1 ' "!mpp!f"!W,HI,imJir imnrrifril iwmn in w. 11 ,l UrtB I i f ' wmiwpyyffi)(gy i f m . DAILY "CAPITA!. JOURNAL, 8AUEM. OBEOON, SATTJBDAY, DEOBBCpEa 17, 1001. r Get Ready FofXmas Navel Oranges, 20, 30, 40 and 50c per dozen. Cranborrlcs, Squarts 25c. Animal crackers, '5c, 10c and 20c. Sliced pineapple, 2 cans 35c. Dates, 3 pounds 25c. ropcorn, 5o por pound Walnuts, 3 pounds 50c. Crystallzod fruits, fancy wafers, plum puddings, fmit cakos, clustor raisins, olives, ripe, groon and ituffcd; Cresca washod pulled flgs, stuffed figs, pocand and almond meats, and a store full of good things to oat. 2-Ib Imported Symrna Figs, 50c FULLER & DOUGLAS, SALEM'S LEADING OE00EB3, 142 Stato Stroot. Phone 2201 Mrs. Chas. Watt went to Jefferson this morning. Mrs. O. L. Darling Is at Hubbard, visiting her parents. Y7. P. George- returnod last night from a Portland trip. Mrs. J. W. Itansomo, of Turner, was a Salem visitor today. Judgo K. S. Bean returned to his homo in Eugene this morning. Miss Blva Wlnslow wont to Turner today for an ovor-Sunday visit. Dr. Harry Olingor is reported to bo juito ill at his homo on Mill street. Mrs. C. C. White roturned yestorday from a sovcral days' vydt in Portland. P. O'Noll, trnvellng passenger agent for tho N. P. is In tho city today on of ficial buslnoss. Mrs. A. L. Hussoy returned to her homo at Turner today, after a short visit in this city. A. Krai, who has been visiting friends in this city for somo time, returned to his homo in Portland last night. Miss Ida Macey wont to Tumor to day, whero sho will visit Mrs. Emory Howe and friends for a few days. Assistant Superintendent and Mrs. W. P. Campbell and daughter, Miss Irene, of Chemawa, are visitors in the city today. B. C. Olingor, who is nttending tho Portland Dontal College, Is in tho city, and will spend tho Christmas holidays with his parents hero. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thompson went to rhiiomath this morning, whero they will spend tho Christmas holidays with Mrs. Thompson's parents. Miss Katio O'Flyng has returned to her homo in South Salem, from the hospital, whore sho successfully under went an operation on her lsnpe. Prof. E. D. Bossier, presidont of tho Monmouth Normal school, was in tho city last night, attending tho Mon-mouth-Willamette basket ball game, ami to filo his biennial report. Ho re turnod homo this morning. Two kinds of goods and trade; a bargain's a bargain and money back. One makes friends, and the other loses em. Schilling's Best at your grocer's. ; h iiihii ii m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 i-n- ; ; Got our Christmas prices on can- T dy before placing your order for mai unriatmaa tree. Zinn's t. 154 State Street. 104 Court Street. Hiinimminimiin PERSONALS "The Toggey" HOLVERSON & YANTIS J 50 PAIRS Of ladies, misses and children's shoes that must be sold at once. MUST IS MASTER We must have the room these shoes occupy, therefore we care not what they bring It Is room. We want every woman and child in Salem to come and examine the values for themselvea-tbe result will be in our fafor. That yoa will be an eager customer is a foregone conclusion. CHINESE BABY IS CHRISTENED The homo of Hop Lee, the well known laundryman, two doors south of The Journal office, has been tho sccno of much celebrating and feasting dur ing tho past throo weeks, by tho birth of a little daughter to tho family. Thursday, December 15th was tho day set apart for christening tho lit tle one, and the preparations were elab orate in tho extreme. A magnificent feast was prepared, but, instead of in- 7' "" Tw ua ., . v',n i. i.t' .., ....,- x. lL Jof tins kind over gathered together in ....ug wiu IUIUHVU3 uuu irteuus ID IIIO homo to partake of it, a bountiful por tion wns sent to the homes of tho fa vored ones who wore overjoyed to havo this sharo in celebrating upon such a notablo occasion. Tho only guosts of tho happy parents wns an undo of Hop Leo ono American woman, besides tho nurse, who is nn American woman. Bo fore christening the babo's head was shaved, and it was robed in Ameri can garmonts, oxcept upon its head was placed a Chinese cap, richly trimmed with silk tnssels and tiny mirrors. It was then laid in tho father's arms, who bowed tho proper number of times, and knelt beforo tho feast table, then prayed In his nntlvo tongue, which, ho explained, was tho same ns nn Ameri can graco before eating. Ho then hand ed tho baby to tho nurse, who, in turn, gavo it into tho arms of its mother. Tho food was next removed from tho table, non.o of it having been eaten, nnd tho christening was completed, though tho name for tho little ono was not received from his grandpnronts in San Francisco until the next morning. It boing tho custom for tho parents of tho mother to send u namo for tho now babe. Prcsonts, nioro or less valuable, havo been pouring in in great numbers ovor since tho arrival of little "Tung Wa Lee" was mndo public, consisting of gold brncelets, enps with Bolid gold or- nnments, and clothing of every sort, both American and Chiucso stylo. Hop Leo is proud of this addition to tho family, and proudly shows his little girl to his interested friends who call. Home of Legislators. Tho members of tho twenty-third leg islature, are all ready beginning to gather into Salem to mako arrange ments for hendqunrters during the com ing session, nnd other matters of minor importance. Tho Motschan house, on tho corner of 12th and Stato streets, will bo the homo of Senators Dr. C. J. Smith and Walter M. Pierce, of Umatll lii county, nnd Hon. Schillor B. Her mann, of Coos county. Senator George C. Brownoli, of Clnckamas, will again hold forth at his old headquarters, tho Willamette Hotel, ns will Hon. William T. Mulr, of Multnomah. Hon. V. A, Carter, of Benton county, has also mado his preparations for tho coming ses sion, nnd will bo found at the Cross residenco, 429 Chomek street. o Why Diamond Sales Aro Slow. Tho main reason why thero aro not so many diamonds sold this year as last is becauso tho price has so materially advaucod. Tho fact is also apparent that last year's heavy sales included many customers who aro now suppliod, but still thero aro some gems changing hands. Ono Salem man mado a good trado tho other day by getting a rare stono loft over from last year's stock at tho old price. There aro still a few such to bo obtained, as it is understood that C. II. Hinges, tho Stato street jeweler, was fortuuato enough to havo n tow loft ovor. tWIIHIIHIII : I Substantial :: Meals... :at the: : White House Restaurant ; George Bros. Props. II HM I III IIIHIMIIMH AWARDS COMPLETED AT POULTRY SHOW The judges at the poultry and dog show, by swift and efficient work, suc ceeded in finishing tho work of making the awards last night. Tho dog awards wero as published iu Tho Journal yes terday, nnd the awards on poultry aro as follows. Tho show will remain open until tonight, and a largo crowd of dog and bird fanciers aro expected to at' tend today from all parts of tho coun .. -.17111 LL II tho Willnmctto valloy POULTRY. American Class Whito Wyandotte S. V. Ityder, owner Best pon in show, best solid colored bird in show; cock, first, second nnd fifth prizes; score, 94, 03 3-1, 90 2-4. Cockerel, first, second, third and fourth; scoro 83, 91 1-4 90 and 93 34. Hen, second, fourth nnd fifth; score, 93, 92 and 09. Pullet, first, second, thirdt fourth and fifth, scoro, 9G, 95, 94 1-2, 93 3-4 and 92 1-2. P. S. Craig & Son. Hen, first nnd third; scoro 941-2, 93 3-4. Cock, third; score, 93; second on best solid colored bird. J. C. Strlngby Cock, fourth; scoro, 02 1-2. Partrldgo Wyandottes. W. T. Stolz Socond on pen. Cock, second; score, 87 1-4. Hen, first, second and third; scores, 92, 901-2 and 891-2. Whito Plymouth Bocks. J. A. Jefferson Cock, first, second, third and fourth; scores, 941-2, 94, 931-4, 9-1-4. Cockorel first and fourth scores, 92 3-4 and 91. Hen, first, fourth and fifth; scores, 91, 92, 921-4 nnd 92. Pullet, first, second, third and fourth; scores, 93 1-4, 91 3-4, 91 and 91. First nnd second on pon,; first on host display ; Fee Guessing Today and Monday our free guessing contest will bo in full blast. Hero It is. Ono of Salem's well known citizens has been making a foast for sovernl yoars on Pheasants, Quails, Ducks, Turkeys and Chickens, and hns saved all tho WISH BONES Ho hns turned tho lot over to us nnd wo'vo placed thorn In our cast win- dow. Can you cstlmnte how many fowls ho has consumed! Tho per- son that comes nenrest tolling us, will bo presented with a flno "SWAN" FOUNTAIN PEN f which wo aro soiling so many for It costs you nothing. ; PATTON'S BOOK STORE : "The Home of Great .Things at Little Prices." of poultry; tio on best display in American class. Alec Moir Cockerel, second; scoro, 92. llorren Bros Cockerel, third nnd fifth; score, 91 and 89 3-4. Hen, second nnd third; score, 92 1-2 and 92 1-2. Third bent pen. S. O. Whito Mlnorcas, J. Scholtz Cock, second; scoro, 88 3 4. Pullet, third; scoro, 801-2. Black Mlnorcas. Charles Calvert Cockorel, ilrst; scoro, 91. Hon, first, second, third, fourth nnd fifth; scores, 921-2, 913-4, 911-4, 901-2 nnd 00. . Buff Cochin. J. S. Moore Cockerel, first; hen, first nnd second. Buff Orpington. Joseph Hall Cockerel, second; score, 881-4. Pullet, first, second and third; scoro, 00, 90 nnd 98 1-4. Buff Cochin Bantams. Frod Schmaltz Cock, first; score, 04 1-2. Hen, first; scoro 931-2. Pullet, first, 95 3-4. Black-Tailed Japanese Bantams. Earl Brunk Cockerel, first; score, 911-2. Pullet, first and second; score, 94 3-4 nnd 911-4. C. E. Howard Hon, first; score;, 94 1 2. v Blue Andalusian. F. Loose Pullot, second and third; score, 92 1-4 and 02. Cockerel, second; score, 91 1-4. Hon, first; score, 02 1-4. L. L. Howitt Cockerel, first; score, 93 1-2. L. L. Vurlck Pullet, first; score, 02 1 4. Cockorel, first, score, 03 1-4. Ancona. L. L. Vierjck Pullet, first; score, 92 3 4. Cockerel, first; score, 011-2. S. 0. Brown Leghorns, C. S. Shaw Pullet, first; score, 92 1-4. Cockerel, first; scoro, 92 1-2. Buff Leghorn. L. G. Davis Cockerel, third; score, 91 1-2. Pullet, first, second and third; score, 94, 93 and 92. L. F. Reynolds Pullet, second; score, P2 1-4. Hon, second; score, 01 34. Cock, fifth; score, 90 3-4. Cockerel, fourth; score, 90. Wy J. Fisher Pullet, fourth and fifth; score, 02 and 913 4. Cockerel, fourth, score, 011-4, and second score 0212. Hen, first, score, 92. Cock, first, second nnd third; scores, 92 3-4, 9' 3-4 and 92. First and best display in class; second on pon. Pit Games. Frank Hesse Cock, first; hen, first and second. White Oulnoas. J. A. Jefferson Pair, first. Fekln Ducks. Mrs. Ella Brunk, young drake, first; young duck, fourth. Charles Calvert Young drake, first; young duck, first, second, third and fifth. J. A. Jcffcrson'jOld drake, first; old duck, first. A. E. Alderman Young drako, Sec ond; young drake, second. Whito Embdon Gcoso. J. A. Jefferson Old pair, first; young pair, first. Whito Holland Turkeys. J. A. Jefferson Tom, first; cockerel, first, second and third; hen first, first, second, third, fourth and fifth. First on best display of turkeys. Mammoth Bronzo Turkeys. Clara Brunk Old torn, first; old hen, first. A. E. Alderman Old torn, second. Rouen Ducks. A. E. Aldcrmnn Old pair, first. Why It Is. ltcmembor tho Yokohama Tea Storo is tho only place whoro you can buy rry's famous cut-glass, which took first prizo at tho St. Louis exposition. It excels all others, but costs you no rnoro. See our wonderful display, and save money on your purchases. Think of a window full of tho most beautiful jewels, watches and novelties for Christmas, then think of Hinges. I Contest I holiday gifts. Stop In and guess. a HENRY N. THIELSEN DEAD Wealthy Uncle of Salem Man Passes Away II. B. Thiolsen, of his city, rccelvod tho sad news today of tho donth of his undo, Henry N. Tliiolson, of FloiiBburg, Germany. Ho hud boon previously ad vised of his serious illness by cnblo, and tho nows was not entiroly unexpected. Mr, Thielson wns 80 years old, and loaves but threo heirs In this country II, B. Thielson, of Salem; Horaco W., of Hubbard, and Julius S., of Provi dence, It. I. Deceasod leaves an ostato of nearly $100,000, Including consider able valuablo property In this city which is disposod of by will. H. B. Thtelson leavos this afternoon for Now York, nnd will probably go to Oormany boforo his roturn. Henry N. Thlelsen was a guest of his relatlvo at Salem during tho summer of 1800 nnd spring of 1900, and made many friends. Indigestion, Insomnia, overwork, may bo tho posisblo cause of your headacho, but Wright's Paragon Headacho Cure is as certain as the sun rises. No sci entific truth more wonderful than tho amount of positive relief contained in ono small wafer or tablet. Down goon the cure, away goes tho headache, up go yenr spirits. That is tho process. Tho most desirable featuro of this modlcino is in its immodiato action, as it will generally relieve tho most severe pain in five minutes, whllo at tho same timo it is harmless,tastoless, will not purge or disturb the stomach, and has no un pleasant after-effects, Wright's Para gon Headacho Cure may be relied upon as being free from anything of an ln jurious nature, and is absolutely with out a rival. When you think of Christmas, think of Hinges. Out Holiday Sale r 1 is a Phenomenal Success Not only the goods specially men tioned but out whole stock has got a move on. We have a lot of Juvenile Suits tang ing ftom four to nine years old, that we of let while they last at 50c on tht dollar. Bring the little fellows to us. We will fix 'em. Salem Woolen Mill Store, C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor Two in Court John W. Gilpin who was boforo tho pollco court last night, charged with disorderly conduct, was glvon his choico botwoon 20 days In jail and a $40 fine, nnd took tho days. T. C. Lcnlno was glvon 2 1-2 days on tho sume charge. This morning two va grants, who wero taken up during tho night, woro nrralgued and glvon tholr walking papers, with instructions to take a tie-pass out of tho city, and tho promiso of n nico vacation in tho jull If thoy roturned. ( rKir v a mixxr wircirc MORE AND THE GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF THE Mrs. M. E, Fraser Stock WILL BE AT AN END While our stock Is somowhat broken, thero aro many good, first-class up-to-dato goods to bo closod out yot, and during thoso last few wooks wo will mako it very Interesting for everyone wishing nnythlng in our lino. Whllo our prlcos havo been lower than tho lowest, wo havo mado a still doopcr cut in tho prices of ovorythlng In tho house. Thero aro hundreds of usoful articles which will bo just tho thing you want for Ohrlstmas pres ents Fur Scarfs, Ladies' Albatross Waists, Silk Waists, Dressing Sacquos, Bath Itobcs, Silk Underskirts, Ladles', Misses' and Chlldrcrt's coats, Bolts, Cloves, Hoslory, Fancy Laco Collars, Ribbons, Handkerehiofs, otc.,Also largo lino of Sllverworo, Qlasswaro, Grockory, Etc.- Fat Scatfs 45 Inch black Coney scarfs, with six bushy talis; closing price 75c Browu mink scarfs, 43 InchoB long, with six bushy tails, $4.50 values; closing prlco tptv xO Imitation of brown martin scarfs, with good deep collar, $3.00 values; closing price $3.50 Ki.nl brawn martin scarf. COOd length, prime fur, with two largo "busy tails, $3.00 values; closing price $3.95 "-8T 333"TrY- -tt7 tvnj I- -v , t Now Proceedings Necessary. Attomoy-Goneral Crnwford is work lug on now condemnation procoodlngs agalns O, It. & N. Co. land which was condemned for Tho Dnllcs-Oolllo canal about two months ago, but tho govern ment has changed tho description of 'the proporty, and tho now procodlng must go through tho courts on nccouut of ob stacles in tho way of mortgages on part of tho land. Thoso now procood lngs aro not bolng fought by tho com pany, nnd it Is thought that tho matter can bo closed by tho first of noxt wook. Fino Isabolla fox scarfs, 03 inches long, beautiful browu, and two largo bushy tails, $14.00 values; closing prlco $9.95 A beautiful astrakau sot, collar and muff to match, $10.00 value; clos ing prlco $27.50 Children's Jackets Ono lot of jackets, sizes 4 to 14, values up to $0.00,' your choico, to closo $1.00 LADIEfl' OOAT8 ONE-HALF OFF Ono lot of ladies' 27-iacU coats, luto styles, all go at half price. Now la your chance. Bettor come early and got first choice. 1 m M H .1 m '! mtrf M""y,l'''"-y.)g MtT