1 BEVBBHUlVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi gsr? y .- ; S-JSsaujftfcjalMUuw'JSEHHff ftA,' r j i ! if s lit tfr 5 '3 b I' M-l MM .! ' .Vjm ' ' j. iijJijf t ,ATLr. diJn-Ai,, jousyAi Aiat. oaEOoy, wepksspat. , rOTTARY 1905, - - LL- i J MATTER OF HEALTH 4Jt r POWDER f rj Vr Absolutely Pure 4S 0 SUBSTITUTE a now adoption for two jears, bet, in the meantime, the state board of ed cation can take steps to Improve the adoption' made three yeara e. In a number, of instable? there are books rtiat oan be lopped off, aad th syatom of text-books improved and mailo lew expensive. The state board of education should take steps to that overnor Chamberlain deserves ered- 1f for making; this appointment of text -book rommiwioft ontelde the party Maw. ami against a great deal ef pf sure from politicians for place. FIRST BLOW STRUCK THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Hoi for Catarrhal mseases. Cftfo xRAYS DAILY CAPITAL JODRNAL BY HOFER BROS. orrzoiAii census balem, MAY, 1001, 13,287. THE SWORD VEB8US TIIE TEN. "Jdoro fame for C. K. H. Wood.' Bnlom Journal. I "That undeveloped jumble of intel lectual confusion labeled 0. K, fl. Wood, of Portland, hurt boon lecturing to th ii Woman 'a club of that oily. What haVo tin women of that town boon doing to doiHiryo ttiiali ptiulh tnontf Hesldn, he ilUeufised national brinks nnd tho tariff. That is the lim it, and wo look for arrival at one of tho statu institutions." , The above wan tnknii from the pW torial pngo of Hut Orcgnithtu (repro duced from tho 8nlem Journnl.) Tho fact that It refern to inn Is wholly I in Material. I reprint It to hIuiw th In toleranmi which lhoe armed with a printing pre. aliow to dlfToronra of opinion. This courteous nnd dignified utterance does not attempt either a ntatoment of views or it dlneuiMlon, nnd1 Is only worthy of not lap as illus Iriitltig tho oifiootlnl blnek-guardlwn which I'slnta in this piirtlmilur mmo, nnd tho eownrdly bullying whieh often cbarnctorlxca thoso who fool eeur In wpllllng ink upon tlit jmMerhy. 1 uu drritaud It wn written by one Colonel llofor, editor of tho Hit In in .lournnl, 5lo evidently ludlnvus that tho pen I mightier than tho sword, and great deal safer. I do not liijond (e Intl innto that thare nrn In tho journalist! Vrofoaidon many of so nourso a fiber. 3'roii .sunh a karnal wo imut axpect ahaff. CVIonol C. K. 8. Wood hi the Pacific Monthly for Deecinber. to engage an ordinary journalist with. A man who cannot seo anything funny in discussing national banks nnd tariff before surh n delightful body an a woman's club certainly has an un developed senso of humor. .. The .lournnl regrets that' Colonel Wooii has token offenso nt a perhaps too scathing application of the X-Ilay, Onco in n whllo that X-Hny procoss burns tho victim's hldu, and that is nlwaya rogretted by this paper. It of furs Colonel U. K. B. Wood duo and humble apology, but is not afraid of his sword. Soma of tho members ef the house itbiak that if prisoners set fire te jaH bliRlit id takcMth1r oftaaees of gattfttg burnwl. Senator Hobson's joint memorial to prohibit combinations botwcoa fire a- - Y . surnnce companies was unnnlaMMSir adopteI, and is a good move in the right direction. ! House Goes on Record ; Against Fishing Monoply Blliifor a Constitutional Con vention M3y Be Re considered The house toUy, by a nearly unani mous vote, pMd the Ml ,0 d'rov the Hame fishieg rights on the Hogue river. A bill i Mff to be it through to sweep the Columbia river of all traps, wheels aad fishiag witrs the length of the state. The firt bodv Wow has been struck M Rand MRS "CHWANDT Krownell's bill requiring the state laws to bo published more geaerally at the vested interests in this industry for tho benefit -of all citizens i meet- that represents millions, ing with gonernl approval. This will j An effort will be made to revive the givo the pooplo of the state all the bill for a eoastitutioaal convention, lawa In sueh shnpe that no insa rao'The pledge of a Democratic senator mm"' " WUil rUfovrx, wMM$i$W fw VBsbbbbIbsbHbIw B VvScMWk? : Ajf.'.'. 9 If Tn VIbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbsH BBsbI mw j a v-jh HRand MRJ JOATON. Independence, no. plead ignorance. EXPENSE, EXPENSE. That Is now tho howl to keep the Ha- I em Hi'hool Iwinrd from putting up a eroditable school building. That tho old cry in some parts of this state. X matter what Is need ed tlio ery Is oxpouso, oxpouso.. At Ran Db'go, Cat., on tho Mexican lhiu, stands a state normal school that is it liner building than our state can. Itul. It has novor boon oeeupled, but soon will bo. It has polUhcd granite col uiiitM. and rust tho stnto tt00,000. That jitate has lower tnxes than we have, nnd there Is no eontluunl ory about oxpoiiso, oxpniiNo, Tho best nud most progressive gov ernment is not InoonsUtont with low ratios of taxes. Tho Capital City oaimot nfford to hiiro any moro eheap, .' combustible buildings for Its public sohools. Iet there bo olio nioJern, model, fire proof Hchmil building rreeted, nnd cut out every dollar of gr.ift. Thosn who howl hardest ilovt ox pens are nine times out of ten the liquofieinri of grafts that have made thotn rieb. ANARCHY REIGNS (Continued from first page.) is the protection promisodt Wlwre are our rights that were guaranteed! Aa Kwor, or you will fiRd tho eonienctM dlsost rous." (Signwl) Oopon. that Mr. U'Ren has all tho needed amendment to the present constitution uader preparation on the initiiitivo and referendum plan has caused comment. fader the decision read by Senator Itrowaell la his speeeh there is not an appropriation for an institution outside J of Salem that is aot open to attack in the courts. It has been decided wheth er the motion to revive the matter will be made ia the house or senate. The nbove is making serious matter of a little manifestation of humor on .tho part of this paper. "f (Jtileuel Wood U hereby uglified that the above leadline In quotation attrib uted to the Hrtlem .liiernal belong to the Qrogoulau. As a literary iwiii, Colonel U H S. WikmI skmild approtat tho poiutoil, gllttorlug t,yle Mf writing ewidoyel on I Tho uirgr4i HHuttl from Tho Jtmrnal t what apHMtrs frotpMetitly in this wiHr Hader the twlumu iatitld Xltuys, It is a style ef Uanm t Wat sImuIiI hovt Ih laketi mHrieosly, ami it ga MFalty taVort a Irtjay hh4 IhiiIwmih by mur welMaferMMM readers. Colonel C. Ii R Wae.1 W mUI to U h iMited wml Mghter, aal prsbaWy eunsUler that a aafer weapon for Mat TllB NORTHERN PAOiriO LANDS. Tho npoakor nauiMl Iteprosentativo ltiugham of Uuio county as chairman ef this imiMjrtaut committee. Mr. Hlnghnm is n sawmill limu. and nliove all Is a very fair mlndcl man. Ho will be ehargcl with tho Impor tant duty under tho Cavender resolu tion of Investigating, tho methods' by whleh n great corporation naqutreti tb tlo to alawt 400,000 aeres of timber land In this state. A largo amount of those Northern I'aeIHe leads Wave recently been said te the Weynrhuuser syndiento for R per aere, At this vrio the Northern I'Aelfle railroad land. In Orogea arc worth from twe te four mllllaii dol lar. Jit what extent this invMtigation will take eaunet bo fereihadowed. Tho Impression It that title to those kails waa obtaiae! under aet of eon frreM, and tharefere the state is not tipettsltile, unWi it was deae by e oartag Ism from state aathentiee. The Road to Success I 4t dir tWM wh praiitUa lrMMH at tfctw hWiw Uy jnit. tlug their v hi a Uaak. Btrl to (MfeavalaeaAMvUga ae j;ict fatter ha altvig . Mtejr meaty, a4 it t a ouhU Qae a)Wr k mum t Hwt with. ttavtftg )teiV DeartMMeit. Capital National Bank i THE OLD STATE TBXT-BOOK COM MISSION. Uevetner lluwUrkla tUxwvea m- Ma4altea for eaiwaNtiK the eattre pfMt sehaei text Wek ewtwabMieH. Th wernUrs n Harvey V. ett. Was. M. 144. l U iaiHiUtt, Wm. Cel vt)c aM4 C A. Jehiw. ?k hm deserve es4tt for W Uc rM tW tt ef Um MMt eme.xitM tAtbtt.V efHpdjr that erec ere4 a SMMMMNWMltk TImM ata4e pieie ea4er the Del? law lMt ms MttetW ey th U 4aieie aiv eie ape, mm! mm te- Prter te the ea4ettat f that Uw Umw wa a terrariim xte4 ever the 4elw f i We ytJHe that 4e them taw tip U& tnwi. UImIm tle w tXt-W9k MwmmiM bv this su hat m r4tv4, d. h texter ( (t te mpreM tl9lr bftteet ejtlttiea of text'Waa. ttiMtas Ue U textbV eew MlMiiMt, QavMBer CajkaiberUU kx Vwm Ut frtM frow tri- tatt ee a4 hU friea4h4p fe ediw The e)4 MMMia Will net laaVt Czar Rocolvcs Workmen. St. Petersburg, Feb. 1. The Ciar re oolvwl 88 wvirkmou at Tsarskoe Sole, nt 8:90 this afternoon. He listeaed to their complaints and domnnds. His majesty thon listoned te the narrative of tho eomiuittoo of work men and thoir demunds, and the tleat tution promisod to hold nn iniptiry lato the affairs brought forward. The Ctar saldt "Wo shall meet revolts by mili tary forco, but we are suro the work man nre devoted to us, nnd we jwrdou them. We promise we shall try to im provo tho conditions of labor." Up on withdrawing tho delegation west to tho church, where they gave thanks for having been granted an interview. 8t. Petersburg, Fob. 1. Tho deputa tion was accompanied by tho minister of finance, Kokovsof, Oovernor-Oeneral Trepoff. Tho Hmperor entered tho hall accompanied by tho Grand Dukn Mlk hailovitch, Goneral Hesse, minister of tho imperial court. Addressing the workmen, tho Czar lamented tho rcoeat events whieh led to bloodshed. He sal dit occurred becnuse the workmen. House Monday. Met at 9:30 a. m. Prayer by Rev. P. S. Knight, moderator of the Oregon Coagregotional Association. Resolutions. Hy Coopor, for protection of food fishes. To committee on resolutions. Sonato Message. The senate amendment to bill for construction of sewers aud streets in cities of 2600 or under, wns concurred in by Senate. The sonato passed a bill to al low Coos county to erect a building at the Lewis and Clark fair. Bills Passed. H. IJ. .r5-Hy Miles, to protect tim ber from forost fires. Passed. II. R. 94 -Hy Muir, relating to sales of property of decedents. Passed. New House Bills, H. H. Xo. 303 Hy Milts, to amend charter of Pertland. II. H. Xo. 135 Hy Killlngsworth, re lating to transportation. II. R Xo. JKM-Ily Caveader, charter of Hahey. ii. n. .e. 306 Sonncunnnn. In In. j .v ... allowed themselves to be led astray byjMW rRHt, o flUiM traitors and onemles of the country.! H. n. Xo 306 Mav 30t -trfl I'ttAP 1a .ltj.:i... If- I, .-.!. !. .L.. 1. . '", " u.iinuu not onsy, but tho needs of tho country! B1 p,,., and tho oouditions of tho industries ir v us o. must bo oonsldcre.1. To eomo to hlm!to !', "it 1 , ,fly', T"' "XM v. .1, i . , i ., , 1 ,0 ,ru't oeurt In first distnat. as a rebellious mob to declare their ii v.. hi n .. , k wants was a crime. After nromlsla,' "" "W "' "C to ... ", ta an omelai investigation, tho Csar ml vised thorn to return to work, dismiM lug thorn with "and (led assist you." Remarkable Cures Effected By Pe-ru-na. Under dato of January 10, 1897, Dr. Hartman received tho following letter: "My wife has been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for tho past twen tyfl vo years. Her caso has baffled the skill of Fomo of tho most noted phy sicians. Ono of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of soveral years' standing. Sho was also passing througu that most critical poriod in tho life of a woman-change of life. "In Juno, 1895, 1 wrote to yon about her case. You advised a course of Peruna and Manalln, which we at onco com menced, and havo to say it completely cured her. "About the samo timo I wroto you about my own caso of catarrh, which had been of twenty-fl vo years' standing. At times I was almost past going. commenced to use Peruna according to your Instructions and continued Its use for about a year, and It has completely cured me. Your remedies do all that you claim for them, and even more. ' ' John O. Atkinson. In a letter dated January I, 1900, Mr. Atkinson says, aftor live years' exper ience with Peruna: " wilt ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. I am still cured of catarrh." John O. Atkinson, Inde pendence, Mo., Box 272. Mrs. Alia Sohwandt, Sanborn, wrltes: " havo been troubled with rhei tlsm and catarrh tor twenty -five A i,ouia not sieep aay or nigtit, having used Peruna J can slet nothing bothers me now. HI cv affected with any kind of slcil Peruna wm oe we medicine i use. my son was cured of catati the larynx by Peruna." Mrs.i Schwandt. Why Old People arc Especially l to Systemic Catarrh. Whon old ago comes on, catarrhi 1 cases como also. Systemic catar almost universal in old pooplo. This oxplalns why Pornnahas 1 so indlsponsablo to old people Pe ls their safeguard. Peruna is the I romody yet doviscd that entirely : theso cases. Nothing bat an offcJ systemic remedy can euro them. A reward of $10,000 lias beon dep in tbo Market Exehango Rank, ( bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that thea'i testimonials are gennlne; that wo J in our possession authontlo lottenl tlfying to tho same. Dnring years' advertising wo havo nover i in part or in whole, a singlo spui testimonial. Every ono of our monlals aro genuine and in the of the ouo whose namo Is apponde ASK YOUR DRUGGIST TOR FREE PERUNA AXMA2iAC FOR 1905. llerlla, Fob. 1. It is rumored that Count Wolken, tho prefect of Warsaw, has bvon assassinated. Chief of Police Shot. Qdeesa, Fob. l.-Chief PolUe Oulovlno waa skat ia the tkouldqr by workmen while In his carriage in front of tbo police station today. The assail ant was arrested. x land H. B. No. lS-Hy Uns, of Coos and Curry, rtlaUag to preteetiaa of sal . Ayes -IS, wya 6. Adjourned te J p. . ing upon tho questions of stock running at large. Passed without opposition. ' S. H. 100 Hrownell, to confer juris dition upon tho circuit courtu to ren der judgments. Indefinitely postponed. S. H. 135 Carter, to fix tho salary of prosecuting' attorney for the first and second judicial districts. Passed. S. R. 149-Haines, for the relief of Louis Verhaag, for taxes paid Douglas county, Oregon. Referred to judiciary. S. H. 1S4 Malarkey, to amend sec tion .V242 of the code, relating to di voreo proeeedings. Passed, is a finer building than our state cap- Hen Eats Beef. A unique sight to bo seen today in tho pasture at the corner of 14th streot nnd Asylum avenue was a cow peace fully gnuing with a largo black hon calmly perched upon her back scratch int.' around nn.l i.i: i , .... rviiwUK us luougn sne H1bbbbBmv 7Jt xV xC&& JjBbssk iVn J TJ VJvwBBBST wry milmSm. ixei e p Swte Tuesday Afternoon. Called te orOer at x p. . . Third Reading 0f Hou.w BlUs. U. H. S-M1.,,L to protect salmon ad approprUte $1,mo for hatcher y. I'as.ed. Howe and MUlcr voted tr It r- ,. .1. , Ol ItlBPknBl la , ..-J. t r. -T-, ". knaiHM war jho,1, ' We aad towns, Pa!fca. m -neree, t. aMwl,t sUa. ecUe. Wk h "' II inpUeat. U1U .,- u . ferred. Adeyted. Utreiutfen ef SeeU Bills, S. R U-Cejue ea nUie wheol fer U. tHhlni IS-ltU. by aboliah peel reams. itie f itea k-u... ' " 2t-W. i. u ""' f meaey u tUf tieuwer ' m f-r Brai.. t iu. r- w IWf ia " j Mean eaeiaL K -L- to krte, it . te iunrii thttf U Pretty Safe Role to Go By. When thero is a feoling that the 1 or lungs, blood or liver, brain or i nro diseased, at onco commence to I tor tho stomach. That is tho foe tion of tho troublo in 90 ensos every 100. Commence to regulate! digestivo organs, got thorn in heil working condition, and tho other ti les will loavo of thomsolves. Di which havo thoir beginning in stomach must be curod through stomach. Tho medicine for stoa disordeis and half the ills of Dr. (illnn'u Tmnrntrn1 T.tirai- Pills. ' ..'US Ah. I:...- . . I i .VWM .v. K n ery good lunch. The are sold by all druggists for 25 hen lii'lcl hu mi...-. ...i. . bB . . v"uiuBeous position box. One pill Is a doso. These for nearly an hour before being satis-1 put all tho digestivo organs in anthill V f Whih tirao sh0 ""dition so that disease has no alighted on the g,ud and started off to work upon. xi.-uures new. Vx . . - , iut taio uy ur. a. kj. atone, New Postmastors. Washington, Fob. 1. Tho folloij lostmastors wero nominated tol Califernia: Winslow Ridout, port; George P. Manloy, Sanger; Friend, Hollywood. vH, to 5 Nar4 te To th Tboaa lUlww. aUterUileitf man ar or ue IMUertck wibllcatte. . ill- "i ot - K SU-Ujawl. & R. MilUke- to ffrd u Wi rf ...rfu... leet fr .t w. " ' ,0 1 -' men. a urttli a pop.cvtL .NeitW t.u yt ' W" - ""J" rx effeot eat" vrttk an tok aavertlee-' - K KJaik. ,. ..., fmu4 t tk i . . . " " -.. .""""" " tr tax tTktetk U last eher er er kTS,1! dcnstiX "Every home in Oregon might well welcome this readable volume" A Short History of OREGON Compiled by SIDONA V. JOHNSON "" & Oritma "tbfjateiwred the ground thorn EARLY DISCOVERIFS THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPLORATIONS SETTLEMENT GOVERNMENT INDIAN WARS PROGRE ' HENRY E. rw-u tSS7&".4cu,k Fmm PORTLAND JOURNAL U kitJr" tkWH" h we . .. " MiM J0"""" h" ucceeaa Li h SB nfta,M. t tc . - . . . ..,.. k th urrr? wr , to uw ,0M u,k !n a t Mt cnaw "' W irtL lftl C1 thltm of the Orcjon story b btea hf fmZ. T'"0,1 l.t. twicd in a hanov tvmMthr with th S3,M,.k 4oJnj , c i y n4 piiruraking rrch which , -' "Mil Enou,- -. '",, Rct vwk, and pre the reader a "- fteKn j of confidence' - '. 'fJ. -i - mp rf,i, Uvi, anJ CJtrk run X .op J .7 T', re trr . ta ihte eer. -- A. C. McClurg & Co., Chica or a. a T' "" h ".