tt -- .,fitfm m.ilwaW-f 'V . an J, .wsff w - nm,m"iv H Oyster Cocktails Aro just twlco as good if you uso FAUST'S OYSTEBS COCKTAIL CATSUP The best oyster catsup on tho mar ket. FULLER & DOUGLAS, SALEM'S LEADING GROCERS. 112 Stato Street. Phono 2261 SOCIAL EVENTS DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1004, In Honor of Miss Stoiwer. An elaborate social function of tho season was the "Hearts" party Wed nesday evening, given by Mrs. W. E. Sherman, at her homo 180 Chomokota street, in honor of Miss Mario Stoiwer, whose engagomont to Mr. E. Frank Douglas has been announced, Tho hostess was assisted' in receiving anil entertaining by Mrs. J. Ottcn and Mrs. F. T. Friday.- Little Roberta Friday rccoivod tho guests at tho door. Tho house was beautifully docked with autumn foliage, palms, ferns and mlstlctoo being ovorywhero' in evi dence. Red henrts woro used in lav ish profusion nnd tho rod lights cast a soft glow ovor tho whole. Tho ovening was ploasantly spent in playing "progressive hearts," the prizes being won by Mrs. Jos. O. Evnns and Mr. Thos. Wilson. . 0 A dainty luncheon wns served on small tablos set throughout tho rooms. Tho wholo affair was most pleasantly arranged nnd ovory detail was carried out in n delightful manner. Thoso presen woret: Dr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Mc Nnry, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. E. Fuller, Mr. nnd Jlrs. Jos. G. Evnns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs, U. O. Schucking, Mr. and Mrs. J. Otton, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sherman, Misses Mario Stoiwer, Cora Talkington, Ella Wundcrll, Irono James, Constance Holland, Gretta Looney, Ruth Gabriclson, Lelah Her ren, Ilda Jones, Nova Griswold, Helen Cnlbreath, Bertha Kay, Ruby Cornoll, Helen Stoiwer, Laura Berry, Laneta Young nnd Mrs. L. E. Hooker; Messrs. Chauncoy Bishop,Roy Bishop, Lorlng K. Adams, Marion Loonoy, Samuol Young, Frank Myers, Fred Theilson, Edwnrd Thcilson, Winlock Steiwer, Paul Wal lace, W. H. Burghardt, Jr.,' Kinnoy Miller, Levi Westbrook, Jos. Leonard, Thos. Wilson, Chester Cox, Douglas Jessyj, E. Frank Douglas and Ralph Zerchor. Goodo-Knowland Wedding. Thowodding'of Mis Carrlo Goodo ,to Mr. John C. Knowland was solemnized Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at tho homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goodo, on tho corner of Cap ital and Shipping streets. Tho decorations woro very pretty. Mistletoe, holly nnd chrysanthemums wero arranged very artistically. Tho ceromony wns porformod by Rov. F. V. Haslam, of tho Freo Methodist church, in tho prcsonco of only tho relatives of the parties. At 8 o'clock Miss Myrtlo Knowland played Mendelssohn's wed ding march, and tho couplo entered and took their places in a vorltablo bower of flowers and mistlotoo, at tho back of Honesty is the best policy : Schilling's Best: U biking-powder iw.i .Ave, lii j extracts pice I 1 Your grocer's; money back. whichfwas, n largo mirror, imbedded in tho foliago, and served to enhanco the lovoly sceno. A large lover's knot of satin ribbon was s'uspendod from above. During ' tho ceremony Miss Knowland rendered "Th'lno Own" in a very pleasing manner.' After tho con gratulations a wodding supper was servod. Tho brido woro a handsome costume cream crepo do chine, over cream taf feta silk, and carriod a bououot of Brido 's roses and carnations. Miss Lou Goodo caught tho bouquet. Tho brido is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goodo, of this city, and is a very charming young lady, and popular among her largo list of friends. Sho hns for several years held a posi tion as stenographer at tho Statesman office Tho jrroom is a resident of this city, and a very estimablo young man, Ho is a printer, and is omployod in tho Statesman job ofllco. Both havo n largo circlo of frionds, who wish them much happiness. Tho gifts wero mnny, and included boautlful pieces of china and sllvorwnrc. Reception. Mr. and Mrs. Knowland woro at homo to thoir frionds on Friday even ing at their homo on church and Ferry streots, and n vory plcnsant tlmo was spent between tho hours 8 and 11. Muslo nnd social conversation made tho hours pass vory quickly. Lunch was servod, and Miss Mina' Goodo dispensed punch during tho ovoning. Thoso invited were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank West, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaskoskl, Mr. and Mrs. James McCourt, Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter Crnlg, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Grnber, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bozorth, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. Minton, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mr. nud MtB. D. F. Cnrnes, Rov. nnd Mrs. Haslani and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Schantz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brant, Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Goodc, Mr. and Mrs. Albort West, Prof, nnd Mrs. Charles Jones, Misses Louiso Hoyt, Bollo West, D. Walker, Lois Byrd, Frances Llston, Ella nnd Bcsslo Schultz nnd Lena Pnyno, Mrs. E. J. Cornell, Mrs. Mary Day; Messrs. Chas' King, Albert King, Jay King, Bon Tnmplln, Harloy King, Jnck Gicsy, Arthur Lennon, John Steel hammer, Roy. Philips Honry Goode, Ralph Glover, Chas. Good and Chns. Knowland. BICKNELL YOUNG LECTURES Discusses Christian Science to a Large Audience 'Introduced by Mayor .Waters and Makes Telling Hit With His Hearers - vS" w Tho locture glvon at the Grand Op era Houso last evening by Mr. Bickncll Young on tho subject of Christian Sci once, was woll attended, nnd tho nu dienco was a most attentlvo one. Tho speakor Is n membor of tho .Christian Science Board of Lectureship, of tho Boston church, and a scholarly gontlo man, as well as n cultured lecturer. Ho was called by tho local Scientists to proscnt to thoso interostcd an authorita tivo statement of thoir vlows. Ho was Introduced by Mayor F. W. Waters, who said in presenting tho speaker: "Friends: Wo havo como togethor this ovening for tho purposo of listen ing to a lecture on, tho subject of Chris tian Science. This is not a now thought or subject, ns it hns been beforo tho peoplo since 187S. j "Tho purposo of thoso lectures is to correct any wrong impressions that may havo gono out with regard to tho teachings and practico of Christian Science. Tho world today is looking for something to relcaso it from its strife, turmoil, unrest and business de pression. It turns from ono new theory to another, with nlways tho samo re sult disappointment. "Students of Christian Sclonco do- claro that an nbsoluto and satisfying solution of thoso difficulties is found in tho teachings of this now denomina tion. Then why not givo tho subject of Christian Sclonco duo consideration; "Miscellaneous Shower." Miss Gcoco Babcock gavo a "show or" at her homo on North Commorclal strcot last evening for Miss LaBlancho Kantncr, whoso cngngoment to Mr. Owen A. Thonins, of Grnnts Pass, has beon announced. Tho Babcock rosldenco wns beauti fully decorated for tho occasion with ivy nnd quantities of large and small hearts, somo with nrrows pierced through them, other, strung in strings, wero draped in tho rooms most effectively. Tho porticrs botween tho doublo doors woro nlso mado of small red hearts. Luncheon was Served in tho dining room, which was also In keeping with tho "heart''' decora tions. About 25 young pooplo woro prosont nnd a vory pleasant ovening was passed Many gifts, useful nnd ornamental, woro roceived, and shows tho lovo and esteem in which Miss Knntner is held. Tho wodding is to tnko place at homo Doccmber 14th. the teachings of Christ Jesus without reservation. 'Thoy declaro that his command to heal tho sick is as binding ns Hint to preach tho gospel, and that thero is no evidence that it was intend ed for His timo only. It was scientific religion that healed tho sick in tho timo of Jesus and Ills disciples, and it does tho samo work now, and must al ways do it, sinco His lifo and work woro nu oxnmplo for nil timo, and His method wns a universal and imporish nblo hcrltngo of man. What Christian Sclonco Moans. "Tho steps 6f snlvation in Christian Sclcnco nro not unusunl. As in other denominations thoy involve tho admis sion or conviction of sin, sorrow for wrongdoing or repentance, and refor mation manifested in a corroctod lifo. Salvation in Christian Sclonco, how over, includes oxomption from sick ness, wnnt and woo, as woll as from sin. It Is not contingont upon death, but is a way of lifo, 'a way of righteousness. Christian Sclonco is founded upon tho Bible. 'Tho Christian Sclonco Text Bo'bk, Scienco nnd Health,' with kty to tho Scripturos, by Mary Baker G. Eddy, is a commentary upon tho Biblo. Other denominations havo commenta ries, but no othor book in tho world has over accomplished as much as this one. Thousands of pooplo havo testified that thoy havo boon healed, somo of them of so-called Incurable diseases, at Ml 1 I II I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I Just Arrived Zinn's Court Street Store An elegant line of Lowney'a X Chocolate Creams in fancy box- J T ea. KM Court Street. 154 State St. Phone 1971 J T nil miHHI Ull H4j Women's Club. Tho Salem's Woman's Club had tho pleasure of listening to a flno nddress glvon by Mr. Redmond Flood, of tho Everyman Company, at tho 1 ibrary room this afternoon. Tho substance' of tho nddress was a roviow of tho play, which will bo glvon Monday ovoning at tho opera houso. Tho play itself is n century older than nny of Shakes- penre's masterpieces, ami Mr. Flood's talk on tho subject was very interest ing. Ho is a fluent speakor, and han dled tho subject vory readily. Thero wero a largo number of tho members present. Woodcraft Social. Tho Women of Woodcraft gavo a very excellent program aftor tho regu lar lodge mooting lost ovening at their hall In tho Holman block. Dancing was indulged In, nnd tho largo number pres,- ent enjoyed thoscives untu a mm m Redmond Flood, of tho "Everyman" company, rccltod two splendid numbors and received generous applause. a JA Big Book Snap 1 9 Our stationery salo was a most gigantic success, ana wo nnvo 4 gj plnnned another two-days' Bale on books. Wo throw on tho Salcnr market today and Monday fully a thousand llttlo s, HANDY VOLUME CLASSICS J Making a price that will croato an unusual brisk demand. You'll $ wnnt to como early and get the. choice titles. Thoro's books for adults, books for girls, books for boys that will interest all during tho festivo senson. Sco our east wludov), "nnd read thoso pricos. 1 Book for 15c. O RnnLc fnf . ?.Kr z ""? - ivrr y books tot $i.uu. Thrifty book buyers aro not going to be slow in taking ndvantago of this sale. Follow tho crowds tonight to shop at I PATTON'S BOOK STORE "The Home of Great Things atLtttfe Prices." A sco what It stands for, nnd oxnmlno In to its purposes f "To givo ydu nn idea of tho magni tude of the work, I will quote som,o facts relatlvo to tho publication of "Scienco nnd Health with Key to tho Scriptures." Tlio first issuo was pub lished in 1875. Ten years later tho flOth edition of 1000 copies was pub lished. It has now roachod tho 320th edition, or 240,000 copies in 10 years, making an average of 2000 copies per month. In tho last threo months thero havo been issuod 10,000 copies of this book. Thoso statements aro prcsontod morely to show you tho rapid growth of this now-old subject. "Ladles nnd Gontlomon, I will now Introduco to you Mr. Blcknoll Young, n membor of tho Bonrd of Lectureship, of tho First Church of Christ, Sciontlst, Boston, Mass., who will address you." Mr. Young said In part: "Christian Stilenco may bo defined as the scienco of all that relatos to God, and is scienco not only" in relation to healing, but ns corrective In relntlon to all problems of existence. Accepted theories of religion nnd soienco havo scuffed at tho association of thoso words, but reason and logic show con clusively that scienco must relnto to through tho perusal of this book. In somo Instances this testimony has been givon in courts of luw, nnd has not beon in tho least shaken by cross-ox-nminnlfou. Many of theso enses In volved tho most terrlblo diseases known to mnnkiud, such us cancer, tu berculosis, locomotor ataxia, and in other instances such diseases as asthma, hay fovor, St. Vitus' danco and othors. "It is erroneous to supposo that Christian Scientists deny tho reality of things. Thoy affirm tho otornal exist ence of all things, and that thoy exist In tho dlvino mind in their porfect in dividuality and proper order. They dony tho mntorlality of things, Includ ing nil tho discordant conditions that material things manifest. Not' Opposed to Doctors. "Christian Scientists aro in no wlso arrayed against thoso who bolievo In materia medlca. They wero nil bo liovors In it themselves until they found in Christian Sclonco n mora efli- cucious way of healing. This way thoy boliovo to bo tho very best one, bo- auso It is God's way, ns shown in tho works of Jesus. Although charitably disposed toward thoso who practico materia medica, it is a well known fact that mutorii medica is morely an ox- N , Now is tho timo to; get that Overcoat off your mind and on'your back.. Wo aro long on ovcrcoatshaye them in Cn A n fr n r I n tt a t i fx jt . V. i V " "v wui Bigrios, lengths and pricos. .? $10 to $20 Tho coats aro mado by. tho boat Ovor- Itffi.JBiWTBPMlSfVA Coat maKers in AmmeiL nml tTiev r VGwWfomm$FZZim!l simply overcoat olcganco' a'ndporfoc- fl.XmfWm tlon" You'u cortainly.mako'no mis- lwsi&Mm-mJm ' ako if you buy your winter' Overcoat !ftA7TAW34lsBRSa3sW hero. AH wr ousts rich tod "without rnn. m&ssRi&: . ' i3f H uwvDioi rnmBBm tx -f 1 1 1 sssnici ib isb cmmr w &3VUkH9 J.JI.KIK''?. . twnnisMrae2w ' ; . . j.'.vi r.rJi5SUsBBKlft'. ' -, mIImBIIm Yn W"..ft. , '' pifcvtfjI!wLwRArw.M " vrmm "' . 4 ' ' 3?5Mnrap&B t-"-VJii"Rv.-,t...A,ii f -jl'J. TV)aWYVr:-,T1-J.V-esssa si "P mmmm h. rei,iaK!Mii".ffl .tii-'.''iJV' f lsissi w miir v SJ$M&?J :C',B?l!'Miwr'Mt;Z'i-m Dtir Tins list ai4Ai-ftanminta n . afcWK?:i3&WiKM - --- r i"ssait'j'H.?:j;ri)ri5-)ssjs u ... . M7.vXK3tiAiM on "" noaas or our castomors. WMt: !siS$3&&llHB & man wants roal good style, good val- !V.-!,MiMk'i:y.ViiBhi . . .....' K-iySSxXW uo nnu ats""0 satisfaction m a hat & l$$HMsPP comos aero for it. We sou hats that. ujuis a man dscjc again ana agaaa. on tno very neat trade in the city. This week wo are giving a redaction on our hats, which will pay you to tako ndvantago of. ,, $4.00 Hts, now $2.50 $3.00 Hats, now $2.50, $2.00, $t.50 $2.50 Hats, now $.50, $.00 Salem Woolea Mill Stote, C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor LflssMtV Ic.sHFjKaB'Eism JbkH piv'' f'.'C'iM iistMiV6ai,?ivS'sr;4iwi ihV aH mw wo t CeM V f tlon, hypnotism, will power, mental science, which is spurious nnd not Ta inted to Christian Seionco, or somo othor orronoous or material bcliof. Christian Seionco, liowover, doclnro that It is God who heals diseases through Christian Scienco, nnd thoy of nil pooplo know best. . Tho Discovoror and Founder. "Wo senrcoly daro to think what tho world would havo boon had not thoro appeared from timo to tlmo a mnn on woman good enough and great enough to bo touohod by eternal truth, nnd brave and solf-sncrificing anough to stand for It. Mrs. Eddy dlscorno,d nnd proclaimed to tho world tho God-glvon frcodom Of tho raco from all slckuoss, sin, want and woo. Sho rovcalod tho sclcnco by which men may bogln to ronllzo that freedom and outer upon thoir heritage of dominion ovor ovil. Somo timo this knowlodgo had to como. According to tho promlso of Josua, it was to bo tho spirit of truth, the com forter loading into all truth. Somo.ono had to bo good and puro nbovo nil oth ers in order to porcolvo It. Any groat djflcovory along a given lino is always inndo by ono whoso thoughts, desires and studies aro reaching beyond thoso of other pooplo. ' "That Christian Sclonco hns, n phico in tho world's thought today is dim en tirely to Mrs. Eddy. Thoro was a tlmo when sho stood absolutely nlono with God, nnd incurred tho ridlculo of Igno runco and tho hostility of theoretical forms of religion unit iiiiitorlal modes of modicine because of her discovery of Christian Scienco, Todny tho wholo world is uplifted by hor teachings and oxamplo, nnd becnuso of tho human thought Is rising somewhat from tho depths of gross materialism. Thoso nro tho simple acts. I should consldor It prosumptous to prniso Mrs. Eddy, A charactor touchod by the deopont hu mility nnd Illumined with lovn to G.-vU and compassion for mnn is Chrlstllkai It ncoda no eulogy'. Hor lifo is an opon book, whcroln is rocqrded J,only good deeds, Tho signs. ;of.lheso times nro prophetic. Tlioy point to tho gratltudo to God that s appearing inijtho hearts of monitor tho Ufa amU works of tho leader of this groat movemonl, dostlnod as it Is to accomplish' tho regeneration of mankind." - - - ,; This Is tho Timo' f Of year whon tho busy housowlfo would Uko to bo rid of tho .weekly wash, which can bo douo at So per pound, rough dry. Lot our collectors call nnd explain' this work. Our wool ons nro sterilized. Superior work, min imum cost. Saiem Steam Laundry. A Preventative. My face has always boon sensitive, nnd I havo boon Busoeptlblo to catching cold after shaving. You) Curosa Cream (Rose and Cucumbdr Jelly) I have found soothing and a preventative ngninst cold. GEO. WESTEKVELT, 108 Fulton Btroot, New York. till HW 1 1 I Ull M I I :: Substantial :: Meals... :: at tfie ' I J White House ; Restifrait George Bros. Props. I i inn mmm ii i u mumi "The Toggety" HOLVERSON & YANTIS PROPRIETORS la order to make room for our new line of men's furnishing, and Iocs, we are offering all of our ladles, misses and children's shoes at their actual COST. , , .. We are feot exaggerating. We have no trash to dump upon tho peo ple. There L nothing hero but a good clean stock mado by custom boemakors. This is positively tho best shoe bargain ever offered, and ben wo tell you to come in and take your choice of any of tho above mentioned shoes at COST, "and we will show you the cost mark, We Mean Exactly Wnat We Say truth, and thoroforo to God, since God porlmontal system. Surely, aftor 4000 is tho causo and basis of all that is years, it ought to bo beyond this stage. Furthermore, It is a self -confessed con dition of weakness that combinations of modical sooiotics and the medical fruternlty gonorally should como be foro our legislatures demanding special legislation, tho tendency of which Is almost invariably to shut out all other systems. Nor can any valid oxcuse bo given, as far as Christian Scienco is concerned, on tho ground of protection to tho public, sinco Christian Scientists true. "Christian Scienco docs not proclaim a new God nor a new law, but comos declaring tho same God and tho same law that Jesus dcclarod, tho ono infin ite eternal God, who is good, and his good and unchangcablo law. Christian Scienco declares tho omnipotence, om niscience and omniprcsenco of God, as do all other denominations, and upon that basis shows that ovil has no power, knowledge or presence; in other words, do not advortlso nor sanction quack that it is unreal. ory, nnd they believe In obeying tho Science novcr ascribes regulations of health boards in rela tion to contagious and other diseases. "Christian evil to God or makes Illm In nny way responsible for it, but shows that evil originates in a belief of material exist enco entirely apart from God, and uu How Disease Is Cured "Thoso who boliovo that mentality plays somo part in diseaso and its cure supported by science or truth. Of all generally look in tho wrong direction, people, Christian Scientists believe and say that tho cares of Christian most absolutely in Christ. They accept 8cleuce are effected by mental sugges- Holiday Goods The Cheapest and Best Assortment in the City. Dolls, Games, Picturo Books, Toilet 'Oases, Manlcuro Sots, Ilandker chiof Boxes, Glove Boxos, Jowel Oases, and all kinds of Celluloid Goods, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Photograph Cases, t Fancy Handkerchiefs and Neckwear Steam Engines, , Steamboats', Locomotives, Loop tho Loop, Babbits, Magic Lanterns, Doll Furnituro. Wo boliovo our fur dopartment is tho largest in tho city, and our prices aro from 25 to 50 per cent lower than any store In town. From 69c to $25.00 Little girls, don't forget the guessing contest.. Seo window; $7.60 set of dishes free if you can guess tho number of beans in the jar, THE BEE HIVE, SSf ON I i wtTJ'fl,