Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 12, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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8 V
liternatlonal Anfl'Cfearette
Will Meet and Ask for
Oregon is to bo favored with tho in
ierrwtional meeting of tho anti-cigar
etto host Pooplo young and old intor
wstod Jn this "most needed of nil ro
forme," an United States Bonntor Tol
ler, of Colorado, terms tho Anti-Cigarette
leaguo, will gather in tho Lewis
and CJnrk olty on July m, 10 and 17
next. Tho mooting of tho convention
are timed to fit in hetweon and ovor
Up with tho conventions of tho Ameri
can Medical association and tho Nation
al Hoard of Charities and Corrections.
so that prominent jwrnons intorontod in
I ' ?"&$'
' BUKti.t V ,, kt
I iK1 'T "1 W
Stk' tjftH .iisssssssssssssV,-,-k- AlsttJfto.
w MBBiaaY b iaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaW IT"T "
fill .dBBaaSAliMBaaaaHBiaaaaaan. i i
er committees for tho reception and
entertainment of the young people who
mar attend as delegates or visitors
from abroad. Many interesting events
oro being planned tor tho entertain
ment of tbo junior section of tho con
vention, embracing Hold sports, music
al attractions, oratorical contests, etc
Tho election of international janioa of
ficers will also bo held, an event that
will doubtless occasion much competi
tion. As tho lcaguo now extends
throughout Croat P-rltaln and Canada.
as well as tho United States, there will
bo numerous aspirants for tho official
Dr. Strublo, tho genoral superintend
ent of tho lcaguo, is in Salem today
consulting with tho membors of tho leg
islature in tho intorost of more porfoct
legal protection for tho youth of Oro-
gon against tho cigarette. Ho is baekod
by a strong commltteo from Portland,
embracing tho leading business houses
and financial institutions of tho me
tropolis. It is understood that soino
of tho most prominont members of the
legislature are favorable to a strong
inoamiro for tho defense of lwybood.
Meeting Held at Sublimity- To Legislature on State of
mucn Business Trans nuance ana ieuua w
If s Easier
To Cure, Than
Endure Pain.
For Handball Championship.
Now York, Jan. 12. A contest for
tho international handball chainni6n-
ship was begun in Jersey City today
between Oliver Drew, tho Irish cham
pion, and Francis Ordozgolti, who holds
tho championship oflVanco and Spain.
Tho contest will also decido tho Ameri
can championship, us Prow has takon
up his permanent rosidonco in this
country and in acknowledged to bo tho
superior of any American player sinco
Champion Michnot I'gan has permanent
ly retired from tho gnmo. Besides tho
championship tltlo tho winnor of tho
contest iKJtwcon Drew nnd Ordorgoitl
will rocolvo a purso of 500,
Dr. W. 11. Strublo, of Chicago, General
Superintendent International Antl-
Clgnrotto Loague, Who la in Balera
those two great events may also hovo
tho opportunity to tako part in tho
deliberations of the AiitlCignrotto
snooting ninny of tho lenders in medi
cine and tho work of charity and re
form being Identified with tho nfforts
or tho opponents of thti cigarette.
A,,' great campaign of education J
araoug tho schools of Portland tins Just
been completed by pr. Wnllaco 11.
fltrubblo, general superintendent of tho
international league, and ovor 7000
young pooplo Iiiiyo been enrolled as
Members, of tho lenguo in that city.
Thcso will bo projwrly organised and
ofllgercHl nod will bo divided into prop-
Iowa, Agricultural Union.
Amos, Iowa, Jan, 12, Tho Iowa Ag
ricultural union, composed of alumni
and former studdntH of Iowa Statu col
lego, began its first nnnual meeting at
dial institution today. Tho purpose
of tho meeting is to ongago in n gen
eral discussion of topics relative to
progremlvn agriculture.
i n n m
Lewis to Box Ward.
Ml. Clemens, Mich., Jan. 12. Con
siderable Interest is manifested in tho
boxing show to bo pulltxl off hero to
night. Tho mnln ovont will bring to
gether Willie Lewis, tho Now York
lightweight nnd Mlko Ward, of Barnlo,
for u ton round bout.
On tho 7th Inst, tho Fnrraors' Firo
Keliof Association, of Sublimity, Ore.,
held its ninth annual session at this
Tho socretary road bis annual report,
showing what had been dono during
tho past year. Four polioios wore in
creased 21 now polioios woro issued, in
suring 42 buildings arid contents for the
amount of $13,958.
And tlioro nro at prosont 1S8 policies
in force, Insuring 3SC buildings and
contonts for tho nniount of $01,703. And
that this association was now doing
business for over oight yonrs, and dur
ing that timo it has had but one loss by
firo for tho amount of $050, and tho to
tal amount of cost for running expenses
nnd firo losses was $1.35 per $100 for
8'i years, or nearly 1013 cents per
$100 per yoar.
"Tho following officers woro elected:
Prosidont, Ohnrf. Fischer; Sublimity;
socrotary and treasurer, Chas. Hotting
or, Sublimity; directors, Martin E.
Smith, Whitoakor; Kmll, Farreto, Stay-
ton; P. C. Frooros, Klumb; Jos. Stup-
fcl. Mt. Angel, nnd Aug. Albus, Aums-
vlllo; spocinl solicitors, B. Minten,
Kingston; F, L. Pound, Aumsville, and
John Bendor, Jordan.
t, w nt thn hoard of portage
A III iVJ'Wi " " "
.mmicuimiinra tnr the building of The
Dalles Celilo Portago railway havo re
ported to tho legislature in part as xoi-
n. . octi. .Uv nf Mav tho board
duly organized by the election of the
govorrwr as ehalrman, the secretary of
state as secretary, and tho state treas
urer as treasurer of tne ooaru or pun-
age commissioners, and immediately
tv otana lnnVim to the employment
nf an onoinivtr to survov and lay out
a line for the portage railway between
the points named in the act, and to
nrenare tlana and specifications and
make estimates as to tho cost of con
struction of such road and tha neces
sary equipment thereof.
The bid of Nelson & White for $llo,-
523.10 for doiug the work of construc
tion on tho basis of quantities was the
lmvort nnd host bid received. It was
aeccpted, and tho board entered into
a contract with them in accoruanco
with their proposal. Under this con
tract tho rails and fasteners are to
be furnished by tho state, and W. J.
Mariner, J. A. Smith and Henry Hahn
" t0 i It nJm,S irlth a ?5o
UyouT; 'Ai) tl-Paln Pius
package of Dr. "f.ming at
u bae the meani of prew
Lcks of pain, as well B or 8,ck
U j-ou are "Wf'10, men
headaches, neuralgia, geucn,
.trual pains, stomach ache, a s
nervousness; if oa'"hllo travel-
just before Btarims "- "...pA ncrVes,
Ld they wi.l fi
and free you-from on tnese w
B"n X this you tako no risks, be
a,2,d 5 are perfect hanales and
Ton will have no othor evidence of hav
tag taken them than the knowledge that
you are free from pain.
They relieve and euro by relnvlgorat
Inff and allaylns the irritation of tho
nerves, and by stimulating tho secre
tions. I
"I am clad to. And the rciicr inaj
comes with the knoij edge that I nm
frwd from those terrlblo headaches that
I have hid all my life.
Three Trains to the East Dally,
rn,mnifh Pullman Btandard ami
tourist Bleeping cars dally to Omaha,
nMnnim. Snokane: tourlBt Blootrn
cara dally to Kansaa City; thronsh
Pullman tourist Bleeping cara (dot,
Bonally conducted) weefcly to Chica
go; reclining chair cars (aeata flroe)
to the East dolly.
"7" y
Mo Chamo of Cars
when I feel the approach of pain is to
take one or two of Df. Miles' Anti-Pain
Pills, nnd I am free from my sufferings
of three, six or twelve hours duration.
J. E. DAVIS, Prof. Nurse, and Health
Olflcer. Turtle Lake, Wis.
23c a package. Never sold in bulk.
9 15 a, m
via Unat-lngton
rinpri Write to us for Free Trial
HiiiXj Package of Dr. Miles' Antl.
Pain Pills, the New Mwtlflo Remeg
a iii nviiiiiiuiu .u... -
oi,.iati.f trill d nmose iour case, tell
jou what Is wrong, nnd how to i right It,
Free. Dlt. StILES MBDICAli Ctt,
8:15 P. m.
via Hunt-lngton
Fron. Portland, Or.
nlt 1 cV-n. M-mvnr. Ft.
Worth. Omaha, Kansas
City, Hi. iionis, umcago
aud atf
St. Paul
e if r. jo.
25p rr.
Suit Lake. Donror PL I
Worth. Omaha. Kansasl 7:l&n. m.
.7 . .- ' . I " ,
uirr. hi. L-jais. uiuciroi
, .- . w-I
ana &it.
Walla Walla, Lewlston,
Spokane, Wallace, Pull
man, Minneapolis 81
Panl. Tlnliith.MflwanVAn
Chicago, and &el.
8: a. i
4270 acres, and tho other dated April
Ocean and River Schedule.
For San Francisco Every flre days
at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way points
and North Beach Daily (oxcopt Sao
day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m.
Daily eervlce (water permitting) on
o j. m W o n. ac j
UMntas yy1la KlaJ Ym Hm Almp Bwit
Itm Kind Yoa
The Diamond Cure
Tho latest news from Paris is that
thoy havo discovered a diamond euro
for consumption. If you foar con
sumption or pneumonia, it will, how
ovor, be best for you to tako that
greut remedy mcntlonod by W. T. Mc-
Coo of Vanloor, Tonn. "I hud a cough
for 14 years. Nothing helped mo until
I took Dr. King's Now Discovory for
Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds, which
gavo instant roliof and effected a per
manent cure," Unequalled aulek euro
for Throat and Lung Troubles. At J.
G. Perry's drug store. Price 50o and
$1, guaranteed. Trial bottle froe.
agree for the sum of $1 and such a,l- M Jbo remaimnf. Ib" a"os u? Daily service (water permitting) os
d.tional sum of money as may bo in "' '10 f(,Joimn? to"'nsL,P' f 3' f l Willamette and Yamhill rivera.
ih t..rV t th ! nf the fnm, tho deed convoying the transfer 1S dated ......
,, , ,. ,, .. .(i Docember U, l'JO'd. Tho two townships
for the construction of the portago rail-1 . . '. '.
iiu ill luu nuiuiiy vi uiu ucuuiraiuia ui
Tho Purvln Music Rooms havo been
removed from tho old location on
Commercial itroot, to room No. 0, in the
Opera House.
10 3t
To Sattday, Jan 4, at 6 P. M.
diction Afte Tfiat Date.
No Re-
way after the payment of all money duo
to Jvelson & White under their con
tract witli tho hoard and after pay
ment for the rails and fastenings,
freight charges, right of way expenses
engineering and all other expenses in
eurred by the hoard of portage com
nusHioners, to furnish the necessary
equipment called for by tho plans and
Hpeoifieations of tho engineer. Nelson
& White havo given a bond in tho sum
of $30,000 for tho faithful perform
ance of their eoatract, and Mariner,
Smith and Ifahn a bond in tho sum of
420,000 (or the faithful performance
of their contract with the board. The
road is to bo completed nnd ready for
operation by tho 15th of next May.
It will be observed that under the
contracts which havo . been entered
into tho rights of way for the portnge
railway oro to bo obtained, the road
constructed, equipped and delivered to
tho state for tho amount appropriated
ror that purpose by tho act of 1903. all
sums in excess of that amount being
prouded for by tho Onen River asv
Following is a statement of tho ox
pondltures from the aunronrlatinn n
to January 4, 1906, tewit:
Amount of appropriation, $105,000.
Cost of Hammond survey, $2,575 87.
Cost of MiMlllnn mirvv l cno no
O. It. X. Co., right of way, $7,231.25
StHte s. Taffe (eosts, 1903), $12.60.
Attorney general, expenses, $17.80.
Total expenditure to January ' 4
1005, $11,046 54. '
llnlanee unexpended Januarv i iooe
$153,353 48 '
tho west fork of Cow Creek, about 18
miles directly south of Camas Valley.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
For fuller information ask or writ
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon Railroad & NaTigatloa
Co., Portland, Oregon.
Asflotalljoorflaistibscfibcrsiiadan opportunity to secwe the
tedtsced rate for this year on The Daily Journal by mail or
carrier, the publishers issue this announcement, good until
the above date.
. Tho Jaurunl imblkhora propouo to give their ubr!bjrs the
bwm of n grant out lu sutxwrlptjon prfeo far this yonr, Iiwtoul
of uiAldus ft nM mIo Uny on whkih to rwatvo .voarly sulwarip.
t!oiw by ututl nt W, wo now offer to rcswivo subsoription for 100
if paid t my time before tho above date at the $3 rate. All mib
wriptiona miut bo paid up for all of the past year and for the full
year of 1005 hi order to gt the bonoflt of thU rate. Call at any
lime and gxt your ?peahU rate, but raiMwnber that this dtxa nt
couut after Uia U Ut of January. Under the special it rate yau
ottit twt ir dally for 1JK by juall at $8, or by Oftrrior at $$, thus
Yln: one dollar on the tnular pr!w
Doafness Cannot Be Cured
Hy local appheatloas. as ih, ..
not roach the diseased portion of the
ear. There Is eely 0B9 way to nn
deafness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is u.i ... ,
tlamel eenditioa of the Mds
of the KnstaehUa Tl, vi.. .vb
tubo is mtUwed yo hav. .-vn..
mi nil fkr ... -a i n
it is entirely flW .afawa J, tno .
suit, and, unless the iBflam-,.,i.
be taken out, aad this tube restored to
. rm MMittM, hearing wlli bo
destroyed forever, nlae easi
are eaul by Catarrh, wkUk is nething
but an laa,4 raHtie ,f the MttI
surface. "'
We will gtve Om IlJr-. r.,,..
for aay e.M f IWf M, u
tarrh) that W WtA . '
Catarrh Cure. S.a f mJ"?1. '
Sola by DrugyrUa, lit.
Take HaU's !VUr Ihn. .. ...
patioa. " - vhi.
Bi TiVr u Dm1
PMderiek A. Krtb di k , .
of -aluabl umUt kaJ. .- r...,
iSi."!rSt.r -Ii
frtk latent v., km. . T?
d Uua motuin x WJ .. .T?
tk ...- ... . - w wm
""W W l IlflaMA, M V 1
Uaufmmac tha .:-i-
fotirtks tatetMt
Krtba mow trN U.mA ... .
luaa eStr "",WT '
He ibti tJ U a. ,...
m tm mi at tUt m i M ai-n-j .
Poultry at Stelner'a Market
Eggs Per dozon, 25t.
Ducks 10c.
Chickens 10c.
Turkeys 15c.
Harrltt & Lawrence.
Eggs Per dozon, 28e.
Fruits, Vogotablos, Btc.
Potatoes 90c.
Potatoes, swoet $1.40,
Onions 21ic.
Apples 75$1.09.
....12:46 TM.
. ..1:45 P.M.
.... B:d0 P.M.
towMU) t
fetwl O .
Tropical Fruits.
Bananas 5iAe lb.
Oranges 12.002.5.
Lemons $2.753.5.
Cocoanut, $1,00 doz.
Wood, rence Potta. KVe.
Dig fir $5.00.
Ash $5.00.
Oak posts- 15e.
Cedar posts-lOe.
Hlaea, peiu and attPt,
Oreen Hides, No. 1-St
Oreen Hides, No. 2 4c
Calf Sklns-45c.
Bheep 75c.
Goat Sklni-!6c to JIM.
Grain, Hops and Flour.
Oats-Buying, $1 401.50.
8lem Flooring MUig,
oows leiijc
Sheep ii.5o,fi)2 w.
Dressed Teamee.
Fat hogs5gjc
?" Butt8r "d Cre,m.
Batt4rerClal CfftUa
Batter fat-27Ket tii
YrJMa-8?; " 81e
MMW Vsliev .....,.
C. $4.00 04.75
0te-OuiL. -v,. ..
. f J rolled,
No. 2 for Yaqulna
Leaves Albany .
Leaves Corvallls
Arlros Yaqulna .
No. 1. Returning
Leaves Yaqulna 7;;r A.M.
Leaves Corvallls H:3 A.M.
Arrives Albany i2:li P.M.
No. 3 for Detroit
LeaTO Albany i:e pM
Arrives Detroit 6:00 P.M.
No. 4 from Detroit
Leave Detroit 6:30 A.K.
Arrives Albany n;i5 AM
Train No. I arrives in Albany 1b
timo to connect with tho S. P. notk
bound train, as well as giving two or
threo hours in Albany before depart,
uro of S. Pi north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with Urn R t
trains at Corvallls and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adja
cent beaches.
Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltonbasb
and other mountain resnrtn ion- Al
bany at 1;00 D. m.. rfiarblntr TMmU
about 6:00 p. m. ,
For further information apply te
T. COCKltELL. Amr aihw
H. H. CRONISE, Agent. CorralllB.
Ftill Weight....
:. ""'--."
antee quality B. K wo nBP'
a ole lot to "' And thnt meaa
Good wh t! th0307 oW. HArt,
Urd. Mr '. econd' Kd mlllingr
hai We An r; vor th0 be8t t0 b
BoJetun rders "
K?'Jshfc.S2l,8aeilBii 'l"11 Cure
"ww ' &r48ffk
t4AJJ. . .
;; 4t -,nTwHHH4w
: : cute
:: Bea
S5aSi?.r... Thebct::
d vr" wt.
-KERLEN.Prop. ::