b Wi wwfflflr ttjT"1 ,A - a-Twi ii ilium in i , r-'-r: ... fr AttT OAMTAI, JOUBWAL, SAlBM, n?gOK. TUESDAY; rEBSPABY 28, 1905. - . DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. OFFICIAXi OBNSaO SALEM. MAY, 1004, 13.287. 2MPK0VE SOUTH OOMMEBOIAL STREET. Tho nctfon of the Push Club In urg 'log ttio city council to promoto tho Inv 7Ttvomont of South Commercial street ia timely. There should bo no controversy about tho grade. Tho street linn n good not " urnl grndo most of tho wny that should ot bo disturbed. A grndo lino should bo drawn from 'Miller street on tho south to tho brick -etoro, and from thero to tho north side of Misidon street. The street car tracks should be or--tiered in tho uniddlo of tho street, and 'tfho sldo lines of tho street surveyed -and established. Jf that street is improved with nt least a broken rock pavement it would Iwomo ono of tho most popular thor oughfnres in tho city. All tho automobile driving would be on Hint street to tho south, and the nttrcot loading to tho ecmotrics should Ijo Improved. Ono great improvement would bo tho ttniing down of tho old board f enco doc orntlons along tho stroet. Home linvo bravely started to do that. As n. rosult of incorporation thero are xnoro sidewalks being built than ever '4eforc. If a stroet is onco paved there wH bo ontlroly n different class of Qralldings go up in placo of so many ili cap structures. A CREDIT TO SALEM. Tho spoeoh of J, h. Stockton, til tho 'Commercial Club last night, should bavo been hoard by every citizen of Sa lem, Mr. Htoukon has recently been in Southern California, and spoko with 'great spirit, and in tho right vein of nwakonlng progress. Ills commonts on a city of thin size without a pavud stroet, aud'hls plea for improved donryards mid bettor parks vns rlgh to tho point. Ills statement that Rnlom has better trotall stores than any city of this slzo "Mint ho vlsitml while nway was a great credit to thin city's enterprising mor chants. If it were jinssiblo to pay tho ox yonses of a majority of our people to go Tind see what other cities are doing In tho way of public improvements It might bo a good Investment. Many of thorn would return, as Mr. Stockton hns, Inspired with tho Idoa that wo have hero a grand opportunity to make n grout and bountiful rmddoneo city, and are laggards for nut taking up tho mutter. Of tho '10 persons at the Commercial Club meeting, thorn was not one but felt tho JtiHtitH) of Mr. Stockton's plan for olvle lmiiruvoiu'jut. Wo nood more men who will go and see progrow, and then noma home Imbued with tho right nplrlt. CONYICT PRISON LABOR notes at a very low rate of interest. Tho peoplo demand the best possible bullding under tho circumstances. They will not bo satisfied to have Salem, merely copy after somo smaller city. Salem is entitled to have the best high school building In tho Northwest. Let us all work to that end and sus tain tho school board inall it under takes accomplish that purpose. f. THE PEOQEESS OF WOMEN WHO WORK. According to N. W. Ferris, who Is prominent in Michigan politics, no wo-' Springfield, 111., Feb. 28. A bill was man should contcmplnto matrimony introduced In tho legislature today ap until she is nblo to support a husband, preprinting a half million dollars for iio nam mat to a largo uouy or. scnooi KltlItiilKIItBZ s BMMWMHiiiW ltMltl, to Be Employed in Illinois Meat Packing Houses teachers and caused something of a sensation. This is a business age. It is an ago that has witnessed tho emancipation of woman to tho oxtent that her ef forts nro no longer confined to tho home. 8ho not only works for wages, but In certain walks of life is employed nlmost to tho exclusion of men. And tho thing has grown rind is growl ing to such nn oxtent that more and moro womon doslro to work, to master somo trade or profession that tho world hns need of and to sharo tho financial burdens of, humanity. It docs not mako any difference that tho establishment of packing plants at Joliet and Chester penitentiaries, to be manned with convict labor. STEAMER OREGON BURNED (Continued from first page.) m m M 9 M 0 M M M H 0 H m 0 H 0 H 0 M 0 m 0 M 0 m 0 M 0 m Store m ment tho flumes to tho hold. When tho Del Norto camo alongsldo tho passengers were transferred to hor by tho collier you woulct have it othcrwiso-that you ftnd b,ru8ht to Crescent City. Tho bat- sigh' for tho good old days when her " w,wl uamca oa lU0 urSon con- rnhnrn wn. conflnm! tn W linmn. Ynn tlnilC(1 M niKht aml 01lrly this morning. .., . .. -. . . .. - may think, of you will, thnt business hns mado many women less attractivo moro "manly," as it woro and less fitted to becomo tho mothers of chil dren. But a condition, not n theory, confronts you. It ennnot bo changed, and mnn must mnko tho best of it. Tn tho families of tho masses it hns boon shown a thousand times that it is wise for tho woman to posses tho nbillly to support horself and hor children. Touny wlro desertion is n common Tho vessel, with tho firo still raging, enmo into port. Communication with Crescent City was interrupted. The Inst report roccived hero was at 10 o'clock, stating that tho Oregon was still nfiro. Tho vessel loft San Francis co for Portland Sunday, o Indigestion, insomnia, overwork, may bo tho posisblo causo of your headache, but Wright's Paragon Headache Cure is as certain as tho sun rises. No sci entific truth moro wonderful than the We've just remodeled our store; changed the whole arrangement; made it up to date; put in new show cases; re-papered throughout Having closed out all old stock during our great $10 sale, the stock has been re plenished with entire new lines of Alfred Benjamin & Co.'s Schloss & Co.'s High-grade Clothing; Swell new lines of Furnishings, Stetson Hats, and Packard Shoes. Speaking of Shoes "The Packard" is America's best $3.50 shoe. More styles; better stock; perfect fit. Bring your clothing wants to us. Ourstock is large enough and contains such a variety as to please any taste and accommodate any 'purse. .. . , ., ... .. ,, , amount of positivo rolief contained in thing, and thero is improvldouco nnd ... , , . . . . , ... I. 4, ono small wafer or tablet. Down goes Mcknoss to rockon with as well as tho , ..... , . ., . , .til tho euro, awny goes tho headache, up go fact that under our concentrated Irv ,', '7 .... Jr , , , , . ........ ycur spirits. That is the process. The dustrlnl -system no mnn enn say when ' .,,,,, . , 11- -...n.. i.. .1...1 ...in !..... most dcsirnblo foaturo of this modicino urn inning iiri-iiiinriiiuur mil uu liiiuiim out of employment, eithor through lack of work or tho greed of somo corpo ration. Yes, as thing aro, it is well that womon can work and sell their labor. In nil tho United Statos over 23 por cent, of worklngmeu's families are Ia In its lmtnodinto action, as it will gonornlly rollovo tho most soVoro pain In fivo minutes, whilo at tho samo timo It is harmlos3,tnstolcBs, will not purge or disturb tho stomach, nnd has no un ploasant after-effects. Wright's Para- !gon Hondacho Curo may be roliod upon M boing freo from anything of nn In- vuliiitK' ni tmrftfilli- uimtitirif.fi lit Hlrt wife taking In boarders or lodgers. rlous ,nauro' ana ls "Moly with 1 ah, m l.lnl rn..l. 11 .....1... .... ...l.l tl. ." .u. llirvu iitu vitiimij un it niiuiiT, t iiu as n average lucitmo of tho worUingiunn'it family Ih t"t0.50, and of this sum the wngo-oarnlng wife contributes rJS.f)'-'. X-RAYS Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given to tho public that tho co partnership botwoon E. L. Irvln nnd M. C. Pottys, under tho firm nnino of Irvin & Pottys, has this day boon mutually disHolvod. All bills heretofore contracted by tho firm of Irvin Si Pottoys will bo sottlod by their Nuaoossors, and all acuounts duo, tho L. Irvin G. W. JOHNSON & CO; 1Q06. THE riOIIT POR PROGRESS. Thn hmiiI Imil to Hkk u hard tight 1o get h hl(li iwIhmI Mtubllshtfd in Sa ltn. The hiiuhnI rirt of th hlgk school lHHtrd fitwrwl ouHittruetiuH of a brick MtuMil lutlldlng. Tlmt rtwrt was pprovtd by tk h pie, wnd tk plHH of fusMeiNg it as lurttd by tkom. Tlmt plH profH)wt CQMttmftloH of h subtlMHtiHl buUdlHK wt ef tk mtr jihut rvvwiuwi fur tkiM yissra, Md iundml dlit. TU dUirivt wilt Wmv a ik ur lllutt ftt ftL' Ul iJily UMMUMIMd dallarit, lid no Uidd dbt, Mittl 1011 to mm! t tf th dUtrtet HU wowwy far a ltrt time to cuwpito tb bMlbllug Uti y..).U tll tak up tli ixiplir bjwu A Bright Ftstiste U t tor fr Um yuK v wtmN wlttf r hihI UMiU mtm y rgMlrl' In a hh AtvlKKi UsamV Wkfm J1 MNriV W Mr HWlUU to wark jotill iUtd W frtvaJ n tlf ul - anno Mt rniv tu yowr W4 M H UKHk MNt. lS.t yMir mMy t wocX by )MNtl svi (Mart niUu Savings Bank Department Capital National Bank The newspapers aro wiylng nieo things about the returning legislators, old firm aro payable to E, But do they know It nil f & Co. Dated lliis 83(1 ilny of Smuttor Mitchell 1ms he&n Indicted three timet Mud then endorsed by tho Oregon leglslHturo. TueouiH Xew. Dally Itttgistori TliHro is little doubt that hugou' grmttott mm today is 11 movement which will have for its irtueiml object tho propr phy-dml Hfld inorsl IralnlHg of Un youMg men. With lilngr Hri4uiHH d Iwrenfrt T. Harris nut of tk tlld for eottgroei mM, who will Im the next ltapublleau to gt tk HOHitHKtiaK. 1'wWhW Allta h' Uiw h IHMN eH)Ul of tMCHrlHg the plum. PntfMMr W. 11. lWdy, of IWdyvllU, and Mrs. HawlUo, a Sttl widow, vtn iMirrM t lSddyvllU WwUMay ovHlHf. It wa tint riHwlt of iwlvr tiftittg Ih a 8Mttbj ilHr. Tho Urldo tok kor eVH iwuUl Kods ad fur MJluj Ul UOttoUlfr-t li4ll .ClUJHUk tko nv kow. iUy tkoj Uvt long Hud protif. J. a Ayw i ('V tko grfBl Htmt MotHelMu koww, kW volnMUruy vidod to mk mUe tkt ooi for mute of Hk of ll rHo4ioi n4 kortwflcr purakiuors of'smtk romisltoo omh Qbtin this InfonMUok 4 know Jnt wkot tky on UklRg. If koowl- 1$ Is power tois tooxo ought (U1h- Poo4oi tjiu UtoroU of tu trot W A PtooMMt Way to Tmvol. Tko ooovo U k wmoI vonUot of M tolor ooiotftii MiMuri IUk milts)' Uittyoott tk loik oH owl too ooot, sod wo Boliove toot too son too hh4 otoodoUo RlVOH loorit toil MotoMioot. Vtm Uooror, Colora- 1(0 8fHK Mwt Doovor thoro ro two tkrottKk trotws rtolly to Koo Otty oniI 61. Iois, oarryUg ISiIImmh's lot ol iUmUmI oloolrlo-UgktoU Uooolog oar, oooir oors otM optoooto diolo,; OO. TW MUOO !Ct0U0Mt VOTVloO tl ojmmU4 fvoto Koimas City omI St. Loot to JJootjaO, UtUo Kook a4 Hot 9pH- U y lNlS wt or totttk, wrU for (MrilooioM jm fwlt to ioiooUoo, AT. C. MTUIIDK Oo. Aet, 1S1 TklrJI 8t rortUoJ, Of. February, 2-21-4w E. L. lltVIX, M. C. PETTEYS. Tho Best Known of All Every ono knows thnt It is tho bost known of all brands, nnd nil smokers know thnt it Is tho best quality. Tho I.a Corona elgar. LEADING CLOTHIERS. iMiiaMSBgiMeaaaaMgMWMtiwMgtMtaema ieE8aMfiiiiMi0iMi M&SSra9BaSHE W ehes You Learning By Experience $ Ther is No Time to Wait, & v 1 fr CjiLiMMBp An iHveatwont last winter anrt sprtnj of $TS Ih Mdvorttslnc 8mc la two agri cultural pubMroUoiM put $2,400 In 0 farm bay'o itockeC Ho adrwtlsed scca! corn. It wos tko flrst publicity pur chasing bo ver dkl. and naturally bo went ulHjut it In tMt Ulflkleut, tncri-d-ulous taaaRor whkb U of considerable RssUtance to the "new wan" in ktlUnc tntle. Still bo wade ruouoy and, what U woro tHMorunt wkon philosophical ly consklorvxl, loorueJ to amxvolate tbe mluo of prtutera uk.-Ajjrk:Uunil Ad TerUtlMff. If ther f niajr doabllitK Thott miuwu our utvrchnui, thir hau)a 4vrUo In thU vvr. It rlr (lto barr U Iot ana (ho adjact tvrrtlarr. It 19 not a "little thing." It's a deadly thine Tr W.1 not get well by itself if you U t it Son? Whtkev nnd quinine and such things brace you uo for S ;J!1K tWY don't cure you. J P 0r th 5 t,me but flsk any intelligent doctor whv vm. u u casih. He will say, .. Because wnarl ?h h Cfd S0 He nvns that the force wch mulra ntr d:vn'" to ko out disease L-rms- b ! ? ,u yur body rc-,odovor-it should bo built up. genoral health chould bo JO ACKER ENGLISH REMEDY got there we know tlut Acker's EnSSf0 d 0r how " will reach it and cure ,t. It 11 oU 0. alB.h Rc"crtv J NO CURE NO PAY J T mve euanmtee. matter hoW shght.rJ have a ,-, JbKllsU Remedy at one $' ?ake Acker's it does not relive you &most ,JSep !t m the houtC if tho price paid. 3 m06t Xnstant,y w will wf uaf " Atrta'o T7uAo.Hrt I grow coMttnilr wono 1 oJu ?y ' fe A oaegb iit.1,1 ., -Factory at Walfea IhiAhM to. 'M "P my Cori Vg ! '?. looal doctors, prooilaeo;!',' Wk. wLkj? JU,e Kalfa Io- Th fi J!. rlrid 'a New YoJviti . ? " "wed h Sr-."5M3:ate avss - 1 3 . -" Aw " m x&& mi m nrs m fwH BU, Ackerta .RngHsh RemowT W' - tivo cuaranteo that th purcha ray ,s SW on a rw: m SOLD AND RECOMMENDEo 8Y L FRY fiRUGGlST 8ALF.M, OREGON.