wjWagLji '- 'j.'bub I l4 tonight and Tuesday, rain. VOL. XV. i M I IIHi r-TMWMM 1 iDWIN STONE DEAD eported He Was Vic tim of Murderous Assault SALEM; OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1905. LJOURNAL Was. Found Unconscious and Badly Burned in a Hotel Fire Albany, Or., Jan. 30. (Special to o Journal) Edwin Stone, manager tho Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Inpany, died at his homo in this city 7:30 o'clock this morning from injuries and burns, received in Abbey house fire at Newport Sun- morning. Vbout 1 o'clock Sunday morning fire s discovered by employes of tho ho rn tho room occupied by Mr. Stono. en tho fire -was oxtincruished Mr. no was found unconcious from n w on tho head from somo heavv in. foment, and, from marks on his nr.nq l body, tho indications aro of an ault and struggle. Tho victim was Uy burned by the fire, which, it is ught -was caused by a match drop I by tho unknown assailant. loforo his death ho partially revived, The but was unablo to tell what had oo currcd. Tho motive of tho assault is thought to have been robbery, nnd tho robber in his hasto in makine his esennn drrmni a lighted match, which limited tho onr- .pof. Sheriff J. H. Ross, of Lincoln county, is atwork on tho case, nnd is said to havo a clow which will bring tho murderer to speedy justice Posses havo been formed and aro scouring tho coun try in every uirection at Newport. A stranger has been captured, who'is believed to bo tho assassin, and is nnw in custody at Newport. Edwin Stono was ono of Oregon's prominent railroad men. having hoon identified with most of tho prominent railroads in tho state in tho past 30 years. Ho spent several years in Mis soula, Montana, as privato secretary to A. B. Hammond, returning to Orenon about 10 years ago accept the position oi manager of tho Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Company, when it wns or ganized with tho old stock of tho Ore gon Pacific, which was -purchased bv Bonner and Hammond. Mr. Stono was tho first passenger agent of the North ern Pacific in Portland, and has been a railroad man all his life. Ho was prominent throughout tho stato in so cial as well as business circles. Ho was tho exalted ruler of tho B. P. O. E. Elks and a Knight Templar. Tho time of tho funeral will not bo de cided until tho arrival of his only son, William, who is now on his way from Euroka, California. ' o -.-- . ... Dynamito Explosion. Toledo, Jan. 30. Jos Bonoi was killed and-fivo laborers seriously in jured by tho explosion of 15 sticks of dynamito at tho iron ore docks this morning. MUST MAKE GOOD NO. 21. Russian Government Called to Account to Great Britain London, Jan. 30. Ambassador Hard ing, at St. Petersburg, has boon in structed to mako an urgent protest to tho Russian government against ho 'in dignity suffered in tho attack on Brit is Consul General Murray and Pro-Consul Muchukain by tho Cossacks at Warsaw. St. Petersburg, Jan. 30. Tho British nmbassador, Harding, following tho of ficial protest to tho Russian govern ment, has dispatched Major Napier, tho British military attacho at Warsaw, to mako a thorough investigation of tho attack on the British consul by Cos sacks. Tho appcaranco of placards, charging tho British government with inciting a revolution nt Libau and Re val havo led to additional representa tions by tho British ambassador. , In Momory of McKinley. Bay City, Mich., Jan. 30. Covers will bo laid for 400 at tho annual ban quet of tho McKinley club tonight. Tho prominent speakers will includo Congressmen Smith of Michigan, Kylo nnd Watson of Indiana, and Congress man-elect Denby of Detroit. STRIKE SLOWLY SUBSIDING Quietness and Peace Again Restored at St.- Petersburg St .Petersburg, Jan. 30. Tho striko is apparently ended. Most of tho fac tories in jiliis city started up today, Sov- oral largo establishments aro not fully opencda owing to tho formality of reg istering thd thousands of employes. Reoccupicd. St. .Petersburg,. Jan. .30. Gonornl Grippcnberg reports that tho Russians havo occupied San Tai Tne, and that Generals Mitscheiiko and Krondrovitch aro wounded. St. Petersburg, Jan. 30. FnthorGo pon, tho leador of tho St. Petersburg workmeh, is reported to havo escaped to Stockholm. Tho Holy Synod has de nounced him ns a "criminal priest, a betrayer of his sacred oflice." Daily Grnphij from Sevastopol says: "In consequence of tho gravity of tho situation hero ,tho government has invested tho naval and military com manders with full powers to repress dis orders. Over 000 arrests havo been made. ' ' Political Prisonors Freod. St. Petersburg, Jan. 30. It is report ed that a mob burst open tho prisons at Simpharopol, Crimea, nnd at Roval, sot ting all tho political prisoners free. Strikers Remain Quiet. Warsaw, Jan. 30. Most shops wcro closed today. Tho strikers remain quiot but tho authorities aro fearful that tho socialist ngitntor3 aro inclined to furth er disorder. Wholosalo Arrests. London, Jan. 30. A dispatch to tho Governor's Mansion Demolished. St. Petersburg, Jip. 30. A dynamito bonib wns thrown into tho resldenco of tho governor of St. Petersburg today. Tho houso wns prncticnlly demolished. Tho governor was absont at tho timo. Returning to Work. St. Petersburg, Jan. 30. Ono hun dred nnd ten thousand men havo re turned to work at tho enpitnl today. Nino of tho biggest fnctories havo ro sumod. Moscow nnd Polnnd'nro tho only districts remnining dnngerous. TIDE LAND FISHERY RIGHTS Movement of Troops. Tokio, Jnn. 30. Gonornl Kuropnt kin'B main forco, which attacked Chon Choichpnu and Lintiako, has retired to tho Northwest. Casualties. London, Jan. 3p. A correspondent of tho Daily News reports tho casualties in tho fighting at Chien Chlenpau Koik outai, south of Mukdon, last week, wcro Japanese, 3000 killed nnd wounded; Russians, 10,000 killed and wounded. Soattlo, Jan. ."W. Tho First Presby terian church was wrecked by dyna miters this morning. Have Been Established by the State of Oregon Cannot Be Abrogated- -Legis lature Should Protect Prop erty Owners Alike This stnto is in a badly disorganized! condition so far as regulation of titer fisheries is concerned. Moro laws havo been introduced a St this session to regulato tho salmon fishery rights than evor before. If thoy wcro all enacted tho fieri would, hnvo no right to "livo Jn tho strcnm, nnd tho owners of tho flohoricx would hnvo no right to catch thorn. Tho practice of disregarding laws on tho Columbia river is gradually extend ing to other streams, and thcro soom to bo no rights left inviolnto. Thero aro two classes at work Any. nnd night nnd Sundays to destroy tho fishing industry of Oregon a rockloss flonting clnss who Bwocp tho river re gardless of any rights of tho stato or tho oxi&tonco of any fish in tho future whntecr, and pay no reonuo to tho stato for tho priilege, nnd a clnss o& cannery,- Wonderful Popularity IATTAINED BY OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE WAS NEVER SO FORCEFULLY DEMONSTRATED AS IN TIHS PRESENT SALE. WID3N WE BEGAN TID3SE SALES A FEW YEARS AGO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THEE W1ERIT DID xNOT EXTEND BEYOND A FEW HUNDRED WOMEN, BUT EACH YEAR THEY HAVE LEARNED MORE, AND MORE OF THEIR GENULNENESS, UNTIL NOW THEY ARE ATTENDED BY SEVERAL THOUSAND OF MEN AND WOMEN DURING THE CONTINUANCE OF THE SALE. THESE SALES ARE PLANNED MONTHS AHEAD, AND EVERY EFFORT IS US7ED TO MAKHEM A GRAND SUCCESS. EXPERT ENCE HAS TAUGHT THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE THAT IT PAYS HER TO BUY LARGELY AT THESE SALES AND ANTICIPATE HER NEEDS FOR A YEAR AT A TIME WHEN PRICES ARE SO VERY LOW. Tkis Big Cleaning Sale and White Fait Closes Saturday Night NEW WASH GOODS, NEW COVERT JACKETS, NEW MOHAIR AND SILK SUITS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW SILKS, NEW NECKWEAR, NEW EMBRODOERIES, NEW GLOVES. " Ladies' rV LADIES SUITS Greatest Valties in the Valley An opportunity not to bo overlooked. Tho styles and garments aro of tho season's best nnd tho prices asked do not cover cost of materials, let alono tho making. Right now is your oppon tunity to tnko advantage of somo re mnrkablo bargains. Chooso from tho remaining stock of FALL nnd WIN TER SUITS and COATS for just Half Price BARGAINS leckwear jriie newest novelties tare always to ljo found hero first, as wo aro al ways first in showing tho best nnd newust. -i,k grado of Silk and - I'inen Collars 33 tetter grade of Silk and n Collnrs ..'.: 32 r-V Silk Beaded Collars; IT lcial ' QSA biffon, Fisehuos, rango from $2 to SO-HALF PRICE. And other "gains too numerous to mention, a me in and see thero. Beginning Wednesday Lpecial Sale No. 213. As a fitting finish nnd grand climax to tho greatest CLEARANCE SALE ever inaugurated in this vicinity wo placo on sale COMMEOING WED NESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 3000 Yads Embroidery 1 00 Doen Handkerchiefs BOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOR THIS GREAT TRADE EVENT. All new emproidories; valuos up, to 35u yard lOti Fancy designs; values to 05o yard 3.5 Corset Cover Embroideries; regular 7flc and 80c values . ...37i NO LIMIT TO QUANTITY PURCHASED BE EARLY. Handkerchiefs. On hundred dozen of sheer cambric embroidered goods, 25c valuo, TWO for 25 Men's Shirts A great quantity of stiff bosom striped shirts; regular $1,25, $1.50 and $1.75 values , 50 In Dress Goods and Trimmings ' REMEMBER SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Bargains abound in this section on all wanted nnd dopendablo goods, including tho colebrated Cravencttos and E. Priostloy's blacks. Regular $1.50 and $2.00 all-wool suiting 9S Rogular 75c grado Sicillians; special ...,, 37'- Regular 85c grado Zibelinos; special , G3 Regular $1.00 and' $-1.25 54 and 50 ineh suitings G5J Regular $1,00 and $1.25 all-wool suitings 88 Showor-proef mixtures; special 57 Regular 50c grade Kai Kal silks 25$ Boy's Salts Stylish nnd scusonnblo garments for tho boy from 0 to 10 years of age. Tho suits consist of two nnd three pieces, mado of tho best of materials in very lato stylos. Thoy are broken lines which accounts for tho radically low prices asked. Chooso quickly Half Price; Mens Hats Now Spring Styles in tho best shapes. Wo aro showing the new HAVANA BROWNS $3.50 Ladies Gloves A special lino of Ladies' Kid Gloves. ("x nF f in groat vnrioty pf 1 shades. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values; speoial, pair 98 IWladiejH Men's Clotning Greatly Reduced Men's ready-mado clothing that wo gunranteo satisfactory in style, fit, mutoriuls nnd workmanship. Tho savings nro of n dogreo to interest every lover of quality nnd economy. Consider well nil that this occasion reveals. Do not havo to reprove yoursolf for neglected' opportunity, but bond to the oar. EVERY SUIT AND OVERCOAT IN Tins ESTABLISHMENT GRREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE NO RESERVE T 1 A full ling 04 gajijf fir table Golf Gloves in blacks and colors; spoeial . .' 4G$ ttn m 77a )c7fieiieiS&&onA BARGAINS In Bedding You might look until your eyos grow dim, and travel until your foot got soro, but you could not find bo fine a collection of bedding ns wo nro soiling nt Clearance Price Cotton blankets, in colors tan awl groy, bluo and rod, stripped bor ders; a splendid C5c blanket.. JJOcJ Cotton blankets of n generous slzo in whlto, tan nnd groy, pink uud bluo borders; regular 75e.....50 Good comforts, standard sire, filled with cotton, wool and down. Sale Price NEW SILKS I'jrt showing of handsomo plaid silks far iljlrt waists In all wanted Colors a showing far superior to any heretofore shown. The newest in shirt waist silks; special, yard $1.00 I i!