Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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"ryssjRED f
dTTongBko 10 first-class wait
reBCS, for legislature. iu.ua., B.. ..-
Lneo. Willamette notcl. 12-14-2wk
Wanted.-$8 to $ia wcoiuy camy
earned by either sex knitting seam
less hosiery for the western market;
our improvod family machino with
ribbing attachment furnished worthv
families who do not own a machine,
on easy payment plan; writo at once
for full particulars and commence
making monoy; no experionco re
ared. United States wooien uo.,
DR. E. E. JACKSON Treats all dis
eases of domestic animate. Oflhtt
CI Ferry street. Phono 2341 Main.
Residence 17 Commercial street,
Phono 2011 Rod.
Detroit, Mien.
ff2&0ncTCB of land on Yaquina
Bar. or will trado for proporty in or
near Salem. W. u. mrser, us oiuio
Printing Office. 12-13-Ot..
for Sale Or will trado for city prop
erty, 181-3 acres, with, houso, barn
and wood, nix miles east of Salem. A
bargain. J. F. Wlsner, Leonard hotel.
B 12 9-Gt
Salem Iron Works Foundors, machin
ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinery.
Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc.
Buand & Marcus. 11-29-lm
Dr. Parvln's Btudlo Mow Open at
297 Commercial street, upstairs.
Piano, volco, armony, counterpoint
and musical composition taught, alio
vjolln. Pupils prepared as profes
sional teachers, singers or players.
Diplomas given.
Music Studio Mis Holon Calbroath, B.
M. room 8, opera houso building. Vo
cal, piano, theory, harmony and Bight
reading. lM8-tf
fo7"Salo. A full-bloodod Fox Terrier,
three months old; fino houso dog. In
ouiro of Clara Haslam, Economy
Store. IS-mt
Tor Sale. At a bargain. House, barn
and lot for $900. Fine fruit troes on
mace. Address "T." caro Journal.
Tnr Halo. Two vory fine building lots,
most dosirable location, well drainod,
and planted to fruit, near school
houso. Addrcs3 "X," caro Journal.
Would You Think It?
Ytr U . it.tMt. If w.elh1i ttlftt VflH
could be disappointed In tbe f aceof a wont-
in wnose snapciy suuuiuc, wu uw.--ful
hair suggest womanly perfection and
enuty? Such disappointment comes
aot seldom when the faee turned to you
snona uujujju.-
ing blotches and
blemishes. In
general the
cause of these
eruptions is im
pure oiooa.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery puri
fies the blood,
and removes
the corrupt ac
cumulations which cause
riUease. When
the blood is cleansed, pimples, tetter,
salt-rheum, boils, sores, and other results
of impure blood, are perfectly and per
manently cured.
"For three yer 1 wflered with thai dreaded
disease ..."writes Mr.. I. Koepp, of Her.
Golden Medical Discovery, which I did, andaf
ter I had taken fourteen bottle I was P"na.
nentlv cured. II has Deen a year nun i iuyw'j
taking your medicine and it has never appeared
since I think your medicine a wonderful cure
'.l,5ei--!Cr:. ....!. T rtM. will take it
anu nope (jinn. Bufc"n "- - --
and be relieved of their suffering-."
Some of the most remarieaoie curea
effected by "Golden Medical Discovery,"
have been of scrofulous diseases.
M will forever thank you for .advUIng m ! to
lake Dr. nerc-ooiu ;... ""---.
Hii shBet iri
Ml y ( II
Yl rC SrJt
Dr. M. Thorosa Schoottlo, Ostoopata
Graduato of foundor's school. Grand
Opora House, Salem, Orogon. Of
fice phono Main. 2721. Rcsldenco
phono, Red 2603. Assisted by Dr.
Madolino Stravens, lato of St. Louis,
DR. W". L. MBaCfitt-Qraauato of tbe
American School of Osteopathy,
Kirksvlllo. Mo. Offico in Broyman
block, Commercial streot, over Stock
ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phono
Rod 2413. Rcsldenco at SCO Summer
stroot. Phouo Rod 2541.
For Sale. Moving .picture outfit, in
first-class condition. At groat reduc
tion. Address "L. F. H.," Salem, Or,,
Kara .Tmirnal. 8-26-tf
UT '
Rooms to Rent. Twelve furnished or
unfurnished rooms to rent. Loca
tion on Btreet car lino, and one
block to S. P. depot Call on J. C.
Goodalo, 12th and Oak streets. 8-20U
Blacksmith Shop. Plymalo & Arm
strong have opened a shop in. the old
Glover & Patton stand, at No. B6
Stato street. Your work solicited.
writes Mrs. Jas. Murphy, ol Fonda, rocanonwi
Co Iowa It has cured me of chronte scrofula
or'tweWe years" staudlnS. I had doctored for
the trouble until I wns completely discouraged.
I also had chronic diarrhea for twelve year. I
am in good health now-better than I .ever .was
inmv fife, owlmi to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. I took several comes oi me wk
ery ' before I stopped."
Accept no substitute lor" women iucu
leal Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure d
ziness and sick headache.
F. E. SLATER, M. D., Has opened an
oflico in tho Eldrldgo block over
Fry's drug storo. Office hours, 0 to
12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Residenco
North Capital streot. Phono, office,
Main 27G3; residonce, Red 01. Spe
cialty, uiso .so? nf children. l ROm"
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, v
7:J0 p. m. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., N. Q
Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary
Salem Camo. No. 118, Woodmen of th
World Meets In Holman Hall over)
Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Fmlei
Consul. Wyllo A. Mooros, Scorn
tary. 1-12-lyr
Grand Prizo Masquerado Ball By
Woodmen of tho World degrco team,
Decombor 23, 1904, at tho Holman
hall. Resorvo tho date for a good
time- 12-0-tf
Sam Casto Public training stablo at
Stato Fair Grounds, norses trained
for road or track purposos. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
Ad Writer A good ad writer is
willing to writo a fow ads for local
firms at reasonablo rates. Contracts
made by tho month or year. Address
It, caro Journal.
Forestors of America Court Sherwood
Foresters No. 10. Moots Friday In
Turner block. Ira Jorgonscn, C. R.;
A. L. Brown, Sec.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Caatr
Hall in Hoiman diock, cornor iv
and Liberty St3. T-esday of mS
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner
O. C; W. I. Staley, IC of R. and 8.
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. iltxtu
In their hall In Holman block, tor
ner State and Liberty, every Hen
day evening. Visiting brethr
welcome. Emll Donaldson, M. W,
A. B. Aufraivco Recorder.
Chrlstmaa Trees. Choico trees for
public or private occasions. Order
early. Clarenco Blundcll, Morning
side. Phono Red 2060. 12-3-td
Ladles Troubled with a growth of hair
on tho faco can find suro, painless
and easy euro cure. Warranted harm
less. Send ono dollar and address.
Lock box 47, Portland, Or.
Two Car Loads Of hop wire to ar
rive about December 15th, and ono
car of wire fenco about January
1st. Discount for advanco order.
Walter Morley, 00 Court street, Salem.
Modorn Woodmen of America Or
gon Cedar Camp No. oz. mu
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clwl
Holman Hall, E. H. Matten, T
O.: A. L. Brown. Clprk.
Room 1, Bush-Broyman building.
Phono Main 1851. 0-S7-
, How's Thls7
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Bo-
ward for any caso of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Wo", tho undorsltrnod, havo known F.
J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and
bollovo him norfcctly honorable In all
business transactions, and financially
ablo to carry out any obligations mado
by his firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Mar-
vin, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken intor-
nallv. actinir dlroctly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent freo. Price, 75c per
bottlo. Sold by all Druggists.
Tako Hall's Family Tills for consti
pation. Bids Wanted.
Bids will bo recoived by tho undor
signed on thd construction of a now
bulldlmr at 289 Commercial stroot. Bids
will bo opened nt noon Saturday. Plnus
enn bo seen at W. D. Pugh's oflico. Tho
right is reserved to reject any or all
bids. E. S. LAMPOBT.
In Finest Variety.
Gold watches and charms for lndios
and gentlemen, nlso all kinds of jow
elry at greatly roducod prices, at W.
Calvet's, Practical Watchmaker, 158
Stato street. 12-10-ood-2wk
When you think of a watch for your
wife, think of Hinges.
0 '
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Giant Slide at Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion to Connect Mainland and
Government Peninsula.
Portland. Dec. 17. An immonso to
boggan slide, two thousand feet long,
is one of tho latest sensations planned
for tho Lewis and Clark exposition.
Tho toboggan slide will extend from
the high land on tho main land facing
Guild's lake, crosslncr tho lako and
ending at tho government peninsula,
whoro tho government building is lo
cated. Roller sleds will convey pas-
Siuigcrs, and the inclino Is steep enough
so that tho lako, almost half a mllo
wide, will bo crossed in a fow oxhll
iarnting seconds.
Connections with tho government
ponlnsula will bo numerous, but it is
doubtful If any will provo as popular
as tho toboggan route. Tho Bridge of
Nations, two thousund feet long, will
bo tho ordinary route, but an auto-
mobllo lino and an electric launch
system are also planned.
World's Fair In Miniature.
New York, Dee. 17. During tho next
two weeks Now Yorkers who wcro not
nblo to tako tho trip to St. Louis to
see tho world's fair nro to have tho
chanco to see mnnv of tho exhibits at
a little world's fair which opened in
Madison Square garden, today. Tho
exhibition includes tho principal gold
mcdnl attractions from tho Fronch,
Itallnn, Gorman, Japanoso, Austrian
nnd uthor foreign exhibits. Among tho
many fentures nro tho tho Yisayaa vil
lage, tho Morocco concession, tho elltt
dwellers' exhibit, nnd tho Eskimo vil
lage. Tho entire basement of tho gar
den has been given over to a Uupllcato
of tho "Pike."
Tlio Kind You HavovAJways Bought, nnd tvlilch lias beca.
. 4-taV if. . A .
in uso iot over iu years, uou uuruo tuo i&uuuu.tj w.
una nns ucuu. ihuuu uuuw ma in-
Ztjy- sonal supervision sine) Iteinftinoy.
Ait in.intnniiii Tmif nt tmitt tnnl .TiiHf.nH-irf mil ' nrd Imfc
ISsporunonts tliat trlilo witU and ondangor tlio liooitU oi?
"infimta and Olnldron Exporicnco ngainst Exporimonl.
CJastorla Is a Iinrmloss snustltuto for Cnstor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Sootlilngf Syrups, It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor othor Narqatle
euhstanco Its ago la its guarantee. It destroys Worms'
and allays Fovorishncsa. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It rolloves Toothing Trouhlcs, euros Gonstlpat!oa
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giltag Jhealthy and natural OM9
. r law A. VTU 1.1
Tho Children's Panacea xuo juouior-s ri-iuuu.
Bear th Sigirnt
Tbe Kind Yon Haw Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
th irru oomi, rr miR rrmnr. smotoiwerrf.
Journal at Out P. a to.
Tho Journal publishers proposo to
glvo tholr subscribers the benefit of a
great cut in subscription prlco for tho
coming year. Instead of making a spe
cial salo day on which to rocolvo year
ly subscriptions by mnll at $3, wo now
offer to receive subscription for 1005, if
paid at any tlmo during the romatndor
of tho old year nt tho $3 rato. All sub
scriptions must bo paid up for all oi
tho curront year, nnd for tho full yenr
of 1905, in ordor to get tho bonoflt of
this rate. Call at any time, nnd got
your Bpecial rate, but romombor that
this docs not count nfter tho first of
January. Undor tho special, cut rnto
you can get your dally for 1005 by
mall nt $3, or by cnrrlpr nt $5; thus
saving ono dollar on tho regular prlco
" IIOFEIt BROS., Publishers.
I Practical Presents
it ii ! '"""' "
w " ' ' SB
J Don't waste good money on fiyoIos
S presents foi? tne children, old and j
yoisngt when yoi can make them jtttt
as happy with something stthstantial. J
WM. BEOWN & CO. Hops. Mohair,
wool, hop growers' supplies. No.
229 Commercial streot, Salem, Ore
eon. Phouo 1301.
Cash Paid For poultry and farm pro
duco; also good apples wanted.
Capital Commission Company, gen
eral commission merchants, 177
Commercial street. 10-21-tf-dw
Bay Have you tried Edwards & Li'sch
tr'u for moata. We have tho best
EAusage in town. Come and try It,
and bo convinced. 410 East State
street ,
Hotel 8cott Newly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. RoomB
at reasonablo prices. In Cottle
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf.
SQUIBB FAEBAB Hop merchant
ana purcuasing ugoui. ". 7j
Commercial streot, upstairs, Balom,
Oreeon. Phono i-mi.
Bears tho
Slgnatura of
T. A. LIVE8LEY & CO. Dealors in
hops and hop supplies, mono xx,
offico room 18 Oborhelm bldg, Sa
lem, Orogon.
KEEBS BEOS. Hop Merchants, Ba
lom, Oregon, i-nono um.
KOLA NED3 Doalor in Oregon hops.
Bush-Breyman block, Salem, Oregon,
also Albany. Oiegon.
New Lodoino House Eyeryttilng
new, clean and comfortable. SctareiD
er block, 149-151 State street. Mat
tie Hutchins, proprietor. Phone
Evan's Btrbep 8hop Only nntU
shop on Btate sircu - -
new and up-to-uato. Finest port
lain baths. Shave, 16V. hair-cat VU
baths, 2ic. Two first-class boe
blacks. C. W. Evans, Propnig?u-
Capital Normal School
First National Bank building, Ba
lom, Or. Fall form of twelve weeks
opens Soptomber 20tb. Normal, ac
ademic, preparatory and business
courses. Address.
Salem, - Oregon
Koch Eeturns to South Africa.
Berlin, Doc. 17. Professor Robert
Koch dopartcil today lor bouiu Ainca
to ongago .in further scientific investl- f
dlHonsos. His last trip, devoted to tho
dlBtases. His last trip, devoted to tho
discovery of remedies for those dis
eases, was in behalf of tho British gov-
ornmont. In tho courso of tno prores
sor's investigations some thcorotlcnl
nnd scientific problems nroso which ho
did not havo timo to solvo. TUo pros-
ont trip will bo dovotod to tho study
of these problems.
A Washington. Dobutauto;-
Wnshlncton. Dec. 17. Miss Pnullno
Morton, daughter of tho secretary of
tho nnvy, wns presontod this afternoon
ut n tea given by her mother. A pro
fusion of bouquets mado tho drawing
room frngrnnt und cnrrlod out tho col
or schomo of pink, with ft sotting of
smilax vines. Tho assistants incluuou
muny of tho Indies of tho cabinet cir
Miss Morton Is a very nttrnctivo
girl, nnd is likely to becomo n bollo in
ofilclal circles. Sho is not yet iv years
of ago and rocontly completed itor ouu
cation in Forest Park seminary.
Birthday of Whittler Observed.
Amosbury, Mass., Doc. 17. Tho an
niversary of tho blrtTi of John Oroou
loaf Whittler was obsorved in his homo
tnwn tmlflv. Under tho auspices of tho
I Whittler Home association tho public
schools commeraorntod tho dnto witu
reading of oxtracts from tho poems of
Mr. Whittler.
R. M. WADE & CO.
' - ,..., ., . a iiill,llt- .............uml.HHItlllllSIIIIS
I :::h:::AGENCY O F:::m ;
Oats For Sale.
HOP OH0WEK9 SUPPLIES. Cfcic tni stick Solpbnr.
J. 6. Graham, Agent, 207 oommorciii st.. siim, o.
Welch & Whlto do a gonoral dray
and transfor business, meet all
trains. 'Phones, down town, Main
01 i rasfilences. Blue IB. red 2076.
Stand 218 Commentlal street 8-lMm
Hop Wie
We are headquarters for bop wire
or wire fencing. Call or write and
get prices. Wo can save you money.
Walte Moley,
60 Court St.
t " ' '" ' tuATKR rnMPANY.
lllm1frH.llf lliK'""laitaiii
Has boon taken to supply the ntock ol. .
lumbor In our yards. Our stock i!
comploto with all kinds of lumber.)
Just recoived a cor load of No. lj i
shingles, also a car of fine Bhake.
Wo are ablo to fill any an4 all kind;
of bills. Como and let ua ahow you j
our stock. ; ;
Yard and office aear t). P. passenger; !
depot 'Phone Main 6L 1 1
J t'mtMr
Pnr water aervico apply at osies.
Bllla payable montkly la aavaBm
ae all complalnta at the ogee.
CaiToT Your Stepmother
At hElemDTe Works when you wintry
s. olr ot gWTCS to mo "' ' ,:
fUt0 Mrs. O. H. Walker,
l165 Commercial Bt. Proprietor.
Pound Masters Sale.
Notice Ir hereby lvcn that under
tho provisions oi oraiuuuto a. -
1 will on
Friday, December 23, 1001.
at 1 o'clock p. in. at tho pound In the
city or Salem, sell nt public auction.
tho following uescnueu jujuwuhui-u
animal, to-wlt:
Ono bay horse, blaze-faco, rlgut uma
foot wbito. horsoshoo brand on right
shoulder, shoo on one hind foot.
Ono bay horse, sway-back, uig star
in forehead, three shoes on.
Unless tho above describe!! aultualla
claimed before said date, sale will bo
without reserve.
Poundmaster Serjath Ward.
December 24, 100L
:: Elite Cafe...
. Best meals In tbe city. Tbe best ; ;
uf .. J msIiiai sylfwitf
eervictJ sou jhi ".
; : E. ECKERLEN, PfOC ; ;
A Costly Mistake.
Blundors aro sometimes vory oxpon
slvo. Occasionally life Itself is the
prlco of a mistake, but you'll novor bo
wrong if you tako Dr. King's Now Lifo
pin fnr Dvsnonsia. Dizziness, Head
ache, Liver or Bowel troubles, iuoy
aro gontlo yet thorough. 25c at J. 0
Forry's Dug Storo.
Change In Firm.
t n Unlrfeman and W. F. It. Smith
havo formed a partnership, and will
n.int n rroneral blacksmlthing and
wood working business at 100 Chemck-
eta street, Mr. Smith having purcnasou
the Interest of O. Schultz.
Mr. Belgelman has been at tuo pruo
ent stand for seven years, while Mr.
Hmh l. well-known, having been In
tho shops In this city for tho past 17
years. They invito meir triuu v
call on them.
4 jm uamfirv TA..
S6.aI jTUtiUHnUlinim
a wnmBB
in tho race for supremacy In
pork products Is our latest con
signment In choico sugar
curod hams and bacons, and our
fiuo couutry sausages, loins for
roasting, chops, etc. Cold
woathor brings a domand for
choico pork in sparo ribs, pigs'
foot, hocks, tripo and sausages,
nnf wo havo tho finest cotnfed
and carefully-fed pork to be se
curod. E. C. Cuoss.
Have You Ever Ordered Your QroeerUa from
Hawitt & Lawrence
,, , ,. . ...r .J!TJZ Si t t
wave skid to ioe new patrons, ana uu - .
more San plowed. You will And thm at tbe comer of CommW
and Ferry streets. n inannanilfr