if !-fc- .1 f M IHIli ! ,' V ,- , " 1 ' . . A. FEBEUABY 10, 1MB- . lllMfil -""- l"",l,J"" -..-..i J , ' , i i ,,iriAhl ; v iv m-mm a j - . .. i i- - - ra v n iu rnuLttiivn DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL '"I BY HOFER BROS. tifflg orrioiAii census salem. MAY, 1004, 13.287. HO OMNIBUS BILLS. Governor Chamberlain's veto of an omnibus bill ft tho last sossion ought to warn tho legislature not to nttompt rtbat fiort of tiling thin time. But aomo kind of deficiency bill may Biare to bo rnailo up to koop tho stato rfrora paying a nout llttfo sum of Intor eat Tot two yonrs. Tho constitution says: "Kvory net ahall ombraco but ono subject, and mai ler proporly connected thorcwltb, which subjects shall bo expressed in tho itHle." This section wna quoted In tho veto unessugo of tho bill of two yearn ago containing among other things an ap propriation ror tho governor's home. TJio statement linn ofton boon made hat tho governor vetood tho bill on ac count of tho Horn for a homo for tho ex ecutive That Id not tho truth. Tho message Hal (I: "Thoro aro somo .claims thoruiii In which thoro In merit, and vlth renpoot to those thoy ought aeh to havo beon inetuded In a Hopnrato Mil. I hunltato to veto an appro priation bill in which thoro 1m much .merit." At this session tho principle should tjo observed of having no omnibus ap propriation bill, and tho uovornor lain -edjlillshnd a wholesome procondont. "THE BIO STICK." (President HnnKiwult'it "l.l.r utlL- congress calling for divorce statistics, has placed bimsolf at tho head of this groat movement, and proposes to con duct It along definite lines, it is bound to gain tremendous impetus, and result in a groat tidal wave of reform. Thoro will bo no moro laughing at the "big stick." With one accord tho law lovlng people of tho United Statos will wish It moro weight. ' TIIE OBY OF MACHINE. Speaker Mills and the Republican or ganization of tho house have boon as sailed by the cry of "machine." Tho I'ortlftnu newspapers all seom to be pitied against the house majority, DRAIN NORMAL SCHOOL and ory "machine Mr. Mills, as speaker, has beon no manifestly fnlr in appointing commit teos that there has beon little potency In tho cry of "machine." it' JUMP ON THE LITTLE ONES. Thoro aro sqmo brnvo politicians iu tho logislaturo who think it wiso to sound tho tocsin of reform and jump tho little Drain normal school. Miller's bill to abolish all tho nor mal schools was snowed under, and now tho normal school fighters have resolved t odocapilatc Drain, and at least accom plish something. House Bill to Abolish Was Voted Down After Debate X-RAYS When Bailey through. spunks tho bill goes Tho bill to rogulatu stationary ongin eors can proporly bo denominated a mar chine bill. OlOSO-moilthnd. rlnnn.rnt- rlnnr.hAirfn.l which In JtH iippllontlun to foreign uf. Oavendor. fairs, has boon tho subject of more or lona levity, although (uYrtivii. Is now holng nppllnl with vigor to the adalrs Contciinial Notes. I'tnh will havi' a comprchonsive ex- nt homo, iiimI a mighty shout Is apt to ""'"' nt tho IW" Mul ( 'nrlc Ml10"''"" MO up all over tho land, expressing a ' " '" ,MrP",'1 tm,t f,",to pavilion will .i-i. e i .,. . . Ilia orootixl. Tho Mnshaohusotts stato building at tho Lewis and Clnrk exposition will bo larger than tho pavilion the stato erected at Ht. Louii. Tho Ocean Park (Cul.) .lournal will Ocean Park" to position. Tho wlsJi for moro strength to his arm. There is no longur any ground for .douM that Prosidont Roosevelt moans lmslncsK, Tho "big stick" is to crack over i i i.. .i .i .. ..... """if mums man iuoso or tho little i v irpubllo at tho south. II U In l fl l"""'1 tho "Q'on of 0i Uiv tho ludtislrinl nn.l .n.t,.i ....,. ' u, w ,l'l lark ex The Caldwell bill to abolish the Drain normal school caused some dis cussion. Vawter said tho normal school could not bo judged by the number of graduatos turned out. Hundreds of young people wcro trained thoro to m.'iko them better touchers. Kay favored abolishing the school at Drain. He was in favor of taklnir bet ter caro of tho other schools and Ret ting rid of this one. Edwards said this stato spent nearly a million on public schools. This expen diture needed to be handled in tho em ployment of trained teachers for our children. Tho normal school docs a work for the stato entirely different from tho high school. Ho said teachers who wcro not trnined experimented on children, to tho injury of tho minds of tho chil dren, and tho wnato of public money. Milos favored tho bill with n a show ing of facts to tho detrimont of tho Drain school, claiming it had mado a poor showing for tho money expended. Hingham, of Lane, said for $30,000 appropriated in six years 181 graduates had been turned out. Caldwell closed tho debate, and the roll call wan takon, and It stood ayes 2, noes 30. Ho tho bill was defeated, and tho first victory scorod in the house for tho baby normal school.' WILL REPORT THE BILL Sonneman Measure to Tax the Gross Earnings of Corporations The house railroad committee has de cided to report favorably the Sonne nmnn bill to tax corporations not now taxed on their gross earnings, such as express rompnnies, telephone compan . i i. : whia i the tea, leiegrapu cuihjhiuiud. j...- most important revenue bill of tho ses sion, and there nave oeen many uw.- intra before tho committee. It is under stood that tho railroad corporations arc flirhtinir this bill, and that its POPULAR IN OREGOM fnHna from first rage-) ,,,! of deeds of Linn county was in- definitely postponed. Third Reading of Bins. H B No. 306-By Moyger, to divide equally among counties proceeds of 5 pcr cent of sale of public lands. Passed. II. B. 350 By committee on assess- taxation, rolating io i' not chances of passage are good o Wise, well-meaning, orkman Welch. Public Is Aroused. The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curativo merits of that great medical tonic. Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver nnd kidnoys. Mary II. Walters, of 546 St. Clair avc., uo- Inmbus, Ohio, writes: "For several months I was given up to die. I had fovor and ague, my nerves wcro wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak from useless doc tor's di-uirs that I could not oat. Soon after beginning to toko Electric Bit ters I obtained reliof, nnd in a short timo I was entirely cured." Guaran teen at J. O. Perry's drug storo; price 50c. Chicago Markots. Chicago, Feb. 10.-Wheat, $l'00!)i; corn, -JOm; oats, 30'j. o Genuine, jokelcss, Jobbing Jaggcr. Uiy tho Industrial and social monsters .nt homo, which for years havo mado tho term "wolf-government" almost a .mockery. Tho President has within a week put Into doflnlUt and vigorous form an at tack upon tho beef trust, tho railway rato wrongs, and tho dlvorco ovll paper pays all tho expenses of tho iUi'iii, who is elected by popular vote. Two enrH of totem polos havo ar rived at tho IjowIs and Clark exposi tion grounds. They will form an Inter esting port of tho United States cov- eriimunt's Alaskan display nt tho fair. It Is a formidable trinity, but ho has! n, "rst rnilron,l locomotive over icklng him tho Irrosistablo power of J nm ,n ""'K01 wl" 'orm an Interesting . .i . . ' itrliililt lit II... 'IV,.,. ...,. ...!.... t... n.ll-.. UUCKlllg tmbllo opinion. Following the decision of the supremo tioiirt that tho Imof trust oporattvt iu violation of tho criminal statutes, Attorney-General Moody proiwso to iro- coed with prosecutions. Tho speetaclo exhibit in tho Transportation building at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Tho locomotive is tho property of David Howe, of San Franolseo, who has had it for 30 years. Illinois Day will bo a bid day at if r Wof magnate ur two behind prison11"0 ,'mvi!, "ml (!lnrk whHIoii. Oov Imrs uiHV lUimKlllulv alter llu, AUIM( af "rmr l),,M,,mi ,,n'1 "" wil the tho whole trust situation. Nothlim WONDERFUL CURES EFFECTED MARVELS OF MAGNETIC HEALING Dr. Jamoson, Magnetic Hoalor TeUs of His Wonderful Power and Somo of tho Results Ho Has Achiovod in Local Cases tho Blind See, tho Doaf Hear and tho Lamo Walk Cannot Explain His Power. rauld moro effectively sweep away the uommoii delusion that tho trusts aro utronger tlmu tho Kovcrumeitt. The n poet nolo of a trust magnate haled iuto rourt in spite of his missions, and juit. n though ho wore a poor man, would wonderfully wtlmulato tho theory tbut Justloo is not oontrollod ly dollars and a "pull." Tho Iniquities of railroad rates, through which big combines have boon nblo to crush small ooiiiih! iters, aro also to fool tho weight of Prwldont "Boose vein' "big MUk." That he has gone Into tho tight in doml oaruost there oau Iki no iciest Ion. If oougriHM has not the power to provide- a remedy the ivmtplo have. A wn ttitutlonnl niiiHiuliuont covering this wrong might also cover a multitude of flther trust wrongs, for whlcU thoro now (Htiiin to bo no mliHuato roiHtnly'. The movement for uniform divorce lawM in all tho states has long lacked drill Itoosevelt by his special inoMago to lent lUiOitoveltby his spcil message to fair during tho last week of June and elaborate ceremonies will bo observed in tho Illinois headquarters. LITERARY NOTES M sides Her Young jHB chItv I .! iM&nin I IIAflUIHMTIt .'V??i.4 I t'jr f 1 .llu i, t'.t tl Ki. . hal, Ull I lt -llurU '.-! l"i't. i' k SrtM . iMir '(( i.Mi .. AKWJ kr KAHfiNV MIImi Mk ttt4iru mi -t ii ,4 m. i i-v. lWttK. . ) of Hl Cti.tf u a lUv a HAW HEALTH IJ lulldMJ i Ml .f ai tautl HUM I IIKAITII Ant Mttl wk WhiW wu I Mm IkxM !" X '"- " tllr4 i I' Uif MX fcW aUjf ii kw W Ii vt u l.l wo- k-ii iWuW to ltl HUM. I'll m ku W Iwm I Mjr Utig fio,. Uxlt-. vUoiwiftV TtVr fclu FREE SOUP TSSfttifotofr- $ttm i. ui w nw jr Ui. fc- WW IUiUk 4.1P .i ituvA tMM. tmr uu r . !. , r Mf W iii ' Ui ' " PALACE PHAR. tt- " High School Clarion. The High School Clarion, with a very artlstle cover, ii out for this month. Stories by Avti Shirley, Leland Hen drleks and Perry llelglemau aro given. Tho school notes and tutorials aro also worthy of mention. Tho staff on tho jmpor aro showing considerable ability iu their writings ad every one is pleased to note the progress, IVr haps tho rtvasts in tho bak of the mper ar what Interests tho studentJt most, llera, oaoh ono Is given. nemo go.nl hit ami everything Is taken in gOOd MUt. Ah In t wrest inu ueeouat of the vnri. ous delmtA and tho dotiun of oftieers ta tho High School ScHAto U uive. The Senate is In stMtian ud U quit like the oae glg-n nt tho stAte ai tol. Hills aro iatrOtle.l. road, and mi1 aad a grt dHl f wrllamM( tr law lariiisl. -V goo.1 Uttlo idNe m Hstrniaitti; a.tvwHr is glvan, awt tho autlr tj wrviM grat rHl it It. Oh the who! tk Qkrlwt U 4vaiit 111 g raptdh. WtlUmetto OollecUa. Th WokL- HMMtUr of tk WIHkw t'ilM(iin U wt mmI Is a -wv i- tr.HiMg HHHtWr tilts wtMk. A pon frMi Mijwt MiauU FrUkv m tlwj WU- UMtit MHlvwr.ity U mrinttO. wklk I vary iHttUNg. INOt aMMints f tke itl and gAwes ftrv gt. Tho Webfoot. Tint )MtiW f tk Orgn sk4 tt ik 4Mf an4 4mhW jmWUk a HtU wAly Hp whUh is a grat cJit I tl lul ArtUU iM wmMt VMt f tlM Aay, Jl Mm aad sUHm f U )m1 r filvu Oao Uda e-f ta mmmt U dvtd t tko HttU flk d wue itrtiB HttU stwiM aro givoa. sour, Do you believe in magnetic healing Aro you convinced that many of tho common ills to which tho flesh is heir can bo rolioved and cured solely by the aid of psychic powers! If you aro a doubter in this method of trontmont and aro suffering from any ailment, there exists an excellent chance to give magnetic healing a thorough trial, and on tho authority of ono of tho foro most exponents of this wonderful art, tho results cannot fail to be bonoficlal. Dr. Jameson, a celebrated magnetic healer, who somo years ago was a resi dent of Vnuoouvor, has agaia returned to tho city and has opened an office at 131V Hastings street, East. Hohas achieved mime wondorful cures csihj- dally iu oasos of rheumatism of long standing. Othor ailmonts In which ho has secured marvelous results) aro deaf ness, skin diseases, hip diseases, besides allaying acute pain and curing nervous attnoka. Tho only man iu the world that can euro paralysis and epileptic fits. 'testimonials! Yes, plenty of thorn. ot tho usual collection of illegibly written letters from aoaie person or persons residing far away in soma re mote corner of tho continent. Dr. Jam own has living, breathing, walkiug tes timonials right here la tho city, to watch he can refer with pardonable pride, and who aro only too willine- to testify to the remarkable euros which Dr. Jameson has aceemitlUked In tho case of allmoHts of leitg tiaadiag. A marvolows illvwt ration of the now- er of this woMderfwl mm a was lately skowa ia Victoria. A you la.lv who Wad Iioor Itltad for twoaty three years ka, tANHtgb tho power aad skill af Dr. Jam, beoa tutwekt ta u.-h .,. dltioH tkat ske U aw able to see light aai is mpiiily progretiaf toward the ftlaoM ttf her vbwal powers. This way seorn t be keeAd tmtfc. but r JoMeeoa kas la Wis ommmj.,. ui. fro, tke MMtWr of tae rrsoa qaos tie beariag witaoee to tke faets f tko co. Tais U eeulalj wadr- nu utlwto U U kIIL Kor U tkis tke oaly eaee. U kit wevt vWt to VaaoMvor Dr. Jawo- UoatoH Mwuay HroaUaest peplo of VawwiTW, aaoaf Umw Mag v. J. M. MhoIooA iumI Ptaaar Jaaatkaa Mim, MMV eilSM uMil i- And yet he will not withhold his aid from any. A letter from n physician In Orogon was recently seen in which this practitioner appealed to Dr. Jamo son for aid in a certain case, which had baffled him. This letter also shows tho widespread fame which has been won by Dr. Jamosou. "How do you do itf Whnt is tho se cret of your wondorful power?" wero the questions put to Dr. Jnmnnn v... terday by a Province representative. "1 cannot explain it. I only know I havo it and fo.il it ni.n. .-ui.i.. . v,..i. niuiill nm, ment and tax. Passed. II. B. 293-By West, to restrain sueep and goats from running ui i.e- Passed. , H. B. 112-By West, to create una- v n.ntnr pntumisaion. Passed. II. B. 217 By Caldwell, to abolish Drain normal school. Defeated. H. B. 161 By Hermann, to suppress l.unVotahnns. Passed. II. B. No. 310 By Linthicum, to provide for collection of law library fees. Indefinitely postponed. H. B. No. 322, by McLeod, to regu late practice of osteopathy. Laid on table. Substitute for II. B. No. 180 By Henderson, providing proof- of exist ence of foreign corporations. Passed. II. B. No. ISS-By Welch, of Jlultno- mah, to creato a state board of station ary engineers, caused a discussion. Ed wards, of Lane, made an argument against the bill, but when tho bill was explained by Bailey lie admitted tnat he was not fully informed on the measure. Cornett objected to "too many com missions." These commissioners were to got $4.00 a day for tho timo actually put in on tho work of the commission, and this was a useless expense. Laws, of Clatsop, spoke for the bill, and said the purpose of this bill was to secure good engineers. A compe tent engineer saved money for a saw mill or a steamboat, and tho bill was a good one. Smith, of Josephine, said tho bill was favorable to a better class of me chanics to bo employed in a responsible position where life and property wero at stake. Bell call showed 27 ayes. 20 noes, absent 13. So tho bill was lost for tho time being. Twp Now Bills. II. B. Xo. 308 By Howell, of Wash ington, relating to stato board of agri culture. H. B. Xo. 369-By Muir, to amend law relating to county clerk of Multno mah county. ITS MERIT IS PROVl HECOltD OF GREAT MEDI A Prominent Cincinnati Woman now ijvaia jci. Jt'micnam'fl v. Compound Completely Cured Hei! The great good Lydia E. PinkhJ irorrntalilo. Comnniinrl tn rlntn .. i the women of America is attracl tho nuonwon oi many oi our lead sclonusw, mm tuuiKing- people gtj any. ' . i :t X t r j ,' Bis r yPfrxSara W7son Die. following letter In nnlw .! many thousands which aro on flt tlio I'iniciiam omce, anu go to Vn-nni1 niiostlfin tlin.t, T.vrlln V) Imm'fi Vp(rtn.lilo Comtviiiml Tm.i remedy of great merit, otherwhsl couiu not prouuee sunn raarveiouH suits among sick and ailing women! Dear Mrs. Finkham: (I Alwif nlnnmnnflw nffn T w.. M...i ferer with womb trouble, which caused! severe pain extreme nervousness and! ?uent heaoacnes, rrom which the t nllA1 tsi rAlffltA ma T ttWnt T ..11.. T. ham's Vegotablo Compound, and wltli short timo folt better, and after taking! ooiuosoL ii x vruaoiiuruiycureu, itlicri heartily recommond your Compound ninn'Mr, itririnn Tinir- ir. mnA. t... poriods regular and without pain ; and s a blessing it is to find such a remedy afto many uutwm iuii ixj uoip you. 1 am pled to recommend it to all suffering women! xurs. oara tvuson, oi joroscda Htrcct, nati, Ohio. If you havo suppressed or palt menstruation, weakno.nn nt tm , ach, indigestion, bloating, lcucorrhs nooumg, nervous prostration, dlt ness, inintness, aon't-care" nt " want-to-be-lelt-alono " feeling, rj citabillty, backache or tbo blues, thj are sure indications 01 lemale wen ness, some derangement of tho utn or ovarian trouble. In such cases thu is ono tried and trn mmulv T.., E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound j WJyiArt!, terr.Uy SbAikua. fgtmmfwvuwm A toeUarity f IW. JaaMooa's tfMt Ut fe tkat ke dttM mmJ -l ... ..v. Ue ooe4 tkat aro ev t !. it u kli 4oUt to veoloowo ttto auiilt oa Un tkat aavo UAUJ tko skill ot ie Mduut-y wataiaef, aad, by k peiuliar power, awcrtixi tv -Am pJt, a&i by feu aOl ft!jtty trct t is given to mo as my talont," re plied Dr. Jameson. Ho went on to say that by a sort of Intuition n u,i of sixth sense, ho was ablo in noarlv every case in which ho was consulted to at onco diagnoso the trouble without even asking any question in tho ma jority of oases. "A knowlod nr .. patient's trouble seems to como to me as soon as I nsp tho outstretched .. wnen tuey come Into my office.' In nearly every caso just as soon as iej inirouuoo themselves I am able to tell them why they camo to sec me " To this marvelous power, which at once lifts hi,,, abovo tho ordinarv man Dr. Jameson adds a stnrr nt ......:,' knowledge which makes kim a master io .reatment of diseases of many varieties. He is a nast master U the understaadlag of the therapeutic pow ers of olee trielty and after ho has diaC aosml a ease at one st9 kis seieatifie """..irMKn io wiwic to (lad a tu la tke treatiaeat of kip aisease -itk wkiek ko kas et witk 3 re, Dr. Jaia w .v- . . aal Moot Improved develo,ateat of tko X ray Method. " .VMoae tke itoivers uki.t. v. . i a l-eeulwrly valaaUe oa. af kk. eW, airery, wai.k ke arnp,. Mth " we-. This a. Urns" v...T:.fr7. the aeo e tki a-V', . , "TTrf lm " epooiahT. n. iMaai.. " nulk 1 I, "" " V Mareeeoae. " odoo.l Dr. Jaasoea. oMmW, fro kk treat wosit are fe. ,r1 "I MtwUar tvaeiia. t JJ-JH tha, ., ui ZSrZ. to viK. ..w, ; Dr. JoMoeoa oaa bo tmjui . t w. ouo i. tw zzr? "V tWreiai street. SalTwkere:S uiil i..ik, weero ke -. fc"i inuvA mm .i j. . w but l ttUovuto. E3 Senate Thursday Afternoon. S. B. OG-IIobson. To prevent pub lic exhibition of hypnotized subieets. l?i.i.l ,.- .: .. 1 . . ...... ,., nun unu reierreu to re vision of laws. Third Beading of Senate Bills. , S. B. 120. Nottingham. Kequiring all entrauces to saloons to be in front. Failed to pass U to 12. Brownell, Coke, Croisan, Farrar, Hobson, Hod' son, Holman, Laycock, Malarkey, Mc Donald, Pierce, Hand, Sichel, Tuttlo voted "no." S. B. 90-MilIcr, by request. To reg ulate tho employment of onnvi,..., 1. definitely postponed. b. B. HO-Kuykendall. To provide for tho use of tho nrocpn,!. e ,.. lbor on public highway. Passcd. an. ws-Mlarkey. To appropriate ma , th;U1,,,0r'- rMhm ; . ' '",,' lpnsiticn. " l &mtth, by rt,qil,t r-w.v oeea and bee-culture appoint an inspector. Passed section 35S, of the code relating to of. "d twice aad referre.1 t ...n... "J which seaatA 1,11 iw , . was ren- ii , H8 ueftd rwoiere.l, and tho bn, '"a l. the judiciary. ' . V , 'le' r0lRUg tO d0Mt o- K. 213-Croisau. To mid to the old Court street sower to tho of Salem. Passed. S. B. 230 Itfalarkoy. To amend 1 tion 2201 of tho code, relating to mons in justice courts. Passed. S. B. 157 Coshow. To define (regulate tho use of water nnd ws rights. Indefinitely postponed. S. B. 194 McDonald. To author county courts to sell certain real tato. Passed. S. B. 214 Carter. To require all pJ sons, state institutions, etc., in eont; of public or Etato property, to pay 018 to the stato treasury nil monoy recehi from tho salo thereof. Pnssod. S. B. 259 Brownoll. Granting to I citizens of municipal corporations power of the initiative and refcrende: Indefinitely postponed. a. B. 246-Carter. To amend vl tion 434S of tho codo, rolating to barV wire fences west of the Cascade mo5j tains. Passed. t. B. 7 Tuttle. To hotter profc tho salmon industrv and to approprjl SoUUU to Jiuild a patrol boat. Passcd. S. B. 208 Coshow. To amend CS chart or of Boseburc. Pnssod. S. B. 232-Pierce. To fix tho sab-l of county assessors in certain countit lasscd. S. B. 24S Brownoll. Roimlatinu til charging of jurios by the courts. l uenntteiy postponed. S. B. 20S Hobson. To fix salary treasurer of Marion county. Bead tI timoa and referred to Marlon cowl delegation. H. B. 232 Miles. To establish water commission at Sheridan. Pa S. B. 269 Coko. To license hunt "ead first and Koenn., limn nnd tl forred to game. H. B. 302, 313. 315. 326. 13. 2o9 1 , ' reau the second timo and referred. Adjourned to 10 a. in. today. The sonato will receive house bill1! until midnight Monday evening. -c AnnralRnnt Pnnnrt. The appraisers of tho estate of J"! . -Morris, deceased, have filed H;..:a,. AA.1 'KHIIUIMIIIIII T1"1 ntt!l "f the ttate of Ore-ou in K Valu f tl' nk MrxTT : . " l uu UESIRE Tn w i PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE A moderate sum r " Rawing iTTHnPPgoy dCpsited "'styouor vouTf, , -HREE PER CENT may One dollar" i "'"' '" yeare toco"' s.SZaccouni-lnterest con" SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT' Capital National Bank.