Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 02, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 17

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0. F. LniiHing, proprietor, is situated two miles east of Salem, on
the Garden Road, telephone No. 181 Bine, is today one o the most
prominent nurseries on the Pacific) Coast. The phenomenal growth
of this industry has nuule this particular nursery one of the strong
est factors in the up-building of the fruit business in the West. II
can be truly said that more is being done at present by the nursery
than ever before in the way of starting the fruit grower oil' prop
rly, by furnishing him with excellent varietes of trees, and not
;iny old thing, us used to be the rule, and which greatly retarded the
advancement of fruit, growing.
Horticulture has, however, materially advanced in late years, and
just such painstaking nurserymen as Mr. Lansing is, have done
much to give Oregon a world-wide reputation for fine fruits.
Mr. Lansing came to Oregon from Ohio, where he had success
fully engaged in the nursery business on a large scale for over 30
yours. He began opcrutiontrherc eleven years ago, and has steadily
increased Ins business to the present large proportions, selling nur
sery stock all over the "West. During the past eight years large
shipments of nursery stock have boon supplied from this grower
to Corcan and Japanese Orehardists in the Orient. This is very grat
ifying to Mr. Lansing, and all of these shipments have given the
best of satisfaction and have fully withstood the rigid examinations
required by the foreign port inspectors, who are only too glad to re
ject any foreign stock where there is the slightest cause.
Mr. Lansing has successfully grown all kinds of roses and shrubs,
and has made- this branch of the business a special study, having
succeeded in propagating, grafting and budding the most delicate
varieties of trees, roses and shrubs.
Fruit men are beginning to understand that the success of their
line is like the success of the builder who builds on a solid founda
tion. The rapid growth of the Quaker Nursery's business is the
highest tribute that can be paid to it. The orders for trees have
been crowding in aiid forcing larger plantings every year, until- to
day it is one of the largest businesses in Oregon.
The stock from this nursery has stood the severest tests by which
the critical state oflieials of other states, who arc appointed to in
spect all nursery sock shipped from other states, and not a single
instance has there been a rejection of stock made out of the many
deliveries. Mr. Lansing has a well-organized system of soiling as
well as shipping nui-sery stock, which extends throughout the West
ern states and Canada.
Western nursery stock is becoming well-known in the East, and
can be grown and shipped to the East fully as cheaply as if grown
there, and" the trees are far more perfect than their home product,
nd proving an advantage to the Eastern nursery men.
The Quaker Nursery has fast grown into prominence by the pains
taking and just business methods employed. The system of mark
ing their trees makes it next to impossible for errors, and therefore
each and every tree or shrub are exactly as orlerod.
0. F. Lansing, Proprietor Quaker Nursories.
This institution, located in the First
National Bank building, was organized
tlirco years ago with an enrollment of
fivo students. T ho enrollment last year
was moro than 300.
At the present timo tho rooms nro
full to overflowing, and Prof. Kraps is
completing nrrnngemonts for moro
space on tho second floor. A consign
ment of f!S new single- desks have been
placed in position, and another order
will soon bo sout in to tho firm.
Tho school consists of four depart
ments, viz.: Normal, Academic, Busi
ness aud Telegraphy, and Manunl
Training will probably bo one of tho
prominent features of the school in tho
near future.
The work dono is characterized by
thoroughness and efficiency, emphasis
being placed on principles rather than
on memorizing rules and definitions.
Students completing tho work find
themselves well fitted to solvo tho
dally problems of life, and meet with
no difficulty in securing positions, tho
demand for them being far in execs
of tho supply.
deceiving no state aid, but standing
wholly on its merits, it is fast taking
a prominent placo among tho schools
of the northwest.
A teachers' review class will begin
on January 2 and continue till tho Feb
ruary examination. County Superin
tendent E. T. Moorcs will be ono of tho
A number of teachers from various
parts of the stato have announced
their intention of attending.
Tho Voget Lumbor and Fuel com
pany of Salem aro enjoying a well
merited trado in their line. This firm
began business January 1, 1004, nt
Fourteenth aud Oak streets under tho
management of J. O. Voget, and have
in this short period built up a flno
business in lumber and builders' mate
rial aud fuel. Tho builder can here
procure all of tho necessaries for a
houso from basement to garret.
Thoy aro also solo agents for the
celebrated Flint plaster. Their mill
east of Brooks, which is fitted with
machinery for making sash, doors aud
mouldings, furnishes considerable stock
for their yard, whilo thoy doal largely
in lumber from tho Columbia river
and Paget sound mills. This firm nlso
builds houses for rent and for salo on
easy terms.
in tho short period of one year, by
fair and courteous treatment, they have
built up a largo trade, and are increas
ing their facilities as fast as tho
giowth of their business warrants.
Commodious sheds havo been erected
for housing seasoned stocks of all
Duty is a strict master, but the
wages are paid in con that has curren
cy with Ood.
Tho pieco of mind usually destroys
tho pieco of mind.
Some men hold their job3 by putting
up a job.
I. W. Jorgcnsen, proprietor of the
shop nt 218 Hight street, has built up
a largo trade in the blaeksmithing and
horseshoeing business. This shop is
fitted up with nil of the modern con
veniences for horseshoeing and genornl
blaeksmithing. This shop has installed
ono of the famous Barc-is horse stocks,
being tho only ono in Silem, and from
the humane point of viow should bo in
every well regulated shop. No matter
how wild or fractious a horso may be,
he caa bo handled in short notice with
out hurting a hair on the horse. ThN
shop iuvites tho hardest kickers, which
it is a pleasure for them to shoe. Horses
are palled for in any part of tho city
and delivered promptly after shoeing.
Nono but tho best workmen nro em
ployed in this shop.
Good work and fair dealing have en
abled Mr. Jorgcnsen to build up tho
largo trado which ho so well deserves.
Mr. Jorgcnsen lias spent 14 years in
Salem, having been a success in his
business. His prices for work nro as
low as high grado workmanship will
permit. His work is all guaranteed'.
Ono of tho specialties of this shop is
rubber tiring of vehicles.
K TJro"
of what our flour will do. It will
double its weight in broad. It will
make pure, white, delicious loaves.
It is more reliable and moro eco
nomical than any other today on
the market. And it is tho house
wifo's favorite tho, no plus ultra
of family flour. What moro can bo
said? Got tho Wild lioso brand.
White Rose
The great favorite with all Salem housewives
It is mndo from sclccto I grain by tho most scientific process
known to tho milling profession.
Of our high grado flour is equal in
results to nearly a full sack of other
brands. "Ns the best on tho mar
ket for tho mouey. Uniform in
quality and purity. Tho highest de
velopment of tho miller's art. Our
popular "Wild Rose" brand is tho
no plus ultra of family flour.
We mant$actte lot the coast tade and lot export. We bay wheat and oats f o
milling and export and pay the top prices at all times.
"SB ySBlftk J
If you want tho very best for fam
ily or baker's uso, hotola or restau
rants don't fall to got tho pro
duct of tho Salem Flouring Mills.
For broad, cako and pastry or cook
ing purposes in goncrnl thoro is no
botter nindo. It is mado from tho
best whoat, is unadulterated, and
ia a general favorito wherovor usod.
Roll Batf ley
"Wo hnvo just put in a plant for steam rolling barloy for feed
ami nro producing a suporior nrtlolo, which is in-domand ovory
whoro it is known to tho trade.
Tho Salem Flouring Mills' flour
makes tho best broad, and adds a
great element of nutrition into any
article of food made from it. Vo
this flour in your family, givo jour
children plenty of it, and you will
build a lasting foundation for their
future health aud happiness.
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