Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 11, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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WAtfjEED'-Enorgetic, trustworthy
man or Woman to work in Oregon,
representing lnrgo manufacturing
company. Salary, $40 to $90 por
month, paid weekly. Expenses ad
vanced. Addross, with stamp, J. II.
Mooro, Salem, Ore. l-9-3t
"Wanted. A lot or parts of lots within
fivo blocks of business portion of city.
Address, with size, location and
price,!!. O., caro Journal. 1-4-tf
atecl. $8
Wanted. $8 to $12 weekly easily
earned by either sex knitting seam
less hosiery for tho western market;
ur improved family machino with
ribbing attachment furnished worthv
families who do not own a machine,
on easy payment plan; write at onco
for full particulars find commonce
making monoy; no experience re
quired. Unitod States Woolon Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 11-3-tf
Tor Salo. Two lino building lots, well
drainod, planted to fruit. Inquiro
of H. C. Schultz, ono block cast of
North Salem school. 1-7-tf
Tor Salo. A lino farm of 150 acres
river bottom, well improved, 20
acres in prunes and 18 in hops. Good
buildings. All cleared but 12 acres.
J. O. Bcardsloy, four miles north of
Salem, near Seizor school, B. F. D.
No. 8. 1-7-lm
Por salo. All my housohold goods, in
eluding ono piano in good condition,
music cabinet bod-room furniture,
carpets, pictures, statunry, bric-a-brac,
etc. Call on Mrs. O. II. Hinges,
352 Church street, from 8 to 10 a. m.
and from 6 to 9 p. m.
Tor Salo. Fivo or ton-acro place, first
class improvements. Close to school,
church, postoffico and railroad. Ad
dress "X.," caro of Journal.
..aut Trees for Sale. For English
.valnut trees, writo for information
co Brooks & Sons, Carlton, Oregon,
Walnut Nursery.
Tor Salo. At a bargain. Houso, barn
and lot for $900. Fino fruit trees on
place. Address "T." caro Journal.
For Salo. Moving .picture outfit, in
first-class condition. At groat reduc
tion. Addross "L. F. II.," Salem, Or.,
caro Journal. 8-20-tf
Tm- itnnt. Twn furnished rooms. In
quiro at 503 North Winter street.
Tor Bent. Nico furnished rooms, with
firo, No. 244 Stato street, across
Btroot, southeast from postoffico.
Board closo at hand. Bates reason
able 1-0-3
Tor Bent. Furnishod houso during
legislative session, on carlino, and
four blocks from stato houso. Call at
room 9, Gray Block. Buth Sayres.
Tor Bent. Two furnished rooms, ono
block from carlino. Inquiro at resi
dent of S. O. Kightlingcr, two
blocks south and ono block cast of
tho brick storo, South Salem, corner
of Miller and Liberty streets. l-7-3t
Tor Bent. Furnished rooms, 3 blocks
from stato houso. Phono 361 White.
A. Olingor. 1-5-tf
Rooms to Rent. -Twelvo furnished or
unfurnished rooms to rent Loca
tion on street car line, and one
block to S. P. depot. Call on J. O.
Gcodale, 12th and Oak Btrebt8.'6-20tf
Highest Cash Price Paid for chickens,
gocso, ducks and all kinds of farm
produco at Capital Commission Co.
Telephone 177 Commorcial Btroot.
Main 2231, Salem, Or. 1-4-tf-dw
Lost. Small Mink fur boa. i'inder re
turn to George F. Eodgors, 130 Court
Btroot, and roceivo roward. l-3-3t
Ladies. Earn $20 por hundred writing
ahort letters. Send stamped envelope
for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cass
polls, Mich. 1-2-lwk
Blacksmith Shop. Plymalo & Arm
strong have opened a Bhop in tho old
Glover & Patton stand, at No. CO
Stato Btroot. Your work solicited.
Sam Casto Public training stable at
Stato Fair Grounds. Horses trained
for road or track purposes. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
New Lodging Houc Everything
new, clean and comfortable. Schrelb
er block, 149-151 State street Mat
tie Hutchins, proprietor. Phono
Main 2874. Mf
Bay Have you tried Edwards & Lsch
erw for meats. We have the best
sausage In town. Come and try It,
amd be convinced. 410 East State
Salem Iron Works Foundors, machin
ists and blacksmiths.' Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill , machinery.
ITop and fruit drying stoves, etc.
Manufacturers of tho 0. K. Grubber.
Shand & Marcus. 11-29-lni
Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first cIosb. Rooms
at reasonable prices. In Cottlo
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop.- 7-6-tf.
Docs Your Tin Boof Leak? P. & B.
roof pain will euro it. P. & B. ready
roofing and building papor is tho
best on tho market. Walter Morloy,
00 Court street, Salem. l-5-3t
Music Studio Mis Helen Calbrcath, B.
M. room 8, opora house, building. Yo
oal, piano, theory, harmony and sight
reading. 11-18-tf
Dr. M. Theresa Schoettlo, Osteopath
Graduate of founder's sc'uool. Grand
Opora House, Salem, Orogon. Of
llco phono Main 2721. Besidonce
phono, Hod 2003. Assisted by Dr.
Madeline Stravens, lato of St. Louis,
Mo. .
DB. W. L. MEBOEB Graduato of the
American School of Osteopathy,
Kirksvillo, Mo. Ofllco in Broymnn
block, Commorcial street, over Stock
ton'? store. Booms 25 and 20. Phono
Bod 2413. Bosidonco at 300 Summer
street Phoue Bed 2541.
T. E. SLATES, M. D., Has oponod an
ofllco in tho Eldridgo block over
Fry's drug storo. Offico hours, 9 to
12 a. to. and 2 to 5 p. m. Besidonce
North Capital streot. Phono, office,
Main 2763; residence, Bod 91. Spe
cialty, uiso .se? of children. 1 ,.0-3m
DR. E. E. JACKSON Treata all dis
eases of domestic animals. OfD'je
61 Ferry street Phono 2341 Main.
Hesidenco 17 Commercial etroot,
Phono 2011 Rod.
Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. oToTrv IO
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, tu
7:20 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. O..
Frank F. ToevB, recording secretarj
Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tht
World Moots In Holman Hall evsrj
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Fraslw
.Consul. Wytio A. Moores, Secre
tary. 1-12-lyr
Foresters of Amorlca Court Sherwood
Foresters No. 19. Moots Friday in
Turner block. Ira JorgenBon, O. It.;
A. L. Brown, Sec.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cafc
Hall in Holman block, corner BUt
and Liberty Stn. T'eaday of eaw
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turnej )
C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R, and 8.
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W.-Mw,.
in their hall in Holman block, or
ner State and Liberty, every Maa
day evening. Visiting brethrr
welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W.
A. B. Aufranco Recorder.
Modern Woodmen of America On
gon Cedar Camp No. 624C. Meoti
every Thursday ovening at 8 o'cloei
Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, V
C: A. L. Brown. Clerk.
Evan's Barbor 8hop Only flrbt-clar
shop on Stato street Every thiit&
now and up-to-uato. Finest ponn
Iain baths. Shave, 16c; hair-cut X5
baths, 2So. Two first-class bort
blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietoi.
Welch & White do a general dray
and transfer business, meet all
trains. 'Phonos, down town, Main
2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2076.
Stand 218 Commorsial street 8-12-lm
At tho Salem Dye Works when you want ycur
clothes cleaned, dyed, repaired or proswd. le
linod velvet collars on, also suits pressed by
tho month. You can get anything cleaned from
a pair o! gloves to tho most elaborate silk gowns,
Mrs. O. IL Walker,
165 Commorcial St. Proprietor
For -water Borvice apply at oe
Bills payable monthly in adranei
Mao all complaints at the office.
And Altona leave for Portland
daily, except Sunday, at 10 a.
m. For Albany, dally, except
Sunday, at about 6 p. m. For
Corvallis, Monday Wednesday
and Saturday at 0 p. m.
Deck: Foei ? Trad ttr4
Goes the crockery and the waitress will
probably be called clumsy and careless.
Her plea of sudden dizziness is not
allowed. "What
right has she to be
dizzy?" they ask.
Women who nre
suffering from dis
eases peculiarly
feminine are liable
to sudden dizziness
and faintuess, and
it is only by curing
the womanly dis-
vumis iu wiliwu mi.-y ,y,
are subject that
dizziness and other
ills can be entirely
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription
makes weak
women strong and
sink women upll.
It cures irregular- Cl
ity, dries disagree-'"
able, weakening 5'1
uraius, iicais uinam-
motion and ulceration, and cures female
weakness. When these conditions are
cured, backache, headache, dizziness,
etc., are also cured.
I suffered for twelve yean with female
trouble." writes Mrs. Milton Grimes of Adair,
Adair Co., Iowa, "which brought on other dis
easesheart trouble. llright's disease, nnd at
times would be nearly utralyzed. Had neu
ralgia of stomach. I can freely say your medi
cines (uine bottles in all, five of 'Favorite Pre
scription,' four of ' Golden Medical Discovery,'
and two vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets), have cured
me, I can work with comfort now, but before
I would be tired all the time and have a dizzy
headache, and my ucrves would be all unstrung
so I could not sleep. Now I can sleep and do a
big day's work, something I had not done for
over eleven years before."
"Favorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, sick women well. Accept
no substitute For the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets nre
the most desirable laxative for delicate
luOOWashor On thirty days trial. If
not satisfactory, no chargo. Tho
boat washer on tho market. Call and
eco it. Stoinor & Bcrgcr. 130 Stato
stroot. 1-6-tf
Hole Wing Sang Co. All kinds of
heavy wrappors and undorwoar. All
kinds of skirts now on salo at cost.
Phono Black 2155, Court stroet, Sa
lem. Or. 1-0-tf
docs tho manufacturer put up his
axxiclo in a valuablo glass jar in
stead of a tin cant
At a very small incroaso of cost it
gives housekeepers a usoful recop
taclo of necessities instoad of a
worthless tin can.
BAKING POWDER is tho only
articlo so put up, but tho roason
all housokoopors want it is bocauso
it produces tho bost results for tho
least oxponso. Try It for its vir
tues as woll as to got tho can.
I Gold Dust Flout I
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Made for family use. Ask
your grocer for it Bran and
i shorts always on hand.
I P. B. Wallace
White Cooks
White People
White Treatment
',205 Commercial Street
Court Street,
All work guaranteed.
ff A$fr
me I A
It costs the government $09,724,-
853.C0 for tho transmission of tho
mails1. If tho .postofllco department
wero a prlvnto enterprise under tho
management of a shrewd business man
ho eoidd easily savo tho business one
quarter of this amount.
Barrinjr this oxponso tho balnnco of
tho railway mail sorvlco, including of
fices, dorks, nnd other items,' cost tho
government only $12,105,549.77.
A rato of 3 cents a pound for mer
chandise from tho beginning to tho tor
minus of a rural f reo delivery routo has
been recommonded to congress. This
is making somo progress toward a na
tional system of parcols post.
Tho total receipts of tho dopartmont
woro $143,582,624.32 and tho expenses
$152,302,11G.70. Most of tho deficit is
roprosontod by tho establishment of
new rural free dolivory routes, which
aro rupimy being oxtcnueu.
It is recommonded to congress that
tho intorstato commorco commission bo
empowered to prohibit telegraph and
oxpross companios from aiding tho con
cerns doniod tho use of tho-mails to do
A law is asked for to punish por-
sons who sond dnngorous matter, liko
tarantulas, snakes, scorpions, loaded
rovolvcra and , poisons'- through tho
mails. Tho occasional snakos, scor
pions and tarantulas soon by convivial
postal omployes aro not includod in
this category, which is restricted to
tho gonuino articles.
There woro only 20 postal omployos
arrested during tho year for violations
of tho postal laws and regulations
which shows to what a high stato of ef
ficiency and honesty tho postofllco de
partment has roachod. Even a mother-in-law
could bo ontrustod 'among
thorn without fear that, somo omployo
would steal her.
Tho yoar's incroaso of rovonues was
Expenditures for tho rurnl free do
livory servico came to $12,050,037.35;
thero was an incroaso ovor tho oxpon-
dituros of tho yoar boforo of $4,002,
237.35. Tho president said in his mes
sago thnt tho bonoficont rosults attniued
in extonding tho frco distribution of
mails to tho residents of rural districts
hnvo justified tho wisdom of tho out
lay. Statistics brought down to October
1, 1904, show 27,138 rural routes In
oporation, serving approximately 12,-
000,000 people iu rural districts roe
moto from postofllccB. These figures
also have a groat slguiflcanco to mnil
order mon, who boo in thorn ono of
tho principle cnusos responsible for tho
rapid growth of their business; thoy
show that ovor 12,000,000 homes have
been brought in closer contact with
Thero aro 3859 petitions for tho es
tablishment of rural frco dolivory
routes now undor consideration.
But very littlo wns said in tho presi
dent's messago about tho abuses by
publications of tho second class privi
leges, and imblishors sco in this nn in
tention of tho government to lot this
question of tho postmaster gonoral's
authority to intorforo with a publish
er's second claas prlvilogo, aftor it has
boon grnntod to him, rest until tho
Unitod Statos supreme court has ren
dered its decision on tho case now bo
foro it.
Doafnoss Oannot Bo Ourod
By local applications, aa thoy can
not roach tho diftoaaod portion of tho
oar. Thoro is only ono way to euro
deafness, and that i by constitutional
rcmodioH. Dcafncsi is caused by an In
flamed condition of tho mucous lining
of tho Eustachian Tube. When tho
tubo is inflamed you havo a rumbling
sound or imperfoct honrlng, and whoa
it is ontiroly closod doafnoss is tho ro
suit, nnd, unless tho inflammation can
be takon out, and this tubo restored to
ita normal condition, hearing will bo
destroyod forover; nino cases out of teu
ore caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing
but an iuflamod condition ot tho mucous
Wo will glvo Ono Ilundred Dollars
for any case of Doafnoss (cnusod by ca
tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Curo. Bend for circulars, frco.
P. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O.
&ld by Druggists, 7Cc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for ConstL
a-.- .v. it Kltd Yw Itot Atari fcutt
jsysyss syw-i, sjw VjyXTgwsggssyy sw MIMS
i 07 ri 1 1 1 TlT 1
Tho Kind You Havo Always
in uso for ovor 30 years,
jyfyA sonnl supervision sinco its infancy.
f"C&CC(fi4 Allnivnn mm -tn ilmmlvn xrntt tti filler.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jusfc-as-good" aro bub
Uxporimonts that triile with nnd endanger tho health oC
Infants and Children Esporlonco against Experiment
Oastoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. lb
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
nnd allays Fovoiishncss. It cures Dlnrrhcon- and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomaeh and Bowels, gh ing healthy and natural sloop
Tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
Boar the
f-&fy. J&4C&K
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
V , .iq-'.u M
I ::t:::::A G E N
stamen f?i uviu n rjm
Oats For Sale,
BOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
J. G. Graliaill, Ageilt,
ww wwiiiiiiwiiaiiii m cthhm
ii.i in. wsm. ii "
I ... -
rm& rtoztty
Choico piece rcsidenco proporty
business part of city.
Nlea larco. modern lies?, about
. . . ... . j ii f
car line, nil mnue oi irun, uuuuuiui buiuuuvij, v.-.- -veniences.
Tiio.a nm hnth nlra choica
t 244!Commw9lal St.
i M f HH I IIIIHll It f II
BougM, and -which has been,
has homo tho Blgnatnro oC
has boon niado under his pcr-
Signature of
Meters Luck
To tho man who drinks at our
bar. Wo keep tho finest brands
of all kinds of liquors and ci
gars. Give us a call. No
minors allowed.
Botdisnz & Amnion
221 Cofflfflcrcial St. SI, Ore.
C Y O F:::::::t J
207 Oummndil St.. Salim, On. i
Hob boon taken to nupply the stock of
lumber In our yards. Oar stock 1
complote with all kinds ot lumbr.
Just rocolvod a car load ot No, 1
Bhingloo. alHo a car of flue shakes.
Wo aro ablo to fill any and all kln4 f
of bills. Como and let us show you i
our stock.
Yard and ofllco aear B. P. i)afltjonsr
depot. 'Phone Main 651.
in tho raco for supremacy lu
pork products is our latest con
signment in oholco sugar
cured hams and bacons, and our I
fluo country sausages, loins for
roasting, cuops, oic. worn Hr1
weather brings a demand for
choice pork in sparo ribs, pigs'
foot, hocks, tripo and sausages,
nnd wo havo tho flnost corn fed
and carefully-fed pork to bo so
ourod. E. C. Cross.
W-fr 1 B-IH-H-H-H-H-HM-U'f
v a I
at a I5ajgam
on principal itroot within three blocks
ono acre of ground near sehool and
if. .1 ..L...L1.. jil. All niAilarn AT1 IB
buvs for homes or investment. !l
Salem, Otegoa jl
htBi HI 1 i I HJs