DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALBM, OREGON, FBIDAY, PEOBMBEB 16, 1004. DEeOMBERTERM vmmioaiv.iijrio iAum Vt , Tho following additional bills were allowed .nt tho December term of tho commissioners' ceurt: , Poor. vJ ' Allowed EeischmAn, Jns $ -.40 Wnttiof'Max 8.13 Iliglf, M M. 83.52 HugheSj?John Co 2.53 pacific States T. & T. Co 1.50 Richardson, W Y 1.50 Salem Hospital 159.00 Schmidt, Jos '., 6.00 Smith' k Jones , .-. . 30.58 ' Smith, Frank E 40.00 2.10 - 1.35 10.50 5.00 Tillson & Co .... . r, X Current Expenses, Brown & Lehman .1 Burghardt, W 11 Co, Culver. W J t Gault Printing Co ,' 3.50 Glass & Prudhommo .". 33.00 Hughes, John Co. . 2.50 LombkeChas ........ 2.00 McNary, J. II. 2.50 Moore, R. E. Co , 80.88 Moores, 13. T. , 7.00 Pacific States T. &.T. Co 14.30 Pattern Bros. 20.85 Richardson, W. Y 3.81 Rodgbrii,' Geo. F. & Co . .85 Roland, John W. 3.05 Scott, John It .' 4.45 Siogmund, J. 0 13.50 Statesman Job Ofllco 11.00 Black, W. E. Salem Water Co 13.40 Read, C. K. 0.00 Fryer, G. J. II 0.00 Howd, Wm. H 6.00 Simpson, Wm 6.00 Condit, L. W. 0.20 Judd, Geo. F. 6.00 Webcrt, Y. 6.00 Grim, W. 0 11.00 Will, J. M 0.00 Misslcr, Adam 6.00 Fry, Adam '....;... 6.00 Krause, Arthur 6.00 Hoidocks, J. A. W. , 22.60 Judd, Orcn 6.00 Qnterson, John , C.00 Mulkoy, A. M. 6.00 Stahlman, F. W. 6.00 Hoover, R. N. 6.00 Evans, C. N. 7.60 Egan, M. J 6.00 Patterson, Richards 6.00 Beers, A. C 6.00 Ganiard, J. N 6.00 Moisan, G. T 6.00 Cone, E. A. M. 11.00 Feller, Jas. P. 6.00 Hoskins, O. S 6.00 Vandolour, J. S 6.00 Murry, Laurence 0.00 Ehlen, W. II '. . . . v 6.00 llo tef, John 0.00 Smith,-' Jas 6.00 McKay, W. R 11.00 Savage, J. Ditmar, T. A Imlab, John ......'... Taylor, W. S Poujade, L. II. ...... a lit. T-l... -ii " , omuu, iiuuu x. .. . i i ... . .. f Jones, Harrison , Mantling. E. W. .. . I i .V. . .-5-. ., 6.00 : 'o.oo flU-' 6.00 v 8.80 6.00 .' 6.00 . 6.00 . 6.00 Parris, J. S ' 6.00 Stowart, W. H. B. 6.00 Prctts, T. W 0.00 Pierce, R. G .' 0.00 PATROL Wagon RUSHED When you think of a poach of a for Christmas, think of Hinges. C. 6.00 6.00 14.00 6.00 "6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 8.00 1.65 Coleman, W. T. , Byars, W. II 165.00 Citizens' L. & P. Co 43.00 Eskow, J. M. 12.1S Horrlek, B. B. Jr. ,.-. 2.00 Olson, Martin .' 2.50 George, Henry 6.00 0.00 Brothcrton, T. Work, C. H. .... Clark, W. T. ... Simmons, Grovcr Stcgo, C. W. ..., Stovcns, Ellis ... Smith, D. W. ... Wallman, J. E. . Rice. O. O Grimm, W. T '. ' 10.20 Hinkle, J. R. 6.00 PJatts, Wm ri 6.00 Susbauer, Peter .... 6.00 Scholl, Lawrence 6.00 Priest, Ed .. 6.00 Shumaker, A. J ' '10.00 Parrish, .Frank 6.00 Stoiwer, J. L 6.00 Bilyeu, Glenn . . 6.00 Anderson, J. C 6.00 Walter, Fred T 6.00 Cunningham, B ." . . 3.00 Clark, W. B. Scollard, John 6.00,Teter R mEJM iGct a bottlo of tho Bitters to day from your druggist and glvo it a clinnco .to euro you of e&Hoartburn, 3olchlng, fPoor Appctito, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation or Malarial Fovor.,; It never fails. Try it and see, also got a froo copy of our 1005 Almanac. It's very instructive. MvTTlhiUitLLLV ..STOMACH feiffiiA.3Uc Beardsloy, J. 0 3.00 Winstanloy, Jas 3.00 Savage, Lewis 3.00 Gorsline, Wm. M 3.20, Paintor, Phil r 3.00 Pcarmino, G. W 3.00 Horrcn, Levi 3.00 Mntthows,, D. W 3.00 Kirby, T. M . '. 3.00 Kurtz, E 3.00 Jefferson, J. A ... 3.00 Pope, T. L '?.... fl.OO Godfroy, Al .ti.... 3.00 Smith, Lyle G :. 0.00 Bonham, J. M ,. 0.00 Moorohouso, It. B 6.00 Durham, Guy S 6.00 Darling, P. L . 16.00 Miller, G. B 6.00 Aral, A. F 0.00 Rubens, Theo 6.00 .. ....... 3.00 Davidson, T. C ; 3.00 Balloy, J. II 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.80 , . . . . 3.00 ;, 3.00 .'. , .. -3.00 ..,'...'....'? 3.00 ,..... '..... 3.00 '.'. a V.oo 6.00 A crowd of nearly 600 people, in Portland, yesterday watched the patrol wagon, with gong madly clanging, ca reen wildly around the corner, and dash up to tho sido entrance of tho store of Olds, Wortman & King, tho well'fraincd I horses back tho wagon to tho curb, the blue-coated officers jump down and rush Into tho store, while tho crowd, which was growing larger 'ovcry minute, waited in breathless suspense forthem t drag forth anything from n shop lifter to a gory-handed murderer, but tho look of expectation changod to dis gust when tho freight lift came popping up through its shaft in the sido walk, loaded with empty packing cases, which tho oftlccrs began loading into tho wagon, whilo tho crowd dispersed, gen tly requesting thoir frionds to kick them, swearing that tho next time they followed tho wagon thoy would know it, a Salem man being ono of tho mini- ring ffllwVw I in UooKing' For Work? 7 Minch, J. P. . Weaver, C. L. . Lathrop, P. N. . Birdsall, II. M. Blinston, A. M. Parker, J. B. '. Mise, A. W. ... Simeral, W. L Eoff, G. W. Taylor, Harvey 6.00 King, C. W. 0.00 McCallistor, G. S 6.00 James, T. C 6.00 ' Princo tho Guest. Chicago, Dec. 16. Japaneso Princo Fishimi and rctinuo arrived at tho yards today whero they aro tho guests of tho Saddle and Sirloin club at lunch eon. Tho party will leave tonight over tho Union Pacific for San Francisco. I her. Tho secret of tho whole proceed ing was that tho authorities at thq po- lico station ncedod somo packing cases for something, and 'phoned to the storo to see if thoy couM havo thorn, nnd when informed thnt thoy could, if thoy would send tho wagon for them, they took tho patrol, which was idle at that moment, but tho driver of that digni fied wagon objected to being converted into an expressman, and so ondoavorcd to stir up a llttlo excitement, with very satisfactory results. WY Ono Couple Mated. Marriago license, was issued evening to Carl O. Voght nnd Emma lies. last Miss Christmas Hero. is coming, but Hinges is ' ONION CURES COUGHS, OOLD8, HOARSENESS A r.BOllo' dinaeflnanordoB. Tha old orlglnalllome Cum Sold by all Medicine Stores In large bailies (or 60 d Mad only by OR. D0SANKO CO.. Philadelphia. P writ ut wt will ttnl V?" 1 Samplt bnttlt rft A Sale Exit ao dmarj Fot Holiday Shoppers Fom 12 M. to 9 P. MM Sattmfay, Dec, t7th. POSITIVELY AT NO OTHER HOURS. Sale will incftide MotHs Ctains. Rocking Ghaks, Chittoniets, Clocks r Libtaty TablesJ Dressing Tables. Cente Tables and Musical Cabinets. Forget not tne timt ot place. - w&p, THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. NEXT TO JOS. MEYERS & SON. STORES Salem and Albany ! Dolls jToys : Games i EVERYTHING FOR ? J CHRISTMAS J ; Salem Gun Store I PAUL H. HAUSER, Prop. : Wall Paper : Latest designs in stock, nnrl vnnti wnrlc cntrTtn- teed. We have the small J, store and small prices I E. L Lemmon J 299 Liberty St J Phone 2475 IB I Enroll in the I. C. S. and you will not have to look long. The demand for tech nically trained men is far in excess of the supply. Ob tain the technical knowledge contained in one of our Courses and you will soon be one of the thousands that owe their success to our instruction. We can help you qualify at home, in spare time, and at small expense, for any of the fol lowing positiens: Mechanical. Electrical, Steam, Civil, or Mining Enslneer; Draftsman; Architect; Book keeper; Stenographer; Show-card Writer; Window Dresser; or Ad Writer. Write TODAY, itntlnn which posi tion Interests you, to INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools Box 799, SCRANT0N, PA. OR CilL OH OCB LOCAL ItLrRlSKJTATlTIl Schools, Scranton, Pa. Salem, Or., April 20, 1904. International Correspondence Gentlemen: In reply to your request asking for my opinion of your schools as a student, will say I am well pleased with your methods of Instruction, and the faculty you havo of making your lessons so plain and easily understood. Any person with a common school education cannot help but be benefitted by pursuing a course In which ho is interested. In so far as I have pursued my course, could not suggest any way to Improve your meth ods of instruction. I beg to remain, Yours truly FRED A, LEGO, Class L. A. C 625,334 Free Circulars R. W. WITTICHEN, Local Agent F. X. HOLL, Asst. Stpt. McKay Bide, 3rd P. Stark. PORTLAND. ORE. Begin Now to Advertise ike Big Fab It is not "too early" to start tho campaign. Get pcoplo to talking about It overywhoro! If you havo a friend in tho East who thinks of coming, givo mo'.his namo and address nnd I will start tho hall rolling. We'll all boost together. A. O. BUELDOK, General Agent, " ioo Third. Btxee. Qa. gnSSf 5 IS "POBTLAND, OBEGOK. UfflfTrVBlntto. Three Tralne to the EatS xarouita PiiHmn ...- tourist Blnfin!n ZT j." N Chicago, Spokane; tourist aw' cart dally to Kansa city- fi Pullman tourist .ws,. ' " ronally conducted) weekly to nS? go; reclining chair cars (seated to tho East dally. " 70 .v miiiwc ... ST- PORrToUcg?..IWAco Q wctjuivvaiy DSPAHT voa cnictkco PortlanJ Boenlal glfi. m ruiinnt-logton AtUnUo Kxpree 8:U p. a. UHnnt- FatUU e ir r. a. Bpokuia IVom Inund, Or. HU 1 ik. r. - w6rth,rT i&'iun""1"' ualc0 SSi ,m -Ku WWla Wall. UmSZa, pni rvink ...0' IWSLiSrXS'ESl Awan raojc t2SPl ':".. t: . Ocean and For San Francisco Every fire itjt at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way poteu and North Boach Dally (except Ban day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p a. Daily service (water permitting)' a Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask or write your nearest ticket agent, or A. L CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & NavlMH. Co., Portland, Oregon. TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaqulna leaves Albany 12 45 P.M. Leaves Corvallls i: p.u, Arives Yaqulna 5M0 P.IL No. 1. Returning Leaves Yaqulna 7:1R A.M. Leaves Corvallls . . t . . . . 11 : 30 A.11 Arrives Albany 12:1B PJt No. 3 for Detroit Leave Albany 1:00 P.M. Arrives Detroit 6:00 P.M. No. 4 from Detroit Learo Dotrolt 6:30 Ail Arrives Albany 11:15 AM. Train No. I arrlvos in Albany li tlmo to connect with tho S. P. souti bound train, as well as giving two or three houra in Albany before depart ure of S. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallls and Albany giving direct Borvlco to Newport and adja cent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbnsh and other mountain resorts leaves Al bany at 1:00 p. m., reaching Dotrolt about 6:00 p. m. For further information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T. COOKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CRONISE, Agent. CorvaUIe. ?L FULL STOCK Wo now havo a full stock of Hy acinths, Tulips, Crocns, NarciMOJ, Snow Drops, Jonquila and a nice a sortment of Chinese Sacred LUlei Would bo pleased to havo the publte call and inspect our stock at Saya c &FietcIi 322-324 Commer clal St. 5. ' ""ri O. C. T. CO.' PAMENGER TSAMERS POMONA and Altona leave ft Pet tlaod daily except Surv day at K) a. m. For Corvallia Dally, oxeept Son- day, at about 0 p. m. M. F. BALDWINS Star Restaurant iioa. xoa lutsua , with cakea Be 21 eal ucw 2.75. 204 Commercial street. for