Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Father Schell Explains Meaning of Boot-
legging Convictions Must Be Fol
lowed Up to Produce Good
Sef. Joseph Schell, who stirred up tho Indiana ononnous prices for every
wtfgrcat deal of oxcltemont as ono o tl,lnB f'oy ell to them.
"Tho justlco o tho poneo and tho
marshal of Homer mako their living
from tho arrosts or drunken Indians.
When tho justice, with his eyes wido
open, finds out thnt tho marshal tnkes
money from tho drunken Indians and
tho first to oxposo tlrtbor land frauds,
nd loft Oregon undor something of a
cloud, has ronppcarod in Nebraska.
To judgo from tho nowspapors thoro
-ho has secured somo uonvietions for
'frauds practiced on tho Indians. Ho 't ",(,'n K '" proceeds to tho flpecu-
4 now looatod at Winobngo, Nob. I lator.8 und H"ntons them with donun-
I elation If ho doos not get his sharo out
i of the Jndlnns. Tho Indian who is nr-
' ffMtnil nnfl flnml rrnna fA tlia annitnfrif ia
Mini liorrmvH tlin tnnnnv nnil ulnnu n
fccopors for bootlegging conspiracy ;noto for lhr00 to ,, ti t
nfJ. t nn.initnnril - 1 .. 1 ! ... 1 1. - If.. 1 1 .. .1
-.,. u nuiRUiiuuiii mm ill 1,110 VllllLii . tm4 llft rnnMvnm Wlinn Mm .--.-.I.e..
.- "' auvw-ivn MIIVII VI1V 4I.IIIDIIMI
(From tho Omaha Hoe.)
Tho conviction of tho Homer miloon-
SJthtos court last wook tho first con
viction of tho kind on record is ono of
"tho results of tho disclosures of corrup
tion on tho Winnebago reservation
mado by Father Schell and tho persist
ant ngilntlou ho has carried on to
renibdy tho aliusos. Tho conviction of
theso saloonkeepers, however, Is ro
gnrded by Father Seholl as of small
frnportanco oxeopt as a link in tho chain
snd of no lasting benefit unless pursued
so that tho wholo system of Indian
-npoliution under ofliclal protection is
-rooted oat. Summing up tho situation,
Wailier Hcholl explains oxistlng condl
Sons on tho reservation in tho following
vigorous language:
Public Sontiinont Only Eomcdy.
"Tho situation of tho helpless Win
Tiobngo Indians Is as dlernurHKing as
It is revolting and this condition is the
outcome of tho liiomVloiicy, the indo
lence and til corruption of tho ollleors. ,
i'ubllv Monument is the only remedy
tor such eases. During tho last 20
.yenra tho government was misrepre
sented and its laws uhusod by tho ofll
uers; tho public was bluffed by futile
ITorts nud the ruin of the Indians wms
tho natural cotiseipienue. lluudreds of
thousands of dollar were spent by the
Jjovorunient through these Indolent of
"flcors to prosorvo tho Wlunobngo In
dians from tho ruvugoM of whiskey,
to protect them and guide them to olv
knows thnt a drunken Indian has no
credit with the speculators, who know
lis Income and relationship, ho will not
nrrost tho Indian. When the specula
tors soo an Indian drunk and whoso
credit Is good they tell tho marshal to
arrest him bo that they can innko tho
Indian sign a note. If nn Indian is
slow to buy or sign note, tho specula
tors give him a few dollars for noth
ing. Ho guts whisky and when he fools
good ho is ready to buy out the wholo
town nud to sign all kinds of notes and
mortgagee. Thus, horsos that aro not
worth tho feed aro sold for $400 and
.1500, notes are signed and tho monoy
collected nt tho ngoncy.
Lawbreakers Not Caught Napping.
"The local court commissioner, with
a deputy iiiarshal,puys. a visit 1o Homer
about throw or four times a year. Thoy
announco their coming to tho ringlead
ors, who Inform tho saloonlccopors and
the bootleggers. Tho town is" cleared
of tho Indians und the bootloggers go
to sleep. The carnival begins again
half an hour aftor the olllclnls have
left. Tho ringleaders have confessed
to me that tho arrivals of thoso oillcors
cost them a great deal of money. It
Iiiih happened that those olHcors have
found ea the road a drunken Indian.
They took his name, mudo out a case
on tho reeords with ilotltiouH Indian
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made uy ur.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kid
ney, liver and blad
der remedy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century;
disco vcrednfter years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful lu promptly curing lame back,
uric ncidj catarrh of the bladder and
Uright's Disease, which fs the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found iust the remedy vou need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
Sccial arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle, sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more nlwut Swamj)-Root, and how to
Mrs. J. W. Harmon Hangs Herself to
Window Bar at Insane Asylum.
Mrs. J. W. Harmon, of Selma, Jose
phine county, committed suicide in her
room at the insane nsylum yesterday
morning, by hanging herself to a win
dow bar with hdr bed sheet.
Tho patjont. was about 37 yea old.
and had onjy'.boon confined la theinsti
tution ano flnyf having been brought
from her home in Selma Saturday night.
and her death was a great surprise, it
not being suspected that lior mania was
of a suicidal trend.
She was confined in the ward in
which are kept the periodical insane,
and when she retired Sunday night she
appeared to bo in full possession of
her right mind, and seemed to be quite
contont with liar confinement. Nothing
more was soeii of her until early Friday
morning, when she was found by an
attendant, hanging by a sheet from the
top bar of the window, and directly
findout ifyou have kidney or bladder trou- over the bed of another patient who
ble. When writing mention rending this
generous oner in uns paper auuscnu your
.I.li.i( tn T"l. Tj'.la.ma. GKF
miuiuDa lu xyi. j-kuui:i v.fi.
2. TV. Umnlmnitnii OT.J ''J8l ITTA""
N. Y. The regular
fifty-cent and one-
dollar Sue bottles arc Horns of flmunp.nct.
sold by nil good drtiggihts. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, lliugliauitoii, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Illation, and the only rosult nftor SO mwm ,,M wll,Ml1 iU,a Hootd from
your Is their total ruin, tholr total ""' Kver.i..ioiit 'rg sums lor inuigl
degradation and their total riomuritllsH
"Wlum I rnlsml my video in defease
of thotm unhappy and hulplofw IuiIIhus,
1 found myself confronted with an
nrmy of scoundrels, consisting of spue
mlntora, bootleggers, saloonkeepers,
aurrupt ollluinli, polltleluus, agents and
roprommtutivoM of the church and the
stale- chain of opposition reaching' I"'01'8 d he doe nil within his jmwer
irum Oumlm to WMklngtoa.
Had nu Uphill right.
"For a moment I wan alone, forsak
en and Mid Uy my own, to oppoix n
nary eas, witness fees and transpor
tation, ctv.
"The speculators are buying tho In
dian land, and before tho deal Is ap
proved In Wellington tin IiidiuiiHn
question has signed mitea in favor of
the speculHtor, who gets the land as
wtrtl as hia monoy again. Tho agent
is but a tool In the hands of the spcu-
others. If tho offleors were sincere
and had their work at heart thoy would
study the Indian situation, analyze the
diseaso and apply tho proper remedy.
"I mado a thorough study regarding
those Indians und thoir situation, and
it seems strange thnt lu the prosecu
tion of thoso snloonkoopora' cases my
ovideuco was not needed. It seems that
tho head of the viper was not wanted;
they only wanted to cut off a piece of
tho tail that would grow on again
tho bootleggers. Volume could bo
written about these Indians and thoir
scandalous nbusoH, but I feel satisfied
that President Roosevelt and the now
Indian commissioner, F. K. Leupp. will
see that all scandals cease uad that the
oflicinls will earn their salaries and
there will bo no room for speculators,
saloonkeepers and bootloggers.
shared her room. From appearances
she must have stood upon the hond of
her room mnte's hod, nnd launched
herself into etornity.
The suicide must have taken place
near tho niiddlo of the night, for the
body was quite cold whoa dNeovcrod.
Tho death was not from a broken neck,
but from strangulation.
The remains were sent to Selma last
night, where tho funeral will bo held
to kwp th Indian land and Indian
mony within the ring of the simula
tors. "Hut who will blame the auent h.I
body of bhwdthlrsty ami lawdafylnii the oMeers when the eommisaioner at
individual, thloMteiiliig me with ruin, J Indian affatra In WaaalagtoH Jnuea,
Uisgran. and vu violent death; but ! who lately rtwigutHl-has ilone all with
tho Omaha ltee ami the Slonx City ( In hi wwr to favor the 'Homer rtag
Tribune gave me their tinaollelted and and has sent a porwinal order to the
iiauiieroaiaii uttip hh.i HiipHirl ami the Hgent-requentlng him to O.'K. all the
fair minded pnhlle, wltli other dallies unifiers' frauilwleHt uutee. No wonder
and weeklies, fnllowe! their slept. (that the agent my: 'It I fight the
"lu a aupreme effort the Kmrful money power l'll'lowe my place.' Aa
ring attempted to iatlueace the ureal-, Indian will jwy $1,000 easii rather than
dent uf the United States agalmtt aiy.to loee his mortgaged Mttleet worth
efforts to obtain Justine for tho In- WO, aad th aiieeHlatorN know It. and
hIihiis. bnt, a eeald Ih exHHtel. tliey nhwya see that they hold h iHrtieeo
oh the Indtna's mrnn. I have aeea
lSvonty Yoars' Trial.
Thoro nro lots of good things tho doc
tors kuow nothing about. Wo frequent
ly cure peoplo of dtsenso after tho doc
tors havo given thorn up. If tho dis
oaso oomos from ovorwork, dissipation
6r oxpomiro, causing woak nnd wntory
blood and loss of ilosh and strength,
wo havo tho ono suro romody in Dr.
Gunn's Ulood and Norvo Tonic. Thoso
tublots tnkon with monls turn tho food
into rich rod blood, making strong,
steady nervos nnd increasing the
strength, producing solid Ilosh ut the
rate of 3 to a pounds per wook. This
means 'health. Druggists soil Dr.
Uunn's Ulood and Nerve Tonic for 7Sej
per box or 3 boxen for $2,
Aro You Engaged?
Engaged peoplo should remember,
that, after marriage, many quarrels can
bo avoided by keeping their digostions
in good condition with Electric Bit'
tors. S. A. Brown, of Bcnnottsvillo, S,
0., says: "For years my wifo suffered
intensely from dyspepsia, complicated
with a torpid livor, until sho lost her
strength nnd vigor, and becamo a nicro
wrock of her former self. Then sho
tried Electric Bitters, which holpcd
her at once, and finally mudo her en
tirely well. She is now strong nnd
healthy." J. C. Perry, druggist, soils
and guarantees thorn, at 50c a bottle.
rortland Comment. x
Mr. Graham was the soloist, and ho
played on his violin an eloquent and al
most prayerful paraphrase from "Par
sifal" from an arrangement by Wag-ner-Wilhelmy.
This was tho gem of
the concert, and Mr. Graham never
played better. He gave the music en
tirely from memory, a circumstance
which added to the fine interpretation.
The swelling, pulsing tones of that vio
liu solo will gratofully linger in tho
memories of those present. Orogoninii.
At the Grand Friday night, M:reh
10th. Seats $1.00, 75c, 0c nnd :1.1c.
anr euro for Plleo.
Itching Pius produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, aa well as
Bling, Bleeding or Protruding PUea
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko' Pile
Remedy. Stops Itching and blooding.
Absorba tumors. 50c a Jar at drag
gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free.
Write me about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko, Fnlla., Pa.
Fore Bale by Dr. S. C Stone, druggist
. o
Spray Your Fruit Trees. .
Prnns havinc fruit trees and orna-
mental treos that, under tho state law,
aro required to be sprayed at this sea-
son of tho year, aro requested to leave .
thoir orders at F. A. Wiggins' implc-,
ment house or with tho Oregon Nur-j
Bnrv Comnanv. Tho expense is very
small, and the increase in fruit and
quality will moro than repay all cost
to tho ovvner. Or apply to E. C. Arm
strong, manager of tho city spraying
outfit, who will at once attend to the
matter. 2-27-tf
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby givon to tho public
that tho co-partnership between E. L.
Irvin and M. C. Pettys, under tho firm
namo of Irvin & Pettys, has this day
been mutually dissolved. All bills
heretofore contracted by the firm of
Irvin & Pettoys will be settled by thoir
successors, and all accounts duo tho
old firm aro payable to L. u. Irvin
& Co.
Dated this 23d day of February,
1903. 2-24-lw
Car Struck Switch.
Chicago, MaA-li 7.- Twelve p.oj.lo
were injured, one prolatbly fatn!l, tv
the derailing of a ear on the t 'lib ago
Por nervous I & Hk 1,rtrk novated road, at Market
lfrt 111 At til til llUtbfcHt Alul thut lilt ui'
- " "--eT nv rtw Mnn
( preiitlout f all, that the Indian
iiui.t l..' prtiTtft ami Ual'tae UUU.H
thiuUln immt reaae. A few mMtn
ji. tu fvl.ral graad Jury Indlatwl the
lliutr MlitakMHir and bwitlegger.
Oue of tli.'Mt eaeea ban JMt been eua
wludo.1 in tae Failed Stottes dietriet
k'tiurt and rVe defedatitH were fouad
RlHtJ f IlearUetf Speoulateiv.
"'"" my study mm! obeervtiUoe of
li .- mui.-Ii ahul WiuuelatgA ladiaa
1 Ui irUi tliat there iu at Homer
h p. lv-'ifnt tiny of liHtrtleae amMulu
ti ,... ,. nft.-r tit ladlau Uade
.idI tii,' In.iiau m'no. Tu eueeeed la
ti.m I.V miMt k,.'t the lmlUmi te
mih, r 1.11,1 britf tliuw into aukmieaitm.
Ti - litve kiri nalunlieeier and
)xot logger ube re operaUaf uuder
ll'o ii,tcritoa of i Ms ring ad tarouglt
! i. -kev tbe luuB Wtftme tae
ds.-i r ih. niHulaUra. Wwmi I Brei
4'.in I, ii,iinr tk riajrjaader coa-t'-t
I i n..' iliui taey Haaied the la
4l,ti t'timutwik, ilit tmy aly eM briag
tlx'iu, tair men) and their buuttw
ta It n , i t Kthag taew w a laky; that
K mala tkem a great deal of muy it
tft.iw otUud prutxeliua areuad tae m
loomi mmU the Uxllg)frii aad ia ortlet
te om out vh they meet eharge
Helen that were ealteetml three time
with threat uf takiitc awaj- tbe mert-
mnA iMMttem
"TWm.sk the ImKihmm ( the KSW,t
mU the eeaHty jmlm Ueee Hagleaileffa
have leea atoiuteU the guardiaas of
winur Udrnttiu awl the ahawelee rob
berlee that took plamt la this line would
be a revehitfaM to the world.
"Jim DevU, an IhJUh, ia la the
pealteatlary. Hie aUlietml mother
atgneU a note uf 1 1,000 tu one f tt
aMWwlattin, who urumtaed her thnt he
would get aim eu He get him out on
jmrole lately nnd autde him work aad
cut bia winter we4. Thlt India wo
man wmi made to net! her hei renin Inad
and thU awo emacMlnlor konfht it. He
taea returae.1 the Indtta to the iwni-
teatiary again with n promiee to get
him out again If hi Mother weuM aic
another note te hnlnnee with the fie
he gave for her land.
"Indiana who are uaalltiag to give
up i heir government eheeha are kept
prii.aor la the ageacy building until
they are willing tu hand them mer.
"What eCvet. then, hna the nrreet
and the convict ion of mUoonheeneta and
bootlegger -h hat good doee it dot
Iattle m ail They are the tout ef the
This ring will and mutt get
prostration, loan of memory, or n pule,
sallow complexion, a bettor romody
was never made. Doctors know nothing
about this remedy only tho fact that
wo make euros, which we have been
doing for 80 years.
I'or sale by Dr. S. C. Stone, druselat.
National Consumer ' Longuo.
Philadelphia, March T. Tho Nation
al Consumers' leamie. uhieh Ims t'.ir
its objeet the abolishment of tho sweat
ahop synUm aad the Hineliumtiuu of
street,, at vS o'clock this morning. The
ear struck aa opeu switch, nud narrow
ly encaped being precipitated into the
6avc the t)J
that money cant
also cheap onj
Let tis show the
to you.
We predict continuous satisfaction
to thoso who favor us with their pat-
ronstge. Our constant thought is to !
make our store tho ideal ono, the I
comfort and conveuienco of our pat- J
rons, and suggestion to further vour in-'
torests will be heartily welcome.
Harntt& Lawrence
Dr. J. 1j. Hill, of Allmnv, in in the
idt v t lav on In i ions
Your Gompiexfoia
Without Cost.
.i in i . "....,.,.. " f send to-day for n T5o set of SUtu.
.the condition of faetorv wurkum. imr. lirultli Treutniciit I.-lllSll. u
tlculnrb- d children, held lu. ' xoiy.klnu5urm,n,tl,l.I0,Up bUtUu!'
mdiimI ihmUbr la this city today. Sl"TA
reporUi af tbe national oUieera show -a SkiuUenitii 'lrcitinont uthi only
thnt tho orgnninatloa now haa btncl,o "Sfj ? K'SeX''Sfve"
la Mutom. The re.Kuts how also M.WrSJK.ft'f &&?$"'
that tho laet year hae eeeu th steady .yS!S?" ?,n,e" eoneieta ot
development of the movement in bo-1 IngVrm
I t 1
,V ,Aih!r
.,.. blll..n .i 31.1.. r;.... "''"
u..uiiuiii uu dniii .iiimier. ror all
IMlea. Softens noothen an3 hel, r
sor John nrahMt Uroohs of Ilarvanl. ' crobea. Wlfv nna vltuHw th. blenU"
,u- i.uit. .irya n.M?X" ..'! s"h.h
ami the exIatuNee of the ue of the la
bel of the league.
At nn ope meeting tonight Prufes
Mw. Florence Kelley and other prowl
nent worier of the league will deliver
ira iiimiiiii !! m i
. .. .
cougu nieuicmc over sixty years old
' This must mean merit, solid, ncnulnts merit. It rf.WnK, mc
be true that Aycr's Cherry Pectoral euros coughs, colds, croup I
bronchitis, asthma. Ask your own doctor to explain why if I
J strengthens weak throats and floats Inflamed lungs. Llirfc-l
niamnlameTttlmWmMlaliaWll nmmaaieMnimimmiMiialiMi inn ii a iimne - . dtmAeh.
Qrunt PermlU.
Tenchera eertidentee ami dlflomus
wetn granted yeeterday to ti follow-
lag nielwuitf by thg Mate benrd ttf
Stnlt eertUkntea (upon examJaatiea)
t'arrle A. V. Bjmriee, Hood WYer; ltl
la Baird, ttiekmHt William Qrefory
Xlegler. Jmviunt Jeene Wileon, Athena.
Slate dtpleena (unoa esaminntioa)
Mnry C. ()uich, Fhlw City.
State life diploma- L la R. Alder
man, Tehtianv ille, graduate SUte UmV
TJeMWawtt OdA relh "
Helen Jtogue, La, March T.Ueen
bers ef the three link fratemltj M
much in evidence here todny. the
melon being the muhmU semmM o the
LieiM mnuid Ulee of nJtl HU.
lows. The brnMaew seeuou are t Ma
Una the. tmvrn.. UWanM V
tertaiament has Kv u , m ,,t,i fjr thjt
viidta whe ar bo o ffk,ai all (wsbj
t the lUate.
Trentment. send U this coupon anj wo
ylll nwll you an ordi-r on your urucgut
for a full alia wt, and will pay the urug
Ktst ourlWB for It. s
ll'a a Kllins gift to prove the wonVr
ful powers of Sklitlirnlcti Trcntmeiit
as a kln. c!r and UKkxJ cU nH.r a.
connexion. l,a,uj and hair bejutincr
Cut Out This Counon.
HT SffUHW T, Mkut, New Jt."f,
) iMmu !
ju wilU bm a He. wt h I miti it.
' dUv'tttttMaw Uaiitowi.'"
TU w mi eeer aeUa.
flra V
" "l nimirriv
V.u "II find the seciet oi hor ho.-..,-ful
baking to lie in thb ,.,., lhat
uses Wihl How Hour. Makes tempting,
toothaome. wholesome 1 r.,. ,.,ke
pastry. Goes farther and i che.ipei -b.-a
mueh , ,;t( rt(uui othw
l-raniU. Alwa- rirn i qimUt,
..-.e.e,Bonia.l w , tll(. ,,
Jn-t for the money, a f.n .i . .. , ......
on.-,, trie.! become t.., i .,,.,, I
Como to the Salt:
Stato Bank and
buy a draft.
The cheapest, tt'
safest and most
convenient way I
sending money.
L. K. PAGE, President.
E. W. HAZAKD, Cas!
Wail Paper
Latest designs in stoci
and good work guaraJ
Wc have the smaller
store and small prices
e teed.
o E. L
o 299 Liberty St.
o Phonp 2475
Salem Floating 3VEiHs
A S, Ci.Tn-. r.Jir irE.rra
Ntyrrt xmovk'T9 r.vi. '
." J I. I1IC. rjh.uk ii lu --
fr Si nn ti. i. . ir i . . t .1.. m r i i s l A-1
tin r ,uleir. l'Ti.Lfl ..U-11!
.. . r .-:.;
u... uicia .-i.n i rarun 10 iiw
ni ir ?i
Sold In Salem by S. C. Stonfc
-W i 8 il I I tK-WHI
Salem Has
When aahed by n stranger M ny
one wnnt kmlem hmt t dhuinetion
tail them one of the hem aa.....'
iGEHvm hf
li AlWSmkj Ml FJt
i SSmL r
I mmmVfi f i'iIbrAA V
" n inmemnmaaeaenmnma '' '' I 4
Wf In puritv. smoothness, mellownefl
or riehnoss of flavor tho distillers of
J tho. Cedar Brook whiskoy will if
4 call on them. No ono should be wltfc
i out a bottlo of this choico whiske;
n the house ns a proventivo of grlf,
pneumonia nnd othor mnlauies con-
'Bg from colds. A littlo Cedar Brooi
whiskey will warm tho blood, top
or provont chills and euro colds like
a i. harm.
E. Eckerlen
en the coaet, the
Cafe imperial
i.E-SYMES. Prop.
-.iu iuwun.
"HH-H-MMgi kj mjmM
4 Tin, ----.. lfllinvii --
sne PopeHy at a Bagalfl
bnei pnirfeUy' P'0prtjf 0B Principal street within three bio
Una, all kind of 5S 9t 0I'6 aoro ot e""d near chool
vl imt, bHUfl shrubbery, etc. All modern to
Tli are both tm -i.
;ra 8bot buy. for homes or investment.
DERRV a imt ot
3 h
t w
244 Commercials "KJLS,
' m44JZr St' Salem, Oregon
... ....-. -. iWijfvaiTiililiiMI-fiil in