ZU (SEKxpOTMBilliH way.-- '..-r.-vwsm t?i:SBK 9AXLY AVXZAX MUWMX 8ALSH, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BV HOFER BROS. A MATTES OF HEALTH OMOH, wanAT- MABCH ' 1005- . conscience keeping compuu, r " ZT ossified bcart. m n- a Vk r X-KAY3 OFFICIAL CENSUS BALEU. MAY, 1004, 13.287. A n millionaire. When ho died the whole community heaved a High of relief, as though a grout bunion hnd been rolled off its shouldorH. BAXEM IS COIKO AHEAD. In splto of nil knockers and kickers tt city of Salem 1 going nhend. Those who fought extending the city HisiJin should tnko n tour through the suwly annexod portions, and gee how ntlwjr nro improving. Titles of eidownlk. nre going down. It o ia bo regretted thnt ro many wooden walk nro still being built. Concrete would bo much cheapor. Hundreds of now houses and nddi ttiaas nro being constructed, nnd nover 3& the. history of tho city was there so o&seli building at this season. Jf better street could bo built all ifibo Improvements would bo of n bet iter character. I'rivnto grounds would Ota Jetter Improved. Those who opposo Btrcot paving are crtpiUy responsible for tho many chonp and Inferior Improvements In tho IjuhI juw part of tho city. xved streets would insure the con vfitnictlon of n flrst-clnsi stylo of btisl e building, with olevutors nnd mod 'r frnprovemcutH. 14, In to bo rosrrctted that tho con ictroction of n Masonic Temple was for tOto iimo being licndud off. That kind vt property would pny. 31ct, In splto of all rosistnnco, Bnlem -damning nhend. It is roally wonderful , -wthtM It In considered thnt potent In- J&nenccs nro ngninst progress nnd ox jsunsion. 'Thorn itifluoncofl will not always bo rxilllo t prevent street improvumont. lUt one street wore paved this spring -tke city would uxporloncu u rapid ox Xnskn by employment of Inbor thnt ! nover been known before. But nit Unit will come In good tlmo. The KtiiTH nre fighting for us, o nonriNo tiie noemai. school. Tbo domngogucs who nro dlroctlng tttu light ngninst tho normal sehools In Vbl stato are misleading nnd dceelv jrtha people. They domaud tho rof erendum to tie up ti million, nnd give tf.ba juuinoy-Imidors nt Portland and fc5Ii lAraa n. Imrvest . Among tho Items included in tiie iRcnornl appropriation bill of the state Jrgfslaturo of Washington, now in sos iiln, Is '-HI for mnlutoniinoo of the 'AJurttt normal schools of that stuto. Tills is uver 121,000 apiece. Thus each of tho three Washington normal schools (provided this uppriiprliitliin Is divided eipinlly among them) will re mIvo over $8000 more than was voted '-by the Oregon legislature for nil four of tho normal schools of this stato. Vet sihero people in Oregon who refer to tltu comparatively small nlttuueo al lowed for normal schools In this statu "l"" uiuom as u see lit on mo man ner of eondnellug those trials. It will in no lUHiiuur seek 'to shield any olllrlul or prlvHtw citison who may have committed nny crime or fruud or helped to violate low, but it will stand upon the righto of a free pros to have Its own opiuiuiis. If, fur that etturse, It is liable to indtutmeut, let them indict. rT rarcimwa mn6 POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE Improvements, nnd discouraged othors in improvements of nil kinds. The val- from making any. uo of property and rents on such n Ho bolonged to no political party,1 street will pay for all tho expenses in but generally made both sides think ono year. Hut whatf's tho uso talking! ho was with them wholly, or nt least in o pnrt. VEEY TEW PEOPLE By theso processes his wealth grew ' and tho community virtually made him Aro Frco From Somo Form of Indi- WHEN IIENEY EETTJItNS. When District Attorney Honey re turns things will bo doing in Oregon. Tho trials nro now set for June. When ho left Oregon ho praised tho grand jury for being endowed with moro Integrity of purpose, thnn nny body of men ho over met. Ho prnlsod tho Portland press for tho "loyal and substantial manner in which they hud assisted tho govern munt." It is to be presumed that if one of those "indicted on n charge of at tempting to blacken his eliaruoter." I is to bo prqsumed that if one of tho Portland newspapers had not been "loyal" it, too, would have been in dicted. The editor of this paper proposes to attend those laud fraud trials, nnd write a fair and uucolorcd report of tho proceedings. This paper does not assume that It must become a cheap, lickspittle as sistant prosecutor in convicting any one, public or private. It uftsumtM that nny mint or woman Is entitled to be considered' innocent until convicted boynud u reasonable doubt, hiuI after fair trial. It will publish an a free newspaper n truthful report of those trials, and make gestlon. ax a. "graft," and talk of Invoking ilia referendum for tho purpits of cut ting off entirely the stato support of -those schools. Oregon is seeking Hunt--rn immigration, and ounnnt alferd to 1m niggardly lit tho support of tuition tlennl Institutions If we oxpttet to nt trnet the better uIhim of oUInnm, Theie are uo approprlntitMis mnile in 'Oregon that return so Urg h prater tlan of vittui rwelved as tbwo for Manual schools, whore very didlsr ex ded Is to fit same young man or wo wnn to Immoiho u lietter tocher In pub lic or private stluMdu. Tht mm 1rN laur HDtds or wnstas iV7,&U0 on use Imm elrk, and tkwe Is no talk of ref--reailuiu. 3I0W TO IinOOMK A MILUONAIllB This writer has ttevr known but oat millionaire porsmlly, hhiI h llvl away imnk Hurt, He saw Mm HMUHintHtc ItU mllllsn -ar lutlllaiM. mid wui tell Jiwt Imw lie lld it. Of etmrws k wmt ItuiwilrlMM. 1I um frwRt, h1 Mil M Ustd IwUtU. Hi mtviMt JrHHk, swor, iswokl or ekswrtrt. lie tuvwr went tUkUg or pUywl hh.v f!wt, or t RHy tlw Im h hmUI jptHt uf Hntt or ved elteekyr. )U twvr wt an vtttioK. nnd SmviI Hvr bM kxawH U k Is kwIih iiluK, at sVntlMK or t u i!hk. lie did Ht bvtleHg t Hy kurk, Ikmmum U wMtl to mnke tOHy aflf all tb elitrk. TIm wtrnv with lodge. IU Hover MlvMtl anything. If imhiooiio trMMHsd imwoUiiNK tlutt was wtr m kU Mill k U It if, 4 rA 4fr UU Iwrvoot. It it Wt ft wUi MMVOMMHt Umt v KtUu U Mt klm BH'tklHjj vt Mi ft kttip Uwywr to pkt It, kn4 Mrmte HOymoM nrllftlM for Ikn itfs, I uwver lilnd anyone r any , UH kxd ft rtttJ fr oKarlty tftt all,v tmUtl U xtNi4iMi W at r a at wm Mud for tko ttlwclKMit, jmmI wi virlwfttty K iMftffKr. SVMtt lt j,hv ( MNy Ed AH H was UftN lu ws diftjHtl a Dm )" oUmt tWs. It U a x kw4 iHt dolus iwuMUlKiJi W tkm i,kt JH44 , nuHku mr Ih In MR. HANFOUD IN OTHELLO. WhoHevvr hh eogHgemont of Mr. , llHitfenl Is MiinounNl one umy lie well ns4Hrl of productions net only pie torlnlly ndeipiHte and eouslHtetitly ef feetlve, Imt of artist! performances given for art's seke nt least by some ef tilt) oust. ltHsily Is this true uf ths premuitntieHH at the (lrttnd of Slmkes peate, ef which Sitlem U now to Imve tke third. Mr. lUaford is one of tko fw re imiiulng actors who Imve wen their wty to tiie wtoitk f the tkoatrlonl pre- fwton ty kenost, faithful and lgiti nwito HoIdevweiit. He is one to whom Ut stiigo tppls for tke art it holds. attti not oho rtorforwtAHeo doofl ke givo Uut iMftrktt tke Wttorwottt of tke pro- fOMlloH Hd tk MUJiftlMg Of kU AOdl ohco. Time was wkoit tko rortairo of Mr. lUofoftl roMottotl tko Ute and tk itriiio of Ik djwnm's ttfttrao. Not M today Im tkU tlmo of tfiprirtoos Mftd OlekU Hodtooe of pjoduoUou tlutt lo hh1 oh trUki nnd tituol and oUUowto- HS for IHHOOM. It OftHNOt W dMil that Ik iUk Wm4 ltd MwotkiHg of Us digHity Hwd purity by )wiiilrlH to tk HUkltMTH dOMtftMll AH4 tAt. Aftd All tk toon w1om In tkio dy re txtck pro duction a tit offorod by Mr. Hah ford. It k h Hid oetMNOotory, Uot tk trutk UtAt tk lfitluAt 4rHM today- Is (a tk AAtoro of a bo vol , iMlt tkU vry fHt Make It nil tk Hrgr ahU wore bAttUfUl to tk trOH wk sttuMoi a torfrtaao, wk lovos tke UC for tk art tt WW, i a i , . Tkcr ioa't a ftooUr miotako for tk fcoporty owner Utaa to eppo ottoot liMHvoMMmU It will nay aba mot Yery few pcoplo nro frco from somo form of indigestion, but scarcely two will have tho snmo symptoms. Somo suffer most directly nftcr eat ing, bloating from gas in stomach and bowels, othors hnvo heartburn or sour risings, still othors hnvo -palpitation of heart, headaches, sleeplessness, pains in chest nnd undor shoulder blades, somo havo .extrcmo nervousness, as in nerw oim dyspopsin. Hut whatever tho symptoms may be, tho cnuso in all cases of indigestion is tho HJiino, that Is the stomach for somo ronsons fulls to properly nnd promptly digest whnt is eaten. This is tho wholo story of stomach troubles in n nutshell. Tho stomnch must have rest and nssistnuco and Stuart's Tablets glvo it both by sup plying those natural digestives which every wenk stomach lacks, owing to tho failure of tho peptic glnnds In tho stomach to secroto sufficient acid and pepsin to thoroughly digest and nssiml lato tho food eaten, Ono grain of tho uctlvo principlo in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tublots will digest 3000 grains of mont, eggs or other wholesome food, nnd this claim hat. been proven by aetunl oxporimonc, which anyone can porform for himself in tho following manner: Cut n hnrd boiled egg into very small pieces, as it would bo if mnsti'Stttod; plneo tho egg and two or throo of tho tnblcts in a bottlo or jar containing warm water honU-d to OS degrees (the tomporuture of tho body) nnd kcop It nt this torn poroturo for throo nnd one-half hours, at the end of which time tho egg will b as completely digested as it would have been in the healthy stomach of a hungry boy, Tho point of this experiment is thnt whnt Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do to tho egg in the bottlo thoy will do to tho egg or mont in tho stomach and nothing else will rost and invigor ate the stomach so safely and effectu ally. Kveu a little child can take Stuart's Tablets with safetv aim beue- (U if its digestion is weak nnd the thoiMHuds of ouros accomplished by their regular daily use are easily ex plained when it is understood that they aro eomposod of vegetable essences, nseptlo, dlHteoe and floldeu Seui; which will mingle with tk food and digest it thoroughly, givlHg the overworked stowaeh a ekitHf to recuperate. Diet lag never euros l)yiuplti, neith er do pills and oatkartic medicines, wklck irritate and iattsmc the iutes tiaeti. Wka oaoagk food is eaten and promptly tllftoatod Utere will bo no con sUpaliaa, hot la fact will there it dis a of Ray kind kooaae good diges tion Hteaaa good keallk in every organ. Tk werlt and saeeoee of Stuart's DyttMia TaUU sre world-wide and tkey are sold at tke ntoderat price of W Mt for fall eiaed packa); in every drag eioro in tke Uaitl State and Canada, Aa well a Ia Kuro. Got Oft ChcAp, He way woU tklak k Um stt off ekeaa, wko, after kavia eoutwetel eotwllpatUa or IndlfoHioa. is etill aide to perfectly rostor kls koaltk. Nothing will do lata bat Dr. Klag'a New Life IMIle. A tjnUk, ploaiaat amI certain oar for kaadaak. onUpatioa, etc tt at J. O. Porry'a drag iter; guar AUtftOd. "Let Th0 big three to boom the race meet -Col. Page, Jack Rogers and Hal Pat- ton. Mild, brito and fare. The Commercial Club says: us spray." Many people are so acquisitive they are forover taking a cold. " A rolling stone may gather no moss, but it gets a round all right. Some people aro so modest that they , 1...1. 1. ;,-,, tlm nnltcrl truth. 'think tho telephone girl's voice would If wo are to believe their friends ag gwcet wlthout the raise in eery man is better off dead. jce Vn trim knocker would so far forget , . 1L. fi,oso chil- himself as to notico a door-bell. . deaf muto school WOuld - u . tM tho have something to say to the govcr- Vn mnn 19 moan enough to tell the " exact truth under all circumstances. nor 8 ve 0f , , , t v Hnman will tell of the things Circumstantial eviuenco wou.u j; ,,;": that ho shouldn't have seen. that a bogus diamond in u. su If tho boy had forty pockets in his clothes there'd be "something doing in every ono of them. When a woman gets sick she puts her grievances away in moth-balls so they will need airing when she gets well. There are. a great many people who A VETERAN nFTTrr HAiffl Llll WARS m m LIUJViit v A predictien: Insido of twenty years grst Water, bosom of a millionaire is a gem of the A Bright Futute Is in storo for tho young man or woman who saves and deposits mon oy regularly in a good Savings Bank When you becomo old or unable, to work you'll find no friend so helpful nono so responsivo to your needs aa a bank account. Put your money to work by opening a savings account. Ono dollar is enough to start with. Savings Bank D epaif ment Capital National Bank. Seattle will pass San Francisco in the race. what harvest for tho bankers and warrant scalpers if wo can get tho dear You'll generally find an india-rubber taxpnyer to tle up au those appropria- "" tions for two years. Salerii is the center of the Willam etto valley, and naturally the other towns want to come here to hold a de velopment convention. The Portland papers never support anything. Many stato papers oppose overything but their own local graft. Ilence it is easy to knock things. i Tho Morocco leather trust has ad vanced prices at its recent meeting that means an added profit of $3,000,- 000. We must all grin nnd wear it. i Whether Kussian institutions are safer or not by the exiling of Maxim Gorky, or not, it would be better for the rest of the world if some of those writers 6f filthy Russian uovels could bo put out of commission. ' Tho Klamath Falls Republican, W. O. Smith editor and publisher, is tho liveliest "country" weekly nowspa-i per that comes to this office. A com munity with such a man in it can't iJWw:'f.:'''!'''!:; Ml IfiiHliiii; CAPT.W. VTjAcfvsolf Sufferings Were Protracted a t Tried Every Known Rented rj out Jieitejoenous Stomach Tni Cared by Three Bottles orerunth Capt. W. W. Jackson, 703 G St,H,i Washington, v. o., writes: "I am olghty-throo years olil vuraiuuut v JJLU.MU. XIOWK, tUt and tho Civil Wars. I am by wok. a physician, but abandoned thoua "Some years ago I was scrioifjfcl My sufferings were antral severe. I tried every known ttaj wnnoui vDiuining relief. "in ueaperaiiuu 1 oegan lot Ktl your renina. i oegan to rcMIUttt mediate though gradual impnrtaU "After tho uso of threo bottles erj tppearanco of my complaint wu I moved, and I havo no hesltatloatais ommendlng it as an Infallible recJ for that disordor." W. W. Jackjoil Address Dr. S. B. Hartman, PreridJ of Tho Hartman Sanltarlam, Cold bus, Ohio. ' w M W MW iM stay dead long. The Harriman officials were sorpril nt tho amount of business that shown up at Salem especially firid Salem will bo agreeably aurprixil tho Harriman officials would iujrl tho depot grounds, and have nice; lawns and flowers there. o NLJL2 PAYS 4 Ftiday and Saturday acfa 3 and m IL BEfiS rpa r M fkrs. .-" . -. ' PttlALALtiOF v 1 1 mm A A GREATS IRON BED THJVENTOFTHE UN ikun BEDS sal: Daring these TWO d very newest designs anil Ti TU h abIe to h"Y the Wer than ever fclv pdces so object we have In veiw V j Wl" wonder what advantage of this opwwLihT w rge voa to takc extended for Friday and f e priviIe8e freely THE HOUS FURNISHING M. To Tri Treot. Uai lMtt AadontM naaawtofiaa pi to aon4 Wi rooidoa that a4 Uitmning awl a gaod tor, i toady aa NipKi good Job by apply tag m TO J anas s son. .014 ai JUtlu a p!Me, tmni m m mU, TU tt JOo it!t4 Uw t$ palW, of tkti ehy tat fY$ rt wW kt a aftly of tlw Uf wt klJi mit no tw yewi Ua itrt f r tkr itr STORES and Alba - Salem