Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 29, 1904, Image 1

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V'Kti T !" "
salem, obeoon, Tuesday, November 29, 1004.
NO. 277.
j5ll X JL 'olIij
"", -
liananese ujiiunue
Port Arthur With
Efforts at
London, Nov. 29. A rich Atncrlcau
named Chnpmnn Inst night leaped from
tho third floor of tho Carlton Hotel to
tho vestibulo below. His skull was
crushed, and ho died 20 minutes later.
Chapman arrived -with his valet on Sat
urday, hnving como direct from Now
York on a Cunard liner. It is roportcd
that ho had a high commercial position
in tho United States, and was a million
Tho Carlton hotel pcoplo refuse to
T.fclo, Nov. 29.-A report from Port
jthur states that tho Japanese -havo
jptured crests on Sung Shu mountain,
id are now destroying mo aau.v;ui,B
' n.rui. They havo captured tho
i .Mtcr trenches near tho sum-
L and arc holding these nositionsnow
' 1 - ll. A 1 A 1 A OT1 A VI
ud trying to capture mo uui .u--
I vmt, Nov. 29. Tho newspaper Mat-
iio claims to havo information tnat
he Japaneso will make their first attacic
. ti, Russian Baltic fleet in tho
Rtarits of Malacca, whoro they havo
ten preparing to strike an euoctuai
cl uroinirff. Nov. 29. General
Lopatkin reports that fighting east
(Mukden was resumed yestcruay near
foine Chen and continued until II
'dock this morning. Ho adds: "Wo
nllMted 230 dead of tho 7th regiment
:f the ninth rcscrvo brigade. Wo took
,.u nt riflps nnd ammunition." A
.i.. .Hinntli ctntrs that tho Janancso
me forced to ovacuato Tsino Chen by
U Russian artillery, anil were pursuuu
for four vcrsts.
Mukden. Nov. 29. Skirmishes aro re-
LrtoJ to tho eastward, but.thcro aro
mirM of a dcfiulto Japaneso advance,
and no important chnugo in tho situa
tion. A Japaneso prisoner says that
Kuroki is not dead, as rumored among
tho Chinese.
Brest, ov. 29. Tho Russian torpodo
boat destroyer Prouzitelny is anchored
in tho roads with a hole in the hull,
causod by her anchor. Sho will bo
docked for repairs.
Trial of Weber.
Auburn, Nov. 29. Tho grand jury
will meet this afternoon and tho bank
robbery chargo against Adolph Weber
will bo brought up. District Attornoy
Robinson announced that Attornoy-Qon-eral
Webb will assist in tho prosecution
of tho trial.
Kentucky Tragedy.
Ashland, Ky., Nov. 29. Enoch Sloan,
of Shelby, Pike county, whilo In a
drunken fit, shot and killed his wifo
and four children, and then killed himself.
givo out any information regarding tho
case i
Chapman's namo is Elverton R., son
of E, R. Chapman, tho wealthy lawyer
and banker of New York, and It is ro
portcd that young Chapman was tempo
rarily, deranged. Inalllng ho narrowly
missqd striking Madnmo Gallardo, wifo
of tho Moxican ambassador., Tho in'
quesi will bo hold Thursday
Chapman was 23 years old and a stu
dent nt Oxford until last spring. Ho
recently mado an automobile tour of
tho country.
Millionaire's Daughter
Ties Up With
Actress Dead.
Now York, Nov. 29. Madamo Jaun
aschock, tho actress, died last toight at
tho Brunswick House, Ainityville, of
Hon. J. E. nunt, of Portland ,was in
tho elv7 today on business. ' '
The Statement Is Vigorously Denied
However by Aged
Cleveland, Nov. 29. Tho hearing set
lor today in tho caso of Nowtou vs.
Cbadwick, wherein an application is
Mde for a receiver for tho' Chadwick
wurities, was continued until Thurs-
fay morning. Tho contlnuanco was the
'(wit of a mutual agreement between
ke attorneys of tho pnrties. The mys
terious noto of $500,000, mentioned in
tk petition of Herbert Newton, tho
Massachusetts bnnker, who holds Mrs.
fkidvrick's notes for $190,800, is now
Ufged to bo signed by Andrew Carno
! Attorney Ryan, counsel for Mr.
Sewton, stated that tho latter told
ton that he had actually had seen Car
Mgie's noto for that sum.
Now York, Nov. 29. Andrew Carno-
gie, through his secretary, today donicd
all knowledgo of a noto for $50Q,000, al
inirnil to bo hold bv Mrs. Chadwick. Mrs.
Chadwick is at tho Holden House. Hpr
lawyer, Judgo Albaugh, said sho was
completely prostrated, and attended by
her physicians, lio strongly lntimateu
that tho caso will bo settled out of
Washington, Nov. 29.Tho wedding
of Miss Nancy Leitor, daughter of tho
lato Levi Z. Leitor, tho Chicago million
aire, and sister-in-law of Lord Curzon,
to Major Colinpowys Campbell of tho
English army, was solemnized at noon
at tho homo of tho brido's mother in
Dupont circle. Only immediate mem
bers of tho Loiter family and a fow in-
timato friends, including soveral repre
sentatives from tho British nmbassy,
woro present. Rev. Dr. Roland Cotton
Smith, rector of St. John's church,
conducted tho ceremony, and a wedding
breakfast followed. Tho couplo de
parted on their honeymoon which will
end with tho nrrival nt tho groom's sta
tion with his regiment, tho Central In
dia Horse, in India.
St. Louis, Nov 29. John Most, alias
Hcrr Most anarchist, of Now York, wns
arrested at 11 ol 'clock last night after a
fruitless effort to hold a meeting in St.
Louis, nnd is now 'a prisoner nt tho
Pour Courts, held for Chief Klely.
For ton days St. Louis dotcctives
havo watched Most. Ho was to havo
mado a speech in National Hall on Sun
dny nflornoon, November 20th, but tho
polico prohibited it in view of tho ap
proaching visit of President Roosovelt.
Ho romained in St. Louis until last
Wednesday, when it was announced he
had gono to Chicago. Instead, it is de
clared ho went across tho river .to East
St. Louis, whero ho remained at tho
a Blazing New York
homo bf n friend until last night, whom
ho recrossed tho river. With tho pres
ence of Most in St. Louis, it hns de
veloped that an intcrnation convention
of anarchists was hold in St. Louis for
ton days just prior to tho arrival of
President Roosovelt. Chief of Polico
Kiely had a man nt tho meotiug, who
mndo a comploto Toport to him of they
proceedings. It is declared that the
chlof business transacted at tho con
vention, in addition to numerous spoock
es on liberty and froo spocch, wns abs
olution binding oach dolegato to uso kl
lnuuenco to uring nuoui a siring gi ui
trades-unions in tho country noxt
Now York, Nov. 29. Firemen early
today carried 40 screaming youngsters
from a burning five-story tenamont
lionso at No. 234 9th avenue. Thirty
adult's wero also aided to escapo. All
wero asleep when tho firo broko out
and had not time to dress. Tho loss on
building and contents is small.
i 0
j Fitzgerald Won Tight
Chicago, Nov. 29. Willie Fitzgerald,
of Brooklyn, won the decision over
Chnrley Neary, of Milwaukee, at tho
end of a 10-round fight hero tonight.
Neary was knocked down four times in
tho first round, and just managed to last
until tho bell rnng. Ho carno back
strong for the second round, but tho
Eastern man was too clover for him.
Mukden. Nov. 29. Tho Japanese are
uslnir dogs ns scouts, sending thorn out
with long cords attached. Thoy un
erringly locnto tho Russian position,
giving n warning of any movoment
against tho Japanese.
This method is proving very satis
factory to tho outposts of tho Japanoso
nnd roqulres constant care and vigilonco
on tho pnrt of tho Russian skirmishorsu '
Ono instanco is relatod whoro u wholo
company of Russian scouts wero dls
covcrcd by tho Japanoio dogs nnd ah
most annihilated boforo thoy could
make their escapo from tho firo of
Japaneso sharpshooters , who woro
strongly ontronchod lit a concoalod position.
Attacks aro to bo made on individual members of tho Republican city
9 ticket, on tho ground that Tom Oornolius has not resided in this city
long enough to bo marshal, or that ho voted somewhero elao, and on
Republican candidates for aldcrmon. All thoso matters havo been con
s sidcred by tho Republican city committee and decided in favor of tho
eligibility of tho nominees. These false campaign attacks should deceivo
no ono, and aro only mado for political effect, and to help some other
? candidate. Every candidate on tho Republican ticket is qualified, com-
potent, clean and able, and entitled to every Republican's support.
Oborlin, O., Nov. 29. Director Whit
noy, of tho Citizens,' National Bank,
said this afternoon that ho amount
loaned Mrs. Chadwick by President
Bocwith was $240,000, which was four
times tho capital stock of tho bank.
Bcckwith loaned hor $102,000 personally.
4t I irfttt -$ tt-fg-Hfl-KS-HH-t frt I I Ht iO-MH-C lHI'
Do You Pay Cash?
If you do, and use caro in tho selection of what you buy, you get moro
for your monoy than tho man or woman who has it charged.
It is a rule of tho commercial world to givo to the Cash Buyer n dis
count. Wo buy for cash. and get u discouut. Wo sell for cash and give
yoa the discount in tho amount asked for tho goods.
Whatever Yoa Bay At
The New Yok Racket
You pay for when it is bought; but you pay loss than nt any credit
tore. It pays to savo tho discount whon buying shoes, clothing, under
wear or iW rnn.io rt .,.i it o nnvniA vou bv examining and
I looking nt our prices.
St. Louis, Nov. 29. An oxploslou of
a quantity pf chemicals in tho basement
of tho Pullman Car company's building
nt 21st and Randolph stroots early this
morning caused tho 'death of Edwnrd
Sheohan and other employes had a nar
row escape. Tho placo was usod as a
dormitory nnd tho mon woro asleep at
tho time. Tho loss is slight.
Coxey Is Bankrupt.
Columbus, O., Nov. '29. General
Jacob 8. Coxey, of Mount Vernon, cole
brated as tho loader of tho "Common
weal Army," tonight filod a personal
potitlon in bankruptcy in tho United
Stntos court here. His liabilities nro
given at $287,000. His aBsdts consist of
2500 ithares of stock In tho Coxey Stool
St Silica Sand Company, and an unse
cured noto for $11,000. Tho Coxey Steel
& Silica Sand Company is now in tho
hands of a roceiver.
President at Home.
Washington, Nov. 29. President
Roosevelt's special train reached Wash
ington, returning from St. Louis at 7
o'clock this morning. Everybody in
the party reached tho White Houeo in
good condition, although tired. Doug
las Robinson, the President's brother-in-law
nnd Mrs. Robinson, who accom
panied tho party to 8t. Louis, took tho
early train for New York.
St. LoniB, Nov. 29. Horr Most, tho
annrchist, who was nrrostcd yesterday,
was released today undor promlso to
leave tho city.
i n
Boycotts Must Stop,
San Francisco, Nov. 29. Suporlor
Judgo Hobbnrd this morning rendored
a judgment in favor of tho Crescent
City-Woathor Company vs. tho Uphol
sters' Union, and granted a permnnont
injunction against boycotts nnd pick
ets ef tho Union.
France Names Member.
Paris, ov. 29. At tho meeting of tho
consul of ministers today it was an
nounced that Admiral Fornier wns ap
pointed tho French member of tho com
mission which is to inquiro into tho Dog
ger Bank tr.agedy. Tho commission will
meet at tho French foreign office.
A. JL Breyman Indicted.
Portland, Nov. 29. A. II. Breyman
and John Sommorvillo, local capitalists,
woro indlctod by tho grand jury last
ovoning on tho chargo of owning tho
Paris House, tho notorious divo in tho
North End.
Bobbed Express Company.
Eureka Springs, Ark., Nov? 29. Rob
bers broko open tho safo of tho St,
Louis & North Arkansas railroad sta
tion at Qreon Forrost, nnd escaped with
an express package containing $5000.
Portland, Nov. 20. An additional ox
hlbit palaco, second in slzo only to tho
Agricultural building, is to bo construct
ed nt onco at tho Lewis and Clark ex
This importnnt decision was reached
yesterday by tho 'exccntlvo committeo
of tho Lowls nnd Clark Expositiou Com
pany, when tho gravo situation brought
on by tho consumption of all tho ex
hibit spaco was brought up for discus
sion and action. Without a dissenting
voico tho exhibits committeo and oxoc
utlvo bonrd, which considcrod tho ques
tion, favored tho installation of anoth
er big oxhibit building. It was decided
that tho now building shall havo a floor
spaco of 00,000 squaro feet.
Donvor, Nov. 20. It is ofllcially giv
en out today that Governor Pcabody
will not withdraw, but will await tho
completion of tho fraud investigation,.
and abldo by tho result. Tho gonorar
Impression is that Poabody's chancos
of success aro small. Tho testimony inr
tho causo of 50 ward officials, who aro
up for contempt of court, wns rcsumouT
in tho supremo court today. To morrow
nrgumonts begin tho supromo court to
throw out tho Democratic wards, and!
tho election officials will bo arraigned
in tho federal court, and then tho stato
canvassing board will begin work.
Another Earl Dead.
London, Nov. 29. Earl of Hnrdlekp,
under sccrotary of state, diod suddonly
Exceptional Bargains
In our Ladies Roady-to-Wcar department whero prices nro reduced to
whero you can afford a now suit or wkirt for every weok. Thoso bnrgalns
nro being rnpidly snupped up, so would advlso nn early selection in order
to got tho pick of tho assortments. Romouibcr these garmonts aro nil of this
season's showings, and aro right.
Regtrfa $ I S.50 Suits $ J 2.35
Regala $22.50 Suits $ 5.00
Regafa $25 to $35 Suits $ i 9.85
Skitts, Waists,
Shop In tho morning, for wo can
best sorvo you then.
Tomorrow Only
Linen HttcfcTowef s
Of Buporlor grado and weight. Don't
wait until towards evening, but
Men's Clothing
Continues to bo a favorite topic for
discussion, and our lino continues to
bo tho favorite, .judging from tho
numbor that havo purchased here.
Wo can 'please you as well n wo
havo hundrods of others with this
cholco nsso Anient. Don't hositato
but como today and see what wo
can do for you from
$0 to $25
Our big second floor is rapldfr jm I
Burning form wlioro wo snow um
grandest assortment of foreign; and
domcstlo goods ovor shown in tho
Willaraotto Valley. Como often and
bring tho chlldron with you. I
i 4