Blpi9EsSSHK3 i.WfBTCKMM" f mwiU. iAILT UfBIL JOUKNA "- OEEOOK. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1,005. "" I 8 i w w m iM Stockton & Co. THE OLD WHITE CORNER W'e placo on sale for the rogt of tbis woek n vory strong anil well nwiortod stock of Imported Kids that formerly sold for $1.96 and $1.50 per pair. Itetfucod thin wcok to 98c pal ifep TWO MILLS UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT. Tho Eugene and Union Woolon to Do Operated Jointly. Mill Kugono Guard, Fob. 88th. John V, Wilbur, of Union, Or., ono of tho new owner of tho Kugono wool en mills, wan in Kiignno yostordny on his way homo from Hun Friinolsco. Ho (topped horo to urraiigo n fow matters concerning tho property. In conversation with a Guard ropre sontntiva bint evening Mr. Wilbur stated that ho hnd been to San Fran cisco for tho purpose of Intvrostlug ciipllnr' to form n company to operato Ihi) Kugono and Union mills under one management, lit said ho was success ful in bin iiiIrnIoh, and that tho Hu ge no mill, on stated before, would pus- Hive))' rosuuio operations on May 1st. Mr. Wilbur Ik a practical woolen mill worker,, and han mndo tho Union J 3 Long Yeats Have certainly given us an idonof the bicycle business, it in the least, call In and look over our 1905 A MiV'K .tefemJifeiiiV Sh Ti r OTHER WHEELS 925.00, $30.00, $35.00. LE8T YOU FOKGET. Wo nro over ready to rejmlr your wliwl, it make no dIfllHre If ytwi newl It oiled, adjusted, a new tiro, rim or eoaater brRk. You ran rent awiurod you will got the beat money can buy, and tli work duno bv experleiiowl workmou If ton buv call It 2161, and will call for your wheel. ?tfcit& i ...,..,, '"-" - - MHlit'HHtHH MIIHKIlim HiWI HI IIMIIWf ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS J nml our storo will coiuo to u oloso. in order to mnko tho big- X gost wcok during the Salo, 1 will givo specially low pricos on -: X ovorvthiuu in tho storo. ovon lo&s thnn cost 1 lmvn rW :: T - . K . . - .- . : wico slie lilamoiKlB. which 1 will Wntoluu, Olouks, Silvorwnro, Cut . . Sterling and Silver-plated Tablewuro, all must go at rediou ! loua low pi ices, Speotaolea and 12yo Ulastii at lof thnn half I price. Tho natures aro all sold, tho storo ia rented and wo must give possession m a short time, THEREFORE THE GOODS MUST GO. DIAMOND SELLER, Jeweler and Optician 83 SUte St, lHtfti'triH44-tiiitiiai 98c KID GLOVE SA.LE Men's Suits $4.98 Tormor pricos wore $10, $15, $17.00, $20. Reduced this week to $4.98 You may bo amazed at theso great reductions, but they nro honestly nnd positively mado without regard to worth or cost. " " mill pay big dividends slnco ho took charge of it sovoral yoars ago. "There is no reason In tho world," said ho, "why tho local mill should not bo made to pay us big roturnB on tho money invested. Everything uugurs well fr Its successful oporntlon. Tho locution is an idonl one, nnd other con- ditiotis aro very favorable." Mr Wilbur loft on this morning's -tl,l., ll.l trxm TT..t.. nu l! . vi v Hum mi uuiuii, uAimuiiiig io ru- turn within sovoral weeks, to begin tho work of overhauling tho machin ery of tho plant in readlnoss for oper ation. 1 W. O. T. U. Entertainment. An ontertnlnmoiit will bo given nt tho W. O. T. IT. hall this evening nt 7:110 o'olook. A good program Iiuh been prepared, and ovory ono Is invitod ! to attend. Wooumon of tho World will hold nnothor convention nt Cottogo Grove on Mnrch 8th. If you doubt hy fk-P- . " ---.-., v sel at 1U0JI wholosnlw nrion. Ghuu, Unnd Pnintod Chiun. I HM Door to LaJd & Busb Bink I LETCHER TRIAL FOR ARSON Prosecution Fails to Get Important Witness Bryan, O., March 1. Judge Bower son this morning made the epeaiag statomont for the prosecution la the oase of George Lotchor, the California man on trial here for arson, alleged to have been committed in Williams cona ty 24 yoars ago. Attorney Fellows fol lowed for tho dofonse. The refusal of tho governor of Michigan to extradite Bryant, of Hudson, who is jointly in dicted with Lechtor, was a severe blow to tho prosecution. The state intend ed to use Bryant as a witness against Lechtor. Tho state produced four witnow whoso testimony is to tho offect that thoro had been a fire in Montpelicr at tho time specified in the indictments, that Letcher was interested in sever al of tho stocks of goods in stores of the village, and was seen in the vicin ity of the premises nt the time of the conflagration. 3100 Reward, 5100. Tho readers of this papor will lie pleased to loam thnt thoro is at least ono dronded disoaso that sclenco hns boon nblo to euro in nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only positivo curo now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, roquires a constitutional trontmont. Hall's Ca- tnrrh Curo is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby do- stroying tho foundation of tho disease, and giving tho pationt strongth by V..IIH ... .. . " minding up mo consimition and as slating nnturo in doing its work. The propriotors havo so much faith in its curative, powors that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Tako Hull's Family Pills for con stipation. 19 1 IH I I I III IHI 1 1 HH t STATE SOCIAL NEWS 1 t 1 ri'MM-itinil'IHtl'IMIIII' Woodburn. Miss Flora Livosloy returned Sun day from a three weeks' visit with friends in Salem. Miss Mnbol Kenady spent Monday in l'ortland. Mr. K. P, Mormim mndo a businosw trip to Mt. Angol W(Mlnwdny. Walter L. T(mo sold his fwrm near Woodburn to .luwib II. Miller for the sum of $t(l.S0. .Mrn. O. W, Adkins, 1100 Kemp. form orly of Woodburn, now residing nt Sotts Mills, presented hor huslmnd with a flno Uahy boy tm Sunday, Feb ruary Sfltlt. J. It. Miller, of Wentlierfnrd, Texas, who wiis mvtH:ly injurwl at Woolburn about two months ago, while alighting from tho Southern Paeitle train, has Koeurel through his attorney, E. P. Moroom, a settlement. W. W. llreth orton, claim agent for tho 8. P., e.uuo to WoHHllHiru Monday, and made tho adjustmeiit. Mr. lMhrurd Kriekaou, whs Uhs leu Mating here for the past few Months, started on his retera trip t his home n Delane, Mimt, on MowUy. Mr, KricksoH m gealwl, frltwil ()UMlitiM iiiu.te for t,M xmny t rie4s while hre, wbo r" very sorry to Me Mm go. He t W very favorably iwprMietl with Ore ;;'g, and wmv return la tlie fU Ij re '. ', HutiH HrmaueMtly. ; : The Ladles' i, Wolbttm. met ; at the kerne of Mrn. C. W. Oraver on elMiM4iiy nfterwooH. Current evntn jwere lleued by varion memWr ttf tHeeiHlsMtMt MieM)lie Mwxtleht Mug very weU- ' Seckttjaweft iMUHby." Harry HedenH kmi ewtMeMei tke buildiHR of kb kre4 fwetory on 21 hhJ (Jrent tireete. J. J. S4uel kN eoMMtetteed work om ki itMtlMt tor m M Mreot. O. K. TlMMtMH, WlM id MMtUft in 4jtke Weodbortt stwtm wwiwtry, will be rvwtiT 10 Mri iih) MMeMMry MXt weV. u Uvertott kM eowMMNieed to build an uflke on Unwit Mret, tto4 'will u. cupy tke mm m m eomplettHl. AROinTEOT. W. D. rusa-vAriatet mk porU toaooat, kM ftmiMMti tt uU eja. t ImlWUs ajul Uruaral wrk; Otto 116 Buto itrcvt, I. t Vvk, BEST BUSINESS BLOCK And ElectricLight Plant Wiped Out in East Liver- ' pool, Ohio an Km L'vwpuwl (X. Maxeh 1. Fire bet ant -vT$i oat tko b business bfcwk m. tfto omoar f ao city, eaasing -. lm haft afltuk. A dosea of tW iHM boaUtta? ,t-r were cgaaakt! tMrojL "to burning of tho btiia lfcpot flat left the in dorkMW. Btr. Swrnct. vohutr man. wm killed b failing wslb. eity fire- "EW PASTOB FOE SALEM. "Emieeat Young Dtsa CaBed by the Presbyterian Ctmrcli at the Capital City. Albany. Marco L-JUr. I. G. Knotts, of tkk eity, who was rH!iry appoint xi aolftor t tit Ftrrc Presbyterian eirarek of Sskmh. Mated yesterday that the STetim at that plaee had ex- traded a (all to a yeoag pastor to fill the Sale pulpit. The pastorate of the Salem canreh has beea vacant for the past two moath, Rev. Dr. H. A. Ketch urn, for many years pastor of the fhurch. having resigned and accepted the position of traveling missionary for the Presbyterian Sunday schools, under the direction of tho Oregon syn od. The gentleman called to tho pastor ate is Rev. Henry T. Bnbcock, of Al bany, X. Y., a senior in the Presbyte rian seminary there. He is said to be a man exceptionally gifted ns a pulpit orator, and well qualified for tho posi tion to which he ha been called. He is a brother of Rev. Maltby Bnbcock, the great Presbyterian divino of New York City, and is said .to be one, of tho most promising young men ever edu eated nt tho big seminnry of the church. His acceptance of the call is daily oxpectod. New Edison Theatre. Are you one of the number who has not seen Baby June Mnndorville nt tho jKipuIar Edison. You roally cannot afford to miss tho chance to witness her remarkable performance. But three yoars old, Baby Juno stands unchal- longed tho greatest child actross in the world. Babv Juno will meet tin. r.1mnl children after tho matiuoo noxt Satur "- - " day. Teed & ImzcU, another star net, nnd the Berger Rros., still another are also on the bill this week. Matineo to day was well attended. Grand Musical Concert. On Friday, March 10th, there will bo a musical concert and recital at the Grand Ora lions of mure than usual interest. It will consist of William Wallnee Graham ou the violin, Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton as contralto and Helen Ch I breath on the piano. It is seldom three xnrh artuts have lieen brought together in a musical program, and Oreguu can be proud to have pro duced them, and this community is still more proud of having mm opportunity to hear Hum together Aniioun.omonts and program later NEW TODAY Wanted Situation m mok ..r other kind of work, by honeM .lnee 1m.v. luquire nt Star Restaurant. SHI" Court strwt. 5-l-St ror Sale. (lood Mmw peanut roaster and com (.opr. Inquir at i)ri,v W1Iim!i real estate oatev 110 Com mereiMi reft. 3.1. I"or Rent FwraUbed roow, wt w without board. Inquire of y, a. llre.lwtw, 140 Sute St. Ml-Ji Wwited-Voag Uiy or goat of good vole to dBK JUuat rated wngs at tat IWIwr theater. Atml KiUm. h.. Htw S-2S-ot For Rnt A Mvea-rooin houae. wn w-Hter m ia t aw, 50 Uijk tret. A. Sehreibor. 2-SS-tf Wanted. Udy or geatleiaaa of fair wuentiou to travel for a im MAooa ...ilt., 1 c.i ... '-"' --r-.- umrj JJUJ8 pr jBnr h uiHiMFes, pom weekly. Ad ira mta iMwis j. a. Aloaao, ') w. M6-tt For SAle.-Otw t0aft-fo lft.o- 44o waJL Seats, joek aad aUian as4 Ur. Mo4jr to U pit ap M a MlMMtc'H aoiieo, all toaapltio. Fa Ufortnatia Ui.iro e lVak A. llakor or Pc. H J r uuaia. 8 87-5 Tet Salft, Jrv w, h I statt aa4 .int. K. 1 M. P, lHi trets. I Ane : nt. S la mB a? i-VJf' mjmU'Kjuk &BII3E&M&'X9JJ& ' smTrHE PRICES WE QUOTE ON DRY GOODS FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY The people of Salem novcr had such nn opportunity as thoy havo right now to buv fashionable dry goods at such littlo prices. Our store is becom ine a erealer wonder ever day. Wo aro just as busy as bees opening ft new goods and waiting on our customers. Seo THE LITTLE PRICKS WE ASK - 45c Koi Kni Crystal Cord Wash Silk, new goods, yard 23c 39c Wash India Silk, all colors and black, yard 25c 75c black silk taffeta, yd 48c f.5e silk dot pongees, salo price, van! .39c 75c Sicilian Dress goods, all tho new shades, 40 in., price, yd ....49c Ladies' 20c hair rats 9c Children's 5c hadkfs, each lo Children's 75c shoes 49c Children's $1 shoes 75c Ladies $3 patent top shoes ..$1.75 Men's $1.00 hats 49c Men's $2.00 pants 9Sc McEVOY BROS. j 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II; f AMUSEMENTS, f H-t-H I I 4"(H i I Iit-H-M-H-1-fr TONIGHT. -Vaudeville. Edison- COMING ATTRACTIONS. Grand Charles B. Hanford. Charles B. Hanford. It has been said that the regular theater patrons are not thoso who mako tho fortune of theatrical performers. Thoy constitute a reliablo clientele, whoso critical opinion is valuable, and who deeidojtho fate of many an at traction. But the productions which win extraordinary financial returns nre thoso which appeal to tho people who attend tho theater only onco in a while, wncn ,l,ev i,ro suro tllat tno I)ln' nml tl10 performers will appeal to their ' taste- tt is before such audiences that Uharles B. Hanford hns had tho good fortune to appear. People who are weary of the gauzy frivolities of tho time' or wll perchance, disapprove of , tIlcm on principle go to seo Hanford I witn "solute confidence thnt what he I oft'er will havo substantial merit us j wel1 as tM0 qnnlities which amuse. Mr. llnfrd never forgets that tho public ' demand divorsinn nt tho playhouse. Ho . supplies that by selecting tho best ma terial that play writing has over pro duced nnd interpreting it in n modern nnd sympathetic spirit which mnkes tho humor irresistible. Mr. Hanford will present "Othello" nt tho Grand opera houso on Friday, March 3. To the Country People Whon in town tnke your mcnls at tho Star Restaurant, 339 Court Street, ad joining Wado's hardware store. Meals at nil hours. 15 cents. leJ.Iri0!'1 btH!!,!bV t,U? favor,, w,th Wrued b, solid eM.erience wh, U Here's the kdie wodel, and it's h my- ,Th-v PliVte an easy rM. K wheel, aad here it is. Graceful in 'rr; t0 ouu Plenty of room for ome an.t trv a spin. THEN HERE'S THE PIERCE SPRING FORK The 1IWV, iMH) x h and - -,. ,,v ot lne ewhl0B . T' rllh th' perfect ., ' fork. h.v Uv9 WXli. urwu. mount for k A. . a wt Ii.t. ft. Tkey Mw itTfc. ,M)0-T com- ?! CoiMlaaad try a 8 pi oa one. V. -n ..., CHEAPER - wMiiiaue to m11 k Th m wM U , beauty, ujr' s4& '- It ?Psfl J(f i il J KfD TUESDAY X04 b4aale Farm MJ?!?, IMPLEMENT wni ISR and Supplie,4?!?t?mobnM Cycles, Sewing Ma- n l uum Men's 45c underwear 25e Men's 10c whito handkfs 3, Mcn's 49c neckties, tho latest.. 25 Men's 10c box, good g Men's 20c black sox jq Boys' 10c suspondors ge Children's 25c and 35c underwear salo price 10 and 15c 75c laco curtains, pair 45,, $1.50 laco curtains ggc $2.00 laco curtains, pair $1,39 15c 3G-inch dotted Swiss, yd ..95 Ladies' $4. swell now hats, tho lat est, salo price $193 45c whito table damask, extra wide satin finish, yd ogc Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets Gand Opea House JOHN F. OORDEAY, Mgr. FRIDAY, MARCH 3RD Special Engagement of tho Distin guished ' actor. MR. CHARLES B. HANFORD Accompnnied by MISS MARIE DEOFNA1I, In an elaborato production of "OTHELLO" A SOCIAL AND ARTISTIC EVENT. ""Prices 50c7 75c $1.00 nnd$r50rCur tain nt 8:15. Cnrriagos nt 11. Seat salo at box office Friday 9 a. m. New Edison Theatue R. P. Starkey, Manager. Week commencing Monday, February 27, 1905. . .Mastodonic Vaudeville all-star show Baby Juno Mandorvlllo, the Child Marvel, tho Crazo from Coast to Coast, Teed & Lazell, Exponents of Refined Comedy, Direct from the East Berger Bros., Startling Feats of Bal ancing. Harry Moycr, Singing tho Latest Il lustrated Songs. Marvelous Edlson-o-scope, Views of Interest. Matineo Wednesday and Saturday. Change of Acts Thursday.. Admission, any seat 10c. , Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & BuBh'B Bank, Salem, Or. cycles nmny n criminating rider who has durable and aatlafnntnrv. irablo and satisfactory. VtHRPT o ''uvj RS firstclnss low-priced wheel. for youraolf. uy in old Webfoot Salpm. j weet, otuem, uregon. n.t