DAILY CAPITAL JOUENAL, BALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER .2!?,.180. i ? CLASSIFIED I" WANTED. (ranted. Fresh milch cow Jersey pre fcrrcd, by "W. B. Simpson, South Com mercial street. 10-27-3t 'anted. A house la good location, East Salem preferred, for small family; must have three or four bed rooms. Apply to B. W., caro Jour nal. 10-21-tf. fanted. German boy, to learn bak ery trade. Inquire at California bakery, 93 Court street. 10-19-tf FOR SALE. nr Sale or Trade A 10-acro fruit and chicken ranch. Good house, barn, 'nnd other out buildings. Excellent home. Milo from railroad, good school and trading point. "J. G.," Journal. 10-8-lm ir Sale. A team. Inquire of B. F, IWxtor. East Salem. 94-tf 1 ' h Sale. Moving .picturo outfit, in rst-clnss condition. At gieat reduc- m. Address "L. F. U., Salem, Or., tare Journal. 8-2C-tf ir Sale. Tnree-fourtua oi an acre of lland, within city limits, near school douse, good house and barn, fruit of all kinds. A bargain at reason able terms. Inquire at Journal of fice. 8.2-tf FOR RENT. tr Bent. A suito of rooms, with clec- Erie light and bath. Enquire of Mrs. D. Allen, 347 High street. 10-27-tf r Sale. Sand or Winter Vetches. ff'red Achilles, four miles north of fealem, hnlf milo west of Keizer School house. 10 37- Ir Sale. Our home, corner 14th nnd Court streets, 9 rooms, overy modern convenience. D. A. Wntters, 481 Court street. 10-20-tf fir Bent. Booms at 510 Commercial Istroet. Mrs. M. A. Dice. 10-24-lwk oras And bonrd, with privilege of kth. Reasonable rates. Inuiro at 108 llligh street, 3 blocks south of State. 10-14-lm boms to Rent Twelvo furnished or unfurnished rooms to rent Loca- Itlon on street car lino, and one iblock to S. P. depot Call on J. C. iGoodalo, 12th and Oak stroots. 6-20tf MICCCLLANCCUS. 1st A brown 3 year-old maro, brand- Fed with "2C" on right hip. Liberal reward for recovery. John Simpkins, youto No. 2, Turner, Ore. 10-27-Ct alnod Sanitarium Nurse Massage treatment a specialty. Address Do Stta Jones, phono 2951, or call at rooms over W. C. T. U. hall. 10-20-lwk IK. Grubbor and Stump Puller Beats them all; thrco stato premi ums; grubs an aero a day; one horse las the power of 99; investigate, lat. Finney, Brooks, Or. 10-10-lm ill and Feed. Tho Smith Fuel and feed Company is prepared to fur- Hsh sawed wood, coal, etc., on prompt lellvery. Office with Salem Abstract Land Co. Phono Black 2201. 10 5-lm iglesl Shingles. New lot received, 11.25 to $2.35 per 1000. Mathold and P. & B. ready roofing and building paper. Poultry and field fencing. All fat lowost price. Walter Morley, alem Fenco Works, 00 Court streot. i Paid For poultry and farm pro- see; also good apples wanted. Capital Commission Company, gen rSr&l commission merchants, 177 obmmerclal street. 10-21-tf-dw el Scott Newly furnlBhed, every- IMalng clean and first class. Rooms Kt reasonable prices. In Cottle Mock, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf. Lodnlnn House Everything few, clean and comfortable Schreib fcr block. 149-161 State street Mat- lie Hutching, proprietor. Phone Iain 2874. 0-9 A. L. Dennison Besident agent lor tho Charles B. Stevens & Bros., Chicago's greatest suit, cloak and silk house, will gladly call and show you Ihelr fall and -winter styles if you rill drop her a card, 22d street and turner road. 10-25-lwk Japital Normal School first National Bank building, S- em, Or. Fall term of twelvo weeks pens September 26th. Normal, ae- Identic, preparatory and business ourses. Address. J. J. KRAPS, Mem, - Oregon Bay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch. er'g for meats. We have the best sausage in town. Come and try It, and be comtneed. 410 East State street Balem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company in Sa lem. Piano and furniture mov.ng a specialty Office 'phone, 881. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. OfDcs No. 60 State street 9-1-lm Found. A bicycle lamp. Call nt the Journal office, prove property ami pay for nd. 10-23-tf UNDERTAKERS. Undertaken. We carry the larger and finest line of undertaker's goodi In the city. Prices to suit all Black and white hearse. Prompt reliable. Save money by calling a No. 107. A. M Clough, A. J. Bat M-ti NWl,-. HOPBiaTfEBSDLgEaTOBY JACK OABMIOHALHop buyer. Boom 1, Bush-Breyman building. Phono Mnin 1851. 9-27- WM. BHOWN & CO.-Hops. Molinir, wool, hop growers' supplies. No. 229 Commercial street, Salem, Oro- gon. i'liono 1301 SQUIBB FABBAK Uop merchant nnd purchasing agont. No. 210 Commercial street, upstairs, Salem, Oregon. Phono 1051. T. A. LIVESLEY & CO. Dealers in hops and hop supplies. Phono 1211, office room 18 Oberheim bldg, Sa lem, Oregon. KBEBiJ" BEOS. Hop Merchants, Sa lorn, Oregon. Phone 1301. KOLA NEIS Dealer in Orogon hops. Bush-Broyman block, Salem, Oregon, also Albany, Oregon. ' TONbUKIAL. AND UAIho Evan's Barber bnop Only ursi-cia shop on State stre6t Every thlat new and up-touato. Flnett pom lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut H baths, 2Sc. Two first-class mw blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor DRAYMEN. Welch & White do a general dray and transfer, business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Main 2181, residences, Blue 15, red 2070. Stand 218 Commerslal street 8-12-lm BUSINESS OABD. DR. E. E. JACKSON Treats al dls eases of domestic animals. Ofilce 01 Ferry street. Phone 2341 Main. Residence 17 Commoiclal street, Phone 2011 Red. Miss Eva Cox Teacher of piano and organ and sight reading. Evening lessons given. Studio, 333 Front streot. Phone, Whito 75. 11 12-lra W. F. B. Smith On Monday, October 10thr purchased a half interest in tho blacksmith shop formorly owned by him at 181 Commercial street, op posite tho Willamctto Hotel, and the now firm of Arnold & Smith is prepared to do all kinds of general blacksmith ing nnd horse shoeing. 10-10-lm Sidney Hayes Teacher of violin, man dolin and guitar, formorly of Stoin way Hall, Chicago. Pupils desiring thorough instruction at lowest rates ploaso address or call at Will's mu sic store. 9-20-lmo OSTEOPATHS. Dr. M. Theresa Schoottlo, Osteopath Graduate of founder's school. Grand Opera House, Salem, Oregon. Of fice phono Main 2721. Resldonco phono, Bod 2003. Assisted by Dr. Madeline 8traveus, late of St. Louis, Mo. DE. W. L. MEECER-fUrafluato of tho American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Mo. Office in Broyman block, Commercial street, over Stock ton's store. Rooms 25 and 20. Phone Red 2413. Bcsldence at 300 Summer street. Phone Bed 2541. PHYSICIANS. F. E. SLATES, M. D., Has opened an offico in the Eldridge block over Fry's dni store. Offico hours, 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 6 p. m. Residence North Capital street Phone, office, Main 2703; residence, Red 91. Spe cialty, uise set of children. 9-20-3m ASSAYER8. S. E. HASSAN Mining engineer, as Bayer and mineralogist and consult ing metalurgist. Mining properties carefully examined and reported on. Those having mining properties will do woll to call on him. Room 15 Breyman Hock. 10-7 tf LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. L O. O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:20 p. m. B. B. Horrick, Jr., N. Q.; Frr.nk F. Toevs, recording secretary dalem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tn World Meets in Holman Hall enrj Friday at 7:30 p m. P. L. Frailer, Consul. "WylJe A. Moores, Secr tary. 1-lMyr Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters No. 19. Meets Friday In Turner block. Ira Jorgenscn, C, B J A L. Brown, See "The square peg in the round hole" figuratively expresses the use of means unsuited to the desired end. A great many people who have been cured of dyspepsia nnd other diseases of the stom ach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery say: " We tried many medicines with only temporary benefit. It was not until we began the use of 'Golden Medical Discoery' that we found a complete and lasting cure." It is undoubtedly true that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery holds the rec ' ord for the perfect and permanent cure of indigestion and other diseases of the stomach and associated organs of diges tion and nutrition. It is not a pall in the. It cures the cause of disease and builds up the body with solid healthy flesh, not flabby fat. "It 1 with pleasure that I tell you what Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery nnd ' PelleU' have done for me." writes Mr. T M Palmer, of Peede Kaufman Co , Teias Two jenr aeo I was taken with stomach and bowel trouble. Eerj thine I ate would put rae In dttres. 1 li ed two weeks ou milk and even that gave me pain I felt as though I would starve to death. Three doctors attended ine one said I had dys pepsia, two said catarrh of the stomach and bowel They attended me (one at a time) for one vear I stopped taking their medicine and tried other patent medicine s got no better, and I grew so wok and nervous my heart would flutter. I could not do any klud of work. Now I can do my house work very well ; am gatntnr in fltiK and ttenth, and can cat anything I want." Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovtry. Dr. Pierce's Common bense Medical Adviser is sentr on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send si one cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound votume. Addicss Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Mii In their hall in Holman block, coi nor State and Liberty, every He day evening Visiting brethrv welcome Emtl Donaldson, M. W. A. E. Aufranco Recorder. Central todgo No. 18, K. of P. Caatfc Hall In Holman block, corner 8 tat and Liberty St a. Tuesday of eaol week at 7:30 p. m. fl. H. Turnei C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R, and S. Modern Woodmen of AmericaOr gon Cidar Camp No. 6246. Mt every Thursday evening at 8 o'cleel Holman Hall, E. E. Mattes, V C: A. L. Brown. Clork. yyT5.R. 9?: SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offle Bills payable monthly in advans Mae all complaints at the office. A 9 aV J9 A NIGHT SCHOOL Fall Term Opens Monday, Septem ber 20th. Subjects Feo 3 months. Arithmotic $2.00 Bookkcping 4.00 Penmanship 2.00 Grammar 2.00 Reading and Spoiling .... 2.00 Other subjects taught if roquired. For particulars call at Y. M. C. A. OFFICE mHMMMItlllMtlitlBt I White Lily Flout Manufactured by Rifecreal Milting Co. Is the Flour for Family Use Try a sack t Tt it don't suit you, your money back. Capital Commission Co. Salem Distributors Xi Bicycle Repaying AVe are fitting quite a number of bieyclis with STEEL RIMS Now for winter riding. Let us put a pair on your wheel. Salem Gun Store. PatsI H Haaser, Prop SOCIAL 1 EVENTS 1 Lavender Aftornoon. One of tho social events of tho pat week was the 'Lavender Afternoon,' given by Mrs. F. E. Slater nnd Mrs. K. A. Pierce, nt tho home of tho former on North C'npitnl street. The affair was given in honor of Mrs. J. H. Lunu, of Santa Rosa, Cnl., who leaves for her homo in n fow days. The Slater homo was beautifully dec orated with potted plants, Ivy nnd flow ers. The color scheme, lavender, was carried out most effectively in the dec orations, score cards and refreshments. A uovel guessing gamo wits indulged in during tho first part of tho after noon, in which Mrs. Jos. Evans re cotcd tho first prize. "Hearts" was then played, nnd Miss Calista Moore captured tho first prize, vhllo tho con solation wns awarded to Mrs. B. O. Schuoking. Tlio afternoon wai ono of social pleas ure, nnd every detail being so suc cessfully nrranged by tho hostesses, made it n most pleasant event. Tho pleannnt home of Mrs, M. J. Brown, nt 4D7 Cottage street, wns the scene of u merry gntherlng last ovoning Tho occasion v,us thu 20th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Brown. About CO of their friends weropresont, nnd a very pleasant evening wns spent Tho houso wns simply but boautlfully decorated with hearts and flowers, nnd tho gamo of honrts was Indulged in. Mr, nnd Mrs. Brown wcro married nt Des Moines, Iowa, in 1884, nnd emtio to Salem thrco yonrs afterward, where they havo lived over since. Mr. and Mrs. Broun hnvo mndo u largo circlo of friends. Thoy woro tho recipients of many beautiful presents, and tho henrty congratulations of nil prosont. Entertained tho Sophomoros. Tho sophomore clnss of tho Salem High School were entertained at tho homo of Miss Murrnh Hatch, on Asylum avenue, last ovoning in a very pleas ant manner. Tho ovoning was spent in playing games nnd music wns ronderod by dlllorent members of tho clnss. Dain ty refreshments woro served, and nt n into hour tho happy "sophs" departed for their homos, nfter giving some hearty clnss yolls. Freshmon Entortsin. The Freshmen clnss of tho Salem High School gavo n party last evening in tho East Salem school hnll, which wns n decided success. Tlioro nro near ly 80 members In tho class, nnd they wore nil present, nnd passed tho time playing numerous gnmes, nnd making tho hulls ring with their yolls. Re freshments were served, which cro much enjoyed, nnd it wns n tired but happy crowd that wended their way homo nt tho eloso of tho frolic. A Pleasant Time. Tho members of tho Leslie M. K. t'hurrh League, nnd a few of their friends, worn entertained nt (ho hniitn uf Mri. Alico Jiulson Inst ovoning, nnd n plonsant ovening wns spont. Oumos and music mndo tho tlmo puss ery quickly. A regular linlluwcen supper wns served. About 20 were present. o Oo It locray. Tho time-worn Injunction, "Nover put off 'till tomorrow wljat you can do today," Is now generally present ed In this ferm: "Do It today!" That Is tho terse advise wo want to give you about that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you have boon struggling for soveral days, per haps weeks. Take somo reliable reme dy for it TODAY and let that remedy be Dr. Boscheo's Gorman Syrup, which has been in uso for over thirty-five years, A few doses of It will undoubt edly relievo your cough or cold, and Us continued uso for a few days will cure you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, Gorman Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before In thou sands of apparently hopeless casof. of lung trouble. New trial bottlos, ;Cc; regular size, 76c. At all drugyltts At Dr. Btono's drug stores ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TRAYS AND ORCHARD BOXES at the shop of G. F. Mason Miller street, South Salem I PHONE 2191 Red. 1 MJIE WING SANG CO. Or eat sale of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods. We alio make up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under. wear and skirts. Gents' and ladies ' furnishing goods, faney goods, laces and embroideries. Court street, corner of alley, fialesa. AtgclablePrtpnraUoriforAa- I 3lmUatlng(ucFoodandRcdu!a- m linglh2SloinachsondDorcl3of Promotes Digcslion.ChccrfuI- M f W nessandncstcontalnsneltltcr nf wL If k 1 , Onium.Morphiue norIlncraL Ul S I! A not "Narcotic. MiAliP' flrrptut Sent' M W V MxSnn 1 vMt mw pSSZUu ) I A IH Apcriccl Remedy forConslipa- B I 1 IF lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea MB I kg Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ! If .m flifffta neas and loss of Slekp. Jl TUT WfUl racSlroilo Signature or H gS: Thirty Years ""-!! """ miiimiumii t GENERAL REPAIRING -AT F. J. MOORE, Court Street, All work guaranteed. ? JSaM)B8MW Star Restaurant Bast 15c meals in tho city. Coffee with cakos Ec. 21 meal tlckots for $2.75. 204 Commercial street. WMif iainf iinf im mm wiawii ::::::::A G E N f BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. f f GRAIN BDYBRSANDSHlPPBRSOFflRAIK Oats For Sale. HOP OR0WERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. . J. 6. Grata, Agent, giitittggg!atas'g'ieti8aiiaigisi etWi tit asS3CpHWWTSi i-v-tv'..-r IKHtlJttWHHIIHIimtH nt i .y& T I tiCT i ic i sus'irL i'i iti Sl -j!M 'tf oVU r 1h 1SKS7,'9 y I PrSBsW ' JoTnT BRAN iJfilSjVi I and IfLOUPfiffl niuuunvT w c, yi 1a iw GASTORIA For Infants nnd Chtldron. The Kind You Have Always Bought i I Bears the . tW (emu iDsNsr. HtwTosUcrrt. : Wall Paper j Latest designs hi stock, and good work guaran- teed. We have the smaM store aitd smaM prkes S E. L. Lemmon J 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 C Y O Ft: 207 Commercial St., Mm, Ora. The Epicure's Delight Is n proporly brollod ami richly fla vurod porterhouso or sirloin (teak that is juicy, tempting and delicious, ami that is appetizing on tho warmest dny. Our prime hoof, mutton and pork Is tho nemo of oxceilenco in meats. Oar prlrc are always low, considering the quality of the moat. E. C. Cross. State Street Market THE PICK OF THE FOREST Has been taken to supply tho stock ofl lumbor In our yards. Our stock 1st comploto with ail kinds of lumber, j Just recelred a car load of No, 1 shingles, also a car of Ono shakes, i Wo are ablo to All any and all klndZ of bills. Come and let us show you? our wtock. Yard and office 3ar rJ. P, passenger x depot. 'Phone Main 851, GOODALE LUMBER CCS X mamamtum iii' From ihz Wheat -tho horse g8t uo bran you got the celehratod Wild Koi brand of un. adulterated, proporly aad scientifically ground Hour. Wo buy the best wheat to be had In America, wo use the boit process fpr making yet devised. He-. sultanti Pure, wholesome, qulck'ra! ing flour the knowing housokoepr' delight, the comfort and health of the entire household. Sal cm Flouting Milts II i ii j T! 1 L Tti - i i Hi .ti ""ag '"