WTfTWTT"" wiqp i rr " rr- -y DAILY CAPITA!. JOTJBNAL, SALEM, OlffiOON, TUESDAY, DECEaSESE 1004. 3 '9ttWlMiW8a Hints iot Cfiglstmas Gifts Gloves Shawls Sweaters Fars Belts Leggias Mittens Bootees Baby Jackets Dressing Cases Toy Trtmks Toy Wagons Toy Banks JU r'ln Aueys Parses 6 loys Games Boys' Overcoats I AH New Goods. tne TiOSTEIN & 298 and 300 Commercial St. Imwmmi CRACKED POSTAL VAULT Bobbers cracked the safe In tho Hood River postoffice Saturday night and got away with $275 in stamps and $173 in money. There ia no clew as to the thieves, except thnt a crowbar and other tools used in effecting an en trance camo from tho railroad shops here. Common black powder was used in cracking tho safe door. One or two persons sleeping nearby claim to havo heard a slight explosion during the night, but paid no heed to the noise. : ML 3BhA THISBIRD Jk (oitaatse ' 4I H l HH 1 8'frH--HI 1 1 1 Ht - ii Fine Property ' Choice piece residence property on principal street within three blocks , '. . , bmiuess part of city. '. ! ! ! Nice large, modem ose, about one aero of ground near school and j j ; ; car line, all kind-, of fruit, beautiful 1 vemences. ' These are both etia choice buys for homos or Investments. DERBY & WILSON, ; 244 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon 'Hit H I -M-H.frt-HTH -H H W-l-M1 11 ! ' Hi M t 4 I HI I ! ! wwaait & we tea Have You Ever Ordered Hamti 8c If not, you are away behind the y! lad to oo new patronB, and - wbu uioaaeo, xou will uuu i and Ferry streets, ?gy tHl llllllill tit't Wholesale and Retail Family Liqtf or store E. ECKFRIFM. 9a Commercial Street j Poll line of liquora and wines. Cedarbrook whisky formerly the J McBrier brand the best for family use. All orders filled and 'J- urered In tho city limits. 'Phene esseaea Silk Mufflers Underskirts Dress Skirts Umbrellas Chllds For Sets New back combs Ladies and misses Jackets nandkercniefs Lowest Prices In City GREENBAUM Salem I" Fight Will Bo Bitter. Thoso who will persist in closing their cars against the continual recom mendation of Dr. King's Now Discov ery for Consumption, will havo a long and bitter light with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination, lltend what T. K. Beall, of Beall, Miss., I has to say: "Last fall my wife had 'every symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's Now Discovery after everything clso had failed. Improvo- ' incut camo at onco and four bottles en tirely cured her. Guaranteed by J. C Perry, druggist. Price 50c, $1.00. Trial bottles free. ( B,m a, lha Kind Yoa Harc Always ' Btautnw fifi , Jl cf Choicest Table Cutlety The Best Is Always 'Tne Kind to Bay R. M. WADE & CO. AUTUMN AND WINTER STYLES IN SHOES Takes lots of our show spaco and storo space styles that aro bound to win your approval and fit your feet nicely as to looks, comfortably as to tho '-'feel." No pocketbook strain in our selling figures. Every inducement to buy is accorded you here, nnd wo cordially welcome your examination of our footwear. Jacob Vogt 00 Otato Street W - M - fr t't'fr-H'l'fr-H II 1 1 1111 at a Bargain jj shrubbery, etc. All modern con- . . g Your Groceries from Lawrence time. However, they are al- if you call on them, yon will be j uiuiu . ww ww. . ----. , i I II I M I II 1 1 1 1 Mh Main 1161. ey-j ' S fa wwi. ii-t rri SOLDIERS MONUMENT, FUND Request for Contributions . From Young Men Who are Patriotic Tho Journal will open a subscription for a monument of tho Unknown and Friendless Soldiers of tbo Republic, and especially nsks young men to con trlbutD. When you aro spending your monoy for cigars and other enjoyments think of tho men who fought nnd gavo their lifo-blood that wo might havo a free and glorious republic, and give a dimo or a two-bits townrd this monu ment fund, and your name, not tho amount will bo publicly acknowledged, and tho monoy turned over to tho la dies' committee. To Young Voters. Ed. Jeurnal: Tho great victory is Won and I wonder if tho young voters stop to give a thought to tho many sac rifices that wero mado so they coma havo a freo country! Ono young man told mo that sinco ho had rcail ana thought of tho matter that when ho saw u bronzo button ho felt liko taking off his hat. Tliey aro fast passing awav. Some aro, and havo been, un- forhmato nnd havo little of this world's goods, and in less than a year several havo been laid away in tho burial plot in tho bcnutlful City Viow cemetery. In this city is a baml or women known as tho Women's Relief Corps, composed of good loyal women, aside from tho wives and daughters or the old soldiers, that aro working to placo a manument for all unknown and placo a monument for all unknown nnd voter could stop and make a smell sac rifice, how much good it would do. LIZZIE SMITH. Sure Cure for Piles, Itching piles produce moisture and causo ltchlnc. this form, as well as Bllng. Bleeding or Protruding Piles nro pnrcrt bv Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile Remedy Stopn Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar at drug gist, or sent by mall. Treaties freo. Write me about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phila., Pa. Fore sale by Dr. S. O. Stone, druggist Valley Lodge Election. At tho regular meeting of Valley Lodge No. 18, A. O. U, W., last night tho following officers wero elected for tho coming year: P. M. W., Gcorgo A. Sliulz. M. W., Emil Donaldsou. Foreman, D. Perry Wright. Overseer, George J. Donaldson. Recorder, A. E. Aufrance. Financier, G. P. Litchfield. Receiver, W. P. Rigdon. Guide, J. J. Longcore, Insido watch, Oscar L. Donaldson. Trustee for three years, William Buck! D. of H. Election. At tlio regular meeting of Viola Lodge, No. 88, Degree of Honor, last night, an election was held, nnd the fol lowing officers elected for tho coming year. P. C. of IL, Mrs. Amanda Andorson. C. of II., Mrs. Sylvia Fcrrell. L, of F., Miss Ella Donaldson. C. of O., Miss Ruby Donaldson. Recorder, Mrs. Minnio Utter. Financier, Mrs. Sarah Donaldson. Receiver, Mrs. Viola Mason. Usher, Mrs. Ristino. L W., Mrs. Anna A. Andorson. O. W., Mrs. Liza Albright. Musician, Miss Lena Buck. 0 A Frightened Horso Running liko mad down tho street, dumping tho occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are ovory day occur rences. It bohoovos ovorybody to havo a reliablo Salvo handy and there's nono as good as Bucklin's Arnica Salvo Burns, Cuts, Soros, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfi8 Kind You Hat8 Always Bought Signature of OSkzfCi II I-I-8-MHH I M III 1 1 H II I ? OfifQtficfcLfmcii Dining Room ' Is now ready for our patrons. xnta department ia tor men oniy. JMAC SMITH'S CAFE? IIIIHIHIMIIHilllHIIr DOUGLAS COUNTY COAL MINE During the past week Secretary R. W. Fonn, of tho Umpqua Coal Company, spent several days at tho company's property, near Elkton, says tho Boso burg Rovicw. Ho brought back somo of tho best coal specimens yet taken out there, being fully equal to the high grado blacksmith coal brought hero from tho East anil sold at $25 to $30 po ton. A comfortablo houso has just boon built for tho men working at tho mine, and tho development is in steady pro gress. Tunnels Nos. 4 and 5 are now being put in. Comparatively few pco- plo reallzo tho magnitudo of this enter prise. Titlo to somo moro land was re cently secured, and tho company's hold ings now aggregate over 1200 acres. Prospect holes show that coal exists over practically tho entire tract, and tho regular development work shows tho first vein maintains a thickness of nearly nino feet, including a Btrata of shale, and tho coal grows better nnd cleaner nB depth is reached. This de velopment work alone is producing con Bidorablo quantities of good coal. Work has also been commenced for tho dovol opment of tho second vein, lying fully 200 foot below tho first. This nlso has a thickness of about nino feet, and there is every reason to believe thnt it will show an oven better quality of coal than tho upper vein. No stock is now being offered for sale by tho company, and when any is again placed on tho market it will probably bo at not less than 25 cents por shore. Transportation is now an important feature under consideration. Until tho building of a railroad lino can bo so cured, it may bo necessary to uso teams for hauling tho high-grade blacksmith coul to drain for shipment. Its high value will doubtless justify tho outluy. To connect with tho proposed railroad lino a cable tramway nbouUVi miles in length will havo to bo put in from tho mino to tho Umpqua river, and this will be operated on a gravity system, o Stanley Xcclands, of Albany, was in the city for a short time yesterday vis iting relatives. iijijph;fpphb Cut tho Can and compare the quality of Economy Brand Evaporated Cream I with any of its imitations, i Noto the awerence. bee now! I smooth and appetizing our I product is, owing to Its I heavy consistence, which ; Keeps tne butter at equally . distributed, in contrast with the cheap and thin Imita tions which allow the but ter fat to rise and form unsightly clods. Bffi9$ j Gold Dust Flout ! ) t j I Made by THE SIDNEY POW- j ! ER COMPANY. Sidney. Ore- i ! gon. Mado for family use. Ask ' i your grocer for It. uran ana ; vhorts always on band. i ! P. B. Wallace i ! AGENT j fWWWVWVPITVf W W W W W W W W W WW j-H-1-r HHiH-Hfr-H 1 1 I III I : : The Most Durable The Easiest Applied :; The Cheapest and Best ;; :: Out Flint Plaste Give It a trial. Be con vinced and satisfied. Voget Lumber & Fuel Co. :: Office and yard Hth and Oak fits, BALEM, OHKGQN ; ; t 9 1 I lfl'l'l t4 My Breath. Shortness of Breath Is One of the Com monest Signs of Heart Disease, Notwithstanding what many physic tans say, heart disease can bo cured. Dr. Utiles' Now Heart Cure has per manently restored to health many thousands who had found no relict In the medlolnes (allopathla or homoeo pathic) of regular practicing physicians. It has provcJ Itself unlquo in the his tory of medicine, by being so uniformly successful In curing those diseases. Nearly always, one of the first eigne of trouble Is shortness of breath. Wheth er It comes as a result of walking or running up stairs, or of other exercises, If the heart Is unable to meet this extra demand upon Its pumping powers there Is something wrong with It. The very best thing you can do, Is to take Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. It will go to tho foundation of tho trou bio, and moke a permanent cure by strengthening and renewing the nerves. "I know that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is a great remedy. For a number of years 1 suffered from shortness of breath, smothering spells, and pains in my left sldo. For months at a tlmo I would be unable to lie on my left side, and If I lay flat on my back would nearly smother. A friend advised using Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which 1 did with good results. I began to improve at once, and after taking several bottles of the Heart Cure the pains in w side and other symptoms vanished, i am now entirely well. All those, dreadful smothering, spells are a thing of the post." F. P. DRAKE, Mlddlelown, O. If the first bottle does not help you, mo wuHHint win reiunu your money. PP imn TJyrlto to us for Free Trial 7 T 'acK.ago or or. Mile' Anti Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your en bo, tell you what is wrong, nnd how to right It, Free. DR. MIUSS MKniCAI.. CO., JLtABORATOnUSS, 1UKUAUT, INC MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Poultry nt 8telnere Market. Egg Per dozen, 32c. Ducks 10c. Chickens 8c. Turkoyu 14c. Harrltt & Lawrence. Eggs Por dozen, 32c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Ete. Potatoes lc. Oniona 2V4c. Wood, Pence Porte,' Slat. Second-growth $4. GO. ' Big fir-$5.00. ' Aah $5.00. Oak poata-'ISc. Codar posts 10c. Hide, Felts ane) ur Green Hides, No. 1 So. Qroen Hiuco, No. 2 to. Calf Skins 4 6c. Sheep -7Bo. Goat Skim Ko to 3LM. Grain, Hopa and Flour,, Oats Buying, $1.401.C0. Barloy $2323.50. Hops 2731c. Salem Flouring Mills. Flour-$4.40. Wheat 80c. Live Gtoclc Market Steers 2Q2c. Cows llc. Snoop 1.60?2.00. Dressed veal 4BVSo Fat hogs 5fiu. Hay, Feed, fit. Baled choat $W.00. Baled clover $1112. Bran $22. ' Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Croam Co, Kgss 27Mic. Buttor-U7ij30c. Butter fat 27'c at atailion. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 8082t, Vnlloy 87'jC. Flour-Valloy, straights, $'.l.C5$4.85; graham,$3.S0$4.O0. Oata Cholco white, $1.301.32. Barley Fc'jd, $22 per Jon; rolled, $24,50 . MIllBtuff Bran, $19.00, Hiiy-r Timothy, $14.0010.C0. Potatoes 7080c. Kjjga Orogon ranch. Poultry Chickens, mixed 0Oc pound; turkeys, live, 1418c, drcesod, 1017c. Pork DrcBaed, C6c. Beef Drcaacd, 4V40c. Veal 67c. Mutton Dressed, 3iCe. Hops 1903 crop, 2831jc. Wool Valloy, 1920c; Eastern Or. ogon, 1017cj Mohair, 202Cc. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards, 150150. Buttor Fancy creamery, 2530c. ticaMMWei ALL KIND8 OF FRUIT TRAY8 AND ORCHARD BOXES at tho shop of G. F. Mason Miller street, South Salem PHONE 2101 Rod. FiinnMnwniniinmt f IN 4fZk I .s a cwjf OS t t ? n$rmlkrxt a."irttyfacgT Wash Kour Own Clothes Well, that's your privilege; but H wnon you soo tho oxccllcnt work a R do, nnd tho low prices wo ehnrgo for family washing tho chances aro that your next week's wash will como to us. Need not Bend woll call, also dollvcr on tho day wo promise it. Ask ua, by word of mouth, mall or telophone, what wo chnrce. The Salem Steam Laundry MHI8MIMMIimimiH ;FIX IFOR i WINTER That is what all should do, nnd ono of tho niOBt important S things to bo dono is to havo tho pumblng in your houso in good sanitary condition. Let us put your pipos and connections $ in ordor, ' BURROUGHS & FRASER Sheet Iron Workera and 1 Plumbers. tiMwwwmnwsmfn Remembe Tho purity nnd strength of tho in gredients in Eppley's Perfection BAKING POWDEB, make it neces sary to uso n trlilo leas than of othor high.grado brands. It coutains only tho purest' cream of tartar. Boaides you got a glass fruit jar freo with every purchase. Bank Drafts Che most convenient and business like way to remit money is by bank drafts., No risk in event of loss. In case of error or disputo, the can celed draft is at tho bank, where you can refer to it. Tho average cost is less than postoffice or money orders. On Pertland: $1 to $20 Sc $20 to $100 , 10c On San Francisco and the East: $1 to $5 f So $5 to $100 10o Largo amounts at lower rates. Capital National Bank OF SALEM 4 '1 rl 'I vi I . . . " " --... a d a t'M-frH t'Wtf!