Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 27, 1905, Image 1

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    TonlgM and Tuesday, generally
NO. 48.
Other Cases in Which
Women Were Un
fortunate North Platte, Nob., Feb. 27. The
ody divorco caso was resumed today
ehind closed doors. Witnesses test!-'
cd that Cody drank and caroused -with
Somen, seven prominent women or
forth Platto testified that Mrs. Cody
pver drank or used profano language.
riends of Mrs. Cody say that she
lould gladly forgive the scout and wel-
bmo him back, if ho would but say the
lord, and publicly deny the poisoning
New York, Feb. 27. The jury in the
vorco suit or .Mrs. .Brady against
aniel Brady, a wealthy railway supply
anufacturer, in which Gertrudo Mac-
bnzic, a comic opera actress, ia re-
ponilent, disagreed. Mrs. Bailoy is a
iranddaugliter of tho lato Isaac Singer,
ttventer of tho Singer sewing machine.
Chicago, Fob. 27. Policeman Dan
larniann at noon today shot and killed
liss Minnio Mulvial, aged 21, at 39th
ad Wabash avenue. Jealousy is said
bo tho cause. Ilarmann escaped.
She woman's father is a wealthy liquor
leal or.
Tho victim, Mary E. Mulvail, is the
inly daughter of John Mulvail, a weal
thy wino morchant, who died soveral
tears ago, leaving tho girl a fortune
If a quarter of a million. Tho girl is
irominent in Catholic circles and do
lotcd most of her timo to philanthropic
fork in St. James' parish. Hermann
ried to persuado tho girl to marry him,
But she refused.
Election Frauds in Colorado
About to Be Decided-
ponvcr, Fob. 27. Tho legislative
omnrittco, appointed to hear ovidenco
tho gubernatorial contest, moot this
fternoon. Review brifa havo been
jibmittcd by Adams and Peabody. Tho
fcpressiou prevails that a report fa
Dring Adams will bo ndopted, but not
Salt Lake, Feb. 27. It has been do-
Bdod to sond tho houso investigating
ommitteo tonight to St. Louis to
Irobo tho Utah commission at tho
lorld's fair scnndal to tho bottom. To-
lay further vouchors werc discovered.
to brighten up tho houso a littlo bo
jforo your Eastern friends visit you
during tho fair this summer. It's
remnrkablo what a difference a fow
pairs of
New Lace
will mako in tho appearance of n
room. Just lot us show you tho
splendid values wo nro offoring in
Cash Stoue
Tho handwriting export testified before
tho committo that they wero forgery,
and appeared to havo been dono by
John Q. Cannon, tho missing secretary.
Indianapolis, Feb. 27. Tho grand
jury investigation of tho Baker-Baker
and other legislativo bribery chnrges
began this morning. Judgo Alfred
gave special instructions to tho jury on
the subject of bribery, and promised to
punish any ono attempting to tamper
with tho jury.
- o
Northwest Personalities.
It Is said that Governor Mead, of
Washington, will veto tho capital re
moval bill.
Dr. Withycombo of tho Corvallis Ag
ricultural college, has announced him
self as n candidate for governor.
Jeremiah McNutt, of Wnllula, has
been arrested for insanity becauso he
drew monoy from tho bnnk and threw
it away.
Mrs. James Woody, a pioneer of Gar
field, Wash., is dead.
United States Supreme Court
Upholds Texas Law
Washington, Feb. 27. Tho supremo
court today uphold tho anti-trust laws
of Texas, affirming tho judgment of
tho stnto court, enjoining tho National
Cotton Seed Oil and Southorn Cotton
Seed Oil Companies from doing further
business in tho state, having violated
tho anti-combination statute. Justice
McKonna read tho decision, holding
tho stntuto proper and within tho le
gitimate powers of tho legislature.
Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 27. A dispatch
from Opodope, Mexico, states that a
band of Yuaqis hold up a wagon train
at Estacion Pozo, securing silvor bul
lion vnlued at $15,000, and other booty.
All mines in that vicinity, and some
which nro operated by Americans, are
closed down temporarily, on account of
tho great activity and depredations of
tho Yaquis.
Welch, W.' Vn7 Fob. 27. It is report
ed that tho mines of tho United Stntes
Conl Company, eight miles east, where
an oxplosion occurred yosterday, are
afire. Tho rescuing party was forced to
abandon work. It is stated that at least
15 miners aro known to bo dead, but it
is feared tho total death list will great
ly exceed this.
Sacramento. Cal., Feb. 27.-Senator
Bunkers, indicted for boodling, sur
rendered to tho shoriff this morning, for
tho purposo of securing a writ of ha
beas corpus to go boforo tho supreme
court. Tho writ was prepared by the
sheriff, who will probably tako Bunk
ers to San Francisco this afternoon.
Chas. B. Hanford.
Mr. Charles B. Ilanford, who has al
ways been an enthusiast in the matter
of stago properties, has made an s
pcoial study of tha costuming of Othel
lo which ho will prewmt at the CMnd
Opera Houso on Friday, March Sd. The
littlo touches of detail have bowi mi
nutely wutehed with tho keen delight
ef an enthusiast, and in the presenta
tion of the play the costuming will re
fleet the spirit of the times in wbieb
I the characters are oast as accurately s
Japanese Canonading Does Ter
rible Destruction
No Peace Proposals Have Ev6r Been
Submitted to the American
Tien Tsin, Feb. 27. Reports from
tho front via Now Chwang, says tho
11-inch mortars used by tho Japaneso
in tho bombnrdmont of Mukden havo
caused great damage. Also that a gen
eral engagement is in progress, with
tho heaviest fighting on tho Japanese
right. Kuroki is snid to bo threaten
ing to crumple tho Russians back onto
tho railroad.
No Pcaco Proposals.
Washington, Feb. 27. Tho stnto de
partment this morning mndo tho fol
lowing statement rcgnrding tho al
leged peaco propesals: "Tho govern
ment states that it has never received
from tho Jnpanoso government a re
quest to lay a proposition of penco bo
foro tho Russinn govornment. Never
directly or indirectly wns it npproachqd
by tho Russian government on the sub
ject." , General Japanso Attack.
St. Petersburg, Fob. 27. General
Kuropatkin reports that tho Japaneso
havo commenced cannonading tho Rus
sian positions nt Coutalin and Cnnfnu
lin. Fourth Squadron Arming.
Kronstatlt, Fob. 27. Tho Fourth
Sacramento, Cal., Fob. 27. Tho sen
ate this morning adopted tho committee
report rocommonding tho expulsion of
Sonntors Emmons, Wright, Bunkers and
French for nccepting bribes. Immedi
ately upon tho adoption which was
Olympia, Fb. 27. Governor Mead to
-day vetoed tho capitol removal build
ing on tho ground that it entailed need
less expense, and there was apparent
Mukden, Fob. 27. In tho fight for
tho possession of tho Da and Clio pass
er Sunday, tho Russinns wero groatly
outnumbered, and sustained sovero loss
Govornor Chamberlain is in rocoipt
of information in regard to tho ac
commodation of tho roprosentativos of
Orogon high schools, whom ho has ar
pointed to nko part in tho inaugural
paiada in Washington, March 4th.
Tho hoadquartors of the hign school
representatives will bo at tho Franklin
school, on the corner of 18th and K
streets, about five blocks from the
White House. Good beard and lodging
may bo obtained at about 2 per day,
and information m to location ef ho
tels and restaurants will be given at
time of registration.
An informal reception will be held at
Baltic squadron, consisting of two bat
tleships, four torpedo destroyers and
two transports begins arming tomor
row for a voyage to tho Far East.
Murder Pcacsful Artisans.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 27. Tho situa
tion inthc Cnucusus is bocomlng moro
sorious. At Baku today nrmod Ar
meninus invaded- Molikoff's factory
and massacred -12 Russian workmen,
who refused to participate in tho revo
lutionary movement.
Police Join Strikers.
Warsaw, Feb. 27. Sixty por cent,
of tho polico forco struck today, open
ly joining tho workmon, and forced tho
strikers to rebel. Pollcomon paraded
tho suburbs this morning, foiling tele
graph poles. In a fight at Novelipki
street ono soldier and ono policoman
wero killed. Ten policemen wore
Russian Ofllcors Reduced.
St. Petersburg, Fob. 27. Yielding to
tho demands of tho United States, Rus
sia ordered tho ofllcors of tho cruiser
Loua, -Iio violated their parolo, to ro
turn to San Francisco, and roducod
them ono grade as a punishment. Tho
only excuso offorod wns their youth.
unanimous, a resolution to formally ox
pel tho accused men wns ititroducod.
On a soparato voto French and Bunk
ers wero unanimously oxpollod. Tho
voto in tho Emmons and Wright cases
will bo taken up later in tho day.
coercion in accomplishing tho passago
of tho bill. An nttompt to pnss tho bill
over tho voto in tho sonnto resulted in
a tio vote. Tho removal of tho supremo
court wns also defeatod in tho senate.
es. Soino regiments lost n high as
70 per cent killed and wounded in hand
to hand struggles. At night tho Rus
sians nro still in possession of tho two
the Franklin school, Friday ovoning,
March 3d, and it is urgently requested
that all representatives bo present.
The representatives will march in
a body in tho column of olvie organiza
Appointees should send their official
appointment from tho govornor to Chas.
8. Clark, chairman of the eomraittee on
state representative?. His addrewi is
In earo of the Dennlson tehool, Wash
ington, D. O.
i '
The houso has agreed to the confer
ease report on tho army appropriation
hum nin-H-mim-Wi.
Tho Capo Town British steamer Dee
was wrecked at Possession Island, and
it is boliovcd that all on bonrd aro
Prominent Jews of Berlin, havo re
ceived confirmation of tho ani-Jewish
riots nt Fcodosia, Crimea, in which 47
Jews, including 17 womon, wero killed
nnd 183 wounded.
It is understood thnt Judgo Swnyne,
who was acquitted by tho senate, will
send his resignation to President Rooso
volt without delay.
Announcement of tho acquittal of
Judge Swayno wns mndo to tho houso
by tho sergeant nt arms nnd was ro
coivod in silonco by congress.
Senntor Dubois introduced in tho
sonnto today a joint resolution provid
ing for a constitutional amendment
prohibiting polygamy.
Run Into Millions From the
New Orleans Fire
Now Orleans, Fob. 27. Tho loss by
tho fire which swept tho Illonis Contrnl
froight terminals last night is now es
timated nt closo to $5,000,000. Tho
flames nro still swooping tho district
for 11 blocku, but nro under control.
A thousand enrs of grain, ovor 28,000
bnles of cotton nnd 15,000 barrels of
sugar woro burned. Over a hnlf mil
lion bushels of corn woro burned in tho
Stuvesant docks.
In all about a miio of docks wns wiped
out. Six firo department horses ririd
thrco engines nro ruinod. Eighty
houses, belonging to tho laboring class
es, woro destroyed. Tho steamships
Roynl nnd J milium nro damaged to tho
extent of .$50,000. Tho company lms
nnuouncod thnt it will rebuild tho
Tho firo strikes a serious tompornry
blow at tho, immenso export trado of
Now Orleans.
Tho ocean-going shipping sooms to
havo escaped serious damnge. A num
ber of firemen and employes of tho
docks wero injurod. Actunl estlmntoH
of the Iohhoh nro impossible to obtnlu
tonight, though thoy may oxcocd $5,
Tho Stuvosaut docks oxtoud from
Louisiana nvonuo almost to Napoleon
avonue, a diHtnnro of 12 squares. Tho
wharvos between thoso two points wero
eovornd with milos of trackage, and a
stcol and iron shed ran tho wholo dis
tance. o
Tho bodies of two moro victims of
tho oxplosion nt tho Virginia iniuo
wero recovered today, making a total
of 105. Six moro bodies aro in sight.
Official investigation of tho accident
bogan today.
At Tokio, capital of Jnpan, It was
announced today that tho Russians
continued tho bombardment of South
Mukdon Saturday and Sunday Tho
woathor Ib vory cold, nnd snow is falling.
Special Sale Curtains t
Federal Judge From Florida
Who Was Impeached
by Congress
Washington, Feb. 10. Tho wmnlo at
10 o'clock this morning began voting;
on tho Swnyno impeachment case. Oo
tho chnrgo that ho collected $230 ex
penses, nt $10 a dny, for holding court
at Wnco, Toxas, thoy adjudged hurt
j"not guilty" by a voto oi 40 to 3X.
Tho voting was on party lines.
On articles 2 to 8, inclusivo, charges
of using n privnto car, tho voto was not
With tho voting of "not guilty" on
nrticlo 12, n resolution was immediate
ly adoptod declnring Swnyno ncquittoci',
nnd tho sonnto as n court of impeach
mont, ndjournod sino dlo. Tho gnller
ics wero crowded, and ovory senator
wns in his soat. Swnyno pncod tho
lobby, nwaiting tho verdict, which wns
enrriod to him immodintcly on tho final
Patterson Woman Also Gains
' a Point on Another
Now York, Fob. 27. JuBtico Onynor
today issued n writ of hnbeas corpus in
bohnlf of Nan Pnttorson, who is now ia
tho Tombs prison, accused of tho mur
dor of Cnosar Young, roturnnblo boforo
him. Sho will bo brought In tomorrow.
Tho justico nlso .granted tho applica
tion of Miss Pattorson's counsol for o
writ of eortiorarl, bringing hor caso
boforo tho May term of court, on tho
ground that sho has been deprived oC
hor constitutional rights to u spoody
An Ohio Man Is Put on Trial
for Arson
Bryan, O., Feb. 27. For tho nllogodl
crlmo of nrson, committed at Montpo
llor, Ohio, 24 years ago, George Letch
er, a formor bnnkor of Fuyotte, Ohio,
was placed on trial hero today. Lotch
or was a roHldent of San Jose, Oal.,
from whonco ho wns spirited last Do
cembor by Ohio ofllcors, after fruitless!
extradition procoodlngH. Ho Is bolng
dofonded by Goo'rgo Iluohard, ft Sara
Francisco attorney,
does the dialogue.
iiun ii mi