wyjnnifcii Fair this afternoon and tonight; rain or snow Sunday. VOL. XV. SALEM, OEEaON", FBIDAV, JANtfARY 0, 1005. &? NO. G. MKM-ta mh Hta foimmftm & 1 " .i. j . . . . ' . ...... , , .... ... . . - . . RUSSIANS AGAINST r (Official Paper Says That Honor and .Fate of Empire Is sWiib'theAfmy St. Petersburg, Jan. 0. The- Novoo Vreinya today eays: "Tho voice of tho nation - should give nn answer to tho, poaco talk current abroad in orderMhttt tho world may understand onco for all Russia's position. Tho idea of ondirig tho war at this juncture is abhorrent to Eussia's, pooplo. Tho emporor should consult with representatives of tho land, as lqs predecessors did before 'tho days of Uohn tho Terrible." Tho army, tho paper doclares, holds tho honor and fato of Russia in its hands. General Stoossel on Parole. Tokio, Jan. 0. General Htocsscl has been given his parole, and will return to St. Petersburg via Nagasaki.' Two Torpedo Boats Sunk. Chofoo, Jan. 0. "JTord reached hero this morning that tho Japanese sunk two Russian torpedo' boats and thrco destroyers at Port Arthur. Chofoo, Jan. 0. Tho vessels sunk woro tho torpedo boats Guidamak, Fusatoniki and tho destroyers Jotirny, Sisik, Boovoi. Tho cruisor Bayan, ly ing off tho south coast of tho harmor, was severely damaged. Tho gunboat $ohr was ontiroly buraed as a result of tho Japanese shelling. Now Commander at Vladivostock. St. Petersburg, Jan. 0. Vice-Ad-miral Skrydloff has been mado a mom bcr bf tho admirality council, and Ad miral Yesson has been appointed com mander of tho Vladivostock fleet. tBattlo About to Resume. St. Petersburg, Jan. 0. It ia stated on tho rbost authority that the btattlo of tho Shahko river is about to bo ro sumod, tho Rusisans taking tho offen sive This was dorided on at tho meet ing tho council of ministers yesterday. Rioting in tho Interior. St. Petersburg, Jan. 0. Tho groatest confusion roigns in tho interior of tho empire. Ono chief of polico has' been killed, and in soveral places tho rioters sot fire to all tho prisons. ' Tho chief of ' polico killed was at tho head of the Warsaw department. Tho fires in tho prisons occurred near Karakoff. Battleship Lost. Paris, Jan. 0. Tho St. Petersburg corrpspondent of tho Paris edition of fHlill B l-H'M 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 50 J n- T$' AGES 3 to 15 On our Bargain Tables at greatly reduced prices. 20 per cent reduction on all Overcoats Raincoats and Mackintoshes A Large Asaortment of Men's Colored Latmdeied Shirts 76o and 95o lines .now 60c 60c and 65c lines now 35c Look for them on the Bargain Tables Great Values in Dress Goods X 'On our Bargain Tables in south room. There are a great many I very desirable patterns in the lot which we arp closing out. Ladies' fine SILK SHAWLS at II BARNES' CASH STORE ii Fermerly Tne New York Racket E. T, BAftNES, PROPRIETOR v f. tho 2Tow York Heraldjtelegraphs that Vice-Admiral Rojostvensky's flagship, tho battleship Kniaz Souvaroff, has struck a rock and foundered. Tho latest rop6rts from Vico-Ad-miral Rojostvensky's squadron wero containod in a dispatch dated Tnma tave, Islnnd of Madagascar, January 2, in which it was stated that tho vice admiral's division of tho Russian sec ond Pacific squadron, consisting of fivo battleships, three cniisqrs, two trans ports and a hospital ship, had anchored on that day in tho roadstead of Santa Marie, hn island on tho cast coast. Tho Kniaz Souvaroff was built at St. Petersburg in 1902, and was 13,510 tons displacement. Her length was 367 feet, her beam 70 -feet, her draught 2G feet and indicated hdrso power 10,000. Icr armament wns of tho Russian Krupp pattern and con sisted of four 12-inch, 12 six-inch, 20 throo-inch, 20 threo-poundor and six orie-ppundor guns. Sho had six torpedo tubes. Her complement of men was 740. PRINZ H SV A FLOATED New 1'ork, an. G. Tho Hamburg-American-liner Prinz Adalbert, which grounded iu tho lower bay early this morning, was floated , safely at 5 o'clock. Sho brought six shipwrecked soamon of tho schooner Archer, which was abandoned in mid-ocean on Christ mas day. Chinaman Executed. Folsom, Cal., Jan. 0. Sing How, a Chinaman, was hanged a,t Folsom pris on at 10:30 this morning. Ho 'was gamo to tho end. -No unusunl incident marked the execution. Sing Yow with 'other highbinders, murdered Jeong Him, nt Walnut Grove, Sacrnmento county, Oc tober 19, 1902. 0 Legislation in Idaho. Boise, Ida., Jan. 0. Bills woro intro duced in tho house this morning mak ing polygamy and adultery a crime, and fixing tho punishment. Chicago, Jan. 0. Wheat, 08408 corn 4444; oata 30-i30. "t IHIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIII l Suits t It .1- i- i i t 20 per cent roduction. J m an " uB II rS Aiir.iMVP.mi H A. 4M JAPANESE DIET PLSED WITH YEAR'S CAMPAIGN Tokio, Jan. 0. Tho diet, at a special session today, adopted a resolution fe licitating tho- emperor on tho success of tho year's campaigning, which which reached n, climax in tho fall of Port Arthur, and attributed tho vlo, tories. to tho emperor's illustrious Vir tue, and thankod Gonoral Nogi and the third army for their glorious achieve ments. A Jlispatch from (Port Arthur ciRtTrit XTES Denver, Jan. 5 Tho joint session of tho senate and house to canvass .tho voto on stato "officials met at 10 odlock this morning. Tho Republican joint caucus, which ended at '"midnight, re sulted in tho adoption of a resolution. OFFICIALS, . SENT TO JAIL Denver, Jan. G. Patrick Higgins, Democratic deputy county troasurcr, W. W. Daguo, Gcorgo Kern and James M. Campbell, Democratic election offi cials in precinct 7!ward5, wero found guilty of contompt by tho suprcny) court this morning for participating in and permitting fraud on .November 8. Daguo, Kern and Campbell woro sen tenced to two months in jail nnd to pay costs; Iliggins wns givon four nipntlis and costs'. , PRESIDED 0YERB1 , TWO MEN Denver, Jan. 0. Lieuotnant-Govor-nor Haggott nnd Spenkcr Dickinson both attempted to pr,esido over tho joint session of tho logislaturo, which resulted iu disorderly procoodings. Botli endeavorod to wiold tho gavel at tho samo time. Haggot declared tho ses sion adjourned, and n majority of tho senators loft tho hall. Dickinson shout ed that it was stil lin session, and or derod tho eorgeant-at-arms to stop tho retreating sonntors, but tho latter wad powerless. Danish Cabinet Resigns. Copenhagen, Jan. 0. Tho Danish cablnot today handed its resignation to King Christian. ALBANY BUSINESS HOUSE DESTROYED BY EIRE Albany, Or., Jan. 0. Firo at 11 o'clock last night destroyed tho store of A. M. Hooves & Co., in this city. Tho firo started in tho basomont of tho double stpro occupiod by tho firm with a largo gonoral stock of merchandise, supposodly from tho furnace, and whon discovered tho ontiro basement was a mass of flames, tho floor was filled with donso smoko, and tho firo wns breaking through tho floor in a dozen places. A firo alarm brought out tho depart mont and tho citizens generally, nnd nil tho assistance possiblo wns rendorcd in a'n effort to quench tho flames, but lino amy imug unit cuuiu uu uuno wua 10 connno mo names to mo uuiuung, and prevent thoir spread. Six streams of water wero turned on tho firo, and, though at times tho (lambs threatened to break away in spito of this, they were finally con trolled, and at 1 o'clock this morning tho firo was practically under control. Tho Arm estimates its loss at from $16,000 to $18,000, with an insurance of $12,000. Tho building, belonging to Wm. Vanco, an aged capitalist, was a framo, nnd was volucd at $3000, with soino insurance. Hooves k Co. wero taking stock thp past week, and expected to complete this work this evening, when tho store was to ba transferred to E. II. Mc- Cuno and Samuel Chamber?, two young states that only 80 Russian ohlcdra ac costed' tlio -parole. All1 of tho Regular Russian troopd havo matched out, 'of Port Arthur, and will "leayo for Dnlny today, tfho Japanese troops 'entered tho dity yesterday to Keep order. Non combatants aro alldwod tho option of remaining' in Port Arthur. Tho navy is removing tho mines nnd hulks iu tho harbor mouth. All forts havo boon trikoh over by tho Japanese. WILL BE HELD FOR A TIME providing for a conynittco of 10 to investigate tho alleged frauds in tho city and county, of Denver, 'and roport onMonday. Tho issuing of certificates of. election to eithcr-Poabody or Adams will await the report of tho commit tee. THREE BUILDINGS BURN Springfield, Mass., Jan. 0. Firo this aftornoon destroyed tho city hall in which tho puro food show was being hold. It spread to Gilmoro's hotel, Gil mbro's Thentre,vand a largo depart ment store, threatening a big loss. Tho firo wns under control at at 2 o'clock, with small loss, on tho adjoin ing buildings. Many valuablo records intho city hall wero destroyed. Thero woro sovornl narrow escapes. Tho loss is $100,000. Condonscd Telegrams; An electricinn, nam'o unknown, was killed and eight pasesngors soveroly injured at (1 o'clock this morning by a rcar-ond collision on tho Ninth Avonuo elevated railroad in Now York. As tho result of a freight wrock on tho B. & O., at Glonco, Md., this morn .ing, tho cntiro crow of fivo aro report ed killed. Forty cars woro dorailod, A Milan dispatch gnya that 11 Swiss tourists havo been frozen to (loath, making tho nscent of Mount Bernard. At Baku, Caucasus, in an encounter between strikers and Cossacks, at Bal nkhnny, six strikers and ono Cossack woro killed, and many wounded. Throo Italians woro Instantly killed, four injured and two probably fatally hurt by being struck by n train on tho Long Island railroad, nonr Ihmton, N. Y this morning. They woro shoveling snow from tho tracks, and failed to oh servo tho approaching trnin. o Tho Troy steam laundry at Eugene has suspondod operations. years as salesmen. Had tho firo como 24 hours later, tho new firm would havo been tho logors imttend of Hooves & Company. Tho building occupied by tlio firm was nn old rambling framo structuro on tho cornor of First Jjnd KUnworth streets, opposite tho Hotel Jlevoro, and ndjoining a range of brick buildings. It wns in tho firo limits, and, w'hilo tho outside shell of the building is still standing, it is n total wreck, nnd can not bo repaired. It is uxpectod that a new brick will bo erected in tho plnco of tho building burned noxt spring. Tho stock of goods is practically n total loss. Thero aro nonio goods that may bo of somo value, but tho nalvago will bo very little, and, so far as IteovcH & Company aro concerned, tho loss is practically n totnl ono. This was i'Jro Chief W II. Warner's fimt firo sinco he nssumed oflleo, anil ho hnndlod tho difficult problom well.' Thero was only ono drawback to th6 firo fighting tho firo engines wero not roady for tho work whon called uponj and it took nearly 25 tninutos boforo a good stream could bo thrown by tho onglno. Tho hydrants, however, woro of great value, and two streams word on tho firo a fow mlnvtes after tho alarm was tunod In. But for tho hy drants, tho firo would havo snroad to adjoining property, and tho loss would MURDERER WENT TO DEATH WITH CIGARETTE He Was Glad to Die as He Had lived a Wicked life San Quentin Prison, Cal., Jan. C. Larry O'Neill, alias Henry Milton, wns hanged at 10:30 this morning. Ho died gamo, and chatted with tho warden bo foro going to tho scaffold. Ho waa glad ho wns to- die, as ho said ho wns a bad man all his Hfo, and wanted to seo what tho other world looked like. Ho had a glass of whiskoy, and asked for a cigarette, which ho smoked while ho aided tho jailor in adjusting tho BODY Of BEAUTIFUL WOMAN FOUND IN SNOW Chicago, Jan. 0. Tho body of a beautiful j'oung woman, about 24 years old, well dressed, and boaring otWr indications of rofinnmont, wns found this morning1, covorcd with snow, in Irving Park Boulovnr.d, near Sovonty- SENSATIONAL Now Ulm, Minn., Jan. 0. Tho sonsa tions today in tho testimony in tho Koch murder trial camo whon a drug clerk testified thnt tho day following! tho murder ho found Dr. Koch fitting- FAMOUS MUSICIAN'S FUNERAL Chicngo, Jan. 0. Tho funeral of Thoodoro Tliomas, tho famous orchestra londor, wns held from St. James church at 11 o'clock this morning. Dnnlnd Bail. Now York, Jan. 0. Justlco Grcou baum deniod tho application of Nan Patterson to bo admitted to bail. WE ADVERTISE To got moro buslnosH. Wo can only do this by giving you greater bar gains than usual. Wo know you to bo u judgo of value. It coHts money to' advert! so, and wo do not wasto money. For this roiiHon wo print tho truth, tho wholo truth. Ladksf Jackets All of this season's showing com prising tho iiowcsl nnd best tylos of tho prosont. Wo havo them iu all lengths and colors, tans, castor gray, Oxfords and blacks. In con nection with thU sajo wo havo added LADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS, 'WAISTS AND OiniDHENBx DEE&JES. . Half Ptice Glove Special Wo aro showing tho colobratod BIABIT3 GLOVU In color, black, brown, tan, modo and dark maroon. Pegular M.25 value -881 straps. "Whim ho loft his coll ho watf still smoking tho cigarette. Ho hoppoul up tho steps and was etruppod, on the trap nnd nt tho samo tirao waived tho reading of tho death warrant. "Whon tho black cap waa put ovor his head "ho spit tho eignrctto from his mouth. iTo diod 11 minutes niter tho drop. O'Neill was hanged for murdering an aged San Francisco "saloon keeper, whom ho had held up. second street. Physicians who exam inod tho body claim that thero is ovi donco that death como whilo nn nncs thotia was boing administered nnd nn oporntion porformod. Tho mystofy ia engaging tho attontion Of tho police. TESTIMONY IN KOCH TRIAL a rubbor flngor tip, Intondod to bo in visible, on two injured flngors. Bocausa of tho ovidonco of tho terrible struggle In tho murdorod man's oflleo i. is ar gil en t that tho murdoror must linvo mia tnincd somo injurcfi J "f POST OFFICE CASES "Washington, Jan. (I. Counsel for Mnchon, Loreitz, Dlller and SUmuol Groff, convicted of conspiracy to de fraud tlio "government in connection with tho postofllco contractu, filled n pot It Ion in tho supremo court today for a writ of certorarl on tho advorso do clsion nf tho cpurt of nppouls. re$( iiiriSchiTiKr V Mux llanJTiilortd Great Savings Oa Men's Clothing 15 to $10.50 suit or tfj V fk ETfk overcoat 4 J-U.OU $18.50 to S0 suit or f C Afl overcoat PiUU j- 22.5Qto25ultor C f g Crt j m m VI a H II 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 U M f t M-M 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 If 1 i i III t it 1 " ucuu r jjftsticr. men who served tho firm or several