Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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iFirn nr
I ntn pomoelled bv a seni nf antt4Ji
tell you the great good your remedj
done me in n case of Contagious Blood
con. Among uiuer symptoms i was se
i.ltr afTlirfrrl WlHl Rfioitmattam ..,! i
lost past going. The disease got a firm
ll unon mvsvBtem! mvhliwl nmtt.nr.
Ilily poisoned with the virus. I lost in
gm, w i uu uuwii, una sore turoat,
ptions, splotches and other evidences
n T tipifflti the uf of fi S Q l
listent use of it brought me out of my
bble safe and sound , and I have the
age to punitory testify to the virtues of
areat blood remedv. R. S s o.,,l
hnimend it to all blood-poison suffer.
I sincerely Deiicving it it is taken ne
tting 10 directions, ana given a tali
i, il wm luuiuujjuiy eliminate every
tide of the virus. James Currant.
rfc Hotel, ureensDurg, Fa.
linful swellings in the groins, red erup'
bi upon the skin, sores in the mouth
ulnos of nftir mid vrhrnw nraaiwA nf
symptoms of this vile disease. S. S. S.
u nuuuuic lur iuc nwiut virus tnat
Cits and destroys even the bones.
ft fi. cntltfltttt tin Mpmirtr Pntncli n.-
pr mineral mirredirnt Wi nfTr r vn
proof that it is not absolutely vegct-
aoir. xiomeireat
ment book giving
the symptoms and
other interesting
and valuable infor
mation about this
disease, mailed
free. Our phvsl
clans advise free
those who write us.
ESwIft Specific Company, Atlanta, Qa.
I Primary Eloction3 Discussed.
nn Arbor, Mich., Fob. 10.--At tho
lluding sessions this morning of tho
aal mooting of tho Michigan Politi-
ISclonco association papors wore
as follews: Constitutional Limi-
pns on Primary Election Icgisla
i" Prof. Ployd R. Mochom, Uni
ity of Chicago Law School; "Pri-
Elections in Minnesota," Prof.
V. Schnpcr, University of Minncso-
"Tho Now Primary Law of Wis-
in,' Prof. H. L. Smith, College of
University of Wisconsin.
Bore is moro Catarrh in this sec
of tho country than all other dis-
pu$ together, and until tho last
jycars was supposed to be incura-
For a great many years doctors
punced it a local disoaso and pro-
ad local romodios, and by con-
ly failing to euro with local treat-
, jjiuuuuuccu ib luuuruuil'. BQlr
K has proven catarrh to bo a con-
itional disease and thoreforo ro
bs constitutional treatment. Hall's
rrhCure, manufactured by F. J.
ley & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only
titutionnl cure on tho market. It
liken, internally in doses from 10
Is to a teaepoonful. It acts direct-
the blood and mucous surfaces
10 system, i uey oiler one nun
dollars for nny case it fails to
Sond for circulars and tostimoni-
Mre.u: F. J. CHENEY & Co., To-
W by Druggists, 75c.
ko Hall's Family Pills for con-
Qompcrs to Debate.
pchestor, N. Y., Feb. 10. Samuel
ors, prosidont of tho American
tration of Labor, will dofond tho
shop policy in a public dobato
w tonight under tho auspices of the
ral Trades and Labor council. His
inent will bo Howard W. Clark, a
manufacturer, who will Bpeak in
ilf of tho open-shop policy.
Pretty Safe Eulo to Go By.
there is a feeling that tho heart
lags, blood or liver, brain or nerves
aisensed, at onco commence to doc-
Iho stomach.- That is the founda-
V tho trouble in 90 casos out of
100. Commence to regulate the
tivo organs, got them in healthy
ling condition, and tho othor troub-
rill leave of themselves. Diseases
have thoir beginning in the
iach must be cured through tho
ach. Tho modicino for stomach
Mere and half tho ills of life, is
lunn's Improved Liver Pills. They
Isold by all druggists for 25c per
One pill is a dose. These pills
gall the digestivo organs in good
lition so that disease has no basis
fork upon.
lie by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist.
To Ba Dewey's PlagBhip.
Iiladolphia, Feb. 10. Tho now ar
'1 cruiser Colorado left tho League
d 'navy yard today for New York
fitted with torpedo tubes. It is
rted that Admiral Dewey has asked
the Colorado as his flagship in the
log naval maneuvers off tho Cuban
cough medicine over sixty years old
als must mean merit, solid, genuine merit. It certainly must
Ufruc that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures coughs, colds, croup,
chitis, asthma. Ask your
igineaa wcait inroais anu ticai iuuiwcu k
Will Be Held at the Willard
Hotel, Washington D. C.
Washington, Fpb. 10. Practically
all tho arrangements for tho meeting
of tho Intornutionl Railway congress,
which is to be held in this city next
May, hnve been completed. Tho
.sessions will bo held in tho now Wil
,lard hotel and they will Inst ton days.
I Tho headquarters of tho International
congress is in Brussels. A. Du Bois,
tho prosidont, 1h tho minister of rail
ways of Belgium.
This is expected to bo tho largost
mooting tho association has ever held.
It is understood that tho number of for
eign delegates will bo over 200, and
perhaps as largo aa 400. Every two
years tho association holds a meeting,
but tins will bo tho first gathering in
After the mooting there aro to be
two tours. Ono will bo over tho Penn
sylvania railroad from this city to Al
toona, whero a day will bo spont at tho
company's shops. Then Pittsburg will
bo visited, whore an inspection of the
Wostinghouso electric plant, as well as
some of tho other largo industrial es
tablishments will bo made. From
Pittsburg a run will bo made to Clovo
lnnd, then to Ashtabula, and from
there to Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
Thon tho party will bo dividod,N somo
taking tho Grand Trunk to Montreal
and then going to Boston. Tho rest of
tho party will go ovor tho Now York
Central to Schnoctady, whero tho
plants of tho Goncral Electric company
and tho Americnn Locomotive Works
will bo inspected.
Tho other trip will tako in Pittsburg,
Cincinnati, St. Louis, Buffalo and Ni
agara Falls, in addition to tho shops on
tho first tour. A number of tho for-
oign railroad officials will spend somo
timo in Now York and Philadelphia.
Tho Arion Ball.
Now York, Feb. 10. Next to the
annual French ball tho most notablo
affair of tho kind given in tho metrop
olis each winter is tho big Arion mas
quorado ball. This will bo given to
night and Mud i son Squnro Garden,
whero tho affair will tako placo ns
usual, has boon converted into n thing
of bcanty. The ball this year will bo
ropleto with now nnd plonsing features.
Following tho usual procession of mag-
nificont allegorical floats thoro will bo
a mammoth ballot, which promises to
uo one oi mo most gorgeous spectacio
of its kind over soon hero. Tho par
ticipants -in tho spectacio will include
fully flvo hundred professional dancers.
Whist Tournamont at Topcka.
Topoka, Kns., Feb. 10. Tko assem
bly rooms of tho Elks' chili woro
thronged with whist dovotees today at
tho opening of tho olevonth annual
tournamont of tho Contrnl Whist asso
ciation. Representatives woro on hand
from tho clubs of Omaha, Kansas
City, Dos Moines, St. Joseph, Council
Bluffs nnd a number of othor cities.
Tho tournnmont oponod this afternoon
with tho first play for tho Richards
Challing trophy for toams of four nnd
tho Dos Moines trophy, in which any
numbor of pairs from nny club may
enter. Tho piny will continuo through
Broad and Sullivan.
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 10. "Kid"
Broad, pf Clovelnnd, and "Kid'? Sulli
van, of Washington, aro to engago in
a 15-round battle beforo the Eureka
Athletic club tonight. Tho lads weigh
in at 130 pounds Into this afternoon,
this arrangement boing a compromise
that brought about tho contest, whioh
has been hanging firo for somo time,
Tho fight is to bo for a purso of $1000,
Peculiar Disappearance
J. D. Runyan, of Butlorvillo, Ohio,
laid the peculiar disappearance of his
painful symptoms, of indigestion and
billiousnoss, to Dr. King's New Life
Pills, no Bays: " They aro a powerful
remedy for dizziness, sour stomach,
headache, constipation, etc" Guar
anteed at J. C. Perry's drug store, pric
Change in Pine Bluff and Western.
Pine Bluff, Ark., Feb. 10. Boginning
today the Pine Bluff & Western rail
way, which runs to Benton from Pine
Bluff via Sheridan, is to bo operatod
by tho Cotton Bolt. Tho road is the
proporty of tho Missouri Pacific, re
cently purchased from tho Sawyer and
Austin Lumber company of thiB eity.
own doctor to explain wnyic
lmU. KtM.
dw5aaww"","if' "w.'w
Because it is either hun
gry or in pain. Properly
nourished it will usually grow
up right and be comfortable
that's the principal thing
for a baby. If its food lacks
strength and nourishment
add Scott's Emulsion at feed
ing time. A few drops will
show surprising results. If a
baby is plump it is reason
ably safe. Scott's Emulsion
makes babies plump.
We'll send you a sample free.
Scott & Bowne, 409 Pearl St., New York.
Its operation roduccs tho timo between
Pine Bluff and Hot Springs several
Also a Fow Facts on tho Samo Subject
Wo hear much nowadays about henlth
foods and hygienic living, about vege
tarianism nnd many other fads along
tho Rame line.
Restaurants may bo found in tho
largo cities whero no meat, pastry or
coffee is served and tho food crnnk is
in his glory, and arguments and the
ories galoro advanced to provo that
meat was never intended for human
stomachs, and almost mnko us beliovo
that our Bturdy ancestors who lived
four scoro years in robust health on
? roast beef, pork and mutton must luivo
been grossly ignorant of tho laws of
Our forofathcrs had othor thing1) to
do than formulato thoorics about tho
food thoy ate. A warm wclcomo was
oxtonded to any kind from bacon to
A healthy appotito and common sonso
aro excellent guides to follow in mnt
tors of diot, nnd a mixed diet of grains,
fruits nnd meats is undoubtedly tho
As compared with grains and vegeta
bles, meat furnishes the most uutrimont
in a hichly concontrated form nnd is
digested and assimilated moro quickly
than vegetables and grains.
Dr. Julius Rcmmon on this subject
says: Nervous persons, pcoplo run
down in henlth and of low vitality
should cat moat and plonty of it If
tho digostion is too focblo nt first it
may bo easily corrected by tho roliof
of Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablots nftor
each meal. Two of thoso oxcollont tab
lots tnkon after dinnor will digest sov
cral thousand grains of meat, eggs or
other animal food in throo hours, and
no matter how weak tho stomach may
bo, no troublo will bo oxporioncod if n
regular practice is mado of using Stu
art's Dyspopsia Tablets, because thoy
supply tho popsin and diastaso neces
sary to perfect digostion, and ovory
form of indigestion will bo ovcrcomo
by thoir use.
That largo class of peoplo who como
under tho hond of nervous dyspoptics
should oat plonty of moat and insuro
its propor digostion by tho daily uso
of n safe, harmless digostivo medicino
liko Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets com
posod of tho natural digostivo princi
ples, pepsin, diatcse, fruit acids, and
salts, which actually porform tho work
of digestion. Cheap cathartic medi
cines, masquerading under tho namo of
dyspepsia cures aro useless for indi
gestion ns thoy havo absolutoly no of-
foct upon tho actual digestion of food.
Dyspopsia in all its many forms is
simply a failuro of tho stomach to di
goat food, and tho sonsiblo way to solvo
tho riddlo and euro tho dyspopsia is to
rmako daily uso at meal timo of a prep
aration liko Stuart's Dyspopsia Tab
lets, which is endorsed by tho modical
profession and known to contain active
digestivo principles.
All druggists soil Stuart's DyBpopstn
Tablets at CO cents for full treatment.
He Takes a Tumble.
Customer now is it, Mr. Jones, that
you havo no bicyclo rnckt I see your
neighbors havo thorn1.
Mr, Joncs W-o-1-1, or w-o-M, to tell
the truth, that is just "why I have none.
Customer But, Mr, Jones, don't
you think it is very unfair to compel!
your customers to occupy your neigh
bor's rack, and some times force his
patrons to go to another store, in order
to have a place to put thoir wheclst
Jones You aro right; I novor boforo
saw it in that light. I understand that
that man Sherwood has flvo different
styles of his rack now, and that ho will
be out about the 20th of February
showing them to tho public, I shall or
der one without further delay. I thank
you Mr. Smith for calling iny attention
to this matter; call again.
Wants Divorce
Naucv Reeves has filed complaint
against her husband, Abraham Reeves,
for divorce, alleging cruel nnd inhuman
treatment, in department No. 2 of the
circuit court.
Force to Be Picked From the
State Militia
Portland, Feb. 10. Plans for tho or
ganization of tho Lewis nnd Clark ex
position guards aro now coinplotcd, nnd
nion to form tho guard aro being enlist
ed. Mnjor ('. E. McDonald, of Port-'
land, has been chosen chief of tho
guards, and ho will bo assisted by throe
othor oftlcors. 1
Tho guard will consist of 75 men so
looted by the company from tho mili
tary companies of Oregon. A height
of fi feet 8 Inches is required. Tho
command will wear military uniforms
and carry guns loaned by the stnto
military authorities. Tho strictest mil
itary discipline will bo maintained.
Tho band of 75 men will bo divided
into three shifts, each commanded Uy
nn oiucer, ami each sunt win servo
eight hours, tho schedulo boing from
S 11. m. to 1 p. m.; from 4 p. m. to mid
night, and from midnight to 8 a. m.
Tho soldiers will bo paid $1.50 por
day, with freo board and lodging. Thoy1
will live in tents outsido tho grounds,
in a fashion somewhat similar to that
adopted at summer encampments. The
guard? will bog!" thoir duties about
the middlo of March, and thoir terms
of sorvieo will continuo until tho mid
dle of November, a month after tho
closo of tho exposition.
A Touching Story
is tho saving from death of tho baby
girl of CI eo. A. Eylcr, Cumberland,
Md. Ho writes: "At tho ago of 11
months, our llttlo girl was in declining
health, with Berious throat trouble, and
two physicians gavo her up. Wo woro
nlmoBt in despair, when wo resolved to
try Dr. King's Now Dlscovory for Con
sumption, Coughs nnd Colds. Tho first
bottlo" gavo roliof; aftor taking four
bottlos she was ourod, nnd s now in
perfect health." Novor fails to ro
lioo and euro a cough or cold. At J.
C. Perry's ding Btoro; COc and $1.00
guarnntcoil. Trial bottlo freo.
Mcoting of Anthropologists.
Iowa City, Ta., Fob.- 10. Tho Iowa
Anthropological association, which bo
gun its annunl mooting hero today, will
discuss many problems of gonoral in
forest, iunin; tho distinguished par-
That 1b what tho wholo world Is
trying to do, in ono way or anothor
and nono aro so successful as thoso
who uso
Ask your grocor for it for two rea
sons, viz: .becauso it is tho best
and becauso it Is mado in Salem.
Gold Bast Flout 1
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Mado for family use. Ask
your grocer for It Bran and
aborts always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
eho& of
G. F Mason
g MiJ!or Street, ju-uth Salem.
PHONE 2101 Bed.
always bears the above cap
label. It means the same
as telling you that we
back up its purity with a I
$5,000 guarantee.
Made by the largest pro
ducers of Evaporated
Cream In tho world.
tlctpiits aie Professor Frederick Starr,
of tho I'nivorsitj of CliioMgo; rthur
MeLuic, uf Hnnard university, nnd
Dr. Dm on T. IT. Ward, of Iowa uni
Beforo your time. Proper caro of
your ntomni'h and dlot will keep your
health good. In tliln particular tho
Wild lloso llour is 11 known euoiiiy
of' dyspopsia, us it makes tho best
of good, white, sweet, nutritious
bread it is tho housewife's favor
ite. Salem F louring Mills
"Fom AtoZ."
We luo studied ewry detail of the
grocery business that's why wo con
tinuo to grow and oxpnnd. Success do
pondB not only 011 Knowing what but
how to buy. Our ability to secure tho
bast ut tho lowest prlcos onablos us to
givo you many saving ohaucos.
Harritt & Lawrence
HHW-Wfr-M-I frHr-t--H-t-MfrH llll III 8 1 I HI III 1 1 111 IB
sBkv .'j1? cownnrt
HMIIIIIII H-H i 8 1 1 It t-r-HH-fr-i-H-H M I I I M H 1 1 1 1 1 H H-
f Fine Popeffty
Cholco piece residence proporty on principal street within three blocks
buiinoss part of city.
Nice large, modern heset about ono nero of ground noar school and
car line, all kinds of fruit, beautiful shrubbory, ete. All modern con
veniences. These aro both etra choice bays for homes or investments.
244 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
Is Not Ove
We will probably', j fcave
some cold weather yet and
you will need a heating
stove. Wc have cat prices
on every heating stove in
the house. Call and ex
amine them.
R. M. Wade & Co.
T&eitf Bank
Tho rotations oxisting; botweon
this Imnk nnd its customers aro
closo and cordial. Wo esteem It a
compliment to havo peoplo lay claita
to tho institution ns being TUEIB
bank. Is it also yourst Wo nmk'o
an earnest offort to nccoramodato all
cnllors. Our nim is to make this in
ovory rospoct tho Pooplos' Bank) A
bunk whuro all may fool at homo; a
placo whero thoso of moderate
moans may oxpoot tho samo trot
inent as those more favsrabl'sHu
atcd. Salem State Bank
Salem, Oregon
: Wall Paper
Latest designs in stock,
J and good work guaran-
teed. We have the smatf
2 store and small prices
E. L. Lemnton
299 Liberty St
Phone 2475
IHmfamWin 1 miriiittjfc
A Bin. CriTii lUutr frr Hirrrunio Vtmnatwm,
fMtloa unkMut3 or Mvotr JUruau4, Imm pmi!4
MI.Miiti WlllMnaitwia.iitrlil.tob.Mlitw
vla rIUtd, tuaplMfrw. If jMr4it!UtiMoi
?. ttou 4 jour r4l ( tU
Sold In Salem by 8. C Steno.
A Scotch
mado from our Jluo old Scotch wbls
hoy is iuvigoratlng and bracing In
cold weather. Our fino stock of whis
kios aro pure and tho finest distills
tion, and is a treat to the epicure or J.
tho conaissour to test tho velvety T
Hinootunoss and lino flavor of it
E. Eclce?len
258 Commercial Street X
m i i i mi i i i i i i i i iih i i i i i i
at a Bargain ij