, w j, f,, 1 DAH.T CAPITAL JOTJBNAL. SALEM, OBEdON, TUESDAY,, DECEMBER 6, lOOi. 2 DAIftY CAPITAL JOURf AL BY HOFER BROS. a certain amount ofeommon property) In! thoiono caso HhHuoubO and fall it Jl Sr, ornoiAii census salem. MAY, 1904, 13.287. "WAS Tho Btntcsmnn Intimates tfiiit thero vra a. light between tho Kejiubllcan factions at Salem In tho city election JfonJay. v No nuch intimation is warranted, un ices th'bro nro facts to back it up, and the question is, If true, who woro tho faction fighting ho ticket! It must havo been tho faction that was dofcated at tho primaries, jrhlch 'ever that may havo been. ' Tho leaders of that faction camo out in tho papers nnd said thoy would sup. pert tho wholo ticket. But tho leader of that faction, who is bonorod with holding two Republican officei!, was very busy early, and lato for tho nominoo (!)." Tho suggestions of the Statesman as to the existence of factions may bo pipe dl reams, but tho result in tho strong Ho publican fourth ward gives somo contains, and in thepotlfor, tho arable land and pasturugc.-In both caserfthcro Is a common amoulit of responsibility, in th'o ono caso for nil tho debts and in tho other for all tho taxes and com niunnl obligations. And both nro pro- jtect'od against tho, ordinary- conse- querices of insolvency, for thorfamlly cannot bo deprived of its h6uso or no- and T1IEEE A FACTIONAL FIOHT? "f "? Bri,tural implements and . m. i-mI ml tl, I tho commune cannot bo deprived of its ..t..-.1 -. ...!..!.... ,. , u ,,,,.,, , , . a year, at least, and of a. pormanont TA majority of 43 for tho independent J ' , ' . . , . !, ,, , . , , . oxocutivo bureau elected by tho asscm- land',byiirhportunato creditors. Tho ZemstVo isa kind of local ad ministration, which supplements tho action of tho rural communes and tnkes cognizance of thosa higher pub lic wants, which individual communes cannot possibly satisfy. Its principal duties aro to keen tho roads and, bridges in proper repair, to provido means of convoyanco for tho rural po lfco anil other officials, to elect Justices of tho Peace, to look after tho primary education and sanitary affairs, to watch tho state of tho crops and tako meas ures against npproaching famino, and, in short, to undortnkc, within certain clearly defined limits, whatever seems likely to increnso tho material nnd mornl woll being of tho population. In form, tho institution is parliamentary that is to say, it consists of nn as sembly of deputies, which meets onco F . . 1 1 v I cryn.twty.'.' & BT ' W5 nominee at a polling placo on tho prop tatty of ono of tho alleged factional Headers shows that systematic work was done. If (hero is such a faction as that, it sippcars to bo lod by mon who will not fluppart a Itopublicnn ticket unless thoy n dlctnto tho nominees, and own tlio official nftor ho is olocted. Such Itopublicnn leadership, that must carry on its political work with owned chattels, that substitutes one annn powor for intelligent givo-nnd-tako co-operativo leadership, is un-American And unworthy. Thero probably nlwnys will bo fnc tlons in any political party, but tho great mass of Republicans hnvo littlo nso for spolls-mongering dictatorship that assumes to deliver all tho favors of .Alio party far In advanco of elections. a l TEE NEW CITY OFFICIALS. Tho peoplo nro to be congratulated on tho election of thb wholo Itopublicnn city ticket, nnd especially on tho choico of Cornelius for city murshal and chief of police. Tho wholo ticket is ono of tho clean est, us politics goes, that 1ms ever been olovntod to office Kir. Cornelius mado a clean, gentle manly campaign, for tho nomination, and for tho election, and goes into ofllco without pledges. As usual somo of tho prohibition lend ers woro nrruyod ngaiust tho Republi can nominee, nnd worked shouldor to Ahoulder with somo of tho liquor deal ers, lint theso mistakes of judgement nro unavoidable. With clean, nblo and progrertslvo city officials, nnd u bright and progressive board of nldormon, this city hns n splendid future, so far as its municipal government goes. i l'horo should bo tho most harmoni ous cooperation for tho promotion of our ltuiuiolpnl welfare. Let us all pull, for Grontcr Salem, bly from among Its members. If tho nsscmbly bo regarded ns u. local par liament, tho bureau corresponds to tho ministry. Onco every throo years tho doputies nro elected in certain fixed proportion by tho landed proprietors, tho rural communes nnd the municipal corporations. Every provinco nnd oach of tho districts into which tho provinco is divided has such an asscm- bly and such n bureau. Tho Zomstvo la composed partly of nobles and partly of peasants, tho lat tor boing'docldcdly in tho. majority, and no traco t)f antagonism seems to exist bctwon tho two classes. Landod proprietors nnd thoso who woro onco thoir serfs evidently moot for tho oc casion on a footing of equality. The discussions nro always carried on by tho nobles, but on more than fow oc casions, peasant members rise to speak and their remarks, always clear, prac tical, and to tho point nro invariably listened to with respectful attention by all present. This nssombly meets in Scptotnber, nnd In December tho assembly for tho provinco meets. In general character and modo of proccduro it resombles closely tiio district assombly just de scribed. Its chiof peculiarities nro that its members aro chosen not by tho pri mary electors, but by tho assemblies (Ceinstvos) of tho districts composing tho provinco, nnd that It takes cogniz nnee only of matters that concern moro than ono district. H. I I tl ! 'ISM r-&rjk: 'All roads loo.d to " Fame," said Golden Gale, "but I shall meet queer people as I do. "Not everyone cares or hlh-j$rnde coffee; some prefer the cheap rank kinds. Some dealers prefer to handle bulk floods Instead of coffee packed In aroma il&ht tins. "I'm uniform in quality; I was aticd in my native country; I'm smooth drinklnjj rich-aromatic ; I'm full weight (honest). With all this In my favor I cannot fail to please. "I'm sold.on merit," merit will win!!",. Nothing doe, with GOLDEN GATE COFFEE but adduction. No prliea no coupon, no crockery. I and S lb. nromo-tlijht tin. Navar aoltl In bulk. J. A. Folder CSL Co. Established half a Caatnrr San Frunclico tic, rndical; ago is conservative, some what infirm, not ns sanguine ns it was, and inclined to look on tho dark sido of tho picture. An obsorvlng visitor from Europe, after thoroughly viowing conditions, says: "It is only a matter of time until in tho United States tho spirit of tho West, controls by forco or moral suasion tho spirit of tho East." JOURNAL OPEN FORUM Correspondents noed not sign names to communication In good faith, and not porsonal, and of local Interest. Favod Streets, What paved streets mean to Salem: It means streets entirely clean of any mud In Iho winter. It means dustlcss streets In the summer time. It means n beautiful driveway for our four-in-hands. It means quicker transportation for all vehicles, and for bicycles a solu tion for tho sldownlk controversy. It means that our poor firo depart ment horses can make a firo much faster on tho paved street without tho pitying drng of the heavy cnginos. It means a gonornl brightening up of tho business centres. It menns a good impression will bo mado on newcomers. It docs away with the laying of crosswalks, which nro both' expensive nnd objectionable. Lastly, it moans that Salem Is AWAKE nt Inst. May tho knockers get in their holo whoro they belong to make wav for ENTERPRISE. .JasaLaLffjP'aal YlJll ... . aWh aaaaamSiaTffEfl0iabaMaaaaBaaK aaHLsQZ-,Sa tVitH.VJiik'.W&TSSaBTaaV 'v asa T I III I'lllili iH II H T 'It T Wll amy- tl iimaaTfTrTrr lW,-''- aH aTavnl Mtitt 'liiffSPlib. , ..:?&. l8'"'t. al X-RAYS "WIIAT 2EM8TVO IS AND DOES. I'ow studies nro fraught with moro interest to tho nvorngo student than that of civil government. Wo tiro all students, some working bardor than others. Somo with ambi tion, Htimo without; somo with an ob ject nnd purpose, somo drifting along just because they havo to. Civil government is tho law that has como down to us from Home through nil tho chani::g conditions of tho cen turies; it is that part of tho law of n ntnto or nation whloh concerns tho civil yower ns distinguished from tho mill rtnry. Kvory country hns Its own plan of fllvil government; tho following con tjqrnlug "Russia, from tly work of D. MeKuiulo Wallace, an Kngllsh mom '.bor of tho Itussinn Oeogrnphlcul So tuty, should bo Interesting: Tho Itussinn puuaant family is u sort of prlmltlvo association In which the iiu'iubors havo nearly all things in com inun, Tho villugo nmy bo roughly de mirlbed us a prlmltlvo association on h Jargor scale, .Hotwotm those two social milts thero -nro miiiiy points of analogy. In both thero tiro common interests and common responsibilities. lit both thero Is ft principal porno mi go, who is In a certain noiiaa. rulur within,) and ropreaontatlvo 8 rognrdu tho outsldo world, in tho urt oiiso otilled tho head of tho houso bold, and lu tho other tho villago el dor. In both tho authority la limited, In tho one wise by tho adult members of tho family nnd In tho othor by tho bends of households, lu both thero is I HOW TO OET UP. Harry Lehr, Now York and Newport society louder, will retire. Why notf Ho has had his day and mado his fortune. A fow years ago Harry had nothing but n hnndsomo fnco and figure. Ho wns n struggling salesman who could scarcely innko onough to pny his tai lor. Ho patronized tho best, oven in thoso dnys. ' Then ho startled society by wading In n fountain at 2 a. in. with Mrs. " Fred die " (Icbhard. That nettlod it. Aloro was tho orlginnl gonitis tho jaded 400 nccdod in their line. Ho was introduced to tho very smart sot nnd plnyod tho buffoon. Ho ncted as ring innstor at society circuses, danced as a ballot girl, gnvo dog and monkoy dinners, played tenuis in n bathing suit, wont shopping with a chntclaino bag at his wrist, woro oven- Ing dress with turned up trousors nnd did sundry nnd divers things that plcnsod and ontertnlned tho set. And his final accomplishment and tho ono ho doubtless had most in view was his ntiirriugo witu n wenituy widow worth nnywhero up to ten mil lions. And now, rich In woll-cnrned honors, high in tho esteem of tho oxclusivrs, crowned ns tho clovorost cntoror that u surfeited cllquo hns over known and with money to burn Harry Lehr Is to rctiro on his laurels. What n lesson for tho poor and am bitious jfqnt.it You can't keep n clever man down. llo will rise on stopping stones of his dead self to higher thingssuch as the use of other in en's dogs and moukoys nnd parrots nnd silly wives, to mako a holiday for all tho elite. Dah WUZ, a cat, which kltch a rat, An', my, but sho wuz prou-ud. Aw tnk' do rat 'way frum do cat, Kn soz, "rats not nllow-ud." Den how dnt cnt sho luks nt me, En rufllcs up her fur-r, But w'en Aw gits hor catnip, she Fergct do rnt on purr-r. o Raro Pictures for Exposition. A feature of tho fino arts exhibit at tho Lewis and Clark exposition will bo tho Italian display of raro art crea tions. Italy has applied for a largo allotmont of spaco and somo of tho best works of Italian artists of tho presout day nndsomo of tho old mas ters will bo hung at tho exposition for tho first Unto in this country. V. Zcggip, commissioner gonornl from Italy to tho Lewis and Clark ox. position, has loft this country for Venice, whero ho will mako a careful solcction of paintings and othor works of art for tho exhibit. Somo of tho rarest paintings executed sinco tho Bo natssanco aro on exhibition in tho royal Italian art galleries, and ns Commis sioner Kcggio will havo theso to select from, it may bo said without any oxag.. Jgeration that tho Italian art exhibit; nt tho Lewis and Clnrk exposition will bo tho finest over displayed in this country. Owing tu the great valuo of somo of tho paintings they will bo brought to Portland under tho enro of special guards. Booms to Lot. Editor Jeurnal: Bolloviug that tho Journal is interested in tho wclfaro of Salem In more wnj-s thnn one, it would bo very much in lino with its popular policy to sound a wnrning noto to tho peoplo of an impeding famine. Tho famino will not bo wheat, hay or hops. It will not bo a famino of suitnblo candidates for po litical snaps or of mud, but just an ordinary, common, unromantic overy day famino of rooms to lot. There nro several hundred people who nro today living In rooms thoy would vacnto in 24 hours for hotter ones. Thero aro hundrods of poor but ro spectablo people who would be glad of the opportunity to movo into a mod ern flat or rooming house. Thero aro ninny inquiries for rooms every day. Whoro nro theso nowcomers which nro to tnnko up our 20,000 notch popula tion going to stay! Thoy can't nil build houses. Thoy can't all live in rooms which nro oven now nlready overcrowded with tenants. Whoro do tho peoplo of Salem expect theso other 10,000 to stay! Do wo oxpect to build them anything to live Inf What's the matter with tho peoplo of Salem f Aro thoy asleep? Along with all tho now rooms needod by theso now resi dents will bo n corresponding demand for modern ofllco buildings. Salem needs more now ofllco buildings, now storo buildings, new houses and flats to keep tho incrcaso in our population. In caso of PorUand being overflowed with Lewis nnd Clark sleepers, Salem will be called upon to help out. Ts there any effort being mado to supply tho demand! Thoro should bo a dozen big, modern rooming houses or fiats building right now. Tho fact that Sa eom is becoming moro and moro n schooK center is another good reason why moro rooming places should bo provided. Salem will find herself in n bad fix in a short timo if sho don't get nwnko nnd put up some buildings. Sho will havo n town full of peoplo who can neither find plnces to sloop, buildings to start business in or of fices to locato themsolves. Wako up, Salem builders, and when you aro rondy for mo address. BENCH NO. 4, Marlon Square. Don't trust tho koy of your skeleton closet with your neighbors. THE EAST AND WEST. Tito great nnluoneo botween tho East nnd tho West In our country, is tho iliffoioneo that marks youth and old ago. iouth is hopeful, vigorous, potimis- Ask vour doctor, then do as he says I If he tells you to take Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for your throat 8 cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. Only get well as soon as you can. Delays are always so dangerous In lung troubles. ,'μ? Canada Will Exhibit. i Tho dominion of Canada will bo rep. resented nt tho Lewis and Clnrk cen. tounial by an exhibit characteristic of hor resources, and will build a fino pavilion in which to houso tho exhibit. Canada at first declluod to tako parti in tho fair, but hns reconsidered tho matter nnd will havo n most credita ble display. It is believed that the uxhibit will bo mado up for the most part of features tending to show tho opportunities for settlement of tho vast itomesicau inuas or iannua, anu tnni plans will bo mado by tho common. wealth to head a good part of the ex pectod immigration in her direction. ii O i Two Crops of Pears. Forest Orovo has a pear tree that is maturing tho second crop of pears this year. Tho tree is normally a summer, pear and boro a good crop of excellent fruit at tho usual season, and after that was ripened it blossomed again and ia beginning to ripen ns if it were a regular soason. COMPETENT JUDGES. Hnur noctora Endorse HerplrluV. Women who make a business of beau, tlfylng othor womon come pretty nent knowing what will bring about tho best results. Here are lottera from two, con cerning Herptclde: "I can recommend Newbro'a "IlerpI c!Je." as It stopped rny hair from falling out; nnd, as a dressing it has no super lor. (Signed.) Bertha A. Tntlllnger. "Complexion Specialist, "2914 Morrison St., Portland, Oro." "After using ono bottle of "Herplclde my hair has stopped falling out. and my sealp Is entirely free from dandruff. "(Signed.) Grace Dodge, "Beauty Doctor, "196 Sixth St, Portland. Ore." Sold by leading drugslsts. Send 10c. to itamps for sample to Tho Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. Dnlel J. Fry. Spaclal Agent. Tiy Coffey's Cpfffee COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 1205 Commercial Street Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice Templar, Inde pendent Order Good Templars, of Silver Lake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use of Lydfa E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, "Dub Mrs. Pihkiu.ii: Four years ago I was nearly dead with inflsm matioa and ulceration. I endured daily untold agony, and life was a burdtn to me. I bad used medicines and washes internally and externally until I made up my mind that there was no reliof for me. Calling' at the home of a friend, I noticed a bottle of Lydlft E. Plnlcham'g Vegetable Compound. My friend endorsed it highly and I deoided to give it a trial to see if it would help me. It took patience andporseverence for I was in bad condition, and I used Iiydla B. Plnkham's vegetable Compound for nearly fire monthi before I was cured, but what a change, from despair to happiness, from misery to tho delightful exhilarating feeling health always brings. I would not change back for a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound U t grand medicine. "I wish overy sick woman would try it and be convinced." Mes. Ida Haskeix, Silver Lake, Mass. Worthy Vice Templar, Independent Order of Good Templars. When a medicine has been successful In more than a million cases, ia it justice to yourself to say, without trying it, "I do not believe It would help me" ? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick and dii oouraged, exhausted with each day's work. Yon have boss derangement of the feminine organism, and iLydla E. Plnkham's Vcgotablo Compound will help you just ns surely as it has others. firs. Tillie Hart, of Larimore, N. D., says: " Dear Mrs. Puiuiau : I might have beta spared many months of Buffering andpain if I had known of the efficacy of Ijydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a few monthi sooner, fqr'I tried many remedies without find. ing anything which helped me before I tried the Vegetable Compound. I dreaded the approach of the menstrual period every month, as it meant much suffering and pain. Some monthi the flow was very scanty and others it was pro fuse, but after I had used the Compound for two months I became regular and natural, and eo I continued until I felt perfectly well, and thi parts were strengthened to perform the work without assistance and pain. I am like a differ ent woman now, where before I did not care to live, and I am pleased to testify as to the pood your Vegetable Compound has done for me." Sincerely yours, Mrs. Tiixie Hart, Larimore.N.D, Bo it; therefore, believed by oil women who oro ill that Iiydla E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound is the medicine they should take. It has stood the test of time, nnd it hns hundreds of thousands of cures to Its credit. Women should consider it unwise to use any other medicine. Mrs. Pinlcham, whoso address is Lynn, Mass. will answer cheerfully and without cost all letters addressed to hor by sick women. Perhaps shchai just tho knowledge that will help your caso try hor to-day it costs nothing. " EASTERN JOBBING CO. FRED ERKENS Proprietor Fine Woolens ancl Trimmings At Wholesale and Retail Gent's Tailoring a Specialty LADIES' TAILORING will be made a prominent feature of our business 148 Court St. Opera House Block J jHuie Wing Sang Co.; New line of China and Japan Fancy Goods, S to J J Hanc&erchiefc, Cnlnaware, Ornaments and ail kuios g of Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Wrappers, Shirts, Waists. FoU fine of holiday good J Now on sale at cost. 00 Court St., Salem tw mi ' I, j.i..:.'. tmnjnmm ak "" rr" . , .M.Miitmma&mmmmmimmmimmmmmmmmamm - .! im m fi'EiiMMWIiMCWa"-"' J.--,,..kiJaMMtMI 1 Sim ..MMttMa -