DAilY CAPITAL JOUBHA1, SALEM, OBECION. BATUBPAY, DECEMBER 17, 1004. 12 Great Half Prtte Sale STOCKTON & CO., THE OLD WHITE COENEE. mil V l V V THE PROOF A great storo is growing up, right before your very eyes. Every day It proves Its popularity and suporl orlty. Wo have certainly demon strated our ability as merchants, and our power to pleaoo nnd gain tho pntronngo of tho people, by the mannor in which wo havo handlod throo big stocks of goods in a little moro than a year's time. Tho Hoi vorBon stock is a thing of tho past, and tho Dalrymplo stock soon will bo. Wo nro buying new goods ev ery day, nnd discounting our bills. Keep Your Eye on Us. Believe in Us. Lean on Us. We have never fooled you and never wiH. Special Sale of Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts ALL REDUCED TO HALE PRICE &DE AT A DRY GOODS STORE NOT A TOY SHOP. i Store Open Evenings Until Xmas J SERIOUS ACCIDENt AVERTED Floyd Graham, tho young mnn who drives tho wagon for tho California Bakery, had a very narrow escape from lcslng his life this morning, under' tho wheels of the southbound overland train. Young Graham was driving up Mission street, nnd, as he was a little behind time with his route, was not keeping a very sharp lookout when ho crossed tho track, and failed to notice tho train, which was just pulling away from tho station, until ho was half way across tho track. Ho then reachod for tho whip, but was a littlo too late, and tho engine just brushed tho hind wheel, overturning tho wagon, dishing , tho wheel, and breaking tho two rear springs. Tho driver and horses es caped without so much ns a scratch, J tho wagon was quickly righted, and very littlo damage was loft to show that a horriblo accident was so nar rowly averted. REPUBLICAN FACTION ACTIVE Tho faction that undertook to defeat tho Republican city ticket nt tho recent election nro stlU very actlvo in further ing tho split in tho party. v Tho latest movo is an organization to retiro good men from tho police force, npd name all tho policemen under Chief Cornelius from tho opposite faction. Republican city committeemen mot this morning to consider what could bo dono to head off tho combination. They were nlso in formed on reliable authority thnt ono of tho leaders in fighting tho regular ticket wns promised an important ap pointment at a stato institution. A pro test will bo registered ngninst nny moro such nppopiutmonts by the regular organization. Boiler Explodes. Indianapolis, Dec. 17. A largo boiler in Bower & Lovo Bros, cotton mill ex ploded nt G o'clock this morning, and fatnlly injured threo men. mtJPXJE13MAMG4JMtfiJJ Friday and Satwday Bargain DayS Tho busiest atoro In Salem is now on tho jnmp filling Xmao orders R wbnt wo havo to offoryoa for the next two days-dont bo bashful hnt J right along and Bee for yourselves prices cut to pieces. bashful but con, Grand Opera House JOHN P. OORDRAY, Mgr. America's greatest play, James A. Home's beautiful comedy-drnma Slmte Actes Fresontcd under tho diroctlon of Mrs. James A. Home, with entiro now scon ory nnd 'mechanical novoltics. A su perb production guaranteed. Prices Reserved seats 31, 7Cc and 60c. Gallory admission 35c. Beat snlo at box ofllco Saturday at 0 n. m. Grand Opera House JOHN P. OORDRAY, Mgr. MONDAY, DECEMBER 19th SAM S. SHUBERT'S Famous International Musical Success A Chinese Honey moon THE NEW YORK OASINO CO. "With great cast, original comedy, lively music, sumptuous splendor of oconory nnd costumes, augmented or chestra, ami tho CHINESE HONEYMOON CHORUS Pamod for Pretty Girls. Prices $1.50, 91-00, 75c, 50c. Boat salo at box ofllco Monday 0 a. m. New Edison Theatre 143SUteStrect Week commencing December 10, 1001 Popular, polite, Progrossivo Vaude ville WALSH & MATILAND, Tho Red Raven Splits. DE SHIELDS, 1 Master of tho Silver Wire. THE ONLY HELENA, Novelty Chango Artist. COMICAL JARRETT, Dispollor of Sorrow. ETHEL OOSETTE, EDISON-O-SOOPE, Tho Moonshinora of Tennessee. r When you think of oye-glasses think, of Hinges, illinium iiiiiihiiiih AMUSEMENTS, i i 1IIIII 111 HH-H4 -f-uimit Hf TONIGHT. Grand Shoreacros. New Edison Roflncd Vaudeville. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Grand Chinese Honoymoon. "Shorn Acros." "Shoro Acres," tho most popular of American plays now being presented on tho English-speaking stngo will bo given a fine scenic production at tho Grnnd this ovoning. Tho scenes of this beautiful comedy drama aro laid near Bar Harbor, Maine, and tho characters introduced in tho play nro all drawn from life and represent in n most natural manner tho customs and habits of their environ ment. Tho plot of "Shoro Acres" is nn exceedingly slmplo ono nnd its sto ry is almost entirely freo from compli cations. Yet this very simplicity is an clement of strength and when tho final curtain falls you will not marvel at tho remarkable success achioved by Mr. Home's masterpiece. There aro four acts and two tableaux in tho piny and spoclnl scenery adds to tho effec tiveness of tho presentation. Possibly tho most sonsntionnl opisodo is tho lighthouso sccno thnt closes tho third net, but tho most interesting net is tho closing ono of tho play nnd its final scono has been warmly commended by every critic in the land. Tho pres ent company is virtually tho samo that hns nppenrod in "Shoro Acres" for tho past ten years nnd includes many players of recognized ability. "Chlncso Honoymoon." Tho musical event of tho season will bo tho presentation at tho Grand next Monday evening of "A Chincso Honey moon." And in speaking of it, "A Chincso Honeymoon" continues to go merrily nlong in Now York nnd othor principal Eastern cities. Tho critics of each city nro satisfiod thnt tho com pany appearing in that particular city in the best of tho twin organization now on tour. That is tho strongest kind of n compliment for the delight) ful musical comedy. It is tho most conclusive nrgument in support of Wil liam Shakespeare's declaration, "Tho play's tho thing," nnd Inter ono nuon- m i ii 1 1 1 tun mm ma in a unmn huh iihi iu- ol RINGS Wo place u very attractive lino of these, goods nt tho disposal of the T I Christmas shoppers. It. has been our privilege to offer n moro beauti- I ful und pleasing lino of Rings at a scale of prices nffejiflj; such perfect -r satisfaction to tho purchaser. We nro proud of our stock and pleased to show it. Solid Gold Rings from 73c up. A nice diamond from $15.00 up. We will bo pleased to lay nsido goods for responsible parties. I Fair Treatment end Low Prices. Jeweler and Optician 83 State St, Hunnminiiii n imi kih-h-ui im hi itimiinu A scene from . , BaLJgff, Cj3i 1 "SHORE ACRES" -,r"Sks-, jgL7 H ymous said thnt "good parts make good actors." Still for all that Man ager Sam S. Shubert believes in en gaging only tho best artists nnd n glanco nt tho roster of both "Honey moon" companies shows that thoy havo a strong list of truly good piny ors, particularly picked for tho roles assigned them. The big company from tho Now York Casino will bo seen here Monday night, December 10th. The New Edison. Following this week's bill nt tho Now Edison Theatre, tho management hns to nnnouuco another program equally as good, if not bottor, than tho present. It will nlways bo tho aim and policy to raise tho class of attractions to the highest standard possiblo. Judg ing by tho pneked houses, tho New Edi son has becomo a fixed star in Salem's nmusoment world. Next week Walsh and Mnitland, termed tho 'Red Raven Splits," will offer n specialty, novel nnd now vnude vill'c. DeShields is tho master of tho tight wire whilo Comical Jarrett, black faco comedian, completely dispels sor row by his comicnlities. The Only Helennis n singer of ability, and Miss Ethel Cosetto will havo a now illus trated song. On tho Edisonoscope tho now pictures presented will be most ro nllstic pf moonshiners' lifo nnd perils in tho romantic hills of Tennessee. Their tight with tho rovenuo officers is trua to llfo in overy way. Tho management takes pleasuro in announcing this won derful moving picture. Don't fail to see it. Tho show next week will be a very interesting one. Oar Had Accident. The South Salem car, which has been doing service on tho other sido of tho creek during tho repairs of the bridge, wns out of commission Friday night on account of tho burning out of tho mor tor. It was repaired today und is on regular duty ngain, much to tho pleas ure of the residents of the southern suburbs. 41 'liirr5 i A White Rotary Sewing Machine Would please a woman moro than nny other ono thing sho could havo for a Christmas gift. Tho latest stylo of woodwork com bined with what is truly tho most up-to-date rotary shuttlo machine on tho market and Yhat means tho best for onco n woman has used a rotary shuttlo machino sho wants no othor sort. Shuttlo instantly removable. Shuttlo will not clog. Tension indicator. Automatic tension release. Lock nnd chain stitch. And many othor features. Call and seo tho machine, Mr. Husband. Other Christmas Things A good winter buggy robe. A good storm apron. A good buggy whip. A good biko lamp. An olectrie hand lamp, or even a Tribune bicyclo or a buggy top. Call any timo and look about. F. A. Wiggins' Implement nouse, 255-257 Liberty St Parm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. Winter's winds on hands nnd face produco tho samo result as nn nx on the bark of a tree. Roso and Cucumber Jelly (Curosa Cream) gently softens and sooths tho chapped skin, removes redness nnd roughness, eradicates wrinkles, destroys blackheads. It is not sticky. Try it. Sold by nlj drug gists; 25 cents. NEW TODAY Por Sale. Feed potatoes. Inquiro of W, G. Kightlingcr, South Salem. 1217-3t , "Don't" THROW AWAY YOUR UMBRELLA BUT TAKE IT TO WATT SHIPP The Bicycle Man. Umbrellas made to order, Coven put on A fine line of handles and general repairing. Lost. Hand-bag, containing papers and about $4 in silver. Probably lost I on Commercial street. Leave word at Ilarritt & Lawrence's grocery. 12-17 3t Ladies' $5.90 jackets now ...'.$3.95 Ladies' $8.00 jackets now .... 4.75 Ladies' $4.50 capes now 2.50 Ladies' $7.00 capes now .... 4.50 Children's $3.00 jackots now.. 1.25 Children's $4.50 jackets now.. 2.75 Ladies' $1 dressing sneques now .50 Children's $4.50 long coats now 2.75 Ladles' $3.00 rainy day skirts now 1-05 Ladies' $4.50 rainy day skirts now ' 2.50 Ladies' $7,00 dress skirts now 3.95 Ladies' $1.25 black petticoats now 75 Ladies' $1.03 black' petticoats now 89 1000 ladles" handkerchiefs. 1000 'Ladies' 'silk handkercMef? "P Men's 39c China Silk, 'initial' and whito silk handkerchiefs salo price , 500 men's 25c silk ncckties'now 15 Men 'so mufflers i9j 35 fi0(, (worth double) Doll - 3,5,10,15,20 (sold everywhero for double) You never saw such low prices oa toys. Wo aro doing tho buifoetj in dress goods, silks and velvets. Wo could not tell you in a whole newspaper half what we have to sell you. McEYOY BROS. Corner of Commor. cial and Court Streets STOLE FARMERS CLOTHES Money to Loan TH0MA8 K. FORD. Over Ladd BuBh'a Bank. Salem, Or. John White, who was arrested for tho burglary of tho rcsidenco of C. E. Stnh, hnlf way between Hubbard nnd Aurora, wns nrrnigned this morning be fore Justice Turner, pleaded not guilty, nnd his preliminary examination was set for 3 p. m. Stnlil wns awny from home tho night of tho burglary, staying with his brother-in-law in Aurora, and reurned to his homo tho next morning about 10 o'clock when ho did tho chores, nnd immediate 1) went to town with n lond of clover seed, not returning until noon, when ho discovered tho loss of about $100 worth of clothes. He has a telephone, and ho quickly called up Hubbard and Aurora, but learned thnt no suspicious charac ter had been seen in thoso places, so he 'phoned to Salem for tho police force hero to bo on their guard. Tho polico started in search of their man, nnd lo cated him in Coffey's restaurant, where ho had been given a job washing dishes to pay for something nnd n meal. Tho Blolen clothes, ho claimed, wero his own, but ho seemed very anxious to conceal them, whero no ono would find them, nnd placed them in several differ ent places before ho seemed satisfied. When tho oIlcers arrested him, Mr Coffey, the proprietor of tho restaurant' searched for tho clothes, and found them in tho woodshed, covered up with wood. A Fixed Business Rule. Bill collectors and everybody else is hereby notified that I pay all legitimat bills on the first of tho month, with ia terest, insurance, storage, cartage and dead-horse items included, if prweated properly verified, at my placo of bnsi ness. But nil bills presented later In tho month will bo paid at only 30 centi on tho dollar. Take notico and profit by this notice. W. R. ANDEBS0N. Music Bolls. And sheet music. A very exclusive ly bought Christmas present is a nice music roll or several pieces of sheet music. George C. Will has an extra large stock. Open evenings until Christmas. it First Unitarian. Frank A. Powell, pastor. Sundij School nt 10 a. m.. Mr. Powell will speak at 11 a. m. on "Tho Law of Com pensation," and nt 7:30 p. m. on "Ge ing to Church." Young People's Bs ligious Union meets at 0:30 p. m. Krise No More. Marriage licenso wns granted last evening to Guy Sherman Barhan and Miss Nancy A. Krise. .WBIlllllill8MHlillllliHIH Have You an Eye l FOR THE BEAUTIFUL AND PRACTICAL? If yon have examine our stock of 40c colored Mt Hood Pictures for 2 5c. 25c Mt Hood or Multnomah Fatls for 18c New Boning Outfits AT PRICES TnAT WILL ASTOUND TOU LEATHER NOVELTIES LEWIS AND CLARK PILLOWS. Pillows, tainted, burnt and decorated. Also velvet, leather and linen pillows, either f iHisned or ready for working. Raw Skins Ready for burning, and kundreds of novelties in every Hoe VARIETY STORE ON COURT STREET ANNORA M. WELCH, Prop. t-t-Mmiii4-MHl''rrrT ' A MEN'S tO CAS : )'-'JV WOMEN'S q-.-W . SHOES! Your Inspection is invited to the heat nnd most popular line. All the wanted styles In seasonahle foot npparel. Let your next pair be $3.50 shoe from tho OREGON SHOE CO. :