Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    "w--'Tr '
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fifcv. . 8Y HOFER BR08.
r- SHBi
" -..
JC ? MAY, 1904, 1J3.237.
Oh, Christmas-tide Is coming soon with
inlrtli anil mcrfy cheer;
Tis thno to think of presents now for
4 , all our frlonds so dear..
What mutter if wero Veryf- poor, and
dostltuto of pelf, j,
why, don't you know? tuof nicest gifts
nro those you makp yourself! .
IVo'lltako n.brokon8ewottiplpe for an
- umbrella jnr? ' & T
Justu? a coat of gilt paint on and'
there's n gift for pal i
A sofa pillow for mamma oli, how her
. eyes will danco;
Shoill .never guess 'twas pneo n pair of.
father's cast-olT pants. "
tA quinine pill bos pnintod bluo will
irinkoj n'- b'onlfohlerre, " ' i
A picture pasted on the top to givo a
'stylish air; i
3'Vvm xinclo's old suspenders wo cnn.
fix a bolt for Kate,
And mark it "Prico $2.00 j" it will
.plcnso hor, surons fate.
An empty pleko-bottlo will mnko such
a lovely vase,
Tlo scnrlot ribbon 'round It, jlnbol
"With much love for Graco?"
A box with inn's old wrapper too, up-
bolstered nico and nent, '
"Will bo a hundsomo 'ioot-stool for our
dear old grandma's foot.
Oh, wont our frlonds bo gind to got'
theso presents wo hnvo madol
a Prehistoric Playl
lmagino Billy Faversham
a certain DcmocratRKfnctlon to gct
county offices. fl $'
Tom Cornelius had botli'-thcso ele
ments to contend with. The bosses who
want to collect' blackmail from vico
didn't wnnt him.
That Is why n Republican faction
dominated by a boif and office-holder,
fought secretly for tlfo election of Skip-
After winning tho nomination two to
one. and carrvinrr thn election over'
, .,, . -, -- . uv, "
all unfair means, a fight is to bo made , It ls jugt tho
in the courts. ; , " in n dll
both sides, as thcro always Is, tho bulk
of it was used against Tom Cornelius,
In' this way
It wns widely circulated by thosoop
posud to him ilint ho would rcinstato
Ad. Dilicy, if ho was elected, which
uover wns true.
Mr. Dilley has an appointment nt tho
asylum farm, and will not bo nn appli
cant for a placo on tho Salem police
Whijo ho is a warm personal friend
of Cornelius, ho hns always been count
cd with -tho faction that fought Corno
11ns at tho primaries and at tho clec-.
tion. ' . " - ' '
It ivns cnrrlcd to all tho saloon keep-
era "Ufa Cornelius was tho tool of Prof.
Drew, and Prohibitionists wore do-
col ved tho other way. Ho could not bo
Tho olection contest that has now
boon carried into tho courts will' bo
found bneked by tho Democratic poli
ticians who wnnt to get into power in
this county, and tho Bepublican boss
es who do not wnnt a Jlopublican chief
of pollco unless ho will Iovy trlbuto on
vico for tjliem to carry on politics with.
As Tom Cornelius lias boon elected
by tho pcoplo against nil theso combi
mh m TieR v V im a. s
(All tho Books and Magnzincs 'mentioned in this paper aro supplied to tho
trado by Pntton Bros., stationers and booksellers, Salem, Oregon.)
' The- Prehistoric Play.
nftbr fashion, as Mr.
Boffin would havo
Elsie Casiolgno KingraJn 'Leslio's for called them in which Holcn and Boynq
' December. ' Sjj " in tho positions, of social aUvJsorjtandj
lou may mnko your dolls speak soul- tutor, or as tho call ono another, "Uy-
fully, mornlly, profanely; clopodln of Etiquetto" and "Class!
samo old twaddlo done cal Dictionary)" aro first brought to
different wayli Igether. "
Tho things are staged divinely, but
wo 'ro, after more than sjSjnorv. , Eoyiew of Eoviows,
Givo us something thnt is.novel-r-say, ' 8ovcrnl years-ago tho daughter of the
I poet Longfellow paid a visit to the
Ojibway Indians on. tho north Bhoro of
costume I Lake Huron, and for her benefit tho
I Indians cave a presentation of thoir
"Iliawntha." Since that timo
thp play has been given ovory summer
nenr tho villngo of Dcsbnrats, on Geor
gian bay, and thoso who hlivo beon
privileged to see it aro enthusiastic in
their prniso of tho Ojib ways' intorpro
tation. Tho play and its accessories
are fully described In tho December
number of tho1 Review of Kovlows by
Mr. Willlnm C. Edgar, nud his articlo
is illustrated from photographs of tho
Without his Cockney accent, and with : piny
mastodons to slay;
Or our dajnty, blg-cycd Amia
Paleozoic damsol, . ,
Thcro 'd bo'many contradictiblis' in a
Prehistoric Flay, ,
What splondid opportunities for Noth-
crsolo or Cnrter.
To appear hi just a bearskin hung
exceeding negligee;
It would cut out tho Du Barry and the Indian nctors in costume,
stnir-nscending Sappho
Prom their hearts, if thoy might fig
uro In a Prehistoric Play!
TTlioy'ro sure to put nil purchnsod gifts
nway baqk in tho shade.
Tor naught's so uscloss, worn nud old
but by dovlco or shift
"Wo"ll utilize it somehow for a homo
made Christmas gift.
Elsto Duncan Yalo In tho Decembor
Woman's Home Companion.
Tho Journal dovotcs another rovlow
to tho quostlon of a good business pro
itrnm for tho next legislature
"This is tho mnttcr of tho utmost 1m
jiortnnco to tho people, nnd to tho Ho
publican party.
,JAa this city nnd school district nnd
Mnrlon county havoigot onto a rntlon
nl bnsis of government, why should not
tho state do sof
Thoro nro thoso who look upon tho
luglslnturo ns a gront grnb-bng, as a
lianco to got ollice, or to reward
nntions, nnd should bo doclnrod clcctod
by tho Republican city council, It ro
mnins to bo scon whether tho conspir
acy to unseat him will provnil.
It Is up to tho city council to sny
whothur a clenn mnn, honestly elected,
is to bo sustnined. It is up to tho reg
ular Ropubllcun organization to say
whether a Republican, nominee, honest
ly elected, shall be unseated at tho dic
tation of unscrupulous bossism.
0, our masters! Doubting Thomas!
Bravo Belasco! Wily Frohmnn!
We, your all submissivo public, come,
our littlo prayer to prayl
Wo havo tired of romances, comic op-
oras, farces rural
Givo to, us to speed our ennui, one
Prohistoric Play!
Will Discuss Christian Science.
Next Friday ovcnlng will bo present
ed nt the Grand Opera IIouso nn nu
thoritlve locturo upon ono of tho fore
most topics of modern times. No sub
ject is so thoroughly in tho public mind
today as Christian Sionco, and nn op
portunity to hear It' discussed by uno
who is virtually an official spokosmnn of
tho movement will bo appreciated by
all persons who Uko to Investigate groat
questions nlong affirmative- linos. Tho
This 1ins led to n Btnto tux levy of speaker is Mr. Bicknoll Young, of Chi-
Tho Man on tho Box.
This will bo tho great socloty ro
mnnco of tho" winter tho fad of mnrry
Ing your conchmnn rendered nttractive
enough for any beautiful woman to
ongngo In tho delightful enterprise.
Harold MncGrnth, author of tho Grey
Cloak, tho Puppet Crown, does not in
dulgo himself in literary mysteries,
stock phrases or property heroes. He
uses good, nervy, graphic, fetchy Eng
lish. Occasionally thoro Is n lnpse ,
showing that ho is not to tho manor
born, but as not many American so
ciety pcQplo nre, his languago fits ex-
tromoly well. Bobbs-Mcrrill Co.
Loslie's Monthly.
Tho 21 contributions in Leslio's for
Decombor nre as expressive of the real
spirit of Christmas as is tho gay nnd
attractive cover of the magazine- Itself.
In tho list of 'contents is nn nccount
by Dr. Grenfell, tho famous Labrador
missionary, of his work nlong that coast
nnd of tho heroic deeds of t.ho fisher
men and their wives, nnd nn excellent
littlo nrtfclo by Annio Payson Call
about Christmas. Tho story of tho
forolgn nctors and actresses who will
tour America this winter is illustrated
with a number of attractive portraits,
nnd tho third articlo about tho theatri
cal syndicate, which takes up tho deal
ings of tho critics and playwrights with
tho trusts, is tho best of the scries. Be
sides theso nro eight short stories, a
thrilling nccount of ono of tho battles
6f tho Russo-.Tapancso war, told by a
Jnpaneso officer.
'' ssssssssMlKmrJH , u
Harold McGrath, Author of "The Man on tho Box."
right mills, to appropriations out of nil
looping wIMi tho ability of the tnx
payor to pay.
Tho past disposition has been to fight
tiomo littlo graft, nnd lot the big stenls
nltp through, and then hlnmo some ono
The Kepublicnns havo more thmv two
birds of both houses, nud nro absolute.
TimjrturH, ijftho situation,
inoy can iioiiuorateiy ndopt n pro
firain of their nwn, or bo compelled to
out tho governor's program.
Republican purb' owos it to
itself and tho people to give thorn relief
from high tuxes, nnd tho accumulation
4f gigantic -grafts.
Tho olHou of chief of pollco "IS" very
iii'uoh sought in tho city of Snlcm, for
two reasons;
Republican bossos want tho office for
te power It givos thorn in rouiuling up
tljo noxl iirlnmrios, and levying trlbuto
il vied.
"Tho pomocrntic politicians wnnt it
becnuso It hns $1000 salary, and helps college.
cago, nnd ho will nddrcss tho pcoplo
of Salem 'In bohalf of tho local Scion-
A John Fox Book.
"Christmas Evo on Loncsomo" ,, iq
tho titlo of'n bunch of six talcs by tho
Kentucky writer of foremost note nt
present. Tho volumo ')ms colored pic
tures nnd literary merit of high order.
His greatest works nro "Tho Kcntuok
inns" and "Little Shepherd to King
dom Come." Theso short talcs relate
tho hard lifo of earth-stained moun-
tlsts. Ho will speak for tho purposo of tninecrs. Thero-Js djnlcct nnd action,
clearing up misunderstandings nnd mis-1 intense action, nnd color, color equal to
conceptions of this modorn vorsion of Kipling nt his bost. Fox muy bo
Christianity, nnd all who nro interest- dubbed tho Kentucky Kipling. No nd-
ed lu tho snbjoct, or prejudiced against ' mlrcr of Fox. should miss Ids' oightlr
it, nro cordially invited to nttond. Tho
lecture is free, nnd begins nt 8 o'clock
In tho evoniug.
Athlotos Interested.
AtlilutcH from nil over tho Pnclfic
north wost nro showing a lively inter
est in tho athletic contests which will
bo a feature of tho Lewis and Clark
centennial. H. H. Conibear, director
of athletics at tho University of Mon
tana, has written thnt Ids unhnnl will
send a team of 10 men to take- part j ( California. " This story is nn Atfnntla
-. t
volumo. Chnrles Scrlbnor's Sons.
Hero's n novo! worth reading by
Mary Austin, tho famous writer of Cut
iforuia -romances. Yet not a romance,
but transporting ono Into tho realities
of medioval mission Cnliforin. Sluco'
"To Have and to HoliV was published
thcro hasn't begun to bo anything equal
to 'Isldro." Tho people, tho sccnory,
tho sky, tho atmosphere it is nil "alto
Electrical Chimes at the Fair.
Electrical experts are at work upon
an extremely novel fenturo for tho
oponjiig oxorcises of tho Lewis and
Clark centennial exposition on Juno 1
Tho scheme is to hnvo Prcsidont
touch n button thnt will sot in motioi
the machinery for tho western world'i
fair, nnd it is thought there will ben
difficulty In nrranging for tho addi
tional fcaturo of tho chimes.
Revolution Imminent,
A sure sign of approachine molt
Roosovelt at Washington touch a few nnd serious troublo in your system u
Vinol Is, the Only Cure for Stomach
,. Troubles Her, Lottor Published
for What It Is Worth by
Druggist Putnam.
Mrs. Frank Mann, Arendomo Hotol,
Seuttltj, Wash., diroctor of Washington
Lyrlo Association, writes: "After
suffering for a long time, and being
unnblo to keep any mcdlcino on my
stomach, I was induced to try Vinol.
I want to say thnt it is the best modi
cino I hnve ever soon for dvsnonsln
all tho contests. Tho institutions
which will probably bo represented in
tho Intor-colleglnto contests nro tho
"Helen Alliston."
Among tho novels which John Lane.
Is publishing this fall is n now book
by tho author of "Ellzaboth's Chilt
dron" entitled "Helen Alliston." Tho
Universities of Oregon, Cnliforntn,
Washington, Idaho, Montana, Utah,
Wyoming. Nevada, and tho agricultu
ral CollciIOH (if Orocrnn. Wnsliiivrtnn.
Montana nnd Utah, nn.l thn Wlihmnn iory fo,low8 tho ''"rolno from her girl
nooa io ncr marriage, uiui mo romance
is portrayed on n background of child
lifo. Helen Allfston for a part of the.
tale mnkes her home, nud throughout
remains in closet Intimacy, with a'
young couple blessed with a jovial),
turpulent group of childron, tho "Der
rys," ns thoir parents, using tho fnmllvjl
linmo, cjollectlvoly call tliem. DespltQ
tho mengro income of tho struggliiig'
young architect, their father, hardships,
or "hnrdbonts," to uso "Bunny'H
word, are not dreamed of in the phil
osophy of tho Dorrys. And though'
their mischief is inexhaustible thoy nro
of tho sort of children that can boast
Ache all over? Feverish?
Chilly? Just coming down
with a hard cold? Where do
you suppose it will settle?
In the throat? That means hoarseness, sore I
;t . . n. v .--... - M
tnroat, tonsillitis, in tne chest P lhen bron
chitis, pneumonia, consumption.
Do not let your cold settle. Break it up! Drive
it out! Ask your doctor the best medicine for
this. If he says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, take it
at once. If he has anything better, take that.
Car -
koys nnd set in motion tho chimes in
tho towers of the government building
nt tho exposition. Tho chimes, 300
feet nbovo tho wnter, will play "My
Country, 'Tis of Thee." Tho sound
nervousness, slooplossncss, or stomsel
upsets. Electric Bitters will qnitUj
dismember tho troublcsomo cause. It
novor fails to ton the stomach, reg-
ulato tho Kldnoys and Bowels, sttao-
Into tho Liver, and clarify tho blood. I
will carry a great distance, owing to Jtun down systems benefit particularly
tho fact thnt tho government building
is locnted on n peninsula in Guild's
lake, hnlf a milo from tho mainland.
Arrangements havo already been
mado to hnve President Ropsevelt
nnd nil tbo usual attending ache3 vu
lsh under its searching and thom'j'J
offectivoness. Electric Bitters is oily
GOc, and that is returned if it don't
givo perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed
bv .T. C. Perry, druggist.
They act like Exercise.
for the Bowels
Druggists MM
f -Hf M-f-! 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I m I I I I I I I HU I fm-M-H-ft-H-H-
I Will Be Retailed
I At Wholesale Prices
I Several Hundred pieces of choice
M4 by U J O. Ajrr 0.. Lowll. Xu
AUa tauuTkotiir.r. at
ATBH'a TILL& far Mittt.itl..
AtER'a AqoBCUK-.ywaum tit.
of spoiled parents. Thoy havo odd conjfr
ceits tu plenty. It is in tho truest vein
'of compliment nnd with Rtralghforwnrd
devotion to scientific fact that "Bub
Ides" informs Helen, when once bIioT
, tucks him in bed nud bids him good
night, that her kiss is. Uko the soft
part of a horso's uojc. Her dolight in
theso young frionds is emphasised by
tho loneliness of her own childhood,
pleturednt tho openlug of tho story,
nt a time when she was torturing her
nnd nil stomnch troubles. It induced
a splendid appetito and entirely cured
me. Vinol is certainly an ideal cod
liver oil prepnratlon, for, whiio tho
disagreeable taste of cod liver oil Is
entirely eliminated, it seems to retain
jill tho life-giving eloments, it purifies
and enriches tho blood, tones up tho
stomach and adds now life nnd vigor
to fulling health nnd strength. J enn
not recommend it too highly."
Wo guarantee Vinol is tho best rem
edy for stomnch troubles, becauso
whore old-fashioned cod liver oil,
emulsions nnd sickening drugs upsvt
nnd dorungo digestion, Vinol finds n
welcomo nud is readily assimilated by
mo wcaKast stomnch.
As Vinol eontnins in u eoaoontruted
f-rm all of the healing nnd strength-
creating elomeuts of cod liver oil, no-
tunny tnken from frosh cods' livers,
but without oil or grenso, it has gonu
ino vitnl principles that onuble it to
heal nud tono up tho irritnted, worn,
tired stnmnnli.
Wo wish every person in Salem suf- Vl$ 71 1 TTIO 1TTKTC' 48 Coifft it
foring witli severo stomaoh troubles X-J- JUrfAsA.lli Vj Safem. Of egOfl J
would try Vinol, on our guarantee " It i i i i t t i i . . , , . . . .iLAjf
return the ,nonv if il f-n. n r I """"""" J H I I 1 i i I 1 I I Ifrl I I ' H
v f. v ., UUU, IV 1 i
J I'utmim, Druggist.
Woolen Suitings
and Trimmings
For Men's and Ladick' Stilts. ' Mast be sold at a sac
rifice. Call and see them.
Prince Edward Island Elections.
Charlottotowa, P. B.. I I)c f
Prlnco Edward Island 3 electing a
own soul nud lmrrassing hor littlo sis I new legislature today. It is tho first
ter wilh theologioal tliuloultles inhercut general election since Decombor, 1000.
in tho commandment for honoring par All indications point to the success of
outs and its application to tho cifta the present liberal administration and
of hor grandmother, for whom she had, the continuance of Hon. Arthur Pet-
iiiiiu vuu 10 ivvi nui'ciioa. a con-.vo, inn jiioscut premier, in power.
trnst to tho genuine, informal, almost
topsy turvy lifo of tho Dorrys is offered
in tho pretentious artificiality of the
family at "Stanley hall" high, fliers
jHuie Wing Sang Co.;
New line of China and Japan Fancy Goods, Sjlfaj J
5 Handkerchiefs, Chlnaware, Ornaments and all kinds
?JGte: and Ladles famishing Goods, Underwear, ,
Wrapoers. Sfir vtriia r?n fi- r fmfjrfav goods.
J Now on sale at cost. JOO Coort St., Salem, Ore.
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