DAILY CAPITAL JOTTBXtAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1905. M :' . , , r r,xr n . mm y TATTD MA T, I land. Hq docj not npprevo of what DAILi lArllA" JUUXUliilityi paper Bays about It, but most of "" mi uncrn BROS. OT IIWI OFFICIAL CENSUS SALEM, t it Jias not pronouccd them guilty, and tho roof, nnd require constant repair MAY, 1904 13.287. jdoes not propose to do so until thoy.ing. J. DEFIANCE. I (f John White C'lindwick, in the January Atlantic.) I "Take what you can, sirs" (thus tho story runs), ' Said a poor scholar, who for dearest "book I "Had loved his Virgil; and tlio wretches took The book away from him, and thought Ids sun's JBgTifc was put out. But ho had balkod thoirrngc, Learning by heart tho Mantunn's lofty rhymo, JBo, 'jjrainBt nil spito 'of 'theirs or en vious time, folding it safo a flawless heritage. So, dearest, sincoI have you in my lioart, Ifiko ,that poor' scholar,! those pow era dofv WJririt threat to rob me: You may livo'or die, IBnt Hcvermoro from mo shall you do part. Z Jiavo you safe; "Take what you can," I say; "".Hero sho abides, and will axlway' abide METHODS OF THE KNOCKER. The Salem nowspnpors aro bosloged with anonymous correspondents who opposo nnd bolitllo tho proposed bltu QiUiic stroot pavcinout. Thcso articles omannto from an in terested sourco that should bo mado lenr to tho public nnd it would linvo 310 influence. On an Important public matter, whoro -a newspaper has to take a stand, it is unfair for tho anonymous knocker to EiMo himself. Probably this same man who does Mho anonymous knocking is telling tho -committeo of his follow citlzons that 'Ao wants paving, Hut read the anonymous howl of tlio poronnltil and everlasting knecker: Against Bltulithic. I ipioto tho following from tho Ore .goninu's report of tho prouomjlngs of thn Portland Taxpayers' luaguo held Haturdny ovenlug: '"Tho report of tho stroot commttloo wan tho priucipal themo of interest. Tlds committee, consisting of Leo IVIodo, L. N. Tonl, Thomas Scott Drooko, Roderick L. Muuleny and A. J. fllosy, dlseussod in tho report street paving, and wont on record as against tho now 'bltulithic' after an InvoHtigit ilon of this paving in Tncoinii and alitor cltict. "Tim report states that though tho pavement might bo considered miitable for a speedway or ltoulovurd, it would linrdly bo sorvlccnblo for a street over which there is much' heavy trafllo." Cannot a trail of mauadnm be made upon n portion of somo of our streets! AUUTTKH. It is the misfortune of this ally that tumio of its wealthiest mon aro always ready to oust their inllucniio against progress that will cost them a dollar. This knoakor probably belongs to tho wimo class who wititt to take tholr elico out of the public rovonuou on all occasions. This oIiihs make their pile out of pub lie ginfta ami lot no iivouuo of oninlu moiit iwunpo their grafting process. Those hhiiio knockcra want to bo os tocniod by their follow oltlzous nnd want roputKtion of being fntrmliidod nnd ppblle uplrltod. Thoy don't deservo trtlthor. TWO FINE BILLS. Vloroneo Itoherttt plays "Murta of tho I.owIhiuIh" t tho Orand opora houao Friday evening. Miss Roberts played "SCuwt" at Baleni somu tlmo go and gave general natlsfncUon. HlUt btdatlBS l(t tlllN ImMrtr nlik nf nctnwnos and hu a steadily-growing'"' wl,llrort ' privation of having reputation thai bU fair to land hor'Uvwl ,u tt wm1 ,,0U! 0M Ul ,r",r, or In tho front miik of uteful American lu " ,0R cnb,n to KOt " ,,u,m,' uctrtHMM, I Tho young man who 1ms no bunk no- Another piny U th papular nuwubay drama. T! mo wuii output," that will lo given Monday 8ut at tho Orand. a vranvn uitre pUy tho part of Nob th j?wkby. Th Journal hu uku nAwiiUgt of tho premutation of thU j.W to l-1v Un narrUis hu1 the uowibeya Qf thU Uy a boMotlt on ike, almvI .w..ai.. and hopw thy will all ooino, ' YPf tlrkvt uf RdmlMloa vlll bo furnWhftt to all Journal oauUra and wbey. ud they will U tho fiuU f Uomt aad td In tho boxwk fr taat vmt, n U a plwuur, t vo h bya a t. ' HArrr ior all. Kdllw Qt hat btoa A iiiuo aeAy ort all ho scorns to disapprove of having anything goou or Kind sniu 01 xungor Hermann or Senator Mitchell. TIio Journal has said that if theso nion aro guilty they shopld bo punished to tho fullest extent of tlio law, but nro convicted. In fact, it has svinna-' thy for those mon as it always has for ji,0 under dog or anyono in trouble. Even if Editor Oecij'fl name should bo connected with land frauds, it would bo willing to sco him havo a chance for ,g Hf0 and honor. In fact, it would sympathize with him if ho were sued or arrested, just as it doos with others. j Xt mil eyinpathlzo with him when his tlmo comes, oven if ho docs object to loverything of tho sort and this paper tfould even go so far as to hope in ad vanco that his turn may novor conic MR. OESNER'B REPORT. After bolng chairman of tho street committeo a year, and strewing tho streets with some of tho poorest un screened river grayel ever put on the business streets, Alderman Oesner flics a report on paving. Tho Journal refused to print Mr. Oesner 'b report because tho rest of tho utrcot committeo would not join In it, and bocauso it bolievcs tho report was ruitiij ujijiubuu iif uiij miviii It rends as if Mr. Oesner had been listening to a class who have the most vnluublo and tho most profltablo prop erty on our business streets and who opposo all improvement that is to cost them anything. Thcso influential citizens have been ablo to havo thoir streets kopt in or der by their, pull on tho general fund in placo of paving ns owning abutters should pay for tho strcot in front of thoir proporty. When really enterprising citizens nro about to order bltulithic pavement this Class gets bohlnd a report that causes discussion and dissension under which they will dofor pavement of any sort. Tho Oesner report h sprung to pre vont nny sort of pormnnont street im provement. It does not tell tho public where vitrified brick enn bo had. It is not certain that thoy can be made at all at Salem. Tho Oesnor report says in substanco that our streets aro all right, and it almost takes pleasure in saying they nro hotter than in othor cities. lias not tho time come for all citi zens to take a forward step and say with perfect enndor that there should bo n few paved streets in this cty, oven if it does take n fow thousand dollars from those best ablo to pave? Those who can read botween tho lines must soo that tho do-nothing policy, tho policy that says wo nro all right as wo are, improvement is unnecessary, sticks out all over tho Oosuor roport. Lot us nil get out of that rut and make Salem a live town, whoro tho finest streets, tho richest streets, tho most profltnblo proporty, shall boar its just share of pormnnont improvement, as abutting owners should. If proporty owners started in to got vitrified brick, non-pavers would prob ably show that vltlrlfled brink of good quality could not bo had at Salem, and if it could bo' had It would cost a great dead more than bltulithic. If the host business proporty in tho second ulty in tho state cannot stand tho oxponso of a pavement, tho ownors had better sell It to somo ouo who will pavo tho street as is done chcrfully in smaller placet. Tjf tho owners of tv singlo block will submit a potltinn to tho council, asking an order to put down a brick pavement, that order will bo granted. Mr. Oes ner ' sincerity can bo best shown in that way, although wo admit his sin cerity in advocating brick ua a good kind of paving. v WHO ARE THE PUBLIO LANDS FOR ANYHOW. Tho poor young man who may bo hon ustly taking a wife- and founding a homo and rearing a family, what does ho need of publlo lands? It is true, his futhor may have takon a homostoud or oleared a farm In tho timber in tho Hast somowhore, may T011"1 unrt ntt ",U t0 Kl outo Ul rubUc pnymUtf, may havo miiw suoh idea, owl Muy ba planning to got n homo' out of tho public domain, and roar" List family, as hU fnthr did. Hut ho should get rid of that absurd imtieu of making u living by becoming un hoiiMt produeor. with morolv a homestaad of his own. Ho shonli nn dwtna that tho puldU lauds nro for lue l"Wwvk tho preslatory olass, tk publlft ortllal who alrwdy fatteus on Uo taxpayer. Fr that olasa first. Th rtt of tho public domain. bl8Bga t the )udUtft and eorporatlous. UILD A OOOD BUILDINa. Thar aro wwj good tau why tho Pdorn Bd of Kdueattaa ha.,M U..11.1 ubtauUal Ulk bulldlnC fer taa au th ichool Uauwa ia the dutrict nro now frame structures, and coat an immenso aum for insurance, nn$ .if they ever start to burn With tho children In them it will bo almost impossible to get them all our. , , Those framo buildings with larce rooms cannot bo constructed bo that they will not settle and drnw apart on Thoy rot on the sido oxnosod to the rain, nnd require painting every few years, nnd" now roofs onco in ten years. A flrst-clnss plain brick building will not cost as much as a wooden one, with tho usual amount of ,ornnmcntal and filagree work that is put on Ishool houses. , .j h AMERICAN HUSTLE. . It is said there is nothing distinctive about tho American faces, as thcro is about nil tho rest of tho group of Cau casian faces. It has no individuality. It is without particular features such an mark tho Irish faco, tho French faco, tho Oorman face, tho Jew faco. tho English faco. It is pecular only in its cosmopolitanism. It is in ono sonso a coposito paco, from which are oblitornted all tho provincial narrow ness and weakness that mako tho other faces, distinctive, and in it is combined tho strength of thorn all. Novorthloss tho American pbysiojr- nomy is docidedly marked. It is said that un American is recognized at a glanco in any part of tho world. Tho thing indollbly written on the A IMAHirtnM & n . 1 (I -ft '.iiivjivuM xuizv i nustio." .fcivcry Americun looks as if his oyes were glaring into tho far west and tho far future. Ho has a sorious lobw that portends business. French imagination spnrkles in wit as brilliant as tho dia mond; tho American imagination finsh- cs Its sheot lightning oi-or half a world. This terriblointonsity of purpose nnd nctivity is very fl.no in many respects, but it is at tho bottom of tho ill health which ia so serious n curse to tho life of this country. Tho American.. works himself to death. We think and wo oxhnust; wo s'chemo imagine, study, worry and onjoy, nnd proportionately we wasts. Overworked brains nnd stomachs, underworked musclos and limbs soon1 dorango tho balance of supply nnd dcmnnl. Wo waste faster than enfeebled digestion enn repair. Wo fcol always a littlo tie- pressed;, wo restore tho equilibrium tem porarily by stimulation. What is most wanting to arduous en terprise in tho present. day is tlnp. Wo can scarcely commnnd a fow hours un disturbed or offcctunl inactivity, Wo livo in th'o midst of tompests or dead calms, condemned alternately to ship wreck or inaction. More rapid and eontjolling than ourselves, events car ry away our idoas and intentions be fore they havo passod into facts and often before thoy havo oven riponod into attempts. In no section of tho world is insani ty more prevalent thnn In this. This strutting ou"ect must undoubted ly be tracod to tho general restlessness and excitement that pervades tho coun try nnd tho general indefforonco to tho common, mid ossoutlnl physiological laws. Wo havo too littlo rocrentiou, too lit tlo regard for tho refreshing ami invig orating influences of social intercourse. Our devotion to business of ovcry kind is too long continued nnd too absorbing. We rlso early and sit up lato nnd ent tho broad of carefulness, nnd eat It hastily, that wo may loso no time from work. Constant caro and anxious thought wrlto deep trncos on tho brow and their corroding Influences consume not only tho elasticity of mind and body, but tho bettor feelings of tho heart. n iii. THREE MAGAZINES. Tho Atlantic for January contains Mnry Austin's story, "Isldro," the best pieco of fiction since Miss John ston's "To Havo nnd to Hold" was wrttteu. Thoreau's Journal is a now feature of tho Atlantic liternturo. Tho general program for tho mouth is of tho high otnudard typical of this magazine. Outing for January lias a lino win ter program. From Mark Twain's "Country" to tho "Swamps of Ma lay" there is groat variety. Tho edi tor's review of sports is authoritative information. Tho Kindergarten Magaaino fur Jan uary opens tho work of the your in an enthusiastic mauuor. This Chicago publication stands alone in its fluid nnd should havo ft warm plaoo lit the homes wharo ohildrou aro. Tho Diamond Cure. Tho lutost nowa from Paris is that thoy havo discovered a diamond euro for consumption. If you four con tuniptlou or pnoumonlu, it will, how ovor, bo best for you to tako that great remedy mentioned by W. T. Me- Oeo of Yanloor, Tonn. "I had a cough for H years. Nothing helped m until 1 took Dr. King's Now DUcovary for Conjunction, Coughs and Colds, vrhieb gavo instant relief and effected & per utancnt cure," Unequalled quick cure for Throat and Lung Trouble. At J. C. Perry a drug Btoxe. Trice COfl ad $1, guaranteed. Trial bottle irte. X-RAYS Ho follows easiest who follows last. Pomposity is tho tcammato of vanity. j ' ' r C&wardiSo is a son-of'gttn that car ries a pistol. ' a Treublo is tho fruit thnt is put up in tho family jar. . Tho frankfurter is tho symbol of man's fnitli in innm Prcsqncb. of mind is the Johnny-on- tho spot of cmergoncy. f Some mon nro so given to lying that they Ho still after death. Tho pockotbook frequently gots "thirty" in going nfter 'sevcn-clcv-i en." Tlio election of city ofllcers by the aldermen wont "necording to pro gram. " Some men are candid just bocauso it would tako up too much of their tlmo to dissemble. Is it fair for thoso who opposo any kind of paving to opposo ono kind by seeming to prefer nnothcrf Marion county will not be in readi ness unless tho grand jury gots up somo political Indictments of tho oldest men in tho community. Liko nn artificially constructed bust, most of tho reports of the state institu tions nro more interesting for what thoy conceal' than for what they re veal. ' Some of our prominent politicians who want to got a cuo in a role thoy aro well adapted to playing, should witness the play Monday ovenlug "The Littlo Outcnst." Two stalwart young Gorman-Ameri cans were recognized by tho present city administration in tho election of Street Commissioner Kurtz nnd Polico Pntrolmau Schodeck. A man who had a very bright wife was talking about divorce to n man who had n very dull one. S-iid the partner of tho latter to tho spouse of tho form ferm er: "Don't do it). Your wifo may make you swear onco in awhile, but sho never makes you yawn." 0 MANY CONVENTIONS AT FAIR. Meotiug of National Associations and Excursion Will Bring Thousands. Portland, Jan. 5. Attracted by tho prospect of a transcontinental trip, by tho fumo of Portland as ono of tho most beautiful cities in the Unitod States, nnd by tho stories of great things to bo seen at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, many associations of land-wido membership nro planning to hold conventions nt Portland next sum mor during tho centennial. Most of the conventions will bo hold in Festival hall at tho exposition, where tho largo auditorium, built for such purposes, will bo found an attractlvo meeting place. Othor associations which ar ranged to hold thoir annual meetings nt other cities havo planned to nttend tho fair in a body. Tho total numbor of gathorlugs so far scheduled is nbout thirty, and theso will bring an aggre gate of somo 30,000 pooplo to tho fair. Bo3idos theso, many other national or ganizations, us well ns a number of Western nssoclutious, will probably plan for conventions to bo hold at tho Western world's fair. Probably tho most important, from a scioutlflu standpoint at last, will bo tho oouveutlon of tho American Modlonl as sociation, which will bo held July 14, nnd bring together 2500 doctors, many of national or world-wide fame. Tho Associated fraternities of Amorioa will meet 2000 stroug, tho National Good Heads association will bring to gether us many members, and tho Na tional Association of Letter Carriers will prolmbJx bring 3000 to the exposi tion. About it thousand knights of tho grip will attend. n 8uro Cure lor Piles, Itching piles produco moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Dllng, Clcodlng or Protruding PUe3 aro curod by Dr. Bo-Ban-ko's Pilo Remedy Stops Itching and blooding. Absorbs tumors. 60c a Jar at drug, gist, or sent by mall Treatlos free. Wrlto mo about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, PMla., Pa. Fore salo by Dr. S. Q Stone, druggist Ram City has & color! voma tub. The club has a mwbrkip of 85. O.A. WORIJL. IttBrtlHfaaJJMBBiaitt Btgufeu aiininttfirifflwiiniim",aitia"fletglt,,iia'"ai"1 OUR WINTER Clearance Sale I NOW 75c CIRCULAR SHAWLS, oach GBc BLEACHED TABLE CLOTH, a yard 5Dc VELVETEENS, a yard SWEATERS, for Mon or Boys, each MEN'S OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS, each LADIES' MACKINTOSHES 15c SEAMLESS HOSE, a pair $1.25 SILK VELVETS, only, a MILLINERY $2.00 Hats for $1.20 $4.00 Hats for $2.40 R0STEIN & i 298 and 300 Commercial St. & They act like Exercise. odiaMto -for the Ton Cents C50 H'Mll lllllMIIHtlHH tl; STATE t SOCIAL NEWS! Blodgett. J. A. Wood wns in Corvallis Satur day. Mr. Isaac Norton went to Corvallis Tuesday. W. D. Mixter went to Albany Wed nesday, and reurned Monday. Vivian Post is visiting hoj crnnd- mother, Mrs. Blodgett, this weok Mrs. Blodgett wont to Toledo Thurs- ,la Miss Lauro Skaggs, of tho Summit, T .une1uucnl.ou ltusslan soUlior8 ' u, visitlwr ltor sister. Mrs. n. ttH, '18traine1 excitement of the last few is visiting lfer sister, Mrs. O. Butler, tins week. Androw La Grange and wifo, Ray James, Harry. Blodgett nnd Nicholas Mulkey attended tho dance nt tho Sum mit lust Tuesday night. Fruitland. E. Butherford went to Albany Mon day. He intends entering school at that placo. Mr. Frazer is erectiag a blacksmith shop on his farm near Fruitland. Some much-needed improvements ......... ......1.. l i ,. . . "llu "iuiiu iiuoiu i no scnool premises miring tno holidays Tllnailni ni'fltitiw. 41... T !i. . ..... ...j w.uiitu mo unerury anu - w.. ....ou muti uuu i Debating Socloty again had election of 8rcmt l)ro,"'l"enco. Thoy stood up iu ofilcors for this month. Mr. Wagner,1 tno troncl'cs screamed fierce defiance, president; Mr. S. 0. Ralston, vico-presl- nml "ttempted to rush out to meot tho limit tioa T.M..n 1TTI1 i ..OnoniV- Hnn .vin. 1...l L i.l. ..., ....0i) i,u n.mon, secretary and treasurer; Mr. Luto Savnge, sergeant-at-nrms; Mr. Fred Bradley, editor, and Joseph Jones, janitor. The question wns docided in favor of tho affirmative. Tho question for next Tuesday night is: 4 Resolved, That thoro is more hard fooliugs caused r.t the play parties than nt the homo dances." Revival sorvices will commonco ono wook front Thursday evening, January 12th. J SUverton. A stallion imported from Franco by McLaughlin Bros., of Columbus, Ohio, has boon sold bore in Silvertmi to the Silverton Horse Breeders' Association. Tho horso is of the Tt.Or.in.. ti. .- weighs 1050 pounds, Lq Is threo vears old, and won seeond prize at the Worhl'a Fatlr, iu St. Louis, and first nt the International Stoek Show'at Chica cago. Horso mon are to bo congratu late.1 on having such a hor !,, .. community. During the iwon kur, WW1 the mail -ns being dUtrlbute.1, a ruwiwhy horse, with an awMin- im. ..i , . his halter rppe, wade things Hvy by' he sidewalk arouna the postofflee door ' ..-.. . Kmun Irom 0 Qne wmei, ta, Uow. The people seattered like a' flock of quails. RirtuMt.lv h .. i i Havo You Ever Ordered Haitt & lnor.i t,. . PBUOn5' nd ON M 50 30 45 ...t.f.T&BAF. PRICE yard, :' 9 ; ? 40 per cent off $3.00 Hats for $1.80 $5.00 Hats for $3.00 GREENBAUM ' Salem iMHitiiimittimuMi Bowels All Druggists I secured without any ono gotting hurt Postmaster T. W. Riches took refuge on tho top sholf in tho office Mrs. Moscr, wifo of Wiijiam Mosor, was buried horo today. Tho Mosers aro somo of Oregon's oldest pioneers. They were formerly from Missouri. Louis Rauch has accopted- tho posi tion of 'bookkeeper in tho band of Messrs. Uoohttgo & McClaine, taking tho placo of Mr. L. J. Adams, who re tired tho first of tlio year. Queer Sect Among Czar's Soldiors. St. Petersburg, Jan. 5. Among tho in teresting letters from Manchuria is one just recoived from Artillery Captain T"' . . 0t a CUrlUS rtat6 oi religious oxauation produced among months. "In two of tho Siborinn regiments," ho writes, "n sect who call thomselves 'Krovupitsi' (bloodsuckers) has made considerable progress. Thcso mon hayo sworn to accept no quarter, to expose themselves as much as possiblo in the bnttlofield, and to keop us far as possi blo nn exactly accurato account of tho numbor of 'heathen' they havo killed. To slaughter a raco which rejects Christ they beliovo to bo a pious act; nn ,nanv ' them dread any conclusion nf rmnnn ...l.!l. 1.1 1 ll. of poaco which would lcavo a single Japanese nlive. At. tlm rnnnnf hnttln Of SllM-lin ROlllA nf flinua .nt. in.., tnfrt enemy. Ono man kopt constantly ox posing himself whoro tho firo wns hot test, and when a bullet went through his chest screamed dolightedly, 'Now I am saved, brothers,' Thoy aro Christ ian dorvishers, in fact." Good Service Wo recoive, subject to check, the .accounts of firms, individuals and corporations. No intorest is al lowed on theso accounts; but we give good service and extend such othor accommodations as tho ac count and standing of the depositor will justify. Salem State Bant K;Pagef . . President fc. W. Hazard, Cashier Your nr...... . Lawrence U you C&U on !.- r,t v. Y a ww'y"w"'..m .f "'mMmmmp' -yKa - ,. ,-. '.,4 NVW&TSm&iS,7d '