Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 14, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Portland, Ore, Jan. 11, 1005. To
tho Editer: Christian Scientists sin
corely respect tho lawful right to ev
ery man to his own opinion, and they
liavo no desiro to trespass upon this
right nor to involvo tho public in
woari8omo nowspapcr controversy.
Howover, tho continued sermon as
saults on Christian Science and its
Loader from tho pulpit of tho Chris
tian church of your city, extracts of
which havo been reported in your col
umns, lead mo to aak further indul
gence of your valued space for correc
tion and defense, as a matter of truth
and common justice.
To Corrcst Mis-statemonts.
Tho unkind and discourteous re
marks which havo of late been made
rolntivo to Mrs. Eddy, whether by
quotation or as personal opinion, not
only botraytho bitotr animus of a
biased and intolerant attitudo, but to
any unprojudiced mind Buch remarks
must undoubtedly neutralize any con
viction which tho words of tho zeal
ous speaker might otherwiso have car
ried. As has boon stated formerly,
tho motives, lifo and refinement of
character of this noble and venerable
woman aro so generally known today
by reason of tho good sho has mado
possiblo in tho lives of unnumbered
fellow-mon and women that sho now
necd3 but littlo dofonso, for tho pub-
lie to discrodit and roject'such state- few extracts from tho chapter on eighth-yenrs ago in tho Christian Sci
monts. Howover, as a matter of com-'" Marriago" in this book well illus-enco Journal by which Mrs. Eddy
mon courtesy to Mrs. Eddy, as well.trnto tho chastity nnd simplicity of, made request of all Christian Scien
as to those of tho public yet unin-!its teaching on tho subject: "Infidel- tists to suspend personal teaching for
formed of her lifo and teaching, somo
spocific consideration of these recent
mis-statemonts seomB advisable.
.Attack Based Upon Malicious Slander. J
Tho volumo of violent invectivo
against Mrs. Eddy and Christian Sci-
enco which has been givon largely as
quotation from tho distorted utter
ances from a chngrinod Boston attor
ney seems at least inconsistent in ono
who by reason of his righteous call
ing naturally advocates charity and
compassion rather than slander and
abuse. This man, in whom our critic
has such confidence and so freoly
quotes throughout his recont sormons,
was tlio opposing counsel in a caso in
Boston sovoral years ago in which
Mm. Eddy was interested, and after
dismissal of tho caso in Mrs. Eddy's
favor when this attorney had failed
to obtain judicial recognition of his
falso and misleading personal charges,
ho then nttomptcd to justify his un
cnviablo position by giving utterance
in public to these statements which;
tho Massachusetts Court had rofused
to sustain. His porsonal attack on
Mrs. Eddy from tho lecturo platform
resulted, howover, in misorablo failuro
to himself and in as emphatic disap
proval by tho pooplo of Boston as from
tho court of justico. This lecturo in
pamphlot form has sinco boon circu
lated and occasionally quoted from by
,thoso of tho pulpit who havo deomed
it their Christian duty to assail Mrs.
Eddy, but it has done littlo harm,
excent to thoso unfortunate enough I
to bo self-deceived and incensod
Lawyer's Statements Denounced.
Following tho initial appearance of
tho statomonts of this r.ttornoy rela
tivo to tho lifo and character of Mrs.
Eddy, which included tho quotod
etatomont of our critic "that she bo
gan hor carcor as a spiritualistic me
dium," tho following emphatic and
unquestioned counter-statement was
voluntarily mado by Mrs. Mary A. Ba
ker, a much honored citizen of Boston,
nnd a momber of tho American Board
of Foreign Missions, in a letter to tho
Bov. Irving C. Tomlinson of Concord,
which completely refutes tho slander
ous assertion of this attorney. In
this letter Mrs. Baker writes:
"At this time, whon so much is be
ing said in public most approciatlvoly
of tho Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy,
discoverer and founder of Christian
Science, and also somewhat that is un
truthful, absurd and wholly unchris
tian, I desiro to make tho following
statement: First, I will say that I
am not a Christian Sciontist, but am
of tho Orthodox faith, and for moro
1 than half a century have been a mom
ber of tho Park street Congregational
church in Boston. My beloved hus
band, long sinco passed to his Test,
was Mrs. Eddyi's oldest brothor, and
I know tho facts of her lifo as no ono
can know thorn, who is not thus allied
in kinship nnd family history. Tho
church and faith that wore ours wore
liora also until tho year I860.
"Mrs. Eddy's character is abovo
reproaoh, No libelous words can
touch it; no foo assail it. Hidden in
God it shall shine, and, reflecting him,
its brilliancy will be seen long after
sho who labors ceases her work for
ultimata rest. Her large and exten-
sivc work, with her unprecedented
following, has called forth malignant
utterances so utterly false they should
go "Tfuchallcngod.
"I also desire to say most emphat-
ically that my sister, Mrs. Eddy, was .
novor a spiritualist. She never had a
spiritualistic scanco in Boston nor
nnywhere else. I have known her for
50 years, and I know thnt all the
charges brought against her are tho
work of ignorance and malico, and
wholly dovoid of any semblanco of
facts. Her kindness to mo can never
bo forgotten. I pray God to sustain
and keep her from all harm. A differ
ence in theological viows docs not call
for any such treatment that sho has
received from somo who disagreo with
hor. My standing in tho Orthodox
church will vouch for tho truth of
overy word I havo written in this let
tor' Mrs. Eddy's Marrlago Doctrines.
Again, in refutation of tho erro
neous concept and assertion rolative
to what Christian Science teaches in
regard to marriago let mo ronffirm tho
statement of my formor letter, that
anyono in tho least familiar with the
teaching of "Science and Hoalth" on
this subject should not bo guilty of
saying that "Mrs. Eddy does not
lievo in marriago for others," and of
kindred statements. Tho following
ity to tho marriage covenant is tho
social scourgo of all races." (P. 56.)
"Chastity is tho cement of civihza-
tion nnd progress. Without it thero is
no stability in society, and without it
it would bo impossible to attain the
Scienco of Life." (P. 57.)
'Matrimony should never be ou-
tered .into without a full recognition applied solely to thoso who porsistod
of its enduring obligations on both in continuing personal teaching in vio
sides. Thero should bo most tender .lation of this roquest. Tho teaching
solicitudo for each other's happiness
and mutual attention and approbation
should wait on all tho years of mar
ried life." (59.)
"Marriago should improvo the hu-
man species, bocomiug a barrier
ngninst vico, a protection to woman,
strength to man and a center for the
affections." (P. 00.)
"Marriage should bo the school of thero is-not nnd nover has beon any es pooplo to bo falso." Christian Sci
virtuo nnd human happiness should moro effort to force tho salo of this J ontists can thoroughly appreciate that
proceed from man's highest nature, (book for financinl gain than thoro is 'their earnest critic is hero struggling
May Christ, Truth, bo present nt or-
ery bridal altar to turn" the water!
into wino; nnd gUvo to human lifo an
inspiration whereby man's spiritual
and oternal existence mny bo dis
cerned." (P. 65.)
Advocates Puro Mind and Body.
Tho silly assertion that Mrs. Eddy
"hns no uso for bath tubs" is but
another echo of an oft-repeated at
tempt to purposely destroy this nu
thor's advico relativo to oxecssivo de
pendonco for hcnlth upon bathing ox-
tcrnally to tho indifferent sacrlfico of
that which promotes tho purity of
thought and action. Mrs. Eddy
writes: "Wo need a clean body and
a clean mind a body rendorcd puro
by Mind ns woll as washed by water."
(S. and H. P. 383.) and this woll ex
presses her teaching on tho subject of
Teaching Remains Unchanged.
Tho writor has beon an earnest stu
dent of tho book "Scienco and
Health" by Mrs. Eddy for a number
of yoars and is familiar with the text
of its numerous editions, from thnt
of tho first published in 1875 to that
of tho 320th edition now in uso, nnd
by roason of this familiarity can
stato that tho same unchanged teach
ing is to bo found in all editions. Tho
author has changed tho form of ex
pression in her book from timo to
time to moro clearly presont her moan
ing, and of recent yoars has roviscd
tho ordor of its chapters and valua
bly added to its volumo, but tho orig
inal teaching of Christian Scienco hns
remained unchanged.
Plagiarism Denied.
Our critic quotes further from tho
Boston lawyor in reference to somo
"Waysido Hints" which ho claims
has boon appropriated by Mrs. Eddy
from tho writings of a Mr. Wiggin.
Tho writer is familiar with this also
timo-worn falsity, and can stato tho
facts to bo as follews: Tho Rev. Mr.
J. A. Wiggin's "Waysido Hints"
with Mrs. Eddy's commonts appoarod
in somo of tho early nurabors of tho
Christian Scienco Journal, but she
nover preached a sermon of his, nor
claimed his writings as her own. In
tho early years of this movement Mr.
Wiggin often attended tho Christian
Scienco church and for a short time
edited tho Christian Scionco Journal,
and was proof reader for somo of Mra.
'.Eddy's writings. She has spoken of
Kir. Wiggin, who wns a Unitarian
clergyman, as a grand man.
Mrs. Eddy Not a Fomlnlno Christ.
Tho continued assertion cither as
personal opinion, or by quotntiou, by
tho pastor of tho Christian church to
tho effect that Mrs. Eddy claims to
bo "a femlnino Christ" or to bo "the
successor of Jesus Christ" makes it
necessary for mo to again emphatical
ly deny this misroprosontatiou by sajv
ing thnt Mrs. Eddy claims nothing
moro for herself thnn that of being
tho rightful leader of this Christian
Scionco movement, which sho has so
wisely established nnd directed for
nearly 40 years. The following quota
tion from tho profaco of her book,
"Science and Health," well express
es her modest aud unprotentious atti
tude: "Today, though rejoicing in
somo progress, sho finds hersolf a will
ing disciplo at the heavenly gate, wait
ing for tho mind of Christ," (P.
Untrue in Every Bcspect.
The statement that Mrs. Eddy's
"students nro mado to sell her books,
and if they do not do so aro Unblo
to lose thoir membership in tho
- hurch" is untruo in overy respect.
i That to which, no doubt, our critic
be-jmnkes rofcronco is a printed notice
from Mrs. Eddy relativo to persounl
teaching which wns published somo
ono year, that tho Biblo and tho text
book, "Science and Health," might
bo the solo source of instruction dur-
ing this period, and it was in this
connection that Christian Scientists
wero asked to put these books in cir
culation in lieu of porsonnl teaching,
but tho liability to church discipline
wns resumed again after this year of
impersonal Btudy nnd 'has continuod
with Mrs. Eddy's npprovnl since that
time, nnd while it is quito naturally
loomed advisablo under any clrcum
.stnnces for tho investigator of Chris
tian Scienco to becomo familiar with
its teachings through a study of its
text-book in connection with tho Bible,
by members of other denominations
to soil their nooessary church litera
ture, prayer books, etc?. This book,
"Scienco and Health," is adhered to
nnd endorsed by Christian Sciontists 0r falsity of that to which thoy ad
bocauso of tho physical, mental ond'horo, firmly believing that in duo son-
moral benoflts derived from its sinccro
nnd unbiased study, but no churcli ap
plicant, nor nnyono olse, is compelled
to purchnso tho volumo.
Justly Entitlod to Hor Income.
I am informed that in concluding tho
last of his four discourses on tho sub
ject of Christinn Scionco that tho ear
nest pastor of tho Christinn church
outlined his special antipathy to this
doctrino in six spocial objections: Tho
first, that "its founder is sharer in
tho great income made through tho
salo of her litorary productions," nnd
this objoction scorns strangely inap
propriate from ono who receives prop
er compensation for his litorary and
clerical labors and who should for this
reason not begrudgo another tho nat
ural roward of liko faithful labor.
Mrs. Eddy's just and gonorous in
come from tho salo of hor writings is
mado good uso of by her for the ben
efit of humanity, as is attested by
thoso who havo felt her many chari
ties and good deeds, and it is signifi
cant that Christian Scientists who havo
voluntarily purchased hor writings and
learned thoir true worth through un
projudicod perusal, offor no objoction
to tho woll-oarnod compensation of
its worthy author.
Critic Not Truly Informed.
Our critic '8 second and third objec
tions are said to bo that Christian Sci
ence is "narrow and solfish" nnd
thnt it "holds Mrs. Eddy and her
'Scionco and Health with Key to tho
Scriptures' abovo Jesus Christ and tho
Biblo," This chargo is woll refuted
in tho following religious tenots of tho
Church of Christ, Scientist, which ap
pear in tho text-book in question, and
which evory church member nccopts
and would strive to make a part of
his lifo.
"1. As ndhoronts of Truth, wo
tako tho inspired Word of tho Bible as
our sufficient guido to eternal Lifo,
"2. Wo aoknowlcdgo nnd adore
one supreme and 'infinite God; wo ac
knowledge ono Christ His Son, Christ
Jesus; tho noly Ghost or divino Com
forter; and man as His imago and
"3. We acknowledge God's forgive-
ness of sin, and tho destruction of sin
and tho spiritual understanding that
ovil is unreal, hence not oternnl. But
tho beliof In sin is punished so long as
it lasts.
"We acknowledge Jesus' atonement
as tho evidence of divine, efficacious
Love, unfolding man's unity with
God through Christ Jesus tho Way
shower. "5. Wo acknowledge that man is
-saved through Christ, through Truth,
Lifo nnd Lovo ns demonstrated by the
Galilean Prophet in the healing of tho
sick nnd tho overcoming of sin and
denth. Also that tlio crucifixion of
Jesus and his resurrection served to
elovnto faith nnd understanding to
perceive eternal Life tho allncss of
Spirit nnd tho uothingnoss of matter.
"0. Wo solomnly proralso to strlvo,
watch and pray for that Mind to bo
in us which was also in Christ Jesus;
to lovo ono another; nnd to bo meek,
merciful, just nnd puro."
(Published by permission.)
Biblo Studonta.
In reply to tho question, "Did you
ovor hear of a Christian Scientist go
iug to tho Biblo to bo curodt" let mo
say that tho wholo purpose of tins
commentary, "Scionco and Health" is
to turn tho student thcroof rovorontly,
trustingly nnd understanding to tho
Scriptures, and it is proverbial that
Christian Sciontists as a pooplo study
thoir Biblo and dopond upon its prom
ises ns do no other body of Christians,
and tho signs which follow convinco
them that thoir dependenco is not in
Advocates of Prayer.
To tho fourth reported objection
that Christian Scjonco "destroys prny
or and communion with God," tho
Christian Sciontist cannot do bottor
than point to tho results of his daily
prayer and desiro, which nro mado ovi
dont in happier, purer and moro satis
factory living, and bottor physical as
well as spiritual health for which ho
has deep gratitude to God nnd great
er lovo for fellow-man. Tho oponing
paragraph of tho Christian Scionco
toxtbook is pertineut to this subject:
"Tho prnyer that roclaims tho sinner
nnd heals tho sick is an nbsoluto faith
that all things are possiblo to God
n spiritual understanding of nim
an uu8elflsh lovd. Rogardlcss of what
another may say or think on this sub
joct, I spoak from oxporionco. Prayer,
watching and working, combined with
self -immolation, nro God's gracious
moans for accomplishing 'whatever has
been done successfully for tho Chris
tianizntion and health of mankind."
Only a Mlsconcoption.
Tho fifth objection is enid to havo
been mado as a chargo that Christian
' Scionco "teaches falsehood and teach
with his own sonso of what ho dooms
tho inconsistencies of this doctrine,
and thoy aro porfectly willing to lot
their lives boar witness to tho truth
son oven this good Christian antago
nist mny change his estimate of thorn,
Judgo Not.
As to tho sixth and Inst objection,
our critic is grossly mistnkon if ho as
sumes Christian Scienco to bo dovoid
of "sympathy with tho sorrowful and
sad." Surely tho loving effort to quiet
ly nnd peacefully turn tho contempla
tion of tho distressed in mind or body
from thoir misfortunes to n brighter
and moro confident hope in tho otornnl
goodness of God is truo sympathy,
and tho happy results of this courBo
have already brightened tho path and
lightened tho burdon of many a sorrow-laden
frlond. In connection with
this point it is roportod that tho rov
crond gentleman mado rofcronco to
tho Mnstor's "momornblo sermon"
nnd concluded his romnrks by urging
his hoarors to "brand Christian ScN
onco with disgrace and tho contempt
it deserves and demands." Mny wo
not further recall anolljor portion of
that samo "momornblo sermon" in
which tho wlso counsel runs: "Judgo
not thnt yo bo not judged," nnd tho
Mnstor's further comparison of tho
"moto and tho beam,"
Don't Stifle Criticism.
In conclusion lot mo sny that it is
not tho desiro of Christinn Sciontists
to avoid nor to stiflo crltlciBm, for
thoy claim not to havo roachod that
stago of infallible perfection which in
sures faultless action; howover, It is
belioved thoy may justly insist in tho
demand that thoso who constitute
thcmsolvca thoir critics shall nt least
establish thoir compotonco through a
truo knowlcdgo of tho subject, nnd
that tho criticisms mado by assertion,
or by quotation, bo in accord with
fact rathor than falsehood.
Should Bo Doers of tho Word.
No doubt tho worthy pastor of the
Christian church is sincerely consci
entious in his sense of duty in attack
ing that which ho thinks Christian
Scionco to bo, and thoroby ho oxpocts
to bonofit and protect thoso over whom
ho holds spiritual guard; however, it
may bo woll to reflect that history does
not yet record tho upbuilding and
prosperity of any causo, or organlza-
What Came of a Letter.
Y Dbar John :
In answer to your dear letter
nflaat Smiilnv T wish to snv. that
Dr. North docs call hero about once a
week. He used to be anxious about my
health, and then too he seemed to like'
to discuss music and art with me. We
arc very good friends.
Now, John, you ask mc point blank if
I am in love with the doctor, There is
no sense in running on in this fashion.
I write merely to tell you that you
needn't be afraid. He says I am nn
inspiration to him. The goodness only
knows what he sees in me 1 I am such
a humbug musically, intellectually and
artistically that a man of his calibre
should see right through me. He never
suspects that I have not taken his medi
cine for months. The fact is John I am
getting better day by day. You know
the world is full of tired women. Some
arc tired mentally, some tired physically,
and a few unfortunate ones suffer from
both mental aud physical fatigue. The
society woman is worn out by a con
tinual round of social duties, A work
ing woman is worn out oy real ixxiuy
fatigue and dull routine. Something
more than that is the matter with mo
ohn. You know for years I have suf
ered from nervousness, lack of sleep at
night, backache, and when the social
season was over I was almost dead, but,
thank goodness, John, I am a much
stronger woman now, and I feel that I
can take care of that cute, little cottage
which you and I are going lo occupy
next fall. With much love,
Sincerely yours,
My Dkax Aunt Katb :
I must tell you the good news. Right
after receiving your letter, the day before
New Year's I started in with new resolu
tions on the first of the year. I wrote
to Dr. R. V. Pierce, at lluffalo, N. Y., ns
you requested me to do. I gave him all
my symptoms, which were thut I was
tired so tired all the time and did not
care to go anywhere, depressed and sad,
and all ambition gone, backache and a
dragged-out feeling, could not sleep,
limbs feeling sore and aching. I fol
lowed the doctor's nd vice, which he went
to considerable pains to make plain to
me to rest every day a nap after
lunch complete relaxation cultivate
repose of mind, try not to worry and get
as much outdoor air as possible, and
practice long, deep breathing, expand
ing the lungs. Then for a uterine tonic,
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
coupled with a wash he told me of. I
must say that after taking his advice for
four months I feel perfectly cured and
like a aew woman.
Yours Affectionately,
The above letters are not unusual as
witness what the following women say :
I am more than willing to state that
Dr. Pierce's valuable medicine has cured
me of n vrrv disagreeable comnlalnt,"
tion, through tho denunciation or at
tack of another. Despite tho unkind
words which our critic has Been fit to
hurl at this doctrino and its rcspoctod
loador, in his recont sormons, Christinn
Sciontists in thoir present attitudo and
reply earnestly desiro to accord him
only tho samo troatmont in sincerity
which thoy would desiro to rocolvo
from him. Tho loving Master whom
wo all would sorvo has woll said to
ovory professing follewer: "By this
shall all men know that yo aro my
disciples, if yo lovo ono another." Lot
us strivo to bo worthy followers.
Agnin thanking you for your court
esy and oxtondod space, I am, yours
Publication Committee.
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writes Mrs. John Kooman, of 832 Oraat
Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. I suffered
from female weakness, dull headaches,
and distressing gas in stomach which,
caused mc much pain. The pains in my
stomach were dreadful while so muck
gas remained. I suffered most at night.
The physician who attended me said he
thought the trouble was floating kidney
and he treated me for same. Not receiv
ing any benefit from him, I changed
doctors. The second one said I had
womb trouble. I took treatments from
him but kept getting worse. It was thea
that I applied to Dr. Pierce for advice,
describing my symptoms. He quickly
replied, directing me to take his 'Favor
Ite Prescription Y and 'Golden Medical
Discovery.' I did so, and after taking
one bottle of each I was very muck
better. Continued with the medicine
until I had taken five bottles of each,
also two vials of the Pleasant Pellets,'
and I was cured, I always recommend
Dr. Pierce's medicines to my friend
when they arc not well."
I will write a few lines In praise of
your wonderful medicine," says Mrs.
Elizabeth McConell, of Rochester, Ind.
"They have done wonderful work in my
family for both male and female. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ta
the best luntr medicine I ever heard of.
It works like magic. It has done good
work for us in every case where we have
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God, it saved my life. The 'Favorite
Prescription is a boon to females; it
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ters in their sicknesses. I advise all
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they do they will never regret the price
paid for It.
"My daughter is in quite good health,
thanks to Dr. Pierce's medicines. Mr
wishes are that all who are afflicted will
try them and sec what good can be dom
for the sick."
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