!?JuSw8i& 10 DAH.Y CAPITA!. JOUBKAl 8ALEM, OBEGOW. SATUBDAY, MABOH 25, 1905. - - i - Stockton & Co THE OLD WHITE CORNER Gf eat Closing Gtt Sale ... OF Mackintoshes and AatomoMe Coats All grades of double texture Rain Coats for ladies and children will be offered at the following reductiens: $ 2.25 grades reduced to $ 3.50 grades reduced to $ 4.75 grades reduced to $ 5.00 grades tzduced to $ 6.00 grades reduced to $ 8.00 grades reduced to $ J 0.00 grades reduced to PERSONALS ."Vi I $12.00 grades reduced to $1.50 2.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 5.75 6.75 8.00 NEW TODAY Lin-o-Lac What Is it f It will mnko your old linoleum up pom- as good as now. You run get it at Hteiner & Uoi-gor's, -120 State street. 3-25-lwk- Opcn All Night. roniiiiuiH'iitfr at 12 p. m., Mnreh 25, 1005, I will keep my Mol Ilnmilton, 3-25-3t place open nil night. 101 Qtntc fltret. The hvxttty of Cushion Ftame and Spuing Fok T only apprenjated aftor you'vo tried one. Wo would like nothing better tlian to haw ovory gentleman or lady rider In Snlom coiuo in and try a spin on our Fierce cuithlon frame, spring-fork mod el. Thin him been n Pierce hobby for year. Thoy furnish tlioir patented pprhiK fork on nil cushion frnme models without extra cost. Come In nml you'll Ihj wise, l'lonty of wheels. All prices from $2(5 up for nil riders, F. A. Wiggins Xnipleuiout IIouso, 255-257 Liberty St. Turn Xniploiuonts, Wheels, Autonio biles, Bowing Machines and Supplies. For Salo. A frosh cow, 3-yonr-old, Al, nlso good work horses, ranging from 1000 to'lQOO pounds. Tliroo blocks east of T. 0. O. F. oomotory. W. II. Botsford. 3-25-Ot For Salo. Dry wood. Caif Dennis, Btato nnd. Phono 2150(5 Hod. on M. P. J'Jth streets. 3-25-3t Cleaning Dying and Repairing Neatly ilono. Four suit pressed by tho month, iM. At tho Capltnl City Steam Dylnjr and (Muaiiing Parlors. Oporn Houho block. Miss Efllo Anderson. 3-25.5t For Sole. A first-class alarm money drawer; good ns now; at a bargain. Journal o.lloo. 4-24-3t Hop Twino. Finest cotton hop twino for salo by Goo. F. Rodgcrs & Co. 401 ' Court etroot, Snloin, Or. 3-20-lw For Salo. Hlnok Minorca prlxo-wlnnlng stock. J. S(J7 Cottngo Htreet. eKge. from II. Fnrrar, 3-22-lm- Found Pur was loft at tho opening of tho llilko Millinery store last Satur tluy. Owner call nml prove property. 3-22-3 1 For Sale, Portablo partitions, with glniw. for private oflleo, to bo sold cheap. Call on J. 1. llogors. 3-82-31 For Rent. A four-room oottago, with good garden, also somu furniture, wood and three tents. F. A. Sutton, evv Park. 3US-3t UPRIGHT WflTS W WfcrtUefce Vertical File For filing letter, bills, mercantile repoits end ttusmess papers of ell MikIs, in folders ok rdga between indexed guides. It's a modern, urtodata system, and tho QlobeAVeinicVo rite In up light units Is tho Ideal device for operating It. Pomnhlct $ 1 6 do scribes both systems end files or, tatter still, cell end let us ex. plain their many advantages. B&ren & Hamilton Softs Agents Sateai, - Oregon DOUGLAS COUNTY MURDER lttttwhurg, Or., March 23. Jacob Router Him found dead at his home in Little Canyon, 14 miloa wont of Oak land, yosterduy. ft is still undecided whether the euso is luurdur or suicide. It is reported that there tire tlve bullet holes in the limly, iudiitiug murder, Justice Stephens, of Oakland, will hold uii liupiest. lteuter wus swspeeted of causing tho dtiappearnueo of un old man called Duteh Fred, uear there three years ago, but no definite prwif was over found. lteuter owned u body of land on the Dinpipi river, nud, beiug of a grasping dlspuaitiovi, ettnstnutly tried to get were lie endeavored to prevent his brtither frow getting any share of their fntk er's property, and the brethw, being ill, beenme a county ah&rg. The fath er i oltl nnd very febl. The allege! neuso fr the disppiir nnee of Dutch Frel Is that Iteutwr wel the Utter $T5 for lttlmr, la! wMibl net settle. When lust seen Pntrn YnnH w en the rmy to lteuter ' Mying he wiut endenvenntr to procure payment. X further trace of him was ever fond. loiter, when Senator KeedT Ixnly wuw .found In the river lteuter shayrwl muck uuertilneM until it wua identified, thus luereasltig tho former susplelens against Vhcther l$uter was driven ta George McCorckle, of Mt. Angol, is in the city on business. Mrs. A. Y. Beach, of Portland, was in tho city yestorday, visiting friends. Alderman Wallace went to Portland on a short businoss trip this morning. Judge Wolvorton went to Albany on tho noon train to transact sotnc busi ness. Prof, and Mrs. Hayes, forraorly of Sfl lorn, but now living in Albany, nrc vitit ing in the city. Orville Furguson, of this city, left for Lebanon today, whore ho will visit with his parents. Miss Clara Ilaslnm has returned from , several weeks' visit with Portlnnd frionds and rolativos. Edwin Dnue, who is attending school in this city, went to his homo in Clack amas county for n short stay. District Attorney John II. McXnry nnd Secretary of State Dunbar were passengers to Portlnnd this morning. Mnnngor E. C. Dick, of tho Capital Commission Company, wont to Portland on this morning's local to transnet busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Churchill, who have been visiting relatives in the city, returned to their homo at Albany to day. President P. L. Campbell, of the Stato University returned to Eugene this noon, aftor a few dnys' stay in this city. Associnte Justice It. S. Bean, accom panied by his wifo and son, were pas sengers on tho 11 o'clock train for Ku gono today. Mrs. Edith Tozicr Wcnthcrred is over from Independence, whore sho had given a lecture on the world's fair nnd other expositions. Among the Jefferson people who vis itod tho' Capital City todny were W. L. Jones, U. F. Looncy, Mrs. F. M. Heed, Mrs. L. Anderson nnd Mrs. J. B. Loon- ey. Attorney A. M. Cnnnon, of Salem,, has boom in Heppner for severnl dnvs tho past week, representing;' tho Fuller heirs In the Fuller estnte. Heppner Times. Mrs. J. A. Bushong nnd little Miss Carrie Bushong, who have been visit ing with the formor's sistor, Mrs. II. V. Itnilnm, hnxo returned to their home in Portland. Manager Welch, of tho Citizens" Light Si Traction Company, and Mr. An derson, of Philadelphia, also interested in tho samo company went to Portlnnd this morning. Mth. E. E. MeCInnnhnn has returned to her homo nt Eugene, after a few days' visit with her parents In this city. Her sister, Miss Emma Godfrey,, accompanied her homo. Hon. F. X. Matthiou, who is in his 88th yenr, was ovor to tho state house yestorday, and, whon naked if ho would ride up in tho olavntor, snid: "Oh, no, I prefer tho stairway, and walked up us briskly as n man of 40. Missos Holon nnd Dorothv IVnrce, of Salem, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. fleorgo J. Pearce, oniuo up last oven ing for a few days' visit with tlioir limit, Mrs. T. O. Hopkins. They will return home with their graudmothor, Mrs. Small, who is now visiting hero. Allmny Herald. . Fred Parsons leaves for the north this after upon, his destination being Junenit. Alaska, where it is understood ho will naeopt h position in the government ser vice. Ashlnnd Tidings. Mi. Parsons, was que of the elej-ks in the )Kist legis lature, and uimle many friends in this city during his stay here, who will be glad to hear of his good fortune. Team In Ditch. During tho darkness and rain storm of FridnJ night some one drove one of the Francis livery tennis off n culvert at the fair grounds, and the horses were piled, on ,top of each othor in n deep ditch full of water. Motorman Mnrtz off stopped his car, which did not cause the aeeidont, rind missed part of one trip to help the unfortunate man, whose name could not-bo learned, out of a very difficult. fix. One of tho horses had his hoafl undor water, and tho other horse was on top of him, nnd there was a general mix-up. o A Surprise. The membors of the High School Ju nior class nnd a nurabor of their frionds gave Principal Powers, of tho High School n surpriso Friday evening at his home Friday evening. There were a number of merry young people out, and Mio professor nnd lus family en joyed tho visit very much. v'I-ll mTOAVVBt mnis Agra a i IW-WM m W J .MMW jpr ' " v fc mKrirfr iiiiimn ---. v. fcm "iDKCimJES MAMteAJJJMUlJ&JLr - Ffiday and Sattttday Bargain Days Always bear in mind that it is not how much wo can get for our goods, but how cheap we can sell them is our idea of doing business. Quick sales and little profit and a big volume of business is whnt wo are after. If We buy an article that is worth one dollar nnd that we can sell for 25 or 35 cent1?, out it goes. Do your trnding at the always busy store. Prices cut to the quick Friday nnd Saturday. Hal Patton Sick. Hnl D. Patton is confined to his room with la grippe, but it is hoped that he will soon be able to be up nnd out again. His face was missed in the de velopment longue convention, which was hold hero on Thursday, as ho is an en thusiastic member of the Commercial Club. Worse Again. Miss Colesto Liston, who has been a sufforer from a serious attack of appen dicitis, is worse this morning, nnd it will bo at least a week or ten dnys be fore she will bo nble to receive her friends. ' Died From Operation. C'ummings Brown, n young man woll known in Salem, died at his homo in Dnllns last evening, ns the result of an operation for appendicitis. Ho was 20 years of age, and a son of II. M. Brown. Ohoapest and Best Shoe ropniring. The Toggery. 3-23-tf 75c laco curtains, pair . $1.35 laco curtains, pair $2.00 lace curtains, pair 15c Dotted Swiss, yard . . . 39c .S5c .1.35 . 9c 500 yards best Standard Calico yard 3c 7'c outing flannel, yard 4c $18 silk suits, swell $10.90 Children's $1 trimmed hnts ....49c Lndlos' $2 street hats $1.23 $4.50 dress hats $2.95 $1.50 ladies' white shirtwaists ..9Sc $1.00 soiled shirtwaists 39c Ladies' $3.50 swell shoes $2.25 Best spool silk 3c Men's black and tan hats 4gc Men's $2 hats, fine quality ....$1.25 Men's $3.50 shoes, best $2.25 Men's 45c underwear 5c Men's 49c silk neckties 25c Men's 18c black socks jQc Ladies' 18c black hoso iOc Children's 18c black hoso IOc LadicsJ 39c lislo hoso 25c 75c tnpo girdle corsots 43c Men's 49c black nnd white stripe working shirts, price 29c 50c bleached table damask yd 29c $1.00 black petticoats 6Sc 20c corset covers g0 $1.49 white shirts 98e SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets Valuable Sheep Killed. W. W. Pereival, of Independence, lost 24 sheep killed and five crippled by sheep-killing dogs a few days ago. The depredations were committed on the W W. Lucas place, which Mr. Per eival has leased for pasturage. Some of the sheep killed cost $4 and some ns high as $4.50. The loss represented over $100 in cash. Land Omco Removed. President Roosevelt has signed an order directing the removal of the land office at Oregon City to Portland. The date of the removal is left to tho dis cretion of the commissioner of tho gen eral land office, who states that July 1st probably will be selected for the date of the ehango. Tho change is made on the ground of i economy. The Equitable Life Assistance Society of the United States HENRY B. HYDE, Fouuder Forty-fifth Annaal Statement, for the Year Ending December 3 i, i 904. ASSETS' Bonds and Mortgages S 1,023,709. 11 Heal Estate in JCew York, including the Equitable Building 20,90(1,215.78 United Stutos, State, City nnd Railroad Bonds and other investments (market value over cost, $19,991,043.00) 22S,339,8S4.00 Loans secured bv Bonds nnd Stocks (mar ket value, $13,404,199.00) 10,S05,000.00 Policy Loans 23)o9.u,9 Heal Estate outsido of New York, including 14 office buildings '. 15,PSP,431 .00 Cash in Banks nnd Trust Companies at interest , 22,05 l,lUiti.S2 Balance due from agents 1,5 14,0119. 90 Interest and Rents. (Due $73,052.53, Ac crued $07)9,400.25) U32.30S.7S Premium due and in process of collection 5,313,550,00 Deferred Premiums , 2,031,909.00 Total Assets - $413,953,020.74 INCOME Premium Receipts $02,043,836.74 Interest, Honts, etc , 10,432,859.21 Income - - $79,076,695.95 DISBURSEMENTS Death Claims $18,049,539.33 Endowments and deferred dividend poli cies .' 8,425,950.14 Annuities 980,349.91 Surrender Values 2,931,305.36 Dividends to Policyholders 0,001,902.51 Paid Policyholders $36,389,047.30 Commissions, advertising, postngo and ox- change. '. 7,900,285.73 All othor disbursements 7,179,318.42 Heal Kstato Sinking Fund 500,000.00 Disbursements lrt l.i...li.( .......ftl.. i.., i . . . HKAKCIS W. JACKSON, Auditor. 11. K. COUHSKN, Assistant Auditor A w! MAJnE. $51,968,651.45 Associate Auditor. LIABILITIES I nuleldo by reaws or murdered by mh known parties i nut yet determined. 9100 Reward, $100. Tho renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that thcro is nt least one drendod disoaso that sclenco has been nble to euro in all its stagos, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only poaitiro euro now known to tho medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby de stroying the foundntK t the disease, and giving the pationv trength by building up the constit. and as sisting nature lu doing iU rk. The proprietor have so much f-utk. in its curative powers that they uer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testi monial. Address F. J. OIIBNHT Jt CO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c Tako Hall 'a Family Pills for con- ttlpatlen. o To All Cencerned: Fur the ttooumc-dation f patrons, the Western Unfau Telegraph alike will be. open regularly Sunday frtwi S ta 10 , iv 4 to 0 p m. and 10,W to 10i30 p, V J..F. HOLDBIt, Mfer. o CHILDREN ORY FOB FLETCHER'S OASTOR1A. Assurance Fund (or ltosorve) $827,7.1S,35S.OO All other Llnbtlltiw 5,420,3ft!!. 53 Total Liabilities Surplus $333,158,751.53 $80,794,269.21 ASSURANCE INSTALLMENT POLICIES STATED AT THEIR COMMUTED VALUES. ' Outstanding Assurance $1,495,542,892.00 New Assurance, Less Assuranco not taken $222,920,037.00 YVOl.Sne0De(mrtn.ant 7.8 8M Wtf vi w?eV Th Ro?wve H8 l10r U' '"Penaent valuation of the N. insurance V"U J"Jri 'tr,if,ete so Do Statement. , ... ..... ..., .......... .... t iiiwiioncw, .Hnt Aotiwrv. R. Q. HANN, Associate Actuary. rtt.nLlmW WUn!nWl tk aWWnt9 "ml ASSt8 f tb Si8ty' aml Cartif' t0 t,l '-orrectness of tho foregoing WM. A. WIIEHLOCK. V. P. SNYDRR, C. LEDYARD BLAIK.PIIARLKS STEWART SMITH, MARCELLUS H.DODGE. Specinl Committee of the Board of Directors. JAMBS W. ALKXANDEU, President. JAMBS H. HYnp. vi,.t..m n.nni Ml llU- t 2.... .l. ........ fll.i-. m ....,.,.. . . . ' "" .iuiuiliui, MiUinr i it iviiiMiii) wo.1 1 nn'ai unu, 1. llOA, 1 RIMI VlCO-PrtkSt WILLIAM AliHXANDKR, Secretary. THOMAS D. JORDAN, Comntroller H. R.WINTHHOP,Asst.Swretary. M. MURRAY, Caihior. S. C. POLLING. SuitOriHtandrtnt tit Ai..n.i W. R. BROSS. M. D. ami ARTHUR PBLI, M. .DM MHtl Directors. WM. II. MoINTYRE. Fonrth Vicc-Prest SIDNEY D. RIPLEY. Treasurer. W. B. BREMNER, Asst. Treasurer. IX)U1S F1TJ!0,HRA.LD, GHAUNCW M. DKPBW, WM. A. WHHBLOOK, II, C. DHMUftl, CORNHL1US N. BLISS, OEO. II. SQUIRR, THOMAS D. JORDAN, C. ft ALEXANDER, V. V. 8NYDBR, SAMURL M. 1NMAN, JOHN A STEWART, A. J. aVSSATT. ROBT. T. LINCOLN J. W. OAGH K. TARRHLL, MARVIN HUdHITT WM. II. IUINTYRB, M. HARTLHY DODGE, BRAYTON IVRS, BRADI8I1 JOHNSON, WW P. MORTON. D. O. MILLS, OHO. J. GOULD, OKCi f wntAcwr T. DeWirr ouvi.BR, DIRECTORS ALEXANDER, JAMES II. HYDE. A. W. KRRCII. H. Mi ALEXANDER, J. F. DB NAVARRO, M. E. INGALLS, JACOB H. SCHIFF, JAMES J. HILU OHAS. S. SMITH, 1IRNRY C. FRICK. AVM. ALHXANDER JOHN J. McCOOK. H. O. HAARSTIGK. DAVID II. MOFFAT, SIDNEY . RIPLEY, JOHN SLOANE, E. II. HARRIMAN, ALFRED O. VANDBBBILT, T. JEFFERSON COOLIDOL AUGUST BELMONT, SIR VTiS. C. VAN HORNE. TnOMAS T. ECKERT, a LEDYARD BLAIR, JAM:ES B. FORGAN, JOSEPH T. LOW, 11. it, VTNTHROP. ,N. B.-FO rOBTHER PARTI CULARS.5EE DETAILED STATEMENT. - wiuvh wregontsn Building, Portland, Oregon. L. S.MUBL, XTauager. GKO S. SMITH, C.hir. CLARBNCB B. SAMUEL, Assistant Mansger.