TWWTTTW - DAILY CAPITAL JOTmNAli, SALEM, OBEQON, THUBSDAY, DEOBMBBB 1, 1004. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Extracts Teeth Painlessly f STEUSLOFF BUILDING MAIN 25'91 INVENTED CHINESE CEREMONY AT FIRST HOME SWEET HOME r" Read These Words TOP! WALNUT CLEANER -!U')5yiiyT"Hlf" f'SV; I( you wish something rich ami delicious try a U kot'of Crcsca Washed, Pulled Figs FULLER & DOUGLAS, SALEM'S LEADING OE0CEE3. 142 Stato Street Phono 2261 i SOCIAL EVENTS Miss Shelon's Recital. ui. Beatrice Bholton's advanced piano class gavd a very interesting ro- cital Monday ovening ut j.iBu, uuu, which was attended by a largo number of people. Sovon instrumental num bers wcro given, each ono being woll Tendered, and reflecting great credit up on their instructor. Soveral readings wero given, which were very interest ing, as was also the drills given by tho culture class. Miss Shclton'a advanced class, which took part, comprises tho following young ladies: Misses Lena Clark, Nina Bushncll, Jennie Fry, Myrtle Duncan, Alice V. Moycrs, Edith Maplothrope, Bertha Duncan nnd Edith Cleaver. Juvenile Party. Mlsess Elsie and Ethel Denccr en tertained a numbor of their boy and girl friends last evening at their homo in South Salem. Tho timo was spont very pleasantly in playing games. Re freshments were served during tho ev ening. Lions Entertain. Capital City Lodge, No. 34, Order of Lions, gnvo a basket social and dnnc int nnrtv nt their hall last ovonlng. There was a largo attendance, and ev ery basket was sold. They netted tlio neat sum of $23, ono reaching $l.GU. After suppor dancing was indulged in, and all report a splendid timo. Euchro Club. Tho Fortnightly Euchro club will meet Friday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. E. E. Wators, on Summer street, at 2:30 o'clock. Passengers on tho dopot car for tho last two or three days havo been mysti fied by tho sight of a barrol bored full of holes rovolving on an axle in the middle of tho south fork of Mill Creek, whore tho car track crosses the stream. On investigation it was lenrnod that tho contrivance was tho property of Harry Munson, who works with his father at tho wagon shop near that point. -The barrol is studded with nails on tho in sido ,and ia used for cleaning black walnuts. The irrccn nuts are nut into tho machino through a trap in tho barrel, and left for about two hours. "Vhon they are removed at tho end of that time the pods arc scraped from tho nuts, and tho water, which is admitted through tho holes, has washed them quito clean, and nil that is necessary to proparo them for eating is drying. About a bushel of nuts are cleaned at ono time, and without any trouble, oth er than placing them in and removing them from tho cleaner. Mr. Munso" has from six to soven bushols cleaned daily, and cleaned more thoroughly than if done by hnnd. Munson has cleaned his ontiro stock of nuts already, and now has tho machine to let to oth er young men of tho neighborhood, they paying him a share of tho proceeds for tho uso of tho plant. Band Concerts. Tho Salem Militnry Band will give concerts at tho armory during tho win ter season. Prof. McElroy has not an nounced tho datos, but it is certain that tho musicnl entertainments will bo a sourco of much pleasuro to tho citizons of Salem. Pioneers at Saloffi. John Hoofer, of Champoeg, was in town yesterday, nnd met many old friends. Among them was P. S. Knight who was at Champoeg as a young man, In tho employ of tho Hudson Bay Company. Mr. Hoofer is remnrkably well preserved for his ago, and shown that ho is descondod from tho tough mountain stock of his Tyrolcso ances tors. Wo aro clad'-to learn that his partner, Caspar Zorn, who was reported dead and buriod, is nllvo and Well, and enjoying himself, riding about on,his nonv nnd lookincr nfter his business. Their many friends nt Salem wish them ninny years of lifo. Hoofer & Zorn havo for many years boon tho third largest taxpayers in the county, nnd aro tho largest taxpayers who aro mere ly land owners in Mnrion county. Chew Hop, tho pretty Chinese bride of Yow Jcong Hing, arrived from her San FrancisCo home on tho morning overland, and was immediately escorted to tho futuro family home, where, aftor sho had removed tho stains of travel, nnd rested sufficiently, tho wedding cor- omony was solemnized by tho brido- groom's father, Quong Hing. 'mo Journal was partly in error last night when it stated that tho happy coupio would havo a Christian marriage to day. Tho ceremony was performed un der tho Chlneso rites, but this will bo strengthened by an American ceremony somotimo in tho near futuro. Alter tho marriage Quong Hing, in his new enpacity as father-in-law, presided at a banquet, given in honor of the now couple, but at which thoy woro not present. This ovoning, about 4 o'clock, another feast will bo hold which will bo much more elaborate than tho func tion of tho morning, all residents of Chinatown being present, nnd tho meal toing enlivened by the dischargo or firecrackers and bombs. Tho newly married coupio will presido at this ban quet, but it hns not boon learned wheth er rico will bo thrown or eaten. Ono strango fact in connection with tho marriage is that tho brido and groom never saw each other until this morn ing, tno match being made by tho pa rents of tho groom, who picked out lit tle Chew Hop n a suitable hclpmato for their dutiful son. "Chickens como homo to roost" and so do litilo boys, when thoy roallzo what it means to leave homo and mother be hind them nnd start out in the cold, cruel world alone, says tho Dallas Chronicle. So when Mrs. Long went in to Percy's room this morning, to her satisfaction, sho found him curled up In bed. And ho was glnd to get back. Percy Is not a bad boy, but Amollo, tho dago bootblack, had told him how nlco it would bo to go to San Francisco with him, and, nllurod by his earnest storios, ho turned his back on homo Sunday evening nt C:30, and, in company with Amolio took a "sido door" coach for Portland. Thon. they started on tho samo kind of a car for Salem. Porcy says there was an "old timer" in thero stealing a rldo, who said: "Young fol low, this is your first trip out, nnd you bettor turn around and go homo." Percy thought so, too, for ho had had but two applos to cat all day. Ho tola tho dago so, and in splto of his jeers, when ho reaohod Salem, turned about and retmced his steps. Ho reached homo early this morning with a firm conviction that thero 'a no placo llko homo. You can't afford to pass our Btoro now without stopplag. dome; In, and soo what excellent things we aro offering nt llttlo prices. Chicago Markots. Chicaco. Dec. 1. Wheat, December, $1.081.0S&; May, $1.091.00; corn, 48; oats 29V629. Ovefeoact With All Hts At this Beason of tho year, 'whon a man is' suro to need a new hat, wo always hold a "HAT SALE." Wo want to clean out all broken l(nes and sot our hat stock In good order, regardless of price ' $4,00 Hats, now $3.00 Hats, now $2.50 Hats, now $2.50 $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 $1.50, $.0Q Burton Case Closed. Washington, Dec 1. Arguments in tho caso of Sonator Burton, of Kansas, wero resumed in tho supremo court to day. Tho government's caso was argued by Solicitor-Gonoral Hoyt, and tno closing nrgument for Burton was mado by Fred W. Lehman, of St. Louis, Bur ton was present nnd was attended by his colleague, Senator Long. i-v Piece Goods tf 1 LfMff Wo are making a opocial reduotion' .on pieco goods 3 3-3 yards. ' ml. 1. ... A.U. Ai Via I- nAAila tnwT man fa f of 1nimrifl A Ulllf 'J.UCSU gUUUO UiU frUU TVijr UHb QUVUa vt utu a n"w .. . .,. Reetriar va'ces. $0.00 and $5.00 a pattern, now $4.00 and $6.00 Pheasant Season Closed. Tho Chineso pheasant season onded yesterday, nnd tho sportsmen can now store their equipment for another year. Tho season has boon fairly Good, and huntors havo mado many good kills, al- though not up to former years. I Risk and extravagance all taken out-of cotTi. baking-powder flavorioc rtet pJc.i tod by Schilling's Best goods am dealing. Your grocer's; money back Among tho pioneers in tho city the past week was Wni. Alborson, son of Solomon 'Alborson, who sottled at Sub limity in 1850. Mr. Alborson, Jr., who is a man in tho primo of life, now ro aides in Harney county at tho city of Bums. Ho was married at Sublimity by Hon. Geo. S. Downing, justico of tho peace, mid Mr. and Mrs. Alborson livo to nttest that if it was Judgo Down lines first iob of that kind tho knot was woll tied. Mrs. Alborson is a sis- tnr of Mrs. Sam Jones, nnd has beon mnking a visit at Brooks, whoro her : -lai.lna Airs. Alborson loft Ma- jlon 'county 34 years ago, and this is his first visit hero sinco uis uepuriuru. To sny that ho was royally cntortnined by his old friend, Downing, is only stating what takes plnco whenovcr Undo George moots up witli ono or xne friends of his younger days, no matter whoro ho hails from. wiiniiimniiiiiiiH I Ftesh Today J A FULL LINE OF :: ChocolateOeams ik ii ii ii ::atPTTki z-mns :; i The Great Italian Masters j ! Have painted for us a beautiful line of china, placques; J . u..,ic '.A'.n.oeoc Tho line throuehout is one of tra- cendental beauty and loveliness, rivaling in variety and ! decorations. We've placed them on exhibition and sale in our first show case. They have already had many ad- mirers. Those who saw, bought. The line is yet com- plete but wont remain so long. Our prices sell them. It s ! an uncommon line. The Italians call it "firenze" Artist "Pila" is accountable for the work. IT'Q fiRFAT The Salem artists tell us. We are no ill vJ VJIALTM ...j-.. Uolonvolhatlnvnu. Our . ..:c ro wnv holnw what most stores that carry this line ask. Take a look anyway, in our east window. It s an eye pleaser. PATTON'S BOOK STORE "The Home of Great Things at Little Prices." Salem Woolen Mill Stoe, C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor Cuban Resigns. Havana, Dec. 1. Louis Estovoz, vice- president of Cuba, has resigned owing to ill health. 0 Fronch Duolllsts. Paris, Doc. 1. W. Jauroz, tho so cialist Icndor has challenged Paul Dor oulcdo to ilght a duol. Independence Eloction. Tho following ticket ha boon nomi nated at Independence by a mass con cen con venteon: For mayor, W. A. Messner. Council m6n, J; ItrCravon, August Sperling, W. W. Torcival, 0. D. Calbreath. Itocorder, W, O. Sliorman. Marshal, 0. D, Walk or.' Tho oloction occurs Docombor 5th. EASTERN JOBBING CO. FRED ERKENS Proprietor flAWgO-- Bttrttha Blgn&tsn of ThaKlaiYoa Haw Almg BwtM W&&U a i ii i ' I h-h n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it : : Substantial :: Meals... at tbe 1 1 54 State St. Phone 1971 : : J George Bros. Props. h n 1 1 1 n in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iw mini i i i mm I White. House; I Restaurant ytlltltMMiaMMttt"'MM,B,,,aB,,S Home-Made Hominy ! Wo receive regularly twice each week-wo know who makes it-no M know f. 1. Trw a nuart only 10S . ... i i Bauer Kraut, Sour Pickles, Olives, etc., we keep constantly on nana .u . i uiua anu omy in oeow 4jiw i ATWOOD & FISHER, Phone 57 X. Grocers Corner Commercial and Court. SHERIFF NEILON RELEASED A. J, Neilon, ox-sheriff of Lake coun ty, who was sentenced to flvo years ia tho penitentiary In tho spring of 1UUJ, for tho ombezzlcmont of county funds, was todav pardoned by Governor Cham berlain, on a petition from tho citizens nnd taxpayers of that county. Tho pott tion had 520 signers, and tho Inst om clal voto showed only C33 voters in the county. This is ono of the most re- marknblo petitions in this respect that has over been illod for pardon. u How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollnrs Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that can not bo curod by Hall's Catarrh- Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. AVe. tho undersigned, havo known F. 'J. Cheney for tho lant 15 years, and bcliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, anu iiuuiiuiu" ablo to carry out any obligations mado by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Mar vin, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of. tbo system. Testimonials sont trco. (Price, 75c per bottle. Bold by all Druggists BUSY CHECKING BOOKS While on his rounds this morning n Journal rcportor found City Recorder Judah balancing his books, and, at tno urgont request , of tho reporter, tho judgo gave out tho following tetals: Warrants Issued for Nov $ 3,234.30 Cash rocotpts for Nov 1,080.27 Warrants issued during tho year up to dato 20,000.7a Gush rocoipts for year up to .... .-.!. M'sko aiif Fuuiiijr rills for cs: putiou. Christmas Photos. There is still timo for Christmas pictures, us we havo extra help. Como as soon as possible, and we will not dis appoint you. TOM CB0NI8B. dnto .... . 10,377.40 A Natural Bosult. It Ih very rcasonablo to supposo If tho foundation of a structuro was removed that tho building itself is bound to como down. This samo prlnciplo can bo annllod to disease. Tako modlclno into tho systom that will romovo tho causo of sickness, and illnoss will loavo of itsolf. Dyspopsia, Indigestion, slck hoadacho and billlousnoss havo their foundation in stomach disordors. Ro movo this weakness and tlio other symptoms aro no more. There is ono ouro for this that all druggists sell for 25e nor box. It Is Dr. Dunn's Improved Liver Pills. Thoy got right f.t tho bo- ginning of theso diseases and make the ouro by taking away tho causo. For salo by Dr. S. 0. Stone, druggist. Fine Woolens and Trimmings At Wholesale and Retail Gent's Tailoring a Specialty LADIES' TAILORING will be made a prominent feature of our business 148 Court St. Opera House Block V. IK. GUNN'S onion CURES COUGHS, COLDS, S T K IIP HOARSENESS A GROUP. V KIVB itatlUmtdy Iw Children. PlemnttaUkoandn rtasrnanoHr4M. The old riglml Hm Cur Soli bj all Mtdlcla. star la Ura boHlts lor BO t. Ud thht by PR B0MNXO C0 PhiUdtiphU, IV Writ u$ ut villi nnt ye a Saxipt Bttl flU i New Enlaced Stoe.... i ! Enlarged Stocks! I Greater varieties than ever before. Better display ! and closer prices. Old and new friends invited i ! to examine out store. ! ! ! VARIETY STORE g&2 ! j j ANNORA M. WELCH - - Prop. j Huic Wing Sang Co. : New line of China and Japan Fancy Goods, Sllfcs, Handkerchiefs, Chfnaware, Ornaments and all kinds of Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing; Goods, Underwear, Wrappers, Shirts, Waists. Fall line of holiday goods. Now on sale at cost. i 00 Cow rt St., Salem, Of e. a i iHttittittMita 12-1 3t Cor. Court and Commercial.