Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 2G.
ipanese Government is Ordering Rail-
All Lawbreakers Will Be Sumarily Shet:
by Order of Governor-General
road supplies rrom America
Some Excitement Caused by
Practical Jokers
Young Wife Murderer Sen
tenced for Life
St. Petersburg, Feb. 1. Kuropatkin
Urts the Russian evacuation of Khei-
Tay, one of tho advanced positions
Eupiert a low uays ago. The Japan.
attack on Taitasso has been re-
used. Sandepas has been again set
I re by th cKussians.
Russian Advances.
rokio, Feb. 1. Oyama reports that
January 31st tho Russians shelled
ien Chiepau, Lapati Litajcntnn, and
it two companies of infantry at-
eked Chen Chiopau, advancing from
south. They were repulsed. Janu-
ry ju two companies of Russians
lacked Yntzupo and two battalions
I Russian infantry attacked Tutaitzu.
(th attacks failed. The same day tho
ssians bombarded tho Japanese right
ag and center and also shelled Ply-
tin Chenchiopau.
Coming to America.
Nagasaki, Feb. 1. Eleven Russian
leers which sailed from hero have
lurned from Shanghni and nro now
oceoding to San Francisco and a
fonch mail steamer which sailed to
day with 524 paroled Russian prison
ers en routo to Russia.
. v-
Japaneso Building Railroads.
Birmingham, Feb. 1. Tho Post re
ports that tho Japaneso government
has ordered fifteen thousand tons of
rails from Glasgow for railways. Heavy
orders for rolling stock and locomotive
equipments will be placed in England
and America.
Another Contrabrand Captured.
Tokio, Fob. 1. Tho Japaneso cap
tured tho Austrian steamer Siam,
bound for "Vladivostok from ..Cardiff
with coal.
Four More Wives Discovered.
Chicago, Feb. 1. Four wives of Jo
hann Hoch havo been discovered sinco
yesterday, making a total of 29 in nlf.
Ono of theso is Mrs. Loughken Hoch,
and was wedded to Hoch in San Fran
cisco four years ago, and was said to
havo died very suddenly.
Chicago, Feb. 1. The. grand jury
this afternoon returned two indict
ments against Hoch on a chargo of big
amy. Threo of tho wives of Hoch tes
tified against him.
Paris, Feb. 1. Tho anarchists aro
still busy. Tho fourth attempt to ex
plode a bomb was discovered this morn
ing, when an infernal machine was
found at Avenue Bretouil. Tho bomb
was taken to tho city laboratory.
The bomb found on Avcuuo Bretouil
was harmless, and had been filled with
dirt by somo practical joker.
A manifesto was posted on tho doors
of the Labor Exchange and on walls in
all quarters of Paris this morning, call
ing out all anarchists, and askipg them
to stand by their colors. Tho manifest
to was signed by a group of annrch
ists. Tho manifesto reads: "Com
rades Wo havo work to do, as -well as
tho Russians, in pitilessly destroying
tho governments of tho nntions. Down
with God, down with tho state, down
with society and down with rulers. Tor
morrow the insurrection will proclaim
individual liberty." Tho polico havo
forbidden tho socialists to hold meet
ings nt Karcher hall tonight.
Officers Will Bo Retained.
Washington, Feb. 1. Tho Presidont
this morning announced his intention
to retain Commissioner of Patents
Frederick Allen, of New York, in tho
present office.
Chicngo, Feb. 1. Victor Roland
O'Shca, tried for the murder of his
young wife, was found guilty this
morning by tho jury, which fixed tho
degree nt manslaughter, wilh a de
terminate sentenco of years to life im
prisonment. O'Shea's father" was a.
prominent attorney, who labored hard
for his acquittal. Aftor shooting his
wife young O'Shca attempted to kill
himself, but failed.
Moro Testimony.
Paris, Feb. 1. Lieutenant Ellis, of
tho Russian battleship Aloxandcr III.,
and Lieutenant Schrcmnchonki, of tho
battleship Borodi.no, testified today bo
foro tho Norfth Sea commission. They
say torpedo boats, -wero among tho Brit
ish trawlers. Ho said tho boats with
drew under tho terrific fire.
Favorable Roport Authorized.
Washington, Feb. 1. Tho houso
committee- on judiciary authorized a
favorable report on tho Littlefield bill,
which requires all corporations to file
their annual roports" with tho depart
ment of commerce.
Cabinot Rcsignod.
Buda Pest, Feb. 1. Tho Hungarian
cabinet resigned today.
Warsaw, Feb." l.Tho striko move
ment, nt Warsaw provinco continues to
spread. Practically all employes of
tho manufacturing districts of tho
provinco are now out.
Tho city is quiet today. Tho governor-general
announced that any ono per
pctrnting lawless acts in tho Btrccts
will bo summnrlly Bhot, and thoso con
spiring against tho public peaco will
bo banished. At Pnbianco a mob, car
rying rod flngs, marched through tho
town and attempted to destroy tho po
lico headquarters with dynamite, loot
ing tho residences of tho loading citi
zens. At Plock a mob stormed tho po
lico stntiou nnd shot two officers and
four policemen. Thoy plundered tho
shops of many Jows, nnd an attompt
was mndo to dynnmito tho prefecture
nnd tho law court nnd polico buildings
at Sicdloo. At Pultustt thu polico
clashed with tho" mob, which aro pa
trolling tho streets and killed 1 nnd
wounded 28. Tho mob nt Zcnicrzi
plundered tho shops, nnd sovornl woro
injured in a fight with tho polico. Tho
strikers at Logz Pnbianco Zoniers nro
surrounding thu districts, nnd today
planned to march to Skiorniowico and
burn tho Czar's palaco. Tho troops to
day disporsod tho different columns bo
foro they effected a juncture.
St, Petersburg, Feb. 1. Representa
tive workmen of all tho big factories
aro conferring with General Tropou.
Next Monday tho government will
meet all tho masters and ropresonta
tives of tho men, with a viow to grant
ing tho workmen freedom of mooting,
in order to bring an end to tho strike
This conciliatory program waa drawn
up by Trepoff and Kokomtsoffs, minis
ter of finance. Tho aim is to wnrn tho
men away from political aspirations.
Father Gopon has issued a proclamn
tlon in response to tho ono issuod by
Trepoff sovornl days ago, which influ
enced a majority of tho men to return
to work. It rends: "Your manifesto
placarded on tho streets of St. Peters
burg to persundo tho strikers to refcumo
work, becnuso you promised to investl
gate tho conditions of labor, nnd tho
Introduction of noccssnry reform. What
has happened? Havo tho worknVon
been deceived! Although thoy re
turned to work, thoy nro nrrosted by
wholesale, nnd tho government has
broken its word. It proBocutes work
men, iustcad of protecting them. Whoro
(Continued on fourth pago.)
The Final Closing Days
s " - -
I Made memorable by price concessions never beforo attempted on seasonable dependable merchandise. Its a enso . of hurry ' now if you want to share in tho many shopping inducements offered1 t this sale.
Phenomenal Bargains During These Closing Days
Ladies' Suits
Remaining lots of ladies' and miss
es' fal suits all divided into two
lots, for easier selections. All aro
Jdgh grade, dependable materials
fall and winter stylos prices nske
would not cover cost of making.
Yaluo up to $23.50. Rest of this
week at
Real $23.00 to $35.00 values
You'll have to hurry to got the b,est
f theso big snaps. Also n big line
Hali Price
Four Days
IV e reductions on every yard of
'fsa goods (except eontract goods)
t the department makes sltlows
f and economical. Now is the
' uo to make your selection.
Jackets, Capes
Remaining stock of fall and win
es' fall suits all divided into two
Kersey in prevailing styles. Chooso
from the entire lot values up to $18.
Ladies' Coats
This season's most desirablo styles,
of covert, herringbone, korsoy, and
mannish effects in 27-inch to three
quarter lengths. Values $25.00.
Ladies' Waists
Three dozen fall waists in Oxfords,
mercerized, etc., mudo in' tho sea
son's best styles. Valuos to $5.00.
Rest of the weok.
75c cents
Thirty-eight llannol waists all sizes,
in colors blue, tan, brown, navy, red,
striped, dcjts and figures. Regular
values to $3f50.
95c cents
Fall styles silk waists, including
blacks and colors. Values up to
$7.50. '
Beginning Today
Wednesday, Feb. t, X905
Begining today, as a fitting climax to this great salo, wo offer somo
strong inducements to do your shopping here, not only this weok but for
nil time. Honest values everywhere.
Bought especial for this great trao event; all new goods. Embroideries,
values up to 35e, !() Fancy designs, values to 05 e, 15S Extra wido
valuos to 80c, 37. One hundred dozen sneer cnmiino naniiKorcuieis.
Regular 25 cents grades 2 for 25- A ,nt ' men's stiff bosom shirts,
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 values, 50.
No Limit to Parchasc. Be Here on Time.
Our entiro stock of Into stylo flan
nolottto nnd wool. Long and short
kimonas. Values range up to $2.00.
' Rest of tho week
Of Japanese silk-quilted and pad
ded, all desirable colors. Values to
$5.50. '
Only four days to soouro some of
tlmso special blanket bargains.
Roal 05c 00 1 ton blankets, tan or
grey 39
Real '75c blankots, tan, white or
groy 50
Bay's Suits
At extra elcoring prices. AU aro
splendid styles, mndo up in two nnd
three pieces of tho best materials,
for boys from 0 to 10 yonrs of iigct
Regular $2.50 suits, special.
Splendid showing of a bettor grado
of suits, 'regular $-1.00 grade
$2.00 .
And so on up tho lino of prlcos.
Chooso this week nt
Half Pice
I Men's Shoes
Our entire stock of fino now furs nt
a groat sacrifice. Now is your op
purtunity to get a good fur at n
great saving in price Choose dur
ing the weak at
Half Price
Sripolul oloaranco prices in brokon
lots -of men's shoes, in all tho best
leathers. Theso shoos nro taken
from our regular $3.50 stock.
GIiooho for tl o four remaining days
Men's Suits
An extremely fino assortment of
high grado units of dependable ma
terials in desirablo patterns and
stylos. Valuos rnngo to $22.50.
Copyright 1904 by
Hart Schaffner W Mar.
New Silks
First showing pf hnndsomo plaid
silk for shirt waists in nil wanted
colors. Tho nowoot and biwt the
seusuu has brought forth. Vtry
$1.00 yd
Men's Clothing
Our ontiro stook of inon'tf milts
and overcoats exceptionally low
priced to alonn up all stook boforo
"1'tllK ICpU'U arrive. Wlntor for tin
ig over, but you still hnvo some tiiuu
to WMr winter garments.
Sale Pice