ht and Tnursday, raln TTantt" Mn ... - .uintliarest winds. HjfciOBW , . ': M . . A" SALEM, OBEOOy, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 88, 1004. NO. 303; LEADS FOR MORE TROOPS eneral Kuropatkin Asks That Reinforcements Be Sent Without Delay .- no A TinaanrA frnm fffr. lMi, iec. -o- -" - rsborg stato that General Kuro- tag asked that as many rein- lenents as possiblo bo sent him, that the capacity of tho railway ho law! from 12 to 18 trains daily. isMngton, Dec. US. Japan naa no i he state department that mines ba placet! at Kolung, on tho least coast of Formosa, and ship- his been notified. lio, Dec. 28. Tho roport from t Arthur that General Stoessel was red by falling from a horse, and ; General Kondrachanko was killed tnfirmeil. Goneral Smilnoff is ro ll! wounded. Tho battleship So iopol has sunk in shallow water. tow is damaged in two places, and tho steering gear .is also tlamagod. Tho garrison is said to bo cheeful and con fident that relief will nrrlvo beforo March 1st. It is said that tho army nas sufficient provisions to last until February, and the navy has about n month's store. Oaly a fow junks bear ing supplies havo reached Port Arthur in tho past month, and tho prico of food is very high, Tokio, Dec. 28. Tho authorities this morning published a list of 33 officers killed and CO wounded. It is presumed thoy aro tho casualties that occurred at Port Arthur. Tho naval authorities also publish a list of nine officers and C7 men killed on special duty. It is surmised that auothor cruiser has been sunk or damaged, and that theso offi cers and men lost heir lives m this manner. COOS COUNTY MEN IN LAND FRAUDS Report from Portland Says That Gi gantic Steals Will Be Unearthed Portland, Dec. 28. From insido sources today it was learned that tho government is considering an investi gation of tho timber land operations in Coos and Curry counties, and may in volvo at least ono prominent man of that section in tho transactions. It is claimed that many men wero hired to enter land, and that it was transferred by them when thoy mado final proof. An air of secrecy is main tained around tho government offices, but tho. story leaked out, and it is bo lievod to bo truo. A man, who is well informed, said today that it would bo tho most start ling in point of magnitude of nny yet beforo tho grand jury, and develop ments nrb expected within a fow days at tho latest. IICAGO OVERRUN WITH FOOTPADS tago, Dec. 28. Masked robbers A nd gagged tho watchman and ieer at tho Garden City Browing pur'i oraco this morning beforo Sight, and blow tho safo open, so- curing $2000, and a lot of valuablo papers. An hour later the two em ployes wero discovered and released. Eight hold-ups by dosperato men" oc curred in different parts of tho city during tho night. OSSACKS DIE OF PECULIAR PLAGUE L Petersburg, Dec. 28. A discaso ' to bubonic plaguo has appeared Among tho Kicrghiz Cossacks in tho Ural district, resulting in 10,0 deaths during tho part month. ESTER CITY IN FLAMES hter, Pa., Dec. 28. A part of business section of this town is Wed by lire, which at 3:30 o'ejock tfternoon attacked six buildings. k been summoned from Wii- P"i Delaware tuo firm has commenced tho Aetnre of fir brick. Herotoforo "mm used on the coast havo been N from Scotland, bnt the new -.u.a io give perfect satisfac- '..,. . iw states wants 1000 head Wti time. Tho 8niifi.nMnTi will "ced wJbin a fow days. tm M00HS LOOT THE GARDEN Tangiers, Dec. 28. A party of Moors looted tho gardon belonging to a British subject, just outsido of town, killing tho Spanish Bervant of tho Englishman. i o Mrs. Elizabeth Cornwall Oeigcr died at her homo at Forest Grove on Mon day oveuing, aged 70 y'ears. Sho-was a pioneer of Oregon, and left a num ber of children. VESSEL ON COAST ROCKS Norfolk, Dec. 28. A largo steam er, tho nnmo of which is unknown, is aground on Diamond Shoals, eight miles off tho North Carolina coast, and is fast going to pieces. It is boliovod tho crew number 25, and not assists anco can bo rendered. MASONIC LODGES INSTALL Multnomah legislators will meet to night to caucus on president of tho senato and speaker of the house. o Shoriff Word made nuother raid on a Portland pool room, and arrested the proprietor, . ii iaieii-HHi i ''t,lt Our Sales Last Week Ending Dec. 24th. fccecdecT the'sales of any other week in our history j Wfi few Holiday Goods left which you may have at Exactly Half P ice - Tho Masonic lodges of tho clt held a public installation of . officers last night. Hon. George II. Burnott actod. as installing officer, with Dr. It. Cart wright as marshal. Tho following of ficers wero installed : In Pacific Lodge, No. 50, A. F. & A. M.: A. A. Cunningham, W. M. M. L. Meyers, S. W. F. W. Stousloff, S. W. Jos Baumgartner, Trcas. . Lot L. Pcarce, Sec. John P. Burton, S. D. W. A. Denton, J. D. P. A. Turner, S. S. J. S. Wyant, J.' S. II. Schomakcr, Tyler. In Salem Lodge, No. 4, A. F. & A. M.: W. II. Cook, W. M. A. L. Frasier, S. W. M. P. Baldwin, J. W. D. J. Fry, Treas. F. A. Legg, Sec. Dr. F. E. Smith, S. D. M, A. McCorkJe, J. D. Paul II. Hauser, S. 8. John Sholund, J. S. N. P. KnsmuHsen, Tyler. FAILURE OF FRENCH MISSION Washington, Dec. 28. Tho French, mission to Morrocco has failed, accord ing to a dispatch to tho stato depart ment from tho United States consul at Tangior. In caso of personal danger tho consul has been directed to inform tho American residents without delay. CAPTAIN FRENCH KILLED Chattanooga, Dec. 28 Tho body of Captain Howard W. French, construct ing quartermaster of tho now army post at Chickamaugua Park, was found this morning near tho stone quarry. Ho had bgon-jehot through tho heart, and it Is believed that ho wns murdered. During tho year 1904, to date, 03 vio lent doaths havo occurred in Seattle Of this number six were murdered and 39 committod suicide. Tho latter took thoir liyoH in many ways. Poison scorns to bo tho favorito method, 14. go ing that way; nsphyxlation ,1; gun shot, 0; strangulation, 3; cutting throat lj other means, 10. Portland will erect a new high school. Tho building will bo of stone, and will cost $100,000. CONflRM TERRIBLE DETAILS Men Returning From Gold- fields, Nevada Say Story Not Exaggerated Snh Francisco, Dec, 28. Tho publi cation of tho story tolling of tho tcr- riblo condition at Goldfiold, Nevada, has eroatod a sensation. Tho brokers' offices aro being besieged by investors and relatives of persons located at Goldfiold, all In quest of information regarding tho situation at the camp. A numbor of mon arrived hero frork GoMfleM today, and confirm tho story in detail. Thoy say many contemplate coming out for tho winter, and lay por ticular stress on tho ovorcrowdod ' con dition of tho camp. Among thbso wli'c returned today was Fitigcrald Mur phy, tho playwright, who declares that conditions nro not exaggerated. -- SENATOR MITCHELL TESTIFIES Portland, Dec. 28. Senator John H. Mitchell was beforo tho fcdoral grand jury during tho cntiro morning ses sion, explaining his alleged connection with tho land frauds. Ho finished his testimony at tho afternoon session, nnd was followed by Congressman Bingor Hermann. , Mitchell declined to mako a stato mont, saying: "I can say nothing about it. I am sworn to socrocy." Mitchell's request that ho bo furnished information1 in advanco was rofuftod, and ho appears much worn and wor ried, and looks fooblo. Former1 Consul Doad.N Pekin, Dec. 8. Itussell Colgrove formorly American vleo-consul at Can ton, is dead. ' o . -"v. A Umatilla Indian was found iloauV with n whiskey bottlo bcsldo him. IIo had been intoxicated, nnd had i'rozea to death. ZEMSTVOS ADJOURN ON ACCOUNT OF NOTE Moscow, Dec. 28. Tho Zcmstovs ad journed indefinitely Inst night, after adopting resolutions to tho effect that they wero too deeply moved by the government noto regarding tho pro coodlngs of tho Zomstvos to continuo business with tho necessary calm. DENVER ELECTION TROUBLES Denver, Dec. 28. Tho attornoys for governor-elect Adams today potltionod tho supremo court to opon 20 i ballot boxes in Denver, and to appoint a com mission for this purpose. Tho court will consider tho motion this afternoon. SHE NEW YORK RACKET SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PBICE OABH 8T0BE. E. T. BARNES, PROPRIETOR t Hop Oases Continued. Tho suit of Lilienthal Bros. vs. J. II. Cnrtwright, brought undor an alleged failuro to fulfill a hop contract, camo up for hearing in the United State court yestorday, but was postponed until January 0th, to allow tho filing of an ainenueu answer, xho jiuuh strongly opposed tho postponement but Judge Bellinger allpwed tho tiwo asked for in consideration of tho fact that tho defendant was willing to pay All additional costs occasioned by tho extra traveling and expenses of tho plaintiff's witnesses. Tho suit of Lib lientbal Bros. vs. II. Hirschberg, et ah, covering another hop contract, was set for hearing on January 10th. Orogon-Ian. Good Goods a2fey rei&&$ Honest Values State library workers havo formod a stato association. Mrs. Brlstol-KoUl-her, of this eity, was elected second vico-president. Superintendent Chalerat, of C'ho- I mawa, will have a large Indian exhibit ? 'at tho Lewis and Clark fair. WHAT YOU GET For your money is ns important as tho amount you pay, A low prico without quality does not constitute n burr gain. THIS IS A QUAILTY STORE, tho merchandise that wo sell must bo good or they don't got in hero; that's ull. This is why wo can and do gunrantco satisfaction to our customers- It Is n policy that has succeeded, too, nnd lias mado ours tho largest business houso of its kind in tho vicinity. Dress Goods Dross goods constitute so large a stock as to causo surprise every day. Enough new styles to stock a dozon ordinary stores. Moro to seo than nnywhero elso within your roach. Novor beforo havo we had such a varioty of plain and colored dress goods. Finer toxturo than ever bo foro; finer graduations of shado. Dray loads of similar goods, and such as 'look tho sarno' can be had, but careful comparison shows ours to bo different in width, strength or finish or some thing. Tho Cravenettes" aro especially at tractive just now on account of tho damp and chilly weather. Moro new pattorns from which to ehooso. We aro exclusive Salem agents for "CRAVENETTES" Fo Today Only This is our 208th Wednesday salo and being tho last ono of the year, wo offer an Exceptional Bargain In womou's night gowns qf high grudo outing flanuel. 60c Umbrellas Those good raJnsheddere that ov oryono needs. Got one here to your liking, as wo havo all grades to se lect from. 1 45c to $12.50 Don't bo among tho last ones to shop, but como hi early and you will havo an cxccllont varioty to so lee t from. Pf etty Feet Aro sometimes clumsily clad. Our ladles' shoes aro skillfully modeled. They nro mado in shapes to fit all types of foot, nnd to mnko any foot attractive. Aro you a wearer of GLORIA SHOES FINOHEB MADE. If not, wo want you to como in and look tho lino over, as wo aro satis .fled wo can ploaso you. ' $3.50 p Men's Clothing , We will not attempt descriptions of onr clothing in dotnil; wo wish, to . WUJf IIUI!VU4 limb MTjr IWV ltltilJ ! tits lniuf iNntinln tf inikrtlntt(t In 4 It n I iliw (Mwnv irviwuMil iii'uit ua u uu t i host patterns. Tho tailoring is tho nemo of perfection, nnd tlio stales aro those most in demand. $10 to $25 Ladies' Stilts, Skirts, Jackets, Waists All of this season's styles nnd show ings mado up of tho noivent and best materials. Half Pnce Ladies' Uodet wea Of tho bost qualities only aro to bo found hero. W enn supply tho entire family with warm vearabbM for tho cold weather, and at prlcpa.! that will protset your pocketbook. 50c to $3.50 -A i M ' M V lMWHMMWMtWHWW