. - - -7-i, - wy- yb wii' "ai"; 53, W4 1, ) ii iijmwuinjiinijiii twm" "i ;j x . 43 ' .;& t ost g(L . VJ- H',. .At, i M -i : Wt r MM i -WK ''ftiU"A1 jn VOL. XV.- SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1905. NO. 4. PACIFIC SQUADRON WILL TAKE BACK TRACK FORMER STATE LAND OFFICERS ARE SUED POLICEMAN KILLED IN BATTLE WITH THUGS "V5 JW V" t t-rtywivia'' itr n'w(p?yiww f "7r 'HfeSffr' "r as J,sr i ;g..ai tt Aft,., g ,. s .-rai'- H! ' jA H H L f JOUIOTAL Jm v y H " sB H w H 3 A-. H JLr jrJL Ju x JiJl I iLL, . Russian Authorities Said to Have Reached a Decision to Recall Vessels 'St. Petersburg, Jan. 5. It is stated on high authority that a decision has boon reached that tho Russinn second Pacofic squadron will return to Euro poan waters. Chefo, Jan. 5. Tho disarmament of tho" seven destroyers has been com plotod to tho satisfaction of tho Jnp anesoauthorities:. '.'. WeHai Wai, Jan. p. Tho British cruisor Andromeda, which sailed from horp yesterday for Port Arthur, with' hospital storos, returned today, not hav ing boon ablo to make a landing at Port Arthur. Tho Japanese refused offers of assistance, and warned tho ves sel "against unlocatcd mjneS. Manila, Jan. 5. Tho Japanese cruis er Takonsu approached tho entrnnco of tho harbpr this morning, but when sig nalled, sailod away. St. Petersburg, Jan, 5. Tho an nouncement that General Stoessol would havo to come homo and stand court-martial for surrendering Port Ar thur, provokos tho following comment from tho Novo Vremya: "By all moans lot us havo a court-martini, and mako it, if posisblo, sevcro and cruel. Tho judgo will porhaps deal leniently with thoso who havo given their blood and lives for their country, and per haps also tho court will dotermino why tho fortress, which waB known to bo threatened with n blocknde, was not supplied with tho nocessary food and ammunition to enable it to hold out." Manila, Jan. oVr-Stoamers from tho i i in i iiiiiimniiiiiiii An Old Stote With A New The most prominent feature of out business during the past thirteen years has keen out SPOT CASH PLAN to which we, attribute our remarkable success. Wish ing to make this feature still more prominent in our advertising, we have decided to change our name to BARNES' nLdlTl There will be no change in the policy of the store Our extremely low prices, duz to our CASH PLAN and economical fcusinesss management, have made us grow. Wc intend to continue growing along the same lines. Our merchandise is the standard of quality. Our prices ate lower than at "regular stores. Formerly The New York Racket, now ii BARNIS' CASH STORE SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PBIOE CASH STOSS. E. T. BARNfS, PROPRIETOR south Toport that a Japanese' cruiser is patrolling tho straits of San Bernard! no, west of Luzon. Tokio, Jnn. 5. The supplementary agreement published todny provides tho appointment of commissioner to super intend tho enforcements of the pro visions in tho capitulation of Port Ar thur, and deals with tho treatment of officers 'arid, men. .The 'commissioners met at Pchyu Mountain at noon on Tuesday, and the, officers nnd officials woro allowod to wear their sido arms, but tho use of arms was prohibited. THo agreement provides for tho trans fer of tho hospitals, and tho immunity .of non-combatants as to, their freedom of action and removal of private prop erty. It reserves, tho right of remov al of objectionablo persons, and tho re lease of. Japanoso prisoners. Tokio, Jan. S.-It is announced that tho civil officials at Port Arthur, who did not sorvo as volunteers, will bo re leased without parole. Tokio, Jnn. 5. Tho Mikado go,ve n Now Years luncheon tottho diplomatic corps at Tokio Hi ma3csty toasted tho various rulers of tho world. St. Petersburg, Jan. 5. Tho Czar this morning returned to Tsarko Selo from Minsk whero ho went to review tho troops. Tokio, Jan. 5. Tho Japanese conu missioners began to assemble at Ynkf ucssi at 9 o'clock this morning to effect tho formal turning over of the city to General Nogi. imiiiiiiiiiniH i h i-M-fr Name I i ,, i IV. STORE Ex-Governor Geer Agents L B. and W. H. Odell Made Parties . George Summers has filed a complaint against T. T. Geer, L. B. Geer and W. II. Odell for tho purposo of collecting' . . , . ii. i. .'f" Junius against mo genuemen nuovo named as follews: George Summers $480, E. Clark $312, Mabcllo Starr $240, Mary Bannnrd $420, J. II. Dobbin $150, W. Waldo Chase $50, Florence M. Johnson $100, Thomas Powell $258, James F. Davis $400, John M. Swanson $400, Wm. J. Alams $400, W. B. Palmer $312.50, 0. L. Hartshorn $100, Geo. Mack $350, Al bora Hartshorn $150, Albert E. Bntt son $400, Chns. S. Schlenkcr $400, Goo. Wilson $400, Victor J. Chapman $350, I B. Howard $480, Anna Kcennn $480, Wm. Wurtzwciler $480, Mnttio Sum mers $480, Mrs. Alamedo Fuller $3G0, Walter Hammond $281.75, John B. Er ickson $60. Mr. Summers nlso asks for $1000 as puniativo damages, and tho other caus es of action havo boon assigned to him by tho respective parties. Mr. Sum mors lives in Priuovillo, and a number of tho claimnnts aro prominent business men from that section of tho state. Tho facts alleged in tho complaint nro that Governor T. T. Gcor, acting ns land commissioner of tho state of Ore gon, appointed L. B. Geccr and W. H. Odell as land ngents of tho state, nnd that tho plaintiff and tho pnrtics claim ing through him agreed to purchase of the state lieu lands. The complaint sots out that W. II. Odell, while state land agent, noted ns u go-between broker, selling tho infor mation that ordinarily would bo of pub lie record to tho, partica named as claimants, for, various figures, from $1 to. per acre, ino claimnnts were to pay the regular prico to tho stato in addition to the amounts handed to tho land agent. The complaint states that tho de fendants failed to sell and deliver the land purchased, and tho parties seek to recover tho amounts paid to W. H. Odell for tho insido information fur SENATOR MITCHELL MAY RESUME HIS SEAT Washington, Jan. 5. Sonntor Mitch- q11 arrived in Washington todny. While tho senate is in session his courso will bo closely observed, ns thoro is general curiosity to seo whothpr or not ho will appear on the floor of tho sennto while resting under indictment. Should' ho ndhcro to precedent, ko,wiU not go in to tho sonato chamber but will remain in his committeo rpom. If ho nets jn accordnnco with tho wish of many of his colleagues, expressed to Sonntor Fulton todny, ho will disrogard custom and resumo his seat as if nothing had happened. It rests ontiroly with Sen ator Mitchell to dotermino what courso ho will follow. If ho chooses to con tinue in tho proceedings of tho- sonato, no objection is likely to bo raised. tntorest in Senator Mitchell's caso wns revived today by tho publication in tho Washington papers of Putcr'a statement. 'Dozens of senators havo como to mo today," said Senator Fulton, "nnd bayo uniformly donounoed tho indict ment of Senator Mitchell on tho testi mony of a man liko Putcr. I find tho COLORADO LEGISLATIVE DOINGS Bonvol, Col. Jan. 5. In tho aupromo court this morning tho ballots in pro- cinct 7, -ward 5, woro inspected. Of 225 ballots inspected up to noon, 100 wero writton by ono person, 159 being Democratic and 10 Republican. The Republican leglislaturo caucused this morning to dotermino tho action in the gubernatorial situation. A reflex wave of sentiment has set in strongly favoring the seating pf Peabody, and having Adams filo a contest, and then have a tapld and thorough Invetiga tion of the alleged, frauds. Geer nished to tho claimants, also nlloglng that Govornor T. T, Geer and L. B. Geer woro parties to tho whole trans action,' and participated in tho profits of the snlo of tho supposod mineral baRO. Tlu tntq of Oregon received, undor tho. laws of tho general government, about 80,000 ncros of land, which has since .boen declared mora vnlunblo for mineral than for any other purposes. Whoncvcr a sufficient affidavit is filed with tho U. S. land dopartmont sotting forth that tho character of tho land is mineral, tho govornmont nllows tho stntd, Jo select liou land jn placo of tho. base. Tho complnint alleges that tho parties conspired to sell this infor nintlon to purchnserfe, instead of per fecting title to tho stato, as by law ro- quired,) According to a wolMnformod citizon who; talked to lho Journal this morn ing tho lieu land scandal will involvo n number of prominent nion in tho stato, and may become a factor in tho federal cases now boforo tho grand jury. It is alleged that sovcrnl citlzons nro guilty of gross misconduct nnd con spiracy in dofrnudlng tho stato out of thousands of acres of valuable timbor land, which was solcctcd in plnco of school land in Eastern Oregon, which was worthless for any purpose, except porhaps for grazing. Tho timber lnnd seloctcd was tho most valuable in tho stato, but ouly brought tho school fund small pricoB, ranging from $1.25 to $2.50 por aero, al though land adjoining readily sold for from $10 to $15 por ncro. Tho outcomo of tho cases against tho old administration wlirboWatchod with interest, following, ns it does, immedi ately after tho report of tho prcBont stato lnnd agont, Oswald West, in which many charges woro mado as to irregular ities in tho offico during its occupation by soveral of his predecessors. M. E. Poguo appears as attorney for tho plaintiff. universal sontimeut of tho sonato is with Mitchell. I havo yet to find a single equator who , entertains tho slightest doubt us to his innoconci. On tho contrary, much wonderment is ox prcssod that any grand jury Bhould havo indicted any man on such a flim sy stntemout as Unit mado by Pntor. "Sinco tho question of tho propriety of Sonntor Mitchell's appearing on tho floor has ben rained, senators from all sections havo asked, mo to pormiado Senator Mitchell to como into tho sen nto as soon as bo returns, notwith standing precedent. Domocrats and Re publicans alike say ho should not re main away, but should resumo his scat." ' , In caso Senator Mitchell decidos to rqsumo his seat, it is probablo ho will mako o. statement to tho sunato, de claring his innocence and explaining his connection with tho land frauds in which ho is charged wiU bolng impli cated. It IbMiIh privilege as a, sonator to mako a statomopt in his own lo fonso, nnd ho will bo'givon full sway whatovor ho may doom proper, FIFTEEN CHILDREN DROWNED Vienna, Jan. 5. -Fifteen children were drowned at Belnbings, Moravia, this uftornoon, by falling through a holo in tho ice, M'hilo on u pond skat ing. Standard Oil Cuta. Toledo, Jan. 5. -Tho Standard Oil company today eut the prico of East ern crude 5 cents and Western 3 cents. No reason is given for tho eut. Famous Singer Dead. London, Jan. 5, Mine. Belleeole, the famous American singer, died this morning of diabetes. Chicago, Jan. 5. In n desperate bat tle with alloged hold-up men nnd train robbors, at 11 o'clock this morning Policeman James O'Kcof was killed and Policeman Richard Birmingham probably fa,tully injured. Tho olllcors wont to arrest Olllo Folnberg aud Prnnk Qaygnn, for shooting a pollco- BARD STANDS GOOD CHANCE f OR SENATOR Sacramento, Jnn. o. Tho senatorial fight is glvon n now phnso by tho dec laration of George Knight thai Sonator Bard is tho second ohdico of his sup porters, nnd that Southern California must ngrep on Bard, or tho sonntorship GOVERNOR PEABODY'S MESSAGE Donvor, Jan. 5. At 2:30 this after noon tho legislature mot to hear Gov ornor Ponbody's me&mgo, in which ho rocommonded a "rensonablo" eight hour law, tho disfranchisement of tho regular army and national guard do sortors, and tho compulsory nrbitrntlon of labor troubles, subject to roviow by tho suriroino court, o ' Business Soction Suffers. Berlin, N. II., Jnn. C. Firo early ths. morning dostroyod tho Clements opera houso tho Thomdyko hotel nnd sovcrnl business blocks. Four woro injured by jumpiug. Tho Iobh is $150,0(10 , Gormany Payors Peaco. Birmingham, Jan. 5. Tho Post hears that Qormany is seeking to arrange u Gorman-Amoricnn arbitration tronty similar to tho Anglo-American troaty. o Currency Bill Is Up. Washington, Jan. C. Tho houso this nftornoon voted to tnko up tho Hill currency moasuro, nnd its consideration was immediately bogun in committee Conger Goes to Manila. Pokin, Jan. C. Minister Conger loft todny for tho Philapplnes. r wM7IB777TFxjK7'7?77T7?HmM&T&i The Constant Growth Of this establishment is not duo to chance. Every detail of this busbies wns arranged and contddorod with tho doopost concern for future growth, through present satisfaction. Our methods for attracting in tho future-, ntr in tho past, shall bo such as must Interest nnd appeal to you, Meanwhile we mention a (ow items of important interest, to tho many who nro desiroud of making big savings on dependable morchnudinC' Women's Stylish Stilts Just think of tho saving on now style, roadytowoar garments for ladies, that wo are showing. Not a" lot of old stock, but bright, up-to-date garments of this scusou's show ing. A fine assortment of $10 gar ments. $7.50 ty n This season's showing of tho best styles of Poau do' Soio, Taffetas, 1'oau do Cygne, eta, In great variety of colors, -4 0FF pF Waists jMEPrlce mn,n recently. Tho despqradoes irnnro dlately openod ilro, and O'lpcf foil at tho first fusilndc. Birmingham cojIav ued to flro until ho foil woundod. Cay gan had a, wound in bis arm when su rest ed. Foinborg was shot in tho linefe and surrendered later, but will jnrc ably die. would como from tho north. The eo lnrntion resulted in Knight gaining: strength, thbro being no nvidenco tC Southern California ngrooing on n eare dldato, and n conferonco of londors xt San Francisco Saturdny in cxpcctetl to clarify tho sltuatioli. CANVAS ELECTORAL VOTES Washington, Jan. 5, Tho Bonnto cow curred in n joint resolution to moot titer houso representatives nt 1 o'clock Wednesday, February 8th, for tho can vassing of tho electoral vote. Washington, Jan. 5. Tho nomhtutfW of Wm. D. Crum to bo collector of cu toms at Charleston, S. C, was today rtr portod favorably by tho sonato cxhh nilttco on commerce. It is understood? that aft or tho nomination is confirmed that Crum will resign. Food Purc Business Bad. Bnttlo Crook, Mich., Jan. 5. Tow boilyVf-N. S". Phelps, tho' missing finan cier, who was connected with several' largo puro food concerns in UiIb cityr was found in tho river here todny. ller has boon missing soveral months, artdt it is believed that ho committed snii cido on account of 'business reverses. Montana Land Fraud Great Falls, Mont., Jan. fi. Govcrnv mont agontB aro on tho way to MarrlV nu to Inspect tho allogod wholesale land frauds, according to privuto advice ic celvod hero, It is said tho frnnita btw far-reaching, (unbracing immmiso tract a of timbor and mining laud. i eiS&&i You have the choico of our entire stook of clothing nt greatly reduced figures. No resorvo tho out prices alfeat every garment in our trtoofc. Choose early, as u gront many nro tuklng ndvautugo of this uxtruo? dluary wilo. 1C to $10.60 suit or overcoat. ....... $18.GfMo$2QsuiUr $ 1 0.50 J $15.00 overcoat 423.50 to 25 suit or f O CA I overcoat..... ,. 4 O.iJV . Iff! P I Less M Tnnnnniiiummi in nm mi mini iMiumr hi ii i 'in mw muri