Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 20, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Hundreds of New Laws
Ceming: Before the
Clerk Says Legislature Paid
Him More Than His
Many Applicants for the New
Places on the Bench and One
Prosecuting Aitorney
The governor and secrotary of state
aro working hardj taking care of the
grist of bills loft by tho legislature
Nearly 100 bills aro yet to come into
their hands, about 75 having como to
tho governor sinco tho legislature end
ed Friday, and some were yet to bo
signed by Speaker Mills, who canio up
today for that purpose. Tho secrotary
of stato has employod A. 0. Condit, of
this city, to havo tho laws copied for
publication, so as to havo thorn printed
by tho timo thoy go into effect. Mr.
Condit has dono this work for many
years, and! is said to bo a very compe
tent man for tho task.
Money Hold Up.
As tho gcnoral appropriation bills
contain no emergoncy clauso appro
priations for tho stato institutions will
not bo available until May 18th. But
Secrotary Dunbar says there will bo
monoy enough for tho payrolls, but
somo claims will havo to wait until
that timo arrives.
It is expected that thcro will bo a
referendum taken on tho genoral ap
propriation bill, as its items cannot bo
referred to tho people separately. If
a referendum is taken all tho appro
priations will bo tied up until thero is
anothor election, and tho stato would
bo compellod to pay interest on a mil
lion or moro for two years. A bill was
prepared by tho secrotary of stato to
provido for monthly payment of em
ployes, and that will go into effect in
May. Undor that payrolls will be
jnado up on the 10th of each month.
Important Appointments.
As a result of legislation at this ses
sion thoro aro many applicants for ap
jiointmonts at tho hands of tho gover
nor to an additional judgeship in tho
second district ono in tho eighth dis
trict, and a now district attorney in tho
tenth district. It is a cold day when
tho lawyers do not create a few offi
ces for their especial benefit and tho
accommodation of tho dear peoplo in
tho way of ermino woarcrs and proso
cutors. Lawyers Seabrook, of Marshficld,
.and Harris and Bilyeu, of Eugene, are
named as possiblo associates for Judgo
Hamilton, of Itosoburg, but, under the
?rill, tho man named must reside, after
appointmont in Lane, Lincoln or Ben
ton counties. As that district already
has a Democrat on tho bonch, it is
thought tho governor will name a Re
publican for tho additional judgo. In
tho eighth district Sam "White, Win.
Smith, M. D. Clifford nud J. B. Mes
sick aro mentioned by redhot tele
grams, and letters to como by tho thou
sands. For district attorney in tho
tonth district Clarence Crawford, J. A.
Burloigu and Turner Oliver, tho at
torney for tho boot sugar trust aro bo
ing petitioned for.
Among tho Ailing.
Rev. Davis Errott, who has been
holding special services at West Sa
lem, camo homo quito exhausted from
bis labors, but was ablo to occupy his
pulpit Sunday ovoning.
Mrs. Osborno, who suffcrod an attack
of pneumonia, is improving.
Mrs. Lewis, of the Rex studio, is
quito ill.
Thomas Paulson, clerk of tho agri
cultural committee during tho recent
Session of tho Oregon legislature, erst
while representative from Multnomah
county, having served two terms as
ex-assistant stato printor has returned
$57 of tho sum appropriated for his
services on tho committeo montioned,
to tho secretary of stato saying that
ho cannot conscientiously keep it, not
having earned it.
January 20th, Mr. Paulson went to
his home in Portlnud, with tho inten
tion of snendinc Sundav thcro. tho
legislature having adjourned, but whilo
walking up the front steps of his dwell
ing ho slipped, fell and broko his hip.
Ho was under tho doctors caro for
19 days, and was unablo to return to
his work at the capitol until tho last
weok of tho session, when ho appeared
upon crutches and resumed his duties.
When tho appropriation bill was
made up Mr. Paulson's time went in
for tho entire session, but ho has re
fused to accept tho cntiro sum, saying
that ho cannot conscientiously do so,
having been absent for 19 days.
Ho explains that tho legislative body
appropriated' tho sum whilo in ignor
ance of his nbsenco, and ho docs not
think it right thnt ho should bo paid
for work which ho did not do.
Mr. Paulson was a membor of tho
houso for two sessions, and worked for
State Printer Stiuson in 1805, when
two men did all of tho work of tho of
fice on a foot-power job press. Ho is
an old man, having lived' 72 years.
California mustard has
strength but lacks flavor.
Trieste has flavor but lacks
strength. Schilling's Best is
the two mixed, nothing else,
no color. The next - best
mustard, sold here is weak but
lias good flavor.
Your gro&er's; money back.
u iiiiiimiiiiimM h-i
: j Tie Latest
i it
; ; We have now a finer Choco- ; ;
; late Cream than vas ever ' j
! made in Salem before, at ! !
154 Stat Street.
t 104 Court Street.
Mrs. Etta Kneeves is spending a few
days in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Skiff arc visiting
friouds in Portland.
E. Kinnoy Miller snout Saturday
with friouds at'Albnny.
Bert Edward's returned last evening
from a visit at Portland.
Miss Hattie Odokirk spout Sunday
with friends in Portland.
Misses Mary and Lena Payno aro
visiting friends in Ashland.
Silas Rich roturned this morning
from a short visit at Portland.
J. E. Godfrey nnd Nick Hnas spent
Sunday with frionds in Portland.
George Meyors wont to Portland this
morning on a short business trip.
J. Clydo Mnrqunm, of Marquam, was
visiting friends in tho city yesterday.
Miss Elma Wollcr returned to day
from a visit with frionds at Portland.
Roy Bishop returned homo this morn
ing after spending Sunday with Albany
M. Zicgler returned todny from
spending Sundny with his parents in
Miss Mnymo Montgomery is homo
from spending Sunday with her parents
at Albany.
Chirles biers returned this morning
from spending a few days with Port
land frionds.
II. O. Forguson wont to Lebanon this
morning, whero ho will spend a few
days visiting his paronts.
Miss Blancho Brown went to tho re
form school today for a fow daysS vis
it with Miss Grotta Looney.
Mac Parker went to Toledo, Lincoln
county, this morning, whero ho will
visit rolatives for a fow days.
Mrs. W. G. Woods has roturned to
her homo at Albany, nfter a week's
visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. J.
Missos Lena Molntire and Maymo
Stout returned last evening from a few
days' visit with relativos and friends
at Portland.
Mrs. Paul Schmidt and daughter,
Pauline, of Albany, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, in
South Salem.
Clayton Young wont to Portland this
morning, to rosumo his dutios as in
spector of lnniber and buildings for tho
portago road, after spending Sunday at
his homo in this city.
Supreme Court Affirms De
cisions of Lower Court
Tho supremo court today handed
down two decisiens:
In tho case of tho Stato of Oregon,
respondent, vs. Jnmcs G. Lee, appel
lant, which was appoaled from Wash
ington county, Hon. T. A. McBride,
judge, tho action of tho lowor court
was reversed and a now trial ordered
by Justlco Bcatt.
Tho defendant was tried" nnd conr
victed of tho larceny of a calf. From
tho judgment sentencing him to tho
penitcntinry ho appeals.
In tho case of tho Stato of Oregon,
respondent, vs. Frank Gugllolmo, appel
lant, which was appealed from Multno
mah county, Hon. John B. Clolaud,
judge, tho action of tho lowor court
was afllrmod.
Gugllolmo was tho Italian who mur-1
dored his sweetheart, Freda Guarascia,
and was tried and convicted of murder
in the first degrco, nnd sentenced to
hang by Judgo Clcland. Ho appealed
to tho supremo court from tho judg
ment. Justico Mooro ruled: "Bolioviug
that tho dofendant had a fair nnd im
partial trial, in tho manner prescribed
by law, and that no prejudicial error
was committed, tho judgment' is af
firmod." ,
At Tho Dalles.
Everybody was glad to greet their
old friend, J. II. Cradlobaugh, on tho
streets of Tho Dalles today. Mr. Cradle
baugh is now located at Merlin, a
small mining town in Southern Oregon,
whero ho is employed by a mining com
pany. Ho is also interested in tho
Merlin Townsito Company. Having ro
ccntly mot with an accident, ho is not
looking so well as usual. In his inimit
able way Cradlobaugh tolls that two
weeks ago ho had gone up into a print
ing office to pay a bill, whon tho ncci
dent happened. Ho draws therefrom
tho moral that " a follow should novt
er pay n printing offico bill." Inas
much as tho accidont happened as ho
was leaving tho offico, his frionds who
havo read his splendid nowspnpor arti
cles, draw a different moral thnt
Cradlobaugh should never hnvo left
tho newspaper office. In coming down
the stairs his heel caught on a protrud
ing nail, and' ho fell headlong, striking
on his hoad, which rendered him un
conscious for two hours. Ho was nlso
confined to his bed for ton days, and
has not fully recovored from tho shock
yor. A friend who had hoard of tho
accident boforo says that whon Cradlo
baugh camo to and found surgoons giv
ing him a hypodormic injoctiou, tho
ruling passion assorted itself, and ho
feebly said: "For heaven's snko,
doc, don't removo my vermiform ap
pendix." And It stayed. Cradlobaugh
would joko at his own funoral. Tho
Dalles Chronicle.
Mr. Cradlobaugh was formorly of
Tho Journal forco.
Qtc 4 ! Blankets
Spring goods aro beginning to arrive.
Tho fall goods aro going. If you want
to get a suit or overcoat at a greatly'
reduce prico you will havo to hurry.
Wo havo suits and overcoats marked
down to $0, $8, $10 nnd $12.50, that
wcro from $10 to $18 values.
Wo havo about 80 pairs of cotton
blnnkots whioh wo will put on salo
this wook at tho following prices:
$2.00 BLANKETS" for $1.35
$1.75 BLANKETS for $1.25
$1.50 BLANKETS for $1.15
$1.00 BLANKETS for $ .75
Dtfess Gloves
A big roduction in men's dross and
walking gloves, in sizes from IVi to 0.
Best $300 Hat on Eat&
Spring Sty lers In
Men's SHff Hats
Men's Soft Hats
Ladies' Cowboy
All the Famous
"Roberts" makes
Salem Woolen Mill Store
One of the Poor of New York
Recovers Half a Million.
Washington, Fob. 20. Tho supromo
court has decided in favor of Alfrod
0. Vanderbilt in his suit to recover
$425,000 pnid tho government, undor
protost, in satisfaction of a war tax as
sessment on tho ostnto of tho lato Cor
nollus Vnndorbilt.
Japs Discovers Glands.
Tho world in genoral is greatly in
debted to Jnpaucso scientists nnd
chemists for many valuablo discover
ios, tho latest of which is of a very in
teresting nnturo.
Thero is in tho body of each of us a
pair of organs known as tho adronnl
glands, yot unknown to tho public,
though lifo could not continuo without
them. It was a Japanoso chomist, Tak
amino, who isolated from thuso glands
tho invnlunblo substauco which thoy
produco for tho benefit of tho rost of
tho body. It Is known ub ndronnlln. It
1b tho most powerful of all chemical
agonts for stopping homorrhago. It
will arrest blooding from tho noso whon
everything else has fallod. Not that
that much mnttcrs, for tho -noso is ac
cessible to mochnnlcnl moans, but ad
renalin has already saved many lives
that woro oozing nway In a thin read
stream that no surgoou could reach
St. Totorsburg, Fob. 20. Whilo Cos
sacks woro parading tho streets, es
pecially tho Novsk prospoct, in tho
neighborhood of tho Kazan cathedral,
tho usual districts for student demon
strations today a groat mass meeting
of studonts nud professors of tho St.
Petersburg University nssomblod to
discuss tho question of joining tho
strike, and inaugurated similar instruc
tions. Tho auditorium of tho universi
ty was packed. Sudont orators de
nounced tho courso of tho government,
doclaring promlsos would no longer
avail, tho govornmont must grant froo
dom of spocch, conscionco nnd press,
nnd convocation of tho national assem
bly. Thoy also domandod ending of
tho war. Tho profossors woro unablo
to suppress tho rising fooling. At an
ovorflow mooting tho revolutionary
spirit ran riot, students oven glorifying
in tho murder of Princo Sorglus. Tho
mooting took a rccoss at 3 o'clock, tho
sudonts Binging tho "Marsolllnlz,''
carrying rod flags.
Governor Has Issuod Requisitions for
Two Criminals, Both in Nobraka.
Govornor Chnmborlniu this morning
mndo requisition on Governor Mickey,
of Nobraska for two mon, who aro
wanted in this stato.
J. H. Slnttory is to bo oxtradltod for
tho authorities of Mainour county,
who, through District Attornoy McCol
loch, havo potltlonod tho govornor. It
is nllogod that Slattory with II. II.
Hockott nud Frank Cnmmann, Molo
four mares, ouo colt nnd six goldlngs,
tho nggrognto valuo boing about $535.
L. M, Norwood, deputy district attor
noy, has bcou doslgimtod as tho ofll
cor to roturn tho prisoner.
Tom Moss Ih wanted by tho authori
ties of Uinatilla county on tho charge
of forgory, which crime, it ifl alleged, I
ho committed at Peudloton, Fobruary f
1th of this year, and who is now ia f
Omaha, Nobraska. Sheriff T. D. Taylor,
of Umatilla county, will roturn tho 1
Real Estate Transfers.
Only thro ereal ostato transfers wero
mado in Marion county Saurday, tho
aggrgegato Bum being $1800. Tho arans-
fers woro as follews:
J. M. Wolford to A. Cbarpllloz, 117
acres, sec 30, t7 , r 1 e, $750.
F. R. Cross to E. O. Cross, lot 2, Oak
Lawn Park Addition to Salem, $350.
J. IL Albert to O. L. McPeek, lot 10,
block 9, Yew Park addition, $750.
In Honor of Salem Girl.
Mrs. Lcstor U. Sntterloo gavo a very
charming afternoon affair yostorday,
complimentary to hor noico, Miss Stol
wor, of Salem, Oro., who is visiting
hor for a fow weeks. Tho rooms wero
decorntod wih red carnations, and
"fivo hundrod' was played at flvo
tables, wih hnndsomo pieces in brass
for tho prices. At 4 o'clock Mrs. Sat
torleo served ices and enko, Miss Stol
wor assisting. Tho guosts invitod to
moot Miss Steiwer were: Tho Misses
Hickman, tho Misses Mason, Miss Page,
Miss Bates, Miss Prico, tho Missos
Wingato, Mrs. A. Do Y. Green, Mrs.
Frank Knox Brown, Miss Dailoy, Mrs.
Boaumont Applo, Mrs. Harry B. Oplo, I
tho Missos Worden, Mrs. E. S. Hall
Mrs. J. W. Maxwell. Mrs. Gcorgo E.
Moulton, Mrs. J. A. Wolbort, Miss Car
rlo Prichard and Mrs. E. R. York.
Taoomn Ledgor.
Miss Nolllo Hoover, of Brooks, was
a Salem visitor today.
Trial in Circuit Court
Tho caso of Smith vs. Smith, a suit
to reform deeds mado by Mrs. John
Donaldson, doceased, is boing tried bo
fore Judgo Galloway in dopartmont No.
2 of tho circuit court today. Tho caso
will probably tako up two days. Rich-J
aruson uicnarusou uru uuiuu;o iw
plaintiff, and George O. Bingham and
Kaiser & Slater aro for the dofenso.
8ur Cure for Files.
Itching piles produco moisture and
causo itching, this form, as well as
BUng, Bleeding or Protruding Plloa
aro curod by Dr. Bo-san-ko'i Pilo
Remedy; Stops itching and blooding.
Absorbs tumors. COo a jar at drug
gist, pr Bent by mall, Treaties freo.
Wrlto mo about your case. Dr. Bo
Duoko, Phlla., Pa.
Fore Balo by Dr. 8. C. Stone, druggist sldcratlon.
Choycnno, Fob. 20. In ho Cody dl
vorco enso this morning Banker McAr
thur, of North Platte, tostlflod that at
a banquet a North Platto, in 1003,
Cody calod for coffee, but ho chof gavo
him whiskoy instead, which mado him
droadfully sick. This was ono of tho
occasions on which Cody nllogod that
his wlfo gavo him poison. WItnoss for
dofonso today testified that Mrs. Cody
novor used profano or vulgar languago,
novor drank or kopt liquor about tho
plnco, was kind and indulgent with
Cody and members of hor family, and
always treated; Codjj'e guests with con-
Public Is Aroused.
Tho public is aroused to a knowledge
of tho curntlvo merits of that great
medical tonic, Eloctrlo Blttors, for
sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary,
H. Walters, of 540 St. Clair are., Co
lumbus, Ohio, writes: "For sovornl
months I was alven up to dlo. I had
fovor nnd nguo, my norves wore
wrockod; I could not sleep, and my
stomach was so weak from usoloss doc
tor's drugs that I could not oat. SoohJ
after beginning to tako Electric Bit-ft
tors I obtainod relief, and in a short t
timo I was ontlroly curod." Guaran-I
toon nt J. O. Perry's drug store; pricey
COc. $
4i 1IIIH m-H44M-fH'l4t
I The Masses
Whothor laws are made for thorn
or not, our meals aro, and they
aro approclatod by hundreds
every day.
i White House
Efri nmiuin in 1 1 1 i !
The Best Known of All
Every ouo knows that it is tho bost
known of all brands, and all smokers
know that it is the best quality. The
La Corona cigar.
How Is This Fo Growth?
Oar Sales for the First Half of February Show Jast a Little Over
98 Pet Cent. Increase
Over Oar Sales Dating the Same Time One Year Ago.
Whnt accounts for itt It's bocauso our goodo aro right our prlcos nro right and our policy la right. Our
policy ia this: Wc novor deculvo a customer, wo send out only goods wo can guarantee, whon chqlco Is loft to
us. Wo gladly rootlfy errors and wo choorfully refund money for nn unsatisfactory purchase Try us for fresh
fruits and vegetables and good groeerios.
Phone 471
Successor to ATWOOD & f ISHER
Cor. Commercial aud Court Streets
t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 N-M
. 'A