- v Trwvni fcW R DAH.Y CAPITAL JOUMCAL, SALEM, O&EOOy, RSPAY, DECEMBER 22, 1004. -&- "flar ." iw; i? 2m AM fi" iSm J ; piflj CApAL JOURNAL aRttMilw,Baa,,0,g5,t,?BB ft --.. . ' ' w DIAMONDS At Last Yeas Prices a m BV hoper"bro8. Hra OFFICIAL tJENSUfl SALEM. MAT, 1004, 13.287. COST OP SCHOOL BOOKS. The fctatemont lma1"' boon published thnt tlio Oregon text books for tlfe public schools were to numerous and teajexpen'sive. ' vWhon tlio adoptibn wnstmpdcj'it whs shown" that thoso text Bootes "were a great lcnl chonper about ono-thlrd than tho books formerly used. That statomont still stands, but ns 'ilieftfmo comes for appointing a new 0 commission it is statwl that theso text Looks cost tho pcoplo too much. Tho Journal throws out tho state ment, nnd challenges contradiction, tJiat no state in tho Union has bettor or cheaper books for the number, or for tho number of years covered. Ttcro is a statement of tho coat of text books for tho first nino grades of the elcmontary schools in Oregen: dr. Subject., No. Books. Cost. 1 Rending 0 $2.35 2 Language ... .." 75 3 Citizenship .. ..1 80 -9 Arlthmotlo .. ..3 '... 1.00 5r Geography .. ..2 1.80 G Spelling 1 22 7 Writing 8 48 S History 2 1.00 O Physiology .. ..2?. ... .80 Recapitulation No. books required 27 No. Bubjccts required 9 Total cost of books during eight years $0.80 Avorngo cost per year 1.22 Optlonnl Subjects Music 2 books $.03 Drawing 2 booko 25 Thoro nro a great many supplementa ry books that teachers enn buy, or tlint enn bo mado optional in city schools with certain classes. This list might bo reduced, but ns n mattor of fact it does not affect the general situation so fas ns tin! common grades aro concerned. I Tho common grades might get along with ono geography Instead of two, -with ono history and ono lnnguago book or grammar instead of two each. A saving and reduction might also bo mado In tho music nnd drawing bonks, many of which nro now bought nnd afterwards Uot usod. If tho Governor would reappoint tho present commission thoro is no doubt but thnt weak points in tho presont adoption would be remedied ami a re duction mado in tho total expense to tho people. Thoso who niako war ou tho present Oregon text book system certainly do so Ignorant of previous conditions, or for tho purpose of forcing changes that may bo inferior or more expensive on tho people. X "vJ -fW ,. V a 'iff ill fcaf - " !f:irre rw. i ' f jL IJa,. &v JLiuy ( ''SAY!" Is yoar mother going to bey yoar School Salt at Geo. Johnson& Co.'s?" 2nd Boy !"Why, ceftafjoiy-mothcr knows her.btfsinessr-she always goes thefc formy-clothes, i They give away 'Daisy air gons with every boy's stilt. ' f 'i i u . i i That is the way boys tallc it. Mothers and boys like toij ! trade nete. Both know that we are headquarters in Salem ii I for Boys' Clothing 1 1 Splendid variety now--touches of taste---bits of prettinessjj and style in every suit. Fabrics durable. Finish excellent, j and they fit. If all parents knew how good our school suits!! are, we would sell all the school suits sold. jjG. W. Johnson & Co. (INCORPORATED.) THE CLOTHING MEN ! ! ww8Mtowaaww FRENZIED POLITICS. fTlio hand that directed tho prosecu tion in tho ho called Oregon bind fraud cases has at last boon unmasked. It is tho baud of revongo. ' It is tho old, old Btory of nn oyo for Tin eye, and a tuoth for u tooth. Ro 'venge, how sweet! even whoa long do forrcd. It Ik said to bo the hand of Malcolm A. Moody, ox-congressman from tho second dlsttb't of Oregon. Multnomah county is no longer tho neat of Republican state politics. Tho gcono Of notion has been transferred tp Wasco county, ,'Uip big bunchgrnss iborongh, where congressmen, governors atjid other high ollluials como from, ffi'l'ho laud fraud cases pjile Into inslg ffillounco compared to tho niotivi. I'u luro politics nro at stake, nnd thoy en tqr into every department o,f tho game, national, state, district, ovpn county. Whether MuKluloy, T.arpley, Tutor, ct ul., procured 12 claims in the well exploited 7 11 matters but little, when tho real deal Is toljj. It will take pages to tell it. Tho history of tho case, dates buck in Ho the early days ofMho Knstorn Oro- gon country. It had u small start at first, and was not like tho proverbial Btono that gnthered no, moss. Two banks wore rfynls, Tho com- potitlon fur Irtulo f ranj. tlio vast Inland Umpire ueitloring aftTho Dulles drove tho money hinders into polities. KapU institution was composed of men with aspirations. , Ono firm was headed by tho Moodys nnd tho other was backed by tho Mays family. It was n oaso of rolatlyosopojr nting in tho affairs of tho business and political world. , Moody oppposcd Mnys, and vioo verwx They had turns at tho wheels of patronage, nnd they both usod ovory djjporti.uity to feathor their own nesta. Their hatred increased, and two years ago Mays accomplished tho defeat of Moody for rcnominntion to congress, securing tho plum for ono of his friend, J. N. Williamson. This dofoat was followed by tho indictment of Moody for frauds in connection with tho postofllee matters. It was openly charged at tho timo that politics wero at tho bottom of tho wholo deal, and that Mays was under the wholo mos, just to oven up with his rlvnl Moody. Tho latter, was acquitted, and his rep utntlun was saved. , Now wo aro startled with tho an nouncement that Senator Mnys has been indicted by tho grand jury on a land fraud charge. Tho ovidonco is said to bo strong, but it will tnko strong evidence to sccuro a conviction. It must bo unbiased testimony of people who nro not interested in tho land frauds, nnd not como from tho throats of self-confessed culprits. Moody always had moro or lesi fa vors at tho hands of tho administration nt Washington. It is moro thnn likely thnt bo. has foHtcred and nurtured con siderable of the determination on tho part of Hitchcock and his spocial agents to amoko out tho rascals." Tho ,hatrcd that Hitchcock benrs to ward Hermann nnd his frieuds hns been a portion of tho compound that tho peoplo of Oregon aro now getting. It is doubtful whether eatonco will over bo sorved in any of tbeso cases. Thero was probably fraud committed in many Instances, but it is only a shadow of tho wrongs that havo been inflicted upon tho people of Oregon and tho homeseokors throughout tho West under tho guiso of law Tho Northern Pacific railroad com pany grnbbod hundreds of thousands of acres of tho most valuable timber lnn in Oregon, and it never paid ono cent for it, yot it was acquired "lawfully," A steal bill was passed, allowing tho railroad to relinquish "such lnud ns it did not desire, nnd 'to. take lieu land scrip, which could bo located on any yaoant government laud hi -any stato through which tho railroad passed" Tho Northern Pacific has a fow miles of track from Kalama to Portland, and it sneaked into Oregon uudor that flim sy pretext. It laid scrip o unsurveyed lands in the heaviest timber bolt iu tho world. Tho Northern Pacific refuses to pay For that tight feeling in your chest There is a remedy over 60 years old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably' have used it. Once In tho family, It stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on tha chest. Ask your doctor about it. Lw.iwC " ' in rrummiii taxes on tho bind thus acquired nnd squatters lost ovorything thoy had on their little mountnin rnnches. Tho Northern Pacific relinquished thousands of ncros, yes miles nnd miles of worthless sand hills nnd cactus plnin in Montana, Idaho and Eastern Washington, and received scrip. Was thnt protecting" tho rights of tho peoplo of Oregon. Crucify tJio little fellow. Uso tho federal and stato courts to "evdn up" old scores. Do this nnd otherthings iu tho namo of justice Hut, with Mr. Honey's nsslstanco, may tho great corporato interests bV protected, and tho real fraud on tho rights of tho pcoplo of tho stato go unpunished. " Why not investigate tho authors of tho law allowing tho railrond company those privileges? fe Why not send out spies for tlio next ten years if it is necessary, and let tho peoplo know how thoy wero betrayed by legislation f fe Why spond thousands of dollars to ferret out alleged" fraud in a dozon claims, and pass up and? mildly blink nt the real steal! Will Mr. Honey dnrp go back to tlio congressional records ami loam who fathered, foBtorqd and concocted tho in famous Northern Pacific steal bill! In tho menu timo tho hand of Mai colm A. Moody is in evldenco in present trials. tho r ADMINISTRATE f A PROGRESSIVE TION. Tho city administration that will tnko hold of our city government on January 1st, is composed of Kopubli cans throughout. f Tho city council stands ten to four Republican, nnd at least ono of tho four is u life long Republican Alder man Skalfe. Tho effort of a small faction of poll tioians to defeat part of tho city ticket failed, although thoy helped oloct some, of the opposition uldonnen, , ' , This eatno faction is now sald'to bji trying to organize tho next city coum il, and oloct somo of their beuchuion to tho fat places. With tho help of a fow Democratic spoils politicians thoy will try to to) tiro men on the police force and in the fire department who will not do theirj bidding. Tho plan inrolvos tho olection of a strcot commissioner who will stand against street improvement, and keop ou squaudoriug public money on tho favorites of the faction.. No Republican should itand for the conversion of the police and fire dopart monts. into moro adjuncts of political plunder. Tlio presont polico forco and tho firo department nro all, so far as tho public know, faithful and competent public sorvantu. A combination of bosses should not bo permitted to throw them out, or a singlo ono of them. Tho Republican party should stand for bettor things. Tlio Republican party ofllcials and tho ten or clovon Republican alder men should sustain efficient public service Beyond all other things Republicans should not proceed to reward tho houchmon of nny faction that fought" tho Republican ticket with appointments. Tho Republicans who hnvo beon elected owo this city a nrogressivo busi ness policy, nnd that means tho reten tion of first-class public servants in ov ory branch of tho public service. Journal at Cut Rate. Tlio Journal publishers proposo to glvo their subscribers tho bonoflt of a great cut in subscription prico for tho coming yonr. Instoad of ninking a Bpo cial salo day on which to rocoivo year- subscriptions by mail at $3, we now offer to rcceivo subscription for 1005, if paid nt any timo during tho remainder of tho old year nt tho $3 rato. All sub scriptions must bo paid up for all of tho current year, and for tho full year of 1005, in order to got the bonoflt of this rate. Call at any time, and got ypur special rate, but remember thnt this does not count after tho first of January. Uudor the specinl cut rato you can got your daily for 1005 by mail at $3, or by carrier at $5; thus saving one dollar on tho regular prico HOFER BROS., Publishers, " o Prohibit Tobacco Trom Malls. Tho postal department of tho ompiro of Japan hns notified tho postal do partmont of tho Unltod States that tho importation of tobacoo by parcel post is prohibited. The mikado is not anxious that his subjects become slaves q tho weed as manufactured in Amori- K In Finest Variety. Gold watches and charms for ladies and gentlemen, also all kinds of jew elry nt groatly reduced pricos, nt W. Calvet's, Practical "Watchmaker, 158 Slato street. I2-10eod-2wk o Think of Borne beautiful jewel, and then think of Hinges. a i Candy eale at the Spa this week. Wo bought oUr diamonds, before 'tljo last year and a half raiM nnd wo nro In ajposftion to gi'vo yiufhe benefit. We have " P"tU' Diamond RingsLockcts, Broodies Stcfe aud Stlct' Jbins irom $U.UU op. I 4 Also diamonds set iu watchos nnd diamonds loose to set aa vohj (Uctntes. uur lowest ono-prieo Bsiem is proving a winner. Th el ty and prico sells the goods. Batt's Jewelry Store, CORNER STATE ANI) LIBERTY STREETS. Reform School Supplioa. 'Scaled proposals tiro horoby request ed for furnishing tho Oregon Stato Reform School with supplies for tho itext six months, ending Juno 30, 1905. Lists, with specifications, will bo fur nished upou application to tho supor intondont. All bids must bo in by Do comber 20, 1004. N. II. LOONEY, 12-14-5t Superintendent. Music Rolls. Como and sco (oven if you do not buy) tho nice lino of music rolls nnd bags nt Geo. C. Will's. Open ovoning until Christmas. tf O uQ. 13 S? O OCT. 3C j& . Tha Kind Yon Kara Alwars Bosgkt Bean th j4 ' hm ' " na"1 Affla'3 lllli I ' v Full Weight.... i flour mfmmWrm niay lzzz ' uMs3523cy 1COPYRIGHT. is tho rulo in this mill wo enro not whnt it is in others. But that is only ono cnrdlnal principle wo claim any body can givo full weight wo gunr- anteo quality, ns woll, nnd that moans n wholo lot to thoso who know, First, good wheat; second, good milling; third, fair pricos for tho best to be had. We should have your orders for Wild Roso flour. Salem Flotmag Mills 'pu eopYrtiaw What Santa Savs fu SantaClaus is the high MtlJ muck during the Christmas lolii nnd his mandate has gone fortk, odict has beon promulgatd- your laundry work to iU &U Steam Laundry. Obey his beta nnd you will not he diMpwuy Hurry orders filled promptly, i please give us a reasonable time J got out your work. Some ne i chinory just in. The Salem Steam Lam ALL KIND8 OF FRUlTTRJM AND ORCHARD BOXES lit shop of G. F. Mason Miller atreot, South Sties PHONE 2191 Red waaawwtniH lfl FRENCH FD 8PILU A Sin. Cit.i Kiutr l Strmim. Kb KIVIR XMOWN TO IAII. S'S,'',"irJ full n UnviuMl r Xdmt Khn4. M ft rorllOOl. boi. WilK-DlU.mMnuj,i.ar when rtUered. StnplefKrte Ujvnirttt bar ttMtn .-ad Tour ordsri U tU I UWITtPMtOICAtCO..8lT4.UMim Gold In Salem by S. C. 8to Who Said Slipper Because those who want tie I should got them at Jacob Vojt' especially for Christmas p Vogt's stock is tho largest aad vnrlpil nxanrtment for ladltS , P demon's nnd children's BtyleiTs thoir high quality and low pre you nro suro to bo satisfied. Jacob Vogt 09 Stato Street w M. ...... ..' j Huie Wing Sang 0 NewUneofChloa and Japan Fancy Gs'(f?ft Handkerchiefs, Chinaware, Ornaments and aUW I of Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, UnJ Wrappers, Shirts, Waists. Fall line ot nouaay s Now on sale at cost. JOO Coart St., Salem, a . i 1 1 1 I t"H 1 1 ) 1 1 Hllllll H'f4-I-M FOR PAPA'S CHRISTMAS ...... .,11 tie thero is nothing . " - him more than " Sii- that will enable ""'"V,,, ..good cheer" to U J to' make his table festive. We have the choi bio wines, .cb.an.pag7. "& Cedar Brook wbiakie. P'; will enable you to entertaia heart's eoniom. K. Ecketien 255 Commercial SH ci tnimuHiniiiHiiiiifH J