"" 'ifEWfM"IWWIFf E1 "" ':t" -"iVrErySSyijiSISij lfVT, " i M'"4ipWy""lf'v' "f ?" rwwnpiew,"'"T-ipjK?'' Tonight and Wednesday, occasional j cooler. VOL XIV SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1004. NOV 231. . k DAILY A ITOAL JOIIRMM LAWSON WILL DO DENOUNCING Offered to Meet Colonel Greene in a Public Place War of Words Between Millionaire Oper ators Who May Yet Be the Cause of Bloodshed J GREENE HAD COLD FEET Z 0 9 New York, Doc. 14. Colonel 0 Green didn't go to Boston, as ad- 0 vertiscd. Ho announced this af- ! temoon that ho declined to make r i 0 tnrA nf hlmsnlf. and bentrireed on to an encounter with Lawson. m "I was hot when I said it," he 9 q aauutieu, uut m tf's""" " 0 ciosca." 0 New York, Dec. 14. President Win. ;C. Greene, of tho Greeno Consolidated Copper Company, of Boston, published lere a half-pago of bitter denunciation of Thomas W. Lawson, for tho letter's methods of advertising and raiding of Amalgamated and other copper tocka. it Colonel Grceno calls Lawson a jiaktr, charltan, liar and robber of tho poor widows and orphans. He nrt- nounces that ho is coming to Boston to tell Lawson to his face, in Lawson 's of- fiee, the very samo thing. Lawson has replied to this attack, and says ho will continue in his course, despite Green, Standard Oil, "tho sys tem" or any living being. Ho declares ho is not responsible for the losses of son than the latter docs with the Arizo na Copper King. Tho reply to tho message from Col. Grceno to Lawson states that Greene will bo at Lawson 's ofilec, at Boston, at 3:30 this afternoon, to denounco him. Tho Boston broker has changed tho placo of meeting to tho front of tho Planter's House, on Stato street, adding: "I herewith notify you that I will do all the denouncing that will bo done." 0)0)S0)0) ) POLYGAMY UNMASKED BY ; WIPE OF DEAD APOSTLE S Washington, Dec. 14. With tears streaming down her face, Mrs. nod Ellis, a former wifo of Abraham Cannon, au npostlo of tho Mormon church, who Is now dead, told tho sonata committoo In tho Smoot hoar lng this morning of tho plural marriago of her husband to Miss Lillian Hamlin after tho issuanco of tho manifesto prohibiting polygamy, and against tho protest of tho witness. At tho timo of tho marriago tho witness said Cannon had thrco wives living. Ho gave-aa his reason that Lillian Hamlin had boon engaged to his brother, then deceased. The witness thought Joseph F. Smith performed tho ceremony, as ho went away with tho couplo. It) 0)0) ( PEABODY MAY BE SEATED GOVERNOR OF COLORADO Denver, Dec. 14. Leonard Rogers, tho well-known Democratic leader, Po llco Captain Lee, and four other Dem ocratic election officers in precinct No 2, ward No. 7, were placed on trial in tho supremo court today, charged with fraud in tho rccont election. Thcro is n growing belief tlmt tho court will throw out enough wards in Denver to wlpo out tho Adams plurality of 6000, and seat Governor Pcabody. New York, Dec. 14. Tho Lawson ad vertisement appeared in tho London papers this morning, and created con siderable furor. The market fell from one-half to one per cent. London slocks sold hero on a fairly heavy scale. Colonel Greene, amounting to $5,000, 000, it is said, in Grceno Consolidated, or for tho drop in that stock this week. Lawson says that Greeno Consolidated nn(j jj0 was ono 01 mo Eiocus no exempted irom : attack in his recent drives at tho mar- ket. Everything is tenso excitement, and it is believed that Greeno will mako good his threats. Lawson 's rooms aro eloscly guarded by detectives, and Law son sat at his desk with a six-shooter in nn open drawer at his elbow. While Lawson 's roply is most pacific and speaks of Colonel Greeno in tho highest terms of praiso and apprecia tion, it also breathes defiance. Charles W. Barron, publisher of tho Boston Xows Bureau, has taken a hand gain and deals less gently with Law- Tramps Aro Plentiful. There arc said to bo more tramps in tho Willamette valley now than ever before at this season of tho year. Port land is said to bo literally overrun with theso, people, and tho strange part of it is that t,loy do not seem to bo in clined to work, and that a man can go into tho city nt nny time, who is really in search of work, and procure a posi tion. Salem has been having her sharo of theso hobos, and Officers Lewis and Murphy havo 103 arrests in tho lost 12 days, and all but 13 of whom wcro merely hobos, who wero suspicious char acters and had to bo locked up over night for tho safety of tho community. It is impossiblo for tho two officers to keep thoir eyes on 24 hobos in this 1 city at night, unless they nro under Donver, Dec. 14. At noon tho court decided to throw out nil ,tho votos in precinct No. 8, Ward No. 7, thus estab lishing a precendent which will prob ably mean tho seating of Governor Pcabody. This is ono of tho precincts in which fraud was proven, and many others will bo carefully scrutinized. Pueblo, Colo., Dec. 14. A special from Grand Junction says that 25 in dictments were mndo today for election frauds. WOMAN RETURNS TO OHIO a J MANCHURIA BECOMES JAPANESE TERRITORY Home, Dec. 14.T-In a Tokio dispatch received this evening, it is announced that Field Mar shal Oyama has issued a procla mation provisionally annoxtingt Southern Manchuria t 0 Japan. HWfr440)0)-WI44-0li0)l01'll,M, X I Is Thee a Limit ii To Yout Ptffse? n . 1 , , If there is wo can help you to keep your expenditures for II Holiday Presents Witnin the Limit f Our spot cash plan, together with economical business management, enables us to sell everything at a smaller margin of profit than "reg ular stores." WE DO NOT INCREASE OUR PEOFITS ON HOLIDAY GOODS n 11 1 1 ii 1 1 II " II I I II I I I) i cases and Fancy Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 14. Mrs. Cas slo Chadwick arrived hero from New York this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock As tho train nearod tho city slio ap peared nervous and frequently burst iuto tears, as sho feared a possiblo dem onstration. When tho depot was reached a thou sand pcoplo, many of them wofticn, sur ronuded tho station yards to catch n gllmpso of tho prisonor. Mis. Chadwick was led slowly from tho train, and almost lifted into n car riage, which was driven . hurriodly to tho federal building, followed by a great throng. Thousands of passersby on tho Btreet stopped and gazed at the vehiclo, thoir attention being attract ed by tho moving crowd madly at tempting to keep up with tho carriage. Tho grand jury today returned flvo indictmont against Mrs. Chadwick, four against Bcokwith and four against Shears. Othors will probably follow. Mrs. Chadwick was takon at oneo to tho ofllco of District Attornoy Sullivan, who hold a conferonco with her Clovo land attornoy, Sheldon Kerrusli. She was booked by tho fodoral authorities and tuken to tho county jail nnd placed in cull No. 14. Insido of tho cell sho fainted, uud a physician wns summoned. Her condition is serious, nnd fears on tcrtainod that sho will break down un der tho strain. JAPAN SENDS TROOPS Home, Dec. 14. Prom Tokio dis patches it is learned that S00O Japan ese -troops bavo been lnndod at Pigeon Bay, to rcinforco tho Japanese attack ing army at Port Arthur. Tho rein forcements aro supplied with a numbor of quick-firing guns nnd tronching ma-, cliincry. 0 Largo Steamer. San Francisco, Doc. 14. Tho Great Northern steamer, Minnesota, tho larg est ship ever entered nt this port, nr rived this morning from Now York. Sho will remain n short timo, nnd then sail for Pugot Sound, whoro sho will enter tho trans-Pacific service FIERCE FLAMES IN FLOUR CITY Fire Loss Will Reach Over Three Mil lion Dollars and Several Fatal- ; ities Resulted Minneapolis, Dec. 14. Jacob Miller and J. N. Follows wcro killed, and two other firemen injured in a flro which destroyed property valued nt $550,000, and which threatened tho retail district at midnight. Tho buildings totally de stroyed wero occupied by Boutello Bros, furnltiiro house, containing goods val ued at $200,000. C. H. Peck's photo supply house, with $50,000. Tho Bint liff Manufacturing Company, art goods, $50,000, nnd three buildings on Fifth stroot and First Avenue, occupied by small concorns, all owned by Mrs. Irono Hale, valued at $150,000. Tho Powers departmont store, on First Avcnuo wbb damaged to tho extent of $100,000 by fire, water nnd smoke. Tho flro started in tho Peck store, and for a timo threatened tho ontiro do struction of tho retail district as far north as tho West Hotel. At midnight appeals wcro sont to St. Paul for help, and two ongiues wero Bonfon n"Ypeetoa train. At 12:30 o'clock iho foiling- of? tho wallB of tho Halo block gave tho firemen a bettor clmnco to fight tho fire nnd tiioy succeeded in getting it uroles control. Jacob Miller, of tho firo insurance- pa-, trol, on entering tho Boutello bnlldlag with a lino of hose, foil Into an open cl evator shnft, and his comradca could) not rescuo him, but woro compelled to, witness his death from tho flame as hour lator. Thousands of spectators saw Tony Wilson fall four stories to. almost cortain death. Ho had both legs broken, and bin condition is crit ical. Ho was with Follows on tho fifth floor with a lino of hose, when tRcy woro driven out by a burst of flatne&t, Fellows was burned to death before reaching tho window, but Wilson tnra bled headlong to tho stroot, many feci; below. SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS Madrid, Dec. 14. Tho Spanish cabi net resigned todny nftor a stormy son sion. Largo crowds gathered on tho principal Streets and discussed tho resignations. Signed Treaty. Washington, Doc. 14. Tho arbitra tion treaty between tho United States and Italy was signed by tho stnto de partment this morning. Salvation Army. Ensign and Mrs. Mays will havo chorgo of tho meeting of tho Salvation Army hall tonight. Oomo To tho big chicken dinner and apron salo at Unity church this ovening from C to 8 o'clock. When you think of n watch for your wife, think of Hinges. CONSUL APPEALS FOR HELP Sacramento, Col., Dec. 14. Thcr Jap-t aneso consul at San Francisco today tolegraphcd Governor Pnrdoo asking hist oftlbos In preventing violonco against, tho Japanoso at Itosovillo, whore the) whites hold a mass meeting to protest, agninst tho hiring of Japanoso Iubor. Tho governor lias not yet replied. Opera Houso Destroyed. Stanford, Conn., Dec. 14, Tho grrntiB opera Iioubo building, containing tho theatre, ofilcos nnd sovcral storou, burned to tho ground this mnruug; The loss is $100,000. Whon you think of Oliristmas, tliinlc ol Hinges. Buffalo, Doc, 14. It was 8 o'clock this morning when Mrs. Chadwick awoko on board tho train bearing hor to Cleveland. Sho said "good morning" to tho reportom, and scorned in good spirits. Brcakfust was served her in tho stato room. Sho sont for tho morning papers, which sho glancod over, and remarked that sho would road them carofully be fore reaching Cleveland. o Attorney W. Lair Thompson, of Al bany, is in tho city today, attending tho Good Iloads meeting. C. N. "Pat" McArthur, of Jliokroall, if in tho city today on business. 0)0)0) 9 m GIRL 11 i! 11 ii 1 11 1 n u We earrv n lnrr-n Una of Dolls. Games. Toilet Novelties, but tbero ore many who prefer to givo Practical Presents To those we offer a splendid assortment of Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Blankets. Hats. Etc. Try practical presents this year, and your friends will npprccioto 'new. !! THE NEW YORK RACKET SALEM'S CHEAPEST ONE-PEIOE OASn STOEE. I E. T. BARNES, PROPKIEIUK titt&LA at ...., . . -..... .i.lllllUilmiHH DEFIED POLICE St. Petersburg, Dec. 14. At Odesso, on Monday, the pollco surrounded a house occupied by 18 revolutionists, who wero led by a girl 10 years old. Tho girl shot a police lieutenant from tho window of the house, which was barricaded, and the siege contin ued for 48 hours, ending In a band-to-hand fight. Seven of tho conspirators wore killed, Includ ing tho girl, and 11 were wound ed.. Two police wero killed and nine others wounded by the bul lets of tho rebels. Havo tho littlo boys guess on tho numbor of kernels of corn. Remem ber some lit tlo boy is to got that Locomotive Automobile oO&g rei&&$i Have tho ra tio girl guess on tho num bor of kernels of ' corn. Eo membor soma littlo girl 1ft. to get that BBAUTirtrn, DOLL. HOLIDAY SHOPPING Tho stocks that help In making Christmas selection delightful nro full to roplotion awaiting your demuiiuV. Holiday stocks aro ready for early shoppers, who comos beforo tlio crowds. Just NINE SHOPPING DAYS romain beforo Christmas. Why not do comfortablo shopping now by coming in tho mornings. jy jB Phenomenal Sale of Ready-to-wear garments Stiits, Jackets, Skirts, Waists, Children's Dresses All theso garmouts aro of this sea son's showing, and not a lot of shop worn garments. 'Twill bo to your advantngo to come curly and mako selections. HALF PRICE Today Only Special sale No. 200. Tor today only we offer a Christmas suggestion in tho wny of Pictures Itoady to hang on tho wall. A most appropriate gift. 15c Albums Our entlro lino of photo albums aro offered at a reduction of ONE THIRD Tho Largest and Most Varied Toy and Doll Stock IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY With Prices from 20 to 40 per cent lower than anywhere else. See for yourself. Dolls,, Tea Sets, Doll Outfits, Doll Purniture, Oames, Bulb Toys, Rub ber Toys, Wooden Toys, Pianos, Mechanical Toys Banks, Oo-Carts, Hobby Horses. Bargains for Mem AVo placo on salo this rooming somo excoptloually flno bargaiira foe mon in tho wny of Raincoats There aro Just sovoritoon in tie Tot, nnd sizes rango from .'15 to 40. LuU aro broken, which forces thoxa gar. monts to bo sold at onco. Thoy cvtir slst of genuine CravuuottOM unT rnfn proof goods In dark and light colors and dark mixtures. $12.00 values' 9,85 10.00 values 13.50 1S.S0 and $20 values .. 15.00 ye.no iruUtcs 10.00 Tea Gowns Just thrco remaining. They nro jnudo of Jupanosa silk, foil quilted;, and regular $10.00 values. Como tor day. $5.00 NEW NECKWEAR NEW SWEATERS .iiwiwiiwiiwifwni.------