Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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",r -"" nii-i.iii mi
fMMfttMMMMiti,M ttltliMtMtltHMm),
Ir - -r - r- . "I" " ' I
Corrcspondciit Explains Christian Science and Corrects Number of Statements
- .. "i- fto inns
Sm impelled to nsk space in your
.! for ft statement in Vcply. 'it
Same uiu iiumiuukuukiuu.
Thn satno general misconception .of
Christian acicucu 'i"'"
. .. r J .. A Taaj-tm ihn nnn1rn?ni
biased criticism .anu inaccurnto
rfatement has been presented,.. though
possibly with somo Biigm variations,
from pulpit to press for tho past 10
:.,. or more, nnd this has been re-
, Portland, uro., jjcc. . iau. cnuo is uninrormed as to tho echol- ings. Christian Sclonce teachesno
jTothoEditor-I have read with in-arly investigators of this subject, Christ, oven that saving and healing
jtrtst in yo sao of December 10 tho t Christian Scicnco numbers among its Christ of which tho loving Christ Jesus
Ulished report of n Sunday evening earnest adherents many men and wo- was tho embodiment.
ftnium, entitled "Christian Scienco vs. men of recognized prominenco and in- Mrs. Eddy's Views on Marriago Mis
Christian Scienco," as delivered by tolligonco, among which, nro collegoj represented.
fie pastor of tho Christian church of professors, authors, editors, publishers,! Tho attempt to nssociato Christian
jour city, and aB man-v of tll Btatc" emncnt lawyers, judges, orthodox nfin- Scicnco with MormonlBm, and tho in
jacats mado thoroin woefully misrep- isters and physicians; in fact, intelli-' sinuation regarding Mrs. Eddy's fair
reseat this subject of Christian- 8d- gent people of every walk of life; yet namo and character is also as unchris
true, and a,B0 its vcn,)rab'0 leader, I Christian Scicnco depends not on the tian'nnd ungeutlomanly as it is untrue.
tmnnllod to nslc space in your personal opinion of anv individual for Mr. TMiK-. i..Mh. ,..i:
peatedly corrected by authentic pub- ( whoso good judgment is beyond qucs- another referenco from tho text-book corporeal outlino to that infinite Cre
e uttcranco and by statements in tion. Mr-. W. D. McCrackcn of New "Scienco and Health," and bases his'ntor who includes omnl-presenco, om
print. Howovcry tho consideration of York, an author of recognized ability criticism on a detached quotation, in nlpdtonco nnd omnlsclonco! Mrs. Ed
wme of theso reported statements nnd an honored member of tho Ameri-, which tho nuthor has made uso of tho dy well considers this question in her
ieems due, at loast, to your fair-mind-( can Historical Association, who since word "Adam," by dividing it into published messago of 1001 to tho Bos
readers, as well as to Christian Sci- regaining hisJiealth through tho minte- syllables, as BUggcstivo of "a dam or ton church, in which she says:
ijacc. trations of Christian Science, has be-'obstruction," however, this Is not given! "Wo hear it said tho Christian Sel
ls He Unprejudiced? ;omo an ardent student of its doc:asa definition of tho word, but rather ontlsts have no God because their God
At the outset, tho kindly statement trine, in course of a reply to recent ns a holpful illustration for tho pur- h not a person. Lot us examine thl
of our critic to tho effect that ho has ; adverse crltcism of Mrs. Eddy and poso of awakening thought to tho real- Tho loyrtl Christian Scientists absolute
,'no abuse or censure of thoso-who nroIler writings, made tho following state: ization of tho character of tho old iy adopt Webster's definition of Gods
H" "
Mtnwors" of Christian Scienco or oflnent'
its founder, Mrs. Eddy, leads one, in
wy event, to expect considerate,' crlti
tism: however, tho uso of personali
ties and general mis-statements which
follow as assertion and by quotation,
fill certainly convlnco any reader that the Christian Scienco text-book, nn art their context of certain pasapes, conso
d pood pastor at least seriously do- that does not stop at theory and tech- quently it is not strango that "Scionco
parted from his original good intent.
Not Charitablo and Consistent.
Surclv if this respected Christian
minister who represents that good
body of pcoplo denominating them
itUts tho Disciples of Christ, will re
call the early history of his own
(lurch, its heroic struggles nnd tho
opposition nnd misrepresentation
which assailed its esteemed and car
nest founders, Rov. Alexander Camp
bell and his son, this will probably
make him more charitablo in tho pres
ent day, and moro consistent with at
least ono of tho basic principles of
ikose Worthy founders whose purpose
u to unite tho interests of all Chris
tian people nnd establish tho brotheiv
bood of man.
rorms Incorrect Estimate.
It was said of our .much beloved
Lincoln, by thoso who opposed him for
jeason of personal projudico, section
il difference, nnd because of idlo hear
say, that he was ignorant, unjust nnd
wen cruel, but it is also historic that
simple acquaintance with this great
loving friend of humanity banished
ill such misconception, nnd in plnco
brought gratitude, appreciation nnd
iffectlon. Has tho pastor of tho Chris
tian church cained his knowledge of
Mrs. Eddy's education, intelligence nnd
ebaracter through porsonal acquain
tance, and has ho this warrant for
saying "sho claims to bo divine!" It
ii quite evident ho has not, and it Is
'to be regretted that he is at least not
familiar with tho valued osjtimates of
tnose who know Mrs. Eddy personally,
'or in such case ho would not find him
lf in tho unenviable position of pro
claiming hearsay opinions which ho
jfnnot Bubstantinto. Tho life of solf
uerifice, and tho Christ-like effort in
)ehalf of humanity shown by tho
wed and honored leader of Chris
hn Science, together with, her pa
nt and confident purpose to cstab
M hia healing Gospel, notwithstand
ing past opposition and misrepresonta
Ijon, bear unimpeachable testimony to
J true worth and are her best do
3e, and becauso of this tho un
Ued thinking world is awakening to
J lincere appreciation of her work,
Ueh now makes tho refutation of idle
PMip and mis-statement about her al-
wt unnecessary.
S Mrs. Eddy Appreciated at Home.
' The Hon. Henry Bobinson, present
ostmastc, and former Mayor of tho
,Ct7 of Concord, whilo not a Christian
Wentist, has recently spoken most ap-
Fmtingly of Mrs. Eddy, nnd tho fol
luring brief quotation from bis re
would indicate tho esteem in
sho is held by her fellow-
I So unostentatious, reserved and
pitious is the discoverer, founder and
;Wher of Christian Scienco that half
ltr own town-folks may not real
,fa that history will recognize in her
tl of the brightest and most bonefl
?t leeons of tho last nnd present
"wlrya Tadlant BPirJt a wonderful
"Wlectualitv. n. trcmAinlnm fnetor for
.trial Bood, whom the whole com-
""ty respects, appreciates, and holds
Wdent deference and high esteem."
Her Literary standing.
twitlistandlng (hat our reverend
personal opinion of any individual for
- v ---
its growth or stnbility,vb,ut rather does
it rest upon the individual proof in
.dally experience-that it is a vital, prac-
Hunt unllninl. .1.1.1. 1 t i l.f I . . . 1.
" " wuicu urmgs spiritual,
moral anu physical betterment to man;
kind, . , .
it may not Do amiss, howeecr, to
quoto ono or two recent expressions.
regarding this subject from authorities .
-i suppose ii is uccause i nm inyseu ueciouus man's porcoption of. tno living
tho author of several books, and be-.Christ. Tho sacred scriptures thorn
causo I 'have travelled much and read selves have at times been mado to ap
philosophy in times past, and that I pear inconsistent through careless or
can nprcclato as T do tho great art of willful Retraction "by tho removal from
tnique, but heals, and. is thus establish-
jing a
now test and criterion -for tho'so
to emulate who desiro to help man
kind in literature. Docs our critic
know of any book except tho Bible (to
which "Scienco nnd Health" acts as
nnitorpreter) which has healed thoso
who read it of all manner of disensesJ
Does ho know of any work within tho
whole rango of raedicino, theology, jur
isprudence or bellos-letters, tho read
ing of which has hoalod so-called incur
nble diseases pronounced hopoless by
those confining thoinsolvcs to material
moans of curef Has our critic himself
over healed a patient by its means, or
has he ever written ft book which any
ono would caro to read at tho bedside
of tho sick or dying, in order to restore
them to hcaltht When ho has done this,
it will bo time enough for him to try
to pick' flaws in tho work of n conse
crated w-oman, whoso daily work is do
ing what thousands of Critics havo not
ovon begun to do."' '
Judgo Clarenco A. iBuskirk, formerly
attorney-genernl qf the stato of Indi
nna, is recently credited with tho fol
lowing statement, relative to tho char
acter nnd worko'f Mrs. Eddy:
"Too frequently has ingratitude
nwnrdod the benefactors of our rnccv
rrison chains and a disgraced name creation that is denied oxlstonco, but
awaited Columbus on his return'., to rnther tho erroneous matcrinl concept
Spain. Histoid ago saw, the undeserved of it. To tho child, first noting tho ap
chains stricken from "his limbs, but hopearlng of , tho sun above tho horizon,
did not live, to see his name restored to
its purity. Posterity had to pcriorm
that act of justice. Mary Baker Eddy,
although she has been called upon to
drink tho cup of ingratitude for a time,
now stands as ft loved and rovcred
figure, crowned with years and honors,
and surrounded and defended by tho
pure incenso of gratitude arising from
tho hearts of hundreds of thousands
throughout tho earth. A pure and im
mnculato life, a gifted and good woman
with long years of unfaltering devotion
to tho high cnuso with which her namo
will bo associated through coming his
tory, sho now stands in tho sunlight of
an assurod triumph. Misunderstood,
misrepresented, reviled, she was sus
tained during Jong years by the con
sciousness that sho was working for
God and Humanity."
Pastor Draws Wrong Conclusion.
Considering another of the worthy
pastor's assertions, lot mo em
pbatieally stato that tho "Woman
Clothed With tho Sun," as re
fcrrod to in Bevelation Is not looked up
on in any porsonal senie by Christian
ai,,,,. nnd does not apply to any
mortal; neither does "tho little book,"
In tho light of Christian Soionce, refer
t ...ntflrial book, rather does this
whole picture present tho God-crowned
supromacy of purity, iovo .uung..
ness, whieh should in some degreo be
made manifest in tho life of every
child of God.
Hot a Feminine Christ.
The assertion that Mrs. Eddy claims
to bo a "feminine Christ," or that
this Is believed by Christian Scientists,
i. utterly false, and there Is no war
rant in her life or teachings for such
M ...-- - , mint A-
! Tf Lis falsehood is indication of
ti0, of this . fal " E(
biased concep t con rjtaj J
tatement. Kcpeuuon, "";
and a totai "
' "'" '... " ' " " - '
riago is clcatty sot forth in a chapter
under that heading in her book "Sci-
-. ...t u .,uv...uK iVKUIUIUi: JlUtl-
enco and Health." and ono in tlm Innst
. .. - .... I
intniuar therewith could not bo guilty
of tho statement that hr teaching "is
against the doctrine and practlco of
Quibble Over Words.
Our critics takes further exception to
"Adam - nature, which over hinders and,
and Health," or any other work should
faro no hotter by such trentment.
Denies Unreality of Existence
Further exception is taken by our
critic to tho fact that Christian Scienco
denies tho reality of matter, but had
the gentleman grasped the spiritual
meaning of what Christian Scicnco pre
sents he would have seen that this has
referenco to tho spiritual, and not tho
mortal oxlstcnco of man, and that it
docs not teach that existence is not
"real.'' Christian Scionco uses tho
word "real," ns applicablo to that
only which is indcstructablo and eter
nal, and becauso Christian Scicnco in
terprets tho naturo of man and tho
unlverso from a mental and spiritunl
rather than a material basis, and this
In harmony with tho Mastor's state
ment, "it is tho spirit that quickencth,
tho flesh profitoth nothing," it does not
deny that tho ovldonco of tho mntorial
senses is "real" as a human experi
ence. .Howovcr, it mut. bo admitted
that this ovidenco is changing and tem
poral, and qonscquently cannot bo tho
eternal reality of spirit.
Christian Scionco teaches that all
things In creation, bo thoy great or
small, are as roal and eternal ns their
unchanging Creator, and it is not this
nnd who is nositivo thnt ho sees it
move, ono would say that thcro is no
sun, although ho might with profit ex
plain thnt tho sonso of what appears to
bo taking placo is tho roverso of tho ac
tual fact. So Christian Scienco docs
not say to suffering humanlty.yonr body
is "an Illusion," but it rationally ox
plains that spiritual man is ever har
moniously existent and governed by
God, and this becomes evident in tho
dogroo that man's true relationship to
his Makor is realizod.
Instead of denying that man has a.
body or, as tho pastor's quoted au
thority affirms, that "outward world,
tho eyes and ears and fingers, are not
real." Christian Scionco emphatically
maintains that man, mado in tho imago
nnd likeness of God, nnd thus given
dominion, has a body which it is his
God-given right under all conditions to
have perfect and healthful, rather than
disease and distress, and it lias uccu
nrovon that porsistont contention
against tho discords of mortal experi
ence, aud the expectant declaration of
man '8 right to freedom, becauso of the
never changing law of God, docs pro
,wn hfinlhful and wholesomo results
which amply justify tho denial of sen
sual evidence notwithstanding their ap
parent trustworthiness.
As to Mrs, Eddy's Ecvelation.
Our worthy critic also finds much
fault with this doctrino being consid
ered in any sense "a revelation," and
here Jet mo say that Mrs. Eddy's dis
covery of Christian Seienco is not
claimed to bo a revelation in nny su
pernatural or mystical sense, but is
rather a spiritual conviction which fol
lowed a remarkable personal experi
ence of healing, together with an ear
nest searching of tbo scripturo for a
nest searching of tbo scripturo for a
eJeer un,oldment of that promised
mi imm.m mil iiiiTi' nim ,' i i i"
Jesus" which should mako "freo from
tho law of sin nnd death." All true
thought which leads to a better knowl
edgo of God and a greater good to
mankind may bo rightfully termed in
spired thought in its literal senso.
God; Not a Corporal Boing.
"Scionco and Health with key to
tho Scriptures" tho text-book of
Christian Scionco is purely what its
titlo implies, n 'key, or aid to an under
standing of tho Bible, in other words,
a Christian Scicnco commentary, and
tho great valuo of this book is well
'nHrsto.l l- Un Willie nn.l rofnrnui.
torv effect on humanity. As to tho
cmestlons of nersonnlitv of God. Christ-
ian' Scientists recognize God as per-
sonal in tho highest significance of tho
term, but in no senso as a corporal bo-
intf. . Can anvono conceive- of oivinc
A Supremo Doing,' and tho Stand
nrd's, dofinltlon of Godr 'Tho Ono
Supremo Boing, self-existent nnd
eternal.' Also wo accept God,
emphatically, in tho higher defini
tion derived from tho Bible, nnd this
accords with tho literal senso of tho
lexicens: 'God is Spirit! God Is
Love' Then, to define- Lovo in Divlno
Scicnco wo uso thiB phrase for God
divino Principle. By this, wo menn
Mind, n pormnnont, fundamental, Intel
ligent divino Being called in Scripture,
Spirit Dove."
Mrs. Eddy Demonstrates Her Theory.
JhQ worthy .pastor is reported as
Baying (and I hero almost discredit tho
printor, becauso of tho geuorally nc
coptod fact that Christian Scionco dem
onstrates its claims' by healing tho sick)
thnt "Mrs. Eddy does not try to dem
onstrate ller -theory that mnttcr is non
oxlstont, sho merely stntes it dagmatlc
ally ns though it was a mattor of ab
solute knowledge." To this I cannot do
bettor than to reply in Mrs. Eddy's
own words from her book "Scicnco and
Health" (p. 341) written many yoars
ago to a similar, and now tlmo-worn,
"The strictures on this volume would
condomn to oblivion that truth which
is raising up thousands from holpless
ncss to strength nnd elevating them
from a theoretical to a practical Chris
tianity: riici apostolic injunction Is,
'Provo nll'Wngs;'hold fast that which
is goo,' Jn Christian Scionco more
opinion is valueless. Proof is essen
tial to it duo estimato of this subject.
Sneers at tho application of tho word
Scicnco to Christianity, cannot provent
that from being scientific which is
based upon divino Principle, demon
strated according to" a given rulo nnd
subjected to proof. Tho facts are so
nhnnlutn nnd numerous in support of
Christian Sclonce, that misrepresenta
tion and denunciation cannot overthrow
Don't -Worship Their Loader.
Even if an occasional over-zealous or
Unwise student of Christinn Scionco
should makor statements or nit in, such
manner ns to approach personal wor
ship of Mrs. Eddy, noither she nor this J
doctrino should bo condemned uecauso
of theso indiscrotlons, since sucli uro
tho direct opposite of Christian Scicnco
teaching and nro tho effects of Its Jack,
rather than of nn implication there
of. Surely no organization or denomi
nation would caro to bo judged by tho
shortcomings of some of its adhoronts,
nnd tho, great rank and file of Chris
tian Scientists, whilo justly appreciat
ing tbo work of Mrs. Eddy and being
lovingly grateful therefor, havo no in
clination to worship their leador, jarid.
this Is also farthest from, her earnest
wish, Mrs. Eddy's nttitudo on tills
subject is well expressed in tho mes
sago of 1001 to her church, in whieh
sho writcst
"Finally, brethren, wait patiently
on uod; return messing lor curamg,
bo not overcome of evil, but overcomo
evil with good; be steadfast, abide and
abound in faith, understanding, and
good works; study tho Bible and tho
text-book of our denomination; obey
strictly the laws that be, nnd follow
your leader only so far as she follows
Christ. Godliness or Christianity Is a
human necessity; man cannot Jive with
out it; ho has no intelligence, health,
hope, or happiness without Godliness."
Christian Science Prayer, .
Tho statement that prayer is practi
cally denied by liti. Eddy could not
b wider the fat, for the prayr
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody wlio reads the news
papers is sure to kjiow of the wonderful
. cures m
i Kilmer's
II Root, tin
Lucy, live
cures made oy Dr.
d Swamn-
thc itretit kid-
liver and bind-
J der remedy. '
ii is me great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
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bladder specialist, nnd Is wonderfully
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Bright'o Disease, which is the w6rst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble It will be
found just the remedy you need. It lias
been tested iu so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case thai a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not ulrcady tried it, may have n Bample
bottle sent free by inail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trou
ble. Wlien writing mention rcauing tuia
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., lUughnmton,'!
N. v. rue regular
fifty-cent nnd one-
dollar size bottles are Horn oi 8wmp-Bofc
sold by all good druggists. Don't make'
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, BluKbamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
which has ns n result tho .bringing of
tho earnest seeker into such bettor
communion with God as to destroy
fonr, despair, distress nnd dlsoaso,
surely spooks for itself, and It Is such
prayor thnt Christian Scionco tenches
aud that Christian Scientists nro striv
ing to approximate in keeping with
tho Mastor's admonition to "pray al;
wuys," and tho results of these ef
forts in sickness healed nnd sin dis
placed by reformation in unnumbered
iqstnnccs encourngo thorn to bcllovo
thnt thoy do not "nsk nmlss."
Mind Their Own Business.
Christian Sclonce may not bo readily
understood by tho critical or superficial
investigator, but its deeply Christian
character is proven by this healing it
brings tho sick, tho comfort to the sor
rowing nnd tho renewal and reforma
tion of mind to tho senminl and sinner.
It is significant thnt Christian Scien
tists never preach sormons against the
beliefs pf othors; but conccdo to thorn,
tho right to worship ns thoy pleaso,
and for thomsclves simply ask tho free
doom of tholr own convictions, their
constitutional nnd divino right to wor
ship God after tho dictates of their
own conscience.
Must Stand on Its Own Merits.
It is narrated in the fifth chapter
of tho Acts of tho ApoBtles that thoso
oarnost followors of tlio founder Of
Christianity, by reason of tho practi
cal and honling application of their
MnBtcr's gospel, had so incensed tho
piofessors of recognlzpd and estab
lished religion in their day, that oppo
sition nnd donunc!ut!on,,wns about to
culminate in tho attempted destruc
tion of theso faithful followors. And
at this time, so tho sacred story runs,
"stood thcro up ono in tlio council,
Phnrlsoe, mimed Gamaliel, ft doctor of
tho law, lind in reputation among all
tho pooplo . . . nnd said unto them:
Vo men of Israel, take hood to your
solvos, what yo intend to do as touch
ing theso men. And now I sny unto
you, rofrain from theso men, and lot
thorn alono; for if this couuell or this
work bo pf men it will cqmp to nnught;
but if it b'o Of Odd yd cannot over
throw it; lest haply ye bo found
ovon to fight agnlnst God."
May not' 'thoso, who by reason of
differing roligious opinions anil possi
bly lack of appreciation of tho doc
trino and application of Christinn Sci
ence, find council worthy of considera
tion in tho wise advice of that ancient
doctor of Inwt And nt this senson of
"Peaco on earth, good will to men,"
Christinn Scientists would most ear
nestly soy to nil follow-rcllglonlsts re
gardless of creeds or professions, in
tho'Yvords of Abraham to Lot, "Lot
thcro bo no strlfo, I pray thee, bo
tweon thoe and mo ... for wo nro
Thanking you for your courteey and
oxtonded spaco, I nm,
Yours respectfully,
Publication Committee.
A Frightened Horse
Bunnlng llko mnd down tbo street,
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disappear quickly undor its soothing
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Notico Is hereby glvon that tho part
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man, pf Stoiem, Or., Is hereby dissolved
by mutual consent of tho parties, Frank
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collect all accounts duo tho aforesaid
Dated nt Salem, Oregon, December
13, 1004.
afK -'" Y' a