i 4 DA1LV DAP HAL JOtmifAJX BAim OEBOOK. TBIDAV, rSBEPAS? 16, J Mi M ni N I WOMAN x ELECTED SENATOR Miss McCarthy Chosen ..... i to wepresenr Mare at Washington Hon. Frank Davey Presided at Merry Mimic Session VrfflaPaaK l l PIMPLES AND FADE HUMORS mNEALTHEA "Trtnrtfmnrtt ZfFtrt W aw Merry aad witty w.re b mrmUn f tba tWni he, which mmoj at aigfat in the hull of rt pcaatati res. Ifom. raak flany waa aaaaiaaotialy cctd speaker, aad Ike auaner is which ka carried hi ataay koaor li. great er4H to kia wit aad fertile Iris brain. All kia.li of aatoaadiag ques tions, poiat af order jmmI NMtiM were UrI ia beaeac at Mr. Speaker, but a ready eeawer wu always waiting, and when Mr. Parkiaa, of the Port la ad Joor nal, laaaa hi gnat pa agaiaat the bill to eaaw all woaaea U tell their troe ages apoa beta Married, Mr. Hpowker qaickJy rapliajl to it by Hat ing that a nmm waa brare iatkwd who would euafeM to aavfa leea rafasod 29 Urn. Hffiith of Juwpbinc, a repreieati by Heading Clerk Pat MeArtknr, wa a satire af much Merriateat, when he would pnaderoualv pound hi desk aad argue mth I.inthi. urn, of Multnomah, Troatmont 7Go Htl. Il".rfl.IUE "oap, 25c. owgfcalrrf. "' iimaiicilllll WW l. TiiiC to B j" ! ,:" '-i Sklnhealth Tab -.,.,,5r-l'LM-tMwrf- AMdraotat- llarftan Sonp for the Complexion "" Hp. Vj-ltb4 rMm, rmckarM. ckaf a. aM!i fHT br4. Nsttiter wilt rlr r MK--lr -f SSc.i ntn. C. , V I-l fr Pr-f Sample sad Hay llalrhrallh fIMrrlr ram am&inS. . . wmwrwf.mj mmn mm pwa Wf, UrTK aUaf, Ufft 50c. Wtt it feftittef tfmxglsu'a. PALACE PHAR. - rt CTC Tl8 v- nu?;55s fr f5aSIX,St!3?'l if aflaaCiaV9&Jjf'J r flaCialaTtaKklaBMiLj jfU JITTERS If yoq are xnlt- jert to eohU lurinK tlie Hi-- lr monthn, w 1-rgejrott to k'-a lmttle f th-Hiti.M 1 ai y. A few !.-' Hi the irt ynii 'in Hill MV I )l f mif f nii( It for tin't the tern nK'an.i' Chill, CoMh and La arlupe, b!... n.f.H IndlgMtlono, Dys- HU .,Kriln r M.m McCarthy and Mm. pepala and ConnUpaUoa WWlock, of Tortlan.l, th latter bu- in th petto of Lair ThorapsoB, ertwhile ehief elerk of the seeond hos, or Calender Clerk J. A. Finch, who hld dowB Bailor's chair in a most efficient ataaaer. Sjeker Davey naying that doeora tiM were nlod for the spoaker'a ptatforni, ealle.1 Stwkor Mills, of the ead koae, and I'rosidont Kavken- dall, of the senate, to hi aide, amid grant apptaitHu, whieh the Hon. IVank graelowaly allowed the IMer liehta to share with him, aad even went so far as U tll the assembly that they should npprwAlate the honor of sitting before "tarsa" saeh good looking men. On wot ion of the Hon. Jamas Finch, Sanatar Malarkey was appointed as sistant reading elerk, whieh dilUenlt jw sltion he fillwl In a splendid manner. Aftar several tbaitsaHd bills and rw olntwHM had Imwh died of the sev- ntrenth order of business wns'tnksn up, aad nowinations were in order for the nfflee of Unltwl Stntos HHntnr. Numberless eaudidnies wore put before the house, which was resolved into a joint session, but one after another the witp withdrawn until the contest Uv littncili the Hunrintntulnnt nt n pUee-1 ia aassiaatisB kjr her private j --binary aaa eaatpaiga aanager, J. A Fiaea, aad aa4e a placky fight fer the hoaar which seeated to be at abwt a deadlock, waea Mr. Piach arose, with tears fa his eyes, far it was hard t give a after . a able fight, and stated that he weald withdraw hk can iilate, aariag received a toiegraai from I'ortlaad that she weald sat be satis factory to tae'ergasdaatiaa. The elisaax af Use faa was reached whea a eaasaaittee was appointed to pro-'lu-e George Sayder frasa the depths of th- state priatiag affice, aad whea they produced hiss ia bis warkiag clothes, l-eves rolled vp aad an eyesode stack rver his eyas. Mr. Sayder was called to the platform, when he immediately CMD&srated Speaker Davey 'a easy ebair, greatly to that gentleman's astoaish ment. Mr. Sayder rendered a safe, and then lead the assembly ia "America," after which the boase adjoaraed upon call of the speaker. - -.- 1 - J BAU &mSBBL Neary vs. Bayers. Milwaukee. Wis., Feb. 10. The local sporting contingent is on edge ia aati eipation of the fight tonight between Charlie N'eary, the idol of JMilwaukee fight followers, aad Manriee Savers, of Chicago. Efforts to got the two to gethor in the ring have been tasking for some time, and -it was only with much difficulty that ilio olub succeeded in getting their signatures to an agree ment. The fight will bo a six-round affair at 130 pounds. Are ctw only hungry bab.es. The) ey ietS awitarr is sujc w -.w b--mVcs'; babi- that coct aad sleep and jrjur. Hotners who ate IJctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, are naerallT healthy and haspv, and bre healthy, happy chi. Iren. -Favorite Pre scription'' pre vents nausea, soothes the ner es, promotes the ap- sleep to be sound and re:reshmg It gives a great pays- tl otr nt ftluc cnlar elasticity so that the babv 'sad vent is practically best tonic for nursing mothers, restoring strength and promoting an abuuJant flow of nutritive secretions. M can dwerfally recommend Dr Purees I msrC 'M CLASSIFIED uAHTFD. I ""-"lLL-v--f- saiem WANTED nc""??j'''nu!rv7v on nth 01 tnat wanted srill at Willamette h ,..1 to call at the hotel at once. J- 2-8-3t onner. Solicitor Wantcd.-Lady or gentleman, . i - iAa nmrla in vour oity.to solicit oruersiu. " - OSTEOPATHS. in vour rn.iu " needed every da on the table. Good monev for tho solicitor, uny . awake persons wanted, with reoom mendations. Address "M. B.," Box 4SS, Salem, Oregon. Prominent Speakers to Bo Heard. Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 10. The Bridgeport Board of Trade has com pleted arrangements on an elaborate scale for its annual lmnnuct tonight. The list of speakers is headed by Con gressmen Cuehman, of Washington, and Lloyd, of Missouri. o CERTAIN EEStTLTS. Many a Salem Citizen Knows How Sure They Are. M can cheerfully recommend ur n"ica Pivente l'recrtpion s one of the bet niedl dnrt for women " writes Mrs Mary Munlock, Mardock, of 1045 Wood rd Are .TopeVa. Kan. "I ilder it the bet medicine nude I know it has mo eql I am the mother of ten children and only one living; the tenth one. She is one ear old and Is at well and hearty as can be. She is a beauty Of my other bbie one lived to be one year old bat he was alwa leeoie. 1 meu an lerent doctors, but none of them could tell me what my trouble was. They said I was vell and strong I was examined by surgeons but they Ibuad uothine wrong, and they were Mled to know what mv trouble was. I did not know what to do, so 1 thought this time I would try Dr Pierce' Favorite Prescription. I teok it the entire nine months and now have a fine baby gill, and I cannot praise your inedl dne enough for the good it did me." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy and pleasant to take. A most effective joxathe. ; IMHHiSIIM$HMaHMHMHHKMM ! ! t:::::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::: j BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. ; GR AINbdybrs and shipperW CP A IN Oats For Sale. HOP OROWtins SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulohur. L I J. G. Graliam, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. S 4aWlaMCBa)15Ba)aaMMeMBBMtMBliMtMlBMaH!' 1 1 saat . . . (THE PICK OF THE FORE8T Has bon taken to supply the stock of lumber In nur vanl n,,-. -.. i. ... complete with all kinds of lumber jusi reooiveti a car load of No. 1.. ahlnglas, also a car of fine shak4 ! Wo uro ablo to fill any and all kind J of bills. Como and let us show rot i i our btock, ; Yard and offlca aear A P, paaaonser depot. 'Phono Main BL ' .-.ivwr j vs aaaa"ji!JLsaaav 1 1 J t rf- rZKmWh"liP ' QOODALE LUMBER CS f rafMiaitimaIJlia,lBIW),ltJ)ll)wtBttt)tf))t(( vaaaV a-ll 1 1 aaaaaaBjavajajaaai m an . i i tHaVtfaaBBBBBal mMAj!KL I'll f I faBBBaaS;JaaViLI.Rflal ; ; Jft 'fl rJrffll !U mm KsaaWAM mwkWwm K..K tm III I ! i .j n n WH TB I Xothing uncertain about the work of Doau s kidney pills in Salem. There is plenty of positivo proof of this in the tostimony of eitiaens. Such ovidenec should convince tho most skoptieal doubter. Betid tho following state ment: James Tanner, farmer, oornor of 13th and Lewis streets, says: "So many suffer from kidney complaint that for a time I was alarmed about myself for I was troubled with my back aching m the regiou of my kidnovs. I think it was caused first by n strain from heavy lifting I did two years ago. I kept getting worse, instead of bottor. and finally consulted a doctor. Ho told mo I had gnll stones in tho bladder, but trouble with kidney secretion exist ed, their too froquent aetion disturbed my rest from lfi to 20 times a night. This was very annoying and I was in n bad way when I read of Bonn's Kid ney pills, and procured a box at Dr. Stone's drug store. To say that I was surprised at the speedy effect of thoir use is putting in mildly. I have rec ommended Dean's kidney pills to oth ers, and will always have a good word for them." For sale by all dealers. Prioo CO ents. Foster-Mllbam C.. ItufTntn m V., sole agents for tha United Statos. Uemenibsir th nawe-DoaB'nnn.l take no other. q Texas Good Roads Convention. Tample. Texas, Feb. 10. Tho Cen tral Texas Good Bunds convention, un der the auspices of tho Missouri, Kan sas and Texas railway company, began its sessions here today. President Fin ney, Assistant Genornl Manager Max well, Col. W. IL Moore, president of the Good Bonds association, and W. E. Lviieks, of St. Louis, national organiz er, delivered addresses. Tho conven tion will continue in session over tomorrow. Men. We teach the .barber trado .in tho shortest possible timo at snwu oxpenses, and guarantee positions. Write for cattuloguc. Moler System College, San Francisco. 2-8-lni Wanted. $8 to $12 weekly easily earned by either sex knitting scam less hosiery for tho western market; our improved family machino with ribbing attachment furnished worthv families who do not own a machine, on easy payment plan; write at once for full particulars and commence making nionoy; no experience re quired. United Statos Woolen Co., Detroit, Mich. H-3'tf Dr. IL Theresa Schoottlo, Osteoid Graduate of rounder's school. Gfj Opera House, Salem, Oregon. ( fieo phone Jiiain 2721. BeaHa. phono, Bed 2603. Assisted bv Madeline Stravens, late of St. L Mo. PHYSICIANS. Dr. E. E. Jackson Treats all &S$M of domestic animals. Office andlj pital at 10th and B strets, phMej White. LODGES. Sa'em CainFNo 118, Woconoftl World Meots in Holninn Hall sti!! Friday at 7:30 p. m. L. R. SthuJ consul; P. I. Frasor, clerk. FOR SALE. For Sale. Stovo wood. Small orders will receivo special attontion. Call on S. C. Kightlinger, inspector for tlin Snlom Water Company. 2-9-3t Foresters of America Court Shonrhl Foresters No. 19. Moots Friday Turner diocs. ira Jorgenson, 0. A. L. Brown, Sec Central Lodge No. 18, K. ef P-Gmm xiuii iu nuuuuu uiucx, cornw I and Liberty Sts. T-eeday of week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. TvtM C. C; W. I. Staler, K. qf H, andl Sure Cure for files. Itching piles produco moisture and causo itching, this form, aa well as Bling, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile Remedy Stops itching and blooding. Absorbs tumors. BOc a Jar at drug gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free. Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo- 8anko Philo., Pa. Fore salo by Dr. S. C, Stone, druggist ' O i Edward Atkinson is 78. Boston, Feb. 10. Edward Atkinson, Boston's most cminont stntistieinn. ob served his 7Stlt birthday, and was the recipient or. congratulatory . messages from friends in maiiv parts of the country. Poultry. A few choice White Plym outh Bock nnd Black Minorca fowls for salo cheap. Also puro eggs for setting. T. II. Blundell, Morning side. Phone 2000 Bed. 1-31-lm For Sale. Small dry fir wood, at $3.25 per cord. Phono Black 2061. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Morningsidc 1-20-tf Valley lodge No. 18, A.O. U.W. JA In their hall in Holmaa block, i ner State and Liberty, every mJ day evening. Visiting brttkJj welcome. Emil Donaldson, M. A. B. Aufrance Recorder. Modern Woodmen of AmerfcafoB gun uouur uunp no. &240. Mad every ITiursday evening at 8 o'eM noimaii uaoi, ia. jb. Mattea, c: A. L. Brown. Clerk. TON80RIAL AND BATHi. For Sale. Two fine building lots, well drained, planted to fruit. Inquire of II. C. Schultz, one block east of North Salem school. 1-7-tf For sale. All my housohold goods, in cluding ono piano in good condition, music cabinet, bed-room furniture, carpets, pictures, statuary, bric-a-brac, etc. Call on Mrs. C. H. Hinges, 352 Church street, from 8 to 10 a. m. and from 6 to 9 p. m. For Sale. Five or ten-acro plaee, first class improvements. Closo to school, church, postoffice and railroad. Ad dress "X.," care of Journal. Barber Shoo OnT shop on State Btret. Every new and up-to-cato. Finest atr iam oauio. anave, i5.; aJr-catl baths, 25c. Two flrat-cliaa w blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor. DRAYMEN. welch & Whito do a g!eaeral and transfer business, meet trains. 'Phoned, down town. 2181, residences, Blue IB. rod MM- Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-lMal For Sale. At a bargain. IIouso, barn and lot for $900. Fine fruit trees on place. Address "T." caro Journal. ll-28-t Fiondish Suffering Is often caused by sores, ulaers nnd cancers, that eat away your skin. Win. Bedell, of Hat Bock, Mieh.. savs: "I have used Iltieklon's Arnica Salvo for L jeers, Soros and Cancers. It is tho boat healing dressing I ever found." Soothes and heals outs, burns and scalds. S5e at J. C. Perry's drug store; guaranteed. -o 'For Sale. Moving .picture outfit, in first-class condition. At groat reduc tion. Address "L. F. H.," Salem, Or., enro Journal. 8-20-tf WMltK COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPAQ OFFICE CITY HALL For water anrrlri innlv at oaul nin. .. 7. S"f ".""" ma payaoio monuuy in adruM Mae an complalnta at tie ofllca. FOR RENT. ) A WINNEIt in the race for supremacy in jmrk product is our latest con XRwmeut ia ehoio sugar cure. Us ihr aad boas, and our flae eoaatry saauges, s for rastiag, eheps, etc Old atker brtaga a demand fer rbaUe prk ia spar rib, plga feet, haakt, tripo and sausages, and w have tho finest ern fed and aarefully-fed perk to be se cured. E. C. Cross. Partner Retire. C. J. At wood, the geaial BMr,vmau, haa an aaHouaeemaat la this issuo con ternmg his first yaar's exuerieaea as Salem meraaaaL He aW aaawiaces the lisilutioa af the irm of Atweod & Fiher. tmiar to the latter ' ill health. snd ht Mn--ed te the $ot bumness they hae built up, t'harhf 14 one of Salem's hardiwt rustlers, and, although beiriaintf i-lth limitisl i-spital. he will one ,Uy be one "f ur leading busineM iuou, of whom his frioti.lti will t lie proul Tho Tashmo. Did you ever try the Tashmo. fl best 12e cigar mauufaeturetl. Well, they are it, and Aug. Huekensteiii makes them. t(j China has a national biography de votwl entirely to women. It contains more than 2-1,000 name. r KcntTleTrno?llg keeping, also 2 sleeping rooms, with both. 4S0 Liberty street Phono 500 White. 2-4-lwk For Rent Furnished rooms, 3 blocks from stato house. Phone 361 Whito. A. Olingor. i-5-tr MISCELLANEOUS. OJoifTnek'Ve and dentist, graduate of tho Ontario College, Hon. Member of tho Ontario Medical Socioty. Office, Low's Cap ital Stables. All calls answered P"mrtly. 1.10.1m rUBTTY AS A riOTURB ! what the laOtea all mv of our a laeed sUm. U U aaadm, -liy. af Mm saaae aad workman tails aa4 is tW bast wade shoe you taa Aad la $alaav Oar ivok f ladles' maa'a, Uyt' KrU aaai an Uath aaaifwrtnUa aad dur aUa, aa wall as svtag the ft aa aritfiWralW aafara. Jacob Vogt . --tvHk 41 A ' I FULL STOr.KT New Lodging House.- Everything now rlnan J - -... .'.lu,uS I- ki 1 . "JUJionao e. Schrelb tUbluk,VM61 8,at6 8troeL MaS tie Hutchins, proprietor. Phone iWn2874. M.tf Call on Your Stepmoflur at tho Salem Dye Works when yot want your clothes cleaned, dyed, it paired or pressed, jelined, velvet collar on, also suits pressed by tlx month. You can got anythin cleaned from a pear of gloves U tho most elaborato silk gowns. MES. O. H. WALKEE, 10o Commercial St. Proprietor, Semething: of a Sensation Will created In your eves when you examine the exjulsltc fin- Haen doae up at the Salem Steam LaujJry Toe same thlsr hoiS jooi m Ufa vesta. Uii-tfae J" jSalemSteagiLaundry We bow have a full stoak of Hy. ths, Talias, Croaus, .ar8lMas, Baow Draas, Ju tBlj a nlw tf ortaM.t af Chiawe Sasred Lilies, Would U plud to have the public tall aad inspect ear stock at Savajre & Ffof rU j 322-324 Commercial St. H' faCOlt-Nowly fUrnl8hed( ovo -.u6 Kivan Bna nrst cks3 Roomg at reasonablo prices. ia Cottle block Salem. A. Scott, prop. n.i.u S..0t,1?7ih,,c triln,D8 iT5 -.-- ..r urounds. Horses trained for road or track purposes. Satisfac tion guarantee,!. I.riea refl,0nable 12.1-3m f7 tiueYi J Hnds of farm gjdM. at Capital Cou,iMi0B Co m :t: T.7 jiia, 8treet; . oaicw. ur. l.i.tf.,i "wit inu SiNR . China an! Japan Faacv r,nni ' and all klnis of Dr! Caosiik? fcmtro dery Laces Mai..' ;l,ks line Geatirand "aliev f!,?. ,?,ew COOdS. Suits. W?iireUrJ?lD? Waists, aowat low "IS. SkL"s- Orwa Phrtae tttaVV5.TtVMlcffl. 'y Kavt, .. tried prrr-TT r- .. . .'4uj L.inli r tor Wi have the best IZT ,U t0Wn- Cotn "rr tt JJM e,Mtd. 0 tt U-t waAhe, oa the arV n. "! -w;i37stp Maaataatai L f lU' e fivTT. V.m 0. K. Q,Mbh. r""-" Marc as. r-aiScrerir , Wealh' reading. hamoay 6ht Woven Wire Fcnc'ng American, Page and Elvrwd fences aro the heaviest and best Prices lower than any other fences of same weight. Barb wire, plain wire, fence posts al suingies. Call and get prices, or write for particulars and pricei WALTER MORLEY. 60 Court St. Salem Law Maters dor 't all eat with us, but the fefj ,unr luo laws aro mado for d, UB lMi' taa happy because thev p ", mc want. COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 05 Commercial B:reet HfHHfMnilllllll - Rfu nt- :: eer10.. The best uu iincoB rtgut. t. ECKERLEN, PrOP. -i umuii 'jlj - C. T. CO. PAJIENQER ICAMER8 A , POMONA And Altona leave for Portland d"y, except Sunday, at 10 For Albanr, daily, except Sunday, t about 6 p, m. For forvallis, Tuesday, Thursda. a Saturday at 8 p. . "OckJ P&at aj s.j. " JfR?W ?g'AUWlW. ML