Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 284.
:tii OF PiFAiT tirri-i
Ipportunifcies for Adoption of a Business
program oy me incoming
jovernor Chamberlain Will Submit a Re
form Message Backed up by
the Veto Power
Biennial term,
Biennial term,
pKicninal term,
The Journal, December 1st, publlshsd a review of tlio work of tho last
three legislatures, showing that tho increase In appropriations anil state tax
bd been out of all pr&portion to tho development of tho state, in wealth or
papulation. The total appropriation of tho last three legislatures was as
1809-1900 $1,389,044.25
190i-1902 '......... i 1795,000.91
1903-1904 ' '.... 2,263,717.70
Opportunities for Retrenchment.
The Journal called attention to some opportunities for retrenchment, and
recommended that the nest legislature take up a definite reform program.
Among opportunities for improving tho 'financial exchequer of the stntc,
was enumerated:
Eat salary law will save each year $50,000
Equalize four normnl schools and Bivo 20,000
Save expense of holding state primary election 00,000
Cut out one-hnlf legislative clerkships 10,000
Abolish domestic animal commission 5,000
Abolish state biologist ....'. .', 1,000
Abolish stato labor bureau 5,000
None of theso statements have beon challenged, but some nttempt has
ben made to explain them away. It Is said tho flat salary law would not bo
a saving, but would simply leave thnt much moro in tho treasury. 'Well, if
that is admitted, $50,000 moro in tho treasury would certninly leavo that
mueh less each year to be raised by taxation.
Effect of a Flat Salary Law.
Tho people will never realize tho benefit of tho flat salary law, UNTIL IT
HAS GONE FOLLY INTO EFFEOT. It will not only make each of tho
various stato departments self-sustaining, but will put a largo amount of
uouey into the treasury. Tho third offect will bo that stato officials no
longer standing under the stiginn of a graft themsolvcs, they will bo less
prone to stand in with every other graft that is proposed. It is pretty
hard now for stato officials, receiving compensation directly in violation of
the constitution, to object to tho unconstitutional encroachments of tho
legislature. When each ,state official has been placod upon a fairly ade
quate fixed salary, ho will be interested in making ft showing of tho largest
earnings possible from his dopartmont, instead of asking tho legislature for
additional appropriations. It can bo fairly argued that TIDES PBESENT
SYSTEM of fees, perquisites and emoluments, in violation of tho constitu
tion EXEETS A DEMORALIZING INFLUENCE upon every department
of the stato government. Tho stato officials aro in no wiso to blamo for
this condition of things. An unbusiness-liko system has been developed out
(Continued on fourth page)
111 I B I S ! A I O I I -i
Holiday Goods jj
Our assortment is now complete. Romember that tho most desirablo
goods go first, so don't wait until tho last week beforo Christmas to
buy your presents. '
Dolls, Games, Picture Books,
Toilet Cases, Wok Boxes, Man
icure Sets, Handkerchief Boxes,
Glove Boxes, Jewel Cases, Pho
to Cases, Necktie Cases, Shaving
Sets, Collar and Ctiff Boxes,
Cushion Tops, Handkerchiefs,
Neckwear, Ribbons, Towels,
Table Linens, Stamped Linens.
rwrvthing suitnblo for tho Holidays. If you prefer practical pros
enK give your friend n pair of shoes, a suit of clothes, n comfortable
oven .i it or ono of those fine waterproof rain coats.
On n your boy a nobyb' little suit and mako him happy. Wo havo an
excellent lino of dry goods froul which you can select a uico waist
pattern or a dress pattern for your mother or sistor, They may appre
ciate something practical moro thnn any fancy present you could get
for them.
Our usual extremely low prices apply
to Holiday Goods
A well as to all other linca.Our profitu aro figured on tho spot cash
bais. That's why wo undersell "Rogular Stores."
Judge Galloway this afternoon hand
ed down tho following decision in tho
caso of Lilienthal Bros, against Miko
Kcppinger, ot nl., for tho specific por
formanco of a contract. Tho court
Judge Scott, of tho county court,
granted a temporary injunction, re
straining defendant from selling or dis
posing of his hop Crop of 1004.
Tho facts in tho caso aro that in Do-
comber, 1003, Otcnhcimcr, ngent for
Lilienthal Bros., called on Kcppinger,
at his placo near Qervals, to enter into
contract for his 1904 hop crop. Tho
Thornsbcrry's owned tho land whero
tho hop yard is sltunted, nnd thpy nro
mado parties defendant., Tho contract
was duly made. Tho question in this
caso is "did Kcppinger havo such a
possession of tho land in December,
1903, 'that ho could havo gono into tho
court and held it against tho ownert"
Keppingor himself said that ho told
Ottcnhcimcr that ho wanted to soil tho
crop, if ho secured tho land. It it bo
lieved by tho court thnt Kcppinger did
havo tho right of poscssison fully
enough to make tho contract.
We bolicvo that Mrs. Thornsborry
did not 'act' in good faith when sho
leased tho yard to her son, when sho
already had verbally leased it to Kcp
pinger. Wherefore, it is decred that tho in
junction bo mado perpetual, and Lil
ienthal Bros., bo decreed 20,000 pounds
of hops, delivered on payment1 of tho
sum specified.
Tho enso of Henry O. Edwards
against Laura Hardwick, ot nl., injunc
tion, is being tried this afternoon.
Tho enso of John Qrny vs. M. L.
Jon, ot ux., is still on trial, and it is
doutttful if it will bo finished this afternoon.
Now York, Dec. 7. At 10 minutos
after 3 o'clock Mrs. Chadwlck mado
a sensational escnpo from tho Now Am
sterdam Hotel, accompanied by her son
in a' two-horso coupe. They drove rap
idly) towards 22d street, followed by so-
cret) sorvico men nnd reporters in a
half dozen cabs. It is roported on tho
best, of authority thnt a messenger had
arrived from Toledo this morning bear
ing affidavits nnd a warrant for tho nr
restjjof Mrs. Chadwick, issued by tho
federal authorities.
At 22d arid Broadway streets two
mounted policemen, who wcro pursuing
tho 'celng coupe, compelled tho driver
to rcduco his sprcd. At 29th nnd Broad
way the coupo Btopppcd nt tho sldo en
trance of tho Breslis hotel, and Mrs.
Chadwick, in a fainting condition, was
ushered by her son into tho waiting
room of tho hotel. Attendants took her
to a room, and secret servico men ap
peared at tho hotel a moment nftor tho
arrival of tho coupo, nnd took up tho
watch. Tho attempted escnpo was en
gineered by Phillip Sweet, a privato de
tective, employed by Mrs. Chadwick.
Terrific Bombardment by Jap
anese Lasted Throughout
the Day
Mukden, Dec. 7. A tremendous
bombardment of Poutlloff Hill took
placo from 6 o'clock n. m. until C
o'clock in tho afternoon. It is thought
tho bpmbnrdment is tho beginning of
tho Japaneso offcnslvo movement.
Tokio, Dec. 7. It is announced that
tho Japaneso on yesterday captured
and occupied Akaska hill, another emi
nonco in tho vicinity of Port Arthur,
and also that tho Russian ciuiscr Bay
an is aground in tho hnrbor.
Tokio, Dec. 7. Tho commander of
tho Japaneso naval guns nt Port Ar
thur roporls that tho Russian turret
ship Poltava is sunk und tho battleship
Rctviwm is listing heavily to port. Soy
cntynino shots took offect in tho vos
scls. On December Cth tho Jnpnnesff
occupied tho entlro fort at noon. Sub
sequently thoy woro dislodgod, and ther
enemy occupied tho omlnenco north off
Suerkou and two omlncnccs north of
Sau Lichlan.
On December 0th, at 4 o'clock, In re
spouso to tho request of tho Russians
commnndcr, nn armistico of fivo hours
was granted for tho removal of tho
Tangier, Dec. 7. Tho Russian tramp
port' Dnieper, of tho Bultlc fioot sailed'
for tho Far East today, having in tow
two torpedo boat destroyer, This warn
dono in order to savo coal.
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 7, At tho In
utanpo of Receiver Lesser, who1 waH
Miss Mabel Baker
Sara Brown Savage
See program in this paper.
At Grand Opera House, December 8
appointed by tho federal bankruptcy
court to tako charge of tho affairs of
Mrs. Chadwick, Doputy United States
Marshal Fanning last night served pa
pers at tho homo of Banker Ira Rey
nolds, attaching tho securities which It
is claimed ho holds for Mrs. Chadwick.
Roynolds is in New York, and it was
claimed in tho petition' thnt ho had
threatened to transfer tho assots to
cortaln creditors of Mrs. Chadwick.
Now York, Dec. 7. Mrs. Chadwick,
with her son, Emil, and her mnld, occu
pied n suito of three rooms on tho fifth
floor of tho Now Amsterdam Hotel to
day. It Is stnted that secret service of
ficers occupy the adjoining room, and
,tbo woman is under such closo surveil
lanco that escnpo is impossible, Secret
sorvico men stood at tho frout door,
'another watched tho window, nnd two
moro wcro placed in tho lobby of tho
hotel, Tho management of tho IIollanuT'
IIouhh suy that Mrs. Chadwick nnd par
ty left thnt hotel of their own volUtiony.
as sho had paid her bill two days agew
Eastern Star Election.
Chadwick Chapter No.' 37, 'OflEj2s.
elected tho following officers last night:
W. M., Mrs. Alice Moyers. '
W. P., Rov. W. C. Knntnor.
A. M., Mrs. Frances Ottou.
Secretary, Miss Emm Brmlmnli'..
Treasurer, Mr. W. A. Laughend
Conductress, Mrs. Ruth Brown.
Associate Conductress. rs Bailie
Wedding Announcement.
Tho inarriugo of Miss Carrlo Cjoodo
toNMr. John C. Kuowlnnd has boon an
nounced to tako placo this ovening nt'
tho homo of tho brldo's parents, Mr.'-
nnd Mrs. J. 1 Ooodo, in North Salemu
Cleveland, Dec. 7. Tho water works
departmept of tho city hall was rob
bed this morning, and it 1h bnliovod
that about $2000 was secured.
i An early day
ana early at it
That's the sec
ret of good
An early day
ana early ut it
That's ihe MC'
ret of Good
Detroit, Mich, Dec. 7. Tho Detroit
Museum of Art was brokon into last
night nnd robbed of precious relics,
mostly gold and silver, valued nt $20,
000, a gold watch onco tho property
of General Winfield Scott ucing among
tho booty.
Christmas Carnival.
Tho Ladies' Aid Socloty of tho Los
lie M. E. church yesterday aftornoon
and oyoning held a carnival nt tho
church in South Salem, which wan de
clared ono of tho most pleasing and
successful affairs of tho kind ovor hold
in tho city. Tho afternoon was devoted
to a tea for tho older members, whilo
in tho evening tho youuger clement
held full sway. Threo attrnctivo booths
woro prepared, ono of which wns for
tho purposo of gratifying tho swect
tooth of nil present, whilo from tho
other two beautiful sofa pillows, pin
cushions, dolls und everything else
showing tho lovely handiwork of wo
men were dispensed.
Tho sales wero made by tho fair
daughters of tho church, whilo tho
booths themselves wcro masterpieces of
tho decorators' art. American flags,
gracefully draped, woro chiefly utilized,
their boauty becoming enhanced with
a judicious use of yellow chrysantho-
mums, tho whole effect reflecting
great credit upon tho supervisor of
decorations, Hary H, Lucas, who is
commonly known 'as 'Buff," A neat
sum was realized from tho curnivnl.
Ono of tho main features wan the
basket supper, tho baskets being sold
Today's Sale "!&. Sf1
For today only wo nro making a magnificent otfor of fino grudo.
Finished, ready for tho cushion, tasielod corner, Oriental and Bagdad strlpo effect. Owing to the limited num
ber wo havo decided to limit customers to two each, thus giving every ono nn opportunity to secure Ef
n pair of thoso grand values. Remembor, today only nt M40
Ladies' Suit Sale
It is stores liko Meyers' that havo
mado it possible for women with
limited incomo to wear latest styles.
Such a salo is now in force, which
is really wondorful in its economy.
All tho garments aro of this sou
son 'h showings nnd nro strictly
right in evory particular.
$18.(30 vnlueH noy , . .$12.35
22.60 values now
25.00 to $31.00
New Ribbons
To brlghton up tiajywJW gown, a
rnow nock ribbon or sash. Now lot
of ribbons on display for the first
time. Wo can supply you with any
width or shado you need, and at
prices much lower than you'd ex
jiect to pay.
It'sPtisfcle, Pmiet
Ptmle, Tbink
My what a worry Christmas is
when you don't know what to buy.
Tho bust way to smooth out tho
wrinkles of perplexity is o come
to this great Christmas corner,
whero is displayed tho broadest and
richest collection of gift things in
this Valley. Bring tho children and
lot thorn enjoy tho sights, for they
cbu best tell Santa Claus what thoy
want for Christmas, and havo them
guoss on tho number of kernols
of corn, as soma ono Is to rcecivo
Beautiful Doll and Loco
motive A to
NewTtiringd being dlsplnyod daily .
Rocking Horses, Doll
carriages, magic pawner,
Electric Car. Automobiles.
, ., , ,
Velocipedes Etc.
Men's Clotftes
Lives tlicro a man .with doul h
Who can ha indifferent to what is
By tho opposite sox about hit
lothcst f
Aro cut to make inon look their
best. This Is more thuu nan bo
wild of the result obtained by tho
average tailor,
Thu slight men should not slight
this hint. Tho heavy man will find
huttvy odds in our favor.
Btcp in and sco what wo cun do for
$10 to $35
The finest lot oln
Suit Cases wc ever
bad in our store. 0
All styles.
All Prices.
No present would
bo moro appreci
ated by am au,
and 'twould be n
lasting reuuinbraripe ot your good
judgment U stjlcs $5 to $27.50
to the highest bidders.