Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 10, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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BAtt ciTAi, JdtfftwAi. sAiMf, 61861, SAStf&iiAV, Bgojatttoffl 16, mi, ,
-.n..,. ,-...
A.V ' '
York, Ppe. 10. jRopnbllCan' which cost $10,000,000, has been com-
leaders nro not ht all pleased with tho
nttitudo of tho Citizens' Union respect
ing the next city campaign. Tho unioh
lletcd. But there la still much debris
to bo removed, and tho district looks
liko a city that has been devastated
in announcing its intention to tako part ( by fire. Tho work of preparation for
in tho I campaign indicated that it is the building of ho great terminal has
strongly in favor of tho nomination of
an independent Democrat for mayor.
Tho idea of indorsing ' a Republican
who might bo named as tho candidato
of tho Republican party was scouted
ns prepostorous, and thero Bcomcu a
strong, if not butspoken, sentiment in
favor of tho nomination of R. Fulton
Gutting; tho .president and in a lnrgo
degree the fatli'er- of tho organization,
as its candidato for mayor. Mr. Cut
ting's high character 'and great abili
ties aro generally rccognizod, and Sen
ator Piatt has intimated that ho is tho
kind of independent Democrat that
Republicans might support, but tho
ldc of running a Democrat against
tho Tammany candidato has mot with
a storm of protest by tho Republican
press and most of tho leaders of that
party. i'Tho Republicans, in fact, havo
about decided to namo a straight-out
Republican ticket, boildving that tho
croat prostigo secured in tho Presi
dential oloction will carry it to victory
been carried on with remarkoblo cclorl
ty. On an avorago, 000 men and 180
teams havo boon employed daily in
getting rid of tho hundreds of well
built brick and stono structures that
stood on tho property. Threo immense
steam shovels, each capablo of lifting
70 tons in ono effort, and CO steam
drills capablo of bouring through C7
foot of solid rock in a day, nro used
in hollowing out tho largo spneo which
will bo occupied by acres of railroad
tracks and underground structures of
tho terminal,
Ono of th'6 worst wrecks of tho
many mado horo by grout building
operations is tho sito of tho Pennsyl
vnnifl.'rnilroad terminal, bounded by
Sovoitb and Ninth avonucs and Thir-tyt-fttlt
stroots. Tho work of razing
thoiftiOO buildings on tho property,
Ono of tho questions now being in
vestigated by tho commission on pncU
monin, of which Dr. Thomas Darling
ton, president of tho board of health,
is chairman, is whether tho luxurious
steam-heated apartment of modern
times is not' responsible in a' measure
for tho incrcaso in tho ravages of tho
disease. During tho past month thero
woro 032 deaths from pneumonia in
Greater Now York. Of those, 401 woro
in Manhattan and tho Bronx and 221
in tho boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens
and Richmond. By far tho grcntor
number of theso doaths wero in what
aro known ns apartment ' houso dis
tricts. Physicians who havo boon in
terviewed on tho subject of "tho mod-
Will give you a better light, is less trouble to
take care of, costs less and works perfectly,
provided you get the right kind.
Gives universal satisfaction, each (amp is guar
anteed to please, and they light with one match
Why bother, with coal oil? Get a gasoline
lamp this winter.
fl "tiAXiv 7 ,7A.O('tti
'tv v c&
Salem and
Phone 401 288 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
crn at a caso of pneumonia," give
divergent opinions, .but nearly all of
whom stnio that tho tendottcy of over
.heating .tho sleeping apartment and
lnck of. ventilation undoubtedly nro in
creasing tho inroads of tho disease,
Returning to tholr natlvo land ns
wlntor approaches, thousands of Ital
ian laborers nro crowding tho Mediter
ranean liners and tho outward bound
ships nrp carrying largo nutnbors than
over on thoir eastward voyages. Tho
cessation of out of door work in largo
public enterprises and on tho great rail
roads is in a lnrgo measure responsi
ble for this, and tho agents pf the
steamship linos say that in tho spring
tho emigrants will again become immi
Thero is little doubt that tho subway
has drawn an enormous amount of
traffic from tho Metropolitan Strcot
Railway company. It is said that a
study of tho situation, mado by per
sons' in tho employ of tho Metropoli
tan company, shows tlint tho subway
has not only taken away a great doal
of tho long, haul business of tho surfaco
linos, but that it has also cut info tho
cross-town traffic. Uptown residents
can now reach points off tho lino of tho
olovnted by taking tho subway cars.
Until tho subway was opened for traf
fic thoso uptown East and West Side
residents wero 'obliged to avail them'
selves of tho transfer system of tho
Metropolitan lines. Tho decrease in
tho traffic, of tho Metropolitan has
causod a rovivnl of tho rumors that
tho company will bo forced to accopt
a morgor -with tho Intcrborough com
pany at terms dictated by tho lattor,
but tho report is as dovoid of official
confirmation as heretofore.
i. A. AUPPERLE, President
E. W. HAZARD, Chler
A. F. HOFI'R, Vlco President.
regon State Bank
Jefferson, Oregon,
Transacts a general banking business; makes loans, els
counts bills and rocelvo deposits.
Deals in foreign and domostlo exchange. '
Collections mad on favorablu terms.
Notaries Public Wo tondor our aorvices In all matters ct
conveyancing. Real estate loans negotiated at low rates of
Successor to Barr & Petzel
Hot Air, Hot Water and
Steam Heating a Specialty.
Merchant Tailor
ixMrttftcei cutter and fitter. Will guarantee-all work Abo clej- J
la?, pressing and repairing.
QMra louse Block. Court Steet
ajfif lllWlWMil iiinnmf sjii,'
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Hattitt & Lawrence
t set, you an away behind the times. However, they ars si- X
ways f ld to o now patrons, and it you call on taem, yos will
isBvrv piewvru. iuu wju uuu uiom ai uio corner oi uosHereiH
4 Ftrry atracta,
In order to prevent further danger
from, lenkago to tho interior, ns well
as tho exterior of Grant's tomb, it has
boon decided to render tho monument
wntorproof, and tho work of preserva
tion is already well under way. Tho
system used is idcntlcnl with that em
placed in saving tho Oblisk in Central
Park. It consists in filling all tho
pores and intorsticos of tho stono with
parafflno, which is unaffoctod cither by
acids, by alkalies, by wator, or. by tho
gases in tho atmosphere Tho melting
point of parnflino is about 140 de
grees Fahronhoit,. so tho stono, to un
dergo tho watorproofing, must bo heat
od by hot compressed air to a tempera-
turo a littlo abovo this. Tho parafflno
wax is then molted and sprayed over
tho surface, and this coating is finally
driven by compressed air into tho
pores of tho stono to a depth of about
a quarter of on inch. It is ostimntcd
that by means of this treatment stono
mny bo kept in a stato of oxcollent
nresorvntlon for a hundred years or
Sleeplessness Is a
Sign of Nerve 'Trou
ble and Should
Be LooKed To.
Thero aro threo different manlfcsta-
First, hardly to Bleep a wink all night,
second, to Ho awako a Ions Umo before
foiling asleep; third, to fall asleep soon,
waking up after sovoral hours and then
find It hard to sleep again.
They mean that somewhere la the
nerve fibres, somewhere In the brain
cello, somewhere In tho blood vessels
that carry blood to the brain, something
is radically wrong, and must be righted,
or tho end may bo worse than death.
To right it, tako Dr. Miles' Nervine.
Some other symptoms of nervo trou
ble are: Dizziness, Headache, Back
ache, 'Worry, Fretfulness, Irritability,
Melancholy, Lack cf Ambition.
They indicate diseases which may lead
to Epilepsy, Fits, St Vitus' Dahco,
Nervous Prostration, Paralysis, Insanity.'
Nothing will give such quick and last
ing relief an Dr. Miles' Nervine.
"My husband had been sick for weeks,
.could not Bit up to have his bed made.
With all the medical help wo could get
ho continued to grow worse. He could
neither Bleep or cat. Our baby girl was
Bent away, and all callers barred, be
causo ho could not stand a bit of talk
ing. I read of .c caso of nervous pros
tration cured by Dr. Miles' Jlestoratlvo
Nervine. We began giving It to him,
and In a few days ho was ablo to bo
dressed. From that tlmo he steadily
Improved. Nervlno saved his lire."
MRS. A. Q. HASKIN, Frcevllle, N. Y.
TmtV Wrlto to us for Freo Trial
JC XVXiXi Package of Dr. Miles' Antl
Pain Pills, the New Bcientlllo Remedy
for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our
Specialist will diagnose your case, tell
rou Wnai is wrung, nu now ip rignt it,
ee. UK. aiiijuh niisiunjAX w,,
UllATUIUUUB, eiL'n.ilAKi, U1L,
HI r-W-f 1 1 H-H-HHH 1 1 1 H I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I
i! Will Be Retailed -
I j At Wholesale Prices
I Several Hundred pieces of choice
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 H
Woolen Suitings
I and Trimmings
Princo Fushlmi In .Now York.
Now York, Dec. 10. Mayor McClel
Ian had Princo Fushimi at dinner to
day. Others present included promt
nont representatives of tho commer
cial nnd financial Interests of tho me
tropolis. Tho princo has Arranged to
leuvo next Tuesday on his homoward
journey. En route to San Francisco ho
will stop at Chicago, "Denver and pos
sibly ono or two other points, his ar
rangements in this regard not having
boon perfected ns yot.
j For Men's and Ladies' Salts.
; ; rif Ice. Call and see them.
Mcisti fee sold at a sac- I
i 4.8 Court St.
Salem, Oregon
HH"HM"Mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 n 1 1 8 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n I ihiim-iw
MlMM-frftIf 1IH
II Books By William J. Long
Now York under n Tammany Hall
mayor has tho most oxponsivo city gov
ernment on record. According to May
or McClcllan's first budget,-it wilt cost
New York city $110,000,000 to conduct
its municipal affairs in 1005. Thero
nre in tho neighborhood of 4,000,000
inabitants in Mow York city at tlirs
moment, allowing liberally for tho gain
which has been hiado slnco tho census
of 1000, which gnvo tho city a popula
tion of 3,437,000. No other peoplo. in
tho world pay anything like this sum,
por enpitu, for tho oxponses of their
Miss Norma Mun.ro, who used to bo
an actiyo flguro in Now York life, hns
gono to'Pnrls and will probably romaln
thoro for somo time. Sho has takon an
apartment and has inndo no doflnito
plans for returning to this country.
After her brief oxporionco as tho as
sociate manager of n theater that did
not succeed, Miss Munro did not lose
nor interest in thcntricnls, Sho morely
transferred them to plnywrlghting nnd
sho is now an onthusinstio student of
that art. It is with this object that
sho has gono to Paris. Sho is said to
bo nbsorbod in her effort to succeed in
writing a play that will win her fnmo
nnd monoy, of which, however, sho Is
not much in need.
Wo now havo n full stock of Hy
acinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus,
Snow Drops, Jonquils and a nice as
sortment of Chineso Sacred Lilios.
Would bo pleased to havo tho public
call and inspdet our stock at
Savage & Fletc&e?
322-324 Commercial St.
A Natural Result.
It is very rcasonablo to suppose if tho
foundation of a structuro was removed
that tho building itself is bound to
corao down. This sanio princlplo can
bo applied to dlsoaso. Toko medicino
into tho systom that will romovo tho
cause of sickness, and illness will leavo
of itself. Dyspepsia, indigestion, sick
headache and .bllliousness have their
foundation in stomach disordors. Ro
movo this weakuess and tho other
symptoms aro no woro. There is ono
euro for this that nil druggists sell for
25c por box. It is Dr. Qunu's Improved
Wver Pills, They got right at the be
ginning of theso diseases and make the
euro by taking away tho cause.
For salo by Dr. S. C. Stone, druggist.
1 TfW'?i. - - ll ' ' ' '
Wash our Own Clothes
Well, that's your privilege; but
when you seo tho oxcollent work wo
do, and tho low prices wo charge
for family washing tho chancos are
that your noxt wook"s wash will
como to us. Noed not send we'll
call, also deliver on tho day wo
promiso it. Ask us, by word pf
mouth, mail or telephone, what we
The Salem Steam Laundry
X The Most Durable
The Easiest Applied
t The Cheapest and Best ;;
Give it a trial. Be con
vinced nnd satisfied.
:j Voget Lumber & Fuel Co. jj
' Office and yard 14th and Oak Sts. '
1 75c
Ways of Wood Folk
Wilderness Was
Secrets of the Woods
Wood Folk at School
Beasts of the Field
. Fowls of the Ait
School of the WoodsNet$ J .50
Following the Dee Nct $ J. 25
A Little Brother to the
Beat Net $f.50
GINN & COMPANY, polishers
Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston
wmu -wticf iat4K8Mi6taitt
I We Will Give Away j
J A 5c Toy with every purchase of $ t worth oi goods 1
AJOcToy " " $2 " f' I
AJ5cToy " " i3
J A 20c Toy " " S4
i A 25c Toy " " S5
While they last. We have several gross on hand
2 Saturday we will sell a 20c plctarefor 5c while they
sTfae Variety State?
92-94 Coart
Tukes lots of our show space and
storo space styles that nro bound
to win your approval and fit your
fcot nicoly as to looks, comfortably
as to tho "fool." No pocketbook
strain in our selling figures. Every
inducement to buy is nccordod you
horo, and wo cordially welcome
your examination of our footwear.
Jacob Vogt
09 State Street
j Huic Wing Sang Co. j
w m
New line of China and Japan Fancy Goods, Silks,
J Handfcerchiejs, Chinaware, Ornaments and all kinds J
of Gents' and Ladies' Famishing Goods, Underwear, 9
Wrappers, Shirts, Waists. Fall fine of holiday goods.
J Now on sale at cost. i OO Court St., Salem, Ore.
wmiimiinuiHiiiiii. i n 1 1 h i n m h in 1 1 h
Wholesale and Retail Family Llquo Store
! E. ECKERLEN. 258 Commeprt.l flM ' '
; ; Full line of llquoro and wlnea. Cedarbrook whisky formerly ti
. , McBrier brand the best for family use. All order filled and '& '
urerea m Uio city limit. 'Pheno Main 11BL '
vj-r -wT-r "
in ii 1 1 m mi 1 1 i j 1 1 inn h