n manner crodltitblo to the stnto and to the exposition. The stato commission has between $20,000 nnd $25,000 at its disposal, and this will mtvko possiblo a most oxcellout representation nt tho exposition, sinco parts of tho buildings nt St. Louis can bo used at Portlnnd nnd many of tho displays used at tho 1904 fair may bo utilized for tho western oxposition. Fivo carloads of exhibits hfciveaV ready arrived and nro stored in somo of tho finished exposition palaces, and work on tho stato building has begun. Massachusetts will bo ready loug bo foro June 1, tho opening day. Tho dis plays already arrived represent nn ex penditure of $40,000, while furnituro worth $8,000 hns beon moved, from St. Louis to Portland. Tho Massachusetts exhibits will bo displayed in tho stato 's building, a new ruling having recently been made which permits n state to tako such ac tion. This will eunblo tho people of tho Bay Stato to sco what their com monwealth has on exhibition without tho bother of a tlrcsomo tour of the buildings. Tho state will make an ox tcnslvo display in almost every de partment, but will fenturo tho educa tional and manufacturing exhibits. Every largo city nnd almost ovory smaller city in tho stato will havo its school display, tho exhibits being fchown in soparnto cases. In tho department of social economy, Interesting exhibits will show tho work dono by tho stato prisoners, and tho inhabitants of tho deaf aud dumb school, insano asylums, nnd similar In stitutions. Other exhibits will show how Massachusetts builds model roads, how tho city of -Boston has built up Its wonderful park system, and how It geta its wator supply. Boston's wator system is excolled by only ono in the world. Especial intorost will attach to the Massachusetts stato pavilion, which will bo distinctive In doslgn. The building will bo located on Lewis and Clark boulovnrd, opposito tho Oriental oxhibits building, nnd within fivo min- utos walk from tho entrance., Tho biuldings will bo built in the colonial style, tho front bolng a replica of tho famous Bullfinch front of tho state- Ijoubo on Beacon Hill. When tho now Massachusetts stato houso was built somo years ago at a cost of $3,000,000, tho old building was town down, but tho original front was retained, tho ro tontlon entailing onormouH expense. Tho central room on tho first floor will bo nn oxnet reproduction of tho sonnto chamber of tho old stato houso in Boston, while tho "Historic room" on tho second floor will bo a reproduc tion of tho presont spnnto chambor. In this room will bo dlsplayod many priccr less rolics of Colonial times. It is expected that tho Massachusetts building will bo dodicatod on Juno 17, tho anniversary of tho battlo of Bun kor Hill. Hon Wilson II. Fnirbunk of Warren, is tho stato 's executive com missioner in chnrgo of Bay stnto in terests at tho oxposition. o A Pleasant Way to TravoL Tho nbovo is tho usual verdict of tho traveler using the Missouri Pacific railway between tho Pacific coast and tho cast, and wo bellevo that tho serv ice and accommodations given merit this atatemont. From Donvor, Colora do Springs and Denver there aro two through trains daily to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric-lighted sleeping cars, chair cars and up-to-date dining cars. Tho samo excellent serrico is operated from Kansas City and Bt. Louis to Memphis, Little Rock und Hot Springs. If you aro going oast er south, writo for particulars and full in formatioa. W. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agfc, 124 Third flt., Portland, Ore. Notice to Alter and Establish Street Grade. Notice is hereby given that an ordi nance to alter and ostnblish the grade f Commercial street in tho City of Sa lm, Oregon, from tho south lino of the donation land claim ef William IF. Wilson and Uliloo A. vnuson, his we, claim No. 44, to the south boundary line of said city, was introduced in the common couacil of said city and read the first and second limes nna reicircu to the committee on ordinaaees, en the 7th duy of March, 1005, and all persons interested aro required to appear and '4 Q City Recorder. MODEL OYBTBB HOUSE. iU Court Street. ue best meals in the city for the price. Quick service, eare and eleaaH new our motto. Phone EMC Mala. MRL JENNIE HEADRICK, Prep. DO YOU GEfl UP WITH A IV AMU BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful H H i . cures u Mi Kilmer' I Root, tl Mlncy, liv cures uiaue Dy JJr. s tvnmt the great kid- cr uuu oinu - dcr remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of tbc nineteenth century; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney aud bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful iu promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Dright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and iu private practice, aud has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which nil readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, alson book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findoutifyouhavekidncy or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biughamton, N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent nnd one- dollar size bottles arc HosMcrfBwMnMUx. sold by all good druggista. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Biughamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Aro You Engaged? Engagod pooplo should remombor, that, after mnrriago, many quarrels can bo avoidod by keeping tholr digestions in good condition with ,Eloctrio Bit ters. S. A. Brown, of Bonnottsvillo, S. O., says: "For years my wife Buffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until sho lost her strength and Vigor, and bocamo a moro wreck of hor former solf. Thon sho tried Electric Bitters, which hclpod her at once, and finally mado her en tirely well. Sho is now strong and healthy." J. 0. Perry, druggist, soils and guarantees them, at COc a bottlo. To tho Public. You are respectfully requested to call on tho undorslgncd and satisfy yourselves that tho wines, liquors, ci gars, etc. at 221 Commercial stroot are the best in the city. Now patrons, ns woll as old, will recoivo tho best atten tion. RALPH SWARTS. Cheapest and Beat Shoo repairing. Tho Toggery. 3-23-tf MMaeeanaetcMiMWf &! ALL KIND8 OF FRUIT TRAYS AND ORCHARD BOXEO Attko shoe of G. F Mason Miller Stroot, South Salem. PHONE 2101 Rod. fniiiiiiiiitmiMMMKmi ir iSLS A. L FRASER Successors to Burroughs & Frnsor. ( t Plumbing, Tinning and Roofing Cornlco Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds; oatlmatea made and work guaranteed. 307 State Street, Salon. Pkone 1511. mmitA G E N 1 BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. fil? AIWBDYJRS AND 8H1PPKR80F GRAIN Oats For Sale. HOP PROWERS SUPPLIES. Cfgfa aa J Qticfc SttlSBPf. J. G. Graham, Agent, ?07 001.1 st.,&i, o. TimiiMf EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER Sold by all Salem Grocers. wnMiw.mii.t"?ii-Tiri BTTTiiiTiiinrMiiniffligiiiiwniMTi'""- 'Tir-m-tr Oollogo Baseball Begins. New York, Mftteh 25. The collegiate bnsoball season begins today in earn est, tho, teams of a number of tho big eastern colleges emerging from their training cages to mnko their first np pearanco on tho diamond. Tho two immes in which most nubile interest centor8 MQ thoso of Ynlo and Ford- ,, . ,, , , . , mini ni -I'uruunui, unit inucuiuu umi Ursinus at Princoton. Thoso aro merely In tho nature of practice games for tho two big universities, nnd will glvo tho critics nn opportunity to draw a lino on the condition of tho players ami form an opinion as to their proba ble performances lator in tho season when they will lino up for tho cham pionship contacts. I nnddltton to these two games thoro nro eovcrnl other contests of moro or less importance scheduled for tho day. Georgetown Is to meet tho Maryland Agriculturnl collogo at Georgetown, nnd tho Univorslty of Virginia and tho University of West Virginia nro to cross bats nt Charlottesville. Lafay ette, which is on its nuuual spring trip in tho south, hns a game scheduled with tho North Carolina Collego of Agriculture at Ualoiglu Besides theso there aro sovoral games sehodulod nmong tho collego nnd schools of les sor note. o For Now Trial in Tuckor Oaao. Boston, Mnss., March 25. Argument was heard beforo Judges Sheldon nnd Sherman today in tho motion for a now trial in tho cnao of Chnrlca L. Tucker, convicted of tho murder of Mabel Pnjro .it Weston. Docinlon was reserved. Tho condemned youth con tinues to bear up Woll, seldom speaking of his enso, but making frequent inqui ries regarding his family and particu larly na to tho condition of his father, who has been in a state of prostration sinco tho end of tho famous murder trlnl. OirXLDREN ORY FOR O ASTORIA. FLETCHER'S Wo now have a full stock of Hy acinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, Snow Drops, JoaqulU aad a mice as sortment of Chlnoso Snored Lilies. Would be pleased to hnvo tho public call nnd inspect our (took at Savage & Fletcher 322324 Commercial St. Mj C Y O Fmtmt lHHWiMMil A I FULL 5 1 UCK. Sa,em State ae Lawn Mowers Latge Ship meat Jst la R.IVI.Wadc&C Buy A Bank D aft Nover risk your money in tfa malls. Tor absoluto nafoty, at trilling cost, buy a bank. draft at tuj L. K. PAGE, Pfinirfittt IE. W. HAZARD, Caafck l IHIIIIIIIIII M-I'M'H J Tic Entkte Towfl And tho country, too, ge whe they aro boat, easiest and quick est served when they waat a meal, and that 'a why thoy all go to the f White House Restaurant IMIM Ml Ml 'M O. C. T. CO.' PAftMfHHER TIAMIM POMONA And Altona leave for Pertl4 dally, except Sunday, at 19 a. ra. For Albany, daily, except Sunday, at ebeut 9 p. a. ler Corvallis, Tuesday, Tkaradftf aad Saturday at 0 p. ca. Dcfc! Pm. 9t Tntto M. P. ALVWIM, At MMMMMMJKi Wiat Salem Has When asked by a itrangac w as; one what Salem has dlstiaetijH tell them one of the beet rtMtaaraa( on the coast, the Cafe Imperial H. E. SYMES, Prop. KLXNC1BR BLOCK. i Jttst In 'Our now llae o( 1009 wall pi per baa just arrived. All latet patterns at reasonable price Call and tee eur stock aad We convinced that our paper as prices aro right. Remember Utt place. E. L Lemmoft 299 Liberty St Phone 2475 J r l!3ii ill If B . F 1 1 m vvt rlU