Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 28, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    55r fp'J'W'TTTf'JWI
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MAY, 190, 13.287.
Tho land -fraud cnses, continue, to nt
tract gonoral interest throughout tho
West, in fact tho wiiolo country is
watching Oregon and awaiting develop
ments. v
Ono;thlng is certain, and that is tho
public (domain of tho state jins been
handled in a reckless and profllgato
mannor, and tho result is that today
vory little doslrablo land remains for
actual sottfomont.
jJTho 'land, which under tho intent of
tho govornmont, was to bo offored for
tho purposo of eottllng tho country, has
passed into tho hands of speculators and
corporations, and vory few actual homes
havo been established. ,
Thor pooplo have been robbed of
thoir heritage, and doprived of their
rights under tho laws of tho country. It
1b another caso of too much law, and
tho poonlo seem to bo the chief suffer-
'if -ors.
Tho timbor of Oregon was considered
of .llttlo valuo until recent years, at
least tho residents of tho r.tato did not
jccognlzo tho truo worth of tho statoly
fir, plno and cedar trees, and thoy nl-
lowod this vast sourco of wealth to slip
away from them. Vory few peoplo of particSj but wi,on a direct effort is mado
Orogon, comparatively, havo secured a to tho maln' crimtnn'is and should
er tho responsibility on mon entirely
nuts paHl their money. Their patents
woro issued in due 48ursc&aftcr thojln.
voswgniprs uau rccoivuu iucir mwum
ThntJ.monoy was usod by the claim
ants Is not denied, but iliat it ever
went into tho pockots of Mitchell or
Hermann is nn unwarranted assertion,
and cannot bo held against tho men
who nre;nov under flrq.
A number of politicians of various
shades and breeds have mado insinua
tions during tho past two years that
Congressman Hermann was guilty of
frnud, but they havo failed to offer a
scintilla 6"f evidence, and as tho grand
jury investigation progresses tho at
tacks fall flat, aud it is doubtful if an
other indictment will bo returned by
that body.
The powers behind tho prosecutions
do not caro to get tho littlo perjurers
and bribers. Thoy do not enro to got
tho great big land thieves, like tho rail
road corporations. Thoy want a few
leading politicians and offlco holders In
the state of Oregon, and thoy will givo
all kinds of Inducements to tho real
thieves if they will turn "stato's ovi
donee," and toll things thnt would cast
a suspicion on tho mon now in control
of the political situation in Oregon.
Thero Is more splto work than any
thing clso against these mon, and while
the government is expending its energy
in that direction, tho real timber land
thioves and boodlers will maKO tueir es
cape, nnd tho pooplo will never get a
chnnco to see tho usurpers of tho pub
lic domnm punished.
Tho Journal is ready to assist in ov-
cry way in tho prosecution of tho guilty
' Humor
Thoy toko possession of .tho body, and
tr Lords of 'Misrule. '
They nro attended by pimples, bolls, tho
Itching tetter, salt rheum, and other cu
taneous eruptions; by reelings of weakness,
languor, general debility and what not.
They causa more suffering than anything
Health. Strength. Peace nnd Pleasure
require their expulsion, and this Is post
tlrely effected, according to thousands of
grateful testimonials, by
Hood's Sarsaparllta
Which radically and permanently driver
them out una annas up tno wnoio system.
dollar, dlroctly or indlroctly, from tim
ber. But others have, nnd to them it
mattorod not how thoy obtain it.
Tho talk and furor raised against cer
tain high ofllclnls, chiefly pointed to
ward Sonntor Mitchell and Congress
man Hermann, is not tho truo meat of
tnodnnu" business, and tho men who nro
.falsing nil tho disturbance and crying
'''stop thief nro either woaklings or
thoy nro deliberately turning the public
oyo from tho roal fncts.
It is truo that subordinates of high
officials may lmvo usod their positions
to extort inonoy from settle, nnd falso
reports may havo been mado by sovcr
nl of theso mon for a pccunlnry consid
eration, but tho men abovo them wero
not parties to their criminal nets, at
lenst tho ovidonco does not bear out tho
suspicions cast by tho prosecutors.
It Is rolntod that several yenrtf ago n
score of timber land holders, who had
frco from connection, it believes, as do
most of tho peoplo of tho state, that
malico nlono prompts tho prosecution.
Turn tho search light on tho littlo
follows nnd on tho big fellows, but do
it for tho purposo of bringing them to
justice, nnd not for revenge
Thoro is great public interest in tho
erection of tho now high school building
that has been ordered by this district.
Tho report of tho board of education
in favor of orccting n "substantial
brick building'" was approved by tho
electors' mooting.
Tho board of education has just pur
chased tho additional lot that gives tho
Bchool district n lino half-block sito on
Cent or street, in tho hoart of tho city,
Tho question of tho character of tho
acquired claims under tho homostoad building to bo erected must bo loft
lnw, woro frightened by tho appearanco
of a government official, who inspected
tho land, and wns about to mnko n ro
port on tho actual "conditions.
Final proof had been mndo on tho
sovornl claims, yot in somo instances
"cabins hml not bqon orectqd, nnd no
'effort fundo to estnbllsh n permanent
Tcsldonco on tho land btho claimants.
Tho latter wore residents of towns and
'cities in tho stnto, nnd they mndo a
pnnatriintlvo homo on tho land, by vis-
itlng It enico or twioo during tho year, over n frame- strueturo, somo hollow
nnd spondlng n fow dnys hunting and brick wnlls, nnd somo solid walls with
largoly to tho building committee, who
aro Messrs. Byrd, Leo nnd Condit.
Tho decision to build of brick pro
cludos tho consideration of stono, oon
croto or framo strueturo.
Fortunately good building brick can
bo mndo nt Salem, ami common brick
nro sold for $7 por thousand, nnd
prcnsod brick nt $15 to $20.
Thoro Is difference of opinion ns to
tho stylo of brick strueturo to bo fol
lowed. Somo ndvocnto veneered brick
fishlmr in tho vicinity,
Tjio claimants cnllod n meeting nnd
resolved to head off un unfavorable re
port. To do this it wns necessary to
assess onoli $50, nnd tho inonoy was
forthcoming. Tho fund wns placed in
tho hands of n chairman, nnd from
fyhoro disappeared. Whether It ovor
Reached tho government ofliclnl, or wont
5o onrloh tho individual is not clear, but
JhVtSQtMtr, (in-called, woro short half
'n hundred mmli In cnsli.
Homy tlmo later nnothor employo of
tho govornmont mado his rounds, but ho
,s,vn8 easier than tho first ono. Another
'meeting was enllod, and tho holders of
?ho land "dug" 'again! They found $25
npleeo would bo sulllcleut for their pur
poso this time, nud they rejoiced,
This was In Albany, unil tho elulm
There nro houses built on tho latter
plan, lath and plastered on strips at
tached to tho brick walls, lpaving nn
nlr spaco so ns to onsuro dry walls.
It is u fact thnt on tho south nnd west
sides solid brick wnlls cannot bo kept
from becoming water-soaked, ovou rot
ting tho furring to which lath and plas
ter nro attached.
Hollow brick walls, with furring on
tho south nnd west sides would onsuro
mi absolutely dry structure.
.Theso suggestions aro thrown out for
what thoy aro worth, and for tho pur
poso of creating u wblo interest in tho
proper construction oi un important
publio building.
It is not yet known what plan tho
board will adopt of securing plans and
tho services of an architect.
Ono plan is to buy plans 'and specifi
cations outright, and thorf employ a su
perintendent of construction to sco that
thoy aro complied with.
Another plan is to solect an architoct,
havo him mako plana nnd specifications,
and supcrviso construction. In thin way
tho ideas of tho board can bo embodied
in tho building.
On this plan tho building committee
could get tho benefit of all tho urchitect
knew aboult school houses, all that tho
board knew nnd practioal suggestions
from tho city superintendent nnd prin
Any nttompt to got plans to favor
certain contractors will bo discounto
nanccd by tho board of education, If
they aro tho sorvants of the people,
Tho work of tho architect should bo
under tholr direction. His timo and ser
vices Should bo theirs. Then lot all con
tractors havo an equal chance, nnd build
qarly to got tho best figures.
, . o
.ThoJournnlboliovcs that at thocloso
of this year thoro it nn opportunity for
tho Salem Board of Education to tako
a stop in tho direction of reform.
As is well known tho city, county nnd
stato roquiro all bills to bo mado out
on a regular blank form, fully itemized
nnd sworn to.
Tho bill becomes a voucher, nnd is
numbered' nd filed. Thoro aro suitable
blank spneos for tho names of tho committee-
authorizing tho purchase or ser
vice porformed.
There aro spaces for tho attest of
tho clerical officer and tho "0. K." of
tho auditing committee. Somo of theso
forms aro now complied with, but tho
bills come in on nil kinds of paper
scraps, and somo of them nro not prop
oily vouched for.
This is not a reflection on tho school
board, but tho inovitnblo working, out
of n bnd system, which should givo
plnco to a better systom of accounting.
Tho school district is growing rapid
ly, and should adopt somo plan of pur
chasing supplies at wholesale, and from
tho lowest bidder, instend of carrying
open accounts.
Thero is another growing abuso, nnd
that is letting contracts without bids,
for bills that run into tho hundrods of
dollars. Theso nro only suggestions of
common business sonse, nnd not criti
cisms. Even lodges and other bodies trans
net their business on theso plnns, and
the board of education should tako timo
by tho forelock, nnd get out of a rutl
that is suro to causo troublo in future.
Of course consumption can
be cured. Modern medicine
teaches it. No one longer
doubts it.
Babies Have it. Young mothers
have it. The aged have it. None
are exempt.
For over 50 years doctors have
prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
for this disease. It quiets the cough,
controls the inflammation. If inter
ested, talk this over with your doctor.
llidt kjr tk J. O. A)r Co.. LorU, WM.
All. WlBlHW,.mi v
ii SB I
Brito nnd faro not onough to hurt.
Isn.'f it nice to havo somo ono clso
Indicfod. v ,
Lot us bo thankful. Tho X-Ray man
has not' yet been accused of nny land
llosoburg is tnking stops to secure
public ownership of water and lighting
Now tho Oregon Nntionnl Guard Is
flllinc tho papors with its pleas for
charitablo consideration.
If tho now tou-ya-rd rule is adopted
for football wo nro suro to seo tho real
thing in tho way of fatalities.
O. l Coshaw and Dexter Rice havo
formed n law partnership, and will
mnko n strong team of Blaekstoneitos,
Seo, hero, is Os West trying to get" a
Marion county grand jury nt work.Wo
didn't think that of a nice, clover young
politician liko Os. t
Au Iowa statistical! figures that tho
beef trust has robbed tho fanner of
only $12,000,000 tho past year. They
khould return thanks.
Tho fifteenth anulvorsary number of
The Jourunl on New Yours the linen
or china wedding ovent you enn got
into it with a nice ad, at very moderate
Tho Century Club.
Tho Century Club will give another
of their pleasant dancing parties at
tho armory tonight. Tho hall has been
tastily decoratod with flags, and pre
sents a fino appearance.
How to got pooplo "back to tho
soil" has beon n 'question for yonrs
with economists. It hns been brought
forward more clearly of into 'by tho
mllltnry success of tho Jnpancso a
pooplo living orismall farms, on what
wo would call a moagro diet, yot man
ifest highly civilized and physically
Tho extension of irrigating schemes
in the nrid regions of tho United
States has directed attention to tho
possibility of a profitable use of much
smaller tracts of land than we havo
been accustomed to nccopt as our min
imum allotment for a home.
Whon in order to "got back to tho
soil" thero wns roquirod ability to
secure and handlo 20 , or 100 acres of
land, tho difficulties seemed insur
mountable. But if it can bo shown to
tho peoplo to whom this counsol is
given that they can bo supported nnd
can oven accumulate property on a
tract of 3, B or eyen 10 acres, tho prob
lem will soom much easier of solution.
Farming' Is a profession, nnd should
bo studied ns such. This pursuit is
subject to a great variety of modifying
influonces nnd requlrcn wido intelli
gonco and caroful judgment to securo
tho full moasvro of success.
Tho Sentry bollovcs that most men
havo a natural aptltudn for drawing
support from tho soil, sinco tho me
chanics from Inrgo cities, and oven
thoir children frequently mnko a
measure of success cultivating littlo
comers of town lots.
It is no longer "hccOssary for men to
search tho outskirts of civilization to
find lnnd whero thoy may securo n
living. Small tracts of from ono to
five acres may bo had on easy tonus
almost anywhere, evon in tho suburbs
of largo cities nnd out along trolley
lines. Thus the isolation of farm lifo
is avoidod, and when thero nro 40 to
50 families instend of ono on 100 ncres,
co-oporation 'makes houso building, as
well as tho procurement of tools, nni
raals and machinery much ensicr.
It is nlso much ensicr to combino
work on tho land with employment In
tho shop or storo to tho gront ndvnn-
tngo of tho worker. Hoalth would bo
promoted, nnd great pecuniary advan-
tages would result from a judicious
combination of this kind.
It would bo interesting, for oxnm-
pie, if n factory could bo established,
tho employes of which would work
eight hours a day therein, nnd during
tho propor senson dovoto two hours
n day to the intelligent cultivation of
a two-ncro or threo-acro flold.
On this tract could easily bo pro
duced vegetables and small fruits suf
ficient for family uso and a marketa
ble surplus, which, under favornblo
circumstnnces, would in many cases
equal tho earnings in tho factory.
A comparison of tho health and
prosperity of tho operatives of bucIi nn
Institution with thnt of tho workers
in a neighboring cstnblishmont, giving
10 hours a day to their indoor work,
would, wo nro confident, mnko an un-
mlstakablo showing in favor of tho
Detnils linvo recently boon mndo
public ns to tho oporntions of n fivo
ncro farm In nn eastern stnto thnt is
making a comfortablo living for a fam
ily of four and n good profit in addi
tion. After paying for tho farm, tho
implements, a cow, somo poultry nnd
pigs, which cost $1200, tho owner had
$300 left for working capital. A gar
don was planted, which soon furnished
most of the food for tho family, and
tho surplus was sold in a neighboring
town. Tho cow nnd poultry, too, con
tributed to tho income. Small fruits,
such as strawberries, raspberries and
blackberries, and trees llko poars,
peaches and plums, wero sot out. In
tho fall tho hoga woro butchered, and
this, with tho surplus .poultry, envo tho
meat for tho family, with smno left for
market. , '
Tho accounts for tho first year
showed very littlo money, but showed
no debt, a substantinl living and good
health. Tho man from tho start never
purchasod anything ho had no monoy
to pay for. Ho proforred peaco and
security to tho uncertainties which
'always como with debt nnd "ehnrgo
Bach year his iucomo increased until
today ho shows a net gain, aftor pay
ing on uving expenses, or $auu a
month. Ho keops 300 head of poultry,
and devotes tho rest of his land to
gardening, vegetables nnd fruits.
This success shows what can bo dono
by a combination of inusclo and brains
ou a small pieco of land. Tho samo
measuro of success is possiblo to, many
pooplo ia different localities, And oach
instanco thereof helps to solve tho
problem of getting people back to the
and Easy
That Is tho waf ,tho (JonKliu $elfllllngPountaln Pcn Write
No troublo to flil,toq, filler to l&se, no soiled fintrpr.
,.-... .i i ii.' r ini... f ii i-. .. """' "" B"iea pn I
iroiii illinium; "in., c.wk.uB .u uu yucKcr. Always rMdv n. I
the rolnt touches the paper ' BS 800ul
Theso aro a fow 'of thc points In which tho Conklin leads.
p3.00 to 5J55.00, nccording to size.
Bai's Jewely Stoe,
soil and relioving tho congestion in
Tho plan as applied to factory em
ployes is wtfrth caroful thought.
Tltri BEiPI Alt i".
Sura Curo for Piles.
Itching piles produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, as woll as
BTfiTg, Bleeding or Protruding Pllos
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile
Remedy Stops itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors. BOc a Jar at drug
gist, or sent by mall. Treaties free.,
Write me about your case. Dr. Bo
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
Foro sale by Dr. S. a Stone, druggist
Bears tis 9 ha KM u Hav9 'wal,$ BOUM
Fell Weight....
is tho rulo in this mill wo caro not
what it is in others, But that is onl
ono cnrdinal principle wo claim any
body can givo full weight wo guar
nntco quality, as woll, and that means
a wholo lot to thoso who know. First,
good wheat; second, good milling;
third, fair prices for tho best to bo
had. Wo should have your orders for
Wild Roso flour.
Salem Flowing Mj lis
yiyiw", Ii f J I
p"" rtir
copYKiaT v)V V
What Santa Savs fine
SantaClaus is the hhh mid
muck during tho Christmas holii
nnd his mnndato has gone forth.!
odict has been promuleatcd-ti
your laundry work to the U
Steam Laundry, Obey his beta
nnd you will not bo disappoiit
Hurry orders filled promDtlr, 1
I plcaso give us a reasonable tlma
got out your work. Some new i
chinery just in.
The Salem Steam Laundi
shop of
G. F.- Mason
Miller street, South 8!ea
PHONE 2191 Red,
X Sin, Citriix Hunt H Brnoun XnfliM
fw 11.00 p boi. WillKii4Uratlrlt.KkKll
vUanlfaTXl. Umfleira. lrjMrtnaulwl
IkftTt utmia7oareraenitM i
Sold In Salem by S. C. Store
IVjffir $1 I J ,cf YR,OHT
And thoNihoes JacoD Vogt kH
Tlnnoa nf nien fittlnu shoes, JtTU
to tho minute and priced reawut!
nro f nlfilloil ovorv week day i t!
yoar in this shoo emporium. F
comfort for elegnnce for long
nnnlitlns Voirtf's shoes take
second to none. Wo know your 1 4
neods, nnd nro ready to meet ttj
to a nicoty. Llko to have yow
Jacob Vogt
I'll 1 1 1 II It I II 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I HI 1 1 1 l-M-
ii j- -I,ln, that Will Pi'1
him more than a well filled loft
that will enable him to v
"good cheer" to his
to mako his table bob--
festive. Wo have the
Dio wines, euau-r-o--. .
-.i.. ti, vM.lcics at prieeil1
will enable you to entertain t Jl
heart's content.
E. Ecketkn
258 Commercial Strt
miiiH'iiiiiiiiii niiiiii'
f waMMeascaMMtW
Have You Ever Ordared Your Qroeerlts from
if Af , -. .,, ,!,!. hA times. Howerer, tfl7
ways glad to oe new patrons, and if you cau ou Q&
mora than, pleased. You will una men1 Bfc "JW
and Perry streets.