mi ft "T 4 & jfH f "Hi "&- fiPAILT CAP ETAS JOUBWAl, SAIgMORgOQgi MONpAY, DECEMBER- 10, lOOfc; (uk jttar. BOBUMM jr: IB- If I iV w tsr i i Xnias T 4 . m ritfi ir-c !' -M, r'B 1 1 for Santa T r i IT W- iff & i :. - 'rl tHEOKWEAE, COLLARS, CUFFS GLOVES, BUSPENpEES, HATS asHTBTS, KIOHT ROBES,' . ' , 3ATH BOBES, MUFFLERS, ' v JBOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS, ETC. HOLIDAY THOUGHTS Anothor year, with Its sunlight and shadows, Its. withered leaves and fra- '"" ' 4 grant flowers, is fast drawing to a, close. Joyous times happy hearts ... j ,.- , cheerful homes mado bright by the glorious anticipations of expected V ?r I "'!,. l k Ui ,"'' A - ' ,' I : ' " pleasures. Eye's flashing with delight at tho thoughts of coming days. ' '., Kind hearts, loving remembrances tender recollections of home, sweet home "It is Christmas timo." J. " ?fiAC a t ;t ; -1 on !S CHRISTMAS HINTS Hi HERE ABE A FEW BEMINDERS AND PBIOES. ' I ' fS i 1 A CHRISTMAS SALAD Take a deal of lovo and put Into a bowl, . . , With tho splco of good will gently sprlnklo th'b wholoj Mako- a dressing of kisses, stir in a kind thought, With a score of good wishes tho best to bo got Take of affection a sharo that's not small, And to garnish the dish Christmas greetings from nil Oat Habetdasiieiy department is overflowing with articles suitable for Christmas Gifts for men, The kind of gifts men want and appreciate. G. Yfm Johnson & Co. (INOOEPOEATED.) ' ' k J-k. - CLOTHIERS, HABERDASHERS 257 Commercial St. Salem, Ordgon Fine Ponrl opera glasse ,... Solid gold chatolaln watch. Small diamond ring Fancy sot ring Solid gold link buttons .... Solid gold stick pins Gold filled link buttons .... Fobs for men and women .. Baby rings, solid gold .. .. Ladies' guard chains Ladies' (guard. chains, solii gold Sot tf 0 Rogers teaspoons .$12.0(1 . J0.00 . Ao.oo ' 3.50 , 2.25 ' ' '3.00" 1.00 2.50 J 1F.00 1.0Q Fruit knlvA. n Berry spoons, Rogers . w. m lorK nogtts Spoon tray, mrm,ti 20 years terlfng silver sugar n Jot pfO Sterling teaspoons Sterling bon Ion spoon .. Sterling gravy ladle .... Ujt . cwl ?Sohveitr cups .... Souvenir spoons, Sterling ,100 Uj 1jm M uii , ii Our clerks oro willing; and anxious to show goods and quote pn sven if you don't intend to buy. Baif's Jewelry Stote, COBNEB STATE AND LIBEBTY STBEETS. Boform School Supplios. Scaled proposals aro horoby request ed for furnishing tho Oregon State Boform School with supplies for tho next bIx months, ending Juno 30, 1005. Lists, with specifications, will bo fur nished upon application to tho super intendent. All bids niust bo in by Do cember 20, 1004. N. II. LOONEY, 12-14-5t ' Superintendent. o Music Bolls. Como and seo (oVou if you do not buy) tho nico lino of music rolls and. hags at Geo. C, Will's. Open evening until Christmas. tf o jSk. S3 sf o :a ac a. Bean th 9 "ltl9 Klni1 YouHavaAInays Bopffht Signature of (Zsymx Full Weight.... DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. CS1Habed OFnOIAL CENSUS SALEM. MAY, 1904, 13,287. IMPORTED BEPOBMS. ,; Portland hns listouod to an imported sinngulno and book-roformor, iiml will . tiiko up wliolesalo and loug-distnuco ro worms. Jacob Riis has written a great deal nbput tho Now York slums, and is a profossjlotml locturor nnd agitator for siumicipnl mform. While ho has boon conspicuous in tho onngnKings and collQgo tliqrOjis no ovl ulenoo that nny community can riso -nbovo its own moral lovol. Tho fact about Portland, as about -other big cities, Is simply this: Talk morality to tho Ignorant and tho poor, 3ut let tho big steals go. Crittmdon against tho. saloon-keopor imd tho gambler, and tho prostitutes nro popular among tho Vharasacial elcmonts if socloty. Tlum tho.oflleiul class run a deficit tin tho city, county,- and tho Bchoqt dis trivt, Hvo dishonestly boyond their iitoaiis, and lovy moro tnxos. Tluiii more bonds must bo issuod,nnd tho bankers and tho ufllclal class oxtond tholr powers and monopolies, and howl moral roform. Llv wllhlu your means, and pay as you go, nro proverbs that havo more real loform ju them than all tho fau lting tho air ever cugagod in. Plato said n jut oommunity must bo r.'s just and honest as an honest ami Just man. Those big oitios better adopt com- anon hohosty firet. o THE TBEOKLE PROBLEM, A lady asks for somo positive Infor- inatiou on tho question of how to get rid of freckles. Tho wjritor had hoped not tcbeonllod upon tovtako a stand iu public on W tioklish matter. To our mind a young woman or a young mnn with frocklos is wearing a: badgo of honesty, Frocklos nro not a made-up complexion. In tho .Tannuary Delineator, in tho department "Good Looks," 'Dr. Elon nor Rogers gives tho following recom mendation for getting' rid of freckles, which will bo welconiod by many of those who aro troubled with theso dis agroeablo blemishes: "For removing freckles uso colorless Iodine. This can bo mado by adding otio part of puro ammonia to throo of tlnturo of Iodine. Aftor standing a day or two tho iodino will become whlto. Apply tho Iodino to each frccklo with a camel 's-hnir brush, or, bettor, by moans of n swab mado by wrapping a wisp of cotton nround a toothpick, for a fresh one can bo used each time. Ap ply only onough to covor the freckle Uso it night and morning until tho skin is reddened, .but not tod much irritnted Tho pigment of tho frockle is deposit ed lu tho upper layor of tho skin, and that must bo destroyed in order to get rid of tho pigmont. Lemon juico is very useful to kcop tho skin white, find to prevent tho deposit of coloring matter, whl;h makes tho blemishes of moth patchps and freckles." If you do not wish to tnko thnt treatmout tako up tho study of Chris tian SoioncOj or any other good, puro religion. ,' ' - 1 , It is tho soul that onuses tho faco to shlno and beam with a complexion that is not made with 'hands or cos metics. , - ; The glory of a faco. illumlnntcd with truth and goodness cause many a minor blemish to fndo nnd disappear without faco powders. A REPUBLIPAN ADMINISTBATION Aside from n few politicians who fight along factional linos, all Republi cans aro interested iu a oloun, progres sive Republican city administration. This will bo tho first year that tho residents of tho suburbs will pay in any city taxes, nnd thcro will bo urgent demand for enterprise nnd good business In tho city government. Th) pcoplo aro going to domand something for 'their money. How to givo them satisfaction and conduct tho . Put on Ayer's and be proud of your hair j A little pride is a. good thine Then why be contented with ttun, scraggly uairP raded, gray hair? Put on Aycr'a Hair Vigor and have lone, thick hair: beautiful hair, without a sinni - mm " ' " ? " "" " 'J gray une in u. isxep young. Have a little oride.. "Il1111 ' mwmi iiniimniiwniw I f, J.O. lml. LawlL mm. city over tho world's fuir year is not a slight problem. Tho Republican party has a big re sponsibility in this matter, and must art with harmony nnd intelligence if is would remain in power. It hns no margin for grnfts or unbusinesslike procedures. A now street policy ia doing to bo domnndod by tho people, nnd tho par ty in powor must bo prepared to meet it. Mnyor Waters has tho right spirit, and should bo sustained by all Republicans. of somo othor pnrty, I would not lies!-, tato to leave tho Democratic party." This Is an admission of Bryan that ho is not much of a Democrat, and willing to join any party that will got hiuVinto ofllec, and ho advises Watson to do tho sanio. ' ' - What a multitude- of roforms for ono hnn to undertako to carry into opera tion. A GOOD TEXT-BOOK COMMISSION. Among Governor Chnmborlnin's most important duties will bo to givo tho. pooplo a first-class text-book commis sion. Tho Oregon toxt-book law was enact od aftor n hard fight against a cor rupt system that was terrorizing school teachers all over tho state. Th law was honestly enforcqd by a fiist-clnss commission of business men, who gnvo Oregon a bettor nnd choapor sot of school books, Anothor first-class commission enn mako somo improvements. At least four books ,oV Jho .common school grades can bo cut out to ndvantngo. Tho govomor will act wisoly if ho retain as ninny of tho old commission as ho can, and select clean, progressive and up-to-dato men for tho rost, Tho text-book commission Is tho most important body of mon to bo nppointod In thp Intorpst of tho pcoplo. Thoy Bliould bo, nipu froo'frpm interest or prejudice, and not inclined to mako chances unless thoy nro in tho direction of bettor schools nnd ccflnomy, o' MB. BBYAN ON TOM WATSON. Bryan replies to Tom Watson's sug gestion that Bryan go away back aud sit down lu the last Issue of the Com moner. Watson virtually declared that if Bryan runs again in 100S ho will bo worso defeated than Parker was this yonr, '. , Bryan sayyWntsoii Is not fair, as ho did all In his power to help swell Rooso velt's majority. Bryan forgets that he was something if a swellcr himself. Then Bryan springs his program for 100S: lucomo tax, abolish the trusts, direct election of sonntors, tariff re form, public ownership of railroads, no gold redemption of paper monoy, etc. Mr. Bryan then throws out his gold en lino, to Watson, "If I could advance theso reforms by becoming a member "APOSTROPHE TO WATEB. ''Look nt that, vo thirst v ono of earth! Behold it! Seo its purityl How it glitters, as if a mass of liquid gems! It is a boverago that was browed by tho hand of tho Almighty himself. Not in mo simmoring stui or smoKing nrcs, choked with poisonous gases and sur rounded by tho stench of sickening odors and rank corruption, doth our Father in heaven propnro tho precious ossonco of life, tho puro cold water but in tho green glaflo nnd glassy doll, whero tho red deer wanders and tho child loves to play thero God brows It, and down, down in tho deepest val leys where tho fountains murmur and the rills sing; and high upon tho tall mountain tops wlioro tho granite gilt tors In tho sun, whero tho storm-clouds brood and the. thunders crnsh; and away, far out on tho wldo sea, whero tho hurricanos howl music and tho big waves roar tho chorus, heralding tho march of God thoro ho brows It, that boverago of life, health-giving water. And everywhere it is a thing of beau ty, gliiumoring In the dow drop, sing ing in-tho summer rain, shining in tho ieo gem, till tho trees nil seoin turned Into living jowels, spreading a golden voil ovor tho setting sun or whito guuzo nround tho midnight moon, sporting in tho cataract, sleeping In tho glacier, dancing in tho hail-shower, folding its bright curtain softly nbout tho wintry world, nnd weaving tho many colored iris that seraph's zono of tho skv whose warp is tho rainbow of earth, whoso woot is tho sunbeam of heaven, all checkered o'er with coles tial flowers by tho mystic hand of rarefac tionstill always it ia beautiful that blejsed life water. No poison bubbles on the brink. Its foam brings no sad 'flM or murder; no blood-stains in its umpia glass. Broken hearted wives, pale widows nnd starving orphans shed no tears in its dopths. No drunkard's shrieking ghost from the grave curses it In words of eternal disuair. Tinn,,. tlful, pure, blessed and glorlousi Givo me forever the sparkling, cold water," Central Law Journal. iplllgfi KMAraflBH copyright; is tho rulo in this mill wo caro not what it is in others. But that is only ono cardinal principle wo clnlm any body can givo fuir woight wo guar antco quality, as. well, and thnt means a whole lot to thoso who know. First, good wheat; second, good milling; third, fair prices for tho best to bo had. Wo should havo your ordors for Wild Roso flour. ' Salem Flouting Mi lis j COP wnoirr '-' . . 1 I flh Wash Kour Own Clothes Well, that's your privilege; kl when you sea tho excellent work! do, and th(o low prices w thrpj tor family washing tho chanty a thnt your next week's waai r21 como to us. Need not sead-wrt call, nlso deliver on the hj promiso it. Ask us, by word i mouth, mail or telephone, wkt tj chargo. The Salem SteamLaundn 0Ntt8iiiaeMMiiMiiiJH ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TIWYi AND ORCHARD BOXES tt shop of G. F. Masofl Miller street, South Balw ; PHONE 2191 Rei IMSISil Ifl FRENCH If dPILU J.fl4n. rtnii RiLttv tot BcmtanVsm NEVCR KHOWH TO FAIL. S'JS'W!': fur 11.00 p. bat. Will Knl tbiloltlI.Hp.lH wbn r.lkteJ. S4npl,iKr. If jun(iiHli jit um m r-na rour ora i iiw UNITCPMtOICtCO..et.UW",li Sold In Salem by 8. C. &3 Swim sfc 9 w IP AUTUMN AND WINTEB STYLES BT SH01 'Pulrna Infra nf nilf linff flniCfl orrti-A arnrtA ufvlrta frlftt flffi bOlU to win your npproval and fit jk toot nicoiy as 10 ioom, cwu"" .. n, icoi n ta nncketb strain in our selling figures. Ei f -.... i i. 1 !h nmrileA TB inuueomoni to uuy " ow . I.nrn nnil wn MtMilW VtlW your examination of Our footwen Jacob Vogt 09 Stato Street : fluie Wing Sang Co. SMa, NewlineofCfcina andapan Fancy Goods, Sm Handkerchiefs, Chlnaware, Ornaments and all kim ot iients' and Ladfes7 Fomfshlng Goods, uneerw-; Wrappers, Shirts, Waists. Fell fine of holiday && Now on sale at cost. tOO Court St., Salem, W 9 l yn 1 1 hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 m 1 n nn u t 1 1 1 1 1 " M H-h-"1J FOB PAPA'S OHRISXMAS there is nothing ttat-JJ I gj him moro than a ffSZ that will enable hm t. W J i.'goodcheer'MohlsH2 to make his tsble bo festive. We have tie chole bio wines, champag Cedar Brook whiikieiBtF willenabloyoutoentertsuitoj heart's content. E. Eckefto iKR r.nmeaetcbl S1 A i 11 11 II 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II It 1 1 H"MH