Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 22, 1905, Image 1

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    " Vj&- tnr"f-iyv"
NO. 08.
:irst Delegates Will Arrive for
the Convention Tonight
ill Political Controversies Will Be Cut
Out of the Proceedings
The attendance nt tho Willamette
alley Development Convention prom
ts to be so large tlint the city council
hambcr will not begin to hoM tlio
rowil, nnd the committee this after-
on ueciueu to secure tiie armory in
ho third floor of the same building.
his will sent from 300 to 500 people.
Withdrawal of the Portland Devclop
lent convention will make tho Salem
athering the. big stnto event of the
ind for this year, nnd larger delega-
ions will bo tho result. Tho Salem con
tention may have to be held in a larg-
r hall, nnd may havo more delegates
n attendance than had been expected.
Tho Banquet
At Hotel Willnnlotte will bo the
rand feature, nnd Salem people who
old extra tickets nro already offering
he committee tho use of the tickets to
eat all tho visitors first, and will tnko
That is left for tho home guests. This
tho right spirit tho Salem way of
'doing things and will insure a grand
csult for tho success of the conven
Tho reception committee iot, thia
morning unuer call or .Mayor Waters
'nnd mndo arrangements to meet nil
trains nnd boats, nnd also havo a part
of their committee nt the hotels to
welcomo delegates.
Flags and bunting have been ten
dered for the decorntion of tho city,
find will bo used by the committee on
lecorntion, composed of Chief of Police
Cornelius, Milton Meyers nnd Fred A.
Wiggins. i
Landlord Conner announces that ho
has added Toko Point oysters on the.
half-shell to tho menu, nnd that his
dining room will bo made as beautiful
as greenhouse nnd nntional colors can
mnke it. Tho indications nro that every
plate of the 200 to bo provided will bo
A Salem specinl to n Portland pnper
has this:
The abandonment of tho annual con
vention of tho Oregon Development
Leagno, as announced today, is ex
pected to increaso very materially the
attendance nt tho Willamette Valley
League convention, which will meet
hero Thursday nt 11:30 a. m. Great
preparations havo been mndo for tie
convention, nnd tho whole dny will bo
crowded full of discussions upon sub
jects of interest to tho commercial
welfare of tho Willamette Valley and
Southern Oregon.
From information received by tho
committees in chnrgo of the work, it is
cvidont that thero will bo delegates
from every valley county, and from all
iWlargj valley jtojn Jnu, j... ' j
Tho, banquet, in, tho evening, when
tho. meinbers of the Greater Salem
Commercial Club will entertain tho
delegates and visitors nt the Willam
ette Hotel, will bo not the least of tho
features of tho convention. A good
program of toasts will bo arranged and
some of tho best speakers in the west
ern part of tho state will bo heard.
One Wing of Army Seeks to Cut
Off Retreat of Fleeing
St. Petersburg Looks on Latest Move
With Concern and Fears for
Safety of Troops
St. Petersburg, March 22. General,
Linovirch reports todny that on Mon-l!"8 wn8 R0 tno '""tcor misesd its locn
dny tho Russian ndvnnco posts obsorved! tion bv ,,,or,, t,mn mio. for it landed
r 1 !.. , 1 i. 'nil tho ttnviMnnnt. lit Viruf 11M1I rnlr
.lapaiiisc- tiiviur in irj;o mmiucrs, uu
hind which nppenred numerous bodies
of Infantry near the village of Mnch
nntzy. This is tnken hero to inenn tlint
General Knwamura's army is about to
nttempt an enveloping movemont from
tho RiiRsinn rear,, and fear is expressed
as to the probable outcome.
St. Petersburg, Miireh 22. A dis
patch from Gunshuo Pnss, 108 miles
north of Tie Pass, stated that Gcnoral
Kuropntkin arrived thero yestorday to
assumo commnnd of tho first nrmy. Ho
received a grent ovation from tho
troops. This plnce, which has a largo
railroad statiou nnd Red Cross settle
ment, with nil army facilities, is now
nn enormous camp, overflowing with
soldiers. Tho booming of guns, vW
dipnr.d on. tM-F!fflit(flaHk' today.
on tlio pnvomont at .First and Onk
streots, and tlio largest pieeo fell into
n pool of water, whero it hissod and
spluttered. Tlireo foot away stood
Special Ofticor Childress, thanking his
stars tlint tho meteor didn't land on
him. Ho waited until tho fiery visitor
had time to cool, nnd nftorwards took
tho fragments to an assnyor, who gavo '
- - -,
Be! T ast Inquity Shows Tfiat
Packers Feat Fined
Chicago, March. 22. Tho federal court is infested with ngonts of tho
hoof trust, nnd many ugly rumors nro iteard concerning their work. Do
toctivos nro wntching thoir movemonts, nnd tho coming trials promiso
to becomo tho most noted for years.
Chicago, ' March 22. Tho federal j fixes tho penalty for a violation of tbo
grand jury impnneled to investigate tho I ll,ws "Klnst restraint in trade. Ho
cautioned tho jury to oxorciBO tho great
est secrecy. Tho bailiffs wero sworn lr
alleged beef trust was completed this
morning with 22 men. They 'were
sworn in nnd instructed by .Tutlgo Hum
phrey, who said tho matter to ho pre
sented involved violations of tho
Unitod States statutes. Uo directed
tho jurors' attention to tho law which
to guard tlio jury from improper intru
sion. Klght witnesses wero summoned
to nppenr before tho jury forwith. Tho
ngonts of tho pnokors nro ovorywhori
in evidence about tho building in which
tho jury sossions nro held.
windows wero opon near him when the yours, wuh thia morning committed to
meteor enmo, nnd thero is no "fnko"' the reform school on tho complnint of
their weight as seven nnd ono-hnlf pen-' about it. It is about a year ago thnt'his mother, Mrs. H. McConvlllo. Tho
nyweights. Ho nlso analyzod tho frag- n meteor was supposed to land in this! plaintiff stated that tho lad was incor
monts, and said thoy consisted of crys-j vicinity," but, although tho nolso of its rlgible, paying no attention to the
talizod qunrtz, white in hue, and
"fentherod" by boat that part resem
bled pumico stone. If tho fragments
conld speak, what a strange tale thoy
could tell! Childress insists that tho
falling was heard, no telltale fragmonts
wero found.
Boy Sont to Reform School.
Chester McConvlllo, a youth of
wishes nnd desires of his elders. It
was further stated that tho boy stay oil
out Into at night, nnd somotimea did
not return until tho next day. Thcso
wero eoiujidorcd Bufllciont rcnsoiiB to.
Warrant sending tho boy up.
New York, March 22. The Empire
Stnto building, a nine-story structuro at
the corner of Broadway and Blcktr
street, is burning. Tho three upper
floors nro in flames, nnd as a large num
ber of girls are employed in the build
ing, it is feared that n great loss of
life will result.
The surest way to satisfy
yoarself that oat prices on
are right is to examine the
same goods at other dry
goods stor.. The ladies
tell us that we have an ex
ceptionally fine assortment,
equal to any in the city.
They are surprised at the
wonderful difference in
prices on the identical fab
rics.! Batnes
Cash Stote
Undersells regular stores.
Their spot cash plan does it
Los Angolos, March 22. Robbers
murdored J. W. Shumate, a merchant nt
Colton, last night. Shumate was sleep
ing in his store, nnd the robbers pried
open the front door. It is evident that
the merchant mndo a fight with a shot
gun, one barrel of which had beon fired,
which was found by his side. A revolv
er, with five chambers empty, was found
in the store.
St. Petersburg, March 22. A dis
patch from Gunshu Pass, dated Mnrch
20th, states: "Our rear guard now oc
cupies Aipinghn, 70 miles north of Tio
Ling. Tho onomy continues to follow,
but tho pursuit is slow. Tho main Jap
nneso nrmy is apparently remaining in
Tio Ling, nnd our four-days' rest at
Tio Ling gave us a chance to reform
our nrmy nnd rccovor from recent hard
ships. Since then tho march has con
tinued in ordorly fashion, but so rapid
ly that many horses and cattle havo
died of exhaustion. Our columns havo
moved along a half dozon roads,pnrallol
with tho railway. Thoro's a roport that a
forco of irregulars, which was operat
ing to tho eastward, was cut off boforo
tho news of tho bnttlo of Mukden
reached them, nnd thoy wero compollcd
to retire to tho northeast, probnbly
mnking for Kirin."
is a bona fido one, nnd that no
I, k
(- J)c6. UleueUdS
I Store fp
St. Petersburg, Mnrch 22. It is re
ported tlint the Cznr intends to issuo nn
order making education compulsory
throughout Russia, and that tho Zem
stovs will bo invited to send" delegates
to St. Petersburg to discuss tho mat
ter with the minister of public instruct-tion.
22. A tolo
that tlio uu-
Flowers Find Mrs. Stanford's Casket.
Palto Alto, March 22. Behind drawn
curtains, and the door open only to
those who havo bnsinoss there, the re
mains of Mrs. Stanford rest today in
the purlor of tho Stauford mansion on
tho university campus. All morning
long almost an unbroken lino of men
enrrying flowers, sent from nil parts of
the state, have been making their way
up tho road to tho residence. Among
tho oarly callers was Prof. Jordan, who
came to see that there was no hiteh in
tho funeral arrangements. f. Miss Bur
ner also called, remaining few rain
utoa. Her griof shows plainly, and only
hor indomitable will prevents a phys
ical collapse. The student body met to
day and adopted resolutions of re'
Sr. Petersburg, March
gram from Li ban states
thorities have not yet been ablo to'or
gauizo tho proposed fourth hqundron,
on account of tho inability to secure
senmon. Many of tho officers are more
boys, without sea training, and tho
crows nro composed largoly of pens
ants novor before aboard u ship.
Wednesday Special Sale No. 220
Tor today only wo offer nn exceptionally fino lino of new spring
In nil tho newest lnoo patterns, fast blnck, stainless, regular 00c values. A largo assortment of tho best
dosigns to chooso from. Como early
Loudon, March 22. A dispatch to
Bcuten' Agoney stntos that tho Bustian
army has readied a place of safoty, but i
irrogulnrs and stragglers were cut off(
by tho Japanese. Tho place or tno
Russian rondozvous is not given.
Japs Launch Vesel.
Newcastle, Bug., Marsh 22. Tho
battleship Kashimn was launched to
day at tho Klttwiek ship yard. The
Kashimn is on of tho most powerful
vessels of her elans.
3'7 k rf uwJ
Deposition Was Valueless.
Sheridan, Wyo., March 22. The prin
cipal deposition for the defease in the
Cody divoree case was tors to pieces
by tho objections of Judge IHdgley,
Cody's attorney. But a short time will
bo allowed for arguments, and tho de
cision will bo passed down Saturday.
Bomb Was Deadly.
Warsaw, Mnreh 22. Three of tho six
soldies who weret wounded by the
bomb oxploion last "night on Volslc
street are reported dying. No arrests
have been made.
Meteor Fell in Streets. 1 1
Portland, Marsh 38. A fiery visitor
frow tho heavens, sailed by savants
a meteor, was overpowered by euriosity
to visit Portland yesterday morning at
1 5:30 o'cloelc, probably to investigate
the Lewis and Clark exposition. Hut r
Tho newest spring fctyles in wo
men's suits and routs are flocking
hero daily, nnd an inipresslvo show
ing is now ready. It is to bo a
fancy season in tailored gnrmonts
that you may. bo sure of. Tho old
severe lines have givon pluco to
iturli an olalxirutiou of plaits, shir
rings and omato trimmings, that the
new suitH'liavo almost the appear-
am-e of frocks. Now silk shirt
Wist suits that other store would
ask $15.00 for aro here at
Dost grade silk shirt waist suits
that others would ask 5.00 for aro
Itro tor
Newest aud host styles, largest
assortment in tho city.
75c to $9.00
i ammmmmmmmmmmmmmm
A great preventative for dump
foot. Will preserve th o solutt of tho
shoes and en u ho them to wear lougor
than thuy would without it. Will
render tho soles of your shoos abso
lutely waterproof. To bo had In our
shoo depurtmont.
25 cents
Now styles, new leathers,
values in town.
Tho season is before you, and
you'll certainly want a now suit.
I'urhapK it is hard for you to do
oldo. what kind you'll want. If you
will glauoo in our windows or step
inside, we'll show yoii so many
stylos you'll wondor whoro wo got
them all. You ean get tlio suit you
want at tho prlco you want to pay,
aud at tho samo tlmo take advan
tage of our quantity, buying not
only in values but in style, fit ami
workmanship. Our prices ure frem
$80.00 down to
Butire new lint- of the newest pat
terns and shadings in now shirtft for
spring wsar. Wide rung for your
50c to $2.50